#Slavic!Law is my favorite hc
ebisul · 7 months
I know Law is canonically supposed to be german-adjacent but I can only see that man as some type of Slavic and I have no basis other than pure instinct
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gramarye · 11 months
For the askbox meme I’m asking not only my daughter Relena but also Trowa my son Trowa
First impression: calling myself out rn but not only because i am a Woman Lover but also bc i just love blondes i knew i would love her…….. i knew she would be based Impression now: but i had no idea HOW BASED!!! she really is so insanely funny and headstrong. she is so much more than u could ever anticipate Favorite moment: so many to choose from like "HEERO!! HURRY UP AND COME KILL ME!" (<- moment i knew she was crazy crazy) or her pulling out a gun at a formal event out of nowhere. but i do really adore the final scene with heero where she reverses the iconic episode 1 scene on him and rips the card he gave her with the smuggest grin… SO good. i already knew it was true love but that's how i know it was eternal!!!!!!! Idea for a story: can i please have like an insane family dinner with heero&relena and zechs post-canon. i find any kind of sibling relationships lovely esp when you throw in their significant other into the mix in an in-laws kinda setting its SO funny. wonderful. also i just really want to see her interact with zechs more, ALSO i would like to see more of their early childhood…. Unpopular opinion: APPARENTLY LIKING HER??? she's the coolest ever all relena haters are INVALID Favorite relationship: OH YOU KNOW IT!!!! HEERO… heero is such a handful but the thing is, so is relena. she is SO much more insane than one can ever imagine from just seeing a picture of her with no context. the only person who can handle heero and vice versa. THAT SAID, her dynamic with dorothy is also insane and very funny. i stan a crazy bisexual Favorite headcanon: i know it's confirmed she's north european but i think it's super funny if she's swedish particularly. she's sitting down and eating janssons frestelse with zechs and heero for that family dinner
First impression: this guy's hair is really 90s and he is so slavic coded. also remember when i asked you "is the clown thing a term of endearment or is he really a clown". YEAH <3 Impression now: I LOVE HIM. HE IS LIKE A SON-IN-LAW TO ME. PRECIOUS CHARACTER i like him very much and you definitely endeared me to him even before i watched wing and moreso after i did!!! also he really is a clown. by occupation. for real. Favorite moment: ok i don't know if this is my all time favorite but i think a lot about that scene where dorothy and quatre are both hurt and trowa just picks up quatre and leaves. without dorothy. so funny. sorry #feminism but quatre is basically a woman (not in a haha feminine man way but like actually) but. it was so funny. love Idea for a story: sorry for the shipper brain but i still really want that 3x4 1xR double date so badly. it would be so awkward and based. both because i think both of these couples are true loves and also because i think putting anyone in the same room with heero and relena is hilarious. Unpopular opinion: i will be honest i don't know enough about wing fandom besides what you've told me? but um. he is NOT british i can say that much… whoever thinks that. sorry but its just not right it goes against my personal beliefs Favorite relationship: QUATRE/TROWA OBVIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!! TRUE WUW. even the romantic aspect aside i Like Them Favorite headcanon: that he is BASED and SLAVICPILLED. (PART) ESTONIAN TROWA REAL AND TRUE!! he is eating kiluvõileib and sült after a hard day of work at the circus i know this. sorry these ended up both being about nationalities but in my defense i LOVE nationality hcs
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