hold-me-sickfics · 4 years
The Independent Jungkookie
Hi guys! This is my first post since being back. I’m sorta rusty, but I hope you guys like it!
TW: emeto/ slight fear of vomiting/ slight fear of being alone when sick
Word Count: 1343
“Breathe Jungkookie. You’re okay. I’ve got you.” Jimin rubbed the maknae’s back as he retched into the toilet bowl once again. The lights were turned down low so they wouldn’t hurt the boy’s eyes.
“Hyung- “he gagged, “m’ not a baby.” Jungkook was the youngest of the group, which often led to him being treated like a toddler when he got sick. Though he claimed not to like it, the rest of the members knew he needed it.
“You’re right Kook. Sorry.” Jimin smiled half-apologetically.
Jungkook retched again, then leaned into Jimin’s chest.
“Here’s your Sprite bud.” Yoongi came in holding a glass of Sprite with crushed ice (not cubed. Jungkook hated it cubed.)
“Thanks.” Jungkook reached his trembling hands out to take the glass. Yoongi got down on his knees and gave it to him.
Jungkook took a tiny sip, and then gagged, turning back to the bowl.
Suddenly, the door creaked open.
“Hey Yoongs,” Hoseok spoke in a low tone so he wouldn’t startle the maknae.
“What’s up?” Yoongi stood back up, and joined Hoseok out in the hallway. He closed the door behind them.
“Does he have a fever yet? Jin wants to know. Namjoon has volunteered to go get the liquid fever reducer since Jungkook won’t take pills.”
“I’ll have to check. Do we have the scanning thermometer? Jimin said he gagged every time he saw the one that goes in his mouth.”
“Um…” Hoseok thought for a moment. “Maybe? Hang on, I’ll go look.” Hoseok turned to leave, and Taehyung showed up right behind them.
“Hey, how’s he doing?”
“Hasn’t thrown up yet, but he’s awful nauseous.” Yoongi answered as he checked his phone. It was 3:25 a.m. Jungkook had woken up at 1:57 a.m.
“I washed the blanket he likes. Jin is setting up the living room so we can all sleep in there.” They all knew that Jungkook couldn’t sleep alone when he felt sick.
“Yoongi!” Jimin called from inside.
“Coming!” Yoongi opened the door to Jungkook finally throwing up. The poor maknae was in tears.
“Yoongi I feel bad.” The youngest rasped.
“I know bud. It’s alright.”
Jimin, who was still on Jungkook’s right side, was now holding him around his back, while Jungkook kept both arms around his churning midsection.
Jungkook’s back tensed as he puked up the remnants of dinner, and Yoongi wiped his face with a cool cloth. 
“Hyung, I’m the youngest but I can take care of myself.” Jungkook was still trying to act all tough, but the other members had just learned to let him talk like he was independent, and then treat him like the sick little boy he was.
“I know you can Jungkook.”
Yoongi and Jimin shared a look of sympathy for the little guy, but also a slight smile at how cute the maknae was when he was trying to be tough.
“Do you think you’re done?” Yoongi leaned down a bit to meet Jungkook’s eye level.
He shook his head, then retched.
“Hey I got the thermometer.” Hoseok stood in the doorway, holding the thermometer out to Yoongi. He would have loved to help the maknae too, but he was too much of a sympathy puker. Even with just coming into the bathroom, the smell was close to setting him off.
“Thanks, Hobi. Okay Kookie, I’m just gonna scan you real quick.” Yoongi pressed the button on the thermometer and pointed it at the maknae’s forehead.
The device beeped pretty quickly.
“What’s it say?” Jimin asked.
“100.8. He’s definitely got a virus of some sort.”
Jungkook whimpered pitifully. The poor thing was sweating through his t-shirt, and yet he shivered hard enough that it was difficult for him to sit up on his own.
Yoongi looked up at Hoseok who was turning green in the doorway.
“Might wanna tell Namjoon to go get that medicine. And popsicles.”
Hoseok turned to leave.
“Hyung, I don’t need popsicles to get over a virus.” Jungkook’s eyes watered.
They all stayed silent for a moment.
“What flavor do you want buddy?” Hoseok, like the others, saw through the façade.
“Grape please.” Jungkook whispered.
“You got it.” Hoseok closed the door.
“Think you’re finished now Kookie?” Jimin rubbed the youngest’ arm with his thumb.
“Yeah. For now anyways.” The poor boy was shuddering from exertion and chills.
“Let’s get you in the living room then.” Jungkook nodded, and let the other two boys help him up. Once they got him on his feet, Yoongi flushed the toilet so Jungkook wouldn’t have to see its contents.
Slowly, they helped him to the living room, and set him down on the couch. Taehyung had taken extra care to make sure Jungkook’s Overwatch fleece blanket came out of the dryer right when he entered the room.
“How ya feeling Kookie?” Taehyung asked as he tucked the youngest in the warm blanket.
“My stomach hurts.” His eyes started to water once again.
“Well, luckily for you, I have something for that.” Jin came over with a heating pad which was wrapped in a thin towel. He plugged it in, and flipped the on/off switch. 
Thankfully, the store wasn’t far from their apartment. 
“Namjoon is on his way back with the medicine and popsicles. Think you could drink a little tea for me?”
“I’m just gonna throw it back up.”
“We can hope you don’t. Hoseok?” Jin called.
“On my way.” The pitcher rattled with the crushed ice inside. Hoseok brought a glass of it into the living room and handed it to Jin.
Jungkook’s arms were already tucked into the blanket.
“Hey Hobi, grab me a straw real quick. A blue one if you’ve got it.”
Hoseok brought a blue straw just as he’d been asked to.
“Here you go Kookie. Lean up a little.”
Jungkook had been laying in Jimin’s lap, so Jimin cupped his head in his hand and helped him to lean up. Jin slipped the straw between his lips.
Jungkook took a drink, and then turned away.
“M’ done.”
Just then, Namjoon came in with a shopping bag.
“Alright JK, I got grape popsicles, orange-flavored fever reducer, and a pair of those fluffy socks you like since your feet get really cold when you feel sick.”
“Thanks, Hyungie.” Jungkook smiled a bit, though he was still shivering.
“Okay bud, can you drink this for me?” Jin poured 10mL of the fever reducer into a small measuring cup.
“I don’t want to…” Jungkook took a whiff of the orange liquid and retched.
“I know. Just try to breathe alright?”
Jungkook nodded, wide-eyes fearful.
A couple minutes passed, and Jungkook still couldn’t take the medicine.
“Okay bud. I’m gonna help you.”
Jungkook turned around to see Yoongi with a shot of pickle juice.
“You know how much I hate this stuff right?” Yoongi swirled the liquid around, mentally convincing himself it was just a jello shot.
“Yoongi, you don’t have to.” Jungkook glanced at the pickle juice shot, wishing he could trade.
“I know I don’t have to. Now on the count of 3, it’s bottoms up. Got it bud?”
Jungkook nodded, teeth still chattering from his chills.
“Alright. One, two, three.”
The boys downed the shots, with one’s taste buds revolting against them.
“Yoongi, you okay?” Taehyung asked.
“Yeah, just got choked up for a minute. I’m proud of you Kook.”
Jungkook smiled a bit, and then cuddled back down in his blanket, and further into Jimin’s embrace.
“Wanna watch a movie Kookie?” Jin asked, rising from Jungkook’s side.
“Can we watch Monsters INC?”
“Sure bud.” Yoongi slid in under the maknae’s feet.
“I’ve got the heat turned up. Let me get those socks JK.” Namjoon slipped the fuzzy blue socks onto Jungkook’s feet, and then covered them up again with the blanket.
“Just so you guys know… I could have done it by myself. I’m almost as old as you guys. I’m not a baby.”
“We know Jungkookie, we know.” Jimin started to play with Jungkook’s hair, and he was out cold asleep before the commercials even went off.
 The End
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