#Slow Burn: Hinawa x Amanda
soft-citrus-central · 3 years
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These were the Thigh highs pictures I talked about in my last ask
These were just some self indulgent drawings I did of my fire force self insert, because 1. I realized how much I love and want thigh highs, and 2. I wanted to work more on my art style and coloring.
and as stated before Yes, That is Hinawa’s hat and jacket in the first image. It’s also deemed the “Hinawa Killer” outfit, because I'm a firm believe that he’s a thigh guy and who doesn’t love it when their partner takes their clothes.
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soft-citrus-central · 3 years
What songs do you associate with an F/O of your choice?
I must Thank you for asking me these questions, I'm not used to getting this much attention lol.
I don't really have songs that I just associate with the character themselves completely? A lot are of course like love songs that I associate with the dynamic that me and my f/o have. That being said I think it still counts given you can still tell a lot about the character and how I see them through it.
I currently have three playlist for some of my f/os so I'll be taking some songs from them ^^
The songs that I put on these are usually because they either fit the dynamic/character, have the same vibe as the character, and/or are kinda related to a joke but still fit. Because of this some of these will have longer explanations than others.
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Slow Burn: Hinawa's Playlist (the longest playlist I've had and thus the most songs)
Love Like You From Steven Universe (specifically the one song by Ashe)
Hinawa is a man to be shown with some self-worth issues and doesn't see himself to be very special. He's also been shown to be reluctant in falling in love, because of his job and doesn't want to put anyone through that. I see this song from his preceptive as more of him realizing and allowing himself to fall in love and in return also learning to see himself as more than just some average person.
Something There From Beauty and The Beast
Okay so listen, This is kinda a more jokey one, but it very much fits me and Hinawa as neither of us really expected to fall for each other. Not to mention Hinawa is known to be this scary-looking man around the company, so fitting. Also, the ending bit is very much how the rest of the company would be watching this mess go down, cause honestly they would all know well before me and Hinawa say anything.
I finally got a Demon Boyfriend: Lucifer's Playlist
The Horror and The Wild By The Amazing Devil
This one is very much based on vibes, but also like the lyrics are very fitting for him.
"Remember me, I ask Remember me, I sing Give me back my heart, you wingless thing"
It's hard to explain but this just seems like a fitting line for him, especially since he seems hesitant to get close to MC in the game, but at the same time shows clear interest and even has a cocky attitude of "You'll be with me in the end.". Also, it's a Demon x Human relationship so yeah fitting.
ALSO, HE'S ALMOST KILLED/ATTACKED MC LIKE TWICE SO FAR SO THE LINE "Think of all the horrors that I promised you I'd bring" ALSO WORKS FOR HIM.
Last Shot: Jigen's Palylist (a lot of his songs are more jokey)
Goldbricker By The Sad Riders
This isn't a song I hear often, and the video I listen to it on alone has like 62 views, I don't know why. But This is another case of vibes, I just like how relax yet somber it is. It has the vibes of two people who have known each other for a while and are maybe just hanging out one early morning, thinking over how they got to this point. I just feel like that fits me and him.
Criminal By Britney Spears
OK, WE HAD TO INCLUDE ONE OF THE JOKE SONGS ON HERE. And this song is 100% just on his playlist just because He's a wanted criminal and that's not a common trait of my F/os.
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soft-citrus-central · 3 years
Share F/O hcs maybe? owo
Oooo Okay okay I'm bad at writing stuff for myself so lets see what I can come up with here~
I have a lot of F/os who are very work-focused, and tend to be very busy. So one of my favorite things to just think about is to just, Imagine being in the same space with them as they work, whether I’m helping them or just doing my own thing. I just think it's really nice to just exist in each other's presence at the very least.
This also works with those who aren't as busy, It’s just nice to think about in my opinion.
A more specific thing, in Obey Me Lucifer is shown to be very into theatre and as an ex-theatre kid that makes me very excited as that means we could go on theatre dates and I get to watch him recite scenes like the nerd he is. Not to mention I just love the Arts as a whole and he’s been shown to also be interested in that kind of stuff in the game. (more notably music, but still) So this can also just lead to museum dates, which would be a nice quiet change for him.
There's a moment in the game, where MC assumably lies about wanting to see the paints of the castle and Lucifer gives them a list, But god I would have been genuine and I would hope he’d have time to actually show and tell me about them.
Ah and then there's Hinawa, the very strict and scary looking man who I love dearly. With him I tend to imagine moments where one of us is cooking or something, and the other just comes up from behind and wraps their arms around them. Again just another case of wanting to spend time with him when I can. I’m very much a simple person and a fan of smaller affections, so like forehead kisses and hugs before the other leaves for something. I love that, and those are things I usually associate with Hinawa.
Last, The newest bastard on the block, Jigen, another one of my lovely Gunman. He is a new variation of my type, in the sense that he is a lot more likely to tease me about things, and deal out a lot more attitude. He’s got so much fight to him, and I love a man who’s ready to throw down. That being said, There's not many people or F/os I can get away with roughhousing and play-fighting with and I feel like with Jigen, he’d at least be a lot more willing to do that. Which is just a fun change for me and I'm glad to finally have someone who will playfully throw hands with me. and then complain about his old man bones, even though he isn’t that old.
These aren't really headcanons but more general thoughts, but either way thank you for the ask!!
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soft-citrus-central · 3 years
Imagine: You and whomever F/Os are on the brain doing outfit swaps!! Who has the oversized clothes? Who can't fit in the others clothes? who steals the others style! XD
Oooooo This is a fun one~
So with Hinawa, He is only a few inches taller than me (he's 5'11 and I'm 5'6.5) and in Fire Force, we both have similar builds. So there's not much difference with sizing besides My clothes being kinda tighter on him and his being a little baggy on me.
I do imagine us being the kind of couple who regularly end up taking each other's clothes whether we realize it or not, purely because of the similar size but also Because our fashion sense is very similar. I also enjoy a good button-up short sleeves. I would 100% steal his hats often though.
This ask also reminded me that I have two drawings of my Fire Force self insert in thigh highs that I haven't posted that includes one where I'm in his army jacket and hat ^^
I'll have to post that tomorrow, but pretty much with me and Hinawa there's not much change
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With me and Lucifer on the other hand!
Lucifer is roughly 6'3 (has no canon height so I use a height list my friend found once upon a time ago) and again I'm 5'6.5. His jacket alone is huge and would just engulf me, and that's why I think about stealing it when I can. With him wearing mine, they wouldn't really fit, and if they did he'd be trying not to rip them. 
To be fair I don't really see him wearing my clothes, to begin with, but I know in-game there's like a spell that swaps two people's outfits (and personalities I think) But that happened in an event or later in the game so I don't fully know lol.
So with Lucifer, that's where we get more of the oversized baggy clothes vs the struggling to even wear the outfit.
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This man got some long legs damn
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soft-citrus-central · 3 years
re: ur faves faving u right back; the potential for having a hidden guilty pleasure is SO ripe for the taking when your faves aren’t normally the type tho!!
You get it, Thats why I love it so much.
Its just perfect and funny.
If Obi caught Hinawa, he'd be so embarrassed and Obi would probably lightly tease him but be supportive in the "You do you, my dude" type of way.
And Lucifer cant say shit about whatever Levi said about Ruri-chan, cause sir what about that post you reblogged on your secret page last night.
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soft-citrus-central · 3 years
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I simply got bored and decided to do on of these “My ship in 5 minutes”, cause I thought it was cute and wanted to show of their dynamic more~!
(I also had to repost this cause I forgot my freckles whoops)
Has some of my personal head cannons about Hinawa here and there as well ^^
As the picture states, The original template is made by Gibslythe!
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soft-citrus-central · 4 years
Late Night Cuddles
A/N: Hi, first things first, Yes this is a Self insert x Character story. I’m not really used to writing, much less writing for myself, but I decided to write something a little self indulgent last night and was kind of proud of it so I’m sharing it with all of you no matter how embarrassed I am. So, yeah this is just a fluffy writing of my Self Insert and Hinawa. ^^
Amanda made her way down the cathedral's long hallways. It was rather late at night, but she had stayed up due to some work she needed to finish, since her reports took longer than planned today. She had stopped by her room to get ready for the night and silently debated with herself on whether or not she should go to Hinawa’s room. 
‘I don’t want to risk waking him, But…’ 
The nightly cold air suddenly became a bit more noticeable, and that was enough to help her make up her mind. Making the short walk down the hall, Amanda quietly entered the Lieutenant’s room. There was a moment of hesitation where she stood by the door, her orange eyes looking at his sleeping form. A part of her was second guessing herself, wondering if this action was a bit selfish. Though on the other hand, she was already here so she might as well commit. 
The carpenter shook her head abit to clear her head of the doubt before she closed the door behind her and shuffled over to him. She carefully sat on the bed and noticed his back was towards her and the door, honestly a rare position for him to sleep in. A soft smile found its way onto her face as she lovingly looked at her sleeping sweetheart. She couldn’t see his face but she pictured a more relaxed expression that replaced his usually stern and serious one. 
In a moment of getting lost in thought, the light brunette absentmindedly ran her hand across his back, gently rubbing small circles against him. She snapped out of it quickly and stopped as she saw the taller man tense briefly as he stirred, momentarily having forgotten how light of a sleeper he was. She sat there silent and still, worried that she had woken him up. When he didn’t move again, she exhaled a soft breath in relief. 
Feeling her own tiredness starting to weigh on her, Amanda placed her glasses next to his on the dresser and cautiously moved under the covers next to him, making an effort not to disturb him any further. She turned her back to his, choosing to leave him be for the rest of the night, his warmth and presence being enough for her.
At least that was the plan, until she felt the other side shift around. Soon two strong arms found their way around her and pulled her closer into the man behind her. She stiffened for a second at the sudden contact but quickly relaxed once she felt a gentle kiss be lazily placed on the nape of her neck, and a forehead being lightly pressed into her shoulder. She can feel her face warming up faintly due to this unexpected affection.
“Didn’t think I’d wait up?” Hinawa mumbled tiredly, his voice low from sleep, betraying what he said. Amanda chuckled quietly to herself, picking up on his tone of voice. She turned around in his hold to face him, taking this chance to also move her arms around his torso. He partly opened his eyes to gaze sleepily at his partner, to be met with her lovingly smiling at him. He offers a small smile in return.
She moved to give him a quick kiss on the nose, and whispered, “Sorry for waking you, Hisa.” He closed his eyes again upon receiving the kiss, and let out a low hum in response. She took a brief moment to gaze at his resting face, before closing her own eyes and nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck. Amanda mumbled a quiet ‘Good night’, and heard another low mumble in response as she began to drift to sleep.
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soft-citrus-central · 4 years
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This is an old sketch, but I think this shows off a good chunk of their beginning dynamic.
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soft-citrus-central · 4 years
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I was gonna post an animatic I've been working on for my birthday, but thats not done yet so y'all get this! I've seen this around and always thought it was cute, so here's my version ^^
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soft-citrus-central · 3 years
Is “trying and failing to impress you” a Hinawa mood because I want it to be but idk what he’d fail at.....he’s too good.....but klutzy Hinawa....
To be honest, I didnt have anyone in mind when I reblogged that, I just really enjoyed the imagine lol.
However, the idea of the very stern lieutenant trying to impresses me in some way and failing, and the most likely getting embarrassed in some shape or form, though he probably wouldn't show it
Is an idea I now heavily adore and well be thinking about for awhile
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soft-citrus-central · 4 years
Hinawa, what always brings you back to Amanda, no matter what happens in life? Amanda, how do you comfort Hinawa in those times?
Amanda is a very patient individual, matched with the ability to read others, including myself, well. However, though those traits have always been beneficial in the being of our relationship, something that has always drawn me to her is her overall friendly demeanor. She usually has a rather positive air around her even when things are getting rough. Not to say that she is hopelessly optimistic, but she is capable of coming up with a lighter outcome to things that balances out my more critical views.  
- Hinawa
When Hinawa is having a low time, I’ve found it best to give him more silent comfort. He isn’t really one to let anyone know when something is going on and has a habit of keeping things to himself, So if there's something bothering him, I usually have to look for the context clues. 
If it’s a case where he’s a bunch of different stressors have piled on, I’ll help him out a bit around the office, by doing some of the chores that he would usually have to do, just to lessen his load, and give him less to think about.
Overall though, it’s best to at least be there in presence for him. Very little touching until he initiates anything more, the most I tend to do is some comforting back rubs, a very minimal amount of talking, and just pretty much let him know that someone is there for him to help him out.
- Amanda
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soft-citrus-central · 3 years
option B has that good good angst and is v in character for Hinawa 👀
also LMAO forbidden option C is Maki desperately trying to stop Iris from spilling the beans because she’s tired of Maki fawning over y’all’s relationship jeidkdnsjdk
(I forgot to say this last time but HI it me, the-notorious-sip)
Oh hello friend!! ^^
And omgg yes, of course Maki is the biggest fan of the obivious chemistry that these two share, and she refuses to let Iris say anything and ruin this week's episode lol
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soft-citrus-central · 3 years
AMANDA! I know you and Hinawa are about that slowburn life, but what do you think the final straw will be? Who figures it out first? (even if it’s neither of you and everyone else at the 8th is like “GET IT TOGETHER, PLEASE”)
Every time I get a message about me and one of my fictional boo’s I get both surprised and excited. Like damn, people out there are actually interested??? 
I would have to say we both figured out our own feelings, or at least how the other truly feels by the end of what's been deemed the wedding arc. Its my self inserts arc for the overall story, and though I won't go into detail with it right now, It's definitely hard to leave that arc without us both having the understanding that we do like one another. But just because we realize it, doesn't mean we confess.
No no, due to reasons, whether it be our own views and past, or just simply that being "unprofessional", or even just out of how busy the 8th can and does get. Any confession does get put on hold. However, there is a couple of outcomes of how the confession can work. A. I eventually confess, my embarrassment and patience can only last so long, so I imagine after a while I would eventually bite the bullet and confess, to at least clear the air and get it off my chest. B. Hinawa is a very stubborn man and though he'd let his true feelings slip here and there, whether he realizes it or not, him admitting it is a whole different story. He'd require a bit more of a wake-up call, and that being if one of us met with a near-death experience, especially if that one, is me. That would cause any lingering doubts to be wiped, and his feelings would come to the foreground. Pretty much realizing that was a close call, and he's lucky to have another chance like this at all to express how much he cares. forbidden option C. Someone in company 8 snaps and confesses for both these clowns, sadly ruining one of the company's favorite shows.
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soft-citrus-central · 4 years
The takeover is over.
Thank you to everyone who sent in asks today. It was nice spending time talking about and appreciating my darling, Amanda.
This blog will returning back to usual shenanigans.
Goodbye everybody
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soft-citrus-central · 4 years
I’m Takehisa Hinawa, and until 11 PST tonight I will be in charge of this blog. Feel free to ask me questions about Amanda.
There will be some ask game posts you can choose from if you want.
You may ask your questions.
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soft-citrus-central · 4 years
Imagine: Hinawa pulling you down into his lap suddenly and lightly kissing your forehead, flushed the whole time~
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AAAAAAAAAAA THIS IS CUTE AS HELL qwq Thank you so much for this, you wonderful person!!! I wish I knew who you were but I really appreciate this and I will be thinking about this for at least a week!
perhaps I’ll draw it one day who’s to say I sure as hell don't know
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