rvsirene · 3 months
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Sihyeon in Zombie stages ☣︎
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yoohyeon · 4 months
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💐 Nalll88 Instagram 💐
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mizugucci · 1 year
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peak time finale interview ★ xiwoo
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kiofkissy · 3 months
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gswsieun · 2 years
betrayal for brunch
Since Sieun had returned from the mainland, she could count the amount of times that she had visited her grandfather's residence on one hand. Her days of attempting at winning him over and snatching the title of favorite grandchild were in the past. It was a competition that only her mother was invested in and had tried to pass the baton to her children. She had always felt uneasy around him, completely unraveling as a child until she was whisked away by her caretaker. It's believed that children have an innate intuition, far stronger than adults and hers had always told her the disdain she felt towards him was mutual. During her last visit, she had accompanied her mother and only managed to greet him from the hallway.
Her mother was controlling about every single aspect of the day to day activities her grandfather was able to handle. It was astonishing that her mother could still fulfill her actual duties of her full-time job when she was heavily involved in the care of her father. If their relationship wasn't so strained, she would have pitied her and even offered to help out, but she knew her mother's trust in her was in a bottom-less pit near the Earth's core. In the past week, her relationship with her mother had taken a turn for the worse and her sister had thankfully intervened.
Sieun had decided to move out without a concrete plan besides going no-contact with her mother, at least until she could stomach speaking to her mother again. She had knew better than to expect that Moon Boram would respect her new boundaries, but the barrage of messages and voicemails that she received on that particular morning had taken her by surprise. For once, the messages were not about her being an insolent child, but rather, her mother had opted for thinly-veiled threats if she didn't come to her grandfather's residence by noon.
Her assumption had been that her mother was trying one of her manipulation tactics and seeing if it worked on her, but her older brother had assured her that the gravity of the situation was much, much worse than she could possibly imagined. She enters the residence, not knowing what to expect. A part of her is relieved when she spots Sihyun first and not her mother.
"W-What happened, Sihyun?" The grim atmosphere dictates that she should be whispering, or turning around and heading back into the comfort of her mattress on the floor. Perhaps, that would have been the smartest decision. Her emotional and mental state were still too fragile to consider that she might have to comfort her mother. "Has he... died?"
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ryujinwife · 2 years
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kazuha x haram x sihyeon
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clublzr · 2 years
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⏃⠀⠀⠀ˑ⠀⠀⠀ YU SIHYUN ▬▬ ⠀ basics.
BIRTH NAME: Yu Sihyun [ 유시현 ]
DATE OF BIRTH: December 25, 2003
ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn
PLACE OF BIRTH: Yangju, Korea
LANGUAGES: Korean & Conversational English
EDUCATION: High School Diploma ( 2022 )
⏃⠀⠀⠀ˑ⠀⠀⠀ YU SIHYUN ▬▬ ⠀ career.
STAGE NAME: Sihyun [ 시현 ]
OCCUPATION: Idol, Singer, Performer
YEARS ACTIVE: 2021 - present
LABEL: Chérie Devil Records
GROUP: Luzrclb ( present - )
POSITION: Main Rapper, Visual, Maknae
⏃⠀⠀⠀ˑ⠀⠀⠀ YU SIHYUN ▬▬ ⠀ appearance .
HEIGHT: 182 cm (5’11″)
WEIGHT: 69 kg (152 lbs)
FACE CLAIM: Hwang Intak [ P1Harmony ]
⏃⠀⠀ˑ⠀⠀⠀ YU SIHYUN ▬▬ ⠀ the prologue .
Yu Sihyun was born in Yangju, South Korea to two South Korean-born parents. Though Sihyun never got to meet his mother as she had passed away giving birth to him. It was hard for his father to be a single father after his wife had passed, especially since Sihyun was his first child. Sihyun’s father was the one to tell him to be a gentleman and to live life like no one is watching. It was the simple things that his father taught him as a young child that got Sihyun to be the person he is today.
For a long time it was just Sihyun and his father. Up until the age of 12 years old when his father met a new woman who he started dating, and eventually got married to it when Sihyun was 15 years old. Sihyun’s stepmother was the one to convince him to become a trainiee for an idol company, especially after telling him her story of being an idol herself. A few months before his 16th birthday, he had started looking for a idol company that would be interested to him. In the end there was two idol companies that were interested in him, which were Cube Entertainment, and a new entertainment company by the name of Chérie Devil Records.
He ended up choosing Chérie Devil Records because it was fairly new, and the company itself interested him. He began training a few days after his 16th birthday. Also during his training, his stepmother gave birth to his little brother. For two years under the company he would train. Learning dance, rap, singing, and performance skills and in September of this year 2022, he debuted as the Main Rapper, Visual, and Maknae of the group Luzrclb.
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thchsr · 13 days
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my pretty sunshine boy 🌞
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ihadonce · 4 months
I am quite obsessed with this cover
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rvsirene · 1 year
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Sihyeon- SLAY lives ☆
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gswjuhwan · 2 years
with @gswsihyun​​
rounds to check on neighbors completed, juhwan had finally headed to see his old ( and current ) boss. one could view the visit as pretense. reinforcement of his concern would keep him in good favor with the man whose endorsement would be greatly beneficial. but for once, it would be a lie to say juhwan was driven by only selfish motives. while on the one hand he planned a coup, their relationship predated his political ambition. his aspirations could not diminish his affection for the longstanding mayor. the man ( now aged, much like his own grandfather ) was the first to take a chance on juhwan. and to date, the only boss who viewed him as more than a glorified henchman. and though not sentimental enough to pledge eternal loyalty ( even to his detriment ), he was not so heartless as to visit a sickly man only for personal gain.  
"what do you mean i can’t see him?” the guard’s insistence rehearsed excuses were ridiculous. never had he imagined himself on the receiving end of such platitudes ( having been responsible for shooing people away once ). these were manufactured lies fed to those who didn’t know better. but he did. he understood the innerworkings of the mayor and his extended family. so to be treated as though he were just another resident seeking audience with the king? it was laughable. the least he could be afforded was a more elaborate ruse. but to craft justifications based on the company was far above the guard’s pay grade. that was juhwan’s role. so to be told even he was not permitted to see the mayor. . . suspicious. no crisis ( or ailment ) in the past warranted complete isolation. 
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“we both know he’s not sleeping. and if he is, i’ll wait for him to wake up at his bedside.” a fleeting thought — catching wind of his treasonous intentions, perhaps the ruling family had ousted him from their inner circle. no notice, no warning, just punishment, doled out swiftly and quietly. but the notion of opposing the incumbent had barely crystallized in his own mind, let alone that of another. no, this was a deliberate attempt to hide the mayor from everyone ( including close confidantes ). “i know he’s sick.” the entire town received that news before the blackout. “that’s why i’m here to wish him a speedy recovery.” basket of home remedies in hand was a mere gesture. these concoctions his mother packed would likely never see the light of day in the moon household. “listen,” and so began the cajoling. “when you were told no one is to see him, that surely didn’t include me. just call and ask someone.”  
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minhyun-gsw · 2 years
Random starter for @gswsihyun - Such a big fan
There were​ only a few times when Hyun could be considered shy. At work, he saw everything so there wasn’t much that made him feel embarrassed, but during his daily life there were a few moments when he acted like a kid caught doing something bad, or like a teenager unable to talk to a girl. This case was the latest, the line on the coffee shop being not long enough so he could see the woman a few steps away from him.
He recognized her immediately and his fan heart reacted in the worst possible way. He felt sweaty, nervous, his mouth was dry and all he could think of was a way to approach her and ask her for a picture or an autograph. Maybe she could sign his cup or napkin, he didn’t have anything more durable with him in that moment.
They called for her name and he could see some recognition on the people around him and he didn’t want everyone to jump on her and take this moment away from him. So taking a deep breath he took a step closer to her, clearing off his throat. “Miss Lee?” He asked, glad to find out he didn’t sound like a teen “Hi, hey, I’m Min Hyun, a big fan, I work at the hospital right around the corner” Oh God why was he even telling her that? It was completely unnecessary “May I have a picture with you? If you don’t mind, of course”
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kiofkissy · 3 months
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luvhaos · 2 years
elevator pitch | ml
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pairing: frat boy! mark lee x f! reader genre: college! au, frat! au, fluff, angst word count: 9.1k summary: you hardly talk to any of the members of nu kappa tau until you go to one party and now, all of a sudden, they’re all so eager to chat with you and tell you all about their “brother,” mark lee. (alternatively: four times mark’s friends tell you about him and one time you ask them about him). warning(s): alcohol use and underage drinking, cursing, backstabbing, sort of but not really love triangle author’s note: the handful of frat parties that i’ve gone to inspired this but unfortunately, no cute frat boys like the ones here. also this is not proofread so please forgive any mistakes  playlist: crash landing by nct 127 • nonsense by sabrina carpenter • disaster by conan gray •  be by my side by crush
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You and Yuqi glance at each other and then back to Minjung and her pleading puppy dog eyes. “Please,” she says again, pouting for extra effect.
Yuqi asks, “What’s the real reason you want to go to the NKT party?”
“I told you!” Minjung says, “I want to get a feel for the party scene here! And aren’t you two supposed to want to show me all the university has to offer? You’re being bad upperclassmen!”
You squint at her and ask, “It wouldn’t be because of that guy you told us you met on orientation, would it? What’s his name? Jimin?”
“Jisung,” Minjung corrects too quickly. “And no, that’s not the reason. I really, really just want to go to a party! Come on! Please!”
You sigh, “Okay, okay. You know that we need to know a brother to get into this party, right?”
Minjung frowns and asks, “Do you know any?”
You shake your head but Yuqi, begrudgingly, replies, “A friend of mine is in NKT.”
Minjung perks up and you sigh again. It’s not that you hate frats or going to frat parties or even frat guys. You enjoy a good party with free booze, though you could do without the sweaty basements and red and blue lights, and you even have some friends in other frats. It’s just that NKT leaves a sour taste in your mouth when you recall that your sister got her heart broken by one of the members. To add insult to injury, she was a senior and a member of NKT’s sister sorority while he was a sophomore at the time, so it was embarrassing to her as well. You don’t remember his name but you’re sure that if you hear it, you’ll know who it is.
“Ground rules,” Yuqi tells Minjung, “first of all, we all stay together. No wandering off with people you don’t know. Second, don’t take a drink from a stranger and steer clear of the jungle juice, just covered drinks. Lastly, we’re out of there by midnight because you—” Yuqi pointed at Minjung, “—have an eight AM tomorrow.” Minjung makes a whiny sound at the back of her throat and Yuqi glares, which makes her quiet down. “Got it?”
“I got it, I got it,” Minjung says, nodding emphatically. She hugs you both quickly and asks, “Can we get ready together?”
“Of course,” you reply. “Doors usually open at ten, so we’ll head over a few minutes after.”
The evening rolls around quickly, and you’re standing in your dorm with Yuqi and Minjung. You’re pretty sure you heard your roommate, Sihyun, talking about going as well but you assume that she’s primping in another dorm.
You and Yuqi patiently wait for Minjung to finish tapping glittery eyeshadow to the corners of her eyes. You glance at yourself in the mirror on the back of your door and adjust the strappy top you have on. Yuqi smooths her hair down in the mirror as Minjung chirps, “All ready to go!”
The three of you make your way to Greek Row, where there’s already a small line outside the NKT frat. You already recognize one of the bros on screening duty — Johnny Suh, vice president of NKT. He’s in your leadership seminar and he’s pretty friendly, though he perpetually seems to forget pencils and pens. He is a very good public speaker, though.
As you shuffle forward in line, you take a look at the second member, holding the door open for people to stream in. You think he’s far too pretty to be a frat bro, all delicate features and lithe limbs. He offers sweet smiles at those who pass, giving you one when you and your friends make it to the front.
Johnny recognizes you and gives you a grin. “I didn’t know you partied.”
“Just don’t come here,” you say and you expect him to be offended but Johnny just laughs good-naturedly.
“Hope we don’t disappoint,” he says.
Yuqi’s friend, Yukhei, pops his head out from inside and calls out, “They’re cool to come in, Johnny.”
“Don’t worry, I already know,” Johnny says with a conspiratorial wink at you. “Jungwoo, you can let them in.”
The pretty one, Jungwoo, nods and says, “Have fun!” as the three of you pass.
Okay, so maybe NKT isn’t as bad as your sister made it out to be; the saying goes that one bad apple ruins the batch.
Minjung immediately tugs you and Yuqi over to the bar station, where you recognize two other upperclassmen, Doyoung and Kun, serving drinks. Kun’s the one who comes over to the three of you and he asks, “What are we having tonight?”
“Beers,” Yuqi says, “if you have any.”
Kun taps a finger against his chin in mock contemplation and turns to the fridge behind him. “I think we’ve got something like that.” He hands you three cans of Coors, and you thank him before wading through the crush of warm bodies to a space where the three of you can stand comfortably. You and Yuqi share a look when you see Minjung peering through the crowd, standing on her toes.
“Looking for someone?” you tease, taking a sip of your beer.
She flushes a little but it seems she’s found Jisung. She waves and he notices immediately, straightening and heading toward your little group, another three brothers in tow. “Hi,” Minjung says coyly.
Jisung returns her grin and then introduces himself. He lets his upperclassmen introduce themselves as Ten, Jaemin, and Mark.
You find yourself staring at Mark. He’s cute, with his backwards baseball cap and doe-eyes and high cheekbones. He meets your eyes and you look away, out into the crowd. You take in the writhing bodies and the thumping beat of the bass-boosted Waka Flocka Flame song blaring over the speakers that threatens to blow out your eardrums. You see your roommate, Sihyun, in the crowd and she sees you too. You raise your hand in a wave and it seems like she’s about to return the gesture but then, suddenly, she looks just to your left and frowns. Her gaze narrows and she turns abruptly from you.
What the hell was that?
Minjung nudges you and interrupts your train of thought. “Sorry, what was the question?”
“Can you be Mark’s partner for beer pong against me and Jisung?” You open your mouth to say no but you can’t resist the second round of Minjung’s puppy eyes and you know Yuqi sucks at pong, so you agree and let Mark lead your group to the table, where red solo cups are set in triangular configurations at each end.
You and Mark take one side while Minjung and Jisung take the other. You play rock-paper-scissors to determine who goes first, with Mark suffering a stunning loss against Minjung in the game. As Jisung lines up a shot, Johnny comes up next to you, off door duty now. He asks, “What do you think? You going to come to more parties now?”
“Depends on how this round goes,” you say.
“Well, then fair warning,” Johnny snickers, “Mark sucks at this.”
“I do not!” Mark huffs but all Johnny offers is a conciliatory pat on the back before leaving to mingle with other guests. Mark looks a little panicked while he assures you, “I’m not bad, I promise.”
You laugh and pat him on the arm. “We’ll see, Mark. We’ll see.”
As the game progresses you see that Mark is not… bad, per se, but he’s definitely not the best player. Neither is Minjung but Jisung, on the other hand, is a monster at the game, getting four consecutive ping pong balls into your cups and one plops into a corner cup. You return the favor, sinking five balls in a row. “Whoa,” Mark says, eyes wide and delighted. “Nice job!”
Minjung misses on her turn and Mark misses on his. Jisung sinks two more and you get one more in. You both sink some more shots, leaving both your teams at one cup. Mark’s getting in position to take his shot and you grab his elbow. “Here,” you say and you reposition him. “And just a gentle flick of the wrist. It’ll go in. Promise.”
Mark gazes at you for a second longer than you expect him too before he gulps heavily and nods. He follows your instructions perfectly, just flicking his wrist. The ball bounces and bounces and bounces right into the last cup.
You and Mark cheer and onlookers applaud you two while Minjung and Jisung groan. You raise your hand for a high-five before you see that Mark was readying himself to hug you. You lower your hand and pull him into a hug, patting his back. He smells surprisingly nice — clean and a little citrusy.
When you two part, there’s a bit of an awkward silence that falls between you as the crowd disperses and Yuqi makes small talk with Ten and Jaemin. Mark lifts the baseball cap off his head, ruffling and smoothing out his dark hair before sliding the hat back on. He finally says, “I’ve, uh, never seen you at one of our parties.”
You hum, “Yeah, that’s why Johnny’s on top of me about if I like the party.”
Mark nods. “Then, how’d you get so good at pong if you don’t go to frat parties and stuff?”
“Frat parties aren’t the only place to play beer pong,” you say, finishing the beer you had placed down at the start of the game. “And I never said I didn’t go to frat parties, just not to NKT ones.”
Mark scratches the back of his neck. “Right, right. Uh, can I ask why?”
You shrug. It’s not like you’re going to tell him the real reason, so you just reply, “Didn’t really have a reason.”
“Aren’t you friends with Johnny?”
“I’d say we’re more good acquaintances. Besides, he’s older anyways so I don’t see him outside of, like, one class we share.”
“So, you’re a…”
“Really?” Mark lights up and you can’t say you don’t like the way he lights up. “So am I!”
“That’s cool. Have you picked a major yet?”
“I think I’m going with English. What about you?”
“Probably polisci,” you say.
You and Mark make a little more small talk before Yuqi’s tapping your shoulder, looking a little apologetic, though you don’t understand why. “We’ve got to go,” she says, but she’s more telling Mark than you. “Minjung’s got a morning class tomorrow so we need to get her back.”
“Yeah, totally get it,” Mark says. Yuqi nods and moves a few feet over to pull Minjung away from flirting with Jisung. “Let me walk you guys out.”
As the three of you set down Greek Row, Mark calls your name and you turn. “Yeah?”
“Uh… just… I’ll see you around.”
You wave. “See you around.”
(You don’t look back, but Mark stands in the doorway until he can’t see you anymore).
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Your alarm jolts you out of a dreamless sleep. You flail for your phone, frantically tapping the screen to shut it off. Sihyun’s already dressed but she’s gazing at you in a way that you’ve never seen before. She says, “I didn’t know you were close with Mark Lee.”
“Who?” you ask. Your mind is still half-asleep, and you’re honestly not in the mood for whatever tone she’s giving you right now.
“Mark Lee. You talked with him the whole time at the party.”
“Oh.” You slide off your bed and slide on your hall slippers, grabbing the small bag filled with your morning routine things. “I just met him last night.”
She squints at you but only gives you a terse “Okay” before she’s leaving for her classes. You roll your eyes at her retreating back.
You go through your morning routine, still rubbing sleep out of your eyes. You don’t have class until nine-thirty, so you figure you can go take a walk off-campus to grab a cup of coffee. As you get dressed, your phone buzzes on your desk and you check the text.
Yunho: Caffeine**
Yunho: And yes, please let’s get something to drink
You: yes please you two read my mind
You’ve been friends with Mingi and Yunho since orientation since you were all part of the same group. They had known each other since they were kids but you all immediately bonded the moment you met them. You’re in a couple of classes together but unfortunately, your leadership seminar today is not one of them.  They’re also in Alpha Tau Zeta, which is the frat you frequent the most because of them.
You meet the two of them in your dorm lobby and Mingi immediately throws an arm around your shoulder. “Finally! I’m starving, let’s go!”
He doesn’t give you a chance to say anything as he rushes you out of the dorm and in the direction of your trio’s favorite cafe. “Did you see that picture from the NKT party last night?” Yunho asks you.
“No, I was there with Yuqi and Minjung yesterday but we left early,” you respond as Yunho whips out his phone to show you Jungwoo’s — the pretty one’s — Instagram, where there’s a picture of Yuqi’s friend Yukhei on top of the roof with two other guys, all with a can of beer in hand.
“I can’t believe you went to a party not at ATZ or SΛT.” Mingi clutches a hand to his chest. “Are you cheating on us?”
You give him a playfully apologetic stare and say, “Please forgive me, Mingi. I lost focus.”
Mingi clicks his tongue and sighs, glancing at Yunho. “What do you think?”
“I think we can overlook this transgression,” Yunho says but he narrows his eyes at you and adds, “Once.”
“My heroes.”
You make it to the cafe in record time, unsurprising given that Mingi had you all basically power walking to the place. You’re slightly out of breath as you order, and you glare at your friends when they snicker about it a little.
“How was it though?” asks Yunho as you wait for your orders.
You tilt your head at him. “How was what?”
“NKT’s party.”
“It was cool,” you say. “Not super different from Alpha Tau’s,”
Your friends give you fake offended glares so you add, “ATZ’s are better because you two are there, though.” Once their egos are sufficiently stroked, you say, “Met some cool people. Do you guys know Mark Lee?”
“Yeah!” Mingi’s so enthusiastic that you jump a little at the volume of his voice. “Really nice guy and super chill.”
“Are you close with him?” Yunho asks.
You shake your head and say, “You know, Sihyun asked me that this morning but no, I just met him yesterday.”
Mingi and Yunho frown at the mention of Sihyun and share some unreadable glances with one another. You’re about to ask about what sort of telepathic conversation they’re having but the barista calls your name and you let it go as you pick up your bagel and iced latte.
You part ways with your friends when you get back to campus, since they’re both heading to the Science Center. You’re walking over to your class in Jeong Hall, when you hear someone call your name. Johnny strides over to you, only needing a few steps to reach you. “How’re you feeling?” he asks.
“I’m fine. Honestly, I should be asking you that. Looked like the party got crazier after we left.”
“I’m all good,” he says, shoving his hands in his pocket as you both make your way over to Jeong Hall. “Can’t say the same for some of the others. I think Mark’s incapacitated in bed today.”
“Yeah, he drank a lot during pong and I’m sure after too.”
Johnny nods and holds the door open as you go to your class. You thank him and, in a surprise turn of events, Johnny takes his seat next to you in your seminar classroom. He says, “I know Mark kind of sucks at beer pong but he’s really good at ping pong.”
You blink at him. “That’s pretty random.”
Johnny shrugs. “Just saying that he’s not always bad at games.”
“Noted?” Johnny just smiles at you and you turn to the front as Professor Lim enters the classroom.
“Good morning, everyone! Did you all have a good weekend?” There are indistinct mumbles and Professor Lim moves on. “I’m glad. I know I mentioned it last week, but you were all supposed to prepare elevator pitches for today as if you’re recommending a friend be hired for a position. Remember, you have about thirty seconds to convey the most vital information to the other person. Pair up with whoever’s next to you and then I’ll call on each pair to come to the front of the class where you’ll present your pitch to your partner. Does that make sense?”
“Yes, Professor.”
She claps her hands. “Perfect!”
“Guess it’s you and me,” Johnny says cheerfully. You smile at him and reply, “Guess so. Did you prepare a pitch?”
You probably shouldn’t have expected something else.
“So you’re just winging it?”
“Flying by the seat of my pants,” Johnny hums.
“I’m jealous,” you sigh. “I don’t think I’d be able to pull that off.”
Professor Lim calls pairs up to the front of the class. Namjoon and Jongin go. Joohyun and Chan. Then, it’s you and Johnny.
“I can start,” Johnny says.
Johnny rolls his neck and stretches before he nods at your professor. She gives him a thumbs-up and starts the thirty-five second timer — thirty seconds to give your pitch with a five second grace period.
“I know that you’re hiring,” Johnny begins, “and I have a friend of mine who would be perfect for the position.”
“Tell me about them.”
“His name’s Mark Lee and he’s one of the most well-rounded people that I know. He’s an excellent writer, a good multi-tasker, and he’s bilingual with Korean and English. He’s a responsible leader but also a really good team player. Not to mention, Mark can sing, dance, and rap too, and he’s also pretty handsome. He’s five-foot-nine so he’s not too tall but also the perfect height for hugs. And while he may be lacking in some skill areas like beer pong and alcohol tolerance, he makes up for it with his skill in table tennis as well as his enthusiasm and dedication.”
Johnny finishes his pitch right at the thirty second mark. Peeking over your shoulder, you meet Professor Lim’s eyes and clearly, you’re both equally perplexed. The rest of the class is also confused but Chan starts the polite applause and the rest of your seminar class follows.
“Thank you, Johnny,” Professor Lim finally says. “That was… interesting, to say the least. But I will say you had some persuasive points. However, the pitch was unfocused towards the end.”
Johnny nods, unbothered, and thanks your professor for her feedback. You’re trying to go over the basic points of your own pitch of Yuqi for whatever imaginary position there is, but all you can really focus on is wondering just why Johnny’s giving you all these random facts about Mark Lee.
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“You’re a lifesaver, you know that?” Hongjoong says as you climb into the passenger seat of his car.
“No problem,” you say. “I will say though that I’ve participated in more Greek life events this week than I have in my entire college career.” Hongjoong chuckles at this as he pulls onto the street.
A few weeks ago, through Mingi and Yunho, Hongjoong begged you to go with him to some Greek event for board members of each frat and sorority at your university. You’re not a hundred percent sure what it is and it doesn’t really matter given that you’re just there to ward off Hongjoong’s ex-girlfriend, who was the head of one of the sororities. You don’t know Hongjoong as well as you know other members of his frat, but he’s been pretty nice in all your interactions together.
The event is hosted in an upscale hotel downtown in one of their event halls. Hongjoong helps you out of his car like a gentleman and shows the invitation to the event to the bouncer, who lets the two of you in and directs you down the hall.
“This is the fanciest place I think I’ve ever been,” you say.
“Me too,” Hongjoong says. He leads the two of you into the room, where there are already a bunch of people mingling in semi-formal attire. You see a few familiar faces: Joohyun from your leadership class is a sorority president, and everyone on campus knows Jackson Wang, the recruitment officer for Gamma Omega Tau. You also spot Johnny with some of his frat brothers in a small circle, talking conspiratorially in their huddle.
Then, you see Mark across the room, talking to a group of people. You can hear his laugh across the room and you wonder why he’s not with the other NKT members.
Hongjoong taps you gently and you snap to attention, sheepishly saying, “Sorry, sorry, zoned out for a minute.”
“No worries.” He nods at the waiter in front of you, patiently holding a tray of hors d’oeuvres out to the two of you. “Want anything to eat?”  You take a piece of toasted bread with some high-end cheese spread on it and thank the waiter.
You and Hongjoong make your way into the crowd. He introduces you to some people but their names are a little jumbled in your head. You forget how many frats and sororities there are on campus.
You’re at the drink station, waiting for the bartender to finish with the group of sorority sisters in front of you. You catch a glimpse of someone who you swear looks just like Sihyun. Someone comes up next to you and you look over at him. He’s unbelievably handsome, his face all sharp lines and angles but somehow, there’s a softness to him too. He smiles warmly and says your name. You stare at him, shocked and he just giggles, “Sorry, I know you don’t know me. I’m Taeyong, the president of NKT.”
You almost choke on your saliva. First Jungwoo, then Taeyong… were frat boys just getting prettier nowadays? He leans against the bar. “It’s nice to finally put a name to a face. You’ve been a topic of discussion lately.”
You chuckle nervously, “Only good things, I hope?”
“Nothing but,” Taeyong replies. He glances at your dress and says, “I like your dress. It’s a nice shade of blue.”
He adds, “Mark’s favorite color’s blue.”
Just when you thought you met a normal member of NKT, he starts talking about Mark again. Then, Taeyong says, “I think his tie is that color, actually.”
All you can do is offer a small hum of acknowledgement. What are you going to do with that information? The bartender finally takes your order and when you get your drinks, you make a bee-line for Hongjoong.
“Here.” You hand him the drink. I’m going to use the bathroom,” you tell Hongjoong. He nods at you and you ask a waiter directions to the restroom.
When you get inside, you lock the door behind you. This bathroom is nicer than your room back at him.
You look at yourself in the mirror and at your dress. Mark’s favorite shade of blue. You smooth the skirt down before unlocking the door and stepping out of the bathroom.
You crash right into someone.
“Shit!” You both say at the same time and you immediately know the voice. “Sorry, Mark.”
“No, no, I’m sorry! I should have been paying attention,” he says and he helps you up. His touch is warm and sturdy. When you stand, Mark gives you a once over that makes you feel a little warmer than usual and he says, “You look great!”
“Thanks, so do you.”
“That, uh, that color looks good on you.”
“Thanks. It looks good on you too.” Mark glances down at himself, as if he’s just realizing that he’s wearing a tie the same color as your dress. He looks at you again and you both laugh a little.
“That’s a crazy coincidence,” Mark says.
“Yeah, it is.” You pause and wait a few moments before saying, “I won’t keep you from your business any longer.”
Mark’s quick to wave your concerns off. “No, I just had to take a break. Events like this are kind of tiring.” He then raises an eyebrow at you. “You’re not on the board of a sorority, are you?”
You shake your head. “I came as Hongjoong’s date.”
Mark frowns and his shoulders slump a little. “Oh.”
You don’t know why, but you hastily add, “We’re not dating or anything. I’m here to scare off some ex-girlfriend who is on a sorority board.”
Mark straightens up again. “Got it. That’s cool of you.”
“I guess so. But these heels are killing my feet.”
“You should take them off.”
You snort, “And have a bunch of judgy sisters and brothers look at my feet? No thanks.”
Mark laughs. He laughs loudly at that and you find that you really, really like making Mark Lee laugh. The two of you make your way back to the main room and you can’t find Hongjoong. Mark gets swept up in a conversation with a few friends from another frat, disappointingly enough.
You wander over to a less crowded corner where a few friendly sorority girls are standing a few feet away. They include you in their conversation, introducing themselves as Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Jiwoo, and Heejin. You make small talk with them and they’re all super sweet, asking to exchange Instagrams with you and telling you that you should all hang out sometime. As the five of you talk, you see that there are people making their way to the dancefloor at the center of the room. The music starts to pick up into something more catchy. The girls ask you if you want to dance with them but you decline, content with watching from the sidelines and waiting for Hongjoong to find you again.
It’s Taeyong that comes over to you again. “Not a dancer?” he asks, motion to the crowd.
“Just not into right now.”
“Mark’s a really good dancer, you know.”
“I know, Johnny already told me.”
“Johnny told you what about me already?” Mark comes to stand next to you and your bare shoulder brushes against his suit jacket briefly, but it’s enough to send some shock down your spine.
“That you’re a good dancer.” Taeyong’s giving Mark a look that you can’t decipher but Mark seems to understand it, turning to you and asking, “Do you want to—”
Hongjoong rushes over to you, whisper-shouting your name. His and Mark’s voices overlap and you’re left to wonder what Mark was about to say. You definitely know what Hongjoong’s scrambling to you about. Taeyong and Mark watch on as Hongjoong sidles up to you and slides an arm around your waist.
A minute later, his ex-girlfriend comes sauntering over, eyes narrowing immediately when she sees you. “Who’s this?” she asks Hongjoong, pointedly ignoring you. You let Hongjoong spin whatever story he concocted. You’re more concerned with the evil eye Sihyun is giving in your direction.
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A week passes and you’ve a) gotten zero new anecdotes about Mark and b) not spoken to Sihyun at all, not for a lack of trying though. She’s icing you out, that much is obvious but you don’t know what you’ve done wrong.
You’re sitting in the library, trying to write a paper for your comparative politics class but your phone has taken up most of your attention for the better part of an hour. As you mindlessly click on your friends’ Snapchat stories, your screen shifts and a picture of Mark lights up your screen. He’s handing his card over to a cashier at what seems like the convenience store on campus, and there are five guys standing behind him, clearly unaware of the camera. You recognize Jisung and Jaemin in the photo.
What the fuck?
You reopen Snapchat. A few seconds later, another photo of Mark drops. This time, he’s got a guitar on his lap but instead of playing it, one of his arms is outstretched, clearly trying to take the camera from the photographer.
You just put your phone screen-up on the table and lo and behold, another AirDropped photo comes through. This time, Mark’s sitting beside one of the boys from the first photo, pointing at something in a book opened between them with a pencil.
You peer around the library. It’s massive, and people are on all sorts of devices so it’s impossible to discern who’s sending you photos of Mark.
Then, a notification banner drops. donghyuck ☀️(@haechannie) has requested to follow you.
You rub your eyes with the heel of your palms before letting out deep sigh. You open your app and tap on the follow request, surveying the profile. Your eyes land on the bio and it makes sense because Donghyuck has “NKT” in it.
That explains it all. You accept the request and ask to follow him back, which he accepts seconds later. His profile opens to you and you see various photos of NKT brothers. Mark appears in most of them, along with one, some, or all of the boys from the first photo. You tap on the most recent photo, dated to the NKT party you were at. Mark is passed out on the couch and Donghyuck took a selfie with his sleeping form. You have to suppress a snicker.
There’s an alert about a DM from Donghyuck and you go to your Instagram DMs.
donghyuck ☀️: hi :)
you: hi you: were you the one airdropping those pics?
donghyuck ☀️: yeah that was me donghyuck ☀️: just wanted to show you some of the sides of mark donghyuck ☀️sent a photo donghyuck ☀️: leader mark donghyuck ☀️sent a photo donghyuck ☀️: musician mark donghyuck ☀️sent a photo donghyuck ☀️: tutor mark
you: whats your angle here?
donghyuck ☀️:  🤷that’s for us to know and u to find out
you: do you mean us as in you, taeyong, and johnny or us as in your entire frat?
donghyuck ☀️: 🤷 donghyuck ☀️: did you know that mark can skateboard? donghyuck ☀️sent a photo
You massage your temples and exit out of Instagram, turning your notifications off. What were they playing at?
“That’s kind of rude of you.” You jolt when someone speaks from behind you. You whirl around in your chair and Donghyuck has his hands crossed over his chest, phone in hand. “I’m just trying to give you high quality Mark Lee photos.”
“What is with you and your frat’s obsession with Mark? Are you secretly a cult to him or something?”
“I’ll never reveal our secrets.”
You roll your eyes and start packing up your stuff. There’s no point in staying here if you can’t focus. Donghyuck doesn’t make a move to stop you but he says, “I’m serious though. Mark’s a really good guy, even if he’s annoying too.”
The last part makes the corners of your lips twitch upwards. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
As you leave the library, you nearly run into Mark a second time. You just manage to stop before you do but Mark just laughs, “We need to stop meeting like this.”
“We do.” You open your mouth to ask Mark something. You’re not sure what you want to say really, you just know that you don’t really want the conversation to end there.
But Mark says, “I’d love to stay and talk but I’m actually meeting up with a classmate for coffee and I’ve already kept her waiting.”
Something in your stomach plummets. “Ah, sorry, don’t mean to keep you.”
“You’re not!” Mark is quick to say but you shake your head and say to him, “I’ll see you around.”
“We’re throwing another party this week,” he says quickly. “If you’re interested.”
You give him a small smile and walk away with a knot in your stomach.
Later that night, as you lay in bed, reading, your phone buzzes with a bunch of notifications. You flip your phone over.
JOHNNY (@.johnsuh) has requested to follow you. Taeyong (@.tytrack) has requested to follow you. Lucas (@.wongyukhei) has requested to follow you. Ten (@.perfectten) has requested to follow you. Jisung (@.pwarkjisung) has requested to follow you. Jaemin (@.najaemin0813) has requested to follow you. jungwoo (@.jungwoogie) has requested to follow you.
There are fifteen other follow requests, you guess they’re all from all the NKT brothers. But two names stand out to you.
MARK (@.marklee99) has requested to follow you. YUTA (@.nakamotoyuta95) has requested to follow you.
You sit up in your bed abruptly and shoot a message to your sister.
You: sorry to bother you but what was the name of that frat guy in nkt that you hate?
She answers you pretty quickly. Yuta. Why??? DId you meet him?
You sigh and you’re about to press ‘decline’ to Yuta’s request, but instead your finger hovers over Mark’s request.
He just met a classmate for coffee, that doesn’t mean anything. Guys and girls were allowed to be friends. And besides, he’s not your boyfriend. He’s not your anything. You don’t know him, despite the fact that all the factoids from his frat brothers make you feel like you do.
You hit ‘accept.’
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You bring Yuqi and Minjung to the party Mark told you about. You had already asked Yuqi to do you a giant favor and keep an eye on Minjung while you went to hang out with Mark and she agreed emphatically.
As you enter the frat house, Yuqi pushes you a little. “Go get your man!” Minjung shoots you a thumbs-up.
You stumble around the frat a little, bumping through the mass of people jumping and grinding to whatever rap track is playing. You spot familiar faces but only give them small waves if they see you. You’re on a mission to see Mark Lee.
Taeyong and Ten are on bar duties tonight, and you catch Taeyong’s eye immediately. “What can I get you?”
“Just two beers.”
“Two?” he asks with a raised eyebrow as he turns to the fridge. He pulls out two cans and asks, “Who’s this one for?”
“Take your best guess.”
Taeyong grins at you and nods approvingly, saying, “Mark’s either out back or still in his room, so I’d check either one of those places.”
“Where’s his room?”
“Upstairs, down the hall and it’s the second door on the left. You can’t miss it, it has a big sign that says ‘Keep out, Lee Donghyuck.’ He’s one of our—”
“I’m familiar with him,” you say. Taeyong gives you a look that’s half-curious, half-worried and you just say, “I’ll explain another time.”
You decide to head to the yard first, where Yukhei is doing a kegstand aided by Johnny. You scan the crowd for Mark, but only see his friends. You’re about to head back inside when the door swings open behind you and you knock into someone.
“Sorry,” he says and when you look up, you see the face of Nakamoto Yuta. You two stare at each other for a few seconds before he says, “You remind me of someone.”
You bite back some scathing remark and coolly ask, “Do I? Who?”
“Some girl I knew a few years back.”
You say your sister’s name and Yuta only looks mildly surprised and replies, “Yeah, that’s her. Sisters?”
You cross your arms and nod. “We are. I know what you did to her.”
Then it’s your turn to be surprised when Yuta looks perplexed by your statement. “What I did to her?”
“Do you really screw so many girls over that you can’t even remember what I’m talking about?”
Yuta’s eyes narrow at you. “Don’t make assumptions, you don’t know me. I genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about. If anything, she fucked me over.”
“That’s ludicrous.”
Yuta rolls his eyes. “If you don’t want to believe me, you don’t have to, but I’m not going to stand here and argue with you about this.” He gives you another once over and says, “You’re the girl Mark likes, aren’t you?”
Despite your simmering anger, your heart skips a beat at the mention of Mark. You nod and Yuta says, “Johnny, Taeyong, and Donghyuck spoke pretty highly of you, but I’m finding all of it hard to believe right now.”
All you can do is scowl at him. Yuta sighs and says, “Look, Mark really, really likes you. It’s been kind of annoying, honestly, to hear about you twenty-four-seven in the house. My friends all said you were a good fit for Mark, and I trust their judgments given that this shitty interaction between us is from some misconception you have about what happened between me and your sister.”
“Where is this going, Yuta?”
“Mark’s one of my best friends. I don’t want whatever you think of me to color that.”
“It hasn’t.”
Yuta nods and motions back at the house. “Mark should be in his room. When you’re done making out with him or whatever, come find me and I’ll tell you what really happened between me and your sister.” He brushes past you, going to where there’s a crowd gathered around Johnny and Yukhei.
You go back inside. You’re unsettled by what Yuta told you. What could your sister have lied about and why would she? You walk up the stairs to the second floor of the frat, trying your best to remember Taeyong’s directions. A big sign that says, ‘Keep out, Lee Donghyuck.’
Mark’s door is open when you get there. Mark’s sitting on his bed and in his lap is your roommate, Sihyun.
As fucking cliché as it sounds, you drop the cans of beer. Mark’s head whips over at the sound and his eyes grow huge. He calls your name but you’re already bolting downstairs, cans forgotten. You pass Taeyong and Ten at the bar and don’t see the worried look they share with one another.
You find Yuqi and Minjung coming out of the bathroom together and you tell them, “I’m going to head back.”
“What? Why?” Minjung asks. “Did you talk to Mark?”
“No,” you say tersely. “He was preoccupied.”
Even over the music, you hear Mark yell your name again. Yuqi takes Minjung’s hand in hers and places her other one on your shoulder, navigating the three of you to the door.
You feel sick. You’re physically nauseous. You want to throw up.
Yuqi leads your trio in a power-walk-worthy pace, getting you back on campus in no time.
The back of your eyes are starting to sting with tears and your head is spinning. You ask Yuqi, “Can I crash at your dorm?”
Yuqi agrees without question and ushers you up to her dorm. She sits you down on her bed as the tears start to gather on your waterline.
“What happened?” Minjung asks softly. You tell them everything and as you do, it all makes sense to you now. This must have been some fucking sick, drawn-out joke planned by their frat — have one of the NKT brothers flirt with some unsuspecting girl and then crush her heart. There was probably a bet on it. Mark’s probably cashing in whatever reward he won, laughing with Sihyun as she sits on his lap.
Sihyun. You understand now why she was so nasty for the past week or so.
You wonder if Johnny, Taeyong, Donghyuck, and Yuta are all having some big fucking laugh with Mark and Sihyun at the frat.
Minjung looks as distressed as you feel and Yuqi looks like she’s about to punch the wall.
“This is what I get,” you say, “for trusting an NKT brother.”
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You reject all the NKT brothers’ follow requests on Instagram. You block Mark on the app and when you go to block his number, you realize that you don’t have it, which somehow makes you sadder.
You feel stupid, both for trusting the NKT frat and falling for their fake-nice bullshit but also for falling for a guy you barely knew anything about. Maybe you felt like you knew him because of all the things his friends told you about him. Maybe you just convinced yourself that you did because you wanted to.
Maybe you were just a fool.
Two weeks later, Mingi and Yunho try to get you to come to an ATZ frat party as a way of detoxing from the NKT one, but you decline. You don’t want to risk seeing any of them and you think that you’re done with Greek life forever.
You’re basically living at Yuqi’s dorm, ever so grateful that her roommate, Miyeon, is one of the loveliest people you’ve ever met and letting you invade their space for the time being until your room swap request is approved. You put it in two days after the incident after hearing Sihyun, very loudly, brag to her friend about what a good kisser Mark Lee is. She also kept giving you smug, self-satisfied looks that made you yearn for the days of her chilling glares.
You hated to admit how much you missed Mark. Despite your limited interactions, he wormed his way into your heart. You thought you had something, something that would lead somewhere. You thought you were special but now, you scoff at the thought.
It’s kind of awkward in your leadership seminar class, given that Johnny’s in it. He tried to talk to you the week following the party but gave up after you iced him out. He respected your personal space as well, sitting as far from you as he could. At least he looks somewhat guilty — maybe there is a conscious in his icy frat boy heart after all.
You’re taking a walk in the park by campus, headphones on and music blasting. Midterms season hit you like a truck and it’s been a constant slog of work. On top of the residual effects of the incident, your mind needs a break.
You don’t hear who’s calling your name until someone grabs your shoulder and slides your headphones off. You scream as your fight-or-flight instinct kicks in, your arm shooting forward to punch whoever hit you. You knock them squarely in their own shoulder and when you get a good look at your assailant, you practically growl, “What the fucking hell?”
“Okay, I admit, not the smartest thing to do. Sorry.”
Fucking Nakamoto Yuta.
You don’t answer him and snatch your headphones from his hand, going to put them back on when he shouts, “Wait!”
“Christ, what do you want?”
“I want to talk.”
“Not happening.”
“You’re talking to me right now.”
You glare at him but you don’t leave. Yuta says, “I know you’re probably thinking this was some cruel prank or something like that. But I just want to let you know that it wasn’t.” When you don’t say anything, he continues, “After that night that first time you came to one of our parties, Mark couldn’t stop talking about his really pretty beer pong partner and how stupid he was for not getting your number or asking you out right there. He honestly wasn’t even sure if you liked him too, so some of us came up with a plan that, whenever we had the chance, we’d tell you about Mark and try to gauge how you felt about him. He didn’t know about it and, in hindsight, it was kind of dumb but we were just trying to help him go out with someone he genuinely really liked.”
You stare at your shoes and Yuta says, “None of that was fake. And I still don’t know what the fuck happened with Mark and that other girl but I know that he sure as hell doesn’t like her.”
Your next question throws Yuta off. “Can you tell me what actually happened between you and my sister?”
“Did you listen to anything I said before?”
“I did, but I need to know about what happened with her in order to decide if I trust you on this.”
He sighs, “Fair enough. The long and short of it is that I was a new pledge in NKT when I was a freshman and your sister was a junior in Kappa Delta. We talked a couple of times at parties, I thought she was nice but I wasn’t looking for anything serious since I had just broken up with my high school girlfriend before coming to college but I guess she read more into it. When I turned her down, she got really upset and said that I led her on and gaslit her and spread all these rumors about me being emotionally manipulative.” Yuta runs a hand down his face. “It was a hard freshman year for me and if it weren’t for the guys, I don’t think I would have gotten through it as successfully as I did. So that’s the story. Do you believe me?”
You consider what he said for a moment. Now that you think about it, your sister’s story always did seem to have gaping holes in it. Moreover, she was never really good at taking rejection, given that she was the favored child between the two of you.
“I do.”
Yuta looks a little shocked but he nods, sticking his hands in his pockets. “Okay.”
You stand there in silence for a beat longer and he says, “Will you go talk to Mark now? He’s kind of a wreck right now.”
“Right now?”
“If that works for you.”
You nod and you and Yuta walk out of the park and down towards Greek row. He lets you both into the NKT house. It’s weird to see it in the daytime but— “It’s much cleaner than I thought it would be.” There are even nice paintings and artwork hung up on the walls that seemed to have been hidden under the red and blue lights NKT lit their house in during parties.
Yuta snickers, “Yeah, Taeyong and Kun are kind of neat freaks so they make sure we clean after all parties.” He has you go ahead of him upstairs and you’re standing in front of Mark’s door.
You turn to Yuta. “I’m not sure—”
“Mark!” He bangs on the door.
“Yuta, go away! I’m not in the mood to cuddle.”
You shoot a glance at Yuta, who’s unbothered and undeterred and he says, “There’s a visitor for you.”
More quietly, Mark grumbles, “I swear, if it’s Sihyun again, I’m actually going to kill you for letting her in.”
“As if I would do that.” Yuta opens Mark’s door before Mark can and shoves you inside, slamming it behind him. Now, Mark’s room is what you think of when you think of a frat house. There’s clothes slung all over the furniture, shoes in weird places, and take-out containers covering the desk. And Mark looks… rough. He’s still in his pajamas and it seems like hasn’t shaved in the past two weeks, if the five-o’clock shadow was anything to go off of.
Mark stares at you, as if he can’t believe you’re there and the rawness of his expression breaks your heart a little. He notices you looking around the room and says weakly, “I would have tidied up if I knew I had a guest. Not that I think you’re judging me or anything. And not that I have a ton of guests that need me to tidy up, it’s mostly just friends of mine who know how messy frat houses can get and—”
“It’s okay, Mark.”
His mouth snaps shut and he says, “I’m so sorry about the party a few weeks ago.”
You lean against his door and cross your arms. “I just need to know, Mark. All your friends kept hyping you up to me, Yuta even told me flat out that you liked me. I need to know if that was real, if any of it was real.”
“It was all real,” Mark says. “Everything I felt—feel—for you is real. I’ve honestly never felt this way since, well, this is the first time, really. I know we don’t know each other well, but I know there’s something here. A connection.” He looks at you with those dark, doe-eyes and says, “I really like you.”
You bite your lip. “And what about Sihyun? What was that about?”
“Jeez,” Mark groans, dragging a hand through his hair. “I’ve met her a few times at parties, she was always kind of touchy but I guess… I didn’t really think it would go anywhere. Then, she invited me to coffee with her — that’s the friend I was meeting when I ran into you — and I think she read into it a lot. And there was the party and I was in my room getting ready to— well, it doesn’t matter — but I was in my room and she comes in and tell me that someone spilled their drink on her dress and because I was the only one she really knew well at the party, she wanted to know if she could borrow something and when I said yes, she sort of climbed on top of me and told me she liked me and then you walked in and… and you ran off and I pushed her off and tried to go after you—”
“Right,” you say. You know the rest of the story. “So, you’re not into Sihyun.”
Mark shakes his head. “I never was and especially not now.” He makes a face and you laugh a little. Mark relaxes and laughs with you too, and you remember how much you like his laugh.
“What were you getting ready to do in your room?” you ask.
“You said that you were still in your room, getting ready to do something, when Sihyun walked in. What was it?”
“Oh.” Mark blushes a little. “I was going to ask you on a date. I was going to ask if you wanted to go to the restaurant a few blocks from here.”
“The one with the really good burgers?”
“Yeah, that one.”
You check your phone time and say, “I could go for a burger now.”
Mark perks up. “Seriously?”
You smile at him. “Yeah.”
“Okay! Cool! Yeah, um—” Mark glances down at himself. “Let me just put on some real clothes and shave and then we can go?”
“Sounds perfect.” As you turn to wait outside the door, you say, “Mark?”
“I really like you too.”
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“I’m sure you’re wondering why I’ve called you all here,” you say, eyeing the five men at the table.
“I’m on the edge of my seat,” Johnny says, sliding forward on his chair. You roll your eyes and Donghyuck and Taeyong laugh.
Yuta says, “I assume it has something to do with Mark.”
“Correct. Points to Yuta.”
“Hey! You didn’t say we were getting points,” Donghyuck says, pouting.
“Is it about him winning that writing competition?” Jaehyun asks.
“Exactly. See, Jaehyun, this is why you’re my favorite.” Jaehyun chuckles, the dimples in his cheeks deepening. Mark introduced you to Jaehyun a couple of weeks after you started dating and it’s safe to say that you became fast friends. Along with the other men in the room, Jaehyun is a self-proclaimed Mark expert, hence the group meeting.
“What present would he like?” you ask. “I’m trying to convey ‘Congrats on winning this competition’ and also ‘I love you.’”
The five of them stare at you and Taeyong grin, barely hiding the giddiness in his voice. “You’re going to tell him you love him?”
You nod and your friends cheer. Donghyuck says, “You could give Mark a rock and he’d love it because it’s you.”
“I’m not giving him a rock, Donghyuck.”
“What about a nice journal or something like that?” Johnny suggests.
“That’s an idea, but I want to make it special.”
Everyone is quiet for a minute but then Yuta says, “I have the perfect idea.”
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Mark holds your hand as you stroll through the park after having a nice dinner at the same restaurant you had your first date. “Can we sit?” you ask him, pointing at the bench.
The two of you take a seat and you turn to him, saying, “I want to say again how proud of you I am for winning that competition.”
Mark waves you off. “Babe, I already told you it’s not that big a deal.”
“Baby, it’s one of the most competitive competitions out there!” Mark flushes with embarrassment and you laugh, leaning over to kiss him. He cups your cheek and pulls you closer, and you want to stay like that forever but you reluctantly pull away to continue speaking. “I got you something.”
Mark’s eyes widen. “You didn’t have to!”
“I wanted to.” You reach into your bag and pull out his present, wrapped into brown paper and tried neatly with string.
Mark gingerly unties it and gawks at the notebook. “This is real leather,” he says, running his hand over the cover. He looks at you worriedly. “This must have cost you so much! You really didn’t have to—”
“I told you that I wanted to and you deserve it. Open it up.”
Mark opens it and reads the inscription you got printed inside.
My dearest, Mark, Congratulations on winning the writing competition! After many sleepless nights, your hard work paid and I’m so proud of you. You work hard every day to do your best every day, whether it be at school or at work or for us, you do everything with all of yourself and it’s one of the many, many things that I love about you.
Our start was definitely unconventional but even through that, the connection we felt was still stronger than whatever threatened to sever it. It’s been six months since we started dating and I couldn’t be happier. Every day, I wake up and am thankful for you.
I’ll write it here first before I say it: I love you, Mark Lee.
His mouth lifts into a grin and he looks up at you with sparkling eyes. You say to him, “I love you, Mark Lee.”
He ghosts his fingers over the same words in print. Then, he leans close to you and softly and shyly murmurs, “I love you too.”
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yueisyum · 2 years
Don’t Think About It (pt2)
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genre🍾. friends trip au, enemies-ish (not really) to fwb to lovers? (Im going to try my hardest to piss you guys off 🫡 wish me luck)
pairings ⛸ conflicted donghyuck x oblivious reader
warnings 📢 mentions of / alcohol consumption, groping, sexual tension x100 AND smut/⚠️ Oral sex (giving, and receiving) Penetration, Building Arousal, big dick Hyuck 💪🏽😎. Use of nicknames, degrading, and praising.
Note: I spelled checked this like 3 times so if there any mistakes- take it up with my lawyer. Also there should be a part three, but I have absolutely no clue when that will be out. Haven’t even started it yet.m. I don’t know the word count because I wrote this in my notes and I don’t know how to check…
Anyways have fun!
One more thing! If you see any mistakes or spelling errors please comment so I can go in and fix it. Or if you have any suggestions don’t buy shy; lmk!! 😘
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Haechan loves attention, he loves when he can see everyone’s smiling/laughing face when he makes a stupid joke or does something ridiculous.
He loves when people ask about his day, or his past. It made him feel wanted or needed.
But specifically, he loves your attention. When you two first met, you were closed off to him. Borderline avoiding him. He couldn’t exactly pin point why. You always snicker at his jokes. And if the friend group asks him a question you always looked at him, with your eyes full of curiosity. So why avoid him? Or his efforts to approach you? Why not interact with him?
That’s when he found out what else he loves… bickering. He loves when you and him got into arguments. It’s seemed to be the only way you two would really talk to each other. Your browse furrow together, and your eyes set on his. He can’t help but grin at your annoyance. But when he bickers with you he gets your attention. And that’s all he’s ever wanted.
Your attention
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sweaty, frustrated, tired, what else could explain this feeling?
You wake up sexually frustrated- from a wet dream actually, you couldn’t exactly get the friction you needed after your… moment with hyuck last night, instead trying to find comfort in sleep. You kept thinking of the words he said that started it all, that stupid suggestion he made was making your head run.
Was he serious?
Did he mean it for real?
Or was he just drunk enough to just say whatever he could to get into your pants…???
Would you even care if it was fake?
You would’ve been happy just to have some action after months of pathetic nights with you trying to get yourself off alone. College has been so stressful- like you expected of course, but you needed relief and Haechan against your body was oddly reliving.
However your intimate fantasy was cut short from a knock at the door of the room your staying in. Sitting up in the bed with a loud huff. You feel and uncomfortable amount of slick in your pants. And you wiggle is discomfort. You let out a yawn and stretch, your body shaking lightly in exaggeration. The person in the other side of the door taking the sound of life as a good enough response.
“Y/n, sorry to bother you, I know it’s early.. I really don’t want to bother you, but the rest of the group arrived late last night. And we are going to get food… or breakfast technically, I mean you don’t have to come but-” you hear a familiar mumbled voice at your door. Even if you didn’t recognize it. You would’ve known it was mark, as he always overly explains himself.
You slightly giggle through your tiredness. “You can come in” you explain, after checking to make sure you where fully clothed. The door opens to reveal mark still in plaid pyjama pants and a thin white T-shirt, his bag lunched over his shoulders. You look down to see slippers placed on his sockless feet. You fight the urge to cringe at his toes. You look up to see a figure push through him. It’s sihyun. She leaps onto the bed landing next to you, after successfully manoeuvring around mark. “I missed you” she says but you can’t tell if she’s talking to you or the bed. Her head currently stuffed into the mattress. “The drive up here was the worst!” She adds turning her head to look at you lazily. You smile and her expressions. Patting her head as your way of saying ‘missed you too’
Shihyun is one year younger then you but when you met her through Johnny, you two instantly got along and you can proudly say she is now your best friend.
Johnny could never 👎🏽.
You turn back to mark who is sheepishly snickering at shihyun’s state “How much time do I have to change?” You ask finally dragging yourself off the bed. Shihyun immediately rolls over and spreads out her limbs taking up the whole bed as soon as your on your feet. “10 minutes? Everyone is ready. They’re in the living room listening to haechan babble on about how we all need to drop out of college and just live together, and our only income being only fans”
You playfully roll your eyes. Laughing along with the other too. Your laughter increases when you see your best friend laughing into the mattress. ”he’s probably just trying to make Johnny laugh so he can ask him to pay for his food later” He suggest.
You giggle again turning to Shihyun again. Her eyes are closed now, too tired to hold them open anymore then back to the boy now leaning up against the door frame “Ok, I’ll be ready in five minutes tops” you joke, mark smiles and nods with a sarcastic expression. Them turns on his heels to retreat to the living room of the airbnb you all rented for the trip. Shihyun remains on your bed as you run to the bathroom and quickly clean yourself up then come back to throw on comfortable clothes. You can’t help but think about haechan, how you should go about you day around him after last night… he seemed to be even minded enough when the guys came home last night so he couldn’t have been that drunk.
But a part of you can’t help but want to avoid having to talk to him again. How would you even bring up the topic without it being awkward…? Or should you just pretend it didn’t happen?
“What’s up with you?” Shihyun is now sitting up to get a better look at your expression. You turn to her pulling your crew neck down your waist. “What do you mean?” She makes a face at your responds. “I can practically hear the gears turning in your head” she jokes, finally removing herself from your bed. “I’m not the only one, you look drained and agitated” you argue, lifting your finger to circle around her eye bags. She grabs your hand and drags it down. “I got here so late last night, so tired I fell asleep on the living room floor, of course I look dead” she giggles. “Don’t change the subject, what’s going on with you?” She levels her eyes to yours.
You think for a moment. Shihyun is your best friend, you shouldn’t lie to her. But at the same time, she would absolutely flip out hearing that you and Haechan almost had sex last night. Especially since she always jokes about the sexual tension between the two of you. She also would talk about it until her tongue fell of. And considering you are about to be around Haechan all morning… you weigh your options carefully.
“Is it a boy?” She asks scanning your face for a reaction. You look at her with a sheepish smile that you tried your hardest to hide. “IT IS!” She slaps you shoulder in excitement. You wince and rubbed at the sore spot. “It’s… about hyuck-“ “HAECHA-?” She tries to confirm, slapping her hand over her mouth in disbelief, hoping she heard you right. “Would you shut up” you look over at the door that remains closed. But hear faint conversations coming from the living room. “What happened?” She whisper yells, grabbing your jaw to turn it back toward her. You swat it away like there’s a fly near you. You smile at her shocked expression still present on her face. “It’s a long story”
“We have time” she claims, getting comfortable. “No actually we definitely extended past 10 minutes” you pick up your phone and get up from the bed, ignoring shihyuns groans of annoyance. “We have negative 3 minutes” you add. Sliding on your shoes and heading for the door, hearing Shihyun follow behind you, giggling to herself. Probably imagining the worst right now.
He got quiet. Really quiet. As soon as you walked into the room with Shihyun, his mind went blank, just for a moment. Of course he thought about what to say to you all night, or how to go about the rest of the trip. He definitely didn’t want to ignore it that’s for sure.
He wanted you and he wasn’t afraid to admit that to himself. Allowing him to feel every emotion you make him feel. But for some reason he’s nervous. Maybe embarrassed.
Did he move to fast?
Are you uncomfortable with him now?
Your eyes meet his almost as soon as you entered the living room, before quickly looking away to greet the rest of the group. He could see the red hue that appeared on your face. And he smiled to himself for a moment.
This did not go unnoticed, Johnny was the first to notice the change in haechans demeanour, knowing the reason behind it all. He grins to himself.
Yuta notices second. Only because he was in the mists of a conversation with him about investing in a new motor. His eye follow haechans to your frame. Renjun is the third. He notices your attitude first, the way you got nervous and looked away from the couch. Then he looks at haechan. He could practically taste the thickness in the air. Yejun, mark, and jisung are arguing about butts for some reason. To busy in the debate to notice the atmosphere. Yuta speaks First of course.
“What’s going on? Did you two finally fuck?”
You glare at him, his comment making you go red. Your quick to respond and haechan follows. “No” “sorta” “yes”
Shihyun butted in last, with a ‘as a matter of fact’ tone. Haechan looks at her then then to you and you mouth a sorry his way. His smile grew wider. “You two? Really?” Renjun laughs in disbelief. You feel like crawling into a dumpster, behind a hooters, and crying until your completely dehydrated. “We did not have sex. Y/n just feel In love with me last night.” That earned a laugh from everyone including you.
“What can I say it’s my charming personality” he adds quickly lifting the awkwardness of the situation like a pro.
Haechan was always good at that, he always knows what to say go get people to react the way he wants, in almost every situation, it’s dangerous.
“The only thing charming about you are your friends” renjun adds helping diminish the fire. haechan deadpans to Renjun who decides this conversation should happen another time with less people. Though he will take a note to talk to you about this later. Everyone laughs at haechans reaction to Renjun’s joke.
“Daaaang, me personally dude, I wouldn’t take that” yuta sucks air through is teeth as if something was stinging him. “your such and instigator. Shihyun sticks her tongue towards Yuta, who returns the act with ease. “Let’s go we’re gonna be late.” You add nudging Shihyun to stop being childish. She whines and grabs at her arm in ‘pain’
“YOU HAVE TWO LEGS!! SO YOU HAVE TWO BUTTS” everyone looks over at jisung who suddenly got up to yell at yejun, who is only arguing to get a reaction out if him. Everyone looks over as he realizes how quiet it was then sits back down quickly in embarrassment, covering his face with his hands. Everyone burst out into laughter clearing the air. Some even landed on the floor, out of breath.
When you arrived at the ‘dream cafe’. You all order in pairs of two, before sitting down, connecting a booth and a table to make enough room for all of you. “Okay, here’s the plan for the trip.” Johnny begins pacing his pastry down along with his lemonade. “At 1:45 we are going to winter wonderland. Me and mark got the ice skating rink for like an hour. Then we can do the other rides and what not..” he pauses to ensure understanding and the group nods in unison. “Then we will get back to the lodge by around 5:10, we could go out to eat or barbecue-“ “BARBECUE” most of the group interrupts.
“Ok, then we can stay up all night and drink, jaemin, jeno, chaewon, Taeyong and Kai are probably coming over as well. Maybe a party?” He finishes his plan slash question with a bite to his strawberry crape, almost spitting it out because it’s to hot. “Sounds good to me” Renjun voices and we all verbally agree.
Should’ve mentioned this earlier but that whole time, haechan was staring into your soul, reading your expressions and watching you struggle to act like you don’t notice him. Your eyes shift to his every so often. Wtf is wrong with this idiot, he is so obvious. You feel your phone buzz in your pocket. You look at haechan who’s making a face. Your eyes remain on him as you pull out your phone. Everyone continues to go over plans for the rest of the week, while you look down to read his text.
|| Michael Donghyuck -
Are we not going to talk about last night or…?
Your roll your eyes in disbelief. You look back up at him. He’s now looking between him and his phone urging you to hurry up and respond.
yeah hyuck, let’s talk about us making out in front of the whole group?!
|| Michael Donghyuck-
We need to pick up groceries for the bbq right? Talk then?
|| you-
yeah that works…
|| Michael Donghyuck-
don’t leave me this time yeah?
You don’t look at him again. But out the corner of your eye, you can see he’s still watching, looking for any sign of disgust or discomfort about the topic of you two sleeping together. However your eyes land on Renjun’s who’s eyeing you like a hawk. You give him a questioning look.
“Y/n, come grab the rest of the food and drinks with me” he doesn’t even give you time to answer, he stands up urging you to follow, so you do.
“You wanna update me on what’s going on?” Renjun asks almost immediately.
Renjun is also your friend.. obviously, why else would he be here.
He always gives good advice and is always there when you just want to vent. Same goes for the other way around. You are a good listener, and he doesn’t exactly trust the other idiots with his problems. So without much thought you decide it would be best to tell him the truth.
The whole truth
Half the truth
Some of the truth
“Me and haechan made out…. He was drunk, and I was getting there. We almost went further but mark and Johnny got back”
He nods with a slight ’holy shit’ look to his face. You two wait at the pick up area for all the orders. Renjun leans up against the counter and rests his head on his palm. “Did they catch you?” “No, but Johnny suspects” you answer looking over at Johnny from the other side of the cafe. Then seeing donghyuck talkin- teasing* Jisung for spilling a sugar pack all over himself. “And when you said ‘almost’ to mean you would still sleep with him now?” You shrug, avoiding his piercing eyes.
“Did it mean anything?”
Wow renjun! Get straight to the point. Could’ve at least tried to beat around the bush for more then a second. The worker that took your orders placed down a couple orders, including your iced drink. You pick it up and drank some, while waiting for the others.
“What do you mean?” “I mean do you like him y/n, you and hyuck are friends right? Don’t you think this will ruin things between you two?” You think again. Trying to use your beverage as a means to not answers these direct questions.
You open them close your mouth a couple times. “Y/n, do you like him?” You almost spit out the liquid in your mouth. Some spilling from your lips as you rush to find napkins and clean it up.
“What’s with all the questions renjun, I didn’t even answer one of the others yet-“ “yes you did.. with your eyes” he points at his own for exaggeration. You look over at the barista who’s now walking away with an judgmental look on his face.
“I don’t want him to hurt you, and I don’t want you to hurt him, not saying either if you are bad people, just don’t wanna ruin a friendship. You know?” he explains. “Look, if your just looking for sex, maybe you should wait till tonight and find some guy” renjun puts all the drinks, including yours into a holder and you grab the food. Beginning to walk back towards the table. “I’m sure it won’t be hard to find a man willing to fuck you-“ “who says I was just looking for sex?” you ask in a not so joking tone. He stops halfway. “ wait so- huh? Y/n-“ “I don’t know what I’m looking for, I’m kinda trying to figure that out” you defend. “So then maybe.. don’t do anything with heachan until you do figure it out” you think for a second and nod in agreement and he smiles.
“Jisung could you pass me some surgar please?” Yejun asks, obviously teasing. He glares at her. “On second thought, i think id be better you don’t touch them again” she adds. Earning a giggle from you and the others. Haechan’s eyes look for your laugh almost immediately bring him back from his thoughts.
“Do you wanna die?” Jisung asks- threatens* and you laugh again. This time he joins you. “What are you ganna do? Spill the poison pack too?” “Hyung knocked into me! It just happened to be open-“ “but why were you holding it above you head?” She asks. Only to remind him that he was trying to eat straight sugar. “How could you guys let her tease me like this?! The food was taking for ever and I’m a growing boy!”
“Jisung you had to crouch to get into the cafe… and you are completely cramped in your seat… you literally can not grow anymore” “yeah well how would you now? Huh?” He pouts, Crossing his arms and leaning back into the booth. You lean back with him mimicking his posture and pat his shoulder. “Yejun, should we remind you of the flour incident?”
She gasps and placed her hand to her chest in disbelief. “Y/n! Your supposed to be on my side!” “Well she’s not, she likes me more-“
“You two are literal children” rolling your eyes with a smile. “You aren’t much different y/n” you turn to Yuta, Reacting almost the same as yejun. “You and him bicker the exact same way” he says gesturing towards Haechan.
“That is not true, I don’t bicker! especially not with idiots” it was haechans turn take the offended pose. “Your so cruel y/n! How could you say that to me!?”
“Guys the nearest market is like 10 minutes away. Walking” you all turn to Shihyun, who you didn’t realizes was looking for shopping places with mark. She looks up from her phone to make sure someone heard her. Seeing as everyone is paying attention she continues. “There’s a liquor store like 15 to 20 minutes away, walking. If we are having a party we need plenty of food, and drinks” you nod in agreement, Looking over to heachan. He’s already looking at you.
Of fucking course.
“We should all send $30 to the barbecue team and $30 to the alcohol runners, that way we are all spending $60, that should add up to more then enough. Then the rest of us can prepare the Airbnb for more people.” “Sounds good. Me and y/n will go to the market.” Haechan declares almost immediately. Earning some side eyes and a couple smiles. “Bet. Then me and yuta will get the drinks! I’ll text some friends about the party but no posting on social media. Close friends only” yejun adds. “Why only close friends?” Jisung asks. Kind of annoyed she didn’t want him to run and get drinks with her.
Yejun rolls her eyes jokingly. “You want a bunch of random people at the Airbnb we all have to pay for?” “Oh right” “yeah” she giggles at his reaction.
“Ok so we should go shopping now, meet up at the lodge the we will all ride to ‘winter wonderland’ together?” Everyone agrees.
“Alright send a list and cash apps in the group chat.”
That’s how you ended up here. Walking back from the market, in the cold, arm to arm with Haechan.
In silence.
Awkward silence.
He holds three full bags of groceries and you hold one Because he snatched one from you, refusing to allow you to hold both. You were confused because that’s the only interaction to had the whole shopping trip. The rest was silent. Now walking back, your head is a ticking time bomb right now, because if he doesn’t say anything in the next couple minutes your going to throw yourself off the small bridge You two are currently walking across.
Maybe he is trying the nicest way to explain that he was just drunk and that you should forget about it. Or to say he’s changed his mind. Or to ask you out. A part of you, that you will never allow to make an appearance, wants it to be the last option. Because the was he was looking at you in the cafe-
Was that a question? You turn to haechan who’s looking down at you in confusion. You slow your steps and he follows. “Yeah?” A confused, curious look covering your face. He smiles. Taking in your features.
“Did you hear me?” He asks, matching your expression. “No?” You stop walking completely. He takes a couple more steps before realizing your actions and follows once more. Turning to you completely. He watches Watching you look up at him. Your lips pouting in confusion while your eyebrows furrowed. He watched you for a moment. He wanted to kiss you. He knows he definitely wants to kiss you.
did he say something about last night? And you weren’t listening? Too busy thinking about… HIM!? You fucking idiot.
“Are you cold?“ he repeats
“No, yes- well it is cold outside.. So I mean I guess” he chuckles watching you find yourself again. “You want my jacket?”
“What? No”
Yes the fuck you did, but not because it was cold, because it was his.
He looks offended “what!? Why not? What’s wrong with my jacket!?”
“It’s cold hyuck, your wearing a t-shirt under that…. Why would you want to give me your jacket?”
He pouts. “Have you ever been in a relationship? Or watched a k-drama?” You stare at him blankly, not bothering to answer he stupid question. “Thats what they do”
“They?” You ask
“They” he repeats
you continue staring. “That’s what people in a relationship do y/n” “relationship?” You smile as he instantly regrets his choice of words. Readying yourself to tease him. “Situationship” he corrects himself. “Oh, is that what this is?” You ask, pointing between the two of you. With a grin on your face. Usually it’s you that flustered.
“Is that what you want?” He grabs your the hand you had between the two of you. He’s grinning now, stepping closer, and making you flushed.
That came out of no where.
You look at him, Distressed. You open your mouth to answer. But closed it again when the words clog up in your throat. You see his expression change instantly. “Did you- did you want to forget about last night?“ he asks, wondering if he’s been reading your signs wrong. He lets go if your hand a slightly backs away.
“Why would I want that?”
“Why do you always answer my questions with a question?” His voice came out slightly irritating.
You roll you eyes. “I don’t want to forget- you know-” he waits, definitely wanting to hear you say it. “I mean, I’ve been stressed, and I need relief… so I guess I still want to.. you know-“
“-Hm?” He needs to hear it.
“Have sex”
A smile reappears on his face like magic. Haechan never reads the signs wrong. He’ll never doubt himself a again. Stepping forward once again And lowers his head a bit. “Just friends helping each other out?”
that’s not all you want.
You make me mad…. You dumb bitch.
You can’t read the expression that takes over his face when that left your lips, but then it disappears and a smile replaces it. “So you do want to continue what we started last night?” He wraps his other arm around your waist. “Now!?” He rolls his eyes. “Cute” Placing a quick kiss to your lips. Your eyes Widen. Not even giving you the chance to reciprocate, He turns on his heal to continue walking.
That only leaving you more confused.
“Wait, are you flirting with me?”
“have been for the last year, but thanks for noticing” he answers with his back to you.
The rest of the walk was filled with random conversations and comments, Heachan obviously wanted to make earlier but was too scared. He really was trying to make things less awkward. And you were trying to find the best way to tell him that you don’t want this to be ‘just two friends helping each other out’ but on the other hand, he is the one who said it. maybe that’s what he wants.
When you both made it back to the Airbnb it was 12:00. The lodge was cleaned (for the most part) drinks and snacks, that the group had already had laying around were spread out around the ‘party’ areas. You set the snacks you two bought along with them, then put the juices that will be used to mix with the alcohol and the bbq meat in the fridge. Almost everyone was out by the pool, making sure the heater was working. Johnny ended having to call the owner of the place to figure out how to turn it on. And the rest was getting ready for ‘winter wonderland’. While you were in the kitchen, adding the seasoning to the meat so it could marinate while you were gone.
“Are you not going to get dressed? We need to be ready by 1:30“ you turn around to see heachan. He was wearing wide leg jeans and a black and brown stripped hoodie. His hair is naturally swayed to the sides and he’s leaning up against the door frame, studying your face. “I just finished washing my hands” you answer before turning back around to avoid the face he makes confused as to why your staring at him, for so long. He smirks in realization.
You turn the faucet off and dry your hands. When you finally turn around to give him your full attention, you lightly jump to see how much closer he’s gotten. “I know we just talked about this, but I have some more questions about our agreement” he bends down a bit. You peek over his shoulder to see if anyone has stumble into the kitchen. “Here? Now?”
“Mhm” he gnaws on his bottom lip, moving his head in front of yours so you’ll look at him. His eyes flicker between your eyes and your mouth. A picture you feel as if you’ve seen too many time before. “Ok… What is it?” You look away, trying your best to sound nonchalant. “If we fuck, we have to promise to remain honest with each other” you turn to him with an expression that he can’t help but laugh at. “What does that mean?”
“I mean, if you happen to catch feelings for me, you have to tell me, deal?”
What if you already did?
“And if I catch feelings for you, I’ll tell you. That way we can end it”
End it?
“We both need this right? I mean I trust you, and I’m assuming you trust me.. right?” You nod in agreement. “So deal?” You think for a moment. He leans forward, placing his hands in the counter behind you, caging you in.
“So like friends with benefits?”
“Let’s not call it that” he slightly shakes his head.
“Why not?”
“You really never watch tv shows do you?”
You roll your eyes again
“This isn’t a tv show” you argue. “feels like one”
“Ok… whatever. No feelings” you agree grabbing his hand from the counter behind you to shake it. He laughs at your seriousness. Though he wanted to correct you. He never said no feelings. But something in him wouldn’t let the words leave his mouth.
“but that might be pretty hard considering your already madly in love with me” you joke, hopefully hiding the thoughts that are playing In Your head. You get fidgety, feeling as if he could read your mind.
He laughs- scoffs* with his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. “Real funny” you laugh at his response.
You two stare at each other for a moment. Sharing a minute of silence.
“So… why do you want to have a friends with benefits relationship…. With…. Me?” You ask. Curious eyes now following his when he tries to look away.
“I thought we weren’t calling it that.”
“What are we calling it then?”
“Two friends helping each other out”
“Hm…ok fair… Are you not going to answer my question?”
“I’m a 22 year old guy in college y/n, I’m horny 24/7, and your a women. It just works out” he shrugs off your question and ignores your piercing eyes.
Your smile drops to deadpan at him. Unhappy with his answer “There will be other ‘women’ at the party tonight, so why me?” You push.
“Does it matter?” He argues, looking between your eyes.
“It does now” you argue back, crossing your arms dramatically.
So stubborn, you both thought at the same time.
“Y/n” you turn to the entry way of the kitchen to see Yuta and Yejun at the door, holding bags of liquor and beer and what not. “Pop open the fridge for me please” She continues, ignoring your position with Haechan, and the fact that he was so close to you just now. Not Yuta though, he watching the two of you like a hawk. He looks at you then to haechan then giggles to himself.
Haechan watches You run to open the fridge, helping her make room for the beer bottles. Yuta places the others on the counter. “You guys are so obvious. Your telling me you two haven’t fuck yet?” Yuta asks his irritated friend, who hasn’t moved from his spot against the counter. He looks over at you, laughing at yejun’s jokes while talking about plans for later tonight. He then turns back to yuta.
“Im trying to”
Yuta nods in understanding. He grabs one of the whiteclaws from a pack of 12. “What’s stopping you? You can’t turn her on like I can huh?” He smiles, pleased with he joke. Haechan elbows him in the rib earning a high pitch yelp. “Your really funny yuta, I’m sure everytime you enter the room she’s as dry as a bone. I wouldn’t blame her either, especially when your drinking a fucking whiteclaw.” Yuta looks between the man and his drink, offended.
It’s haechan’s turn to be pleased with his comment. He leaves yuta standing in pain, physically and emotionally, to walk towards your figure. Yuta mutters an ‘asshole’ as he watches him drag you out of the kitchen, leaving yuta to help yejun with the drinks
You flinch at the sudden contact and the fact that your being man handled down the hallway and into the room the girls and you will be sleeping in. “Your not planing on doing this now are you?” You ask turning around to see haechan closing your bedroom door behind him. “I have to get ready-“ “I can’t wait anymore” he interrupts.
He slowly begins walking towards you. “We are going to be at that stupid amusement park until five and I don’t think I have it in me to wait that long” he continues. Haechan wraps his arms around your waist pulling you as close to him as possible. “I wanna taste you” blush instantly crawling up you face at his blunt comment. you quickly place your hands over his chest and push slightly. He groans in annoyance. “You don’t have to say it like that, it embarrassing” you look out the window to avoid the smile that creeps onto his lips.
“Am I making you nervous?” He asks, stepping closer again. “No your making it weird” “how so?” “I don’t know…” you think for a moment, trying to find the right words. His hands find your waist once again. And he dips his head down to connect your lips to his. Not caring for your explanation. “You have no idea what you do to me y/n” he mumbles between kisses. You lean into his touch. Wrapping your arms around him. “-no idea what I had to do last night to get myself off” his lips travel down your lips to your jaw. You hum in Acknowledgement, letting him know your listening. “Wanted you under me” he adds. You whimper. Mostly because he found the spot in the crook of your neck that makes you go crazy, but also because his words are truly effecting you. “You left me- ‘s unfair” he trails off. You don’t think he’s really thinking about his words much anymore, Being driven solely by the desire to feel you against him.
You move your hands from around his shoulders to lift up his chin. Pulling him away from your neck. “I’m sorry” you respond playfully, with a smile. Holding back a laugh. He sounds so desperate.
“Let me make it up to you?” You suggest and he eyes you carefully, his curiosity urging you to continue. You keep eye contact with him, when he feels your hands undoing his belt. You push him towards the end of the bed, sitting him down. He curses under his breath seeing you slowing fall to your knees. He hands move from your waist to your face. Gently holding your cheeks. “You’re making me crazy” he informs
“I’m making you hard” correcting him, you slightly pull down his jeans down just enough to to see a clear outline of his bulge through his boxers. “Same thing” he mumbles.
he’s watching you- looking at you like your an angel, coming to answer all of his prayers. You stare at his bulge for a second. He’s big, bigger then you thought when you felt him the day before. He’s not even fully hard yet. He gets impatient (as usual) and pulls his boxers down to the same length of his pants. And he watched you eye his cock, as it lifts up after being freed from confinement. Looked like You were Worshiping it.
He moves his arms behind his head, to pull his hoodie over his head, tossing it on the bed behind him. Not wanting the fabric to get in the way. Revealing his slightly toned stomach.
He could see thoughts racing through your mind. Staring at him, Basically drooling. “You could just compliment me you know?” He say confidently. “And raise your ego higher then it already is? No way” your words barely at a whisper. “That’s ok princess, I can see it in your face” you give him a look, the nickname stirring something in you lower stomach. You then bring your hand around the base of his cock. He lets out a small groan, Basking in the sensation of finally feeling you.
Watching him throw his head back at such a simple touch is making your underwear wet, you squeeze your thighs together, doing your best to ignore the aching between them. Slowly your fist begins to slide up and down his length. Your other hand holding onto his thigh. “Tell me what to do to make you cum” you’re talking to him but your eyes remain fixed on his member. You haven’t done this kind of thing much before so you wanna make sure you do a good job. “Just keep touching me please” he’s slightly embarrassed at how whiny he sounds. he lifts your head to look at him. “And look at me” you nod, keeping your eyes trained on him.
Your hands feel so good jerking him off. He’s not gonna lie, it’s been some time since he’s been with a girl. Not like he couldn’t if he wanted to, it’s just that Finals are really hectic and he can’t ever find time for himself. So, he’s pretty sensitive right now. At least- that’s his excuse. It’s definitely not because it’s YOU that’s touching him.
He’s pulled out of his thought when he feels your wet lips against his tip. His hips jerk forward at the feeling and he accidentally slides further into your mouth. He almost came right there. “Shit, I’m sorry” you try to mumble an ‘it’s ok’ but fail miserably. Only sending vibrations up his dick. “Fuck y/n”
You slowly take him in your mouth. Trying to relax your jaw. Hearing his breath hitch is motivating you to make him feel ten times better. You take him as far as you can, until you feel him at the back if your throat. The feeling making your eyes slightly roll back. The sudden act causing haechan to grip your hair. He’s not tugging, just holding for balance. You begin moving up and down his cock. Wrapping your tongue around him.
God he wanted to fuck your face and cum down your throat. Your hand pumping the base you couldn’t get in your mouth and try your best to keep your eyes open and on him. But he’s not looking at you- he can’t. He’ll cum. His head instead falls back in pleasure. You continue to bob your head. slightly speeding up over time. “That’s good baby, keep doing that”
closing your eyes, trying to focusing on not gagging around him as you take even more of him. “Shit shit shit!” He pushing you further onto him, causing you to gag once around him and he twitches in your mouth. You feel hot streams glide down your throat, as he comes down from his orgasm.
His hips are jerking into you, and you take it, take all of him. Swallowing everything he gives you. You continue milking him dry making him hum but halfway through it turns into a moan. Some of his cum dripping down the corners of your lips, and you slowly slip him out of your mouth, keeping eye contact. you eyes look so innocent even though he’s watching your Saliva and his juices mix around your lips. The scene so unholy, He could cum again. “God- Your so messy baby… so pretty” hands brushing hair out if your face.
you hum at his compliments. He then moves his hands to use his thumbs to wipe your pretty mouth clean. Bringing you back to your feet and into his lips. “So fucking pretty” he repeats. you climb into the bed and straddle him, being carful not to touch his sensitive cock. You smile against his lips. “What?” He asks confused at your sudden giggles “you came really hard” you playfully inform.
“It’s been a while” he rolls his eyes, connecting your lips once again. He picks you up by your thighs and turns both of you over. His fingers digging into your soft skin. You yelp softly and his strength. He promises himself he’ll kiss any marks he leaves on you later. Your back now pressed against the pillows on the bed. “It’s my turn to make you cum hard, yeah?” His hand slides under your hoodie and grab at yous tits from over your bra. You whimper at his sudden behaviour. “Gonna make you cum s’hard” his hand garbing at the back of your thigh to open your legs. then sliding it under the waistband of your bottoms. His palm feeling up against your core through your panties. “Wow” his voice came out as a gasp. He looks down for a moment then back up at you. You look away quickly and your fell your face get hot.
“You must really like me huh? Your soaked” His lips find your neck. Two fingers circle the fabric above your clit, slowly, making you whine. He’s teasing and your on the verge of breaking. You move one hand from his shoulders to grab his wrist “Hyuck-“
“behave.” His voice suddenly more husky and low. You look at him surprised, but move your hand to place it back on his shoulder. “Stay still” you huff and his command. “Could you not be a menace for once?” You complain. Then close your thighs around his hand. “Can’t help it, your fun to mess with.” He slides his hand out if your pants then leans in for a quick kiss. “Wanna hear you begging for me… can you do that for me angel?” you exhale at his words. You nod, “good…. Open” you are ready to open you legs for him so he can pull your sweats off, but stop almost immediately.
“Ya! Are you guys ready to go? We gatta leave in ten minutes!” You hear mark yell from what you assume is the kitchen.
“Fuck” you whine
“Fuck” he groans
He leans he’s forehead against yours for a moment then giving you another quick peck on the lips before turning his head towards the door.
“One sec!” He yells back. You flinch at his voices, forgetting your right under him. He turns back to you and laughs “sorry” you giggle at his Sudden mood change “it’s ok”
“I can be quick?” He offers “it’s ok we don’t have time” you sit up but he pushes your middle back into the bed. “You haven’t cum yet- Can’t leave you hanging” he argues.
you let out another laugh “I left you hanging yesterday- now where even. We have ten minutes and m’not even dresses yet” you add sitting up once more and he rolls over next to you in defeat. Haechan watches you get up form the bed and towards the bathroom after grabing a bad from your suitcase. He smiles at it, laughing at the fact you still haven’t unpack your things.
He adjust himself and his clothes back to normal and sits on The bed waiting for you to return from the bathroom. Ready to smother you in apologies and promises to make it up to you later.
Then he hears a knock at the door. It opens before he could answer. He was about to complain to the person about coming in without a response- but then he sees Shihyun at the entrance.
This Is her room after all.
She enters the room looking up from her phone, surprised to see haechan on the bed she will probably be sleeping on tonight. she makes and face. “If you two fucked on this bed you better tell me now so I can change the shee-“ “-we did not” he rolls his eyes and she nods in approval and continues to the bed and takes a seat. “What the hell are you doing?” He asks, confused as to why she’s in here when they are going to be leaving soon.
She puts her phone down and turns to him in the most dramatic way. “ME? First of all! This is MY room! So I should be asking YOU that question, second, only you responded when mark called for you three, so I came to check up on y/n, Johnny told me you two were probably getting it on in here, and to leave you be, but I needed my charger anyway, and that’s the third point.” She finally takes a breathe before bending down under the nightstand to unplug her phone charger. “Three?” He asked “who else isn’t ready?”
She turns to him. “Renjun is in the room across the hall trying to figure out how to get the projector to work, just in case we decide if a movie night. Ya know?”
He nods. “I can’t watch movies with you, you always fall asleep and snore-“ he teases, she scoffs “I wouldn’t be sleeping if you didn’t always pick boring movies” she retaliated. “You always play stupid cheesy k-dramas when I’m in the mood for horror”
“You just don’t have taste” he argues “in movies and in men” he adds.
you come out if the bathroom, dressed and ready to go, only to walk in on Shihyun and haechan on opposite side of the room with pillows flying across your face. “You asshole!” “Skank!” Some kind of pillow fight.
You roll your eyes and walk out of the room with your phone. They follow after you. But only after hearing a smack, then haechan yelp, then Shihyun giggle. You snort as you continue to the living room to join the others.
“Okay, we have two cars, so how about the girls take one car, and the boys take the other? Renjun and Shihyun drove up here so maybe they shouldn’t have to drive for the rest of the trip” mark suggest. Renjun nodding his head to him as a thank you. “Why are we splitting up gender!? I wanna hang out with the girls! I trust Noona’s driving more then Johnny’s” Jisung complained holding onto your arm dramatically. “That’s ok Jisung you count as one of the girls anyway.” You joke. The whole group all snickered at his expression. He rips away from you. “I change my mind”
“No poor baby gurl! Don’t leave us hanging!” You continue, earning more laughs “Noona how could you treat me like this?” “I wanna be a ‘baby gurl’ too!” Yuta demands latching into your arm replacing Jisung. Renjun rolls his eyes and gets into the bigger car, joining Johnny who’s looking up the directions in the drivers seat. “Too bad! I’m already her baby gurl!” Jisung drags yuta off if you and take his place one more. “Wow” you roll your eyes. “I kinda wanna go with you guys too” mark announces. Looking to yejun who smiles and nods in agreement “What!? Then so do I” haechan adds. He grabs ahold of your hand, Looking right at you. His eyes look innocent, completely different then a couple moments ago. “How about we just see who fits?” You suggest.
“If Jisung is coming, there’s only one more place in the smaller car.” Yejun informs. “But just to help you guys out, Shihyun is driving which means, she gets the aux.” she adds. “Oh-“ yuta mutters. “You know what, I think I’ll just go with Johnny” he slides into the big car to join the two boys already in there. “Yeah you know what, I didn’t bring headphones and I don’t want have to listen to promiscuous by Nelly furtado featuring timbaland one more time.” Mark agrees and follows yuta.
“Shihyuns not driving? You are, and thought we were sharing the aux” you correct, sending a confused look her way. She winks. “I know” then giggles to herself. “But mark will just play ‘hold tight’ by Justin bieber. And yuta would distract me by criticizing my driving.” You laugh and Jisung and haechan join you. Jisung hops in the front next to yejun. Shihyun is already fast asleep in the backseat.
“Wonder what she would’ve said about me if I decided not to go” heachan thinks aloud. You ponder for a moment and snort. “‘Hyuck would just listen to Michael Jackson the whole time’” you mimic yejuns voice. “See that’s true but she wouldn’t call me hyuck, she would say donghyuck” he retaliates but your already climbing into the back seat of the car. He follows you. Only to find that you waking Shihyun move to the middle.
Did that upset him?
Yes No
While driving you look out the window looking at all the things Shihyun points out, making sure she knows your paying attention so she doesn’t throw a tantrum, but haechan on the other side of her seems quiet. Too quiet. When she finally falls back asleep you look over to see her leaning up against haechans shoulder. He doesn’t seem to mind though, he’s looking out the window lost in thought. you smile to yourself before looking about out your own.
Haechan is so sweet in his own little way. You wonder if he enjoyed what had happened earlier. He seemed to. So did you, even if you didn’t actually get that far, your sure he know what he’s doing. I mean come on… he was able to Find your clit- through your underwear. You body tingles in the places he’s touched you. Chills run down your spine at the thought of him going further with you.
God you wanted to feel him inside you.
You wanted him to hold you. This feeling is so foreign, you and Haechan where friends who would bicker about every single thing. Also arguing or play fighting. You never really thought about how close you two are. Or the fact that you two know so much about each other. It never crossed your mind that your relationship with him wasn’t hate.
You blink twice when your phone buzzes in your pocket. You lift yourself of your seat, to quickly grab it from under you. You open your notifications.
|| JenO -
Heard you and hyuck got together?
You look up to look and see if anyones eyes where on you. Yenjun and Jisung were taking quietly up front, too quiet. But that’s not what your worrying about right now. You look over at Shihyun who is still fast alseep on haechans shoulders. But haechan is no longer looking out the window. No now he’s looking at you. The concern on your face rubbing into his. He mouths ‘you ok?’ And you nod with a tight smile before turning back to your phone. He couldn’t see your screen anyway.
|| you-
Where did you hear something like that?
|| JenO -
Oh come on y/n, I can tell youre hiding something even through text.
|| JenO -
fine, Shihyun mentioned something about you two
|| you -
Ofc she did
|| JenO -
Relax y/nie
|| JenO -
Not planing on telling anyone, just want to know if my close friend finally got laid.
|| you -
What’s finally supposed to mean huh? 😡
|| JenO -
Was it good?
You sigh and rest your head on the head rest on the back of your seat. Thinking. Not if it was good. But if you should tell him. You trust Jeno like you trust renjun. Maybe a third opinion might do you well.
|| you -
It was good
|| JenO -
Sick, so what is it? Like fwb? Or just a hook up?
|| you -
It’s not friends with benefits…
|| JenO -
So a hookup?
|| you -
I don’t really know
|| JenO -
You fucking idiot, 😂 come on y/n what do you mean you don’t now?
|| JenO - typing
|| you -
Shut up Asshole. I’m figuring it out! You have no right to talk especially since I know about what’s happening between you an Shihyun!
|| JenO -
Shut up asshole. That’s fair I guess. 💀 We’ll be there in like an hour. And you guys get back around 5? I’ll see you then.
^ you laughed JenO’s message
You turn your phone off and try your best to fall asleep. You feel Shihyun’s weight shift and now she’s leaning her head on your shoulder. You smile at her and lay your head on hers.
“Noona” you open your eyes to Jisung, standing out the car door in front of you. He’s reaching over your frame, which is really small compared to his. “Hm?” You question through you sleepiness.
The ride back was quiet. Iceskating and the rides definitely tired you out. Especially the ones that went too high off the ground, making you light headed- So did the bickering between Jisung and yejun, Which seemed so different from the tone they had with eachother on the ride there, they were talking calm and nice to each other but as soon as they were out of the car, they began arguing over who could get on the most rides. Later on, Mark decided to bring up the 2 butts debate again over lunch and landed you here. In the back seat, drained.
“Can you lift your arm?” Jisung asks, his voice at almost a whisper. You lift both arms waiting for his explanation. You then hear you seatbelt click. You look out the car windows to see you made it back to lodge already. You look next to your car to the right and see two others. Probably Johnny’s and the rest of the group. When the seatbelt is off of you, you turn to see shihyuns head back on Haechans shoulder, both of them also fast asleep. “Noona, are you too tired to walk? Do you want me to carry you inside?” You look over at the boy who’s putting your shoes back on your feet for you.
“Huh? No, I’m ok. But maybe carry hyunie in? She’s pretty tired.” He nods “she’s also snoring” he adds. you bite back a laugh and so does he. Jisung backs up to give you space to slip out to the car. You walk around and open haechans side of the door. His body was leaning up against the door when you opened it. He would’ve fell out if the car if it wasn’t for the seatbelt that’s around him. He jolted out of his slumber at the sudden feeling of falling. Then his eyes find your playful ones. You try holding back your laugh but fail.
Jisung walks around the car and into the house with Shihyun in his arms. When you turn back to the boy in front of you is out of the car ready to pounce. “You’ll regret that” “hm really?” You ask sarcastically. And he pokes the side of his check. “Yeah really” a smile creeps onto his lips. It’s not dark out yet but it is dimmer then Usual. The sky clear of clouds and still. No wind, or rain, just cold air. You don’t realize but he was watching you intently, as if trying to read your mind.
Is she upset?
She probably unsatisfied
You fucking asshole
You share a moment of silence. It was Awkward but it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, you felt comfortable. You wonder if he’s comfortable too. You look at him through the corner of your eye. He’s leaning up against the car, looking in your direction.
Well that made you nervous.
Your mind drifts back to his words
‘So fucking pretty’
‘Wanna hear you begging for me, can you do that for me angel?’
You shift on your feet at the thought of him talking to you like that. You pinch yourself in the arm when your mind starts to wonder how it would be like to date him. Now that you two aren’t alway bickering- you finally see the way looks at you. You pinch yourself again to remind yourself that this is purely pleasure- sexual pleasure. The act doesn’t go unnoticed by the boy in front of you.
“You ok?” You turn back to him quickly, when you hear his voice, a lot closer then you thought he would be. “Yeah? Why?” You look him up and down. His hands are stuffed into his pocket. His hair still swayed to the sides, some thin strands falling into his face.
“You seemed upset in the car…” you’re about to tell him it’s nothing but he continues “if it’s about me leaving you hanging earlier, I told you I wou-“
“Nonononono no! That’s not what happened” you cut him off. “Jeno just texted me, and I was surprised, that’s all” “hm” he nodded his head, but he wasn’t convinced, and for some reason the topic of you and Jeno, stirred something in him, especially since you didn’t clarify what he texted you.
“Well, they got here 2 hours ago. They texted the group chat about grabbing more stuff for the party” he informs pulling out his phone to see the texts from jeno and jaemin. He watches you read the text. He can’t help but hope you would show you text with jeno ti him.
“More stuff? What else do we need?” You ask, mostly to yourself. He watches your eyebrows pinched together, and is mind found it’s way back to when he had you in the bed. He can’t focus now, his mind full of… you.
He begins to mindlessly trail off.
“Well taeyong wants to have a movie night, so their probably getting more snacks and we also need ice.” As he’s Explaining his hand comes up to softly rub your shoulder. You look at him and you can see that his mind is elsewhere. His eyes aren’t focused on anything in particular and his sentences are trailing off. “Hyuck, Are you tired?” You ask him in the softest voice he’s ever heard from you.
“Hm?… no” his mind begins to slow down when he hears you call his name. “You seem tired” you push. He slides his hands down your shoulders then hold your hands.
He’s lost again, looking at your hands connecting between your bodies “Hyuck?” He interlocks your fingers with his.
“Yes?” He looks at you in the eyes now. “Are You ok?”
“Mhm, Just thinking”
That was the most irritating answer he could have given you. “Don’t, don’t think, okay? Do you wanna lay down?” He stares at you for a moment. “Nah I’m good, parties gonna start soon-“
“Fuck the party, you look like you’re about to pounce on me but for real” you laugh but it doesn’t reach your eyes. They are filled with worry. “You need to lay down”
“I’ll lay down if you lay with me?”
It was supposed to be a demand but it came out as a question. “Ok I can do that” you nod slowly with a smile. His heart aches at the sight of you holding his hand, pulling him inside. Where you see Chaewon and Kai are leaned up against the kitchen counter. When Chaewon sees you too she squeals in excitement. “Haechan! Hiii” she goes it to hug him, he barley hugs back. His eyes only fixated on your hands. She waves it off, assuming he’s tired. Which is true. “Y/n! Hey baby!!” She say in a flirty way. You snort and hug her with your free arm. She definitely notices that yours and heachans hands are connected but chooses to ignore it. You wonder why. “Long day huh?” You nod then turn to Kai who’s drinking a bottle of beer. “You guys started drinking?”
“Yeah?! Pregaming! Barbecues are the best when your drunk, especially the movie!!” You laugh when she grabs he whiteclaw from the counter.
Drunk my ass. How much alcohol is in there .0001%?
You laugh. You were ready to greet Kai, when you feel haechan begin to pull you away from the kitchen. Without an argument you wave them a goodbye and follow haechan down the hallway opposite from your room. “Hyuck? Are we going to your room?” “Mhm”
He practically kicks he door open. You finally let go of his hand to take in the structure of the room he’s staying in. “Lay down” you turn around to see him undressing himself. “Okay” You sit in the bed. Your back leaned up against the headboard. Everything smells like him. It’s a bit overwhelming, but in the best way possible. You watch him take his hoodie off throwing it to the side, undoing he belt to throw it along with it. “Are we going to have, you know-?” You ask and watch him turn to you. “Do you not want to?” He paused his movements. “I do” you correct him, your voice almost muted. Your eyes leave his to find something- anything else to look at, then bringing your knees up to your chin and wrapping your arms around them. He nods at your reassurance.
He returns to his previous activity, tugging his pants down on the floor.
“Do you want me to take my clothes off too?” You question, trying your best to calm your nerves.
Why is he so quiet all of a sudden. It was like a switch.
“No” he said bluntly “wanna undress you myself princess” he dips into the bed with a smirk. You let out a exhale at the nickname. He seems back to normal again.
“If you don’t wanna do this now, I’ll stop, no problem”
“I do”
“You do what?”
“I wanna do this”
He face lightens with your words. He licks his bottom lip. His memories taking him back to see you on the floor with him inside your mouth. His cock twitches at the image. He begins to climb over you.
You lay down fully until your head is propped up from the pillows. “Wanna make you cum so much baby” he crawls up your Frame until he’s hovering right above you. His knees dug into the mattress on either side of you. “Feel bad about leaving you like that” he leans down just enough for your noses to brush against each other, before finding your neck.
He’s found that this is his favorite place to be. “I told you to forget it” you warned. Your eyes remain on him, and you hold his face with you palms. “Can’t” he stays, in between sucks against your neck. You impatiently lift his head slightly to connect your lips. Placing your hands on his shoulders, He smiles against you, But depends the kiss, allowing your head to fall back into the pillows. His hands move to your waist, lifting your hips off the bed slightly, before hooking his fingers onto your pants to dragged them the down your legs.
You gasp into the kiss. He takes your pants off completely, Licking your mouth for entrance, which you grant him immediately. You hear your pants hit the ground somewhere near the closet door. Assuming he threw them. He begins to pull anyway but you follow him, Chasing his lips. He lets out a breathy chuckle “Wanna hear you say my name, you can be loud for me right?” His hands caressing you thighs gently. His words, his hands, his gaze- god It’s turning you on.
“Yeah” you breath out. He smiles, reconnecting your lips. “Good girl” his hands finding your waist again. Lifting up your top to grope your tits. His disconnects your lips again. You groan in annoyance, but it turns into a moan when he lifts up your top completely, along with your bra to latch lips onto your nipple. Your hands move from his chest to his hair. Gripping onto him and pulling lightly. The act having him groan into your chest. He pulls away to quickly discard your top and your bra. Then His hand travels down you abdomen and into your panties.
His fingers play with your folds for a moment before using you fingers to spread them. You close your eyes at the thought of him actually touching you where you need him most. He allows his middle finger to circle around you clit. The act making you hips push into his hand for more. “So small under me, god I could spilt you in half” you shiver under him.
You body pushing further into his touch, the fact that your body is telling him all of your secrets, what makes you tick and what makes you moan, is making him unbelievably hard. Your moans are like music to his ears. “Hyuck” you whimper.
“Yes baby?”
“Please hurry” he moves his head from you chest to look up at you. Your eyes closed. Eyebrows furrowed in frustration- he loves it.
“I’ll do anything you want, just gotta hear you say it love” all this nicknames are making your head spin. And you curse yourself for being so effected. “I want you inside me” you mutter the words so low, he almost didn’t hear them. But he did, he just wants to hear it again.
His elbow is propped up against the bed. His other hand working circles around your clit, using His finger to collect the wetness around your hole as lube.
“Hm?” He smirks watching you, every twitch if your face. “Look at me” he demands. You open your eyes to meet his. You wonder for a moment if you asked him to kiss you again, would it be weird?
“Want you inside me please Hyuck”
He smiles, trying hard to remember that this is just sex, no feelings. But he can’t help the words the leave his mouth next.
“Anything for you” as if he read your mind, he places a peck to your lips, lingering there a second too long. The finger that’s as abusing your bud, now making its way around your entrance, At a painfully slow pace. You open your legs wider for him. And he bits his lower lip, trying not to laugh. “Yeah? s’that good?”
“No? Whats wrong angel?”
“Hyuck don’t tease…. please just…”
“Please what?” He asks.
You wanna punch him, and you would if your body didn’t feel so weak and fragile. You whimper. Sliding one of your hands to please your aching instead. His hand quickly slides out of you and wraps his hand around your wrist, stopping your attempt. “Nuh uh, use your words love”
“Hyuck, please just finger me” you finally let out. To embarrassed to keep your eyes open. “God your so sexy” he frees your hand to find his way back to your pantries. Haechan sits up to pull your panties down your legs and tosses them to the side. You close your thighs together. “Y/n” you open your eyes to find his. They seem darker and more serious, the you’ve ever seen them. “Can’t make you feel good down here if your legs are closed” you nod. ”right”
“Wanna see your pretty little pussy” Your legs open for him before his sentence even finishes sounding. He smiles at your obedience. He looks at you for an uncomfortable amount if Time, you begin to freak out.
Then he inserts his middle finger into you. Your sucking him in, and you feel so hot down there.
“Holy shit”
that’s all he could let out. Like I said it’s been a while since you’ve been active in your sexually life. Your watching him stare down at where his finger is being squeezed in. He adds another. Earning a small whine for him. His fingers start to slowly pump in and out of you. Earning moans from your pretty mouth. He leans back towards you. Pls sing his face over yours once again. “Gonna make you cum on my fingers… then My tongue, the my cock, okay princess?” You exhale and try to nod but your mind is full of the thought of haechans dick inside you. “Gotta make sure I won’t hurt you pretty baby. Gotta stretch you out a bit, okay?”
You nod, though your not really listen to his words. His free hand sliding up your body to your face. Caressing your check. Looking at you like your The only girl in the world.
To him… you were.
“words baby”.
“Yes” you agree even though you can’t really remember what he said. “Good” he wants to kiss you again, would that be weird? This is just pleasure right? Does kissing count?
He shakes it off and moves himself until he’s on his knees leaning back slightly to get a good look at you. He watched his fingers work inside of you, curling every now and then. Which is making you moan, loudly. So he keeps doing it. Wanting nothing more then to hear you tell him he’s doing a good job. “Is this good baby?” He asks picking up the pace, “mhm s’good” his thumb runs circles around your clit, your hips shoot up, chasing the feeling and he can tell your close. He lowered his head to place kisses around your thighs. Then his body slowly adjusts until he’s lying on his stomach. His kisses trail down your thighs until he reaches you core.
Haechan places a kiss to your clit, making you shiver and stutter your hips into his face. He doesn’t complain, instead he takes his fingers out to completely devour you. You moan and yell his name. He subconsciously begins to grind into the mattress.
He continues to abuse your pussy. When you grab and up at his hair he almost cums in his pants. His finger find their way back onto your cunt and working their magic.
He’s paying attention to every part of you. Watching your reactions and accommodating to them. You feel yourself getting closer and closer. His begins speeding up his fingers and his tongue. Every now and then curling them continuously. Your hips start bucking and the back of your neck feels hot. “Your doing so well” he coos against you.
You can feel it coming. You cover your mouth and face with your hands to stop any embarrassing sound form leaving your lips. He’s definitely not happy about that, but he sees the way your body is twitching. It makes him smile, knowing got you to cum just from his fingers an mouth. He continues slowing, laping at your sex. He’s savouring everything that pour out of you. working on your clit to help ride out your orgasm. “Don’t hide from me y/n, I hate that shit”
You shake your head and slowly close your thighs around his hand. “Y/n” he chuckles, removing his hand from your cunt. His other hand garbing you wrist and pulling em away from your face.
“Look at me.” He tried to say it in a soft voice, but it came out as a demand. When you open your eyes to look at him, he brings his fingers to his mouth, sucking in your release. “Oh god” you mutter. You are so out of breath and your eyes can’t focus properly but the sight could make him cum. He smiles onto his fingers. You know your face is red right now and it’s killing you. “Your so fucking cute” he closes in slowly kissing you, but this felt different, it felt real. He pulls away. And you look up at him, with a innocent look.
He stays like this for a moment, watching your eyes and listening to your breathe. waiting for it to even out. “Hyuck” “yes princess”
“Please fuck me now”
He surprised at how openly you said that. You Kept your eyes on him and your voice didn’t break once.
So fucking hot. But as much and he wanted to he couldn’t.
“Can’t. Not yet” He shakes his head sitting back into his knees. “Gotta make sure your ready.” He’s about to crawl back down, to no doubt eat you out one more time. And as much as you want that, you can’t wait anymore.
You sit up onto your knees as well, wrapping your arms around his neck, his face turns back to yours. “Please, I’ll take it” he just looks at you. He’s never expected this kind of behaviour from you and it’s driving him crazy. His eyes fall onto your lips. “Yeah?”
“Hyuck, I wanna ride you.” His hands find your waist immediately. Pulling you onto him and placing his back against the headboard. You straddle his waist, a little taken aback at how he can carry you so easily. When your situated on top of his boxers, your can feel him under you, He’s so hard and you wanna feel him stretch you out.
“You can’t just say things like that y/n shit” he places his hands on your hips and moves you so that their rolling over his cock. The friction on your already sensitive core- Him using you like this is weirdly turning you on even more. Your lips find a place on his neck, sucking at his sensitive skin. The groans he lets out are beautiful, and you want nothing more then to hear them again.
His hands remain on your hips but his thumb finds you bud to run circles over it. Your hips buckle down into him. He lets out a whimper and you almost came right there.
“Mmmh Hyuck, please let me feel you!” You allow your hands to run up and down his abdomen. Haechans pulls you away from him, his palms placed on your cheeks. “Fuck Im gonna ruin you” you Lean into his touch, continuing to rock against his dick.
“If you want to stop at any point in time, you tell me. Do you understand?”
You ignore him. Pulling his boxers down to free his cock. It flys up and smacks his stomach.
You want him in your mouth again.
But you also want him inside your walls.
“Y/n I’m serious” he lifts your face look at his.
“Haechan, I’m not made of glass” you argue grabbing at his base, making his hips fly up into your hand. “You might as well be” he moans. Placing his hands on your hips to ground himself. His lifts you slightly and you place his tip at your entrance.
“Wait!” You freeze at the sudden interruption. Looking up at his in fear that he’s changed his mind. “I don’t have a condom on” he informs and you roll your eyes.
“Haechan, I’m on the pill” he sighs in relief.
“Call me haechan, one more time. I dare you” he is voice stern and serious. “Hyuck” you correct your self. It made you giddy that he notices when you don’t call him by his nickname.
When you finally allow his tip to push into, you immediately feel a stretch you’ve been dying for since the new semester started. “Shit”
As soon as he top touched your entrance he could feel how wet you were. The slick dripping down his length, he thought he might cry. It’s taking everything in him not to destroy you right now.
You slowly lower yourself onto him. Taking him an inch at a time. It did hurt a bit, but the feeling of someone- HIM inside of you was intoxicating. And the only reason it hurt is because you haven’t had something like this in such a long time. The Ecstasy could make you cry. “So fucking tight” his head falls back onto the headboard with his eyes closed. He’s taking deep breaths through his nose, trying to stay calm. Your so small, so warm. He can feel your walls clenching and fluttering around him.
when he’s fully inside of you, you pause. You can feel you legs shaking already. You can feel blood rushing to your clit when it makes contact with his skin.
Your hands placed at his shoulders and you stare down at where he disappears inside you. You want to move so bad, but you can’t seem to focus on any-
“Take your time” your hear him say. You look back up to see him smiling at you. A reassuring smile that makes him so kissable… is that weird? “You okay” he asks. His eyes furrow together at the way your looking at him. He sees you fighting a battle against yourself in your mind “Just…. Thinking” you say between a moan when you begin to move your hips around. He bites his lip at the feeling. “Don’t think about it, do whatever you want princess, I’m all yours”
You pause for a moment longer, then move your hands slightly to hold his neck. Your thumbs on his jaw affectionately caressing his face. “Wanna kiss you… can I kiss you?” You feel him twitch inside you, and you moan again at the feeling. He smiles “don’t ask baby, told you I’m all yours” you continue to stare, as if you didn’t hear him. He leans forward to place a peck on your lips to help you get started. Then leans back so you’ll follow him. This kiss feels so different, so real and full of emotions, you just couldn’t pin point what emotions where being expressed.
You begin working your hips on his cock, he groans into the kiss, one hand gripping your thigh and the other on your hip, gently massaging the area. Helping you grind into him. He’s so big, so thick. Every time you move you can feel every inch of him. He can feel your wall throbbing around him, causing him to rut up into you. “Hyuck” you mubbled between his lips. You aren’t kissing anymore, your mouths are just on top of each others.
Everything seems so sensual. His hands massaging your body. You felt so loved, even if that isn’t what he’s giving you, that’s all you felt. He’s so relaxed, watching your every move. Waiting for you, making sure your ready and comfortable. You wanna make him feel good. You don’t want him to hold back.
“Want you to fuck me”
You pleaded. Holding your breathe while waiting for his responds. “Oh yeah?” He teased, he didn’t even fight the smile that spears in his face. All you could do is whine and nod your head. He smirks and places another kiss to you lips. “How do you want me to do it?”
“Just, just make yourself feel good- want you to use me” his hips unintentionally jolt into you. You Hiss at the feeling of his tip hitting your soft spot. “Shit, sorry.. You can’t just say shit like that y/n”
You lower your head to hide your face. “Please Do that again” you plant your face in his shoulder. And he does, he grabs your hips and slowing begins to fuck into you. He’s so fucking turned on. He was ready to take it slow, if that’s what you wanted but when you just came out and said that, something in him turned.
“Your so fucking filthy” he spoke between breathy moans. you sobbed into his neck in responds as He begins to bounce you on top of his cock. Making sure your pace meets his thrust. “Wanting me to use you? Shit- your so dirty” it feels so good, he’s hitting places you’d never even new where there.
So deep
“My pretty little slut hmm?” He coos in a condescending tone. “Does it feel good?” You nod into his shoulder and he slows down his movements.
He grabs you ass, shifting both your weight. When You open your eyes to see him on top of you, and your back against the bed. “Need your eyes in me princess, you can do that, I know you can” you shake your head. But he doesn’t give you the Chance to complain. He pulls his hips back just enough until only his tip is inside you then fucks back into you. His pace was brutal. “Is this ok baby?” He said, hoping he doesn’t sound to whiny. Your walls continue to flutter around him and he can’t focus anymore. He’s on his knees. His hands find themselves on the back of your thighs. Using them to help him pound into you. Your skin is so soft and your thighs are so plump. His eyes watch your closed one’s then they shift to your breasts; Bouncing so beautifully.
“Want me to slow down?” He asks leaning forward, folding you in half as he did. You open your eyes to see him looking back at you. Your walls clench and haechans hips stutter. “No, no feels good don’t stop. Please don’t stop”
He smiles. Leaning in for another kiss. “Wasn’t planning on it” he leans back again to get a full view of your body. Then he looks down to see where he’s disappearing inside you, your all over his sheets now, the sounds of his balls slapping against your ass fill his ears. He places your legs over his shoulders and places his hand on your lower stomach. “Can feel myself here, can you feel me here baby?”
The feeling of him touching himself through your stomach pushed you over the edge. Your eyes roll back and you swear you saw stars. You feel your back arch into him and Your muscles tense. Your legs and waist twitches aggressively.
He feels your walls spasm around his cock. He watches you come undone, below him. He last one more powerful thrust before emptying himself inside you. He falls forward, catching himself with his hand to make sure not to fall on top of you. The feeling of his warm release inside of you is making your mind go blank. He slowly pulls out of you, you cringe at the felling of his cum leaking out you. But he loves it. He watches it drip down towards your ass. He’s proud of himself. Looking back to you, he see that you’re eyes are still closed gnawing at your lip.
“You ok baby? he caresses you face and places a peck you to lips. He laughs when he sees your lips pucker, he places another peck on the corner of your mouth. You try to sit up but his pushes you back down. “Want me to run you a bath?” You roll your eyes.
“Aftercare?! From you? Unbelievable” you joke through your tiredness and it’s his turn to roll his eyes. “I heard women don’t like to be touched after sex? Do you want to be alone?” You sit up again to look at him. “No, don’t leave me” he nods with a smile. He’s glad, because he really want to stay near you. He wants to hear your voice and feel your touch against his for the rest of his life. But we won’t ever say that aloud.
“I’ll start a bath, and I’ll clean you up so you can sleep, sound good?” He gets up pulling his boxers back on and grabbing the rest of the clothes in the floor and throws them in a bag. “You mean… you’ll take a bath with me?” You question.
He turns to look at your frame on the bed. And you feel a bit of déjà vu. “Do you not want me too?”
You giggle “if it means I don’t have to clean myself then I guess you can bathe with me”
He rolls his eyes. Those words felt like a reminder, that this is just ‘two friends helping each other out’.
But you don’t want to think about that. Not when he’s holding you in the bath like this. Not when he’s telling you how well you did, and gently cleaning your body.
Not when he helps get you dressed, putting you in one of his t-shirts, and apologizing for accidentally hitting your breasts.
Not when he lets you lay down on his bed while he plays a stupid k-drama on his laptop.
And Not when you swear you heard the words “I love you” when you fell asleep in his bed- in his arms.
The only thing you could think of was what started all of this the the first place. The words he said to you yesterday- that stupid suggestion replaying in your mind.
••• yesterday night •••
“Pretend you’re in love with me” the words surprisingly leave his lips easily, not stuttering or hesitation. Probably due to the alcohol.
“What!?” You ask, almost positive you didn’t hear him properly. You turn from the tv and place the beer in your hands down on the coffee table, he follows.
“Just for one night. I mean come on y/n, we always act as if we hate each other but we both be know how much we care about one another right?”
You stay silent. He wasn’t making any sense. He decides to explain his thoughts to you. Even if he knows they wouldn’t make sense to you. You would never understand how he feels.
“You know everything about me y/n, my favourite shows, foods, what makes me laugh, what I want for my future- what makes he serious- everything. And I know everything about you. We’re not strangers, and this trip is supposed to help us relax and feel better about our lives right? So just for one night? Act like you love me as much as I love you” he turns to face you completely now. You watch his eyes, looking for a hint of playfulness, or the sound of his laughter when he tells you he’s kidding. But it never comes, he just stares at you.
You laugh, but it doesn’t reach your eyes. Your not sure if it’s him or the alcohol talking.
“Are you out of your mind!?” You ask pressing your palm against his forehead to check for an unusual temperature, in responds to his ridiculous suggestion.
“Only for you”
(Part three)
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devoted 2.
part 15.
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Overall warning/s: kinkier smut (eg. voyeurism, exhibitionism, etc.) character death, dark themes
Chapter warning/s: vulgar language, violence, self harm, stalking
Just how devoted is Jaehyun to you?
prev: part 14
wc: 8.8k
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A soft squeak came from the friction of a shoe and the floor. The figure froze, holding his breath to hear if anyone reacted to the noise he made. After a second, he relaxed and continued to go down the row of lockers surrounding him.
“18.” Jaehyun softly murmured to himself, silently reading the numbered, full length lockers as he passed by.
It bothered him that there were unmarked, presumably empty, lockers between all the numbered ones. Maybe it was an extra locker for the one before it? But there weren’t locks on them.
He finally reached the 18th locker — or rather, the 35th one if he counted correctly as he passed by.
He took out a key from his hoodie pocket. It was a bitch to get a hold of this, he recalled. Lucky for him, you had your keys haphazardly peeking out of your towel on the benches and he was able to “borrow” it for the meantime. His original plan was to have it duplicated, but there isn’t much time to do so.
He slid the key into the keyhole and unlocked it, leaving it to hang on there after he unhooked the lock.
You were at swim practice right now. Jaehyun memorized your schedule. For Tuesday and Fridays, you had swim practice from 5PM to 8PM. It’s around 7 right now so he had an hour to do whatever he wanted.
Inside your locker, you had your clothes after practice hung up on a hanger. On the shelves, you had your main backpack and on the lowest one were your shoes. He touched your clothes, dragging his finger down the soft cloth. He noted the lack of a jacket and internally scolded you for not having one if you were going home in this thin top. He reached for the hanger to get it but noticed something else hanging inside of your shirt.
His breath shortened.
It was cute that you wore matching sets. Today, you chose to wear a skin-toned set. Jaehyun groaned at the thought of you wearing nothing, sending an instant reaction to his dick. He unzipped your bag and reached inside, pulling out the clothes you had neatly put away after slipping onto your swimsuit. He bit down on his lip, flipping through the folds of cloth like a book until he found it: your panties — your used panties.
It was a black cheeky panty with the daintiest little ribbon sewn on the front hem. He seemingly kneaded the fabric in his palm, debating on his next action. Without another second passing by, he brought it up to his nose and inhaled deeply. 
Sweet, he thought. You smelled sweet. The tent in his pants was becoming unbearable and just as he tried to pull his zipper down, he heard voices and footsteps growing louder outside.
Jaehyun panicked, glancing down at his watch. It was barely 7:30, were they dismissed early?
As quickly as he had gotten the clothes, he put it all back and locked the locker with a few more seconds to spare, leaving the key on the lock. He couldn’t run out now, but that was the only exit. He looked down the opposite of the room and found unmarked lockers, surely he could fit in those.
Every higher being must be on his side today because the first locker he had opened was just right for him and the shelves were broken and laid upright. He scurried inside, realizing that he forgot to place your underwear back in with your clothes but the door swung open on the other side of the rows of lockers and he pushed himself inside, closing it a few seconds before someone rounded the corner.
And lo and behold, it was you.
Jaehyun held his breath, you were still wet and your towel just in your hands.
“Oh, thank god! I did, in fact, forget to take the key!” You called out, laughing to yourself.
Your teammates piled in as well, all going to their respective lockers.
“You’re such a clutz, [Y/N].” Sihyun shook her head at you.
You finally got around to drying yourself off, starting with your hair. “I really thought I got it after locking it. At least it didn’t fall elsewhere.”
“Imagine if it did, you’d be going home in your swimsuit.” Chaeyeon teased, pulling at the spandex and releasing it, leaving a wet smack on your back.
“Ow! Quit it!” You playfully scolded, “You’re telling me none of you guys would lend me clothes? Damn, and here I thought we were more than teammates.”
“I mean,” Hara shrugged, “I’ll lend you my clothes if you don’t mind that I've been wearing it all day. But what are you gonna do about underwear?”
You hummed, slipping off the top of your swimsuit to start drying your upper body. “If it happens, I could just wear my swimsuit then. Just wait for it to dry before I borrow your clothes.”
If you could only see Jaehyun right now, eyes wide and straining to see all of your exposed skin through the slits of the locker door. His mouth had gone dry when you had continued to push the swimsuit down your body and let it fall on the ground, pooling it around your ankles.
All your teammates were just as stark naked, but his eyes were fixated on you. Before he knew it, he had pulled his own pants down low enough to free himself and ran a fist over his length with your panties covering him.
There was some idle talk about something but Jaehyun couldn't care less. He had to bite his own tongue when you had turned your back on him and bent down to grab your swimsuit. His arm started to hurt at the rate he was going trying to jack off at the sight. You had presented your ass to him and maybe if the angle was better, he could get a glimpse of your pussy, too. The same pussy that had been pressed on the flimsy cloth he was using on himself. He groaned, softly and slowly, trying his absolute best to remain hidden and unknown to you and your teammates.
You slung your swimsuit over your shoulder and before you could head towards the shower area, Hara stopped you.
“Oh my god, are your boobs bigger?”
She reached out and cupped one of them, weighing it in her palm. Jaehyun was going insane.
The whole team was already so comfortable with being naked around each other that this was nothing to you.
“No, my period should be next week.” You informed her, “Ugh, I absolutely hate training during my period.”
“Girl,” Sihyun snorted, “Who does? No one likes bolting towards the showers once they get out of the pool.”
The conversation continued while you and your teammates head towards the shower to rinse off the chlorine, meanwhile Jaehyun slowed his arm movement. He was gasping for air, the tiny space was suffocating him. Your underwear was damp with precum and sweat in his hands.
He had to wait for all of you to leave before he could. He cracked the locker door a little to get more air and panted as he caught his breath. Seeing you in your full naked glory was something he wasn’t prepared for. Your skin looked so supple and soft. He wondered what it would have felt like to put your nipples in his mouth after they had hardened from the sudden exposure to air. He thought of your ass and how it must feel like to spank until it grew red. He was still very hard and his cock twitched at the thought. 
He closed the door quickly when he heard wet footsteps approaching, and right after he did so, you came around the corner.
Jaehyun held his breath again, putting his face closer to the slits to get a better look at you.
Unlike your teammates, you only really rinsed off after practice. You had already hung up your swimsuit in the designated area and once you had dried yourself, you hung your towel with it. Inside the locker room, you were very comfortable, much like the others, so you had no qualms walking back to your locker in your birthday suit.
But this meant giving Jaehyun another round of seeing your naked body.
He watched you open your locker and grab a bottle from inside and not long after, he had his panty clad fist running over his length again.
You liked to apply lotion after a shower and even though you were gonna take a proper bath at home, you still applied a generous amount of moisturizer to your body.
Squirting a good dollop onto your palm, you lathered it in your hands before spreading the viscous liquid all over your arms and legs. Training will always make your body ache so you also used this time to massage yourself.
“Ow.” You moaned, hitting a tender spot on your back, arching forward to stretch it.
In the locker, Jaehyun echoed your moan under his breath, wanting nothing more than to be the reason behind the music falling out of your mouth. He wanted to touch you so badly.
You reached down to smooth out the lotion to your legs and when you found it difficult, you propped it up on the bench.
Jaehyun gasped, his arm started to hurt again. You had spread your legs open just enough to grant him visual access to your core. He remembered how you smelled from your underwear and he imagined you sitting on his face, grinding yourself on his tongue. He imagined how much sweeter you were if it was his own nose and tongue prodding you.
He ejaculated into your used underwear and he felt it seeping through the already dampened cloth. He laid his head against the cool metal of the locker he was confined in and tried to catch his breath.
You slowed your movements, feeling a little heated. What if, you thought, someone was watching you right now? Watching you touch yourself wearing absolutely nothing. Would they be touching themselves? Were they enjoying the view? Involuntarily, you closed your legs. Ah, your hormones are getting the best of you.
You shook your head, smiling to yourself. Where could they possibly be watching from? The lockers? You looked down the room and stared at the slits of the locker directly across you — the locker Jaehyun was in.
He froze, thinking you had caught him, but then you leaned against your open locker door and sensually brought your hand from your thigh to your breast.
You sighed, things like that only happen in movies or bad pornos. You got your underwear from the hanger and began to slip it on. Besides, what grown adult would fit in these lockers? They’d be cramped up and you doubt the shelves could carry someone’s weight for too long.
Jaehyun was confused, although relieved. You had looked directly at him, he was sure of it. He wasn’t making it up in his head, was he? You even touched yourself while keeping eye contact. It was a short lived moment, but he was very certain you were about to touch yourself for him.
After slipping on your panties, you quickly put on your bra as well. Training was called off early as a treat and you wanted to get home earlier so you could slip in a quick episode on the latest series you’ve been hooked on. It’s almost 8 and at this point, it’s like training never ended early.
Jaehyun frowned, a little sad to know the show was over, but he’s not leaving completely disappointed. His only issue now is finding the right time to leave the locker room without getting caught and returning your underwear — because he realized you were going to freak out if something like this was missing. Luckily for him, you didn’t bother double checking the contents of your bag after throwing your clothes on.
“I’m heading out! You girls take care on the way home, okay?” You yelled, your voice bouncing off the walls and hiding the sound of Jaehyun’s phone vibrating.
“You, too! Take care! See you tomorrow!” Your teammates called out altogether.
Once you were out of sight, Jaehyun quickly checked his phone to see his bodyguard asking where he was. He was able to send a quick message of “Wait.” before hiding his phone to prevent the light peeking through the slits when he heard your teammates coming closer.
There were naked girls in front of him yet he stayed limp. Was something wrong with him? His friends would have been having a field day by now. But he realized the reason soon enough.
They weren’t you.
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It was cold. Especially on one side of his body.
Jaehyun groaned, his entire being was sore. Where was he? Lethargically, he moved his hand over the cold, biting surface it was on. Was he on the floor?
He opened his eyes, blinking away the crust. Did he cry in his sleep?
Looking around, he tried to figure out what happened the night before. He was on the kitchen floor — of his old apartment. Why? His eyes fell on the item just a few inches away from his face. A ring.
Then it hit him like a truck. Everything that happened last night resurfaced in his head and his tears welled up again in his eyes. It wasn’t a dream. It all happened in reality.
“[Y/N]...” He rasped, mouth extremely dry.
He never felt so empty, yet his chest was so heavy. He couldn’t move his body, not even to hide the ring for safekeeping so it sat just there and mocked him. 
This could all have been avoided, it said.
“How?” Jaehyun whined, “Even if I just told her about the investigation… she would have still wanted to see the files…”
He remembered the said files that were right there on the dining table. Despite his body aching for sleeping on the floor, he pushes himself up to a sitting position. How much did you know? Surely it was just Go’s files you read? Maybe he can fix this.
He pocketed the ring and scrambled onto his feet, stumbling towards the table. He picked up a folder and opened it, skimming through the words. It’s just another set of all the reports Go gave him. Tossing it aside, he picks up another and does the same when he realizes what it was. Hope bloomed in him, he can fix this. He took his phone out from his back pocket, ignoring the messages and dialing your number. Before he could put it to his ear, he felt the table vibrate.
“Shit. Oh, [Y/N].” Jaehyun sighed, pushing back papers until he revealed your phone. “At least I can give this back to you myself.”
As he picked it up and debated on opening it, he noticed the folder it was recently perched on. He knew that logo embossed on the cream folder anywhere and all hope was leaving him as his blood ran cold. He pushed Go’s reports away and revealed more of the familiar logo-embossed folder.
Jeon’s Private Psychiatrist Clinic.
With urgency, he opened the first one and cussed out loud. 
How could anyone get any of these? Jeon is their family doctor — were these sent by someone in the family?
He browsed through more of them, a mix of shame, anger, regret, and hopelessness weighing down on him.
“She knows it all…” He murmured, “Shit, she knows everything.”
Jaehyun punched the table. He should have burned these… he should have never written about it, let alone submit it to Jeon for his psychiatric evaluation when he began therapy.
Everything he’s done from the moment he saw you, all of it written in great detail, in his own words; you had read every single one.
His shoulders slumped down, there’s no way he can come back from this. He’s not getting you back.
Jaehyun fell on the seat, laid his head on the table, and cried softly. What was he going to do now? He had built his world around you — for you. What was the point of everything now?
He sat up and looked at the window with wet, emotionless eyes. Nothing. 
He stood up and it knocked the chair back, but he didn’t pay attention to it. He can’t live without you.
It was almost noon. Were you preparing to have lunch right now? 
He made his way to the first bathroom, opened the lights, and stared at his face. He almost wanted to laugh. He looked like shit. He grew up learning to keep his appearance to be pristine as if he hadn’t sinned at all. He reached out, noting his knuckles were bruised but didn’t focus on it.
You used to be scared of looking at him through the mirror because of that night. He understood it now; the monster you feared.
“How could you do that?” He hissed, curling his fingers and landing a solid blow on his reflection. The mirror cracked on impact, creating a detailed web-like design.
“You don’t deserve her,” He punched the mirror once more, making a few shards chip off.
“You deserve to die.” A larger chunk fell on the sink and it reflected his entire face.
“You deserve to die.” Jaehyun repeated, picking the shard up with no hesitation and pressing it against his wrist.
It’s been years since he had felt like this — had been in this situation. When was it? Oh… it was the year before seeing you…
His father had hit him. He was caught doing drugs with his friends — no, the boys in his class he was forced to befriend because their families’ respective business could be potential investors or partners in their own — he was caught doing drugs with them at school. A teacher had caught and reprimanded them, reporting the issue straight to the principal. Their parents were called, arrangements were made, money was paid. The rumor stayed a rumor.
He had held his father in such high regard, he aspired to be like him. He wanted to be a powerful businessman like him. He wanted to find a woman like his mom and show her love like his father does to his mom. He loved his father just as much as he loved his mom, but that one crisp slap across his face had created a rift between them.
He remembered his mom crying at the sight, but his father’s yelling was burned into the back of his mind.
I didn’t raise you this way.
Jaehyun’s fingers twitched, reflecting light into his eyes that made him snap out of his reverie.
The glass shard was pressing hard against his skin, but it wasn’t breaking into it yet. His father’s words echoed in his head once more.
He pulled his arm back and stared at himself, he can’t do this. Not yet. He gripped at the broken glass, enough to cut and draw blood on his hand. He doesn’t know who sent you the files. He doesn’t know who harassed you. 
He doesn’t know who. took. you. from. him.
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Jaehyun jumped slightly when the door abruptly opened, causing the piece of shrimp to slip from his chopstick’s grasp. He took a look a second to glance up but didn’t react to the newcomers, in fact, he looked dismayed.
“Oh, my baby!” His mom cried, running up to him and falling to her knees. “This is where you’ve been the past few days? What happened to your hand?”
“I’m fine, mom.” He grumbled, “Get off the floor, it’s dirty.”
She frowned, looking around at the mess of take-outs and empty cans of beer and soda, but didn't move to get up.
“Jaehyun, what the fuck are you doing?” His father scolded, heavy steps echoed in the room as he walked toward them. “You’ve neglected your work to bum around here?”
“I filed for leaves. They were approved.” Jaehyun shook his head, dismissively.
“Don’t use that tone on me.” His father marched forward and this made his mom stand up to block her husband. “You weren’t raised like this.”
He shot a look at his father, slamming the takeout box on the coffee table and standing up, “What would you do if mom had called off your engagement and walked out on you, huh? You’re telling me you would pretend nothing happened?”
His mom gasped, bringing a hand to her lips and the other on her chest to showcase her shock.
“Am I not allowed to grieve?” Jaehyun emphasized, pointedly staring his father down.
“Of course, you are—”
“Then let me grieve. Leave me alone.” He plopped himself back down on the armchair and reached for his drink.
“You insufferable brat.”
Jaehyun snorted, “Who raised me again?”
“Why, you—” His father seethed, stepping forward, and seeing this made Jaehyun stand back up to defend himself.
His mother got in between them, “Boys, please!”
“I’m acting like this exactly because I was raised like this,” Jaehyun pointed a finger at his father, “By you.”
“I raised you better than this.”
“You raised me to be mentally ill, father!” He retorted, voice straining. “She left me because instead of stopping me, you supported me — you let me have her investigated, let me believe that I can do anything in your power to have her.”
His mom gasped again, turning around to look up at her husband, “Jaegun, is that true?”
When his father met her gaze but kept his mouth shut, Jaehyun scoffed.
“Yes, mom, it’s true. He let me do what he did to you.”
“Shut up, Jaehyun.” He hissed through his teeth.
Jaehyun laughed, “What? Now you’re ashamed that you raised me this way?” 
His father tried to step forward again, but his mom put her hands on his chest.
“Honey, stop. We’ll talk about it later at home. We have more pressing concerns than this,” She looked back at Jaehyun and sighed, “Jaehyun, please. Listen to us.”
“I don’t want to work right now, if that’s what you’re here for.”
“You daft boy,” His father bellowed, “[Y/N] is missing.”
Jaehyun froze. He could feel blood draining from his face, yet his heartbeat started to drum loudly in his ears. “What?”
“Sweetheart,” His mom stepped forward and cupped his face, “Her parents couldn’t reach any of your phones so they contacted me. They told me that she never got home and it was unlike her to not tell her if she had left to be with you. When I told your father, he got worried as well. That’s when he told me about what’s happening — the gist of it at least.”
He doesn’t know how to react, eyes flitting towards your phone on the table. It’s been days — almost a week. He never bothered charging your phone so it had probably died before anyone could call it.
“She left it on the table when…” He paused, “When she walked out.”
“Your father had to lie to them and tell them you took her on a spontaneous trip out of the country.” She spoke so softly while she rubbed his cheeks with her thumb. “Sweetheart, you need to tell us if you know where she is.”
“I don’t.” He quickly denied, “I’ve been cooped in this room since she left. I don’t know where she is. I—I thought she went home to her parents all this time.”
“Well, if you had checked your phone, you would have found out 3 days ago that she didn’t.” His father quipped impatiently. “Her parents wanted to file a missing persons report, but I told them not to worry because I said she was safe with you. The last ping of her phone was here — that’s why we’re here.”
He looked around and scoffed, “At least I can rest easy knowing you didn’t do anything to her.”
“I would never hurt her!”
“Jaehyun!” His mom held him back from charging at his father, “Calm down, I know you won’t. I believe you, sweetheart. Please just calm down.”
The father and son stared each other down, tension building further in the air around them.
“Sweetheart,” His mom repeated, “Would you happen to know where else she could go? Another friend?”
“Doyoung? Minkyung? Kang Yebin? I-I don’t know, mom — I just… I just let her leave!”
His mom hushed him, nodding, “Okay, sweetheart. Tell me what happened before she left. Tell me everything.”
Jaehyun stared into her eyes, glanced at his father, and back at his mom. It was always hard lying to his mom. He could hide things from her, but if she was keeping eye contact with him, he couldn’t bear to lie to his mother.
“I…” He licked his lips, “I had her investigated and followed in the past— when we were younger, uhm, in high school…”
The disapproving frown on his mother’s face made him inwardly wince. But then realization hit his mom and he braced himself.
“[Y/N] is the girl… you were stalking back in high school?” Her eyes widened, “Jung Jaehyun…”
No matter how old he is, his skin will always crawl whenever his mom calls him by his full name.
“Honey,” His father cleared his throat, “It’s all on me. Jaehyun’s right. It’s my fault. We both told him off when we found out about the stalking, but when you left, I told him I can hire a private investigator for him for the girl.”
“How could you,” She turned his attention to him, “look into [Y/N]’s eyes and pretend that was the first you were meeting her when Jaehyun introduced her to us— wait, don’t bother answering. I shouldn’t be surprised in the first place.”
Jaehyun watched as his mother rubbed her temples before speaking up again.
“Honey, you promised me when Jaehyun was born, you were going to make sure he wasn’t going to grow up…”
“Like me?” His father sighed, “I know. I’m sorry, honey. We’ll talk about it later. We need to find [Y/N].”
“Right, sweetheart, come home with us. Uh, freshen up there and get a proper meal.” She scrunched her nose at Jaehyun and gestured at him and the discarded paper bags from his delivered meals.
He looked hesitant, eyes darting around the room.
“Fine.” He shook his head, walking to the dining table and grabbed both yours and his phone. “Father, can you have someone, uhm, collect… these.”
Without another word, his father was on his phone and speaking in a low tone before ending the call. “One of my men will take care of it. Come on. You smell like ass, I’m getting another car for you to ride.”
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Jaehyun took his time in the shower, standing in the warmth a little longer even though he’s scrubbed himself clean of the sweat and grime his body accumulated after not bathing for days. 
“Sir,” A knock resounded from the bathroom door. “Your clothes from your home are here. We’ve set them in the closet.”
“Alright, thank you.” He responded, sighing at the servant’s words. Your home.
What he has is a house; an empty one, apartments in every region, and his room in his parent’s house — but none of them were home. His home is gone. His home is missing. But even if he finds it — even if he finds you — you aren't going to let him call you home anymore.
“Get a grip.” He grumbled to himself, shutting his eyes when it started to sting. “You need to focus.”
Jaehyun turned the shower off and wadded off to the walk-in closet, haphazardly toweling off the excess moisture off his body. The servants had laid out his clothes in categorized sections and he grabbed the first shirt and sweatpants on the respective piles. Once clothed, he shook his hair in the towel before discarding it in the laundry basket by the door and walked out to head to the living room.
In the living room, his parents were conversing with a man he recognized to be the Commissioner General — Yoon Yeongcheol. 
“Son, this is the Commissioner General, Yeongcheol. We went to school together.”
Is this how all our shit stays hidden? Jaehyun thought to himself.
They shook hands and sat down.
“I called him here because [Y/N] missing is a part of a much bigger case than we thought.”
“What do you mean?”
Yoon cleared his throat, “With the information I know so far as provided by your father, this —Ms. [Y/N] missing — all started from files from a private investigator named Go Hyunmo. It’s a breach of contract to have these files, or any work done by Go requested by your family, be given out to anybody else. Naturally, your father called him. When Go did not answer, he contacted me and I had my men go to his office and home to look for him.”
Yoon and his father shared an uneasy look.
“He’s dead, isn’t he.” Jaehyun said.
“By some luck, he’s not.” Yeongcheol scoffed, almost laughing. He brought a finger to his neck, pointing from one side to the other, “Neck was slit. There was blunt force trauma on the side of his head. Minimal signs of struggle. The perpetrator was a client; he must have struck Go on the head and it knocked him out cold. He slit his throat afterwards, but that woke Go up after because he started choking on his blood.”
Jaehyun’s mom recoiled and his father put a hand on her knee, “Honey, why don’t you go prepare some tea for us.”
She left without another word.
Once his mom was out of earshot, Jaehyun quietly asked, “Are you telling me that [Y/N] is with someone who tried to kill a man right now?”
“It’s likely that’s the case.”
“Jaehyun,” His father called, “Stay calm, son, and listen to Yeongcheol.”
“So this client asked for our files but got denied so he tried to kill Go?” Jaehyun gritted his teeth.
“No. The perpetrator had someone else investigated to get into Go’s private office and get access to his computer. We have reason to believe it wasn’t just [Y/N]’s information he had.” Yoon shook his head, “Does the name Choi Hajun ring a bell for you? The senator’s son?”
“He was my classmate in high school.” He shrugged his shoulders, confused, “Last I heard he was in jail.”
Yoon had an expandable file folder with him that he brought out and placed on the table, “He got bailed a few years back and he’s working for his father as a staff member. These are copies of the files Go dug up on him.”
He took out crisp, white pages from one section of the expander and laid it out on the table. Jaehyun’s pretty sure it should be illegal to have these, even if they were taken in as evidence from a crime scene.
“The perpetrator had records of him since high school — more importantly, when you two were in the same circle.”
“I was closer to the other guys compared to him, though.”
“Exactly.” Yoon nodded at his words, “You two didn’t get along. We suspect that whoever tried to kill Go wanted more information about Choi to get to you, maybe get information from that only Choi knew.”
Jaehyun pursed his lips, thinking of what Hajun could possibly reveal from his past. “Any information Hajun knows shouldn’t be that incriminating. Anything I did was started by him, it’ll backfire on him if he reveals anything.”
“I see. Well, we’ll be reaching out under Go’s case — maybe there’s a connection between the two of you that the suspect is after.” Yoon hesitated and Jaehyun pointed it out with annoyance. “Are you aware of the recent news of missing women all over the city?”
“Well, initially, the police are stumped with the case. It seemed to be at random, but with Ms. [Y/N] now also potentially part of this —”
Jaehyun stopped him, “You think the same man is behind all the missing women?”
“There’s a lot more cases that aren’t broadcasted in the news. These are the cases that have been barred because their families — prominent, powerful families — make sure it doesn’t reach the public.” Yoon brought out another set of files, “The missing cases off the news are all women from Kyeonggi Girls’ High School graduates.”
“What do they have to do with me?” His brows furrowed, confused, “I’ve only dated and been with one person in my entire life — [Y/N].”
“It seems that when all these women were in high school, they all expressed interest… in you. There… seemed to be an online thread popular amongst them at the time where the topic was you. It’s still up and available, actually, if you’re interested in—”
“I don’t give a single flying fuck about some online thread back in high school. I care about how my fianceé has been added to a list of missing women caused by some sociopath who has something against me for some god damn reason.” Jaehyun stood up from his seat, veins bulging from his neck as he did his best not to scream at Yoon.
His mother was just returned with a tray of biscuits while a servant followed with a tea set. “Have some tea, boys.”
“I’m going out.” He determinedly stated , turning around to go up to his room and grab his phone. “I’ll make my own personal visits to some people.”
“Son, that’s not advisable — if the suspect’s real goal is you—”
“Then he should’ve just gone for me.” Jaehyun cut off Yoon’s words, “The man’s a sociopath; he’s smart and he’s patient. He knows my weakness and is using it against me, but I’m not entirely vulnerable yet. He’s not going to pounce at me the second I step out of those doors, but I’m not going to sit around and wait for something to happen.”
He didn't wait for a response and left the room.
“Jaehyun!” His mom called out, “Honey, stop him!”
His father shook his head, “He’s right, though. If anything, we should heighten security around you, honey. You’re his mother. Yeongcheol, please keep us updated with any new findings your men have. As always, we appreciate you keeping a tight seal on this.”
“Any time, Jaegun.”
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Jaehyun found himself smiling in surprise, “Didn’t think you could sound so nice to me, Kang.”
Yebin chuckled over the phone, “Excuse me, I’ll take this call outside.”
Ah, he bit his lip to stop himself from laughing. He watched the people on the sidewalk pass by while he sat in traffic, tapping a finger on his knee. For his mom’s sanity, he agreed to be driven around by Mr. Kyung, their family chauffeur.
“What the fuck do you want?” Yebin hissed into his ear, right through the phone.
“Is [Y/N] with you?” He silently prayed to every and any higher being that she would say yes, “Tell me honestly. It’s very important.”
“No, I’m at work. I haven’t spoken to her in over a week — what the fuck did you do?”
Jaehyun balled his fist, disheartened to know you weren’t with her. He always thought if you were to run to someone to hide from him, you’d go to Yebin. She’s in an equally powerful conglomerate as he is — The Kangs were known in the arts industry. They owned museums, art schools, and multiple businesses. 
“I… She broke up with me.”
“What?!” The sheer frequency of her screech was so high that Jaehyun had to move his phone away, wincing. “She would never do that. She’s wrapped around your finger as much as you are with her!”
Somehow hearing that from Yebin comforted him, “It’s… a long story. I just needed to know if she was with you. Would you happen to know if she’s with Minkyung?”
“No, and now that you mentioned it, Minkyung did bring up the other day that she couldn’t contact [Y/N].”
“Jung, I don’t like that tone. There’s more to this than you’re letting on. Spit it out.”
Jaehyun inhaled deeply, contemplating if he should tell her. Yebin was too… unpredictable. He doesn’t know much about her as a member of the Kang conglomerate. She never talked about it during gatherings and if Jaehyun was going to be completely honest, she doesn’t even seem to be a “Kang” with how she lives her life.
“Jung Jaehyun—”
“I can’t tell you much. It’s a private investigation that the Commissioner himself is handling… Someone seems to have a vendetta against me. That’s all I can reveal. And… it seems they have gotten their hands on [Y/N].”
The silence on the other line was both concerning and terrifying.
“So basically, you’re telling me that [Y/N] is missing — possibly kidnapped — because of you.” Jaehyun couldn’t even respond to this because Yebin is enunciating the next words slowly, “I am going to kill you.”
He sighed, “Please let me find her before you do so.”
“No, we’re going to find her. I’m going to help. I’ll tell Minkyung—”
“Don’t. Kang, be smarter than this. We’re keeping this on the down low… not even her parents know.”
“What. the. Fuck. Jung. Her own parents don’t know? What do they know?”
“That I took her on a spontaneous trip abroad.” Jaehyun rubbed his eyes in irritation, looking outside to realize he’s reached his destination and Mr. Kyung was just letting him finish his call. “I have to go. There’s someone I have to talk to. Please don’t tell Minkyung or [Y/N]’s parents. Please, Kang.”
He heard her grumbling on the other line before she responded, “Fine. But keep me updated and if there’s anything I can do — name it and it’s done.”
“Okay. Thank you.” He briefly remembered Yoon’s words, “Kang, be careful. It’s pretty much known in our circle we don’t like each other. I’ll tell you more details later but whoever this asshole is had someone who I didn’t get along with back in high school investigated. The Commissioner said it was probably to get info on me.”
“You’re right. I don’t like you. In fact, at the moment I absolutely hate you. But if anyone came to me looking for shit on you, I’m on your side. I would never do anything to you because I know it’ll upset [Y/N]. She loves you, I’m sure you know that. And I don’t know what the fuck you did to make her break up with you, but I can confidently tell you that up to that point that she loved you more than anything in the world.” She paused, “And yeah, I’ll be careful. We have better security now thanks to Nakamoto.”
Jaehyun was in the middle of unbuckling his seatbelt, “You signed with him, too?”
“Technically, my mom did, but yeah. Gotta praise him for his tenacity in taking over the security tech industry here.”
“Yeah, I guess.” He nodded at Mr. Kyung as if to say he’s getting out, “I have to go. I’ll contact you later.”
After he closed the door of the car, Mr. Kyung drove off, presumably to look for parking while he waited for him. Jaehyun gazed up at the location he’s arrived at, eyeing the large signage in front.
Seoul General Hospital.
He hadn't even stepped foot inside when someone recognized him and called his attention. Luckily for him, it’s exactly who he was looking for.
“Jaehyun. What brings you here?” Kun had a brown paper bag in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. He must be on his lunch break, which is perfect.
“I’m here for you, actually. I’d like to have a word with you in private.”
Kun seemed apprehensive but nodded, “Uh, sure. I should be the only one in the OB clinic at the moment.”
Jaehyun followed him through the door and throughout their small journey of walking down the reception area and getting into an empty elevator for the third floor, the two men just stayed silent. Kun felt very awkward, unable to bring himself to make small talk with Jaehyun, who simply just stayed quiet as he thought out his words.
Once in the clinic and Kun had put his lunch inside the break room, he gestured for Jaehyun to enter a small office. “Have a seat.”
Jaehyun sat down on one of the chairs in front of the table, while Kun circled the desk to sit on his own.
“So, what is it that you came to talk to me about?”
“You’re Jeon Gon, aren’t you?”
Jaehyun watched Kun’s eyes widen just a fracture. 
The doctor shook his head, “I’ve already told [Y/N] that it wasn’t me.”
“[Y/N] confronted you? When?”
Kun glanced over to the wall where a calendar was, “A few weeks ago— last month, actually. I would have thought she told you about it. She told me about the gifts being sent to her under my name… my Korean name. You can ask the head nurse for my logs around that time and it would show that I was busy here for weeks. I only had time off recently because my parents are here—” He sucked his teeth to stop himself from talking.
Jaehyun stared at him, emotionless.
They held eye contact for a while, letting tension build in the air until Jaehyun whispered, “Do you harbor any hate for me?”
“If I was in your position, I’d hate me. I made you break up with your girlfriend so I could have her.”
Kun frowned, “Jaehyun…”
“And to make sure you stayed away, I paid your parents to move back to China and had them sign an NDA to shut them up.” He leaned back on his chair, crossing his arms all the while still keeping his eyes on the doctor, waiting for a reaction. “You should hate me. You hate me, don’t you?” 
Kun broke their eye contact, bringing his head down with defeated sigh and a slow shake of his head to deny Jaehyun’s allegations.
“I don’t. I’m not like that.” He softly spoke, “Maybe I hated you then, but it’s been years, Jaehyun. I’ve moved on from it.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“So you think I hate you? And you think I want revenge for what you’ve done? And my revenge is what? Breaking the NDA? Harassing [Y/N]?” He brought his attention back to him, “If that was my plan, I wouldn’t have brought my parents here for vacation and have them be collateral damage for my actions. I may not have romantic feelings for [Y/N] anymore, but I still care and respect her. I don’t have a reason to do any of the things you’re accusing me of. So no, I don’t hate you. If anything, from what I can tell right now is that you hate me.”
This made Jaehyun chuckle, dryly and bitter.
“The one thing we have in common is that our first love is one woman — [Y/N]. But the difference is that you're hers.”
The admonition pierced his chest. He always knew it but he refused to hear it out loud because somehow he knew he’ll be filled with such an overwhelming sense of jealousy that he’ll lose himself in it.
“And the difference between me and [Y/N] is that we’re not each other’s last.” Kun said, “I may not have met mine yet, but she’s met hers. And it’s you. And I’m genuinely happy for both of you. Really.”
Jaehyun couldn’t wrap his head around how Kun could say such things after all he’s done. It shouldn’t be that easy.
“I’m sorry, but my lunch break is almost over. I don’t mean to kick you out or anything.” He gestured to the clock that read it was nearing 1PM after hearing female voices outside the office.
A knock came from the door, “Dr. Qian? You in there?”
“I have a friend over, Dr. Lee.”
Friend. Jaehyun frowned, how could he consider someone like him as a friend?
“Well, I need to get back to work soon. Again, Jaehyun, I’m being framed. I’m just not the type to hold grudges and I’m not blind to see or understand that [Y/N] is safe with you—”
“She’s not.” Jaehyun cut him off. Hurriedly, he spoke up again before Kun could question it. “She’s missing. She’s been missing for a few days now.”
“What?” The news had Kun on his feet, his chair rolling off as he stood up. “What do you mean?”
“Whoever has been framing you has gotten to her and I don’t know where she is. I came here thinking you were behind it or at least had some part in it.” He was speaking so fast, but he didn’t stumble over his words. He felt himself unraveling; he believed it was Kun all this time but now he’s sure he couldn’t have done anything to you. He’s at a loss on any lead on who the kidnapper could be. His throat started to burn and the back of his eyes began to prick, “But now I know it’s not you.”
Jaehyun swallowed hard, doing his best to keep his emotions in check. He stood up as well and smoothed out his clothes. “The police are on the case, so you don’t have to worry. It’s a private investigation so I would like to ask you to keep quiet about it.”
“How are her parents? Are they okay?”
“They’re fine, but… they don’t know she’s missing. They’re under the assumption I took her on a surprise trip out of the country.”
Kun stared at him as if he grew another head, “What?”
“I just want to know a little more about the case so I can explain it better when I tell them, okay?” He scowled, “And I’m sorry for taking up your lunch break. I’ll be on my way—”
“Jaehyun, wait,” Kun put a hand up in front of him, waiting for Jaehyun to turn back to him, “I’m not as powerful as you — I don’t have the means to go above and beyond to help, but… but you were wrong about what we have in common. What we have in common is that we’ll do anything for [Y/N] and I don’t know what I can do, but please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.”
Jaehyun took a second to process his words before nodding, “Okay, I will… and I’d like to tell you everything that’s happened. I think you deserve that much after I came here unannounced and accused you. But for now, just stay quiet. Stay safe.”
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“Sir, you have a visitor.”
Choi Hajun looked up from his laptop, annoyed at the secretary. “I’m busy.”
“B-but… it’s very important—”
“I don’t care. Tell them I don’t have time.”
“Well, you’re going to make time for me either way.” Jaehyun stepped around the secretary, who was blushing at the ground when he had put a hand on her shoulder to gently push her out of his way. “What kind of staff member for the senator has a personal office?”
The secretary scurried off, closing the door to give them privacy.
“Jung?” Hajun scoffed, sarcasm just dripping off his voice, “Jung Jaehyun? To what do I owe this pleasure? I heard you’re getting married.”
The tiniest muscle under his eye twitched at the last word but Jaehyun remained calm. He remembered why he hated him so much back in high school. He was always so loud and obnoxious, your typical rich kid who assumes he had power because his father had power. He made himself the leader of anything they did, he commanded, made decisions, and was the mastermind behind everything back then. If he hadn’t been jailed, maybe he would have tried running for a political position.
“I’m going to assume the police haven’t contacted you yet.”
“The police?” Hajun paled at this, “Why? I haven’t been doing anything! Especially nothing against you!”
He rolled his eyes, “Calm down, you idiot. Someone is after me. They hired our trusted private investigator to investigate you to get access to his other files in his office.”
“What the fuck? I’ve done nothing. Elections are coming up. The last thing I’ll ever do is get into hot water that affects my dad. He’d kill me.”
“You expect me to believe that you’ve been tame all this time? No bars? Night clubs? Strip clubs?”
Jaehyun smirked, cocking his head to the side, “Then what did your mother pay the police district for a few months back?”
Hajun shot up from his seat, “How do you know that?”
“Your dad can’t find out because he’ll disown you, but you’ve always been a mother’s boy, huh?”
“You went through the shit the PI got for the other guy? You’re fucked up and that’s illegal!”
“Don’t raise your voice, Hajun. Do you want the rest of the office to hear and report it directly to your dad?”
“This is my office and you’re just a visitor — an uninvited one, for that matter.”
“This is your office, but clearly you’re not the one in power at the moment.” Jaehyun leaned over the desk and planted his hands firmly on the table. The action made Hajun flinch and freeze on the spot. “You and I both know who is, hyung.”
Hajun’s jaw tightened, “Just what is it you want from me, Jung?”
He smiled brightly, dimples in full display, “I just wanted to know if you know someone who could possibly be after me. Maybe you came across someone new the past few months that seemed out of the blue—”
“My circle is small now, Jung. I’m not in touch with any of the other guys from school, too. Yeah, I was at a club a few months ago, but the only reason why my mother paid the police was because the club was a drug den — I didn’t willingly do drugs! I was drugged!”
Jaehyun’s face fell and he slowly erected his back as Hajun rambled about the drugging incident. He was there, too? “Who were you with?”
“Co-workers! We came from an office dinner, and thought we’d continue the night with drinks at the club.”
When the drug raid was reported on the news, Jaehyun and Sicheng did get tested and both of them got similar results that confirmed that they were in fact drugged that night. Yuta also tested positive when they asked him. Nothing new ever came up and it seemed like they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time, so neither of them ever brought it up or looked further into it.
“Not even at work?” Jaehyun interrupted Hajun once more, this man never knew when to shut up. “You didn’t meet anyone new for work?”
“I help out with PR, but that’s it. I’m barely the PR manager. I only have an office because I’m a spoiled brat.” Hajun sat back, crossing his arms over his chest. The topic had clearly upset him but he didn’t want to dwell on it, “Look, if someone came to me looking for dirt on you, it’ll be hard to expose you without exposing myself or any of the others. But I’ll stay alert and update you if I find something suspicious.”
“Okay.” Jaehyun grabbed a notepad and pen on the table and scribbled a number down. “You can reach me using that number. I’ll be going now. Thanks for your time.”
As he reached the door, Hajun gasped and it made him glance back in curiosity.
“Wait, there was someone — I didn’t meet him, but my father did. Fuck, I can’t remember his name, but they met for business and I just thought it was weird because the dude’s company didn’t have anything remotely helpful in politic’s — but what do I know about poli—”
“Stop wasting my time and remember the guy’s name.”
Hajun grimaced at him, but shut his eyes in hopes he could remember by doing so.
Jaehyun was growing impatient and was about to turn back around to open the door until Hajun snapped his fingers.
The name that slipped past Hajun’s mouth had made Jaehyun see red.
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a/n: 😇 and the villain is--
next: part 16
fund my resignation lmao
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