riaxandra · 5 years
SIM 4 thoughts:
So there has been couple things that have been bugging me lately regarding sims 4 as a topic of discussion lately.
I know that I have barely any impact on this community considering that I mostly watch and follow rather that create the content but I wanted to write about this anyway.
Sooo! The topic I want to discuss is what some of our lovely community members want sims 4 team to bring in to the game or future sims games what they have and what they haven't.
My number one issue is the open world
When the sims 3 came out I actually did not play it myself that much. Propably once or twice, but what I do remember tho is that it was very laggy game.
The sims 3 open world requires your computer to be powerful enough to run it especially if the player want to play with multiple game packs aswell and that kils the gaming experience.
Simply not everyone has the ability to obtain a computer to be able to run it and I believe that this is a reason why the sims team removed it from the sims 4. And people who complain about it don't seem to realise that not everyone would be able to play the game in that case. And what EA and the sims team is trying to do is to make the game more playable and accessible for everyone.
Now as a former sims 2 player I can tell that sims 4 sims has more mobility compared to sims 2 but less that sims 3. Which I am happy about. Don't get me wrong tho. I would love an open world but sadly I most likely can't run it.
I would rather have the expansion packs than the open world to be honest.
What would be nice is that since we have districts in sims 4 why we could not have open districts instead of fully open world.
Now other thing is that the sims 4 team seem to be either lazy or very rushed with their updates and releases.
All the little mistakes that they happen to make with their builds and furniture (u know I'm talking about counters) why just not take the extra week to test run it by game changers team and fix tha very small things?
Now last problem is connected to the second one.
It has been proven by sims team in previous games that it is possible to have some actually fun stuff in the game like cars. In sims 2 especially we always had cars. As well as interesting staircases that we're not customizable as much but they were fun. Bring that back please?
What I would have loved myself in reality (a bit late to talk about it I assume) but with the 20y bday of sims to receive a cool stuff pack or something from the team that would combine all these small coom stuff from previous games in the sims 4 game.
Give me the sexy hotthub from sims 1 (not the new hotthub) and the heart bed from sims 1 and 2.
Bing back the robber and the skunk
Maybe more proper back stories of our townies? With already made up relationships and personality?
Any thoughts and suggestions?
Comment below. ♥️
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