#Silly doodle of the silliest duo!
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Have a magical Easter everyone!! ✨✨✨
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gunky-gooper · 10 months
the silliest goobers ever, god I’d love to see them as an actual duo frfr (not shipping btw!!!!)
if canon can’t make them a duo, I’ll do it myself
Extra silly doodles
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Added this last one for the sillies
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jupiter-nwn · 9 months
Have some doodles I made in class of my duo of very traumatized but very silly main Ocs :3
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Zephyr (he/they) and Día (he/they/ae) :3
Silliest of the bunch, can't wait to get my tablet back so I can properly draw them digitally
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alleycat97 · 5 years
Pairing: Eliana x MC
Description: Tired of her mother and sister fighting, Aria needed a break from trying to hold the family tigether. Close to exhaustion and no place to go, she finds the one person who can make everything better, Eliana.
Disclaimer: Not my characters. Please enjoy!!
“I know you took it! If I find out you took it, I’ll be mad at you forever!” Alexis stomped out of the room angrier than ever.
Your mother tried to plead with her, only getting angrier with her youngest daughter, she already told her she didn’t take her cherished sweatshirt but Alexis wasn’t satisfied with that.
From the first day of this vacation, from the day of her fathers funeral, Alexis and yall’s mother have been going at each other, sometimes for the silliest of things. No matter how hard Aria tried to get them together and see the light, no matter her efforts to bring them together. Whether it be a spa day, making drinks by the pool or coming together at the annual clam bake, the victories were only temporary.
Aria would make ground on her sister and mother only to have another thorn burst her bubble and she would have to restart. You would think her explosion at the breakfast table would have knocked some sense into her family but it was looked over and here they were, arguing over a sweatshirt. This summer was hopeless and Aria was done trying to hold her life, her family, and her fathers legacy together.
“THATS IT! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YALL’S CRAP!” Aria exploded, making her mother cover her mouth in shock and stopping Alexis in her tracks.
“No matter what I do, how hard I try to bring you two together, the worse off we are! Maybe we should just sell this stupid house! Maybe we should get out of this stupid town and never come back and never see each other again!”
“Aria...You don’t mean that.” Her mother tried.
“Oh? This family is a disaster because you two cannot get along! I’m tired of being the glue.”
“Where are you going?” Alexis asked.
“Its none of your business!” Aria yelled out slamming the door leaving her family members shocked.
Aria walked in frustration to wherever her feet took her, that just so happened to be a familiar cowboy bar downtown. It was late but a few patreons were there enjoying the music, drinks, and mechanical bull.
Aria slid onto a bar stool with her head slumped low. Then she slid up from behind the bar,
“Well hello to you.” Eliana greeted. “Aww why the long face?”
Aria let out a long sigh, “Its my mom and sister again. They’re fighting over Alexis’ lost sweatshirt.”
Eliana couldn’t help but giggle, she knew of Aria’s situation but the reasons kept getting sillier, “Well what’s so special about this sweatshirt.”
“It was my dads and he gave it to Alexis. She always wears it.” Aria explained.
Eliana didn’t need to figure out why it was special to the girl now. “So what happened?”
“Alexis came running downstairs freaking out over it. She couldn’t find it and automatically started blaming mom because mom told her it was time to get a new one.”
“So do you think your mom took it?” Eliana asked while she prepped some customers drink.
“Honestly? No. If anything mom probably took it to get patched up. Mom has tons of issues with dad being gone, so getting rid of his stuff is helping her get rid of her baggage. Hince the reason for selling the house. But she knows that shirt is special to Alexis, she would never.”
“So Alexis blew up at your mom and wouldn’t let her explain herself, you tried to intervene like usual but finally blew up for good?” Eliana asked wiping the bar down.
“Yes. And this time, idk. I’m so tired of trying to be the peacemaker. Dad would be so disappointed but I’ve done all I can do, I don’t K...know...why they can’t get along.” Aria tried fighting the tears but they overwhelmed her.
“Oh sweetie.” Eliana placed her hands in Aria’s and leaned over the bar. “I can’t say I fully understand your problem because I’ve never been there. Being the youngest of 3 older brothers and all. But one thing I know is that they are my family and no matter how much I may hate them at any given moment, I’ll always have their back.”
There was something magical about Eliana. It didn’t matter how awful she felt, or how bad her day was going, Aria knew the moment she saw the woman, her problems would go away. She was literally the most precious thing she had ever seen. From her talks about her turtles, to drawing doodles with her tongue sticking out, the woman was serious in everything she did and it was the cutest thing Aria had ever saw.
“Do you want something to drink? Maybe calm your nerves?” Eliana asked.
“No thank you. I should get going, I’m gonna go lay on the beach.” Aria said rising from her stool.
Eliana bit her lip in wonder, “Aria it’s 11pm! Just go home?”
“I’m not going home. For tonight anyway. I can stay on the beach, atleast it’s peaceful.”
Eliana cleared the register and stowed away the cash and quickly flipped the sign to ‘closed’ before ushering the straggling patreons out.
“Eliana what are you doing?” Aria quizzed.
“You’re coming home with me. It’ll be fun, like a old fashion sleepover.”
“But...but...can you do that?” Aria asked amazed.
“Well I just did. Come on so I can lock the door.”
Aria couldn’t contain her smile and excitement, Eliana grabbed her hand and they walked a few blocks to the woman’s apartment.
“Don’t laugh, it’s not much, but it does the job.” Eliana said pulling Aria through the threshold into her tiny apartment.
Aria looked around at the immaculate apartment, it was super cute with a beautiful view of the ocean. It wasnt large but for Eliana it was perfect.
“Are you hungry? I can fix you something if you would like?” Eliana asked trying to be a good host. Aria could tell that she was nervous.
“Oh no thank you. I’m fine. Come sit silly.” Aria said patting the couch.
Eliana did as asked and sat down beside Aria who gladly put her arm snuggly around the girl.
“Eliana relax. I can hear you thinking.” Aria said laughing at Eliana and her fidgeting.
“I’ve never actually had a sleepover before. I don’t know what to do.” Eliana let out. That was her greatest weakness and fear. Everything Eliana did had to be planned out thoroughly, she didn’t half ass anything and it had to be perfect.
“The Eliana Flores has never had a sleepover!?” Aria laughed out. Seeing the down look on her face, Aria stopped teasing and pulled her closer. “The best thing about a sleepover is there is no rules to go by. We make it up as we go.”
“Really? But I thought we had to gossip and do each other’s nails and talk about nonsense.” Eliana asked.
“Well yes. But we can do whatever you want to do. It’s your house, I’m just glad to be here with you.”
Eliana stretched her arms and let a yawn escape, “Sounds like someone is tired.” Aria laughed.
“I’ve been up for hours researching my turtle. I’m starting to get worried. It’s been weeks and I can’t locate her.” There was the passion Aria loved.
“Well how about we get some rest and I’ll help you search tomorrow, the least I can do for you taking me in.”
Eliana smiled, “Just as long as you talk to your family.” Aria had to agreed.
Eliana stepped into her bedroom and came out packing a pair of sweats, “Here Aria, these should fit you.”
Aria practically ripped them out of Eliana’s arms with excitement and stripped down baring it all for Eliana to see and hopped in her sweats wearing a huge smile.
Eliana stood in shock at the sight of a nearly naked Aria before she put her sweats on.
“Well? How do I look?” Aria said modeling the slightly baggy sweats, rapping her arms across her front hugging herself tightly.
“Oh. Um. You look. Yeah.” Eliana couldn’t put together a proper sentence earning a laugh from Aria. “So that’s means I look good?” Eliana nodded.
Aria sprawled out on the couch preparing to settle in when Eliana spoke up, “You can stay in my bed if you want. I can sleep on the couch.”
Aria got up and looked the woman over with a devilish smirk, “I got a better idea.” Aria grabbed Eliana and pulled her inside her room and hopped on the neatly made bed. “We will sleep together.”
“Oh” Eliana stuttered. “Ok, ju...just let me change.” Eliana grabbed her pjs and headed for the bathroom but was cutoff by Aria.
“No ma’am. Strip for me.”
Eliana’s jaw hit the floor. “You want me to strip?”
“It’s only fair Ellie, you saw my goods. I think the host should return the favor.”
Eliana nodded and slowly stepped out of her jeans and pulled her shirt off. Earning a satisfying moan from Aria. “Like what you see?” Eliana confidently spoke.
“Mmmmhm. I do I do I do.”
Eliana feeling confident finally pulled on her pajamas and Aria couldn’t help but laugh at the cuteness before her.
“What’s so funny?” Eliana inquired.
“Those pjs are the absolute cutest!” Aria squealed. It was just simple sleeping shorts and cami top covered in little sea turtles.
“If you hadn’t noticed I’m kind of obsessed with turtles.”
Aria pulled Eliana in bed and they quickly crawled under the covers. Eliana laid on her side like she normally did, and Aria slid up behind her, pulling herself firmly against Eliana and laid her arm securely over the woman.
“I know. That’s what I like most about you my little nerd.” Aria placed a kiss on Eliana’s cheek and the duo drifted off to sleep.
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