#Show me how to live is actually a religious aspect of Megatron's life (and my all time favourite song tbh)
warriorsparked · 2 years
   post  3 - 5  songs  that  remind  you  of  your  muse.
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RULES :   repost,  don’t  reblog.
1. Ego Painted Grey -- Angra 
This endless torture's building up my rage Holding on, hide my agony I'm getting weary just to be alive All I want is help!!!
2. Warrior Heart -- Kreator 
I was born with a Warrior heart I was raised in a land of aggression A savage outcast right from the start While awake forever free Have returned to what should I burn From the ghettos to the temple of my vision Now I rejoice as the country implodes For this day I keep myself alive
3. Show Me How to Live -- Royal Hunt 
In the midnight hour I'm sitting by the fire, Running out of memories to burn Look, I'm in your power - beaten down and tired, Waiting for the last thing left to learn So show me how to live, cuz all I do is trying To honestly forgive, but patience's running dry So show me how to live: you can't keep denying What all you've had to give - a thousand ways to die Now show me how to live
4. Crush ‘Em -- Megadeath 
Last one standin' wins the fight Hear us scream and shout all night Down on the floor and eat the grit This is gonna hurt a little bit
Heads I win, tails you lose Out of my way, I'm comin' through Roll the dice, don't think twice And we crush (crush), crush 'em (crush 'em)
5. Day Sixteen: Loser -- Ayreon 
Look at you, lying there, defenceless and alone See I am no fool, I always knew you wouldn't make it on your own
'cause you're just like your mother, well, where is she now? You'll end up like her soon, 6 feet under ground, loser!
Tagged by: Stole it. :) Steal it from me~ :O 
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templeofulchtar · 5 years
Ghost Season Working Pt 1/7
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Welcome to the Ghost Season Working!
This 63-day journey will guide you on a mythic underworld quest that mirrors Starscream’s quest to regain his physical body in the Transformers episode, Ghost in the Machine. The ritual’s purpose is to bring about a ‘resurrection’ in a specific area of your own life.
No, that doesn’t mean literally bringing anyone back from the dead (sorry!). Instead, the ritual’s magical intent is to release whatever is blocking your success in a particular area of your life, as chosen by you, and to bring about a deep healing and transformation of that particular aspect of your life.
Before I continue, one quick caveat: This is an occult ritual. No, we won’t be doing anything 'evil.' No demons will be summoned, no hexes cast, and no furry creatures will be harmed. If you undertake this journey, however, you will be working some magick. With a ‘k.’
If that sounds scary or doesn’t mesh with your worldview or personal religious outlook, this Working may not be for you. And that’s fine. Please don’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable. If you’re curious, though, read on!
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What is Ghost Season?
Ghost Season is the period between August 22 (my hypothesized anniversary for Starscream’s death) and October 23 (my hypothesized anniversary for Starscream’s resurrection). If you’re curious as to my reasoning for choosing these dates, take a look at my essay, The Astrology of Starscream’s Death and Resurrection in G1.
Ghost Season is, for me, a time of inward reflection and self-transformation. The Ghost Season Working molds that theme of self-improvement into a 63-day (9 week) ritual in which each participant, or ‘Seeker,' works diligently through means both magical and mundane to bring about a desired change in a particular area of their life.
Did I say… work?
Oh yes, I sure did. When Starscream made his pact with Unicron in Ghost In The Machine, the Dark God demanded three Labors in exchange for restoring Starscream to physical life. We, too, must take on Labors in order to create healing and transformation in our own lives.
But, you might be thinking, isn’t this supposed to be magic? Why do I have to do anything? Shouldn’t magic do the work for me? Sorry, but no. That’s Hollywood’s idea of magic. You wave a wand, a pretty light-show appears, and poof! Your heart’s desire materializes before you in a cloud of smoke.
As fun as that would be, real-life magick is… quieter. Rarely will it make itself known in obvious ways. Instead, it will shift energies into alignment with your intent and arrange probabilities to work in your favor.
An example of real-life magick:
I used to have a nasty old car that broke down all the time. I was working as a pizza delivery driver at the time, and needed this car for my job. At the same time, I was spending more money keeping the car on the road than I was actually earning at the job.
One day, the car started acting up right after I’d just spent a bunch of money on it, and I snapped. I knew I was going to have to take it back to the mechanic and spend a bunch more money that I couldn’t afford. Before leaving, though, I cast a spell. I created a symbol (also called a sigil) representing my intention to become the kind of person whose car always runs well. I drew the symbol on my skin and rubbed it in with oil, infusing my intention into my body.
By the time I arrived at the garage, my coughing, spluttering car was running smoothly, and the mechanic couldn’t find anything wrong with it. The car continued to be reliable after that, and because I’d cast the spell on myself rather than on the car, my subsequent vehicles have also been very reliable.
Could this be explained by a mundane cause? Of course! In fact, I’m sure there is a mundane explanation. Does that make it any less magical? Some might think so, but I disagree. I believe that it shows that our physical world holds far more than meets the eye. It is infused with magick. Matter and magick are not separate, but are in fact two manifestations of the same energy.
When you do magick, you engage with the natural forces of the universe. By aligning with them and enlisting their cooperation, you begin to find yourself in the right place at the right time. You’ll meet people who can help you, or impart the skills you need in achieving your goal. You will get sudden rushes of creative inspiration, and the exact information or resource you needed will itself themselves in your path almost… as if… by magic.
But here’s the thing: you still have to do the work. You still have to apply for the job, write the novel, run the marathon, practice your musical instrument, or show up for class. All the magic in the world can’t do that part for you. 
The good news, however, is that you don’t have to do the work by yourself.
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Working With Starscream
You are not alone.
That it is the truly wonderful thing about this journey. I’m going to assume that if you’re considering embarking on the Ghost Season Working, you are probably a Starscream fan. Or, at least, interested in becoming one. I’ll say right now that one of the things I’ve always admired about Starscream is his sheer, stubborn determination to get what he wants.
Starscream is crafty, resourceful, and above all determined. If at first he doesn’t succeed, he tries something else. And something else again, if that doesn’t work. I’ve written a whole essay about this in relation to his search for Skyfire, and as any Transformers fan knows, Starscream’s attempts to wrest leadership of the Decepticons from Megatron’s grasp are legendary.
When Unicron demanded three labors from Starscream in exchange for restoring his physical body, Starscream’s immediate response was: “Only three? Name them!” He didn’t allow himself to become Unicron’s slave the way Galvatron had, but he also didn’t flinch from doing what needed to be done. In the end, he got his body back—through magic, yes—but first he had to do the work.
By entering into the Ghost Season Working, you are aligning your quest for self-transformation with Staracream’s underworld journey. In doing so, you become his ally and his companion, and, in a very real sense, he becomes yours. I can personally attest that he is a wonderful guide and companion, and I’m very excited to have this opportunity to show others how they, too, can engage with him on a spiritual level if they so choose.
Want to know more? See Part Two for a Ritual Overview.
Note: Yes, I’ve been posting a lot lately. If you were wondering if this sudden flurry of activity was leading up to something, why yes! Here it is. I’ve been wanting to create a proper ritual for Ghost Season for ages, and now I’ve finally gathered my thoughts and materials together to create one. I will be posting this at Archive of Our Own, too, so if you would like a downloadable e-book version of the ritual, plus supporting appendices, it will be available there. Sort of a “grimoire edition.” Here’s the link: Ritual: The Ghost Season Working
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