#And Day 16: Loser is actually one song of a whole album that was a huge inspiration to me
warriorsparked · 2 years
   post  3 - 5  songs  that  remind  you  of  your  muse.
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RULES :   repost,  don’t  reblog.
1. Ego Painted Grey -- Angra 
This endless torture's building up my rage Holding on, hide my agony I'm getting weary just to be alive All I want is help!!!
2. Warrior Heart -- Kreator 
I was born with a Warrior heart I was raised in a land of aggression A savage outcast right from the start While awake forever free Have returned to what should I burn From the ghettos to the temple of my vision Now I rejoice as the country implodes For this day I keep myself alive
3. Show Me How to Live -- Royal Hunt 
In the midnight hour I'm sitting by the fire, Running out of memories to burn Look, I'm in your power - beaten down and tired, Waiting for the last thing left to learn So show me how to live, cuz all I do is trying To honestly forgive, but patience's running dry So show me how to live: you can't keep denying What all you've had to give - a thousand ways to die Now show me how to live
4. Crush ‘Em -- Megadeath 
Last one standin' wins the fight Hear us scream and shout all night Down on the floor and eat the grit This is gonna hurt a little bit
Heads I win, tails you lose Out of my way, I'm comin' through Roll the dice, don't think twice And we crush (crush), crush 'em (crush 'em)
5. Day Sixteen: Loser -- Ayreon 
Look at you, lying there, defenceless and alone See I am no fool, I always knew you wouldn't make it on your own
'cause you're just like your mother, well, where is she now? You'll end up like her soon, 6 feet under ground, loser!
Tagged by: Stole it. :) Steal it from me~ :O 
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bananaofswifts · 1 year
Sorry, Hayley Williams and Fall Out Boy: Marjorie has stolen the show again. Not that Taylor Swift’s beloved grandmother actually puts in a vocal appearance from the great beyond, as she did on the “Evermore” album three years ago. But Marjorie Finlay still manages to be a dominative force in the Vault Tracks for the newly released “Speak Now (Taylor’s Version),” by having her photos appear throughout the lyric video for the closing track, “Timeless,” and having her relationship with Taylor’s granddad be a focus of the inspirational ballad. Twenty-first-century pop-punk or emo can hardly compete with that emotional a capper.
But for those less sentimentally inclined, Paramore’s singer and Fall Out Boy’s Patrick Stump will be way up there in what Swift fans immediately take away from the six previously unheard compositions that have been appended to the previous 16-track running order of 2010’s “Speak Now.” The duet with Williams, “Castles Crumbling,” is particularly pungent, as a lament that just about could have been an outtake from the more recent “Folklore” or “Evermore” instead of an album that came out a full decade before those. As for the FOB-aided track, it’s the farthest thing from a Swift classic. But — having been written, like the rest of these tracks, when the artist was 18 or 19 — the number does hark back to an era when girls (and Fall Out Boys) could just wanna have fun.
A more careful inspection of the 16 re-recorded tracks will have to wait, since the details of what feels the same or different bear a certain amount of forensic analysis, or at least repeated A/B comparisons. (Of course, the whole world has just done an instant side-by-side of the altered lyrics of “Better Than Revenge” — see our story about that here.) But before we figure out how more or less haunting the new “Haunted” is, here are insta-reactions to the six never-before-heard tunes.
“Electric Touch”: Although the recreations of the 16 original songs credit Christopher Rowe as Swift’s co-producer (filling in for O.G. producer Nathan Chapman), when it comes to the six Vault Tracks, Swift splits those producing collaborations between her two modern-day mainstays, Aaron Dessner and Jack Antonoff. Neither guy gets to do anything either as modern-sounding or eccentric as they have on Swift’s last few albums — they stay true to the stylistic spirit of 2010, for the most part, with the organic pop-rock band sound she favored at the time. “Electric Touch” is probably the least immediately interesting song here, compositionally; it lacks any of the truly great, peculiar lines that mark a Swift song as unmistakably hers (or “Mine”). Yet embedded underneath the hopeful, anthemic and — honestly — somewhat generic rock veneer is a lot of the pessimism and self-doubt that goes so far toward making Swift our most relatable superstar. “I’m trying hard not to look like I’m trying,” Stump sings, stealing some of 19-year-old Taylor’s lines, “’cause every time I tried hard for love it fell apart.” It’s the uneasy tension between luck and predestined loss that gives this one a little tension amid the breeziness, before it tips on the side of even the losers getting lucky sometimes.
“When Emma Falls in Love”: Dessner is at the co-reins again on this one, but this time leading things off with a lilting piano that lends the song a childlike spirit. On the scale of sweet songs about fictional girls that have Swift doing a little third-person projecting, “Emma” is close to being up with there with “Betty.” “She’s the kind of book that you can’t put down / Like if Cleopatra grew up in a small town / And all the bad boys would be good boys / If they only had a chance to love her.” Any chance this could actually be about a small-town gal from Reading, Pennsylvania? Nah, because Emma makes all the right moves and figures out that’s how you get the boy. It has a happy ending right out of “Love Story,” but by the time of making what was her third album, Swift was feeling like she had to assign something that cheerful to an alter ego.
“I Can See You”: Well, now, here is a groove. Jack Antonoff comes on board for the first time on the revamped album, and you might have to look to “1989’s” “Style” to find another song in the Swift catalog that benefits as much from the simple electric funkiness of a well-played rhythm guitar. (This particular riff sounds especially fine in headphones, landing just off the beat and bouncing between ears ever so slightly.) Swift never had an office job, but must have attended Take Your Daughter to Work Day just enough to wonder what it’d be like to seduce a guy in a suit and tie. “I could see you up against the wall with me,” she sings — because she knows places you two can hide, and they’re just around the corner from the copy machine!
“Castles Crumbling”: As mentioned, this sounds like a flash-forward to the Swift Songbook of 2020, and surely would have had a different production in 2010 than it gets now with the artist and Antonoff updating as a more modern mood piece. Williams is her duet partner on this one, and it recalls Swift’s vocal collaboration with Phoebe Bridgers on the previous “Taylor’s Version” just a little, in that both this song and “Nothing New” have her writing about foreseeing the end of her fame, or at least her acclaim. In a way, its paranoia prefigures the defensiveness against a fan base she sees turning on her that would come to real fruition in later years on the “Reputation” album. But in another sense, this is the less chin-up mirror image of “Mean,” a song that obviously did make the original “Speak Now.” “Mean” had her bucking up against a blogger who told her she “can’t sing,” and in this number, it’s as if she imagines a whole nation of fans as that blogger, turning backs on her. It’s like she’s following that maxim about imagining the worst and you won’t get disappointed.
“Foolish One”: A strummed acoustic guitar starts this one, and although a bit of drum programming soon kicks in that probably isn’t what Nathan Chapman would’ve done, it still belongs distinctly to the turn of the decade it came from. As with “Electric Touch,” this teeters back and forth between possible optimism about the outcome of a relationship and fatalism, but lands on the side of one-sided love doomed to go to heck in a handbasket. It still sounds impossibly cheerful, in the way that Swift’s falsetto tips up at the end of lines, as is so often her trademark, with a final realization: “He just wasn’t the one.” What’s with this gentle acceptance, for a singer we want to obsess over scarves forever?
“Timeless”: The most truly “organic”-sounding of all the bonus tracks on this new edition — it has ukulele and flute floating in the background behind those acoustic guitars and organs — “Timeless” is a ballad you can imagine Swift having considered for a “Speak Now” album-closer at the time, instead of the brotherhood-of-the-road anthem “Long Live.” Most of the initial lyric videos Swift put up on YouTube have visuals of the static or circular screen-saver variety, but this one is the exception, consisting largely of a lot of photographs of Swift’s grandparents, modeling a great love she believes would have happened in any era, falling just shy of putting in an endorsement for reincarnation. It’s not the emotional tour de force that the song “Marjorie” was — there’s no otherworldly soprano reaching out from beyond the grave to jerk your tears, here, and good, since fans can only handle so much of that in one lifetime. But the grandmother’s solely visual cameo may still ply misty from you.
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tiesandtea · 4 years
Mr. Lazy – fanzine interview with Alan Fisher, December 2004
intrepid suede globetrotters elina and sirje conducted this interview with alan fisher, the man about whom songs like "lazy", "high rising", "beautiful loser" and, according to the man himself, "the most of the others as well" have been written. (editor's note: not to suggest that alcohol played any part in this q&a session, but it did take place in alan's local. oh, and in other locations in the uk, plus morocco & finland, in both oral & written forms. anyway, surely worth all the so-called trouble.) no animals, be they cats or terrapins, were harmed during this interview, but a considerable amount of wine bottles did get destroyed.
how long have you known brett? where did you grow up?
i have known brett since i was 16/17 – near on 20 years now. i grew up in sussex, near haywards heath.
how does it feel that so many of brett’s lyrics are about you? (did you ever get the feeling that brett was just kind of observing you or waiting around for you to do something flamboyant so that he could write about it?)
it’s very flattering to know that some lyrics are about me. however i was never aware of brett observing me purposely to get lyrics or ideas for songs. it’s funny because there are so many songs that are very personal to me, and you think some part of the song is about you, and they are not. over the years many friends who have been in close contact with brett and the music think that songs are about them, because of various lyrical content. i think brett has ability to take elements from friends’ lives or chapters and create a story blended together, a fusion of characters in one song. i remember when i heard “the big time” and the last line – “now we’re in the big time and you’re in the way” i was extremely put out, i took it very personally. i thought it referred to me, but luckily it didn’t. however i’m pleased to say that my favourite song has to be “lazy”. the original version i think went like this – “here they come with their make up on as lovely as the birds come and see them” which i think is very beautiful. which changed to “here they come gone 7 am bla bla bla”, which was about being up all night, then putting on make up so as to hide the effects of being on a bender, and going down to off-license to buy cornflakes and bottles of red wine.
what was the best experience traveling with suede? (what happened in las vegas?)
difficult question, as i’ve had many amazing experiences on tour with suede. two very contrasting escapades were one journey in japan, and one on the west coast of america. brett and myself had the fortunate experience of visiting a buddhist temple in japan called the “moss gardens”. we visited a temple that was so beautiful and peaceful, and the entire gardens were immersed in moss with beautiful ponds and waterfalls. we sat in the temple and wrote a mantra admist buddhist chanting, which i believe influenced the song “introducing the band”. the other experience was a trip to la, san francisco and las vegas. i seem to remember i hadn’t been to bed for a few days, and when i was there i didn’t sleep much for various reasons. we stayed at a friend’s house in beverly hills called michiko, a house of pure opulence, with plenty of alcohol and other fineries. i seem to remember that towards the end (in vegas) brett wouldn’t let me sleep – just more alcohol. and i think that when i went to bed brett checked to make sure i was alive.
what will/do you miss the most about suede?
the thing i miss the most about suede is being around when a great song is created. i’d come home and brett would say “i’ve got it.”, some missing song on the album and consequently we would stay up night after night listening to the same song over and over – the poor neighbours.
at what part of his career was brett at his happiest?
when he was writing happy songs. actually i don’t think brett ever made happy songs. only joking! i don’t know when brett was actually the happiest. i think maybe when the band first started and the first album came out, that’s when he realised his dreams were coming true.
has brett being famous ever bothered you?
brett being famous has never bothered me; in fact it’s been quite a relief; it’s taken the limelight away from me.
fame can and has certainly changed many people who obtain it. how do you think it's affected brett over the years? has it affected your friendship?
i don’t think fame has changed brett’s fundamental characteristics, obviously it has shaped his life aspects like walking down the street, or having a drink in pub. i think living with me for so long has definitely fucked him up.
is there a lot of divergence between brett's public persona and the man underneath it all?
not really. he’s the same complex, passionate and artistic character at home and on stage, i don’t know about the bedroom though!!
how were the new band members really welcomed?
some dreadful, unmentionable initiation ceremonies.
was brett & bernard getting back together a surprise for you? how do you like the new material? how about brett’s solo material?
not really; they had a magic chemistry together that never really fulfilled its potential. and the new stuff is absolutely great! wait and see!!
what's all this about brett meditating? it was mentioned in the love & poison book.
i haven’t actually read love & poison, which is extremely lame of me, eventually i will. however, i think brett has some interest in meditating, maybe from visiting japan’s buddhist temples and being influenced by their way of living, zen and all that.
is brett good at pub quizzes?
brett, i could imagine, is very good at pub quizzes if he entered them. they have a quiz at our local pub, i think brett and mat osman entered once, and came a very admirable second place, which is no mean feat, because it’s a very professional affair in that establishment.
have there been times when brett did something you wish he hadn't? musical decisions or anything.
i can’t think of anything that resembles a mistake or regret in terms of musical direction. over the years, artists are faced with monumental decisions to make in terms of artistic development; single releases; band commitment and general themes for the forthcoming albums. however, i think brett has the ability to listen to other people’s opinions as well as his own, to come up with the best viable decision. considering the turbulent times of drug taking and various band members coming and going, i don’t think he’s done too badly.
how posh is brett?
how posh is brett – what a strange question – in fact the hardest one i’ve ever been asked! – not at all. crikey, well for somebody that came from a council house and bought second hand records/clothes. he now drinks tea at 4 o’clock in proper bone china tea cups – doesn’t get any posher than that. oh! and he has a butler called jessica rabbit.
does he watch sports on tv?
well it has to be football, brett hates posh sports like cricket & rugby (un)like me. he is very obsessive over the england football team, ipswich and manchester united (because that’s my team, and i always cry when they lose).
what's brett's best quality?
brett’s best quality is having good taste in friends and good taste in music, i.e., suede.
and his worst?
i can’t think of his worst qualities, but i remember the worst thing living with him, he would always become too comfortable on the sofa which would mean i would have to rewind the suede demos and go out and get another bottle of wine from the off-license.
we're sorry this is all about suede/brett... when we start an alan fanzine we’ll interview you about yourself... ok?
tell us a secret
my favourite colour is black.
how much do suede lie in the interviews? (if you read them)
i’m too busy to read suede interviews, i’ve got my own press cuttings to examine.
what do you think brett would have become without suede?
i’m sure it would have only been with some musical compaction. however, our living arrangements would have resembled something out of “the servant”.
what about you? how much has suede affected you?
suede were the most important thing in my life. as my girlfriend just put it a moment ago whilst i was writing this, it’s like going out with three people: her, me and suede. as i tell her, it could have been worse: i could have been friends with ronan keating.
do you love us? what do you think of suede fans in general? a lovely bunch on whole, or have you had some harrowing experiences with obsessed loonies?
well, i’m a suede fan myself, so i would have to say they are great. obsessed loonies? i am one; i have been stalking brett for 20 years, but he doesn’t realise.
there are lots of mentions of yours and brett's drug use in l&p. is this an accurate characterization of the state of affairs or did it get glammed up a bit for press?
it’s all a myth, i once smoked a joint with brett, it was really far out man! oh, and i snorted some glue at a dinner party once, it was so chic.
tell us something about suede that we don't know.
they are a figment of your imagination!!
tell us something about brett that we don't know.
i know something extremely juicy, real top gossip. but you’re going to have to wait to see whether he meets my blackmail demands.
if you were an animal, what kind of animal would he be? what kind of animal would brett be?
brett refers to me as an electrocuted rabbit, something similar to the mad hatter in alice in wonderland. i think brett would be a very feline cat.
speaking of cats, they tend to go missing, don’t they?
we had a cat called meisk – when brett was on tour it went missing. when i found it on the street, i thought it had a cold because it had a funny meow – it turned out to be the wrong cat. i remember brett was extremely pissed off. we had another cat called sphinx that was an incredibly lively character, it had a long run up – then produced its claws and wham!!
have you ever been arrested?
yes! on several occasions, on suspicion of being sinister and bad influence on society.
dave thompson’s yet-to-be-published suede-book, an armchair guide to suede, includes this: 
"‘young men’ developed out of lyrics written for a joke band, the bruisers, that anderson, his flatmate alan and a hairdresser friend named gary hatched one evening;"
can you tell us anything more about this?
after one crazy night early in the morning we had this inspiration to form a band based on idea of national front skinheads with the title song “british bulldog”. brett and gary were both very amusing and inventive with songs like “santa ain’t a wanker” etc.
besides that, have you ever been musically inclined or in a band yourself?
after hearing brett playing an instrument called the melodica, something like a mouth organ with a pipe attached to it, waking me every morning, it put me off music for life.
what other music are you into besides suede?
sigue sigue sputnik and mozart.
have you and brett ever had a fist fight? have you ever fought over who does the shopping or cleans the toilet or whose dirty plates are in the sink?
we have never had a fist fight in 20 years. however, we once had a duel at sunrise over who was the vainest.
that’s it then. say something nice. or mean. whatever you like. thanks!
stop asking me questions about brett, and more about myself!
Source: Pornographic & Tragic, the official Suede fanzine, issue 2 (December 2004).
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johannesviii · 5 years
Top 10 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 2004
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15 to 16 years old. A chaotic year for sure, but with a high quality soundtrack. So here’s a top ten list in which, as usual for that decade, several painful cuts had to be made.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
To provide the usual personal context, that year, being that-weirdo-in-the-back-of-the-class suddenly became great when OTHER people were also considered weirdos-in-the-back-of-the-class, and together, with a guy who kept falling asleep in class because he had insomnia, another guy who had elocution problems, and a girl who arrived directly from Cameroun in the middle of winter and was kinda depressed, we formed some sort of losers club and suddenly things weren’t so bad anymore. Unfortunately I completely lost contact with these people after highschool and that’s one of the biggest regrets of my life.
And then in September I once again ended in a completely different class in Terminale (equivalent of Senior Year in the US unless I’m mistaken) and made another great friend. So while life at home was still pretty bad, at least it was much better at school.
At this point my parents also stopped checking what kind of singles I was buying, which means that instead of this madness from 2003 where I had to hide some purchases with other ones...
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...I only bought this in 2004 and the rest were actual albums.
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Also, I found some old tapes and oh my goodness look at the label on this one. Late 2002/early 2003 at its finest right there. Kyo written with a typo, next to Eminem, next to Mylène Farmer. Love it.
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With all of that out of the way, here’s a list of honorable mentions first. A very, very long list.
Yeah (Usher feat Lil Jon & Ludacris) - Thank goodness I thought this song was pretty cool, otherwise I’d have been miserable while listening to the radio in 2004.
Milkshake (Kelis) - Ooooooh daaaaangerously close to the So Bad It’s Good category.
Let’s Get It Started (Black Eyed Peas) - Don’t have anything to say, it’s a lot of fun.
Dragosta Din Tei (O-Zone) - This took like four more years to chart in the US but we heard it all summer here. And it wasn’t unpleasant at all to be honest?
Heaven (remix) (DJ Sammy) - Hang on, wasn’t this on the 2002 honorable mentions? Yeah but it took two years to chart here so it was elligible for 2004 as well.
Turn Me On (Kevin Lyttle) - A quality earworm that somehow isn’t annoying? Sign me up.
Call On Me (Eric Prydz) - Hey, look, another repetitive dance track in my collection of repetitive dance tracks!
What You Waiting For? (Gwen Stefani) - I think this is the only Gwen Stefani song that never made me turn the radio off after a minute. Pretty good.
It’s My Life (No Doubt) - Love the original. This version, not so much.
Parce Qu’on Vient de Loin (Corneille) - Favorite artist of my best friend that year. That song was so moving and well-written. Never got tired of it but never actively listened to it either. If I had better taste it would probably make the list.
The Reason (Hoobastank) - I thought this was ok and pretty nice if a bit bland, and didn’t deserve the success nor the hatred it got. However, thanks to the rock journal I was buying at the time which was like “hey, please listen to the album itself, it’s great!”, I followed that advice, listened to the album at the cd store and bought it instantly. If you dislike this song, please listen to the rest of the album, I swear you’ll enjoy it. Here’s the first track, Same Direction, to get a general idea!
Don’t Tell Me (Avril Lavigne) - Her second album was very good, wasn’t it? What happened to her in recent years?
Je Saigne Encore (Kyo) - This was the last cut (HA, get it? cut?? ok sorry that was terrible) from the list. While I loved it back in the day and while I’m willing to ignore how cringy some stuff I loved as a teenager can be now, I'm not willing to ignore how this is basically a song about a white boy being dumped for the first time and hurting himself because he can’t deal with the mere concept of jealousy. And I’m like “holy shit calm down dude and please drop that knife”.
And now, the actual list.
10 - Hey Ya! (Outkast)
US: #8 / FR: #41
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Who’s surprised. Come on. Everyone loved it. I even bought the single! And to think I almost considered leaving it out of the top 10 to put friggin Kyo on it, of all things. The indignity. But yeah, I genuinely loved this. The only thing I can say against it is that it’s a bit too exhausting to be listened to on a loop.
9 - 100 Years (Five For Fighting)
US: #77 / FR: Not on the list
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I only heard this a couple of times that year and never paid much attention.
Then I heard it again in 2018 right in the middle of a very, very bad year, after losing my grandfather, and it absolutely destroyed me.
It’s very, very good.
8 - Face à la Mer (Passy & Calogero)
US: Not on the list / FR: #11
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Very overplayed that year. A delight every single time it was on the radio, though. Don’t have anything else to say about it.
7 - Modern Times (J-Five)
US: Not on the list / FR: #26
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A hiphop song sampling a scene from Modern Times with Charlie Chaplin. It peaked at number 1 here! Not kidding! I bought the single after hearing it exactly once. It’s fantastic and I’m really sad time buried it like it did. If you’ve forgotten about it or simply never heard it before, please give it a listen, it needs more love.
6 - Hit My Heart (Benassi Bros)
US: Not on the list / FR: #74
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Remember last time when I said I was a major sucker for Benassi Bros? Well this isn’t an exception. That is a killer drop right there. It looks great and dark and glittery all at once and, by the way, the sunny and summer-y music video completely contradicted how the song looked like in my ears, haha.
5 - My Happy Ending (Avril Lavigne)
US: #54 / FR: Not on the list
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I’m not entirely sure what went wrong and when in Avril Lavigne’s career the shift happened, but a couple of years after that song her music got a lot less interesting. I may have enjoyed her first album Let Go a lot, but this song might just be her best one ever.
The sudden shift from “YOU WERE everything” to “HE WAS everything” near the end, in particular, is great writing. Love that.
4 - Left Outside Alone (Anastacia)
US: Not on the list / FR: #76
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Usually, voices, good or bad, have zero impact on me except when they border on unlistenable, or when they are physically painful to hear/look at. The guy from Muse for example has a voice that looks like the equivalent of a flashlight in the dark and it hurts, and I’m like dude. Can you please tune that down a little bit. Please.
This lady’s voice right there is fascinating though. Her voice is green and dark and it’s such a strange, rare voice I’m charmed whenever I hear it, and in this song in particular. This was on SO MANY of my tapes it’s not even funny. And the chorus is fantastic and a joy to sing along with even if you don’t have a good voice yourself.
3 - Orchestra (The Servant)
US: Not on the list / FR: #97
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So we were on vacation, and they were giving away free cds at one stop. And I put the one I got in my portable cd player, and wasn’t that excited by the first tracks.
And then the fifth one started. And I was instantly captivated.
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You already know I absolutely adored Placebo at the time (sadly, Protect Me isn’t elligible here either), and that guy from The Servant had a similar voice and the song was roughly in the same ballpark, and the lyrics were so, so weird.
There's an orchestra in me, Playing endlessly I even hear it now They play in the devil's key, An endless symphony I even hear it now And I listen to the music, Beautiful music Yes I listen to the music, Beautiful music
And, again, I’m terrible at describing sounds but the colors are so disquieting and there’s an unpleasant vibe except the song itself isn’t unpleasant? It’s so damn weird. And that band never struck gold again after that.
I still don’t know what happened or how all of this works. It’s a mystery. A very beautiful and curious mystery. This would have had a good shot at winning the #1 spot if it hadn’t been for [shakes fist] these other guys.
2 - Breaking the Habit (Linkin Park)
US: #79 / FR: #89
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Only #2? Does... does that mean Linkin Park isn’t going to top my lists three years in a row? Holy shit, dodged a bullet there.
Should I really repeat my whole speech about Meteora. Should I really. Come on. It starts with the sound of a closing door, then broken glass, and then guitars explode in your face. The first line of the album is “sometimes I need to remember just to breathe”! Somewhere I Belong is one of my favorite songs from the band! I was trying to match the flow of Faint even if my English was still extremely shaky and my accent terrible!
And then there’s Breaking the Habit, which sounds almost pleasant compared to the levels of aggression displayed by the other songs. But it’s weirdly tense and stressful for that exact reason, because this relative calm sounds like a menace.
It works even better out of the context of the album, where it sounded a tad more aggressive than the average pop song, but still tense and stressful. And the music video is fantastic. I had it on a giant poster. I know I’ve kept it folded somewhere. If I only knew where it was, I’d show it to you. Covering up the (bright pink) walls in my room back then was a lot of work.
Edit: Nevermind. Found it:
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Gotta say one thing though. At least they aren’t #1 for the third year in a row. What’s left of my dignity has been saved.
1 - Enjoy the Silence 2004 (Depeche Mode, Mike Shinoda remix)
US: Not on the list / FR: #89
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Waiiiit a second. This was remixed by Mike Shinoda, wasn’t it. Mike Shinoda. From Linkin Park.
I guess Linkin Park IS topping my lists three years in a row in the end sdfghjhgfdfghjkjhg end me
But yeah. So. Enjoy the Silence tops a second list of mine, then. 14 years after the first one. I’m not gonna repeat what I’ve already said about that song. It simply got a brand new coat of paint, but still, even if it’s basically street art painted over a framed painting, what a masterpiece. Was genuinely gawking the first time I heard it on the radio.
And then Depeche Mode released one of their best albums ever the very next year, and it was the album of the year for me, and I became a big fan. So yeah, thanks for introducing me to their music, Mike Shinoda.
Bonus: I noticed my trusty old radio/cd player was in the background of a pic my brother took around that time! I miss that radio. It was pearl-colored and I had added stickers of birds and insects on it. So everytime I say “on the radio” in these posts, just picture this round little thing which was at the center of my universe back then.
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Next up: Not the best song of the decade but pretty close
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creedtheconquer · 6 years
Soundtrack of my life Pt.2
I thought this would be a fun get to know me! I've decided to share with you "the sound track of my life" these are the top 20 songs of my life in no particular order. (I will leave descriptions and links in the captions under the pictures and my favorite parts of the songs)
1.The Ballad of Maxwell Demon
2.Baby's on Fire
3.Hot One
4.Radio Ga Ga
5.Don't Stop Me Now
6.Killer Queen
7.Truly Madly Deeply
8.A thousand Words
12.Death Of A Bachelor
13.Something Inside
15.This Time
16.Enter Sandman
17.Turn The Page
20.If you could see me now
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"Unlovable" from the album "The Tension and the Spark" released in 2004.
Preformed by Darren Hayes- https://youtu.be/ZfzK6NFenLc
Favorite part- and yet again with him being a lyrical genius this whole song speaks volumes to me but I will only single out the 2 main verses as my favorite parts. "Cynical, jaded, faithless, disappointed, disillusioned, used
If I could take back all my sweat, my tears, my sex, my joy I would
My time, my love, my effort, passion, dedication
In case of mistaken identity I gave these things to you
If I sound angry, bitter, sad, infatuated, it's the truth
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, just a few
Stages of acceptance that it's really over
It's just so complicated and I'm stupid for believing in you" and "I had your back, I held you up, I told you you were good enough
It was not reciprocated, you kept affection and yourself apart
You fed your love to me like crumbs to pigeons in the park
Sometimes I think you're satisfied to see me begging like a dog
I wasn't armored, you were king, I gave my everything
Because sometimes you showed me just a hint of you and then
For just a moment I romanticized the notion
I can take away the torment, I can love you like they never did"
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"Death of a Bachelor" from the album "Death of a Bachelor" released in 2016.
Preformed by Panic! At the Disco- https://youtu.be/Fl2OvKxMA0s
Favorite part- I can't choose one but if I had too it would be the chorus.
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"Something Inside" from the soundtrack of the movie August Rush (2007) staring Freddie Highmore, Kert Russell, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Terrince Howard, and the late Robin Williams.
Preformed by Jonathan Rhys Meyers- https://youtu.be/3itqF3eoXaY
Favorite part- oh this is a hard one the whole song itself is absolutely beautiful but if I had to choose it would be either "When the one thing you're looking for is nowhere to be found, and your back stepping all off your moves trying to figure it out" or "So long you've been running in circles around what at stake. But now the time has come for your feet to stand still in one place." And lastly "It was your first taste of love, living upon what you had." What really sells this song for me is the emotion and the raspieness of his voice.
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"Bach/Break" from the soundtrack for August Rush (2007)
Preformed by Jonathan Rhys Meyers- https://youtu.be/D2JFTm8_UyA
Favorite part- one of them is actually apart of the music itself, at the beginning when the orchestra fades into the rock it always gives me goose bumps and then lyric wise it's either the chorus because just his voice in the chorus is amazing and then "Falling from a night of cold, a piece of me that I can not hold."
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"This Time" from the soundtrack for August Rush (2007)
Preformed by Jonathan Rhys Meyers- https://youtu.be/MRme-wcQ3JE
Favorite part- first let me just start by saying that this is an absolutely beautiful song it's my favorite from this movie/soundtrack but anyways my favorite part is probably either the chorus, "The angel on the stairs will tell you I was this. Under the front porch light, on a mystery night" or "The Neon lights in bars, and headlights from the cars have started a symphony surrounding me" and lastly "Then things I've left behind, have melted in my mind. Now there's a purity inside of me." Just the pure raw emotion in his voice leaves me with goose bumps everytime.
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"Enter Sandman" from the self entitled album "Metalica" released in 1991.
Preformed by Metallica- https://youtu.be/YxRxd8aNd6I
Favorite part- the prayer
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"Turn the Page" from the album "2004-08-28: Chicago, IL, USA" released in 2004. This was originally a song by Bob Seger.
Preformed by Metallica- https://youtu.be/8WVyFoMIxC4
Favorite part- in the beginning when the song drops ugh that part gets me every single time and lyric wise it has to be the bridge.
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"Perfect" from the album "÷" released in 2017"
Preformed by Ed Sheeran- https://youtu.be/ORrFJ63nlcA
Favorite part- the whole song I can't choose a favorite part!
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"Fires" from the album "Fires" released in 2012.
Preformed by Ronan Keating- https://youtu.be/oEjQqvalKpQ
Favorite part- it has to be "Now we're locked in time, out on the wire, I wish that I could fight the war for you." Because that line alone speaks volumes and it's the perfect "intro" to set up the rest of the song. I also really love the chorus it gives such a positive message!
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"If You Could See Me Now" from the album "#3" released in 2012.
Preformed by The Script- https://youtu.be/ujrHuKRRNhE
Favorite part- I love this whole song, this song means so much to me. It reminds me so much of my mom and everytime I listen to it I always break down and cry. But my favorite parts are the chorus, "I'm trying to make you proud. Do everything you did. I hope you're up there with god saying that's my kid!" "If you could see me now would you recognize me? Would you pat me on the back of criticize me? Would follow every line on my tear stains face, put your hand on the heart that is cold as the day you were taken away?" And lastly "Would you call me a saint or a sinner? Would you love me a loser or a winner? When I see my face in the mirror we look so alike that it makes me shiver."
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emilykinneyupdates · 6 years
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Emily Kinney Questionnaire
1. What are your top 5 albums of all time?
Tell Me I’m Pretty, Cage the Elephant
Mariah Carey MTV Unplugged live album
The Midnight Organ Fight, Frightened Rabbit
Blue, Joni Mitchell
Golden Hour Kacey Musgraves
2. Who are your greatest music idols/influencers?
Scott Hutchison of Frightened Rabbit
Joni Mitchell
Mariah Carey
Regina Spektor
My boyfriend and friends influence and inspire me a lot.  A lot of my best friends are musicians, or artists of some kind.
3. What was your first “I got this” moment as an artist?
Most of the time I don’t feel like I totally know what I’m doing.  I saw my friend Kevin Johnston play at Pete’s Candy Store a long time ago (2007?) at a time when I was singing backup for singer-songwriters and bands, and I knew I had to do that too and start writing songs in a more purposeful way.
4. What are you listening to right now?
Golden Hour by Kacey Musgraves, Long Live the Dead by Jordan Lehning, Cigarettes After Sex, Both Ways by Donovan Woods, Kendrick Lamar, Mental Illness by Aimee Mann
5. How do you feed your imagination?
Music, and going for walks, and reading.
6. Are there any causes/charities/nonprofits that you support?
I love Why Hunger and I Don’t Mind.  I would like to to do more with charities that have to do with mental health/suicide prevention and arts programs in schools.
7. What artists shaped you?
Frightened Rabbit, Wakey Wakey, Mariah Carey, Jaymay, Joni Mitchell, Chicago, Fiona Apple, My parents music: Jim Croce, CCR, Jackson Browne, Carpenters etc. classic rock.  
8. Who is your dream collaboration?
I don’t know. I used to really want to write a song with Scott Hutchison, but he passed away.  I like playing music with my friend Hayley Batt and my boyfriend, Paul McDonald.  I think it would be cool to a side project or poetry book with Hayley Batt.  Paul and I have a side project called The Sweetheart Deal and will be playing some shows at the end of the month.
9. Can you describe your creative spaces?
I like to have really empty spaces to write in. So my office I keep with as little clutter as possible. At least at first and then if I leave something out or put something on the wall it’s very purposeful.  Honestly I find I write the best or get ideas on airplanes and in hotel rooms.  I guess having no responsibility to take care of the space frees my mind.  But I always like to have guitar in the living room and then sometimes when I’m watching really stupid, boring tv my mind wanders and I write at the same time.  
10. What is a typical weekend like?
Every weekend is different cause I end up traveling for acting work or going to comic book conventions.  
But, Now that I’m in LA, I like to swim if it’s hot out!!!  I like to hike and I like to go see friends play at little places like The Echo or Hotel Cafe.  If I’m in Nashville, I like to go to Radnor Lake and hang out in East Nashville. I like trying new coffee shops.  I like to watch CBS Sunday morning. It’s news for Grandmas and I love it.  I try to watch it every week.  
11. Are there any specific magazines/podcasts/websites/brands you like?
App called Mend that does a podcast
Lenny letter
Hello Giggles
Teen Vogue
CBS Sunday morning is my dream some day!!
I loved doing the article with Darling.
Elle women in music issue.
Paper mag
Busy Phillips is going to have a new talk show. I follow her on instagram.
The New Yorker, they always have poetry.
New York mag
LA times
12. What are your favorite brands for equipment/tech/headphones/speakers/etc
Audio Tech.
13. Can you name a few key life experiences that most shaped who you are?
Moving to NYC. The Lion’s Club talent shows when I was little really hooked me into music and making it my thing.  The theatre department at Wesleyan in Lincoln, Nebraska instilled a real sense of discipline and work ethic when making art that has really stuck with me my whole career whether music or acting.
I used to run away a lot but it would just be around to the other side of the lake at my grandparents house or to the car. I’d bring coloring books and a caboodles box with stuff.  I think I realized early on that I really needed space to hear my own thoughts;  that other people around me really affect me and I’m very empathetic.  I think writing songs by myself or being on stage is a way to turn down all the noise of the world.  I love being with my friends and family but creative time to myself is really soothing to me.
14. Do you collect anything?
I like band merch. I buy a lot of snack food protein bars, and just hoard it in my cupboards.  Gummy candy.    
15. How would you describe your style? Who are your style icons?
Growing up and still, I’ve always really loved Gwen Stefani, but  I wouldn’t say I necessarily dress like her.  I also like Lana Del Rey.  I feel like my style is in transition right now.  But I like my hair super blonde as possible. I like a lot of t-shirts and torn denim and overalls and onsies and cool jackets. White shoes. Delicate jewelry if any. Really into mascara and lashes and eyeliner.
16. How has your acting career influenced your music?
Every time I have to be a new character and go to a set in a new place, I have new stories and a new environment that can spark song ideas.
Some acting roles (like Walking Dead and Spring Awakening have lead people to my music.)  And having audience is obviously important for fueling a music career.
17. Are there any artists you look up to whose career you would like to emulate?
I used to think so, but now I sort of feel like I’m doing my own thing that makes me happy. Creative careers are sort of unpredictable no matter how much you try to shape them.  I think I’m happy to just keep getting work whether it be in music or televison or theatre. I’m happiest while I’m making stuff and finishing stuff.  
18. How is ‘Oh Jonathan’ an evolution from ‘This Is War’?
How have you grown as an artist in the years since? I’ve spent a lot of time experimenting.  I was actually working on a completely different album called “Shadows’ or “Shadow in a Room” and I have all those songs so maybe I will eventually finish that record, but ‘Oh Jonathan’ just sort of naturally wrote itself.  I think emotionally I had to feel that relationship had to be seen or hold some weight and it never got that in real life, so maybe that’s why I felt a strong desire to write all these songs.  
Many of the songs on my last album This is War I had played out with a band before recording.  These songs on Oh Jonathan, I created in the studio just me and Ben Greenspan the producer, so that was a big difference.  
19. Can you tell us a little bit about inspiration behind the “Boy Band Hero” video?
Well I really wanted to work with Jason who directed it and I really like simple videos so that the images support the song and you listen to the song closer rather than the image overtaking the song and the song becoming soundtrack.  We did this in a one shot with a very slow pull back, and mixed in images from when I was growing in Nebraska from various sporting, school events. I found the Kinks shirt on e-bay.
20. Can you describe the album in five words?
Daydream windy whispers lost muse
21. Which song do you find to be the most autobiographical and why?
They are all extremely autobiographical, most of the scenes I describe really happened tho maybe not in exact order or specifics or maybe some I exaggerate.  
22. What are the most prevalent ideas/themes/inspiration on your album?
Wanting companionship, isolation, unrequited love, imagination, immaturity, growing up, sobriety
23. Were there any current/world events that influenced you or that you specifically wanted to address on this album? How did they translate into the songs?
I think social media makes it very difficult to move on from a past relationship, past life.  I think you can make up a lot of stories in your head and feel isolated but also inspired in certain ways because of social media.  I don’t directly address social media in my songs but I think they played into the creation of them.  
24. What is the most interesting thing about this album to you?
The trumpet solo in Loser.  
25. What did you learn about yourself during the making of this album?
I recognized time passing in a different way and aging, I learned more about gratitude and steadiness and process.
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deadcactuswalking · 4 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 20/02/2021 (Lil Tjay & 6LACK, Taylor Swift, slowthai)
Okay, so we’ve got a busy week ahead of us, actually a pretty massive one to deep-dive through – and it’s immediately obvious from the second song on the chart, but for now, “drivers license” by Olivia Rodrigo hangs on for what I believe is its sixth week at #1, and we’ve got a lot to cover.
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First of all, why’s this a big week? Well, there is an album bomb – or at least all that the UK Singles Chart allows for album bombs – and everything that could have debuted... debuted high. So in the UK Top 75, which is what I cover, we’ve got an awful lot to discuss. First of all, our drop-outs, other than debuts from last week, include “Baby Shark” by Pinkfong, “Train Wreck” by James Arthur, “Golden” by Harry Styles, “SO DONE” by The Kid LAROI, “Therefore I Am” by Billie Eilish, “All Girls are the Same” by the late Juice WRLD, “All I Want” by Olivia Rodrigo and fittingly, “Skin” by Sabrina Carpenter. We also have  a fair few losers, like “Bringing it Back” by Digga D and AJ Tracey down to #16 off of the top 5 debut and all of Fredo’s tracks skidding down off of the album bomb two weeks ago, like “Money Talks” with Dave at #19, “Ready” featuring Summer Walker at #37 and “Burner on Deck” with Young Adz and the late Pop Smoke at #51. We also have “34+35” by Ariana Grande not getting a remix boost at #30 (though it can get the album boost next week), “Love Not War (The Tampa Beat)” by Jason Derulo and Nuka collapsing at #39, “Regardless” by RAYE and Rudimental at #48, “willow” by Taylor Swift at #49, “Lemonade” by Internet Money and Gunna featuring Don Toliver and NAV at #50, “positions” by Ariana Grande at #52, “i miss u” by Jax Jones and Au/Ra at #55, “Midnight Sky” by Miley Cyrus at #56, “Be the One” by Rudimental featuring MORGAN, Digga D and TIKE at #58, “Martin & Gina” by Polo G at #59 (I’m surprised we didn’t get “GNF (OKOKOK)” debut, by the way), “What You Know Bout Love” by the late Pop Smoke at #61, “Watermelon Sugar” by Harry Styles at #62, “Loading” by Central Cee collapsing at #63, “No Time for Tears” by Nathan Dawe and Little Mix doing the same at #65 (probably both victims of streaming cuts), “Apricots” by Bicep at #68, “Really Love” by KSI featuring Craig David and Digital Farm Animals at #69, “Looking for Me” by Paul Woodford, Diplo and Kareen Lomax at #70 and “See Nobody” by Wes Nelson and Hardy Caprio at #73. What may be more interesting than our notable fallers are our notable gains and returning entries, however, as whilst only “Shallow” by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper returned to #64, we also have some inexplicable or just plain bad gains. “Roses” by SAINt JHN and remixed by Imanbek seemingly has a second wind at #67, along with “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran at #57 and “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi at #42, but our other gains are mostly recent debuts, like “Little Bit of Love” by Tom Grennan at #45, “Astronaut in the Ocean” by Maxed Wolf at #44, “Believe Me” by Navos at #43, “Arcade” by Duncan Laurence at #33 and finally, “Friday”, Riton’s ugly Nightcrawlers remix featuring Musafa & Hypeman dopamine re-editing itself into the top 10 at #10, becoming everyone’s first in that category, except the Nightcrawlers themselves getting their first top 10 since 1995, even if it’s just “Push the Feeling On” getting into the top 10 a second, separate time 26 years later... and it’s scary to think 1995 is indeed 26 years ago. Anyway, let’s start to make sense of these new arrivals.
#72 – “MAZZA” – slowthai featuring A$AP Rocky
Produced by SAMO, slowthai and Kwes Darko
Now, the charts may be chaotic because of the general weakness of it all but it also allows for artists you wouldn’t really expect to do that well get #1 albums, and slowthai’s riding the waves of controversy, his well-received debut album and, you know, a genuinely very good quality of work, as his sophomore effort, TYRON, debuts at #1 on the UK Albums Chart, and we’ve got three songs from Ty on this singles chart, which is the highest amount the chart actually allows, meaning this is an album bomb. Yeah, an album bomb from slowthai – that’s the one thing you can guarantee ONLY ever happens on the UK charts... well, okay, there are many things, but we’ll get to those later. I’m surprised “MAZZA” didn’t debut higher given the music video, big-name feature, being one of the catchiest on the record and the fact that it’s getting radio play, but it’s still here, so who’s to complain? This track, from the emptier A-side of “bangers” in the first half of the album, relies on a quirky synth loop and a bouncy trap beat for slowthai and Rocky to individually prove themselves on and, yeah, the song is pretty great, with a really infectious hook and mostly really smooth flows, propelled by the charisma that just so easily spreads out of every word Ty raps. The title itself is slang that basically something is “mad” – that in, crazy and fun – and that is fitting for the song, which seems to be at a disconnect between the content, beat and feature. Ty flip-flops between flexing, depression and drug addiction, whilst A$AP Rocky just delivers some flexing... but when it’s one of Rocky’s best verses in years, I’m just glad to have him spitting here finally. This is far from the most interesting track on the record but it’s definitely an empty banger cruising on energy more than anything, which is good because it has that in spades. I’d like to point out though that much like the rest of the first half of this album, it is derivative: this is a beat you could see either Rocky or Playboi Carti on, and Ty seems to be doing mostly Rocky-esque flows with a definite attempt at doing the same ad-lib-focal song structure as Carti would. This is unfortunate by now but I can see him growing out of his influence as time comes, although it is a concern when it’s clearer on your bangers than it is your retrospective tunes, which are also pretty clearly Kanye- and BROCKHAMPTON-inspired. Speaking of...
#72 – “terms” – slowthai featuring Dominic Fike and Denzel Curry
Produced by Mount Kimbie, JD. Reid and Kenny Beats
It’s crazy to see production credits from Mount Kimbie and Kenny Beats on the UK Singles Chart... but with that said, you’d expect that to end up as one of the best songs on the chart, especially with this trio of artists. Sadly, the tracks that debuted this week are not close to my favourites off of the project, but if songs like “45 SMOKE”, “push”, “nhs”, “focus”, “PLAY WITH FIRE” and my personal favourite, “i tried”, aren’t going to chart, then I guess we can deal with this to show the more introspective side of the record and slowthai as a whole... except this song is exceptionally shallow in that lane, discussing the downsides of fame in a way that feels tired and done before, even on the same album – and we’ll get to that in a bit. Dominic Fike discusses his words being “jumbled” when in reality I don’t think anything Ty has said has been confused or taken out of context. It doesn’t help that this beat has a drowned-out guitar sample that just sounds ugly below a dark, menacing 808 and trap percussion that take Dominic Fike out of his element so much that he just sounds awful on the hook. Slowthai may have a faster flow here but he’s remarkably unfocused content-wise, and Denzel Curry doesn’t deliver more than a badly-mixed Memphis rap interlude that you can barely tell is him. This is far from bad, I do like the subtle vocal samples in the chorus and slowthai’s second verse about his daily schedule is genuinely really great, but it feels like wasted potential. Fun fact: This is actually Denzel’s first ever song to chart in the UK... if you can even call it his song. We’ll see Ty more later as we get higher on the chart.
#60 – “Cover Me in Sunshine” – P!nk and Willow Sage Heart
Produced by the Struts
Okay, so this is a song by P!nk with her young child daughter... Hmm, okay, so this is a ballad relying on acoustic guitar picking and some really ugly echoed percussion as well as two voices that go from meshing not at all to meshing too well together for voices 30 years apart. I’d like to end it here because this song really isn’t interesting past the novelty factor and some strange mixing in the first verse especially but as a bland uplifting “Fight Song”-type song, I guess it works though I don’t know about you but if I were going through a global pandemic right now with no real source of income, no end in sight and constant governmental error that’s killing thousands of people nationwide, I wouldn’t want a child who was born into millionaires telling me that it’s all going to be okay... oh, yeah, we are in that situation and I don’t want to hear this at any point, especially because this is generic and frankly, not worth anyone’s time.
#54 – “Mixed Emotions” – Abra Cadabra
Produced by TR the Producer
Okay, so when I said this would be a big week I did not mean or expect that it would be a good week, as we can tell already, but Abra Cadabra is here with a “thugs-need-love-too” track to drive that point home. Apparently a snippet of this went viral before its official release in a Valentine’s Day EP I didn’t know existed, which I honestly don’t get because there’s nothing stand-out about this song, like, at all. It’s got a guitar-based trap beat as Abra Cadabra croons in his admittedly pretty interesting, rich voice but he’s not saying anything interesting and this beat is just incompetent, with those badly-mixed swooshing sound effects that come in way too many times, and the fact that half the song is lacking percussion for no reason other than to make the beat sound busier than it is, even when it already has that ugly acoustic guitar lick playing through the whole thing in the front of the mix and... yeah, what’s the point in really critiquing this? Abra can’t even really hold much of a flow, especially in the meandering second verse, so not much of value is lost when this inevitably drops out next week.
#53 – “Big” – Rita Ora, Imanbek and David Guetta featuring Gunna
Produced by Mike Hawkins, Toby Green, Spenser, Sam Martin, David Guetta and Imanbek
This is the lead single – if you can call it that – from a trainwreck of a collaborative EP by COVID-19 super-spreader Rita Ora and everyone’s favourite Kazakh DJ, Imanbek, who seems to be chasing hits here with no real gain. You can already tell this is going to be hilariously bad, right? There are four primary artists seemingly picked out of a hat who had never collaborated prior to this EP, with two vocalists that would not mesh at all, and two producers... as well as four others to engineer this mix out so that the actual DJs and producers here become pretty much in name only. So, this is an already pointless song in all capacities, but then we find out that Ed Sheeran had a hand in writing this... this is just prepped for disaster. Fittingly, the song’s bad in a hilariously boring way. It starts with a bassy synth lead and some generic house production before Rita Ora comes in with a really unconvincing delivery that does not help to propel some genuinely bad singing in the pre-chorus and awkward songwriting. “Blame it on the city how I’m ballin’”? “Big tanks looking like Transformers”? It’s even funnier when you note that that line is where the beat cuts out (kind of) and it doesn’t rhyme with the rest of the verse at all. There’s some really bad vocal processing that makes Rita Ora sound overly digitised, much like a lot of Imanbek’s production, but also emphasises her in the mix along with the vocal mixing being generally overly loud compared to the rest of the production, which doesn’t really have a proper drop so it just goes nowhere other than a brief drum fill that comes out of nowhere and serves no real purpose. Rita Ora delivers rap clichés or at least lines I’ve heard before in the most generic possible way in the second verse, with as much charisma as Gunna’s literally phoned-in verse, mixed awfully, where the beat doesn’t even dignify his existence by just staying on the build-up and not even properly giving him the trap breakdown that it’s clearly going for. There’s this one stray kick or 808 note in that verse that goes nowhere. It’s honestly hilarious how dreadful this song is, lacking any groove or punch that it would need to become even a guilty pleasure... if you still use that term, anyway. Just fascinating. Anyway, let’s get to the top 40.
#39 – “CANCELLED” – slowthai featuring Skepta
Produced by SAMO, Kelvin Krash and Kwes Darko
Yeah, okay, so this song isn’t great either. Although I’m glad slowthai is in the top 40, it won’t be for long and it’s not because of Ty. It’s because this is a Skepta song through and through. He does the hook, has a verse and a presence on the intro and post-chorus. It’s probably good that it is as well because Skepta does the best he can with his menacing delivery over a pretty weak flute-trap beat that sounds as sleepy as Skepta’s flow on the chorus, which is even more awkward when it takes a left turn for an unnecessary post-chorus. Ty brings energy here and some pretty funny lines but is overall a non-presence on his own song, being over-shadowed by the bass knock and interrupted by Skepta’s hook at the end of his verse. Skepta brings a better verse, with some genuinely really fun flow switches but nothing content wise to make this song that’s already barely two minutes feel like it adds anything to... well, anything. The song itself is trying to prove a heavy-handed yet misguided point about cancel culture, which I don’t think even exists, and how it “kills art” when in reality anything further than stans or trolls on Twitter is probably deserved. When a book shop stops selling J.K. Rowling books, it’s not because they’re silencing or censoring art as much as they are not giving profits to a terrible person with too much time and money on their hands. Thankfully, neither of these guys are terrible people but what backlash they have had has been either from a deserved place or not from the left. There was an incident at an awards show with Katherine Ryan that didn’t get him cancelled but got Ty some brief backlash. Everybody swiftly moved on, and nothing changed except I think he delivered some kind of apology, not that I would remember because this song retcons whatever regret he has for it. He also got some backlash from the British news media – see: the right-wing – from displaying a severed head of Boris Johnson on stage, but again, if backlash “killed art”, you wouldn’t have a #1 album. As much as it wants to be a middle-finger to cancel culture, it ends up as a worthless flex track from rappers who’ve done much better. It’s not bad at all – and I’m glad the guy’s having success (I mean, after all, the album is overall good and he’s a fellow Northamptonshire resident). I just don’t think this song really works at all for what it’s trying to do.
#35 – “Siberia” – Headie One featuring Burna Boy
Produced by TheElements and AoD
This is an awfully rap-centric episode, huh? Well, this is from the deluxe edition of Headie’s album Edna, because that trend’s not going away any time soon... and I think Abra Cadabra could learn from this because this is how you do a low-key guitar trap single, with those watery, almost Blink-182-esque acoustic loops under a somewhat off-kilter trap beat as Headie mumbles in his smoother voice and faster, fun flows that do remind me too much of Gunna but overall sound pretty great. The cadences, especially in the chorus, are pretty infectious, and honestly the song could just use with some refinement in the mixing category and with Burna Boy’s verse, as whilst the singer definitely delivers the energy here, his voice is particularly muddy in this mix and his flow is more janky. With some multi-tracking or backing ad-libs, this could have definitely sounded better. The strings and electric guitar that come in at the final chorus were a welcome surprise though, and Burna Boy’s soulful delivery on the final outro verse sounds better than his actual verse, so I don’t really know what went wrong here. The content isn’t all too interesting, but I’m a sucker for geography references so the hook would have always made me chuckle and that’s before the shallow but deserved political commentary in Headie’s verse as well as Burna Boy making... perhaps insensitive references to infections in his more Young Thug-like inflections that do sound fun and more out-there as a contrast to Headie keeping it a bit tighter. Yeah, this isn’t perfect but it’s a pretty good trap banger so check it out.
#27 – “UK Hun?” – United Kingdolls
Produced by Freddy Scott and Leland
And now in stark contrast, drag queens. I don’t follow RuPaul’s Drag Race at all but I very much understand its appeal, especially now that it’s come to the UK on BBC Three, with I believe Graham Norton at the helm. This is a song from its second season that apparently takes homage from Eurovision for a song which has a title that is literally a pun. “You okay, hun?” but because it’s Britain, it’s UK. Very, very clever. At least it’s up-front right out of the gate so you can expect what will end up as pretty dumb fun... and this is immediately obvious from the intro which introduces you to the chorus: “bing, bang, bong, sing, sang, song, ding, dang, dong, UK, hun”. Okay, so this wasn’t ever going to be a prowess in songwriting, although you’d think there’d be something more here given MNEK’s involvement. Each contestant in the race gets a rap verse here over a pretty rote late 2000s dance-pop beat, with varying levels of charisma but ultimately a lot of energy from people who pretty clearly can’t sing, not that it matters when there’s the Auto-Tune slathered on top of the pre-chorus and chorus. I do feel like I’m separated from the show enough to be completely mystified by this, but really, the song’s not bad, and I can dig the upbeat synths in the chorus, even if the childlike novelty of it makes it a lot less enjoyable to me, personally. At the end of the day, it’s a sugary pop song about confidence with a pretty great fourth verse about loving yourself for who you are, so I can’t hate that. Also “gender-bender, cis-tem offender” is kind of a bar.
#25 – “We’re Good” – Dua Lipa
Produced by Scott Harris, Emily Warren and SLY
Future Nostalgia is a great album, and like all great albums, it needs a mediocre deluxe edition with snippets of leftover, unfinished tracks and remixes... no, wait, no album ever needs that. Sadly, life doesn’t go my way all of the time, so Dua released a “Moonlight Edition”, the fifth version of the album to be released as far as I know, and other than a hilarious JID collaboration in the form of “Not My Problem”, it’s not worth listening to past the first 11 tracks that were already on the standard edition. This track is the worst of them all, stripping away any of the disco groove and grandiose strings that defined the vibe of the album for a really bland, vaguely tropical trap-pop tune. The only remnant of the disco theme is the chorus referencing cocaine, which seems bizarrely out of character if anything, although it doesn’t help that Dua sounds checked-out, especially on the verses but also on the chorus which definitely takes some inspiration from emo-pop in those guitar tones but not in those awkward, first-take vocal deliveries that make the chorus flow pretty awfully. This songwriting is consistently janky too, with the overly short bridge serving no real purpose and the song itself feeling like an under-written, over-produced waste of everyone’s time. I’m surprised Dua couldn’t debut higher than #25, but at the same time I understand why people aren’t enjoying this as much as the prior singles, because this is bad.
#23 – “Commitment Issues” – Central Cee
Produced by mokuba
This guy is just releasing a bunch of singles and squandering any potential I saw in him, huh? Well, okay, this is from an upcoming album but that doesn’t make its acoustic guitar loops any more interesting or the content any more dissonant from its hard-hitting UK drill beat and his aggressive delivery. Like, there’s nothing about his flow or the instrumental that makes sense for a song where he’s apologising to his ex and trying to convince her to come back to him... at all. I’d get annoyed by a song that’s not cohesive in its content, but this one is annoyingly so, with the content never giving a reason for the dark, menacing 808 slides other than the... arguments with the woman he describes in the hook? It does kind of work with the flow there, but, like... why? Why does this exist? This isn’t convincing, it can’t be a banger because of its overly-specific break-up themes and it’s just a mess of a song, not helped by the fact he goes off trailing in the second verse about how many “hoes” he has, which is honestly kind of funny given in the first verse, he acknowledges that his ex hates those types of lyrics. Man, Central Cee was onto something with the jazz-drill on “Loading”, where did any of that go?
#12 – “Love Story (Taylor’s Version)” – Taylor Swift
Produced by Taylor Swift and Christopher Rowe
The original “Love Story” is one of my favourite Taylor Swift songs. There’s something so sweet and Mew Mew Power about it. I don’t know if that’ll work as an adjective for anyone else but what I’m saying is it really emphasises the inner “white teenage girl in the 2000s” that many have hidden in them, with its cute banjo intro and honestly kind of funny misinterpretation of the original Romeo & Juliet text, none of which has been fixed in this new version. Out of the stuff I’ve heard from the country-pop era of Taylor’s work, it’s definitely one of the catchiest, most melodramatic choruses, probably second to my favourite from this era, “Mine”. Well, this new version has to be made so that Taylor Swift can own the rights again to her music that Scooter Braun sold after she left the Big Machine label. Honestly, I think I prefer a younger Taylor Swift in the context of such a cutesy, pretty song with all its childlike novelties – I mean, a 30-year-old Taylor Swift won’t misremember details from Shakespearean texts. Not to say that she sounds bad here because she sounds great, especially over the more refined, modern production and the incredible strings in the chorus that are emphasised in this mix. I can’t say that much of a cover that takes the original and does exactly the same thing with it, just with a more modern instrumental that honestly has a pretty epic instrumental bridge. Ultimately, this is taking a great song and making it sound better and more accessible for an audience a decade or so detached from the original “Love Story” and it sounds pretty great doing it.
#2 – “Calling My Phone” – Lil Tjay and 6LACK
Produced by Non Native, Bordeaux and G. Ry
This chart week ended up being less of a beast to tackle than I thought it was, mostly because there are a couple good fun songs sprinkled in the range of mediocrity here. Now this is the final song to discuss and... this is just as inexplicable as “drivers license”. If it weren’t for the streaming numbers, I’d be convinced this is an error and this should have been switched with the second-highest debut, as it makes no sense for Lil Tjay and 6LACK to debut at the #2 spot in the UK. For context, Lil Tjay is an Auto-Tune crooner from the Bronx, in a similar vein to a Lil Tecca or A Boogie wit da Hoodie, who I thought would completely disappear post-“Pop Out” given he seemed to be on the Lil Tecca route as most of his other singles just couldn’t stick the landing other than I guess “F.N.”. Admittedly, that might be because they were pretty bad, and I think he actually kind of ruined “Pop Out” by killing its momentum with his non-existent presence and gross Auto-Tune whine, but he seems to have gotten a lot of traction since then from a posthumous Pop Smoke record as he wastes time on “Mood Swings”, which became a pretty massive hit for Tjay and the late Pop Smoke, with a lot more longevity than I expected, even though it was my personal least favourite on that posthumous album. 6LACK is more for the alternative and hip-hop head crowd, known less for his street bangers than he is for his smooth alternative R&B collaborations with guys like J. Cole. He has mainstream attention and has tried to cross over before, but ultimately he’s probably better guest-starring on robotic Gorillaz singles with Elton John of all people... or at least that’s what I thought, because they seem to have just released a single with no real promo other than TikTok previews and a music video, and it blew up immensely almost immediately. Maybe it’s good timing given Valentine’s Day but this seems like a combination of weak charts and a genuinely organic sudden hit, pushed by a label of course but not without word of mouth and... I don’t know, I’m kind of clueless on why this is so big here, and seemingly everywhere, but I’m not complaining. Wait, no, I am complaining because I’m not a fan at all. I can go for smoother, more soulful R&B but something about this is way too jagged for it to work for me, with Tjay delivering some pretty bored, mumbled crooning over melancholy pianos and an infectious but off-beat chipmunk vocal sample that acts a refrain because nothing Lil Tjay does is catchy enough. His verse is really sloppy, as is the piano, and the percussion is kind of just gross in how it’s mixed. Thankfully, 6LACK is here for some brief relief on the second verse, as he actually has a presence with his cruising, subtle multi-tracked delivery that sounds genuinely pretty great and would be at better use with bass that isn’t mastered like this and maybe an actual chorus. In fact, I think this would work as a UK garage song with that vocal sample if you speed up the whole track and add some actual groove to it, so someone please get on that because otherwise I don’t see any reason why this is so high. It’s just lethargic R&B, really just basic and tired.
Yeah, this was a big week but sadly I think it is shrouded in a lot of mediocrity that I think will be gone by next week, so whilst the UK chart chaos can be fun, especially when I’ve got nothing else to do, I’m not sure if any of these songs really stick. Best of the Week goes to Taylor Swift’s re-recorded “Love Story” with a really close Honourable Mention in slowthai’s “MAZZA” featuring A$AP Rocky, just hedging out Headie One. With the worst, we have a lot to choose from but because of its high debut and hence the expected hype, I’ll give Worst of the Week to “Calling My Phone” by Lil Tjay and 6LACK, with tied Dishonourable Mentions to “Big” by Rita Ora, Imanbek and David Guetta featuring Gunna, and honestly Central Cee’s “Commitment Issues” for not working on any level, though it really easily could have gone to Dua Lipa, P!nk or Abra Cadabra. Here’s this week’s top 10:
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Honestly, I have no idea what’s coming for next week other than Ariana Grande’s deluxe edition. Maybe Trippie Redd’s pop-punk album can make somewhat of a splash? I don’t know, I don’t think anything too big is coming but I’m probably wrong. I just know that a lot of this’ll be gone by next week. Follow me on Twitter @cactusinthebank if you feel the need to do so and I’ll see you next week.
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fuck-the-cis-tem · 7 years
1 - 104 😜
ok which one of you losers did this @fuckin-ayyyyyyyyyyyy @persephvnesgf??
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? lmao @persephvnesgf 
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed? lmao that was so fucking long ago like idk 6 years? anyway we dont speak to eachother anymore
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? yes
4. Is your last name longer than six letters? yup
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? sober af i was 12 dude
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up? all day er day
7. What does your last received text say? “Valencia has gay benches everywhere, yesssss”
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? idk
9. Where was your last kiss at? in my room? i cant remember
10. When is the last time you saw your sister? right now 
11. What do you drink in the morning? milk
12. Where did you sleep last night? in my bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard? idk
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? probably
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems? idk DUDE STOP WITH THE KISSING QUESTIONS
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? rainy
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? nope nobody guys its “tiger” if you happen to know somebody named tiger pls contact me
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? my field hockey shorts
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? i sure as fuck hope so
20. Does anyone like you? idk
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? nope
22. Is the last person you kissed gay? noooo hell no bro
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? duh
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo? all the time
25. In the past week have you cried? jup twice
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? my own doggo :D an english bulldog
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? out
28. Have you ever kissed a football player? nope
29. Do you think you’re old? regarding the people i hang out with yes, in general no
30. Do you like text messaging? jup
31. What type of day are you having? a slow one
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? yessss
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? cold
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? my friends :)
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? idk
36. Are you a simple or complicated person? im simply complicated ;)
37. What song are you listening to? Henry Jamison - Real Peach
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? yes
39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? jup @fuckin-ayyyyyyyyyyyy :)
40. What made you start liking the person you like now? idk
41. When did you last receive a text message? this afternoon
42. What is wrong with you right now? BOII A LOT
43. How well do you know the last female you texted? i’d say pretty well
44. Does anyone disgust you? jup
45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? depends
46. Are you in a good mood right now? yeah :)
47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? my mom
48. What color shirt are you wearing? black ‘n’ white
49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? yes all the time
50. Anyone you’re giving up on? my old crushes
51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? nah
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? jup
53. Do you like rain? fucking love it
54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? nope
55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? all the fucking time ma dudes
56. Do you like to cuddle? love to
57. Are you shy? jup
58. Do you get along with girls? yeah i think so
59. Have you dated the person you texted last? nope
60. What do you carry with you at all times? my Phone/earphones and my keys
61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? idk 
62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? yes
63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? nope
64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? duh
65. Did anything cute happen in the last week? my doggo kept following me around the house and ignored everyone except for me
66. How old are the last three people you kissed? IDFK
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? do them myself 
68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? zebra
69. Do you have any stickers on your car? i dont even own a car
70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? probably lil wayne idk luke
71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? iPhone for sure
72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? like 84 years ago idk
73. Do you like diet soda? i hate soda
74. What color are the walls in your room? white
75. Are you 16 or older? older thank god
76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? nope
77. Do you have a job? not yet 
78. What are your initials? QTB
79. Did you ever have braces? yep
80. Are you from the south? nope
81. What does your last status on facebook say? idk i hardly use fb
82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? nope
83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? my mom
84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? nope
85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? WONDER WOMAN WITH THIS HOE @persephvnesgf
86. Do you smoke? sometimes
87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? flip flops
88. Is your phone touch screen? yup
89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? it starts out as curly then i straighten it and it turns wavy after a little while and the whole thing starts over
90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? nope
91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? river
92. Have you ever made out in a car? nope
93. Had sex in a car? IM A VIRGIN FFS
94. Are you single or in a relationship? UGH STILL FUCKING SINGLE
95. What were you doing last night at midnight? freaking out cause all my snapchat streaks where about to die 
96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? a couple of weeks ago
97. Do you like the camera on your phone? eh
98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? no fucking hell bro
99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? nope
100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? lmaooo lots
101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? nope 
102. Name your favorite Kesha song: learn to let go/hymn/praying/the rest of the album
103. Do you have any tan lines right now? yeah
104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? HELL NO
13 notes · View notes
In a reflective mood and just wanted to write what Taylor Swift's Albums mean to me, where I was at the time, and what songs influenced me the most. (I'm gonna go in order that I discovered her music.)
Love Story: 2008/9 was babysitting with my best friend we were 14 talking about her crush at school, with the music channel playing. Looked over at the TV and just heard the bridge, both me and my friend had chills, asked her to rewind and we kept rewatching all night until we new all the words. Thought how beautiful Taylor was and said we need to write her name and YouTube and Google her later see if she has any other music.
Debut: 2008/9 we got back to my friends house I was sleeping over and we spent the whole night listening to the debut album, loving picture to burn and Tim McGraw, and I'm only me when I'm with you. Then we research a bunch of unreleased music cause we saw she had a new album coming but was kinda impatient and wanted more amazing songs. Was so happy in life at this moment in time.
Fearless: This album was just literally everything to me and my best friend. She still had a massive crush, and then ended up asking him out (the fearless speech made her feel bold enough, just imagine her 4ft10 ass striding up and addmiting her crush -- cutest thing ever. Then they broke up and he was with this other girl and literally I didn't know what to do cause I'd never had my heart broken, but Taylor's music was the perfect solution, so we listened to white horse and teardrops on my guitar and 15 for months. Until she was okay again. I didn't get to go to the fearless tour because I didn't have anymore and was too shy to ask but my friend went and she made me promise we'd see her together next time. I was so scared because she's from the US and not many people who I liked came over to UK Midlands. This time in my life was happy, free and honestly I did feel on top of the world.
Speak Now: The first album I brought on its release day. This is where her song writing really dug me deep, and where I became invested as a fan to her.
"Mine" felt like it was a message about my own insecurities about dating, I had a rough childhood however I had a very romantic mindset but I had this plague in my head, saying it was a trick or mind games. But this song was amazing for my imagination, although I still wasn't ready to date even though I felt like a freak because I was 16/17 and had never had date because of my anxiety. I used to joke it was because I was tall and guys were intimated. 😂
"Never Grow Up" at the time when I first heard it I thought this is a cute song and sweet message. However, now I understand it as an adult, 'someday everything i have is gonna be gone' is the truth.. gone were the days of protection and laughter. It breaks my heart everytime I hear it.
"Long live" my first concert and with my best friend. One of those conflicting feelings because it's one of my favourite memories but also I'll never get that night back again and now she lives away and it just makes me think of our friendship and our connection to Taylor.
"Haunted" - I was going through bad mental health, I was having panic attacks, crying on public transport and I literally became a recluse for about 3 months because I couldn't handle social interaction, even with my own family, I'd wait til they went to sleep at night to eat. I didn't speak online or anything. I just read, slept and occasionally watched a film if I could concentrate long enough. This song literally feels like I'm standing in a mirror at night watching myself age away. Like I thought I knew myself and knew what I wanted, but suddenly everything was pulled from under me and I was wishing I could go back to having that confidence and being that happy.
RED: I was 19, I still had never fell in love or dated, all my friends had gone to university, I had no job and I felt like a loser. I literally felt like so lonely and lost. Occasionally I'd be dragged out by old school friends to go clubbing, and predrinks we'd play 22 and WANEGBT. It was glimpse of happiness. Those songs as bubble gum pop they hold a special place. And 'I knew you were trouble' holds a special place in my heart.
1989: I had recently started dating someone and we fell in love pretty quick and pretty hard, he soon learnt of my love for TS, and most nights we'd play her music. I'd gotten a job where I felt I had purpose and I made new friends and was social again. It was a much happier era and time although it wasn't without its sad times.
Wildest Dreams: First time I had romantically danced with anyone even if it was in my nan and grandad kitchen, it was butterflies in the stomach, silly and nice. Plus, my bf would always sing the song as if it was written about him which always made me smile.
Clean: I had just lost my grandad to cancer after caring for him for a few months, he raised me and my siblings and I felt like I'd lost my parents all over again. Me and my friend had planned to see 1989 in Hyde Park. And I was considering not going cause it was so soon after the funeral, and I felt I'd be too sad. But the whole tour helped me escape home life for a night, the clean speech really hit a nerve and what Taylor said that night was exactly what I needed to hear..you can bet I sobbed. I still listen to the speech on my phone when I'm feeling really bad. That song will forever shine in my mind.
Rep: okay. Deep Breath. This was a highly stressful time, I was working full time and over hours at the hospital, I had just lost my grandad, and was caring for my grandmother whos still suffering with dementia, and trying to help the police with finding my brother who was in trouble for fraud, theft and drug possession. I'd get calls in the middle of the day saying my nan was shouting at the staff in the store for her money thinking it was the bank. I was pulled in half. I had a very difficult and selfish uncle who did nothing but pass judgements and make snide comments and I snapped. I left home that day. I never spoke to him again. I also cut my brother off. I went on holiday. Came back crashed at my bfs house and we moved into a apartment together 2 weeks later (rented) I went back to see my nan ofc, and things got messed up for her/ and the house which always make me sad but it only proved how much I actually did and how underappreciated I was. I stepped in when needed but whatever. It was a stressful time and I was pretty mad. So "DSB" & "LWYMMD" really helped that anger and turned it into empowerment. I also cut alot of toxic people out of my life and just never spoke to or off them again. Also her poems from that, 'why she disappeared' and 'if you're anything like me' they just hit hard... Again sometime I feel like Taylor's in my head. Also that tour! Beautiful evening!
"Don't blame me" - in love, in our own place, traveling Europe, some say it's become my whole life and like I've let everything go and become focused on all that. But I think after 5 years if love still doesn't drive you crazy then why are you still there.
Me! -- okay this song might not be as popular in the fandom but you know, I actually think it's great when you're in a long term relationship you feel frustrated, we all have our faults and this song is a happy way to talk about that, yes I'm troubled and I have issues, but you won't find somebody who loves you and as crazy and passionate as me! Hehehe. ;)
YNTCD - haha, literally every BBQ or house party or if It comes on the radio at work. It's blasted every body dances and it's a moment to be happy.
Archer - I didn't cry like many people have claimed to. I think I have hardened over the years so maybe it's that. But yeah I felt those words, about treachery, anxiety, insecurity and wanting people to stay through it all. Life is not without its ups and downs, I feel grateful that I have friends and a boyfriend of 5 years who have witnessed, my broken down, dark and angry side and really let me express myself and allow me to not suffer alone. I've had people judge me, and alot of belittlement, and undermining what I've been through. But those who actually care do stay. And that's beautiful and that's why this song is a masterpiece.
I can't wait to hear lover. But I'm also interested to see how I connect to it and incorporate it into my daily life.
0 notes
simontams · 7 years
100 Favourite Character Asks:
Thought I'd make my own one of these because I'm bored~ Sorry, they're very long ones... Mention the favourite Character that you chose each time you answer...! _______________________________ 1. Who do you ship them with, if anyone? ❤️ 2. Do you know their middle name? If they don't have one or one isn't mentioned what would you choose for them? 💬 3. How do you view them in regards to yourself? (i.e. Would you call them your spouse, partner, child, friend, more of a sibling, etc, or even enemy (cause we all know how far loving to hate characters can go). 👬 4. What colour do you associate them with? 💛 5. What do you headcannon their hogwarts house to be/ do they have a canon one? (i.e. They're from Harry Potter). 📚 6. In one sentence, summarise why they are your favourite character. 🖊 7. Are they, by definition, alive? If not and you'd choose to bring them back, how would you go about that? ⚰️ 8. If they were to meet another character you like from any other franchise, who would you choose and why? Would they become friends? 👽 9. If you met them do you think you would both get along well? What would you bond/ argue over? 🤓 10. If you were organising a nice, well deserved break for them, what place would you choose, what kind of holiday would it be, and who would you invite along? 🏖 11. You're making them breakfast on a chill Sunday morning, what do you give them and do they stay to eat with you? If so, what do you chat about? 🍳 12. You can change one thing about your character for better or worse, what is it? Do you think it would affect their personal storyline/ how they interact with other characters if this happened? 🤔 13. What flower would you associate with them and if for any particular reason, why? 🌸 14. Would you rather your character be killed off (despite their current canon status) and the franchise keep going without them for a long time or have the series/ book/ game/ comic/ anime, etc, last long enough with them in it to see them gradually loose personality and focus, becoming out of character? 🖥 15. Your character gets to canonically punch somebody else in the franchise in the face, who do you choose and why? (Did they do something to them or do you as the person who enjoys the show, etc, just have a personal vendetta so it wouldn't make sense in terms of plot?). 👊 16. They're organising a surprise date for their significant other, what do they plan and can they keep it a secret before the actual event?! 🔐 17. What sort of weird, hidden talent would you not be surprised they had? 🏸 18. Headcannon something cute and sentimental that they would characteristically do, for example, keeping a photo album of friends or impulsively getting their partner flowers for no specific reason? 💌 19. Do you dislike any ship that they're canonically a part of? Or any that's popular with fans that you don't agree with/ anybody at all really that you would theoretically hate to see them in a romantic relationship with? 💔 20. Who do they view as their best friend and what kind of inside jokes do you think they would have with this person? 💞 21. What kind of music do they like/ do you think they'd like? How do they choose to listen to it- vinyl, cd, download, cassette, live, etc- and can you name any specific modern artists that they'd enjoy? Would they like your personal taste in music? 🎶 22. Give one canon bad habit they have and a headcannon of one you think is plausible. 🍺 23. What is your favourite quote of theirs? 🗯 24. Who in the franchise do they not interact with a lot or not at all that you think they should see more of? 🤝 25. The main few characters of the show gets them a birthday present from each of them, what do they buy your character? Do they like it? What would you give them? 🎁 26. What do you think their mbti type is? Is it the same as yours? 😯 27. What do you imagine was their favourite story/ fairytale as a kid? What would their small self enjoy about it? 📖 28. Are they part of Lgbtq+ canonically/ do you view them to be even if not canon? 🏳️‍🌈 29. What is their nighttime routine? 😴 30. What do their canon interests/ hobbies include? 🎮 31. Top 3 things you wish you had seen them do/ become or that you wish for them to do in the future, if still ongoing? 💍 32. You and them have a hand wrestle- who wins- how do they react? Are they a sore loser, passionate winner or indifferent at the whole scenario occurring in front of them? 💪 33. They're your favourite character right? You intensely appreciate their fictional existence- what do you wish casual fans would appreciate more about them and, in turn, what factor of their hidden depth as a character, if any, do you find the most interesting? 👁 34. You're introducing them to your family, how and where do you do it? How does your character behave/ what does your family think of them? 👥 35. You swap roles for a day and you take on their daily routine and they take on yours...How do you find that? How do they? 👩🏻‍💻 36. You're allowed to design a tattoo for your character? What is it of? Or would you appreciate that they characteristically wouldn't like one and walk away? If they get it, and it's revealed, how do they react? 💘 37. Do you relate to them on any level? 🔍 38. You're placing them into the world of another franchise you enjoy for a week, what is it and can your character cope for that long, in terms of physical thereat, drama and other characters? Might they even enjoy it? 🌎 39. In your opinion, what's the most out of character thing they've done/ said in any form of canon? 🙄 40. They're asked the common question 'if you were stranded on a desert island what one thing would you take with you?', what do they answer? Are they logical or sentimental? 🏝 41. You get to say one sentence to them at one point in their timeline...what do you choose to tell them and when is this? Is it something hopeful when they're in a bad situation, is it thanks, a general joining in of present celebrations with them, a congratulations, a tip or clue to help them at the time, or even a joke to cheer them up, etc? 📢 42. If it's the same day and time in their location as it is presently is in yours, what would they currently be doing? ...I'm guessing the majority of answers here will be 'sleeping'... ⏰ 43. What percentage do you think their phone is usually on, or would be on if they don't canonically have one, what's their home screen and lock screen? 📱 44. What's their 5 most prominent character traits? Are they common traits within your other loved characters? Do you personally think that you posses any of these traits? 😎 45. If they weren't doing their current job what do you think they'd be good at? Is it something you'd enjoy to do too? 👩🏽‍⚕️ 46. Describe their handwritings appearance/ if not seen or plausible what do you think it would look like? 📝 47. What common fear do they have? Are they scared of spiders, heights, clowns, etc... do they have any canon unusual fears? 🤡 48. You are gifted with their company for 24 hours- but you can't leave your home town/ city, etc- what do you choose to do? Where do you go? Would they enjoy the company and change of scenery or would they storm off? Do you or them take charge with the planning or do you have similar interests and compromise? (Relates to number 9, in a way). ⏱ 49. You have to rename them after anybody you know in real life, what do you think would suit them? Would it make sense in their world/ location/ time period? 💭 50. When asked 'truth or dare?' what do they pick? Have they got something to hide or are they just really courageous and unpredictable? Are they genuinely honest and love to share or are they simply scared of acting inappropriately? Do you relate to their answer and reasoning? 💡 51. At what moment were you the proudest of your character? ☺️ 52. Is your character your current tumblr icon or background on any of your blogs, main or side? 💻 53. Your character meets the one character you associate with each of your friends, does it go well? Who are they meeting? Do any of them get along? Do any of the interactions shadow that of you and that particular friend compared to their character and yours? ☕️ 54. Can you think of any specific plot point or character storyline that would have been drastically influenced if your character did not exist in that franchise? In what way? Does their existence impact the bigger picture to the point of the canon or future estimated ending being completely different? 💥 55. It's a Saturday and they've invited you to theirs to watch a film or two for the evening with a takeaway, what is their movie and menu of choice, (specific or in general), and would you have chosen differently? Who falls asleep first and who, after seeing 3 films is eager to play another? Or are you both messes? 🍕 56. You have to swap favourite characters with a friend for the day? Who do you trust with this one and which character out of all of the options would you rather spend the day with? 😟 57. With your current set of cooking skills you have to make a meal for your character, this is your one chance of impressing them, what do you make and how does it go? If it goes wrong are they angry or do they have an alternate solution? 🍴 58. Does their fashion sense play a large part in their overall character, does it represent them, personality, uniform, etc, what is your favourite part about it and how long could you pull off wearing what they wear for, if at all? What would they comment about how you dress? 👔 59. Does any particular song, album or artist remind you of this character? 🎧 60. A bit weird, but considering you can't sense it through a screen or the pages of a book, what do you think they smell like? 🍉 61. If they had tumblr what would they blog about? What would their url be? Would they be aesthetic or are they meme trash? ...Would they follow you and your current content? 🐸 62. Would you rather kill them or could you not bring yourself to do it and they would kill you? 🔪 63. What do they dream about? 🦄 64. You take the reigns for a bit, write an episode/ chapter, etc, and whatever you say about the character becomes canon- what do you do with that power? 👀 65. If they were an animal what would they be and why? 🦋 66. What is their place of living like? Do they keep it tidy/ what's in it, etc? Is this canon or do you have any any theories about what their apartment or similar area might look like/ be organised? 🏠 67. What annoys your character the most? Pet peeves and the like. Traits and actions- Lying, feet on furniture, cluttered space, disloyalty, etc...in the same way, what do they value the most in a person? 😒 68. What is the difference between you and your characters last known/ current age- go to that number question if possible- it might be unknown or they could be immortal so estimate how old they look in mortal terms or how you imagine them to- and list another one of your favourites that you haven't been answering this for and answer that question alone on their behalf instead. 🔢 69. What about them/ which of their scenes makes you laugh? What makes you smile contently? What makes you frown? What makes you role your eyes? And finally what makes you want to give them a good shake? 🙃 70. Everyone's a critic- name something genuinely problematic and unnecessary about your character. 👎🏼 71. Do they have a pet/ if they did what would it be and along what lines would they call it/ would they not like one? 🐾 72. What's their idea of an ideal weekend? 🌤 74. What's their most valuable skill/ power? If it's something of significance in the plot do they ever use it to save/ harm anybody? 🥇 74. If they started a band, what would their role be, what would it be called and which other characters would be in it? 🎸 75. If they acted arguably unforgivably against another character in the franchise that you love, would you defend them when faced with other fans or at least let it slide? Or would you loose a significant amount of respect, enough to degrade them so they weren't your favourite anymore? 😨 76. Okay it's the majority vs the few scenario, save the world at the cost of a life- Would you choose to save every character that you have ever loved from all of the franchises that you follow if it meant sacrificing this all time favourite character to an irreversible fate? 💀 77. If you asked them 'What is the worst then best thing that has ever happened to you?', what would they tell you? 😬 78. On a scale of won't-walk-on-cracked-pavement to the-worlds-supposed-to-end-this-year-I-gotta-pack, exactly how superstitious are they? ☄️ 79. Name another favourite character of yours that is the polar opposite to this ultimate fave and in what way is that so? 🎭 80. What revelation shocked you the most about them, if any? Or what scene they were a part of did you find the most surprising and intense? 😱 81. What rules do they live by? Do they seem to have a sort of moral code? If they go by their own set of rules that dramatically conflict most people's or none at all has this ever caused them to clash with anyone or caused issues in any way? How strongly do they believe in this set of morals? 🚫 82. Are they 'the chosen one'? Or even a main character? 👑 83. They can time travel- either theoretically or in canon- and have no limitations on this ability: they can go back in time and influence their past- what do they change, how and why? Is it for their own sake or somebody else's? 🌀 84. Picture your character in your head...just imagine them a little bit...there we go: What expression is on their face? What are they wearing? What are the doing? What mood are they in? this is how you view them the most prominently...wow no... 🤠 85. Are they religious in any way? 🕍 86. How's their poker face? 😐 87. How do they pose in a photo if they have to be in it? Are they happy about it? Or are they the one taking it? 📸 88. Gimme one interesting fact about them that most people don't know, something random or obscure briefly referenced in some decade old short story or a long lost webisode? If you can't think of one... make it up and sell it. Make me believe it- not many people will be able to tell either way 🙊 89. Do they prefer sweet or savoury foods? 🍰 90. How did/ would they/ do they do in school, are they top of the class? Popular? Shy? Intelligent? Weird? Quirky? Bullied? Are they the bully? Do they have a stereotypical highschool sweetheart, are they in any clubs? Do they often get detention? ⚽️ 91. What is your character unapologetically confident about? When do they get passionate and excited? Where do they feel welcomed and comfortable? How do they express this? 🔭 92. If your character was a part of Disney, if they're not already, who would they be and why? ⭐️ 93. You want to get somebody to become interested in the characters franchise? How do you go about selling it and is this character your main selling point? 🗣 94. Tell me about them on Christmas Day? Where are the planning to go? Who are they with? What are they wearing? What do they eat? What do they get and how do they react? Are they excited? Do they help cook or decorate? How are they with the weather? Did they put the star/ angel on the top of the tree? How do they kick back on Christmas night? What do they do on Christmas Eve in anticipation? Do they work through the holiday? What are some personal traditions for this character this time of the year? Do they sing along to all of the songs? 🎄 95. Write a quick and catchy summary of your character for their dating profile 😏 96. Your character is an undercover spy: what do they choose to call themselves as a code name 🕵🏼‍♀️ 97. What common stereotype, if any, does your character fit? 💋 98. If your character was a sim what kind of stupid situation would they get themselves into a daily basis? If they are a sim up until this point I'm calling u out 😂 99. A zombie apocalypse breaks out, or an alien invasion or some kind of sudden, doomsday scenario- what is their instinct? Who do they call? Where do they run? What do they pack? Where do they hide? Or do they stay and fight for their home? What side of them is shown in this time of desperation? What methods do they use to stay calm? Or are they the first to loose it? Do we see some true colours coming to the surface? Bravery? Selfishness? Rebellion? Protectiveness? 🔦 100. Have they influenced your life in any direct way? For example, influencing your opinion on something, anything they've said making you think, what they represent having meaning to you, something about them helping you or guiding you in any way ...💝
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semi-charmedx · 7 years
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1: What are you wearing? A Marilyn Manson shirt and black shorts
2: Ever been in love? Yes <3
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? Yes
4: How tall are you? 5′5″
5: How much do you weigh? 160
6: Any tattoos do you want? I do want tattoos, but not excessive tattoos
7: Any piercings that you want? Yes, I’m getting a septum in a few weeks and I want an eyebrow piercing when I’m older
8: OTP? Destiel
9: Favorite Show? Supernatural
10: Favorite bands? My Chemical Romance, Tool, Set It Off, Marilyn Manson, All Time Low, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Metallica, Black Veil Brides, and Led Zeppelin
11: Something you miss? My old buddies </3
12. Favorite song? Right now, it’s probably Take Me To Church by Hozier, Never Know by Set It Off, 1979 by The Smashing Pumpkins, Got Your Six by Five Finger Death Punch, or Longview by Green Day
13: How old are you? 14
14: Zodiac sign? Aries
15: Hair Color? Red and black
16: Favorite Quote? “Nobody dies a virgin, the world fucks us all” - Kurt Cobain
17: Favorite singer? Hm a tie between Billy Corgan and Bradley Nowell
18: Favorite color? Blood red. Full of life and passion
19: Loud music or soft? Depends on my mood
20: Where do you go when you’re sad? My bed or outside to cool off
21: How long does it take you to shower? Like 10 minutes
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Like 15 minutes
23: Ever been in a physical fight? Yes
24: Turn on? Being the girl I like
25: Turn off? Not being the girl I like
26: The reason I joined Tumblr? I can’t remember
27: Fears? Nothing. I do not fear anything but fear itself
28: Last thing that made you cry? My emotions for this girl. It was happy tears, though
29: Last time you cried? About like an hour ago?
30: Meaning behind your url? It’s a combination between two words used in a MCR album
31: Last book you read? To Kill A Mockingbird by Mildred D Taylor
32: Last song you listened to? Battle Born by Five Finger Death Punch
33: Last show you watched? Hetalia
34: Last person you talked to? My best buddy Avery <3 She listens to all my gay rants
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? Best buddies
36: Favorite food? Strawb flavored yogurt or apple slices
37: Place you want to visit? My Nana’s house <3
38: Last place you were? My buddy Hailey <3
39: Do you have a crush? Yes <3
40: Last time you kissed someone? About a month ago
41: Last time you were insulted and what was it? My house and it’s too vulgar for my tumblr XD 
42: What color underwear are you wearing? They’re camo <3
43: What color shirt are you wearing? Black
44: What color bottoms are you wearing? Black
45: Wearing any bracelets? No
46: Last sport you played? No idea tbh XD
47: Last song you sang? Loser by Beck
48: Last prank call you remember doing? Wow it was actually like a whole year ago with my buddies and we prank called one of my other good buddies, Ben <3
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Yesterday
50: Favorite movie? Heathers or Mommy Dead And Dearest
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roman-winter · 7 years
WELP good thing ur the only one who actually sent me anything. HERE WE GO. every single number under the cut lmao
1. your favorite face claims
ZANE HOLTZ, MICHAEL TREVINO, BOB MORELY, STEPHEN JAMES, CAMERON MONAGHAN, if i could only use those faces for the rest of my rping life, i’d be perfectly happy, they’re my babes
2. your least favorite face claims
fcs i actively don’t like are p much bc people ruined them for me such as dane dehaan, xavier dolan, that blonde guy who’s always w xavier dolan and serval others that i never see around anymore anyway so it doesn’t really matter
3. face claims that you are dying to use
for the love of god someone actually let me use dj cotrona jfc. also miguel angel silvestre pleaseeeeee. and more zane holtzes always. like if u want a holy holtz, i’ll give him to you
4. face claims that you are dying to play against
rn i’m super into american gods so def both ricky whittle and emily browning. i’ve always wanted to play against a billie piper. every single person in this tag
5. your favorite original-verse oc (or one of your favorites)
shit that’s hard ummm i’m just gonna go w a current fav which is eli whitehall mostly bc of the amazing world that we’ve created for him and andrew and the like super amazing and rich backstory that has been developed, also just like playing a trans character who’s 50?? BEST THING EVER 10/10 WOULD RECOMMEND esp since he’s got the best husband in the world #relationshipgoals
6. your favorite fandom oc (or one of your favorites)
not technically an oc since his name is mentioned in the books BUT since the verse is so completely not canon he’s basically an oc AUGUSTUS ROOKWOOD ALL DAY EVERY DAY my love my light my fav i will keep playing him forever and ever and then a bit more
7. your favorite oc who isn’t yours (or one of your favorites)
can i just say every single one of @chrysalis-writes​‘ characters??? but like atm probably oliver who is the love of my life. like wtf is better than an unplanned ship just taking form out of nowhere and then being THE BEST SHIP EVER CREATED like fuck man i get emo when i think about oliver and how beautiful and pure and wonderful christine made him. i’m crying ok bye
8. your favorite fandom character to have played
rn my fav has to be richie gecko my trans son, i love fdtd w my whole soul and i love having the privilege of writing richie w my two fav ppl 
9. a fandom character who you would really like to play
hey guess what i want? i want to play bruce wayne in my horrible crossover crackship helldream that is ironbat, aka the best ship in the world. i want bruce wayne and tony stark to fuck and i have zero regrets
10. a fandom character who you would like to interact with
see above.
11. an rpg that meant a lot to you
knockturn meant the world to me and i’m so so glad that i’ve gotten to keep writing in that verse even if it’s outside of a group environment, but it was such a fantastic experience and so much fun to create that world with my best bruv and i’m so so proud of all the writing we did, everyone was just absolutely amazing, and it’s also how i met nikki GOD BLESS US EVERYONE
12. an rpg that you’re excited about
i just applied to an rp a few days ago and i’m pumped about maybe getting to be in that but i'm not gonna tag it bc i dunt wanna be that asshole but it’s all the worlds and it looks hella cool
13. an rpg that you’d like to create
lmao NONE i’m done w that game man. i still dream of bringing back knockturn w christine one day bc that was legit my fav rp that i’ve been part of but a lot of things about the rpc would have to change before i’d feel okay about putting that much work into something again
14. your favorite rp friendship
i’m not gonna say christine bc that’s a cop out and also we were friends years b4 rping 2gether, so i’m gonna throw a bone to my two favs SUZIE and NIKKI the loves of my life whom i am so so lucky to be friends with and get to write with, and if either of u read this i love youuuuuuu
15. your favorite rp otp
every single ship that i have w christine but mostly oliver and val alwayz
16. your favorite rp notp
lmao idk bro you’d be surprised about how many notps i have tbh i’m just quiet about it bc i mind my own business unlike some people :~~~)
17. your favorite rp family relationship
UM SETH AND RICHIE GECKO OFC WHO DO YOU THINK I WOULD SAY the first time we started a thread w them we were legit like wtf why have we never played bros???? and it was the best and i’m always emo about those two trans losers
18. your favorite rp universe/world
i’m super into the little sensate world we’ve got going bc we have such cool and amazing characters and evil jeff goldblum exists and the story we’ve got concocted is great and can you tell i’m just talking directly to you now christine? bc i definitely am, who else would read this whole thing????
19. your favorite non-playable character
that is very very hard bc i’m notoriously bad at npcs, but i luv valentin’s daughter, alexandra bc she’s just so sweet and kind and accepting and i love her and all of the cute little things that have and will happen with her interacting with val and all the other sensates KILLS ME
20. your first rp character
omfg my first chara was an oc when i was like eleven called lily lupin and she was remus’ secret brother’s child???? i remember nothing else about her but that. idk guys i was a weird child but i had a good time rping on an hp forum lmao
21. your latest rp character
ELECTRIFICATION KOZLOV who is a badass kgb agent during the cold war who i’m super excited to start writing soon. he’s awful and great and idk what happened but i have a thing w playing russian characters rn????
22. a plot that you’d like to play out
see numbers 9 and 10
23. a real-world setting that you’d like to use as the setting of a plot
i think i’ve got all the real world setting plots i want rn tbh i’m really into grabbing more supernatural plots!
24. your favorite rp genre
probably scifi, esp atm! i’m so so bad at science myself but i really do love playing inside a scifi environment that i didn’t have to build lmao
25. a quote you’d like to use to build a character on
omfg i’m the WORST but i really would love to build a few characters (probably like a 1x1x1) based on “you are jeff” just literally the whole damn poem. i’ve had some character relationships that mimicked the twins section of it very well, but i think it’d be super fun to literally base a plot on that
26. a song you’d like to use to build a character on
i just saw reeve carney live and i’ve been listing to his new album nonstop and “resurrection” would make a really REALLY good character song, so THAT!
27. a song you’d like to use to build an rp relationship on
i’ve had the need since the album came out to have a ship based on against me’s song “haunting haunted haunts” i feel like it could make a pretty good plot tbh and i’m always here for angst
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ta1lulah · 4 years
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yep. so apparently this is what i’m doing with my quarantine time now.
i am going to rank every travis scott song from his studio albums. there are quite a few instances where i find it impossible to put one song over the other, so the top 1-10 is pretty interchangeable to me. including the deluxe edition songs, there are 47 songs for me to rank in total.
this is in no way me trashing trav’s music (if you don’t know me i literally live so far up his ass that if he sneezed i would come out of his nostrils and have done for many years), it’s just something that i am scarily qualified to write about and should entertain me for a while.
just as a quick pre-cursor to the list: birds is my favourite trav album by far and astroworld had a lot of skips for me, so of course that is reflected. if you don’t agree with that i don’t really care; my mind cannot be changed.
yes i am aware that owl pharaoh and dbr exist.
i’ll explain my choices as best as i can, let’s go
47. wonderful
i fucking HATE this song. ruins the entire vibe of birds and the only song on the entire record that i will ever skip. after having the ends as an intro and apple pie closing off rodeo, i just don’t know what this song is doing. it needs to be deleted
46. nc-17
it’s ok. i just always skip it and it’s very plain to me, i’m not mad at it
45. stop trying to be god
SO overrated. i don’t get it at all. boring fucking song to me
44. rip screw
as above
43. carousel
loved it when i first heard it but it got old super quickly and has little replay value to me. bangs when you haven’t heard it in a while
42. coffee bean
in theory i should like it but i just don’t like the execution. i appreciate it but it’s not for me
41. flying high
i know this song gets trashed on a lot and i dont agree with that completely. it’s a good song but again doesn’t have the heavy replay value that the majority of rodeo has (not to mention it ruins the flow of rodeo, in my opinion)
40. houstonfornication
OVERRATED. when astroworld dropped i saw so so many people putting this in their top 3 off the record and i simply don’t get it at all. it’s a solid song but it’s boring, i never find myself putting this song on voluntarily
39. sicko mode
it was inevitably going to come in low. you may know that i dont trash talk drake, but seriously fuck the second half of this song that drake RUINS. i could happily go about the rest of my life without hearing this song ever again. trav’s first verse is the only reason this is not placed in the 40’s
38. ok alright
from this point on i dont dislike any of these songs and this was pretty painful to place. this song goes, but i am unable to place it any higher. it just feels like a (very good) throwaway track that got slung onto the deluxe edition. also q and trav should sound better than this, i think they could’ve made something better than this track together, i wanted their song to sound like it could’ve been on oxymoron (a wholly flawless record).
37. who? what!
i’m actually really fond of this song and listen to it a lot. to me it just sounds out of place on astroworld and was definitely a huncho jack throwaway
36. stargazing
the beat change aged like old milk. i will admit when i first heard this though, i loved it so much. and the feeling you get when the intro to stargazing starts playing before trav comes out on stage is unmatched, so it has a special place in my heart for that alone. in terms of astroworld as a whole, i think it’s the perfect first song for the album
35. goosebumps
maybe ive heard it way too many times, i’m not sure. but it would feel wrong for me to place this in my top 30, i dont find myself putting it on ever. a classic nevertheless
34. pray 4 love
i used to fuck with this song so much but recently it’s just not doing it for me. something about listening to it now just makes it sound corny to me. “wanna know my dick longer than a pringle box” will live on forever
33. wake up
bangs, but again this song is corny as fuck (maybe it’s just the weeknd as i’m seeing a theme now)
32. 5% tint
solid song, can’t put m y finger on it but it just lacks personality, outro is godly though
31. guidance
i love this song seriously, but i can understand why lots of people don’t. it fits perfectly on birds and it’s placement within the album is stunning, but as a standalone track it’s pretty weak. i would love trav to make more songs in this style
30. wasted
this song is slept on, i love it so much. but if the yung lean version had made it onto rodeo this would be a top 10 track EASY.
29. butterfly effect
we all know this song goes, i listened to this way way way too much when it was first released
28. outside
this was painful. the 21 savage feature is flawless, this song is so interesting to me. beat is gorgeous
27. astrothunder
pretty song, didn’t blow me away but i’m super fond of it. the way tracks 11-15 of astroworld play is perfect and really redeemed the album for me
26. 90210
yep. honestly if this is in your top 3 favourite travis songs i have nothing to say to you. beautiful song, second half is stunning, we all know that, but how is this top 3. LISTEN TO BIRDS IN FULL!!!
25. yosemite
i really like this song but i can’t take it seriously because of nav microphone-gate. (u know)
24. lose
i LOVE this song, but it’s not strong enough to be top 20. it’s a cute song, i dont know
23. piss on your grave
this song has such a special place in my heart. the motherfucking visuals!!!
22. 3500
the future verse. that is all.
21. beibs in the trap
the way this is placed on the album are you kidding me?! perfect. and yes, because it’s nav it missed out on a top 20 spot. it is what it is (the trav verse is absolutely flawless in every way)
20. never catch me
this deserved to actually be on rodeo rather than a deluxe track. the production wooooowwwweeee
19. maria im drunk
i cant even put into words the way i felt hearing thug say “travis scott” on this song for the first time. and the fucking justin bieber verse! godly
18. sweet sweet
such a *sweet* little song, i have an extreme soft spot for it
17. antidote
i dont have to explain this.we all know this song. if you havent seen it live all i can offer you is my deepest condolences
16. through the late night
kid cudi means everything to me and this partnership was always going to create something sensational <3 it is everything i was expecting and more (side note: i am coming back to this a couple of days later after THE SCOTTS has been announced, yes my entire life is made, and when the joint album drops best believe i will be writing a several thousand word post about it)
15. pornography
there couldn’t possibly be a better opening track to rodeo. this shit is like onomatopoeia, i know u know what i mean
14. skeletons
travis and kevin parker working together! of COURSE the song is this beautiful!!! i need an entire joint album plzzzzzzzzz
13. the ends
3 stacks. no more needs to be said (actually i will say that the fact that he was supposed to narrate this album like ti did for rodeo and that it never happened routinely keeps me up at night)
12. apple pie
this was my favourite song off rodeo for a loooooooong time. im a loser and still tear up when i listen to the record in full and hear the last lines
11.  no bystanders
purely for sheck’s “BITCH!”
10. can’t say
it’s true i do transcend every time i hear “gotta take a long drive up the hill”
9. sdp interlude
perfect in every single way. how/where it’s placed on the record is breathtaking. would be in the number 1 spot if it was longer
8. nightcrawler
oh the sosa verse really means everything to me
7. pick up the phone
come on now. all i will say is this: experience this song live, do yourself a favour. i have a fantasic video of trav and thug performing this live at wireless 2019, but unfortunately my manic screaming/crying ruins the whole fucking video. so just take my word for it
6. coordinate
i genuinely cant fathom how perfect this song is. i hate to use the word “vibe” but jeez the *vibe* this song gives off is unlike any other. THIS is my favourite style of trav’s music
5. impossible
legitimately get chills every time i hear “split a pack of the woods down”. yes. the production!
4. way back
everything about this song. the  second half. again, see this song live is a spiritual experience. also, i couldnt love this song any more but then uzi samples this and it just gave me a WHOLE other layer of appreciation for it. what a fucking song (both prices and way back)
3. i can tell
just listen to this again. the “take it up another notcher” part. how is it real?!!!
2. first take
SOOOOO underrated. never in my life would i ever think that the sentence “bryson tiller killed that” would leave my mouth but here we are. the way this transitions into pick up the phone.
1. oh my
we made it!!!! honestly i struggled so fucking much to find a #1 but i think it will have to be this song because it is just so sentimental to me. when i first listened to rodeo this was immediately my favourite song off it and it still remains perfect in every way several years on. quavo in the second half of the song is STUNNING, words just dont do anything about this song justice
if anyone read to the end here we go, if you think my choices were fucked up and idiotic feel free to send me hate via instagram dm (@ta1lulah, plug!)
my actual favourite travis song of all time fucking ever is skyfall, but as i put earlier i was only ranking songs from studio albums.
in conclusion, birds is a criminally misunderstood masterpiece -ta1lulah
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paradox-oflife · 4 years
massive q and a post part 3 ignore this pls
1. If you could learn any language fluently what would it be? Um maybe latin because it sounds cool but for practical purposes probably spanish lol
2. What historical Figure would you love to see in 21st centuary life? Jesus, not because I’m Christian but I’m curious to see what he would say
3. As a kid were you ever frighted of a monster under the bed or in the cupboard? No because my bed didn’t have space underneath 
4. Do you like clowns? nope
5. Do you prefer BBC or ITV? Okay, this is clearly British but I’d go with BBC
6. Have you ever been surfing? Once. It didn’t go that well lol
7. Have you ever been snowboarding? Yeah, it’s pretty fun actually!
8. Who was better, the Beatles or Elvis Presley? uuuh the Beatles
9. Whats your favourite type of foreign food? By foreign I’m assuming non-American/British. But anything from Taiwan (except for pig’s blood ew) is soul food for me :)
10. Which Foreign country do you dislike the most? I... don’t know. North Korea I guess? But when it comes to most countries, it’s the government that makes it bad.
11. Do you like your music loud or easy listening? (What does this mean??) Depends on the mood
12. Whats your favourite animated or cartoon program? Adventure time :D
13. Do you sing in the shower? Errr, no.
14. Are you a clean or messy person? I try my best to be clean but it always ends up messy.
15. Whats your prefered playing piece in monopoly? I usually go with the cat :3
16. Can or Do you still play twister? God I haven’t played since 5th grade.
17. Can you play chess? Yeah, not really good at it though.
18. Do you know the dance steps to an annoying cheesey pop song? Haha no because I suck at dancing
19. Do you prefer straight or bendy straws? Bendy
20. Have you ever entered a talent contest? And did you win? No .-. I’m not the type to do that lol
21. Do you like poetry? Yeah. I’d say so.
22. Are you a sore loser? Nah, I’m pretty chill when it comes to that type of thing
23. Which would you choose? Jelly or Ice Cream? Ice Cream > Jelly
24. Whats your favourite type of Pie? New Zealand’s steak and cheese
25. Whats your most used phrase? Hm. Maybe “yeah nah”
26. Whats your most used word? Not sure. I talk a lot.
27. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Someone Asian of course, someone who has studied me well enough and understands me
28. What would your dream job be? Okay, I’m gonna be real. I wanted to be a vet but lowkey I’m too colorblind for it lol. I’m planning to study in Physical Therapy
29. Which song do you hate the most? I mainly just listen to the same albums nowadays but I guess i don’t really vibe with a lot of pop songs.
30. How long does it take you to get ready? Depends how tired I am. If I get pretty good sleep it takes maybe 10 minutes at most. 
31. What do you think the greatest invention has been? The printing press.
32. Whats your favourite feature on the opposite sex? Uuuh i dont really know. Forearms are nice i guess
33. Whats your least favourite feature on the opposite sex? Sometimes they’re just really oblivious to really obvious things
34. Who's your favourite Comedian? I don’t even listen to comedians really but Chelsea Peretti is pretty funny.
35. What's your favourite board game? Probably Monopoly. There’s no greater feeling than seeing the life drain from your friends’ eyes as you collect $5000 from them
36. Do you have any lucky items, objects or traditions? When I’m having a bad day I like to just read through my yearbooks and look at all the compliments people wrote. 
37. Do you have any superstitions? Not really.
38. Whats your favourite Movie quote? I have a lot. But maybe Manners Maketh Man.
39. Who would win in a fight? Chuck Norris or Jack Bauer? Chuck Norris.
40. Do you have much of an ego? I wish. I want to be more confident
41. Do you wear sunglasses indoors to look cool or stylish? No. Nothing against it though.
42. Are you a hat person? Nah
43. Whats your favourite supermarket chain? Costco
44. Whats your favourite fastfood chain? Smashburger or Inn n Out
45. Whats your first thought upon waking up? “Lord help me.”
46. What animal would you most like to have as a pet? I love dogs. And cats. 
47. Whats your favourite type of tree? Pine trees always remind me of home.
48. If you could bankrupt one person or company who would it be? Uuuh as much as I want to bankrupt someone like Jeff Bezos that’d be bad because a lot of people rely on Amazon
49. If you could steal one thing without consequence what would it be? I honestly don’t know. 
50. Who's your favourite celeb with the same first name or surname as you? I don’t know much celebrities with the same name as me.
51. If evil-doers invaded your country would you rush to the battlelines to defend the motherland or hide in a box? Um hide in a box I’m so tiny. Like I know a bit of martial arts but like??? I’m literally 5′1″ and i’m only 115 pounds. Someone could bench me easily.
52. Whats your favourite flower? I like lillies 
53. Do you believe in ghosts? Im really mixed about it. I believe demons exist though
54. Do you believe in the loch ness monster? Nay
55. Do you believe in Aliens? Eeeeh kind of but when i think about aliens i think about microorganisms. 
56. Do you believe the Governments hide technology and information from the public? Yes 100%
56. Which is your favourite pokemon? Growlithe uwu
57. What horror fiction character scares you the most?  Pennywise. No thanks.
58. Can you do 10 revolutions of a hula hoop? Yeah
59. Do you think Great Britain should have a National Day? n/a 60.Do you think Great Britain should be part of a United Europe?n/a 61. Would you want the Euro or keep the British Pound?n/a
62. Were you part of the Brownies/Cubs/Scouts/Guides etc? Nah
63. Have you ever invented a fairly unique meal or drink? No I’m not that good at cooking lol
64. Do you have any secret family recipes? My family only knows how to cook asian food and well, asian food is very freestyle
65. Do you have any family secrets? :o     uuuuuh well, it wouldn’t be a secret if I said it right?
66. Are you good at keeping secrets? Yeah! You can count on me.
67. Have you ever been up in a hot air balloon? Nopenopenopenope
68. Whats your favourite Sci-fi film/program etc? ugghhhh i have so much. I like the Martian tho?
69. When playing checkers or chess do you prefer to be black or white? Black
70. Which is better, a Pastie or Sausage Roll? Sausage roll
71. Do you prefer shopping on the high street or online? Irl, I’m pretty impatient man
72. Would you ever want to learn to fly? Like, fly an airplane? Or fly as in levitate. Cause if levitate, then YES
73. Do you often read your horoscope? Nah, as accurate as they can be sometimes, I don’t really believe in astrology 
74. Have you ever had a proper Tarot reading? Eeeee no. Personal opinion, tarot cards are hella sketchy. I don’t mess with that stuff.
75. Whats your favourite brand of newspaper? Honestly at this point I’ve given up on the news. I just read stuff off of reddit sometimes.
76. Have you ever milked a cow? No
77. Have you ever used the phrase "back in my time" to someone younger than you? HAHAH one time. I realized my friend’s younger brother had never seen an iPod before and I was so baffled he didn’t even know what it was.
78. Do you love or hate rollercoasters? Love them
79. Which was the greatest Empire? Maybe Macedonian. I want to say the Romans, but god, they had a lot of problems.
80. Whats your favorite word? Catharsis.  
81. Whats your favourite sportsware brand? Adidas or Nike I guess
82. Do you buy any weekly/monthly magazines? Nah
83. Who's your favourite Superhero? uuuuh Thor 
84. Who's your favourite Villain/Baddie? Doofensmirtz. He wasn’t even bad lmao. He thinks he’s a Chaotic Evil when in reality he’s a Chaotic Good.
85. What was the last Album you purchased? I don’t purchase a lot of music tbh bc I broke, but the last album I listened to was Hot Fuss.
86. What was the last DVD you purchased? A Daria DVD I found at Walmart for five dollars.
87. What was the last piece of clothing you purchased? Some jeans.
88. When pulling crackers does everyone get one each regardless or whoever gets the big ends keeps all the prizes? I’m assuming this is some British tradition so idk
89. Do you ever make your own greetings cards? Not really.
90. Do you have a swiss army knife? I used to then I lost it.
91.At what age did you twig onto the fact Santa wasnt real? My parents never did the whole Santa thing so I always knew it was false
92. Whats your favourite fruit? Watermelon
93. Have you ever done something really unbelivable, only to have no one around to see it? Um YEAH. I was 10th grade and I was in the Martial Arts club, which was a version of Aikido. I tripped on these stairs one time going down, then I did this glorious shoulder roll and got right up. No one saw but I was so proud of myself.
94. Do you buy from charity shops? Occasionally, if I can find some. 
95. Have you ever sold your services? No
96. Have you ever raised money for charity? Yeah, it was for a school club tho
97. Have you ever won a giant sized cuddly toy from a fair? Yes uwu
98. Is the glass half full or half empty? It’s half full
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