#Slammiversary Seven
g4zdtechtv · 5 years
WrestleClipz - Team 3D vs. Beer Money (Slammiversary - 6.21.09)
From Osaka to Detroit.
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rackradioshow · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://rackradioshow.com/wordpress/2018/04/the-rack-04-26-18/
The Rack 04-26-18
On this week’s edition of the Multi-Time Award Winning, The Rack returned with your hosts Lindsey Ward & Sir Rockin. On the program this week we gave you the latest news in both WWE & Impact brought to us by Gerweck.net which included:
*Latest #BlameBrent Injuries *Impact Wrestling Slammiversary announcement
And More!
We gave you the Smackdown throwdown featuring the reunion of The Club, Carmella & Charlotte contract signing and more. We also gave you the NXT Rundown featuring the latest chapter in the Ciampa-Gargano feud & more.
We previewed the Greatest Royal Rumble, featuring Seven Championship Matches, a Casket Match with The Undertaker, John Cena vs Triple H and More!
Plus Tweet of the Week!
Check it all out on this week’s edition of The Rack Presented by Gerweck.net & “MBG Films”.
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Raise the Stakes, Part 8
I swear, I will wind this one up in the not-too-distant future but I keep kind of thinking of different things to do with it. Bad writer, bad. Finish your work!
You can find the previous bits of the story:
Place Your Bets
Part one two three four five six seven
Pairing: David Finlay x OFC (referenced Jay White x OFC)
Word count: 3,824
Content advisory: graphic sexual content, cursing
You feel like an idiot for actually believing that he was going to talk to you the next day, or that he was going to do anything other than ignore you the way he has since your arrival. If anything, he’s ignoring you harder than ever, or at least taking greater pains to be anywhere around you. If you see him, he’s always moving and with others. The wall between you is so thick you start gaslighting yourself, wondering if you imagined the tryst in your car.
The whole company is buzzing. It’s the last few days before the big Slammiversary show, the peak of their year. The excitement for the show and for finally having a small audience is mingled with the knowledge that every year, there are some surprises. THe bigwigs play their cards close to their chests, which means that the talent and behind the scenes people, yourself very much included, don’t know who could pop out at any moment. New Japan has been frustratingly tight-lipped. It’s supposed to be your job to bridge the gaps between New Japan and Impact but no one will tell you who might be trying to cross those bridges.
Is Nagata coming back? You’ll find out.
Another appearance by Phantasmo? Wait and see.
Tama and Tanga are mouthing off at the Good Brothers all the time on social media. Are they showing up?
It’s like shouting at a wall.
Finlay and Robinson are there, they tell you. Take care of them.
It’s almost more frustrating to hear that because, of course, you’d like to do that but one of them is very determined not to let that happen.
By Thursday afternoon, you’ve done everything you can.
“Take a day off,” Scott Damore, the man tasked with keeping this little beehive running tells you. “Go home and relax. You’ll want to be rested for Saturday.”
You want to tell him there’s no need for you to leave now but your aching back, neck, and head disagree.
“What time do you need me here Saturday?”
“Morning?” He looks surprised. “Just come in an hour or so before the show.”
“But what do you need me to do?”
“Sit in the audience, cheer at the right points, look excited if the camera passes you.”
“That’s it?”
“There’s nothing that needs to be liaised in the middle of a show. Grab a seat, have some fun. Be a fan for a few hours.”
You laugh a little because you can’t remember the last time you were able to just be a fan.
“You do like wrestling, don’t you?”
“I do,” you chuckle. “I just don’t really have the opportunity to indulge that very often.”
“So go home, have a nice dinner and a glass of wine. Do whatever it takes to get rid of that headache that I can see right through your skull. Spend the day in your pajamas playing videogames with teenagers online.”
You rise slowly, thanking him as you move to go.
“Hey,” he calls softly, “you’re doing a great job. Don’t think they’re not going to hear about it in Tokyo.”
It’s such a sweet note to leave on that you’re most of the way home, or to the temporary rental that’s passing for home right now, before you think about the fact that you haven’t laid eyes on David all day. He’s been around, because if he hadn’t been, you’re the one who would have had to field questions about it. But he’s been invisible to you.
You end up taking Scott’s suggestions very much to heart. You order dinner from the Chinese place you’ve become addicted to, watch early episodes of The Walking Dead, and have a couple of drinks until you can feel a warm blanket of sleepiness wrapping itself around you.
And that’s when your doorbell rings.
You grab your phone, although there’s a large part of you that wants to ignore it because it’s a little unnervingly late to be getting callers. But you pick it up just on that off chance, because there’s that sliver of hope that it’s…
“It’s David.” He sounds tired and grumpy but you don’t even care because he’s there, at your door and it makes your heart race. You buzz him in and then just stand in front of your apartment door like a complete idiot until you hear him knock.
As soon as you open the door, though, your heart sinks.
“Seriously?” he snaps, holding your panties up for anyone to see.
“How long does it take you to go through your damn pockets,” you hiss, trying to hide how close you are to crying.
“What the hell is wrong with you? You want me to get a restraining order?”
“I’m sorry,” you croak. “I know it was stupid, I just thought maybe if I left you a little reminder that… I don’t know. I thought that if I could get you back once…”
“You did not get me back. I’ve been lonely and I had a weak moment. And even then I couldn’t bring myself to fuck you.”
“Fine. I misinterpreted and thought it was me you wanted. Happy to have given you a show and a nice warm surface to rub one out.”
He throws your panties on the floor without another word. Now you have a problem. You know perfectly well that the second you let him out of your sight, he’s going to disappear. But the door to your apartment is going to lock automatically if it closes unless you step back inside and adjust it. So if you want to avoid giving him the chance to run away, you have to find a way to reach your discarded panties without allowing the door to close behind you.
Awkwardly, you bend forward but it’s immediately obvious that the offending garment is still out of reach. You try looking at him but he seems amused by your predicament. So you have to get right down on your knees and stretch, all while keeping your foot on the door, which weighs a ton. You’ve never felt less elegant in your life, nor more ridiculous than when you glare up at him. His expression is scornful and amused, but there’s a hint of something else you can see in his eyes. There you are, the bitch who he believes used him, the one who’s been begging for his attention, now on her knees in the most humiliating position.
You grab the scrap of fabric and scramble into a standing position before starting to speak. Unfortunately, you move enough that your foot slips from the door. You flinch as you hear the heavy thud.
“Fuck!” he yelps, loud enough you think the neighbors will show up.
It takes a second for you to register that he stuck his hand up to stop the door from closing and that the full weight of it crashed onto his fingers.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” It’s like every time he gets near you, something awful happens to him.
You push the door open and take his hand, trying to see if there’s any damage. He’s obviously irritated and tries to pull it back but it occurs to you that this could be serious.
“Come on, you have to at least let me put some ice on that.”
“You have to. If it swells up, your hand could be screwed up for Saturday.”
He looks positively disgusted as it dawns on him that you’re right but he lets you lead him gently into your apartment.
You take out your ice tray and wrap a few cubes in the dish towel, pressing it softly against his hand. He swats you away and holds the makeshift ice pack himself. There’s a little grunted sound that might be a thank you.
“What even happened?”
“I thought the door was going to lock if it closed, I just tried to stop it. Don’t know why I did that.”
“Thank you,” you say softly, guilt soaking your voice. “I would have been locked out.”
“I’m really sorry about the panties, I just-”
“You’re just a disaster area and I need to stay the fuck away from you. I should have just thrown your little present in your face at the show.”
“I’m so glad you didn’t.”
“I’m going to wait a few minutes until I’m sure my hand is ok. I would really appreciate it if you would just not speak for the rest of the time I’m here.”
The look on his face is so pained, so defeated, that you just nod and look at the floor. But you can’t hold it in. The insanity of the situation you’ve put yourself in and the feeling of having him close enough to touch while also being so remote burns through your insides like a wildfire and you just… break.
You let one loud yelp out and then it’s nothing but tears and loud sobbing. He immediately looks up at you and although your vision is blurred, his expression isn’t unsympathetic but that just makes it worse and you cry harder as you try to speak.
“You’re right, you should stay away from me… I thought that if I came here… I thought that if you knew I left him… that I left him for you…”
Your voice breaks up and you have to wipe your face just to keep yourself focused.
“I didn’t think about how bad I am… for you… for whatever… I just wanted…”
You break down in sobs again and you’re just about to go and hide on the balcony until he leaves when it happens. A miracle. He lays the towel on the counter and walks towards you. Even through your tears, you can see that his expression is much softer and that allows you to hold it together until he lays his hands on your shoulders and pulls you just a little closer.
At that point, once again, you lose it, the memory of how that touch felt back before you’d made a mess of everything. He presses you close to his chest, which amplifies the feeling and you feel like you’re going to pass out.
“Look at me,” he murmurs, cupping your face with his hand.
You open your eyes a little and he makes a face.
“You’re a mess.”
“I know,” you blurt. “I don’t know why I do the shit I do, it’s just-”
“No, I mean your face… there’s mascara stuff happening. It looks like an oil spill.”
Despite yourself, you laugh, holding back the tears as he uses his sleeve to wipe your face.
“Your hands are freezing.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t have another pair with me. Besides, it helps with swelling, remember?”
You laugh a little again, trembling when he holds your face in his hands. For the first time in ages, he doesn’t have any of that vicious resentment in his eyes. It’s almost like the way he looked at you that day you had breakfast in the cafe, just sadder.
He looks at you that way for what feels like a long time, allowing you to regain control of yourself.
“You have really cute ears.”
“Wh- what?”
He smiles. “Your ears. They’re so cute, you have no idea. You always have your hair pulled back or up and I just remember noticing at one point. I’d smile about it all the time when you weren’t looking.”
“How do ears… be cute?” You can’t imagine what he’s talking about and yet the weirdness of the compliment makes it wonderful.
“Come here.” He takes you by the wrist and leads you into the bathroom. He positions you in front of the mirror, standing behind you and pulling you back against his chest. He takes your jaw in his hand and gently turns your head so that you can see the side of your face and your apparently adorable ear.
“You see,” he explains, running his thumb delicately along the outer ridge, “it’s kind of big and round up here, and then it tapers right off into this perfectly proportional little lobe and it looks like a half a heart. So they look like two halves of a heart. I can’t believe you’ve never noticed this before.”
He laughs softly and presses his face against yours, the scrape of his beard on your skin sending shivers through your whole body. His lips touch your cheek so fleetingly that you almost wonder if you’ve imagined it.
“Crying takes it out of you,” he sighs. “Let’s put you to bed.”
You feel numb as he leads you into the bedroom and helps you onto the bed before turning to close your blinds.
“Do you like being back in the States?” you ask, hoping you can stretch out his visit a little longer.
“Yeah, I do. I mean, it’s weird, all the back and forth lately. I swear I think I’m still jet lagged, or I’m just permanently fucked up.”
You smile as he sits down on the side of the bed. He smiles back but he makes no move to touch you or get closer.
“How do you like Impact?”
“I like not working Japanese hours.”
“Damn, I’ll bet. It’s one thing with the wrestlers but they don’t give you guys a break ever.”
You suddenly realize that you don’t want to talk about your work in Japan at all.
“I heard your brother is getting into wrestling too now?”
“Yup. I’m not sure Dad wanted either of us doing this for a living but I guess it really is in the blood.”
He takes your hands and places them on your stomach, very ladylike and demure, and pats them with his.
“You need to get some sleep. I’ll go fight with the door to get out.”
“Tell me a bedtime story?” You try to make yourself sound as cute and harmless as possible and not like some crazed broad desperate to prolong the moment.
You pout a little, gratified when you hear him chuckle.
“Ok, once upon a time there was an extremely silly little princess who could never figure out what she wanted. And no one ever seemed to be able to help her decide what that was, no matter how hard they tried. The end.”
You can’t help but give a wry laugh at that. “At least it’s nice to be a princess.”
“Who said I was talking about you?”
You stare at him a long time, trying to figure out how to untie all the knots of what you’ve done. You can’t even imagine. You’re still trying to figure it out when he bends down and touches his lips, very softly, very quickly, to yours.
He pulls back but then almost immediately repeats the gesture. Then repeats it again. And again. He shifts so that he’s hovering over you, continuing to give you these little kisses.
“Stop that,” he rasps.
“Stop what? You’re the one kissing me.”
“Hm. I guess you’re right.” He leans in again. “Stop me.”
“I don’t want to.”
He doesn’t stop.
“Yeah, I don’t really want you to stop me either.”
And from that point, it gets more insistent, more romantic, and more passionate, until you feel him easing your pants down and running his hands over your thighs and ass. Determined that he is not just going to turn this into another resentful mutual masturbation session, you pull at his shirt. He wriggles free of it immediately easing you out of yours.
“How do you manage to run around without a bra on like that?” He squeezes and licks at your breasts with a little wink.
“I’m in my own apartment. I’m allowed to walk around however I want.”
“Yeah. But you don’t always wear one at work either, do you?”
He crashes his mouth into yours, tongue eagerly breaching your lips.
“Don’t think I don’t notice,” he pants.
He slides down and presses his face between your legs before you can think of a witty comeback, and once he does, you can’t think of anything. It’s so intense, so determined the way he goes at this, the way he picks up on every little twitch and tremor in your body, how he paces himself and you enough that it never feels like a rush to a goal. You don’t deserve this. You have no right to have him be this good to you.
You twist your hand in his hair, pulling it loose from the disheveled bun he’s always sporting. The parts of it that were trapped inside are still damp and you tug firmly to make him look up at you.
“Did you shower before you came over here?”
He smiles coyly and presses two fingers inside you, curling them like he’s beckoning you forward, making you moan and twist even as you’re trying to keep your mind focused.
“I shower pretty frequently,” he grins, “what’s it to you?”
He presses his lips close to your clit, allowing his tongue to flick ever so lightly against it.
“I don’t know,” you breathe, trying not to get overwhelmed by what he’s doing, “I like thinking you got yourself all cleaned up and handsome for me.”
You feel the soft vibrations of his laughter as he dives back into you, tongue pushing up inside you and making you scream before you grab at his hair again.
“I don’t know why you’re doing this,” you whimper.
“Oh I love doing it.”
“I mean I don’t know why you’re doing this to me, when I’ve been so-”
You’re cut off as he goes right back at it, licking and pushing harder for a few seconds before he whispers, “If you had any idea how often I’ve jerked off fantasizing about eating you out, you’d probably stop speaking to me.”
With that he pins you down and continues in earnest, going at you with a zealot’s vigor so that you can’t question him or do anything but scream and beg him to continue what he’s doing until you fall apart, trembling and gasping.
You feel him wriggle out of his pants before he pulls you onto his lap, kissing you and playfully biting at your lips, his arms wound tight around your waist. You run your hand slowly down the length of his shaft, smiling at the little gasp this elicits.
“I want you inside me.”
“Yeah…” the hesitance in his voice terrifies you. “I was… I was hopeful enough to get all showered and freshened up before I came over but I wasn’t so confident that I actually brought any kind of protection with me.”
“I’m on birth control. And I get checked regularly, I swear, I’m-”
He kisses you hard, so passionately that you almost tumble over.
“You sure?” he whispers when he breaks the kiss.
“Very sure.”
He flips you onto your knees and pulls your hips back towards him. As he enters you, you realize that you’d convinced yourself you weren’t ever going to get this again. It’s like a reprieve from prison, feeling him fill you up.
He leans down enough that the feathery tips of his hair brush against the skin of your back, a stark contrast to the powerful hold he has on your hips. There’s an unbroken stream of praises coming from him but all you can think of to whimper in response is, “Thank you.”
He slows his pace just a little.
“Thank you,” you repeat. “I didn’t think you’d want to touch me again. I don’t deserve you being this good to me.”
“Oh sweetheart no.” He pulls you up and holds you against his damp chest, one hand immediately falling to your clit while he continues to thrust inside you. “It’s ok, I’ve got you. I want to feel you come again, I want you to come on my cock.”
You let yourself relax into his touch and it takes very little time until he has you falling apart for him again, your muscles contracting sharply around him as he clearly fights to keep control.
He flips you onto your back like you’re nothing and smiles down at your dazed face.
“Let’s do this right.”
He leans down and pushes himself back inside you slowly crushing your body close to his and planting a fierce kiss on your lips. His movements are agonizingly slow, letting you feel every bit of what’s happening, picking up only when you hitch your hips against his. He keeps you wrapped up tight and close, faces practically touching as he finally lets himself come, eyes locked on yours. It’s a long, tender few minutes while he holds you, touching his lips to your forehead.
“I love you.” You just put it out there before the post-coital haze can fade, hoping it’ll stop him from closing himself off again.
“I love you too,” he whispers, nuzzling against the side of your head. “But you knew that already.”
You dig your nails into his shoulders a little.
“Stay with me. Sleep here, please.”
He looks thoughtful but it doesn’t take long for him to smile, stroking your cheek as he does.
“Yeah,” he beams, “I will.”
He rolls onto his side and pulls you close again.
“Did you seriously think I was going to be able to stay away from you forever?”
“Yes. I was pretty sure that you didn’t entirely want to, but I figured you’d fight it off.”
“How long have we known each other?”
“About six years.”
“You were working at the dojo and we all used to hang out together, right?”
“How long had we been there before I asked you out to dinner?”
“I don’t know. A few months.”
“Closer to four. And I was already so hung up on you that I could barely think straight when you were around.”
You look at him in surprise. Yes, you’d known that he’d flirted a lot, but at that point all the boys at the dojo were trying to scheme their way into your pants. You’d always assumed that his real interest had developed much later.
“Yeah,” he says, noticing your expression, “I was that into you that early. And you know damn well it only got more intense from there.”
He wraps his arms around you and presses your head against his chest, kissing your hair. “And you thought that having finally gotten to take you to bed, having gotten you to say that you liked me, that I was going to be able to walk away?”
You squeeze him tight and nestle against him, your head immediately finding its way to the hollow of his shoulder. And as soon as it does, your whole body feels warm and safe and content. You want to keep talking to him but you can’t because this sort of bliss doesn't allow you to stay awake.
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wrestlingisfake · 4 years
Bound for Glory preview
Eric Young vs. Rich Swann - Young is defending the Impact Wrestling world championship.  This is only Swann’s second match since suffering a legit knee injury in January.  He returned to the ring for  a five-way title match at Slammiversary on July 18, where he eliminated Young.  Eric “reinjured” Swann’s leg to cost him that match; when Swann was forced to “retire” on August 4, Young assaulted him again.  Since then Young has gone on to win the world title, while Swann has been doing a whole “come out of retirement for revenge” storyline.
It’s funny to think about how these guys are headlining this show, considering that most fans would probably remember them best for being lost in the shuffle at WWE.  But this is Impact’s level, and it has been for years.  Just because these guys would be working a dark match on Smackdown doesn’t mean they can’t have a compelling main event here in a much smaller pond.
The basic “Rocky movie” approach to booking this feud would be to have Swann overcome adversity to conquer his most dangerous rival and finally win the big one.  But Impact has a long history of trying to outthink that logic, and I have a long memory of them swerving away from big coronation moments.  It was only a few months ago, in fact, that they were building up Ace Austin for an inevitable run on top, and then they just...didn’t do that.  So Swann might win, or they might tell a story that he has a lot of ring rust to shake off before he beat Young.  Nevertheless, my gut still says Swann wins the title here.
Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin vs. Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson vs. Ethan Page & Josh Alexander vs. Ace Austin & Madman Fulton - This is a four-way match for the Impact tag team title, currently held by the Motor City Machine Guns (Shelly and Sabin).  Per standard four-way rules, the only way to win is by pinfall or submission, and the first man to score a fall on any opponent wins the match and the title for his team.
The North (Page and Alexander) held the title for just over a full year as various other teams broke up or drifted away from Impact, so they got to be able to say they cleaned out the division.  Then Sabin and Shelley came in as the wily veterans to get a big push (which is sort of ironic when you consider their history with this company).  Austin and Fulton came together earlier this year as a “rising top heel and his enforcer” act, but they ended up as a tag team when they began feuding with the Good Brothers (Gallows and Anderson).  All along, there’s been a sense that the Machine Guns are just keeping the titles warm until they put over the Good Brothers.
I could see any of these teams getting the title, but it’s pretty clear Gallows and Anderson are top attractions in this company, so one way or another the title picture is going to revolve around them.  One interesting wrinkle is that the Good Brothers plan to work for both Impact and New Japan, and New Japan has a tag team tournament coming up, leading into their biggest show of the year.  If I’m Don Callis, I want to send Gallows and Anderson to Japan for a couple of months to soak up that exposure, and I’d want them do it while wearing Impact title belts.  I’m probably getting ahead of myself with that speculation, but since I’ve got no other clear way to pick a winner, I’ll let that be why I’m going with Doc and Karl.
Deonna Purrazzo vs. Kylie Rae - Purrazzo is defending the Impact women’s title.  Kylie earned this title shot by winning a battle royale on July 18, the same night Purrazzo won the championship.  Since then Kylie has won the Warrior Wrestling women’s title, but that belt isn’t at stake here.
It was just about a year ago that Kylie debuted here, coming off a surprisingly abrupt exit from AEW.  It’s always felt like Impact wanted to do a slow build to her as the face of the women’s division.  And yet, Impact has also given Purrazzo a strong push since her debut in May.  Each of them would be my pick to win against any other woman in the company right now.  But against one another, it’s real tough to choose.  Feels like almost every match on this card is a pick-’em, which is a good thing.
I’m gonna go with Kylie to win just because she makes me happy.
EC3 vs. Moose - Moose has spent most of the year as the self-proclaimed “TNA world champion,” but EC3 stole his belt and I’m not sure what happened to it and I’m not sure either guy still cares about it at this point.  EC3 gained his widest exposure to fans in his NXT/WWE run, but Impact viewers know he really made his name in this promotion, back when it was called TNA.  “EC3” literally stands for “Ethan Carter III,” from when his gimmick was that he was the (kayfabe) nephew of longtime TNA owner Dixie Carter.
The story is that after EC3 was laid off from WWE, he decided he had to exorcise his old failures, which I guess are symbolized by Moose carrying around the belt he once held.  So EC3 started interfering in Moose matches and stalking him and playing cryptic videos for him and other weird stuff.  This has been going on since July but EC3 has yet to wrestle for Impact in all that time.  Aside from a couple of indie shows, and some ROH stuff that hasn’t aired yet, this will be his first match in 2020.
Back in July I assumed that EC3 would sign with Impact.  Then when I heard he was doing stuff with ROH, I figured it was a side project before he fully committed to Impact.  But after three months with no Impact matches, I’m starting to wonder if his Impact deal is a one-and-done.  Actually, the fact I’m wondering that helps the match, since if I was sure he was sticking around, it’d be super obvious that he has to beat Moose.  As it is, I’m still leaning toward EC3 winning, but that little doubt in my head will keep it interesting.
Eddie Edwards vs. Ken Shamrock - I lost the plot on this one, but as I recall Edwards had a vicious feud with Sami Callihan in 2018, and then Shamrock had a vicious feud with Callihan earlier this year, and now Shamrock and Callihan both hate Edwards for some reason.  Incidentally Shamrock is being inducted into Impact’s hall of fame this weekend, so it’s kind of weird that they decided now is the time to turn him heel.
I think the easiest way to sum both of these guys up is that neither of them knows when to quit.  They both look grizzled and stopped-giving-a-fuck, which makes them scary in the way that convicts in movies seem scary.  Now that I think about it, I’m surprised it took so long for this match to happen.
The x-factor here is Callihan, who will undoubtedly be interfering on behalf of Shamrock.  I don’t know who the hell Eddie can get to counteract that; usually when he needs backup it ends up being his wife Alisha, which works better than you might expect but still not all that well.  I guess if Davey Richards was going to return, this would be a cool way to set it up.  But failing that, I don’t think Eddie can win this match.
Rohit Raju vs. Chris Bey vs. TJP vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Trey Miguel vs. Willie Mack - Raju’s “X division” title is on the line.  This is being billed as a “six-way scramble match.”  I tend to think that’s just a cute name for a standard six-way match, where whoever scores the first fall on any opponent wins the match and the title.  Of course, in WWE a “scramble match” was a specific stipulation where whoever scores the last fall in a specified time period is the winner.  But I think if Impact was trying to bring those rules back, they’d have made a bigger deal about it, and I would have heard something about it by now.
The backstory here is that Bey was getting a big push and beat Mack for the title, and Raju started lobbying to be his henchman.  This led to Bey vs. Raju vs. TJP, with the idea that Raju would help Bey against TJP, but Raju went into business for himself and won the title.  So now everybody is gunning for Raju, including Trey for some reason I forget, and I think Grace just got thrown in there to make it more interesting.  Basically, Raju was a prelim guy before any of this happened, and he’d be the underdog against any of these opponents, so you’re supposed to think he’s doomed in a match against all of them.
I’m a tad surprised Grace is involved, because it wasn’t all that long ago that it was Tessa Blanchard as the woman chasing the X title, and then the world title, and that didn’t work out so well.  Then again, Tessa’s gender was hardly the reason that run fell apart, so maybe Impact is determined to do it again until they get it right.  Thing is, if you want to seriously present a woman winning a men’s championship, you want the champion that puts her over to be stronger than Rohit Raju.  So if they’re gonna do it, I’d say they should do it later, with Grace challenging one of the other guys for the title one-on-one.
Anyone could win this match, but it’s a real old trick to have the most hated heel be the biggest underdog, and then he steals a win after his opponents destroy each other.  So I’m going with Rohit to retain.
20-person “Call Your Shot” gauntlet match - This is a timed interval gauntlet match, similar to WWE’s Royal Rumble.  Two participants start the match, and each additional participant enters at regular intervals.  (I don’t think they’ve said how long the intervals are, but I’m guessing 90 seconds or two minutes or something.)  For most of the match, a competitor can only be eliminated by leaving the ring over the top rope and placing both feet on the floor; however, once all but two wrestlers are eliminated, the rules change so they can only lose by pinfall or submission.  The last person left in the match is the winner and earns the right to a title match against the champion of their choice.
So far Impact has confirmed eleven participants, seven men and four women:
Acey Romero, of the XXXL tag team
Alisha Edwards, whose last singles victory in this company was in 2018 against AEW’s Rebel/Reba
Brian Myers, formerly known as Curt Hawkins in WWE
Havok, aka Jessicka Havok in the indies
Heath, formerly Heath Slater in WWE, with the gimmick that he hasn’t yet secured a contract to work for Impact
Hernandez, once a rising star in TNA, now some sleazy guy backstage with a giant wad of cash
Larry D, Romero’s partner in XXXL
Rhino, the former ECW/WWE star who’s been trying to help Heath get signed
Taya Valkyrie, probably best known from AAA and Lucha Underground
Tenille Dashwood, formerly Emma in NXT and WWE
Tommy Dreamer, the ECW legend, who has been feuding with Myers
The order of entry is supposed to be random, but the results of an October 20 match slotted Hernandez as the last entrant and Rhino as the first.  The added stipulation for Rhino and Heath is that their jobs are on the line: If either of them wins, Rhino stays and Heath is signed, but if neither of them win, Rhino is fired and Heath can’t keep coming around asking for work.
It feels like this match has to end with Rhino or Heath winning, to pay off that storyline.  In fact, I could easily see it being a deal where one appears to be eliminated, and hides off-camera until the other is thrown out, and then Josh Matthews can play Michael Cole being all shocked that there’s still hope.  It feels so obvious that I’ve seen speculation that Heath needs to turn on Rhino right after one of them wins, to keep it interesting.  But I think we’re all overlooking the alternative, where they’re both kicked out of the company but nevertheless keep appearing in comedy skits for weeks until they get some other chance to earn contracts.  Personally, I’d just keep it simple and have Heath win leading to Heath and Rhino challenging for the tag title.
Dez & Wentz vs. Cody Deaner & Cousin Jake - This is being advertised for the pre-show.  Dez (Desmond Xavier) and Wentz (Zachary Wentz) are, along with Trey Miguel, the stoner team of the Rascalz.  Cody Deaner has been Impact’s resident redneck good-ol’ boy on and off for years.  Jake is better known on the indie scene as Jake Something, the current Black Label Pro champion.  Between the two teams, I think Impact is more committed to pushing the Rascalz, but this is another one where it could really go either way.  This whole show has been really hard to predict.  Let’s hope it still seems unpredictable after it’s over.
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tkmedia · 3 years
Update On Kenny Omega’s Injuries
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Last month a report came out about AEW World Champion, Impact World Champion, and AAA Mega Champion Kenny Omega “hurting pretty badly” from a couple different injuries. Omega was said to be dealing with an athletic hernia, a deep bone bruise near his tailbone, and general wear/tear on his knees. He was also coming off a stomach virus, and a sliced hand that required seven stitches. Omega himself said at the AEW Double or Nothing Fan Fest that there were days he considered retiring from wrestling, but the crowd always made him feel better while performing. In the latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter, it was reported the champion has been doing better — as seen in his title match victory against Jungle Boy on last Saturday’s Dynamite. The biggest issue had been his athletic hernia, but stem cell treatment and PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) therapy have helped make “a world of difference.” Omega has some big defenses lined up, beginning on July 17 at Impact Slammiversary against Sami Callihan. He’ll also be heading to Mexico City, Mexico on August 14 at AAA TripleMania XXIV to defend the AAA Mega Championship against Andrade.
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junker-town · 7 years
Which NFL players would make the best wrestlers?
DeAngelo Williams stunning one-night stand at ‘Slammiversary’ got us thinking about what other NFL stars we’d like to see as wrestlers.
Transitioning from football to professional wrestling is nothing new. Former WWE and WCW superstars like Stone Cold Steve Austin, Goldberg, The Rock, and Hacksaw Jim Duggan all made the leap to more lucrative careers in the squared circle. The tradition continues today; before he was a current WWE headliner, Roman Reigns was All-ACC defensive lineman Joe A’noai. Bray Wyatt was Troy center Windham Rotunda. Mojo Rawley was Maryland defensive tackle Dean Muhtadi.
Those athletes put years of training in before making their debuts in the big leagues, but their gridiron backgrounds prepared them for the physical toll of stepping in the ring.
But when Steelers tailback DeAngelo Williams took to the canvas at Impact Wrestling’s Slammiversary! last Sunday, his charisma and athleticism made him an instant standout. Teaming with another NFL alum — seven-year vet Quinn Ojinnaka, now known as Moose — he exceeded expectations with dynamic shoulder-tackles and a crisp standing moonsault.
Williams’ performance wasn’t the first time Impact had pulled a non-wrestler into a wrestling role, but likely the most impressive. What’s even more impressive? The veteran running back says he did it with only three days practice.
Thanks moose for the match and friendship and yes it was only 3 days and it was damn rough https://t.co/sOrJyMPMqv
— DeAngelo Williams (@DeAngeloRB) July 3, 2017
Not every NFL veteran could transition as smoothly, but it’s clear the athleticism and toughness that comes with playing in the league can mold some great wrestlers. With that in mind, here’s our wish list for the next generation of WWE (or Impact. Or Ring of Honor. Or Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. Or New Japan Pro Wrestling) superstars from the world of football.
Vince Wilfork
The current landscape of professional wrestling is sadly devoid of athletic fat guys. The WWE has shifted away from the dad strength of chubby villains like Earthquake, Kamala, or Vader and toward cut superstars who eat lean protein and do Crossfit six times a week. Wyatt is the most notable big man of his era but even at his largest is approximately half a Yokozuna.
Enter Wilfork, the nimble-footed defensive tackle who is wrapping up a potential Hall of Fame career in Houston. While at 35 he may be a bit old to turn over a new leaf, former WCW champion (and current yoga guru) Diamond Dallas Page didn’t start his in-ring career until he was the same age. Wilfork is a destructive force with sneaky speed and an intimidating figure. If he didn’t mind a little extra pain, he could be a legitimate force inside the ropes.
Plus, he could unleash one of the most devastating spears in wrestling history.
Rob Gronkowski
Gronkowski’s path to the WWE is clearer than most. He’s already partnered with the company to do a run-in at Wrestlemania, sending current champion Jinder Mahal flailing with a shoulder tackle in support of best friend Rawley.
The #AndreBattleRoyal just got a dose of @Patriots' @RobGronkowski. Watch #WrestleMania streaming LIVE at 7e/4p on @WWENetwork! http://pic.twitter.com/fpoMaJAEHw
— WWE (@WWE) April 2, 2017
He’s got the connections to make an immediate leap to the business, and the personality to be an engaging face before crowds get sick of him and turn him into an even more compelling heel weeks later. Between his 6’6 frame, elite athleticism, and “up for anything” attitude, the only thing dimming his wrestling stardom is his penchant for ill-timed injuries.
Richard Sherman and Michael Bennett (tag team)
A big part of professional wrestling is a superstar’s ability to cut a promo puffing him (or her-)self up while simultaneously tearing down prospective opponents. On that level, no set of teammates can compare to Sherman and Bennett. Neither one is afraid to speak his mind, like when Sherman roasted Michael Crabtree after winning the NFC Championship, or when Bennett lit up the press after Seattle’s playoff loss to the Falcons.
Get these two on a live mic running down the New Day or War Machine, and you’ve got magic. While their physical skills make them All-Pros, their limitless promo potential gives them an edge few converts could match.
Besides, Bennett’s flag-drawing sack celebration dance is awfully similar to Ravishing Rick Rude’s pre-match gyrations.
James Harrison
Harrison may be nearing 40 years old, but his litany of terrifying workout videos proves that he’s defeated Father Time in a rep-based lifting competition. He’s so jacked, he has to wear sweatshirts for his workouts so he won’t distract other people with his 24-inch pythons, brother.
Why all the questions @jhharrison92 ??
A post shared by Maurkice Pouncey (@maurkicepouncey) on Dec 6, 2016 at 7:49am PST
Combine his freakish physical strength with his unmatched intensity, and you’ve got the makings of an in-ring monster. Harrison is just a ridiculous chest tattoo and some terrible math from being the next Scott Steiner. Holler if you hear that.
Jerry Jones
I don’t know much about wrestling, but I do know this: Cowboys owner Jerry Jones was made to be a classic wrestling heel. First of all, he already has substantial experience with making wrestling fans angry, which is at least half the battle.
When AT&T Stadium hosted Wrestlemania 32, fans had a lot of reasons to be mad. They didn’t like that Roman Reigns won the whole thing, because apparently wrestling fans don’t like Roman Reigns. This happened six hours after the event started. It kicked off at 6 p.m., which means that it would have ended around midnight, so people probably would have been a little cranky, anyway. But none of that was Jerry Jones’ fault.
But it took Wrestlemania 32 ticket holders forever to actually get into the stadium, and people did see that as Jones’ fault. Plenty of people missed the beginning, and fans were chanting, “Let us in! Let us in!” outside the gates. Jones, of course, cashed in big considering that the average ticket price was over $300. That’s a pretty heel move. - Jeanna Thomas
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g4zdtechtv · 6 years
WrestleClipz - Angelina Love vs. Tara (Slammiversary - 6.21.09)
Filled with some Beautiful People.
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rackradioshow · 6 years
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04-26-18: Greatest Royal Rumble Preview
Tonight live on the Wild Talk Radio Network, the Multi-Time Award Winning, The Rack returns to the airwaves at 10pm ET with your hosts Lindsey Ward & Sir Rockin.On the program this week we will be giving you the latest news in both WWE & Impact brought to us by Gerweck.net which includes:
*Latest #BlameBrent Injuries *Impact Wrestling Slammiversary announcement
And More!
We will give you the Smackdown throwdown featuring the reunion of The Club, Carmella & Charlotte contract signing and more. We will also give you the NXT Rundown featuring the latest chapter in the Ciampa-Gargano feud & more.
We will also be previewing the Greatest Royal Rumble, featuring Seven Championship Matches, a Casket Match with The Undertaker, John Cena vs Triple H and More!
Plus Tweet of the Week!
Be a part of the show tonight by joining us in our live chat room and interact with the show. It all begins LIVE tonight at 10pm ET on www.rackradioshow.com & www.wildtalkradio.com presented in part by “MBG Films”. You can also listen to the show live on your smartphone, tablet or iPad, by downloading the TuneIn Radio App, which is free, just search for Wild Talk Radio Network.
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