#Shoutout to the Red Prince and Loshe
ybyag-lil · 1 year
Man, I truly love all the companions in BG3 and how much you can interact with them. They don't just sit there like a mannequin when you talk to people, they actively interact with the world and participate in conversations. They have things to say about things going on in the story if you talk to them, AND will react to your other companions personal issues!
But my favorite thing? The little things you can do with them.
Like the circus? Volunteering one of your companions to help the clown, where 2 of your companions will get approval because you didn't volunteer them and the one you did volunteer will be like "pls don't do this to me"? Talking to the dryiad there and testing your bond with your love interest? Taking Karlach to her parents grave?
I fucking love that. It adds so much to your relationship with them.
Not even mentioning the fact that each companion is a unique and interesting character that isn't just a blank state for your PC to [persuade] them the whole time. There have been moments where in a tense situation I won't intervene with a companions choice and let them chose what they feel is right. And it feels so gratifying to have them make their own decisions. Like yes! After years of doing someone elses bidding, decide your own path in life.
They didn't have to do all that.
But they did, and I love it.
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