#Sir Wobbles never left Mirabel's sight
allofasudden00 · 2 years
I’ve gotten a weird push of inspiration based on my previous post about the Encanto pets that I decided to write a short thing about Mirabel’s hamster. 
Antonio perks up at the sound of a knock on his bedroom door. He gets up and rushes over to open it. As he opens the door Mirabel gives him a small smile, her eyes fill with worry. Antonio returns the smile. 
“Hola Mira! What’s wrong?” He questions with a tilt to his head. He moves out of the way, allowing Mirabel to walk into his room. She walks in quickly and he shuts the door behind her. 
“Hey Tonito, can I ask you for a favor?” Mirabel asks tentatively. Her smiles leave and her expression becomes a slight pout. Antonio walks over and grabs her hand, his own face scrunching up in worry. 
“Sure, what’s wrong?” 
“Sir Wobbles has been acting really strange lately, can you talk to him to see what is wrong? I’m worried.” Her voice wavers as she blinks away her worried tears. Antonio pats her hand gently and nods. He quickly leads her out of the room and toward hers. When they enter, Antonio’s eyes land onto the cage holding the hamster of the the current topic. Mirabel sits down on her bed and bites her lip anxiously. Antonio walks over and puts his face close to the cage. Sir Wobbles stares up at him. 
“Hi Sir Wobbles, Mirabel says you’ve been acting strange? Are you okay?” Antonio asks cheerfully. The hamster stares with an intensity that the five-year-old wasn’t expecting. Sir Wobbles walks closer to the side of the cage Antonio is on. 
“Child, my manners the last few weeks have been out of necessity.” The hamster squeaks at him. His tiny paws grab the bars of the cage. “I long to escape this plighted world, but each of my endeavors have been foiled by the cruel omnipotent Goddess you proclaim as Mirabel.” Antonio’s mouth falls open slightly and he slowly looks at Mirabel. She frowns and her brow furrows in worry.
“What did he say?!” 
“Nothing! He is still telling me stuff!” Antonio deflects, he turns back to the hamster with a fake smile on his face. “Wobbles what do you mean by that?”
“Child you understand the meaning of my words, don’t for a second think otherwise.” Sir Wobbles snaps at him. “I have heard tales of my predecessors and their downfalls. I shall not meet my end the same way. Mr. Chubs eaten by a snake, Lola perished because she gorged herself due to our master’s over feeding, and Sir Wobbles the first went missing and never returned.” The hamster turns his back and walks further into the cage. “I choose to leave this mortal coil by my own hand, rather than fall victim to the angel of death herself.” 
“Antonio? Did he tell you what is wrong?” Mirabel asks, making Antonio jump slightly. He whips around with a nervous smile on his face. He gulps at her very worried expression. 
“He... he said that he feels...” Antonio’s mind races as he fidgets with his hands. “He said that he feels alone and that he wishes you would spend more time with him and never take your eyes off him!” Antonio lies, shutting his eyes and wincing.
“Child! You lie! Tell her the truth! The grim reaper needs to bare witness to her actions! None of my kind shall ever fall by her hand! I-”
“He says he loves you and just wants to spend more time cuddling with you!” Antonio increases the volume of his voice to drown out the squeaking of the hamster. Mirabel smiles and her eyes fill with tears of relief.
“Really?” Mirabel asks, Antonio reluctantly nods his head. Mirabel sighs and hugs her primo. “Thank you so much Tonito!” She lets go and walks over to the cage. “Sorry I’ve been really busy little guy, I’ll never let you out of my sight ever again!” She opens the cage and gently picks up the flailing hamster. 
“Unhand me you heathen! Child! You must help me! Tell her to set me free or end my eternal suffering! Tell her! TELL HER NOW!” 
Antonio quickly walks out of the room and shuts the door behind him. He rushes to his room and locks the door. That was enough for today. Maybe Mirabel should get another pet. The hamster has some problems.
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