angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober 27
Prompts: singing together | celebrations | “This one goes out to the one I love.”
“This one goes out to the one I love!” Toshinori sings. His voice--though great on its own--does not suit the song, and Shouto has never quite gotten used to such unabashed public declarations. It means that he’s trying desperately to keep his quirk under control--he’s never gotten very good at keeping it under control when he’s really happy or embarrassed, and Toshinori celebrating their love via karaoke makes him both--even as his face hurts from smiling so much.
“C’mon, Shouto! Come sing with me!” Toshinori holds out his hand in invitation, and Shouto’s cheeks simultaneously frost and flare, so he hides his face in his hands. He turns to the person controlling the song, and after a minute, a different song cues up, and the embarrassment washes away in shock as Toshinori croons out the beginning lines. 
It’s their song--theirs. The one they sing together when they’re alone--the only time Shouto ever sings--but hearing Toshinori say those words in front of others? He can’t just let him sing it alone. So he gets up, makes his way to the stage, his world narrowed to Toshinori as he does.
Only for him, would he do this, and as Shouto opens his mouth to begin to sing, he forgets that there’s anyone else in the room.
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angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober 13
Prompts: festival | first crush | “Like an angel in disguise”
Shouto looks absolutely amazing in a yukata, and Toshinori feels like a lecherous old man for all the very naughty thoughts he’s having about his partner while they attend the Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival. Last year, Shouto had to work, but he’s off this year--as much as a pro hero ever is off--and they were able to make a date night of it.
“So... I have a question for you,” Toshinori says.
“Oh?” Shouto asks, tilting his head back to look up at him. Nearby, Toshinori hears a couple of girls giggle as they recognize Shouto--Toshinori doesn’t get recognized much these days--but Shouto ignores them.
“I was talking to Midoriya and the topic of a first crush came up. I was wondering who was yours?”
The question earns him an adorably confused expression. “Why do you want to know?”
“I’m curious,” Toshinori admits. “And I want to know everything about you. I thought you’d know that by now.”
Shouto smiles and shakes his head, the barest bit of a blush on his cheeks. “You know it was you, right?”
“Oh?” Toshinori asks. “Surely not.”
A sharp finger pokes him in his ribs. “You were everything I admired and wanted to be.”
“Is that really the same as a crush?”
This time, Shouto is definitely blushing. That’s interesting. Then he glances up at Toshinori with a wicked grin. “Ask me again when we get home, and I’ll... explain more clearly.”
That’s very promising. His partner may look like an angel, but he’s definitely hiding a very tempting fiend underneath.
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angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober 11
Prompts: penpals | “I’m dreaming of you tonight.”
Coming home when Toshinori is still out of town isn’t nearly as enticing as coming home to Toshinori. Exhausted, he almost skips grabbing the mail, then decides to be responsible. A minute later, he’s relieved he decided to take the effort, as there’s a letter from Toshinori.
A little more of a spring in his step, he makes his way to the apartment, ignoring whatever other mail was with it in favor of the letter. He does take a moment to grab a letter opener, resisting the urge to tear into the envelope, then unfolds it.
The letter comes with several pictures, and is long and rambling. It doesn’t talk about anything he’s doing in the US in more detail than he shares when he talks to Shouto almost every day, but it’s in his handwriting, Shouto can practically hear Toshinori talking in his head, and he took the time to send Shouto a physical letter.
He grabs his phone, realizes it’s late enough that Toshinori should be awake, and sends him a text.
[Are we penpals now?]
The dots indicating typing light up almost immediately in reply. [It came?]
[Yes, it came. I love the pictures.]
[Sorry I can’t be there with you.]
Shaking his head, Shouto replies, [I could say the same.]
In his hand, his phone begins to ring, and Toshinori’s face pops up. Shouto answers it, far too pleased to see Toshinori’s still sleepy face. “Morning,” Shouto greets.
Toshinori gives him a wide grin. “Good evening for you. Shouldn’t you be in bed?”
“I just got home,” Shouto says, setting the letter on the island and going to the fridge to get something to drink. “I’d have thought you’d have been up for a few hours by now?”
Groaning, Toshinori runs a hand through his hair. “I was out late last night, catching up with Dave. I don’t have an appointment till 11, so I can be a lazy old man today.”
“Be careful. Someone’s going to say I’m rubbing off on you.”
That earns him a huff. “As if anyone would accuse you of being lazy,” Toshinori says dismissively. “And they already say you’re rubbing off on me, but they always mean it as a compliment.” His face gets larger on the screen, as if he could look closer if he pulls the screen close enough. “You look tired. Skip the shower tonight, and go climb into bed.”
It’s Shouto’s turn to huff. “You know I’m not going to do that. I’m not that tired.” Toshinori looks skeptical. “I’m not!” he insists, laughing.
“Well, then, with a heavy heart, I’m going to let you go get that shower so you don’t fall asleep in it.” He darts a glance around and then stage whispers, “Don’t tell anyone that I also need to get moving.”
“Go and be good for your doctors. I’m looking forward to having you back in one piece.”
“Have sweet dreams,” Toshinori says, smile softening.
“I will,” Shouto says. “I’ll be dreaming of you tonight.”
Startling a surprised blush out of Toshinori is rare, and Shouto treasures it.
“I love you too, Shouto,” Toshinori says, his voice going low and tender.
“Have a good day,” Shouto replies.
“You too.”
Shouto’s still smiling when Toshinori finally hangs up. It’s terribly tempting to skip the shower, but he won’t. Shower, then bed, and dreams of Toshinori. It’s not as good as having Toshinori there, but it’s the best he can do under the circmstances.
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angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober 10
Prompts: power outage | haunted house | “Never knew I could feel like this.”
It just figures. It’s the first vacation he and Toshinori are taking together. They picked out a cool old house in the United States, grand and ornate...
And when the power goes out, it turns into a fucking haunted house.
Shouto is ready to get entirely bent out of shape, to be downright irate about the whole situation, but Toshinori treats it like a big game. It’s really damn hard to be upset when Toshinori tells him to use his quirk to light a fire in the massive fireplace, then they walk the mile down the street to the American version of a conbini, pick up marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers.
“I have to ask,” Shouto says, “what exactly are we doing with these?”
Toshinori gives him an echo of one of his All Might grins. It’s a little softer, a little more intimate, something for Shouto alone. He honestly adores that smile. “We’re going to make s’mores.”
“S’mores?” Shouto repeats, the syllables feeling odd in his mouth.
“Because you always want s’more!” Toshinori says with a boisterous laugh. Shouto can absolutely tell there’s a pun that he just missed.
“This is a lot of sugar,” he points out.
Toshinori leans low, putting his face close to Shouto’s. “It’ll be fun. Trust me.”
“I do,” Shouto says.
Apparently these s’mores things are actually a thing in the United States because they find some kind of skewers in the kitchen. Shouto restokes the fire in the main room. Shouto doesn’t need the blanket, but he has to admit that it’s fun to snuggle up against Toshinori. It surprises him how willing Toshinori is to get down on the floor, despite creaking joints. Toshinori shows him how to stab the marshmallows, then roast them over the fire.
“You know, I can do this over my hand, right?” Shouto asks. “And can you even eat this much sugar?”
“Hush,” Toshinori says. “It’s better over an actual wood-burning fire. Trust me. And let me worry about my sugar.”
“You bought a whole giant bag of these things!”
“Your marshmallow’s on fire.”
Shouto snuffs it with a new trick he finally figured out. He pulls it over to him, and stares at the charred glob of sticky sugar. “Now what?”
Shoving his own stick at Shouto, Toshinori pulls out some graham crackers, then breaks a bar of chocolate in half. He sticks it on top of one of the crackers, then reaches over to trap the melted marshmallow between them, pulling it off of Shouto’s stick. Then he lifts it, waiting for Shouto to open his mouth. He does, and when he takes a bite, the marshmallow and chocolate both ooze out, making a mess. It’s sweet--so, so sweet--but good.
And messy as hell. Toshinori soon leans forward to catch the excess marshmallow and chocolate, then kissing him. It’s... warm and sweet, and Shouto wonders if this is what joy tastes like.
When Toshinori pulls away, there’s chocolate around his mouth, his eyes are searing, and Shouto’s heart is beating so hard, he can’t hear himself think.
“I never knew I could feel like this,” he says, and he doesn’t mean to, but the smile that admission gets? It’s worth it--so worth it.
Toshinori cups his face with a massive hand and says, “Neither did I. Thank you, for giving me the chance to love you.”
There’s no option, no thought; he has to kiss Toshinori. And he does. Kisses him till they’re breathless. They make love in front of the fireplace, laughing and s’mores flavored.
If Shouto wasn’t sure if he was in love with Toshinori before this trip, he’s absolutely sure by the end of it.
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angelselene · 2 years
BNHA - Comfort-Tober 8
Prompts: small town | prom | “I seem to recognize your face.”
Shouto isn’t often anonymous. The reality is, between his hair, eyes, and scar, he’s just... quite recognizable. Being in Japan’s Big Three--with Midoriya and Bakugou--means that they are really well-known. When they were younger, they were ignored more, but in the past couple decades, as they’ve all rotated through the top three spots, they’ve just been sort of lumped together, and when someone needs to represent Japan internationally, they usually draw straws.
Which means that, internationally, they’re some of the most recognizable heroes in the world.
Being stuck with a broken-down car, in the middle of absolutely Nowhere, meant they walked back to the closest town, which wasn’t that far. Okay, Shouto cheated and just iced them back, which caused quite a stir.
Apparently big, flashy quirks were not common in this little town.
They did get someone to pick up their car--though no rental service in a reasonable distance meant they were staying the night--and they had to check into the local bed and breakfast, which was the town’s closest thing to a motel.
It doesn’t happen often--especially not anymore--but it’s always incredibly grating when someone asks Shouto if Toshinori is his father. They don’t look a damn thing alike.
The old lady who runs the B&B does however squint her eyes at Toshinori and say, “I seem to recognize your face.”
Toshinori smiles charmingly at her, but says “Probably a coincidence.”
She asks no fewer than three times if they really want a single room with a king bed, and they tell her, three times, that yes, they want the single room with the king.
They’ve been married for almost ten years. This is ridiculous.
Not even fifteen minutes after they lay down to try to get some rest, a fire truck roars past their building, and Shouto groans.
“Chances that it’s a fire?” Shouto asks, feeling petty, even as he’s getting up.
“In a town this small? Not high.”
“But not zero,” Shouto says. He’s usually not resentful of being a hero, but every now and then, he’d really like these things to be someone else’s problem.
It’s not going to be tonight, though. He doesn’t even bother to go downstairs, just leaping out a window, icing down the way the fire truck went. In five minutes, he’s there, and it is, indeed, a fire. One the small fire brigade is struggling to put out.
Shouto ices the whole thing in thirty seconds, then starts looking for anyone actually hurt. There, fortunately, aren’t really any--just some minor smoke inhalation--but apparently someone thought a Molotov cocktail was a fun thing to bring to the senior prom--whatever that is. The mayor of the town thanks him profusely--not even asking for his hero license--and assures him that his nights at the B&B will be covered.
Toshinori is still waiting up for him when he gets back, and Shouto tells him the story. He doesn’t even really need a shower for smoke, it was taken care of so quickly.
“Maybe it’s a good thing the car broke down,” Toshinori says, teasing him.
“Well, the bill for the B&B is apparently on the town, so if it takes a couple days to get the car fixed, at least we’re covered.”
“A couple days off the grid?” Toshinori asks, opening his arms. “Might be nice.”
“Optimist,” Shouto accuses, but he smiling as he snuggles into his husband.
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angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober 7
Prompts: daydreams | stargazing | “I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep.”
They’re up in the far north, in the middle of winter, which is only a sign of how much Toshinori truly loves Shouto. Even at the height of his power, Toshinori has never been fond of the cold. Especially now, it gets into his bones and joints and makes him ache and moving hurt. In reward for putting up with the cold, Shouto will give him wonderful massages with his fire hand, soothing away the pain and usually leading to better ways to keep warm.
But as evenly split as Shouto’s quirk is, Toshinori privately thinks that there’s something more of Shouto’s mother and her ice quirk in him than of Enji’s fire. He loves the cold, feels comfortable and at ease in places that make most people shudder. He’ll wear layers because it makes others feel better, but he’s perfectly comfortable in freezing temperatures in barely anything.
That said, Toshinori has to admit: the sky up here is worth the cold. It’s only mid-afternoon, but it’s as dark as full night, and the stars are brighter than anywhere else Toshinori has ever seen. Shouto sits on the deck, staring up at them, lost in his own daydreams. Something about this place, the cold and the dark and the stars, seems to spark Shouto’s imagination in ways Toshinori hasn’t seen before.
He steps over next to him, shaking Shouto out of his daydream, handing him a mug of hot cider. He sits on Shouto’s left--the warm side--and Shouto instantly curls into him. It took a long time for Shouto to allow himself to take the small comforts, to believe that his touch was truly welcome, and every time he does, Toshinori’s heart still melts a little at how far his partner has come, and how privileged he was to play a part in it.
“What are you thinking about?” Toshinori asks him, low and hushed in the darkness.
“That I don’t know how people ever managed to make sense enough of the stars to use them for guidance,” Shouto says.
Toshinori turns his own eyes upward, and he understands what Shouto means. There are so many stars, it’s hard to believe anyone ever made sense of them.
“Do you ever dream about us traveling together? In another world? In another life?” he asks.
Shouto presses a little more firmly into his side. “I’d rather stay awake, even when I’m asleep.”
“Oh?” Toshinori asks, curious.
Taking Toshinori’s gloved hand in his. It’s small, compared to Toshinori’s, but warm even through his glove, Shouto says, “There’s no dream as good as the life we’re living.”
Toshinori’s breath catches in his throat at the simple, true statement, and he squeezes Shouto’s hand more tightly.
“You wouldn’t change anything? If you could?”
“About us?” Shouto asks, pulling back enough to look up to him. “No. Not a thing. Would you?”
“Only that we had more time,” Toshinori replies, throat tight with emotion.
Shouto snuggles into him. “We’ll make the most of it,” he says, final, certain.
Toshinori thinks he loves Shouto more every day.
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angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober 6
Prompts: autumn leaves | cider
Toshinori has always loved spring and summer best. Spring for the return of life, for the cleansing rain, for the brilliant flowers springing to life. Summer for the heat, the blazing blue skies, the ability to be outside all the time and take in the world and all the things that grow.
Fall was fine. The autumn leaves changing pretty—spectacular even, in some places—but the world grew colder, the sky grayer and heavier, the cold keeping people inside. Even at the height of his power, Toshinori had never much enjoyed the cold.
But autumn now reminds him of Shouto. The brilliant red leaves like the red of Shouto’s hair, early frosts dusting the red in white. And it’s Shouto’s favorite season, a time where he feels balanced and comfortable, even though he won’t say it.
Even winter has earned its own appeal, being snuggled up inside with someone he lives, having the excuse to curl up and stay in and drink warm cider that makes Shouto’s mouth taste like fall.
Just another thing living Shouto has given him. More things to appreciate. More seasons to love.
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angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober 5
Prompts: magic | scary stories
They’re visiting the United States for this Halloween, and Shouto is a little confused by the whole… everything about Halloween.
Toshinori laughs at him, a little bit, not meanly, at his confusion. “Don’t you find the magic of it a little bit fun?”
“Magic isn’t real,” Shouto replies automatically, and he doesn’t see the point in fantasizing about magic when quirks exist. Then he thinks about Midoriya, who was born quirkless, and Toshinori, who was also, and he imagines that it could be a lot of fun for them. But only 20% of the population are quirkless, so it doesn’t account for the broad general appeal.
As if he can follow Shouto’s thoughts, Toshinori chuckles. “It’s a different magic to quirks,” he says. “Even among people with quirks, there are plenty that don’t have quirks as versatile as yours. Besides, imagining magical places, where not just people have mysterious powers, but the land does as well? You don’t think that’s fun at all?”
Imagination hadn’t been a trait his father had encouraged. The thought of stepping through a door to another world, a better world, however, that he can understand. “I guess the magic makes sense,” he says. “But the scary stories?”
Toshinori gives him an indulgent smile. “Lots of people find it fun to be scared in a context where they know they’re absolutely safe. It can be a rush.”
The look on Shouto’s face must convey his doubt. He can’t imagine being scared as something that’s fun. He can’t imagine being scared while knowing he’s actually safe. If he’s safe—and he knows it—why would he be scared.
Blue eyes soften, and Toshinori leans down to kiss him, the way he does when he thinks Shouto needs grounding or reassurance. Shouto would be irritated by it, but he loves Toshinori’s casual affection too much to mean it.
“Just trust me,” Toshinori says.
“Always,” Shouto replies automatically, because he does. Because Toshinori has earned that trust, Toshinori, not All Might. His response makes Toshinori smile that soft smile that always makes Shouto’s chest tight with emotion, but he says nothing else.
They go back to watching the trick-or-treaters and the costumes and the pretend magic, and Shouto thinks he can understand at least a little bit of the appeal.
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angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober 4
Prompts: Playlist | airport | “You’re all the coffee that I need in the morning.”
The airport playlist is patently awful. Shouto’s been stuck there since his flight got in at three in the morning, and none of the terminal’s cafes are open to serve coffee. His flight, that was supposed to leave at 5 a.m., has been canceled, and the new one won’t leave till 9. He’s not quite desperate enough to chance a soda--he’s really not fond of the sugary sweetness and never has been--but he’s so tired, he aches with it.
He glances down at his phone, checking the battery, only to see a message from Midoriya.
[Heard your flight was canceled. Need a lift?]
Ordinarily, he would never abuse Midoriya’s power to simply get him home, but he’s exhausted, and all he wants is Toshinori. Sleeping when he travels without Toshinori is always the worst, and he misses his husband like a limb.
[If it’s not an imposition?]
[It might have been Oboro-san’s idea] is the reply.
Shouto doesn’t try to fathom how Oboro heard about his flight getting canceled, or why he’d offer, but nothing will get him home more quickly than the Kurogiri Express--as his friends sometimes call it.
He starts to reply to ask if he should meet Oboro outside, when someone calls his name.
Shirakumo Oboro still doesn’t look entirely human. His hair is a smokey white haze, but his smile reminds Shouto of Toshinori a little bit, so he has a soft spot for the man.
“How did you find me?” Shouto asks, curious but not overly alarmed. “And so late?”
“It’s Yagi-san’s birthday. You can’t miss that,” he says. “I would have been here sooner, but Hizashi said it was a little presumptuous to come and get you without asking.”
Of all the people who had helped Oboro recover from being a nomu and allied with the League of Villains, Toshinori has been a surprise ace. While he’d have been content to let Shouto get home in time to surprise Toshinori, he’ also have wanted to make sure, should something go wrong, that Shouto’s surprise went off without a hitch.
Fortunately, Shouto travels light and only had his carry-on. “Okay,” he says. “Let’s go.” He can cancel the flight by phone when he’s at home.
Oboro opens a tear, and pulls them through, from Beijing back to Musutafu, landing them in the hall outside Toshinori and Shouto’s shared apartment.
“Go give him a happy birthday,” Oboro says with a leer.
Rolling his eyes, Shouto says, “Thank you,” even as he fishes out his keys.
“Keep making him happy, and there’s nothing to thank me for,” Oboro says, and between Shouto unlocking the door and looking back, he’s gone.
Shaking his head, he drops his bag and shoes off in the genkan and makes a line straight for the bedroom. It’s just before six still, and Toshinori is already stirring--because it’s just Shouto’s luck to fall in love with a damned morning person. Shouto climbs into bed, which wakes Toshinori more, and before he can say anything, kisses him.
For a moment, Toshinori doesn’t kiss him back. Then his long, strong fingers are moving over Shouto, pulling him him, his tongue teasing across Shouto’s lips. They break just long enough for Toshinori to ask, “You’re home early! Don’t you need some rest?”
“You’re all the coffee that I need in the morning,” Shouto says, kissing him again.
They’re the last words either of them says for quite some time.
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angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober 3
Prompts: “Welcome home” | childhood friends | “As the leaves continue falling, I still haven’t changed at all.”
“So you’re home alone tonight?” Aizawa asks over the phone.
Toshinori chuckles, relaxed. He’s taking a walk and admiring the leaves as they turn for the fall. “As are you. Which is why you’re talking to me.”
“Is it now?”
Humming an affirmative, Toshinori says, “What would Hitoshi-kun say if he knew you were calling me just because he’s out with his childhood friends?”
Aizawa grunts grumpily in his ear, and Toshinori smiles again. “What would Todoroki say about you being on the phone with me?”
“That it’s nice to see I keep in touch with you.” Aizawa groans, almost theatrically, and Toshinori would swear he can hear his friend roll his eyes. “You’ve changed, my friend.”
It’s on the tip of his tongue to tell Aizawa that if he keeps rolling his eyes, they’ll stick like that. “I don’t change,” he says. “If anyone has, it’s you.”
That makes Toshinori blink. “Me?” he asks, curious. “As the leaves continue falling, I still haven’t changed at all.”
“You’re... happier,” Aizawa says, almost as if he hates to say it.
“I’ve always been happy,” Toshinori says.
“Not like this. Not like Todoroki makes you happy,” Aizawa says.
Toshinori thinks it’s ludicrous, but they make small talk as he works his way back to the apartment building. They say brief goodbyes before he steps inside. When he gets in, the scent of Shouto’s favorite tea fills the air, and he smiles again, warmth filling his chest, calling out, “Tadaima.”
Surely having heard the door open, Shouto comes around the corner, meeting him in the genkan. He leans up, standing on the steps, and Toshinori gives him the mandatory kiss. Shouto’s mouth is warm against his own, even the cooler side.
It’s soft and quick, but when it breaks, Shouto says, his breath warm across Toshinori’s mouth, “Welcome home.”
“I thought you’d be out later,” Toshinori admits. He doesn’t often go out with his old school friends--at least, not with more than one or two of them. It’s not disinterst as much as most of them are top pros, which makes them quite busy.
Shouto lifts his head again, a silent request for another kiss, and Toshinori is happy to oblige. His mouth is warming up enough that part Shouto’s kiss feels almost cool. When the move apart again, Shouto says, “I missed you. You should have come.”
“I thought you’d enjoy an evening not having to worry about feeding me,” Toshinori says.
Eyes narrowing, Shouto says, “Eating out with you is not a burden. I’d have rather had you there.”
“Then, if you’d like, next time I will come.”
A tension he hadn’t quite registered drains out of Shouto’s shoulders, and he looks pleased. “Good,” he says, reaching up to stroke Toshinori’s face as he does when he can’t lean up far enough to kiss him without Toshinori leaning down. “Come get some tea and warm up.”
Finishing toeing off his shoes, Toshinori follows his partner into the kitchen, where the tea waits for him. Warmth, peace, happiness, and a strong sense of rightness fills Toshinori’s chest as he watches Shouto move about the kitchen, comfortable in their home after so long.
“I love you,” Toshinori says.
Shouto pauses, a slight flush coloring his cheeks, still flustered by those words after so long. “I love you too,” he says in return, and the words are as sincere as Toshinori’s own. “But why do you love me today?”
Grinning so wide it almost hurts, Toshinori says, “Because you make me happy.”
Looking away, eyes blinking rapidly, he focuses on cleaning out the tea ball, but he does say, “You make me happy too.”
Toshinori knows, and he realizes that Aizawa was right: he has changed. And he loves Shouto for it all the more.
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angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober 2
Prompts: Hot cocoa | city lights | “I know who I want to take me home”
Of all the places that Shouto does not expect to find All Might on his own, one celebrating the tenth anniversary of the fall of All For One is not it. And yet, he finds All Might in a corner, watching the city lights through the high rise windows, a steaming mug that almost looks like a toy in his massive hands.
“Enjoying the scenery?” Shouto asks as he settles in beside him. All Might is hunched, the way he often is, as if trying to hide his height. His face is still gaunt, but the circles under his eyes aren’t as deep as he remembers. He’s not young, no, and not truly healthy, Shouto suspects, but even still, he is compelling.
All Might turns to him with a warm smile that makes Shouto’s chest feel warm. “It is a magnificent view,” he says, then takes a sip from his mug, though his eyes linger on Shouto just long enough to let him know that All Might isn’t just talking about the scenery. “And you?” he asks.
Though he hadn’t thought about it before, he’s definitely thinking about it now. He runs his eyes over All Might’s suit--which is tailored to fit him within an inch of its life--then meets his eyes. It’s a much bolder and more blatant move than All Might had made, but Shouto understands his wariness.
“I think I enjoy the company more than the scenery,” Shouto says, then notices All Might’s mug is empty. “Would you like me to get you some more--coffee?”
All Might’s chuckle is warms and deep. It seems to echo in Shouto’s chest, almost like it’s reaching inside of him. “Just hot cocoa, I’m afraid.” He gives a lopsided grin that is less All Might™ and perhaps more of just... him. “Dietary restrictions.”
Right. Midoriya has mentioned that before. “I hope it’s at least good hot cocoa,” Shouto says, smiling himself.
Humming, All Might says, “The company is better. Though I’m not sure how much longer I’m going to stay.”
Shouto hadn’t expected anything coming to this event, but since the opportunity has arisen, he’s certainly not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. “I know who I want to take me home,” he blurts. The look of surprise immediately followed by heat is worth it.
“Do you now?” All Might asks, his voice dropping deeper, and he leans a little closer, close enough that the slightest move from either would bring them together. 
Meeting his eyes, Shouto says, “If he’ll have me.”
Chuckling, All Might says, “Are you sure you’re interested in a broken old man?”
Old, yes, and worn. “Not broken,” Shouto says. Never broken.
All Might’s smile is soft but wide, and Shouto looks forward to kissing that mouth and tasting that smile himself.
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angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober
Prompts: Sunrise | Royal | ”Hey baby, I think I want to marry you.”
From what he remembers, the sunrises in Hawaii are stunning. Toshinori is far too old to have been up all night, but with the sky so clear, the peace so deep, and a very willing and enthusiastic partner in his bed, it hadn’t been that difficult to get up before the dawn to sneak down to a deserted beach to watch it come up.
Speaking of his partner, Shouto has stepped over to a small coffee shop to grab them caffeine to watch the sun come up before they retreat to their hotel room again. Somewhere nearby, a radio plays, close enough for Toshinori to pick up on the lyrics.
It’s a beautiful night. We’re looking for something dumb to do. Hey baby, I think I want to marry you.
Shouto comes back to the car, two cups in his hands, unbothered by the heat of the coffee. He hands one to Toshinori, then hops up on the hood next to him. With only the light of false dawn to frame him, hair loose and tangled from their evening activities, Shouto is so gorgeous, he nearly steals Toshinori’s breath.
He must feel Toshinori’s gaze on him because he glances up from blowing on his coffee. “Is there something on my face?” he asks, pulling a loose lock back behind his ear.
Intercepting his hand, Toshinori says, “No. Not a thing. I was just... thinking.”
“About?” Shouto asks. It’s an undemanding query, curious but not if Toshinori chooses not to answer, he won’t be bothered. Toshinori doesn’t think he’s ever had a lover who seems to read him so well.
“Marriage,” Toshinori says honestly, the chorus of the song playing again.
Shouto chokes on the sip he just took, and Toshinori pats his back to help clear it while Shouto coughs. When he can speak again, he says, “That’s...” Toshinori waits, but Shouto turns his gaze out to the sea, where the first sliver of the sun is creeping over the horizon. “Just... let me know when you’re ready to move on,” he finally says, wistful, almost pained.
Surprised, Toshinori takes Shouto’s chin in his hand and turns him to face him again. “Shouto, the only one I want to marry is you.”
In the barely-there light, the colors of Shouto’s eyes are muted, but they’re still wide.
“You can’t want that,” he says, not like he’s refusing, but like he can’t believe it. “You’re... you’re hero royalty, and I’m...”
“Also a hero,” Toshinori points out gently. “And a very good one.” He takes a breath and says, “If you’ve no interest in marrying an old man, I understand--”
“Yes!” Shouto blurts, interrupting. “I mean, no. I mean--” He blows his bangs up, the way he does when he’s frustrated, and Toshinori finds it endlessly endearing. “If you’ll have me, yes, I’ll marry you.”
“Even though I’m a washed up old man?” Toshinori can’t help but tease.
“Not washed up,” Shouto says, a undertone of censure in his voice. “And an experienced partner is, in my experience, a very good thing,” he adds with a small grin curling one side of his mouth. “And I would be honored to marry you, Yagi Toshinori. If you meant it, that is.”
“Nothing would make me happier,” he says, setting aside his coffee to pull Shouto into his arms.
They miss the sunrise, wrapped up in one another, but there will be other sunrises. Kissing Shouto as the sun comes up and warms them both is a memory Toshinori wouldn’t trade for the world.
Yes, it’s Todoroki Shouto (not me putting the wrong name all the way through). This is one of my pet favorite rare pairs, and I’ve got a monster headache at work for the next work that’s making writing very difficult, so I thought I’d try to do shorts for Comfort-tober. Plan was to keep them between 100-500 words, so naturally, first run at it is 590. 🤦‍♀️ Ah, well. I like it. I’m going to throw all of these on Tumblr until I get through them, and then I’ll decide how the hell I want to move them over to AO3.
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angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober 31
Prompts: Samhain | spirits
“Did you know that it’s also Sam-hane, and that it’s the night that the Irish people believe that spirits can come into the world more easily?” Haruka asks, walking backward as they approach the next house.
“It’s not sam-hane,” Toshinori says. “It’s Samhain.” The way he said it sounded like sau-an, which Haruka was giving him a very skeptical for look for, and Shouto didn’t blame him. He’s seen how that word is spelled, and he doesn’t know how Toshinori got there from that spelling. “And it’s not just Irish who have celebrated it.”
Haruka humps, obviously put out that Toshinori already knows. He spins around, marching ahead and catching up with the others.
Bumping Toshinori’s side, Shouto says, “You couldn’t have let him have it?”
Toshinori ducks his head, scratching at the back of it. “I didn’t mean to ruin his fun.”
“Just make sure you let him lecture you about how cool it is later,” Shouto says, trying not to smile and failing pretty miserably.
Making an x over his heart, Toshinori says, “I cross my heart.”
Shouto shakes his head, but gives up trying to hide his smile. Toshinori always brings it out in him, and he couldn’t be happier that he took a chance to ask him out all those years ago.
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angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober 30
Prompts: Divination | scarecrows | “The magic runes are writ in gold.”
A family vacation in the United States over Halloween is not what Shouto would necessarily consider the ideal time of year, but Shouto absolutely has a soft spot for the holiday in the US from his and Toshinori’s first vacation.
And, he has to admit, watching Natsuo and Fuyumi’s kids be super excited about Halloween is fun.
“You don’t have to take them trick-or-treating,” Fuyumi tells them, fretting.
“It’s no problem at all!” Toshinori says, juggling Akiko--Fuyumi’s very high-energy five-year-old--between his arms as she treats him as a jungle gym.
Aaron--her husband--is American and is part of the reason that this was the chosen holiday vacation. He pats her on the shoulder and says, “Who could they possibly be safer with?”
Before he can open his mouth and be snarky, Shouto shoots Touya a warning look. He gets a grumpy one in turn, but Fuyumi is already stressed enough. There’s no reason to wind her up further.
“There are so many adults out on Halloween with the kids,” Aaron continues. “They will be fine.”
“Yeah, Fuyumi-obacchan,” Kotori, Natsuo’s eldest daughter--at almost ten--reassures. “And I’m very responsible, even if they’re not.”
Shouto bites his lip while Touya loudly guffaws in the background. There’s really no point in commenting on that, because while Kotori is quite responsible for a nearly ten-year-old, she definitely thinks she’s more mature and capable than she is.
“Yeah, Shou--you’ll have Kotori for backup in case you--”
“...Mess up.” She glares, unconvinced that what he was going to say--probably because it definitely wasn’t. Natsuo is covering his mouth trying not to laugh, and Toshinori is extremely pointedly focusing his attention on the kids, as if he isn’t listening to all of this.
“Shouto-ojichan can handle nearly anything,” Haruka, Fuyumi’s oldest--almost too old to be going trick-or-treating at fourteen, but not quite too old, Toshinori had assured him--tells Touya imperiously. He’s always been something of a Shouto fanboy for reasons Shouto will never understand but amuses Toshinori to no end.
“What are you being, kid?” Touya asks him, glancing over the robes and witch hat.
“I,” Haruka begins imperiously, “am a wizard, and I teach divinations. See?” He holds up a book full of... what appears to be nonsense to Shouto. “These are the magic runes I teach.”
“In gold paint pen, no less,” Touya comments dryly. “Very authentic.”
Haruka beams at Touya noticing the detail. For all that Touya will happily yank most people’s chains, he’s always careful not to be malicious or cruel with the kids. He likes to pretend he’s heartless, but Shouto and his siblings know better.
Looking at his watch as he manages to sling Akiko onto his hip, Toshinori says, “It looks like it’s time to head out. Everyone ready?”
His dad steps over to Shouto and, under his breath, asks, “Are you sure you have them?”
There’s five of them, and while Shouto won’t pretend they’re not a handful, Akiko is the youngest, and all the rest love Toshinori and Shouto, so they’ll behave. “We’ve got this. And we’ll call if we don’t.”
Though he doesn’t look entirely convinced--given the way the grandkids run roughshod over him, Shouto doesn’t blame him--he nods and pats Shouto’s shoulder. “Good luck then.”
Shouto manages to refrain from rolling his eyes, but he does exchange an amused glance with Toshinori.
“Shouto-oji,” Natsume, Natsuo’s eldest son and Kotori’s twin who is dressed like a scarecrow, comes up to his side. “Can I...”
Without making him ask, Shouto says, “Hold my hand for a bit?” Natsume lights up and takes it, and they all stomp out into the night, ready to ask strangers for tricks or treats.
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angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober 29
Prompts: brothers | formalwear | “When you call my name, it’s like a little prayer.”
“This feels completely surreal,” Natsuo can’t help but admit, watching Shouto help Touya with the tie on his suit. Shouto’s the one getting married, so he should probably be the more frazzled one, but Touya doesn’t do formalwear, and Shouto’s oddly calm about the whole thing.
Turning to look at him, an oddly serene smile on his face, Shouto says, “Which part of it?”
“That you’re--finally--getting married is surreal.”
“We’ve been together for five years,” Shouto points out, his eyes gleaming with happiness.
“You dating All Might is weird enough. You marrying him is another level,” Natsuo says.
Still smiling, like he doesn’t know how to stop, Shouto says, “You’d think you’d be used to it by now.”
Deciding to move on, Natsuo says, “The fact that Touya is here, is safe, is able to be in your wedding.”
“The fact that I’m willing to be?” Touya says with a sneering undertone, but the fact he’s here at all speaks for itself.
There’s a soft knock on the door, and All Might sticks his head in. “Shouto?” he asks, then gasps when Shouto turns to face him.
“I thought the groom wasn’t supposed to see the bride before the wedding?” Touya says, but the sheer adoration All Might looks at Shouto with makes Natsuo feel like they should leave the grooms alone.
The calm, serene smile gives way to a one of glowing joy, and--not that Natsuo isn’t aware in that vague way you are when you have attractive siblings--it’s the kind of smile that makes people stop and stare.
“Toshinori,” he says, and even to Natsuo, the way he says the name almost sounds worshipful.
“Did you need something?” Touya demands. He’s refused to be impressed with Shouto dating All Might from day one, and he seems almost protective of Shouto.
It breaks whatever intense spell is going on between them, and All Might chuckles. “I just realized that I had the rings,” he says, reaching into his pocket and pulling one box out. Patting his own pockets in embarrassment, Natsuo steps forward to take it. “Thanks,” he says.
“Now leave,” Touya snaps because All Might seems transfixed by Shouto again.
“Go,” Shouto shoos more gently.
All Might coughs and clears his throat, but he says, “Yes, of course,” and backs away slowly.
The door closes softly, and Touya wastes no time turning to Shouto and announcing, “You two are gross, you know that right?”
Shouto can’t stop smiling, ducking his head a little, the way he does when he’s pleased and doesn’t want to show it, and Natsuo hopes that if this is a dream, he never wakes up.
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angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober 28
Prompts: sharing one umbrella | waiting | “The stroke of your fingers, the scent of you lingers”
Sharing an umbrella while waiting for a train sounded like a good idea, and turns out to be... not so much. When they get home, they’re soaked through to their skin, and Toshinori is shivering, but he finds it a little difficult to be upset about it, because Shouto is always attractive, but wet like this?
Toshinori just has to reach for him.
Apparently Shouto feels much the same way, because he reaches back, steam already coming off of his fire side. Toshinori strokes a hand over Shouto’s hair, inhales the scent of him--the smell of humid summer rain and crisp fall cold mingles around him--and then he leans down.
“Shower,” Shouto breathes against his mouth before Toshinori claims it.
They probably should, but Toshinori thinks they can warm up in more fun ways.
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