#Shoutout to Bel for tagging me tho!!!! <3333
charlesleesbutt · 7 years
Rules: Answer 20 Questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Killian
Nickname: Hanschen. I think that’s the only nickname still relevant rn.
Birthmonth: May
Height: 5 ft 3
Ethnicity: American/Polish
Orientation: Pansexual
Fruit: Strawberries and kiwi. Season: Spring and Summer (“Every other day~” ahaha) Books:  The Song of Achilles, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Great Gatsby, Lord of the Flies, Aristotle and Dante discover the Secrets of the Universe, Archie comics. Flowers: Roses, Bleeding Hearts, Tulips. Scent: Maybe cookies baking?? Animals: ALL. Pandas are my favorite though. I also like raccoons and cats. Beverage: Water, Canada Dry Ginger Ale Hours of sleep: Around 7 or 8
Fictional Characters: Hanschen Rilow, Anatole Kuragin, Fenris, Jack Kelly, Racetrack Higgins.
Number of blankets you sleep with: As many as I can find or like 1 depending on the weather/night. Dream Trip: Disneyland in California. It’d be so nice to take the train out to California and stop at all the cool sights out West. I’d also like to spend some time in California in general. ALSO I’d LOVE to go back to NYC for Broadwaycon and/or to go see Great Comet. Blog created: 2011/2012???? Number of Followers: 977
I tag
I’m lazy to tag people today but I promise I want to get to know y’all!!!! PLS feel free to do this if you see it and want to!! :)
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