fulaanwrites · 5 years
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One thing I have noticed from most of the (95%) shuhadha I know. They all came from a dark past. Gang fights, drinking, drug dealing, and many other sins.
Its was the ALLĀH ta'ālaa that gave them guidance. I noticed they all had a drive to do be better. Maybe because they understood how they were in the past. As a muslim who inherited the dīn, I also noticed a sudden urge, a driving force to do good, when I first knew about haqq.
Those few of the few left everything for the Hereafter. All their family, friends, jobs, money, house. All of it. Just to be secure on the Day of the Greatest Terror (Judgment Day). Thats a journey! An evolution! Ya, Shaheedh you amaze me!
As Prophet ﷺ said "those who were best in Jahiliyyah are best in Islam, if they have religious understanding" [muslim]
They are those who raced with us to be in the hearts of greenbirds. The best of the best. Few amongst many. Strange amongst few. Strange amongst strangers.
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