#Sire Malclom
roselyn-writing · 1 year
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When a rose turns black chapter 12
A/N: Hello! Gorgeous people! It’s been a while since I didn’t write wartb, This Chapter is centered around Raqoul The demon of desolation, the chaos bringer, so here is chapter 12! Hope you like it 🖤🖤✨
“Our deeds”
In Malrūn city there is a place called Barhout Valley, where there is a well called also Barhout In it, Raqoul was standing there looking inside the well of Barhout. He knew that it would be very dangerous for him to look inside the well because it is so dark that you can’t see anything inside the well. There is only one case when you can see inside the well, that is where the sun is directly above the well.
“Well, well, well” Raqoul started looking at the well. “If it isn’t the infamous Barhout’s well..” He continued, he has mixed emotions for Bahrout well, One of his ancestors is being tortured in this well, as well as the vilest souls of humans and demons alike.
Legends say that long ago King Yadae had hidden all his treasures and possessions in this well, and he commanded the strongest genies to guard it. Therefore, It had been guarded and dangerous for other people who want to have his treasures.
“Well, I’m not that dumb to believe in a legend!” Raqoul spat, with a wave of his hand he commanded the dark arts of chaotic energy to dwell into the well further and unleash a strong force that freed the vilest of souls as undead revenants.
“Go forth my minions! Spread chaos in the cities!” Raqoul barked at the undead army of revenants.
Surprisingly, they obeyed Raqoul, the one who freed them from this hellish nightmare, and In gratitude, they pledge their allegiance to serve him.
“Good,” Raqoul smiled in pure satisfaction.
They marched to the cities to spread chaos as their leader ordered them to, and the unspeakable horror and chaos they caused into these. unfortunate cities.
All this chaos, blood, and pain, increases Raqoul's powers, After all; He is the demon of chaos.
“Ahh Chaos! My birthright!” Raqoul mused, He is so content with the undead army of revenants.
“They. Have potential~” he Marvelled.
As always there is certain “someone” who loves to spoil his mood, and that is the annoying succubus of Malrūn, She is Vamonessyia.
“Greetings Brother of mine~,” Vamonessyia says Lustfully.
“Ugh, Go away gnat!” Raqoul spat at her.
“Awwh~ Still trying to make me leave you alone? Ha! No!” She mused as she gives him her known “love you” smile.
“Ew, Go away!” Raqoul Snarled at her, he didn’t want to hit her, not because she is a female, but because she is half Lucifer- half Souma blood, he doesn’t want his hands to get dirty with her “Lucifer blood”. He hates Lucifer and his children with all his heart, He remembers how he betrayed the godfather of all demons and genies.
Most of the genies and demons didn’t give a crap about the death of Souma, But to Raqoul it is very personal, the news shocked him, shook his core, and changed him forever. Although that Raqoul was a child back there, from the moment of his birth he has a room of respect for Souma in his heart.
His half-brothers didn’t care about their godfather's death either, Mammon the demon of greed didn’t give a damn about his death, and neither Belphegor nor Beelzebub care about their godfather's death, If anything, they only loved and fear for their lives. As for Asmodeus (the demon of lust), He Secretly cared, but didn’t show it, because he is a stoic demon.
Surprisingly, The only demoness who showed sadness is Vamonessyia herself; That alone shocked Raqoul, because there is no way that she shows emotions, not for her victims or lovers. But.. he was shocked, he rarely shows emotions. Either than anger and harshness.
Raqoul left his room to go to his favourite place in the castle, a room, a room where he hid the most valuable possession of him, it was a full portrait of his godfather Souma, the first demon, the father of all demons, even Lucifer himself. The latter killed Souma.
“O Godfather Where art thee now?” Raqoul started, As he gently touched the portrait.
It was the only thing he has of Souma, if he hadn’t saved the portrait from being destroyed by Lucifer's orders, he would have lost it forever,
Thankfully, he was smart enough to steal before they had the chance to destroy it.
“I missed thee” Raqoul conceded in a sincere tone, it was one of those rare times where he confessed something; but only to himself!
He quickly moved his hand away from the portrait and left to see what Lucifer had been up to.
Raqoul will have his revenge no matter what!
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Hadi Aepel couldn’t contain his happiness when he went to his house gates, he is so happy that he can’t wait to see his family, his parents, his brother and sister, and his wife and daughter.
“Finally! I’m home” Hadi muttered softly and happily.
As soon as Hadi passed the gates, His brother Massoud saw him and greeted him
“Salam! Brother!” Massoud Greeted his brother
“Wa Ealaykum Alsalam Brother, Glad that I’m back!” Hadi greeted back and hugged his brother.
Moments later, their parents Alii Aepel and Salwa Aepel came to see what was happening. They are greeted by the sight of their son in front of them and he is hugging his younger brother.
His father said happily “Son! Thank god you returned to us safe and sound!” Then he hugged his older and firstborn son.
Salwa shed tears of happiness, as a stoic woman she can’t touch or hug her son in public, she has a great image to maintain. But it is enough with smiling and shedding tears of joy.
Then Farrah and Aliyaa Came “Darling!” Farrah Called and she hugged him.
“I missed you all,” Hadi told in a soft tone, he looked at all of his family, gathered and they were happy that he is back, except for one that is looking in the shadows, his sister, Novelyn. She hated her family and seeing them happy. And she will have her revenge on them. But she faked her happiness when Hadi saw her and greeted her, and she faked other things too.
“Salam brother!” She greeted with a fake smile.
Then all in the town knew of Hadi’s Homecoming and they have a reason to celebrate and share their neighbors, The Aepel family happiness.
After all, all Virginian people Were and always will be one hand.
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Ashure... There is little what people know of him, other than; he is a mage, a terrible, evil mage.
Many people tried to find him and hunt him, but as always he always survived and scurry away from them, formerly he lived in a city called Al-tunor, and now he lives in Omenvalley, the paradise of mages and evildoers.
No matter how Ashure and his alikes felt safe, what goes around comes back around, Karma; Is gonna come to them.
“Screw it,” Ashure cursed loudly,” Life is always gonna screw me around,” He continues.
Some people either changed for the good or stay and get even worse, Ashure is the latter type, he didn’t change, Because he didn’t want to, Someday... He will feel the pain that he caused others.
The news of the undead army conquering other cities spread like wildfire in the superior halls and other cities of Virginia.
“Sire Aham!” Kilam Called,” Sire Aham! The City of No’arah is in grave danger!” He continues as he took a breath.
“Kilam! Speak!” Aham ordered, His tone shows concern.
“An undead army attacked the city of No’Arah!” Kilam whimpered that the violence and the destruction he saw is too much for his sensitive soul, although he is a strong superior, he is still a sensitive and caring person.
“That’s abhorred,” Aham uttered, But he quickly take action.
Aham wore his war garments and the others followed suit, Sire Russell, Sire Mervyn, Sire Noah, and Sire Malcolm, Norman. All dressed in their war garments to protect the cities from the undead army of revenants.
“Sire Aham... There is something I didn’t tell you..” Sire Kilam conceded, and he awaits Sire Aham's response.
“And what is that?” Sire Aham questioned.
“The undead army.. the reek of Barhout energy..” Kilam replied dryly.
“Oh no…” Aham gasped in utter horror.
Both Kilam and Aham Cringed at the mention of Barhout, They know from old tales, it is a place where the vilest of souls live there tormented eternally.
“Embrace for a battle!” Aham Ordered again.
All the superiors marched to Al No’arah, The superiors carry the holiest light and the purest of magic. Aham uses his strongest light magic to eliminate the undead army of revenants that wreak havoc upon the city of No’arah.
“Holy Light Orb!” Aham shouted as he used magic to create an orb of holy light that easily eliminated the undead army of revenants. He witnessed as their skeletons and skulls were shattered and scattered then burned down as they wail in pain and agony.
With a quick movement of his hand, he undid the damage that the undead army of revenants did. No’Arah now is destroyed and a land of destruction. He watched as his holy magic return the life of this dead land, now No’arah as it was before, the green flourishing, the homes are back and the air is clean.
Aham returned to earth and he prayed for mercy for the lost pure souls of Virginians who died protecting their land, and mercy for these vile souls that dared to wreak havoc upon peaceful lands and lives.
“O Remained One please grant mercy,” Aham prayed.
His answer was a light that cut through the darkened skies and made a way for the sun to shine.
In these times one can only pray for peace and mercy.
It’s been a long time since I wrote a chapter this amusing! I hope you like my writing! Xoxo ❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋💋
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