#Skalman invented the eat and sleep clock and not even cannons firing can wake him when it's sleep time
mcmoddity · 2 years
dis for the art ask dealio! 3, 12, AND 15 yeeee
3. What ideas come from when you were little
Hard to say if I'm carrying any specific ideas from my childhood, unless I wanna dip back into my whole spiel about tabletop RPGs again! Since I started with those while being a single digit of age.
But if I'd have to say anything else, it'd be comics! Specifically the Bamse ones, as I had a mail subscription (lol remember when that was a thing) from a very early age. I've always loved comics, even did a few years and years ago professionally, and even if I'm not actively pursuing them anymore the ideas are still constantly puttering away inside my brain.
If anything, I'd say askblogging became my new type of sequential art to do? Adult life sadly slorps out all the energy and time I'd need to make the big bombastic stuff more often.
Anyway for non-swedes this is Bamse (the blue wearing bear) and his friends Lille Skutt (the bunny) and Skalman (arguably the best turtle in existence, we stan Skalman here).
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12. Easiest part of body to draw
Arms and legs! Good ol' limb fun. On the flipside, to this day I still feel like my faces are lacking, but that's what practise's for.
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
Digitally, at home. I don't vibe with drawing on screen tablets, so I'm pretty much locked to the comfort of my apartment whenever I wanna slap those pixels out.
Traditionally, it can be literally anywhere! I spend a lot of downtime at work doodling in a hilariously oil-stained sketchbook, I sketch while tabletopping with my pals, I let those pens sing while bored in general. (Link to the ask meme with these questions here!)
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