#Skydive Chicago
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Ottawa, Illinois — At 104 years old, Dorothy Hoffner fell.
Then she kept falling, and falling, and falling. And when the lifelong Chicagoan finally touched the ground Sunday, she landed in the history books and became the oldest person to ever sky-dive.
“Age is just a number,” Hoffner told a cheering crowd moments after touching the ground at the Skydive Chicago Airport in Ottawa.
As the centenarian prepped to board the white Skyvan plane, she slowly pushed her red walker out into the skydiving resort’s hangar.
She took off her light blue cardigan and lifted her black loafers a few inches off the ground one at a time to work her way into a harness.
She declined a jumpsuit but accepted an altimeter.
She left the walker just short of the plane, where two expert instructors helped her up the steps into the hold.
“Let’s go, let’s go, Geronimo!” she said, finally seated.
The plane quickly rose, Hoffner all the while looking calm and confident. She was the only passenger not wearing ear plugs as the propellers loudly buzzed.
When the aft door opened to reveal tan crop fields far below, she and the U.S. Parachute Association-certified instructor tethered to stand.
Hoffner insisted on leading the jump. When she first sky-dived at 100 years old, she was pushed out, she said. This time, she wanted to take charge.
She shuffled toward the edge and leaped into the air.
The plane beat her to the ground. Seven minutes after her jump, she drifted in for her historic landing.
The wind pushed back her white hair. She clung to the harness draped over her narrow shoulders, a look of excitement and wonder spread across her face.
She picked up her legs as the ground approached. And finally, she plopped onto the ground.
The crowd gathered along the skydiving resort’s landing strip roared. Friends rushed to share congratulations.
Someone brought over Hoffner’s red walker. She rose fast, and a reporter asked how it felt to be back on the ground.
“Wonderful,” Hoffner said. “But it was wonderful up there.”
“The whole thing was delightful, wonderful, couldn’t have been better,” she said.
Her mind quickly turned to the future. She might ride in a hot-air balloon next, she said.
“I’ve never been in one of those,” Hoffner said.
The Guinness World Record for oldest skydiver was set in May 2022 by 103-year-old Linnéa Ingegärd Larsson from Sweden.
Hoffner’s record has yet to be certified. The Chicago senior is set to turn 105 in December.
She answered quickly when asked what it feels like to hold the age-based record.
“Like I’m old,” she said.
But the record didn’t seem to interest Hoffner ahead of her attempt to break it.
Before her jump — originally scheduled for early September and delayed three times because of bad weather — her mind was focused instead on the peaceful descent through the sky, she told the Tribune last month.
She first tried skydiving at 100, when her dear friend Joe Conant of Andersonville told her he was planning to sky-dive.
She wanted to join, she told him, because “it sounded interesting.” It became one of her favorite experiences.
“Floating down, it’s so smooth,” she said.
She encouraged everyone to try skydiving and has advice for those who want to give it a try.
“When you’re coming down, make sure you’ve got someone with you. That’s the important thing,” she said.
“I often thought, if I were to do this alone, I would pray when I pulled the parachute cord,” she continued.
“If you pulled it too soon and got caught on the plane, then what would you do when you got caught on the plane? How could they land that plane with you hanging on it?”
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The 104-year-old has spent her whole life in Chicago. She was raised in Garfield Park, where she lived for 50 years before moving to Jefferson Park.
She has spent the last decade at the Brookdale Lake View senior living community. She raves about the facility’s three daily meals.
She worked for Illinois Bell throughout her working years, beginning in 1938 as an operator, she said.
She never had any husbands or children — an essential ingredient she in part credits for her long life.
Hoffner, who describes herself as an “unclaimed treasure, never had to deal with the responsibility of kids," she said.
“Or the pettiness and the mess of a husband,” she said. “I never had to take care of anyone but me.”
The biggest secret to her old age and health is her God, who has been very good to her, she said.
“He kept me really going. I can’t say that I’ve ever had any real terrible pain,” she said. “My life has been very dull.”
She wasn’t much of an adventure-seeker for most of her life. For fun, she’d go out for a weekly lunch with two girlfriends.
Sometimes, they’d visit the Garfield Park Conservatory. She traveled too — to England, Panama, Italy twice and France.
She’s filled her life with chosen “grandkids,” including Conant.
The two met when Conant worked as a caretaker for one of Hoffner’s friends.
Though the friend has since died, Conant and Hoffner still talk daily and share dinner every week.
It was Hoffner’s idea to jump again this year, said Conant, who jumped right after Hoffner and landed before her.
She clutched his hand as their plane rose. The wind caught their feet when they leaped from around 13,500 feet and pushed them into a backflip, he said.
“She’s just a great friend,” Conant said on the ground. “I’m incredibly proud of her.”
Hoffner strongly encourages others to sky-dive like her. "It’s surprisingly affordable and so peaceful.”
But she isn’t sure she’ll do it again. She doesn’t know what the future holds, she said.
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abroamicus · 3 months
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picqued · 4 months
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( RILEY KEOUGH .  CIS WOMAN .  SHE/HER)  - the  chicago  resident , (  ROBYN "BOBBIE" SUMMERS ) ,  was  heard  blaring  (  RED DRESS / SUGABABES  )  this  morning  .  the  ( THIRTY-TWO )  year  old  is  a  (  rock journalist  )  in  the  city  &  has  lived  the ( west ) tower  for  (  six months  ) .  since  being  here  ,  they  have  been  told  to  be  ( -  irreverent )  ,  but  also  ( + irrepressible ) ,  i  guess  we'll  find  out  soon  !   [  n  ,  25+  ,  gmt+8  ,  she/her]
HISTORY (badly written abridged edition)
born in san francisco. neglectful parents. great uncle was wonderful though, she idolised him. but he got old and died. sad.
bobbie started living the nomad life, living out of a van or a tourbus. a concert groupie if you will. she loved going to gigs. lived for it. she was going to amount to absolutely nothing and she didn't care. she watched friends hit 28 and suddenly switch their priorities, get real jobs, start thinking of responsibilities, insurance, health, bills, marriage, blah.
so what did she do? she started putting her feelings on social media. she documented her lifestyle, the groupie life. viewers started piling on because it was a little bit of a joke. until a few of her video commentaries started going viral on tiktok. oops.
long story short, the attention accumulated and she was offered a guest spot on a weekly column in a small magazine.
then on-video press junkets for musicians. now she's that one critic people try to watch their mouth with. she's annoyed. but it's nothing partying with the artistes won't fix!
very athletic and a thrill-seeker, is the type to go cliff-jumping, drag-racing, and skydiving on a regular weekend, every weekend, if she's not at a gig
vintage girly
has too many vices
volatile, but also somehow careless and irreverent
the personification of bugs' bunny's 'nyeeeahh.... what's up doc?' only instead of a carrot she's chewing gum
can be immature
will slash your tires if she decides you deserve it
fucking talks way too much
will annoy you to death, has no concept of boundaries
free the nipple baby
terrible enabler
has a sister who she hates so naturally she avoids family gatherings like it's the plague. family who?
amateur dj, she has no skill
will shove your enemies down a flight of stairs for you and then smile prettily
is the epitome of jessica simpson asking 'is this fish or chicken? what i'm eating' iykyk
she needs mom-friends clearly
people she met on her travels years ago made an impression and disappeared into the night like a figment of their imagination and then suddenly she's in their building kicking the vending machine
i'm bad at this i'll come up with more, eventually.
basic information:
full name: robyn evangelista "bobbie" summers
nickname(s): bobbie, bobberino, bob-cat, bambi
age: 32
date of birth: november 28th
place of birth: san francisco
nationality: american
gender: cis woman
pronouns: she/her
orientation:  bisexual
language(s) spoken: english, bad spanish, bad mandarin
accent: basic californian accent
family ties:
mother: courtney summers ( estranged )
father: gill summers
siblings: none
spouse / partner: none
children: none
pets: groot, her pet rock
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xlntwtch2 · 1 year
don't too long wait to do the thing you really want to do
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lboogie1906 · 8 months
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Vivian Mildred Bailey (Corbett; February 3, 1918 – May 1, 2022) was a WWII veteran, civil servant, and volunteer. She was a fundraiser for education, health, and military service personnel. She was one of the first African American officers in the Women’s Army Corps and served as a commander of the Women’s Colored Detachment. She was a division director in the Social Security Administration.
She was born in DC. Her mother moved the children back to her hometown of Tulsa after her father was deployed for WWI.
She was one of the first African American women pilots and one of only two African American women to earn superior rank at her officer’s course. She received her commission as a first lieutenant in Fort Des Moines Provisional Army Officer Training School and served in the Women’s Army Corps (1943-46). She became second in command of the Women’s Colored Detachment at Fort McClellan. She served as a commander of the all-female detachment before being selected to attend the Adjutant General School Officers’ Administration Course. As one of only two African American women in the class, she graduated with outstanding marks and went on to serve for the first time with an unsegregated unit. She shared she did not experience gender discrimination but that the troops were racially segregated. The first time she went off post alone at Fort McClellan, a white woman spat at her and said, “Look at that black bitch.” she pretended to not notice, citing fears of lynching. She shared that her commanding general, treated her with kindness while she was at a training camp in San Antonio. At Fort Benning, she was a first lieutenant in charge of 144 women.
She moved to Chicago and worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Social Security Administration. She transferred to the Social Security office in Baltimore as a division director and retired in 1975.
She enjoyed traveling and has been to fifty countries. For her 100th birthday wish, she expressed a desire for true equality for future generations. In 2020, she went skydiving.
She married William Bailey (1943) the couple had no children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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[ENG] EXO Tourgram - EXO
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Full Episodes:
Special Talk LIVE with Suho & Sehun (Introduction to EXO TOURGRAM, behind the scenes during the North America Tour Concert, and free traveling stories by SUHO & SEHUN)
Episode 1 - How EXO Prepares for NA Tour (3 EXO secrets! Revealing their dorm for the first time! Revealing the luggage of SUHO, the professional tourist! And also revealing CHANYEOL’s abs!)
Episode 2 - The Beginning of NA Tour: New York (Doing rehearsals just like actual performance! The serious EXO members!)
Episode 3 - The Delivery: New York (They called a delivery of Hollywood celebrities’ favorite foods from New York’s restaurants! Which one would be EXO’s favorite?)
Episode 4 - EXO'rdium in New York (New Yorkers become EXO-holics! The live New York Concert!)
Episode 5 - Improvisational Trip in NY - Baekhyun & Chanyeol TV 1 (Home-lover BAEKHYUN on New York trip with CHANYEOL’s lead! Lost in New York! What could be the reason of them being frustrated in the middle of New York?)
Episode 6 - Improvisational Trip in NY - Baekhyun & Chanyeol TV 2 (Searching for pizzas! CHANYEOL and BAEKHYUN’s obsession to taste the New York pizza in New York!)
Episode 7 - Improvisational Trip in NY -  Kai TV (He’s a thrifty and intriguing man, a.k.a. the thrif-triguing man! KAI’s shopping in SoHo!)
Episode 8 - Improvisational Trip in NY - Suho, Chen & Sehun TV 1 (SUHO and SEHUN becoming Executive Kim and Producer Oh! And CHEN as writer Kim! What’s the big picture they’re imagining?)
Episode 9 - Improvisational Trip in NY - Suho, Chen & Sehun TV 2 (SUHO and SEHUN went to a Michelin 2-star restaurant! Producer Oh continues to take a big part as SEHUN becomes the camera man! Watching musical “Chicago” with CHEN!)
Episode 10 - Hola Mexico City (EXO’s first solo concert in Mexico! Who could be the member who had a ghost dream the night before the concert?)
Episode 11 - Second City of NA Tour - Mexico City (The stage in Mexico City seems to depict EXO’s love house! Stop being nervous and let’s start the rehearsal!)
Episode 12 - The Delivery: Mexico City (Local foods (burritos, tacos, and nachos) delivered to the waiting room! Which food surprised EXO?)
Episode 13 - EXO’rdium in Mexico City (First solo concert in Mexico! The live Mexico City Concert! They sang a love song for Mexican fans! “Ti Amo” ♬)
Episode 14 - Suho & Sehun Tour - LA Santa Monica Beach (From roommates to travel mates, SUHO & SEHUN! A real shrimp mukbang at Santa Monica Beach!)
Episode 15 - Suho & Sehun Tour - Experimenting LA Circuit Race (Every man’s dream! Experiencing circuit race at (Ferrari) Driving Center! Two men’s race with pride on the line! And the winner is…?)
Episode 16 - Suho & Sehun Tour - Las Vegas 1 (Las Vegas, a city of 5-hour drive from LA! SUHO & SEHUN crossing the dessert with a classic car.)
Episode 17 - Suho & Sehun Tour - Las Vegas 2 (Two men’s road movie! A journey to Las Vegas! But an unexpected sitcom happens in a gas station…)
Episode 18 - Suho & Sehun Tour - Las Vegas Activities (Indoor skydiving and zipline! SEHUN promises to do tumbling at the skydiving center! Could he really do it?)
Episode 19 - Suho & Sehun Tour - Las Vegas Hotel Tour & Le Reve Tour (A hotel tour with SUHO the guide! SUHO buys a gift for his best friend 000 during the tour! They also watched Le Reve Show, the greatest show on earth!)
Episode 20 - Suho & Sehun Tour - Las Vegas Limousine Tour (Enjoying in limousine the city of night, Las Vegas! All sentimental, they call members and…only one person answers their call. Who would that be?)
Gift VOD 1 (LA, the last city of EXO’s North America tour! ‘LOVE ME RIGHT’)
Gift VOD 2 (Making LA fans fever up with ‘WHITE NOISE’ by EXO)
Gift VOD 3 (EXO’s perfect choreography to 'TRANSFORMER’)
Gift VOD 4 (EXO becoming cute little dwarves during performance in LA!)
EXO members, EXO love letter (A video letter from each EXO member! Includes stories behind the scenes and comments about EXO TOURGRAM.)
Vehind 1
Vehind 2
Vehind 3
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amcsociety · 1 year
Transformers 3
Title: Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
- Shia LaBeouf as Sam Witwicky
- Rosie Huntington-Whiteley as Carly Spencer
- Josh Duhamel as Colonel William Lennox
- John Turturro as Agent Seymour Simmons
- Patrick Dempsey as Dylan Gould
- Peter Cullen (voice) as Optimus Prime
- Leonard Nimoy (voice) as Sentinel Prime
- Hugo Weaving (voice) as Megatron
"Transformers: Dark of the Moon," directed by Michael Bay, is the third installment in the Transformers film series. The movie delves into a conspiracy that unfolds when the Autobots learn of a hidden spacecraft on the moon and must prevent the Decepticons from harnessing its power.
"Transformers: Dark of the Moon" takes the action and spectacle of the franchise to even greater heights. The film introduces a thrilling new storyline, revolving around the untold history of the Transformers' involvement with Earth. The Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, discover that a Cybertronian spacecraft, the Ark, crash-landed on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission.
As the Autobots uncover the spacecraft's secrets, they realize that it holds a powerful weapon that could change the balance of power in the ongoing war between the Autobots and Decepticons. However, the Decepticons, led by Megatron and aided by a traitor within the Autobot ranks, plan to seize the weapon for their own sinister purposes.
Sam Witwicky, once again played by Shia LaBeouf, finds himself caught in the middle of the conflict as he assists the Autobots and uncovers a conspiracy involving humans and robots. He is joined by his new love interest, Carly Spencer, portrayed by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, who proves to be a formidable ally in the battle against the Decepticons.
The film is known for its epic action sequences, showcasing Michael Bay's trademark style. The battles between the giant transforming robots are grand in scale and visually stunning. From the intense and chaotic streets of Chicago to the thrilling skydiving sequences, the movie delivers an adrenaline-fueled experience that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.
The cast delivers solid performances, with Shia LaBeouf bringing his usual charm and wit to the role of Sam Witwicky. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley shines as Carly Spencer, providing a strong and capable female lead. The supporting cast, including Josh Duhamel, John Turturro, and Patrick Dempsey, adds depth and humor to the film, balancing the intense action with moments of levity.
Peter Cullen once again lends his commanding voice to Optimus Prime, capturing the noble and heroic essence of the Autobot leader. Leonard Nimoy joins the cast as the voice of Sentinel Prime, a legendary Autobot with a complex role in the story. Hugo Weaving reprises his role as the villainous Megatron, infusing the character with malice and cunning.
While some critics felt the film focused more on action than storytelling, "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" offers a satisfying blend of thrilling set pieces, emotional moments, and revelations that expand the mythology of the Transformers universe. The movie serves as a fitting continuation of the series, raising the stakes and setting the stage for future conflicts.
In conclusion, "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" provides an explosive and visually stunning entry into the franchise. With its larger-than-life action, impressive special effects, and a cast that delivers, the film caters to fans of the Transformers series while offering an entertaining and immersive experience for general audiences.
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wormonastringtheory · 2 years
Bucket list:
Open for Ethel Cain someday
Run an art exhibition about EDS
Visit Chicago to see my friends get married
MC for robotics world champs
Go skydiving
See Fall Out Boy live
Meet Mol
Meet Charles
Meet all my emos
Record an album in 2023
Volunteer at an ultra-marathon
Walk a 10k with my walker
Tour with a band
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familythings · 19 days
The Amazing Story of the Lady that Cannot Walk on Earth, but can Easily Fly in the Sky
Dorothy Hoffner, at the remarkable age of 104, has shattered records and perceptions by becoming the oldest person on Earth to go skydiving. Her incredible feat has captured the world’s attention, but Dorothy’s story is much more than just a single jump from the sky—it’s a testament to a life lived with courage, passion, and an unyielding spirit. Early Life and Career Born in 1919 in Chicago,…
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vlad-theimplier · 2 months
WIP "Wednesday": Custos Custodium
Oops. Anyway.
They say to write what you know, so I decided Malik's roommate has a cat. Also in this episode: Jensen learns how to skydive, and everyone is shitty to Augs. Find the fic at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55686901/chapters/141357007
He met Malik at her apartment—a matchbox indeed, with a galley kitchen occupying most of the shared space and two closet-sized bedrooms holding a lofted twin apiece. One of her absent roommates had filled the living room with potted plants whose vines crawled across the windows and turned the sparse rays of sun that crept between adjacent buildings a brilliant emerald. A tortoiseshell cat followed her out of the back and inspected him. He ran a careful finger down its back, from one ear to the base of the tail, and it purred and shoved its head into his shin.
“Good to see you! You want to pass out on my couch for a minute?” she asked. “Fair’s fair.”
“Slept on the train. Can I drop my bag, though? Hotel doesn’t do check-in until four.”
“Sure.” She made a face. “You know you could’ve crashed here, right? London’s expensive as hell.”
He surveyed the minuscule accommodations deliberately. “You said it was cramped. You share it with three people I don’t know. And this fellow.” The cat twined happily around his ankles, rumbling like an old muscle car.
“They’re friendly! And two of them are gone at any given time. The Duke of Hork doesn’t take up much space, and he only ever throws up on Sarah’s bag.”
He raised an eyebrow at the title. The cat did have an aristocratic portliness to him. “Didn’t want to impose. It’s fine. The Task Force keeps me housed and armed. Prague’s not pricey like London.”
“All right, well, if you’re sure. Hungry?”
“How’d you guess?”
“Tear yourself away from His Grace, and let’s hit a chippy.”
An entire cod and an acre’s worth of insuperable fries later, he sat back on the bench they shared and basked contented in the sun. His black clothing soaked up the sparse rays, and though the weather was chilly still, it lacked bite. “What’s the plan?” he asked. “Not that I wouldn’t happily just bum around and clean out the North Sea of seafood.”
Malik surveyed the smaller chunk of fried fish half-eaten in the paper tray before her and admitted defeat, consigning it to a nearby bin. “Want to jump off the top of the London Eye?”
He snorted, but she continued: “I actually think I can line up another pilot friend of mine for tomorrow if you want to learn how to skydive. You owe it to yourself, with the Icarus.”
“Seriously? Yeah, for sure. Sounds like a blast.”
She nudged his shoulder. “You’re gonna be a natural. You probably won’t even need supplemental oxygen for the altitude.”
“Uh… how high were you planning on going?”
“You ever heard of HALO?”
He pondered. “Like the angels, or like the video game?”
“That’s what I thought. High-altitude, low-open. Ask your coworkers—I bet one of them was a paratrooper or something, the way you guys operate.”
“Mmm, yeah. At least one of the grunts. And I think the E-SEALs train with chutes, so Jarreau back in Chicago’s probably done it. How high is high? And more importantly, how low is low?”
She fought a smile with limited success. “How’s thirty thousand feet sound?”
“High. Cold. I see why you’d need oxygen.”
“And you can pop under two kay, but it’s not advised for beginners. I’ve gone down to two-fifty over water. I know someone who was showing off and pulled at two hundred… but he broke both ankles.”
Jensen looked at her. “Twenty-eight thousand feet of free fall? As in five miles?”
The smile won out. “Hell of a thrill. What do you say?”
“If I break my ankles, you get to pay for the replacement parts. And explain it to Sarif.”
“I’m telling Nils you’re a ‘yes,’ then. Speaking of ankles, when did you get yours repaired? It was in rough shape when I saw you in Singapore, but it seems fine now.”
“Huh. I’d… forgotten about that. Must’ve gotten fixed up while they were reviving me.” He flexed the ankle thoughtfully, then pulled it up over his right knee. It looked fine. “Guess they had Sarif spares.”
“Well, as long as it can take a landing. Not like I’m gonna get you on a dance floor… am I? I assumed pubs over clubs, for tonight.”
He remembered the Hive and winced. “Yep.”
“Too bad. I wanted to see what would happen. Figured you’d panic in under a minute.”
“Remind me why I spent fourteen hours on a train to hang out with you?”
She laughed. “I thought it was so you could drink me under the table in front of all my friends. I didn’t tell anyone you had a Sentinel—didn’t want to spoil the surprise.”
“That’s terrible.” Jensen chuckled. “Can’t wait. How many friends are we talking?”
“Just three. My roommate Maggie—she’s more or less on my schedule. She’s a flight attendant, and we’ve gone bouldering a couple times. Nils, who’d be flying us up to the stratosphere tomorrow on his way to Johannesburg. And Laura, another pilot friend. She does helo tours around the British Isles, mostly. That okay with you?”
“Shocked you have three whole friends besides me. I figure I can just about carry four people home after a couple of pubs. Especially if anyone else is a shrimp like you.” “Bold words to your future skydiving instructor, Jensen,” she said, and socked him in the arm. He pretended not to notice her nursing her knuckles as she stood.
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peppypanda-com · 5 months
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tishaxxthesky · 5 months
I need to get to a beach, outside of the country, and to that restaurant in Chicago this year. Bonus would be skydiving or air balloon
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katslefty · 10 months
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beebobbee · 1 year
I found this on NewsBreak: 104-year-old woman passes away shortly after attempting record-breaking skydive
I found this on NewsBreak: 104-year-old woman passes away shortly after attempting record-breaking skydive
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luminouslumity · 1 year
This is probably the most bittersweet story I've read this year! RIP, Dorothy!
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
Dorothy Hoffner, a 104-year-old Chicago woman whose recent skydive could see her certified by Guinness World Records as the oldest person to ever jump from a plane, has died.Hoffner's close friend, Joe Conant, said she was found dead Monday morning by staff at the Brookdale Lake View senior living community. Conant said Hoffner apparently died in her sleep on Sunday night.Conant, who is a nurse, said he met Hoffner — whom he called Grandma at her request — several years ago while he was working as a caregiver for another resident at the senior living center. He said she had amazing energy and remained mentally sharp.“She was indefatigable. She just kept going," he said Tuesday. “She was not someone who would take naps in the afternoon, or not show up for any function, dinner or anything else. She was always there, fully present. She kept going, always.”On Oct. 1, Hoffner made a tandem skydive that could land her in the record books as the world's oldest skydiver. She jumped out of a plane from 13,500 feet (4,100 meters) at Skydive Chicago in Ottawa, Illinois, 85 miles (140 kilometers) southwest of Chicago.“Age is just a number,” Hoffner told a cheering crowd moments after landing. It was not her first time jumping from a plane — that happened when she was a spry 100 years of age.Conant said he was working through paperwork to ensure that Guinness World Records certifies Hoffner posthumously as the world's oldest skydiver, but he expects that will take some time. The current record was set in May 2022 by 103-year-old Linnéa Ingegärd Larsson of Sweden.Conant said Hoffner didn't skydive to break a record. He said she had so thoroughly enjoyed her first jump that she just wanted to do it again.“She had no intention of breaking the record. And she had no interest in any publicity or anything. She wasn't doing it for any other reason than she wanted to go skydiving,” he said.Skydive Chicago and the United States Parachute Association celebrated Hoffner in a joint statement Tuesday.“We are deeply saddened by Dorothy’s passing and feel honored to have been a part of making her world-record skydive a reality.“Skydiving is an activity that many of us safely tuck away in our bucket lists. But Dorothy reminds us that it’s never too late to take the thrill of a lifetime. We are forever grateful that skydiving was a part of her exciting, well-lived life,” they said.Conant said Hoffner worked for more than four decades as a telephone operator with Illinois Bell, which later became AT&T, and retired 43 years ago. The lifelong Chicago resident never married, and Conant said she had no immediate family members.A memorial service for Hoffner will be held in early November.“She was a dear friend who was an inspiration,” Conant said.
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