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“At my back I always hear Time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near. And yonder all before us lie. Deserts of vast eternity.”
Set Between: ‘Five Twenty Nine’ and ‘The eye of the storm’
Stand alone?:  It’s part of a box-set  
Marks out of 10: 8/10
Summary of the plot:
River finds herself mysteriously working at a company which assists people in dreaming their lives away. The manager of which is very familiar indeed. River soon finds that the company is not all as it seems.
Funnily enough, James Goss’s last River Song story also involved dreams. As ‘Signs’ set the bar extremely high it was highly unlikely that Goss would produce anything which matched it in quality, and whilst I enjoyed ‘Signs’ considerably more, Goss has produced another detailed and compelling story. As all great writers should be, he is always one step ahead of the listener providing a great deal of indecipherable mystery. Whilst Goss’s stories are usually packed with unique and original ideas, this particular audio appeared similar in concept to ‘Sleep no more.’  It’s safe to say that if this story had been aired in place of ‘Sleep no more’ I would have enjoyed it considerably more.
This story sets off on a slow, light hearted and slightly confusing start but picks up about half way through as the Doctor and River begin to investigate the strange goings on at Golden Futures. The second half taking a more darker approach in contrast
I think I prefer the dynamic of River and Sixie over River and Doctor Seven. There’re very few companions who Colin Baker doesn’t have good chemistry with. Alex Kingston and Colin Baker’s scenes together are very well scripted and there is a great deal of profound dialogue for them to perform, and they certainly do preform! Rather like Amy Pond and Ace, River worships the Doctor and puts all faith in him and as we have seen previously with the character of Ace when that faith is shattered it results in incredibly deep and emotional scenes.
Buy it here sweetie
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