#Shoutout to all musicians!! Playing an instrument is absolutely beautiful!!
taruruchi · 1 year
I love instruments and musicians
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juicebox-baby · 4 years
Arctic Monkeys at Not So Silent Night (2013), a play-by-play review
link to the concert here
Do I Wanna Know?
This song will never fail to be the perfect concert opener. From just the sound of the drums, the whole crowd know exactly what they’re in for: that rock’n’roll that just won’t go away. The image of Alex Turner with a twelve-string guitar is the lifeblood of any musician, from aspiring plucker to rock hero. The way he throws his hips and strums the guitar with total flow shows an air of ease and professionality of a true great. Matt throwing the electric kit because it stopped working and Alex giggling as he sang? The highlight of this song. He should’ve beatboxed, man.
There is never a time that a transition from DIWK to Brianstorm won’t be genius. You can and should expect me to talk about Alex’s hips in every song, because we all should know he knows how to use them. Matt looks so happy going absolutely apeshit on that kit I love him. Also shoutout to Brianstorm for having a call and answer guitar to bass solo, and of course when they all go apeshit at the end, paired perfectly with strobing lights to make for the ideal fever dream.
 Dancing Shoes
This song has always been, in my eyes, one where Jamie absolutely shines. We all know that Alex plays all the fancy riffs over the top, but at the start of this one it’s all Jamie and he owns it. Al’s solo in this one where he runs everywhere kicking and dancing? That’s my baby. This is peak AM. Surprisingly, I haven’t mentioned my beautiful boy Nick O’Malley in his incredible aviator jacket, that man has StyleTM
 Snap Out Of It
I won’t lie, this can be quite a weak song when performed live. Now, I adore the song, and they do an incredible try of it here, but it is an extremely layered song, and it is very reliant on the falsetto backing vocals. Though those are, of course, present here, it is a lot harder to get the same effect at a live performance. However, they win us back in the bridge, where everything balances for what is probably the best fifteen odd seconds of the whole song, not counting when Alex says “sugar” (I’m still weak for his accent).
 Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High
I adore what they do with this one, the way they preface it with the stripped back instrumental, and the occasional “high”. The sass that Alex holds in this one is beyond compare. This is a song that has been perfected live, and you can tell they all know it. Also, Matt sticks his tongue out when he drums (16:25). I would like to petition for a camera at every gig to be dedicated to watching Alex’s fingers move, because that shit is euphoric. Especially in this song. Also, in the second last “why’d you only ever phone me when you’re high” he tips his head and I love him.
 I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor
“Oh, stupid, slow, dirty PC”
Okay I know they hate this one. I know a lot of fans don’t like it. I know it was a song made only for the masses, and it represents everything they didn’t want AM to be. But, let’s put all of that aside to discuss how incredible this song is. Yeah, it’s a mass-produced rock anthem, but that’s why it’s good. It’s a tried and tested method, and here, it’s tried and perfected. There will never be a day I am sick of hearing it at concerts because it goes OFF.
 One For The Road
OFTR has a very similar problem as Snap Out Of It, but this one stayed balanced a lot more than SOOI did. Also, Alex rocks his hips more in this one, so I’m immediately sold. Anyone who’s seen my AM review knows how much I love a heavy bass, and they make damn sure it doesn’t get lost in that big live sound, which is something I always respect (mixing for live shows is super hard sometimes, and nothing ever really sounds the way it does in a studio).
“ooh Auckland, I wanna tell you about a girl called Arabella,”
(I love his intros to the songs at this one)
ALEX DOES THE PINKY THING. I ADORE THE PINKY THING. This is, of course, another song where Jamie shines. I would love to elaborate on why, but, as per usual, Alex steals the show on this one. That man wants every shred of attention when he is on stage and, I’ll be damned, he earns it. The way he interacts with the crowd in this one, it captures the essence of story in this song. The instrumental breakdown while Alex goes to get his guitar is genius, and I almost wish it was on the studio version, but when Al comes back to do his solo he owns it and makes me want to scream.
 R U Mine?
Always an incredible ender. Especially when he introduces it as “R U Mine, baby?” for obvious reasons. I have always loved this song, and in concert it has a life to it that you just don’t get in music a lot lately. The reverb on Alex’s guitar is fucking sexy, and more so is what he’s doing with his hips behind that guitar. All in all, it’s an extraordinarily dirty experience and I am hanging off his every move. The slides at the end of the song make me dizzy at how well he performs them, and how incredible they look. I am thirsting over this Alex and will for the rest of my life.
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theparaminds · 6 years
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Family Reunion is the epitome of honesty, putting her heart forth in all she puts out and more so, ensuring that others are able to connect their own experience and emotion to the art she creates. 
The Chicago based musician is someone that comes around every once in a while yet it so rare to find on a level as high as this. One who blends shared feeling and hope into every chord and note as relaxation and reflection are mixed into stunningly beautiful  indie pop sonics. 
Family Reunion is young and with much to experience ahead of her, yet ready for any challenge and turn that the world throws as she continues to create with the same passion as always. 
PM: So, first question as always, how’s your day going?
FR: My day is coming to an end, but it was kind of a rollercoaster.
PM: For sure, those ends to long days are kinda blissful in their own ways. In curiosity, what does a normal day in the life look for you? in Illinois or anywhere else?
FR: I live about an hour away from Chicago right now. A normal day for me right now is driving to Chicago or Milwaukee to do something family reunion related, I spend a lot of time in my car
PM: Just because you mentioned it, what are the best songs to sing along to in the car?
FR: Anything by Paramore, also I like to make my own beats and make up lyrics to them in the car.
PM: As well, why don’t we go back to a little before family reunion and more to developing as an artist, how did you find what you were around growing up led you into the path you’re on now? What influences or events brought you here?
FR: When I was younger my parents were in one of those cover bands that play at bars and stuff so I would see that and just be influenced by it,  I just came from people who did music so naturally I became interested in it myself.
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PM: Would you say then you found your influences through others or through your own self discovery?
FR: I would definitely say both, each has their own merit and importance!
PM: What would you say your focus and goal is while making music? What is it you hope to be for others that possibly someone like Hayley Williams was for you?
FR: I want to make music so I can help other people feel better, like I’m performing this show next week and I just want everyone there to feel happy and welcomed.
PM: Would you say that’s what people like Paramore did for you? Just helped you navigate through things with happiness?
FR: Yes them and other bands as well, they just opened the door and answered so many questions I had through their music.
PM: So why don’t we chat a little move about that show you mentioned, what is it for you that live shows do that a recording can’t? Both for you and the audience.
FR: I generally do really enjoy performing, Especially if I see people in the crowd singing along and stuff. I want to be able to connect with the audience
PM: How do you hope to connect with the audience in a way others can’t?
FR: Well I usually like to thank people for coming and encourage people to move around and dance, just making sure people know I'm taking in everything around me helps a ton.
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PM: Absolutely that’s so essential! Now, a little off topic, but, how do you hope Family Reunion is remembered going forward? What in a sense do you want to be seen as in your genre?
FR: I just want people to say that my music invokes any sort of emotion within them, I want people to feel as though the music really inspired and challenged them while just being generally enjoyable.
PM: Have you ever had an experience where someone has come up and described the importance of your music to them? What in those moments influences your future work?
FR: There’s been one or two times and it was really special because I would’ve never thought that would happen. I’m so grateful for moments like those just knowing I am having an impact on people and their wellbeing.
PM: Now looking to the future, what improvements or changes do you see yourself needing to incorporate into your sound and style to evolve positively as time goes on?
FR: I just want to keep growing as an artist meet new people and try out new things, no matter where and how that may be!
PM: Totally, what sort of new avenues do you hope to approach?
FR: I want to explore different areas I’ve never been. Like tour new places. I wanna try playing a show in New york, and just exploring even more instrumentation.
PM: Did you find exploring LA recently was inspirational or motivating towards current work? What did the trip bring you that hopefully a trip to a place like New York will give?
FR: LA was definitely fun and I loved seeing all of the new acts I had never seen before. New York I don’t know anyone who’s ever been or anyone from there I don’t know I just wanna see, I’ve heard a lot about it.
PM: Who’d you say is the best performer you ever saw live and what did it mean to you?
FR: I love seeing Joyce Manor, the emotion that night was incredible and I just found the experience to so inspiring.
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PM: Final question, do you have a message for any person out there who’s beginning a creative journey?
FR: Don’t ever give up , If they don’t want to help you find a way, make that opportunity for yourself. And if you’re ever feeling insecure about your art just know a lot of other people love it and value u
PM: Do you have anyone to shoutout or anything to promote?
FR: I released a new song a few weeks ago called ‘League’
Follow Family Reunion on Instagram and Twitter 
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