#Smart meters India
townpostin · 2 months
Smart Meters to Curb Power Theft in Kolhan
Kolhan residents to receive smart meters to combat electricity theft. Jamshedpur and other Kolhan regions are set to get smart meters to reduce electricity theft and improve monitoring. JAMSHEDPUR – In a bid to curb electricity theft, smart meters will be installed in homes across Jamshedpur and the Kolhan region. These smart meters will alert the headquarters if tampering is detected, leading to…
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Smart Farming Starts with Smart Irrigation System Using Iot
KarIot introduces Smart Farming Starts with Smart Irrigation System Using Iot. Our cutting-edge technology integrates IoT seamlessly into agriculture, revolutionizing irrigation practices. With real-time monitoring and data analytics, KarIot empowers farmers to optimize water usage, enhance crop yields, and promote sustainability. Precision irrigation techniques, remote monitoring, and scalability make KarIot the ideal choice for modern farms. Experience the future of agriculture with KarIot's innovative solutions driving efficiency and productivity.
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polarisgrids · 10 months
Optimizing Energy Consumption: The Magic of Advanced Metering Software Solutions
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Optimizing Energy Consumption: A 2000-Word Journey of Discovery
Hey there, little energy enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of making our homes smarter, happier, and more energy-efficient. Imagine a world where your energy meter is not just a number counter but a wise friend helping you save energy and money. Let's embark on this magical journey together!
What's Energy Consumption?
Alright, imagine your favorite toy needing batteries to work. Those batteries give power to your toy, right? Now, think of your home as a giant toy that needs a special kind of power – we call it electricity! Energy consumption is like how much of that special power your home uses.
Why Do We Need to Optimize It?
Imagine if you had a magical bag of candy, and you could make it last longer by eating just the right amount every day. That's what optimizing energy consumption is all about – using just the right amount of electricity so we don't waste it.
The Birth of Advanced Metering Software
How Did It Come to Life?
Once upon a time, smart people wanted to help us use energy better. They created something amazing – Advanced Metering Software! It's like giving our energy meters superpowers.
Imagine Your Energy Meter Getting Smarter!
Picture your energy meter as a little wizard that counts how much energy we use. But guess what? With advanced software, it can now do much more – it can tell us how to use energy wisely!
What Does Advanced Metering Software Do?
Counting Kilowatts Made Easy
You know those little numbers on your energy meter? Advanced Metering Software helps us understand them better. It's like having a friend who explains that 100 is more than 50.
Your Energy Meter as a Detective
Imagine your energy meter as a detective solving a mystery – the mystery of where all the electricity goes in your home. It helps us find out which things use a lot of energy and which ones don't.
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Saving Energy Made Simple
The Power of Knowing
Have you ever played hide and seek? It's easier to find someone when you know where to look, right? Knowing how much energy we use helps us find ways to use less and save more.
How Can You Save Energy with Smart Meters?
Think of Prepaid Smart Meters as friendly coaches. They give us tips on how to save energy, like turning off lights when we don't need them or giving our toys breaks to save battery power.
Fun Facts About Advanced Metering Software
Smart Meters and Superheroes
Imagine if your energy meter had a superhero cape! Smart meters are like energy-saving superheroes, quietly working to make our world better.
How Many Lightbulbs Can Your Energy Meter Power?
Guess what? Your energy meter is so cool that it can power not one, not two, but many lightbulbs! It's like having a super-strong friend who can lift heavy things.
Why Your Mom and Dad Love Smart Meters
Happy Wallets, Happy Parents
You know how Mom and Dad like to save money for special treats or family outings? Smart meters help them do just that! When we use less energy, the electricity bill becomes smaller, and everyone's happy.
A Win-Win for the Earth
Your parents also love smart meters because they're good for our planet. Using less energy means we're being kind to the Earth, just like superheroes saving the day!
Getting Smart with Smart Meters: A Day in the Life
Breakfast with Your Energy Meter
Imagine your energy meter joining you for breakfast. It whispers, "Hey, turn off the toaster when you're done, and we'll save energy together!" It's like having a breakfast buddy.
Fun Games with Energy Saving
Let's turn energy-saving into a game! Can you beat your own score in using less energy each day? It's like playing a friendly competition with your energy meter.
How Advanced Metering Software Helps the Environment
Trees, Clean Air, and Your Smart Meter
Close your eyes and imagine a world with more trees and clean air. India Smart Metering  help us use less energy, and that means we're being superheroes for the environment.
Small Steps, Big Impact
Even though you're just one person, your small actions, like turning off the TV when you're not watching, add up to a big impact. Smart meters show us that every little bit helps.
Why Every Home Should Have Advanced Metering Software
More Than Just Numbers
Smart meters are not just about numbers; they're about making our homes better. They help us be smart about using energy, like having a little guide showing us the way.
Your Energy Meter, Your Best Friend 
Think of your energy meter as a best friend who cares about you and the planet. It's always there, quietly helping you make good choices.
Is It Complicated to Install?
No Wizards Needed: A Simple Installation Guide
Installing smart meters is as easy as playing with building blocks. Mom and Dad can do it without any magic spells – just a few simple steps, and our homes become smarter!
Mom and Dad Can Do It Too!
You might think only wizards can do magic, but installing smart meters is so easy that even grown-ups can do it. Mom and Dad will feel like superheroes after making our homes super smart!
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The Future of Energy: Powered by Smart Meters
What Awaits Us?
Imagine a future where all homes have smart meters. We'll be like a big team of superheroes, making the world a better place for everyone.
Smart Meters and Tomorrow's World
The future is exciting! Smart meters will be our helpers, making sure we use energy wisely and keep our planet happy and green.
Stories from Friends: How Smart Meters Changed Lives
Real People, Real Stories
Let's hear stories from other kids like us. How did smart meters make their homes cooler and more fun? It's like swapping superhero tales with our friends.
Your Turn to Share!
Do you have a smart meter at home? Share your story! Your experience might inspire other kids to become energy-saving superheroes too.
Common Myths About Smart Meters: Busted!
Myth 1: Smart Meters Spy on You
No way! Smart meters are not spies. They only care about helping us use energy better. It's like having a friend who cheers you on, not someone who snoops around.
Myth 2: Smart Meters Are Complicated
Not at all! Smart meters are our friendly guides. They make saving energy easy and fun. It's like having a super-smart buddy who shows us the way.
In Conclusion: A Brighter, Greener Future
The Little Meter That Could
Our energy meters might be small, but they have the power to make a big difference. Together, we can create a future where our homes are happy, our wallets are full, and our planet is smiling.
Your Role in a Sustainable World
You're not just a kid; you're a superhero for the Earth! Keep using energy wisely, and you'll be part of a team making the world a brighter, greener place.
Today, we discovered the magic of advanced metering software. Smart electricity meter India are like superheroes for our homes, helping us save energy, money, and the planet. As we imagine a future where every home has a smart meter, we see a world filled with happy homes, happy wallets, and a happy Earth. Be a superhero, use energy wisely, and let's make our world a brighter, greener place together!
Call to Action
Ready to join the energy-saving superhero team? Check with your parents about getting a smart meter for your home. Every small action counts, and you can be a part of creating a sustainable and happy future!
FAQs: Your Smart Meter Questions Answered
1. Q: Can smart meters really help me save money? A: Absolutely! Smart meters help you understand your energy use, making it easier to save money on your electricity bill. 2. Q: Are smart meters difficult to use? A: Not at all! Smart meters are like friendly helpers, and using them is as easy as playing your favorite game. 3. Q: Do smart meters only benefit my home, or do they help the environment too? A: Smart meters are superheroes for both your home and the environment. By using less energy, you're helping to keep our planet happy. 4. Q: Can I share my smart meter stories with others? A: Absolutely! Sharing your experiences can inspire other kids to become energy-saving superheroes too. 5. Q: Are smart meters safe for the environment? A: Yes, they are! Smart meters contribute to a greener world by encouraging energy-saving practices, which is great for the environment.
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eficaa-ensmart · 2 years
Once you've experienced your smart home in action, you'll wonder how you lived without it. visit : https://www.eficaa.com/
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hplindia · 2 years
What is a smart meter and how does it work
In order to achieve the goals of the smart grid, smart meters works as the primary undertaking. Critical issues including peak management, customer operations, and the balance of renewable energy sources are all resolved by smart grids. Unquestionably, smart metering or Din rail meters or the IR meters minimise business losses, monitors energy in real time or close to real time, detects energy theft, improves grid resilience, and results in better revenue and tariff management. Additionally, it creates novel pricing arrangements and sends out precise invoices based on meter information, lessening customer frustration and boosting customer loyalty. By producing electricity on their own properties and selling it back to the grid, users will be encouraged to optimise their energy use and change their behaviour.
Smart meter companies introduced them to take the place of your current gas and electricity meters and provide more information about your home's energy usage. They automatically transmit regular meter readings to your supplier. This ensures that your energy use is current.
Once your smart meter is in place, you can monitor your energy usage as follows:
On an in-home screen.
Through the use of an internet account.
In an app
How do smart meters work?
Smart meters connect with your energy provider and with your home via two networks:
Local Area Network (LAN)
Wide-Area Network (WAN)
Your gas and electric meters are connected via the LAN, a secure network. Additionally, it makes it possible for your meters and In-Home Display to talk to one another. Similar to a mobile network, the WAN. Energy suppliers receive data about your energy use from smart meters through the WAN. This aids in receiving accurate bills.
Adding to the smart meters, equipment, electricity meters, and their power utilisation are fairly far apart, which causes a sizable loss rate. The DIN Rail Meter has made it much easier to address the issue of improper measurement and electric optimization. A DIN Rail meter is a type of metal rail that is standard and is used in equipment racks to attach circuit breakers and other industrial control equipment. It also serves as a mechanical support structure for several minor electrical component kinds.
The DIN Rail meter from HPL detects power usage over a predetermined time period to provide basis values for electricity rates. By adhering to two straightforward criteria, the DIN Rail meter reduces workload significantly while maximising energy consumption efficiency and balancing demand and supply. If the power output is sufficient, pricing can decrease, encouraging consumers to use more power. If the power output is insufficient, costs will rise and people will be less inclined to use electricity. Furthermore, single phase three phase IRDA meters from HPL India are offered with tamper data logging and display. In the absence of power, the three phase IRDA meters from HPL can download data and ease the entire usage.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
TOKYO -- A Japanese spacecraft touched down on the moon early Saturday, making Japan the fifth country to reach the lunar surface. But officials said they still needed to analyze the pinpoint accuracy of the landing.
Hitoshi Kuninaka, head of the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, said they believe that rovers were launched and data were being transmitted back to Earth. But there could an issue with the power supply.
The Smart Lander for Investigating Moon, or SLIM, landed at about 12:20 a.m. Tokyo time on Saturday (1520 GMT Friday). Japan follows the United States, the Soviet Union, China and India in reaching the moon.
THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story follows below.
Japan’s spacecraft arrived on the surface of the moon early Saturday, but it wasn’t immediately clear if the landing was a success, because the Japanese space agency said it was still “checking its status.”
More details about the spacecraft, which is carrying no astronauts, would be given at a news conference, officials said. If the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon, or SLIM, landed successfully, Japan would become the fifth country to accomplish the feat after the United States, the Soviet Union, China and India.
SLIM came down onto the lunar surface at around 12:20 a.m. Tokyo time Saturday (1520 GMT Friday).
As the spacecraft descended, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's mission control said that everything was going as planned and later said that SLIM was on the lunar surface. But there was no mention of whether the landing was successful.
Mission control kept repeating that it was “checking its status" and that more information would be given at a news conference. It wasn't immediately clear when the news conference would start.
SLIM, nicknamed "the Moon Sniper," started its descent at midnight Saturday, and within 15 minutes it was down to about 10 kilometers (six miles) above the lunar surface, according to the space agency, which is known as JAXA.
At an altitude of five kilometers (three miles), the lander was in a vertical descent mode, then at 50 meters (165 feet) above the surface, SLIM was supposed to make a parallel movement to find a safe landing spot, JAXA said.
About a half-hour after its presumed landing, JAXA said that it was still checking the status of the lander.
SLIM, which was aiming to hit a very small target, is a lightweight spacecraft about the size of a passenger vehicle. It was using “pinpoint landing” technology that promises far greater control than any previous moon landing.
While most previous probes have used landing zones about 10 kilometers (six miles) wide, SLIM was aiming at a target of just 100 meters (330 feet).
The project was the fruit of two decades of work on precision technology by JAXA.
The mission's main goal is to test new landing technology that would allow moon missions to land “where we want to, rather than where it is easy to land,” JAXA has said. If the landing was a success, the spacecraft will seek clues about the origin of the moon, including analyzing minerals with a special camera.
The SLIM, equipped with a pad to cushion impact, was aiming to land near the Shioli crater, near a region covered in volcanic rock.
The closely watched mission came only 10 days after a moon mission by a U.S. private company failed when the spacecraft developed a fuel leak hours after the launch.
SLIM was launched on a Mitsubishi Heavy H2A rocket in September. It initially orbited Earth and entered lunar orbit on Dec. 25.
Japan hopes a success will help regain confidence for its space technology after a number of failures. A spacecraft designed by a Japanese company crashed during a lunar landing attempt in April, and a new flagship rocket failed its debut launch in March.
JAXA has a track record with difficult landings. Its Hayabusa2 spacecraft, launched in 2014, touched down twice on the 900-meter-long (3,000-foot-long) asteroid Ryugu, collecting samples that were returned to Earth.
Experts say a success of SLIM's pinpoint landing, especially on the moon, would raise Japan's profile in the global space technology race.
Takeshi Tsuchiya, aeronautics professor at the Graduate School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo, said it was important to confirm the accuracy of landing on a targeted area for the future of moon explorations.
“It is necessary to show the world that Japan has the appropriate technology in order to be able to properly assert Japan's position in lunar development,” he said. The moon is important from the perspective of explorations of resources, and it can also be used as a base to go to other planets, like Mars, he said.
SLIM is carrying two small autonomous probes — lunar excursion vehicles LEV-1 and LEV-2, which will be released just before landing.
LEV-1, equipped with an antenna and a camera, is tasked with recording SLIM's landing. LEV-2, is a ball-shaped rover equipped with two cameras, developed by JAXA together with Sony, toymaker Tomy and Doshisha University.
JAXA will broadcast a livestream of the landing, while space fans will gather to watch the historic moment on a big screen at the agency's Sagamihara campus southwest of Tokyo.
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mindblowingscience · 10 months
Japan will make moon-exploration history in the middle of next month, if all goes to plan. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) announced today (Dec. 5) that it's targeting Jan. 19 for the lunar landing of its robotic SLIM ("Smart Lander for Investigating Moon") spacecraft. The newly revealed plan calls for SLIM to begin its descent toward the moon on Jan. 19 around 10 a.m. EST (1500 GMT; 12 a.m. on Jan. 20 Japanese Standard Time). Touchdown — which would mark the first-ever soft lunar landing for a Japanese spacecraft — is scheduled to occur about 20 minutes later. The 8.8-foot-long (2.7 meters) SLIM probe launched atop a Japanese H-2A rocket along with an X-ray space telescope called XRISM on Sept. 6. XRISM deployed into low Earth orbit, but SLIM began making its circuitous, fuel-efficient way to the moon. If all goes smoothly, SLIM will enter lunar orbit on Christmas Day, then spend nearly a month prepping for its technology-demonstrating touchdown attempt. Success would make Japan just the fifth nation to put a probe down on the moon, after the Soviet Union, the United States, China and India. This landing could also open doors for even more ambitious exploration feats down the road.
Conitnue Reading.
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macnman-techno · 11 months
What is the difference between LoRa and LoRaWAN?
LoRaWAN serves as the communication protocol connecting the LoRa signal (which carries sensor data) to the respective application(s). To simplify, think of LoRa as the radio signal transporting the data, while LoRaWAN acts as the governing framework that dictates how this data travels and communicates within the network.
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What is LoRa? 
LoRa, short for Long Range, is a wireless technology known for its extended range and energy-efficient characteristics. It operates within unlicensed wireless frequencies, similar to how Wi-Fi utilizes the unregulated 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. The specific frequency employed by LoRa varies depending on the geographic location of the deployment. For instance, in North America, LoRa operates in the 915 MHz band, while in Europe, it utilizes the 868 MHz band and in India it is 865 MHz to 867 MHz.  
It is crucial to be aware of the legally permitted frequencies for LoRa deployments in each respective location. In terms of its communication range, LoRa can transmit data up to a distance of 10 kilometers in ideal conditions with a clear line of sight.
Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) technology can be categorized into two main types. On one hand, there's cellular LPWA, which utilizes mobile networks. Examples of cellular LPWA technologies include Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) and Long Term Machine Type Communications (LTE-M). On the other hand, there's non-cellular LPWA like LoRa, which disseminates data by dividing it into encoded packets and transmitting them across various frequency channels and data rates.
What is LoRaWAN? 
LoRaWAN is a network protocol that serves as the bridge between the LoRa signal, which carries sensor data, and the applications that use this data. In simpler terms, LoRa represents the radio signal responsible for transmitting the data, while LoRaWAN is the communication protocol that manages and defines how this data is transmitted across the network.
LoRaWAN offers several valuable advantages, including low power consumption, extensive coverage range, and cost-effective connectivity for devices that don't require high data transfer speeds. It's an excellent choice when cellular connectivity is too expensive or Wi-Fi coverage is unavailable. Some of the most compelling use cases for LoRaWAN include:
Agriculture: LoRaWAN's long-range capabilities provide reliable connectivity for rural applications where high data transfer rates are not necessary, making it ideal for agricultural applications. LoRaWAN sensors for agriculture are used for cattle management, soli monitoring, and temperature monitoring.
Asset Tracking and Logistics: LoRaWAN supports cost-effective location tracking of assets, with optimized battery life, making it a practical choice for asset management and logistics.
Smart Metering: LoRaWAN's sensors have the ability to reach even in underground utility locations makes it a suitable choice for smart metering applications.
Smart Homes: LoRaWAN can penetrate obstacles like walls and supports battery-powered devices with low data consumption, making it an attractive connectivity option for smart home applications.LoRaWAN sensors for smart homes are used for Air quality monitoring, water quality monitoring, and temperature & humidity monitoring. 
Healthcare: The low power consumption, affordability, and reliability of LoRa technology make it suitable for connected health applications. IoT solutions based on LoRa hardware can monitor high-risk patients or systems around the clock, ensuring comprehensive health and medical safety management.LoRaWAN Gateways and sensors enhance production practices, enable efficient tracking and monitoring of shipments, and facilitate the development of cutting-edge medications. 
Industrial Applications: LoRa-enabled devices and sensors play a crucial role in the transformation of industrial IoT operations like mentioned above. They digitize legacy processes and equipment, leading to increased profits, lower costs, and enhanced efficiency. These devices provide real-time data for predictive maintenance, machine health monitoring, reduced downtime, and more.
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indeenterprises · 11 months
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Smart Tweezers ST5S vs. Conventional Multimeter: A Smarter Choice
Smart Tweezers ST5S and conventional multimeters are both essential tools for electronic testing and troubleshooting. However, they differ significantly in terms of functionality and ease of use.
Smart Tweezers ST5S:
All-in-One Design: Smart Tweezers combine a set of high-precision SMD probes and a digital multimeter into a single handheld device. This streamlined design simplifies testing and eliminates the need for separate probes and multimeters.
Automatic Component Identification: One of the standout features of Smart Tweezers is their ability to automatically identify and evaluate SMD components. This saves time and reduces the risk of human error. The device can recognize resistors, capacitors, and inductors.
Ergonomic and Portable: Smart Tweezers are easy to handle and operate with one hand. Their lightweight and ergonomic design make them a preferred choice for professionals and hobbyists alike.
Real-Time Measurement: These tweezers provide real-time measurements, allowing users to monitor changes in component values as they troubleshoot. There's no need to disconnect and reconnect probes repeatedly.
LCD Display: Smart Tweezers feature a clear LCD display that shows component values and measurement results. It's easy to read and interpret, even in low-light conditions.
Conventional Multimeter:
Multiple Components: A conventional multimeter typically consists of separate probes and a central unit. It can measure a wide range of electrical parameters, including voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, and more.
Manual Range Selection: Conventional multimeters often require users to manually select the appropriate measurement range and function. This can be time-consuming, especially when testing various components.
Limited SMD Testing: While multimeters are versatile, they are less suitable for testing surface mount devices (SMDs) without the use of additional adapters or fixtures. This can add complexity to SMD troubleshooting.
Complex Readings: Interpreting multimeter readings can be challenging, especially for beginners. Users must understand the correct units, ranges, and measurement modes.
In summary, Smart Tweezers ST5S are a specialized tool tailored for SMD component testing, offering automatic identification and real-time measurements in a compact and user-friendly form. They are ideal for users who frequently work with SMDs. On the other hand, conventional multimeters are versatile devices suitable for a wide range of electrical measurements but may require additional tools for SMD testing.
The choice between the two depends on your specific needs and the types of components you regularly work with.
Quotation & Enquiries:
Contacts: Rajiv & Romesh Cellphones: 9316134502 & 8283820745 Email: [email protected] Alternative Email: [email protected]
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Dholera Smart City refers to one of the latest greenfield smart city projects in Gujarat that connects Bhavnagar and Ahmedabad. It is expected to stand out as an example for all the major smart cities of India. The Dholera smart city project is going to be the biggest greenfield project in Asia.
The speciality of the Dholera SIR Project is its non-polluted and clean ambiance. The total Dholera smart city project area encompasses 920 sq. km and offers immense growth and development possibilities including high-tech infrastructure, great connectivity, along with the overall sustainable development of the region including ample greenery all around.
The entire Dholera SIR area will be developed in different phases. Each phase will cater to the development of different activation area allocated to it. The phases are further broken down into six town planning schemes. The aim of the project is to fulfil the increasing need for homes that offer all amenities and are within a budget.
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Is Dholera Smart City Ready?
The development of the Dholera smart city will be in different phases. The project's Phase 1 will include the First and Second Town Planning Schemes (1 & 2). The approximate area covered in Town Planning Scheme 1 is 51 sq. km. On the other hand, 102 sq. km is the approximate area for Town Planning Scheme 2.
However, the total Dholera smart city area will also cover 250 meters of the planned Expressway. This road will stretch for 110 KM more as a connecting link between Ahmedabad, Dholera Expressway, and Bhavnagar. Therefore, the people in Gujarat will be long-term gainers after the completion of this massive project.
Phase 1 of the Dholera smart city project is expected to be completed by 2023. However, the activation area or the area which is going to be industrial area majorly and is about 22.5 Sq. KM is still under construction will be operational.
The construction of the Dholera International Airport phase 1 will begin in 2022 and is expected to be completed by 2024. The construction of the Ahmedabad to Dholera Greenfield expressway will also be completed around the same time.
What is the Status of Dholera Smart City?
Dholera smart city is an upcoming city in Gujarat , India developed by Dholera Development Authority (DDA). Dholera SIR Phase 1 is completed with TP1 & TP2, which are industrial zones and residential zone areas with their own hub and city canter zone.
Further phase 2 will be developed in the next 10 years, and after that, phase 3, which will be developed after 20 years. Overall, Dholera SIR Project will be fully developed in 2043.
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Is It Good to Invest in Dholera?
1. Great Connectivity in Dholera Smart City:
Great connectivity for the young and career-oriented Indians, Dholera will have Dholera International Airport, a seaport connectivity, metro train, and Ahmedabad Dholera Expressway.
2. World-class Planning in Smart City Dholera:
It certainly stands out as far as planning is concerned. It has world-class planning indeed. It is designed and planned by the best experts in the world. Solutions will be provided by CISCO and IBM. In a nutshell, Dholera is the next big thing in India. It's only wise to invest in land in Dholera.
3. Dholera SIR Investment Hub:
Dholera is expected to be a massive commercial hub. The area will be developed as a global manufacturing and commercial hub as it is the first smart city on Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor.
4. Create Jobs in Dholera:
Dholera will have innumerable job opportunities. A considerable number of jobs are likely to be created in this area, opening doors of opportunities for many, as Dholera is being developed as a global and Industrial Smart City.
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Energy Portfolio Management Market In-Depth Analysis, Growth Strategies and Comprehensive Forecast to 2022 - 2032
In 2022, it is anticipated that the global market for energy portfolio management will be worth US$ 3,579 Million. The increased use of smart grid technology and smart metres is essential for raising market value. The entire demand for energy portfolio management is anticipated to reach around 11,569 Million by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 12.4% between 2022 and 2032.
The worldwide energy portfolio the board market is supposed to be esteemed at US$ 3,579 Million out of 2022. The developing reception of savvy meters and shrewd framework assume an essential part in upgrading the market esteem. The general interest for energy portfolio the board is projected to develop at a CAGR of 12.4% somewhere in the range of 2022 and 2032, adding up to around 11,569 Million by 2032
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Energy Portfolio Management Market: Drivers and Restraints Owing to increasing awareness about energy management, coupled with the company are focussing on gaining carbon credits, which is together anticipated to drive the demand for Energy Portfolio Management solution. Further owing to strict government regulation on limiting the wastage of energy and to promote efficient energy management is the drivers piloting the growth of the market, during the forecast period.
The need for reduce the excessive consumption of energy, energy management and monitoring are the two major factor, which are into consideration by government, with increasing demand for energy monitoring system at industrial and residential sector are crucial factors driving the growth of noise monitoring device market. However, the lack enforcement of proper law implementation in emerging economies are the major factor restraining the growth of the energy portfolio management market.
Competitive Landscape
What are the Leading Players in the Energy Portfolio Management Market Up to?
In January 2022, Power management company Eaton Corporation PLC announced it has completed the acquisition of Royal Power Solutions, a U.S.-based manufacturer of high-precision electrical connectivity components used in an electric vehicle, energy management, industrial, and mobility markets. Under the terms of the agreement, Eaton paid $600 million for Royal Power Solutions, which represents approximately 13.6 times the company’s estimated 2022 EBITDA.
In November 2021, ABB Power Products & Systems India announced its rebranding as Hitachi Energy India Ltd. to accelerate the clean energy transition in India. Hitachi Energy, which has focused its purpose on ‘advancing a sustainable energy future for all, views India among its top five markets for expansion.
In June 2022, Siemens further expanded its portfolio in the field of innovative predictive maintenance and asset intelligence with the acquisition of Senseye. The global industrial analytics software company is headquartered in Southampton, UK.
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Key Companies Profiled
Eaton Corporation PLC
ABB Ltd.
Siemens AG
Schneider Electric
International Business Machines Corporation
C.A Technologies
Emerson Electric Co.
Honeywell International Inc.
Key Segments Covered In The Energy Portfolio Management Industry Analysis
Energy Portfolio Management Market by End User:
Energy Portfolio Management Market by Deployment:
Energy Portfolio Management Market by Region:
North America Energy Portfolio Management Market
Latin America Energy Portfolio Management Market
Europe Energy Portfolio Management Market
Asia Pacific Energy Portfolio Management Market
The Middle East & Africa Energy Portfolio Management Market
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netsolwatersblog · 5 days
Find The Best Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer In Faridabad ?
Netsol Water Offers an extensive range of industrial along with commercial RO plants in Faridabad, that utilize cutting-edge RO technology to fulfil the demanding demands of industry, they purify water.
Numerous municipal drains still discharge wastewater directly into the channels, lakes or nearby water bodies including overflowing drains, despite repeated orders from the local government to delinquent business firms to separates out harmful chemicals & impurities from their sewage while disposing it the open environment meeting the standard guidelines.
Clean water is necessary in commercial as well as industrial sectors in Faridabad.
The increased human population & rising utilization, particularly for farming, industrialized water supplies, & drinking, have put more strain on this sustainable but finite resource.
Need for clean water is rising very rapidly at the present moment!
The city offers an abundance of dining establishments & lodging choices. Given the abundance of tourist attractions, hotel space is always in great demand.
The town's residents still primarily rely on agriculture for their income. Farmers cultivate crops like wheat, maize, & toor in highland hilly areas; the majority of these are marketed outside the state.
Another important source of income in Faridabad is amusement parks & . Most of these riverfront amusement enjoying centers are located near the River Channels, Lakes etc., as well as treat a wide range of physical & mental health conditions. Even outsiders to Faridabad like staying by these fitness centre since they are known for providing high-quality fitness training.
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Necessary Requirements for treating water through the top Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer in Faridabad
Faridabad has profited extremely from its past achievements & cultures, which haven’t stopped it from growing but instead helped it create a lot of jobs & revenue for its residents. The commercial & industrial sectors are growing in Faridabad, but their development is being hampered by the ingestion or consumption of contaminated water. Water needs to be treated with certain plants, like commercial RO plants, to remove pollutants while preserving the TDS to keep workers safe.
The top Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer in Faridabad is explained below:
Netsol Water
Netsol Water is making a name for itself as a commercial RO plant manufacturer as well as the largest supplier with headquarters in North India in Faridabad. Large volumes of water can be treated simultaneously by a commercial water treatment plant. It is well known in the industry for its exceptional quality & practical variety. We have an excellent track record in the industrial sectors for offering premium Commercial RO Plants because of our extensive marketing & sales experience with constant quality.
What is the exceptionality of the top Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer?
It manufactures Commercial RO Plants that purifies water on a large-scale up to a large extent.
Digital Meters along with smart detection systems are integrated in the Commercial RO plants manufactured by Netsol Water helps in maintaining strict regular checking of water TDS in accordance with legalized norms & guideline rules.
RO Plants manufactured here can eliminate pollutants & other dissolved dispersed matter from water in the form H2O.
RO Plants can help reduce the risk of waterborne ailments as well as various illnesses.
RO Plants can aid in increasing water reusability by purifying wastewater regularly & repeatedly.
Commercial RO plant manufacturing unit at Netsol Water can manufacture, design & produce between 50 & 10,000 LPH, depending on what each industry wants. Manufacturing Commercial RO Plants by the experts at Netsol Water can be designed & installed all according to the modifications specified by the clients, which definitely meets the needs to be fulfilled by the that customer. In terms of the customizations of the clients, engineers may adapt the size, style, & capacity of the plant.
For any query regarding any Commercial RO-related setup, installation or after-sales services, the above-mentioned & illustrated are the top commercial RO Plant manufacturer in Faridabad, which have to to be your top priority to supply to trust them; after dealing with them, clients won't ever overlook them or decide to switch.
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lapgagets · 6 days
buy with confidence Buy MSI BTY-M6K Battery Buy now Get the best out of our MSI product experts having extensive knowledge of MSI laptop batteries, MSI BTY-M6K Battery specs The Perfect battery life for Your MSI GS63VR 7RG Laptop Get going with longer Battery Life and Improved Laptop Performance with this MSI BTY-M6K Battery. This battery is with highest grade cells and best quality components which provides longer battery life with fast charging. This is battery is suitable to MSI GS63VR 7RG, GS63 , GS63 Stealth Pro-016, GS63 STEALTH 8RE, GS63VR-7RF-213, Stealth Pro GS63VR with Core i3, i5 and i7 Variants. MSI BTY-M6K BatteryPrice in India is the lowest on lapgadgets.in amongst all major online marketplaces in India. This high quality rechargeable MSI BTY-M6K Battery is designed with the highest control standards; have internal circuit boards with smart chips ( Cell imbalance shut off protection, Thermal runaway protection, Overcharge shut off protection, Over discharge shut off protection, High/low temperature shut off protection ), and are made from eco-friendly materials without lead or mercury. Every MSI laptop battery has been Certified by CE, UL, ROHS, ISO9001/9002 and has passed strict safety tests. Long lasting, this extended 3 cells MSI BTY-M6K Battery can be charged/discharged for more than 600-800 cycles. Here are some few Important Tips for using MSI BTY-M6K Battery: This New MSI BTY-M6K Battery comes in discharged/ partially charged state and it should be charged minimum for 2-3 charge/ discharge cycles to achieve its optimum performance. When you charge a new Battery your laptop power meter may indicate that charging is complete after a few minutes, don’t worry about it and just remove the battery and install it again and repeat the charging procedure. It is important to fully charge and fully discharge rechargeable laptop batteries after every 2 weeks, failing to do so may decrease Battery Life. MSI BTY-M6K Battery Backup will be minimum 2-3 hours and Maximum will depend on your Laptop Usage/ condition If your MSI BTY-M6K Battery is not charging then kindly try a different charger to verify because this problem may occur due to a faulty charger also. If Battery will not be in use for a long time then it is recommended that you should remove it from the device and store it in a cool, dry and clean place Compatible part numbers BTY-M6K MS-17F4 MS-17B7 MS-17F2 MS-17F3 MS-17B3 MS-16W1 MS-16R1 MS-17F1 Fits Laptop models: 0016K2-213 0016K2-214 0016K2-468 0016K2-614 0016K2-627 0016K2-SKU2 0016K2-SKU32 0016K3-005 9N793J200 BP-16K1-31 GS63 GS63 6RF GS63 6RF Stealth Pro GS63 6RF-011UK GS63 7RD GS63 7RD STEALTH GS63 7RD-072CA GS63 7RD-073NE GS63 7RD-076NL GS63 7RD-078AU GS63 7RD-202CN GS63 7RD-222 GS63 7RD-222(0016K4-222) GS63 7RD-224 GS63 7RD-224(0016K4-224) GS63 7RD-225 GS63 7RD-225(0016K4-225) GS63 7RE GS63 7RE Stealth Pro GS63 7RE-011 GS63 7RE-011 Stealth Pro GS63 7RE-011(0016K4-011) GS63 7RE-023 GS63 7RE-023(0016K4-023) GS63 7RE-023DE Stealth Pro GS63 7RE-095XES GS63 7RE-095XES Stealth Pro GS63 8RE GS63 8RE-019CZ STEALTH GS63 8RE-020CA STEALTH GS63 STEALTH 8RD GS63 STEALTH 8RE GS63 STEALTH 8RE-007UK GS63 STEALTH 8RE-012XES GS63 Stealth Pro-016 GS63 STEALTH-009 GS63 STEALTH-010 GS63 THIN 9RC GS63-9RC GS63VR GS63VR 6RF GS63VR 6RF-001US GS63VR 6RF-016CN GS63VR 6RF-095CN GS63VR 7RF-216NL GS63VR 7RF-218NE GS63VR 7RF-234TR GS63VR 7RF-258CN GS63VR 7RF-489ZA GS63VR 7RF-492CA GS63VR 7RF-494UK GS63VR 7RG-043NL GS63VR Stealth Pro 229 GS63VR Stealth Pro 230 GS63VR Stealth Pro 4K GS63VR Stealth Pro-002 GS63VR Stealth Pro-011UK GS63VR Stealth Pro-033ES GS63VR Stealth Pro-043NL GS63VR Stealth Pro-048 GS63VR Stealth Pro-078 GS63VR Stealth Pro-230 GS63VR Stealth Pro-422 GS63VR Stealth Pro-674 GS63VR-6RF GS63VR-6RF16H22 GS63VR-6RFAC16H22 GS63VR-7RE GS63VR-7RE-011
GS63VR-7RF GS63VR-7RF-213 GS63VR-7RF-214 GS63VR-7RF-468 GS63VR-7RF-614 GS63VR-7RF-627 GS63VR-7RG GS63VR-7RG-005 GS73 GS73 7RE GS73 7RE Stealth Pro GS73 7RE-003CA Stealth Pro GS73 7RE-011AU GS73 7RE-013 GS73 7RE-013(0017B4-013) GS73 7RE-014 GS73 7RE-014(0017B4-014) GS73 7RE-017 GS73 7RE-017(0017B4-017) GS73 7RE-017XES GS73 7RE-027XES Stealth Pro GS73 8RF GS73 8RF Stealth GS73 8RF-010 GS73 8RF-010(0017B7-010) GS73 8RF-011 GS73 8RF-011(0017B7-011) GS73 8RF-026CA GS73 STEALTH 8RD GS73 STEALTH 8RE GS73 STEALTH 8RF GS73 Stealth Pro-009 GS73 STEALTH-014 4K GS73-6RF-006UK GS73VR GS73VR 6RF GS73VR 6RF-014FR GS73VR 7RF Stealth Pro 4K-223 GS73VR 7RF-208UK GS73VR 7RF-210(0017B1-210) GS73VR 7RF-211(0017B1-211) GS73VR 7RF-436XES GS73VR 7RG GS73VR 7RG Stealth Pro GS73VR 7RG-004 GS73VR 7RG-004(0017B3-004) GS73VR 7RG-008 GS73VR 7RG-008(0017B3-008) GS73VR 7RG-036CA GS73VR 7RG-037NL GS73VR Stealth Pro 060 GS73VR Stealth Pro 4K GS73VR Stealth Pro 4K-016 GS73VR Stealth Pro-025 GS73VR Stealth Pro-033 GS73VR Stealth Pro-225 GS73VR-6RF MS-16K2 Stealth Pro GS63VR Stealth Pro GS73VR WS63 7RF-290US WS63 7RK WS63 7RK-280US WS63 7RK-297CA WS63 7RK-429GB WS63 7RK-436 WS63 7RK-436UK WS63 8SJ WS63 8SJ Workstation WS63 8SJ-018 WS63 8SJ-019 WS63 8SJ-022CA WS63 8SJ-026TW WS63 8SK WS63 8SK-006AU WS63 8SK-017 WS63 8SK-021CA WS63 8SK-024 WS63 8SK-027 WS63 8SL WS63 8SL-013ES WS63 8SL-015 WS63 8SL-016 WS63 8SL-022CA WS63VR 7RL WS63VR 7RL MOBILE WORKSTATION WS63VR 7RL-023US WS63VR 7RL-024US WS63VR 7RL-053FR WS63VR 7RL-067CA WS63VR 7RL-072ES WS63VR 7RL-094ES GF63 8RC CREATOR 15M A10SE-646IT CREATOR 15M A9SE CREATOR 17M CREATOR 17M A10SD-261IT CREATOR 17M A10SE-216 CREATOR 17M A9SD CREATOR 17M A9SE-031 GF63 8RC-230 GF63 THIN 8RCS GF65 THIN GF65 THIN 10SDR-478 WF65 10TH WF65 10TH-1201 WF65 10TH-1202ES WF75 10TI WF75-10TK-409JP
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eficaa-ensmart · 2 years
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hplindia · 2 years
Smart meter companies in India
Although there has long been a convergence between smart meters, India and distribution automation, HPL electric & power ltd meter has introduced cutting-edge new generation of smart meters. 
 A smart meter monitors the utility energy use on the device or outlet to which it is connected. For instance, a smart meter attached to a natural gas connection keeps track of the amount of therms used. As families and companies increasingly try to reduce their energy usage, smart meter, rail meter or a bidirectional meter adoption has skyrocketed in recent years. The "smart" element of the meter allows it to regulate the flow of the resource being utilised, such as natural gas, water, or electricity. Remote operation of the meter is also possible.
 Power factor, energy consumption, and other crucial data are recorded by smart power meters. For improved transparency, system monitoring, and invoicing, smart power meters send the information to the customer and utility operators. The foundation of smart metering is a set of communication tools that gather and transmit data to a centralised management platform.
 Uses of Smart Meters, India
There is no denying that when it comes to energy metering solutions, smart meters have become the new standard. Given their cognitive capabilities, these smart solutions are increasingly being used by many cities and nations to promote efficiency and sustainability. The smart, rail meters or bidirectional meters are superior to their conventional counterparts in the following ways.
 Make your bills more accurate.
Customers can monitor their consumption.
There is no need to deploy specialised experts to read meters.
decreases electricity waste and contributes to sustainability
How Smart Meters, India help reduce the electricity bills?
You can see your power consumption more clearly with smart meters. You can adjust your energy usage by using it to check how and where you're spending it. Additionally, it offers superior trackability, allowing you to keep track of how much energy you use right now, as well as over the course of the week, the month, and even the year. which is best? Your mobile app makes all of this information available.
In a similar way, it offers utility operators information that let them manage energy outflow according to peak and off-peak hours, conserving both energy and the resources used to produce it.
Smart Meter Companies driving energy conservation and safety across Indian homes
HPL is one of the smart metering companies developed a specialised smart metering cybersecurity solution that is unmatched in the market by drawing on decades of experience in digital security across industries with high demands. Genuine devices are safeguarded by Thales end-to-end security, which also guarantees the confidentiality and integrity of metering data to ensure that it is only accessible by approved ecosystem players. HPL electric & power ltd meter’s cutting-edge solution is beneficial to developers, maintenance companies, and end users. 
Original link:https://www.hplindia.com/blog/details.php?class=smart-meter-companies-in-india
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favouritefab-blog · 7 days
Know Non Woven Bag Material Price In India
As environmental concerns grow, non-woven bags have become a popular alternative to traditional plastic bags. They are durable, reusable, and eco-friendly, making them a favored choice for businesses and consumers alike. However, when considering the switch to non-woven bags, it’s essential to understand the material costs involved. In this blog post, we’ll explore the factors that influence non-woven bag material prices in India, average price ranges, and tips for making informed purchasing decisions.
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What Are Non-Woven Bags?
Non-woven bags are made from synthetic or natural fibers that are bonded together using various methods, such as heat or chemical treatments. Unlike traditional woven bags, non-woven bags do not have a specific fabric structure, which makes them lightweight yet strong. They come in various styles and sizes, making them suitable for numerous applications, from shopping to promotional purposes.
Factors Influencing Non-Woven Bag Material Prices
Material Type
Non-woven bags are typically made from polypropylene (PP), a cost-effective and versatile material. However, variations like biodegradable non-woven fabrics or those made from recycled materials can impact prices.
Bag Thickness
The thickness of the non-woven fabric is measured in grams per square meter (GSM). Thicker bags (around 80-100 GSM) are more durable and, therefore, tend to be priced higher than thinner options (around 40-60 GSM).
Production Techniques
The manufacturing process used can also influence costs. For example, bags that are laminated or printed with high-quality designs may come at a premium compared to standard, unprinted options.
Customized bags with logos, designs, or specific colors usually incur additional costs. The complexity of the design and printing method will affect the final price.
Order Quantity
Bulk orders often lead to significant savings. Many manufacturers offer discounts for larger quantities, making it more economical to purchase in bulk if you plan to use non-woven bags frequently.
Supplier Location
Prices can vary depending on the supplier's location and shipping costs. Local suppliers may offer more competitive pricing due to reduced shipping fees.
Average Price Ranges in India
While prices can vary widely, here are some general price ranges for non-woven bags in India:
Basic Non-Woven Bags (40-60 GSM): ₹8 - ₹15 per bag
Mid-Range Non-Woven Bags (60-80 GSM): ₹15 - ₹25 per bag
Premium Non-Woven Bags (80-100 GSM): ₹25 - ₹40 per bag
Customized Non-Woven Bags: ₹30 and above, depending on design and quantity
These are approximate values and can fluctuate based on market conditions and supplier pricing.
Tips for Purchasing Non-Woven Bags
Evaluate Your Needs:
Consider the purpose of the bags. Will they be used for retail, events, or promotional giveaways? Understanding your needs will help you choose the right thickness and design.
Research Suppliers:
Look for reputable suppliers that specialize in non-woven bags. Reading reviews and comparing prices from different vendors can help you find the best deal.
Check for Quality:
Always request samples if possible. Assess the material quality, stitching, and overall durability before making a bulk purchase.
Inquire About Customization:
If you need branded bags, ask suppliers about their customization options, including printing techniques and minimum order quantities.
Consider Environmental Impact:
If sustainability is a priority, seek suppliers who offer eco-friendly options, such as biodegradable non-woven materials or recycled fabrics.
Understanding the pricing of non-woven bag materials in India is crucial for making informed purchasing decisions. By considering factors like material type, thickness, and customization options, you can find the right bags that fit your needs and budget. As the demand for eco-friendly products continues to rise, investing in non-woven bags is not only a smart choice for your business but also a step towards a more sustainable future.
If you have any questions or need assistance in choosing the right non-woven bags, feel free to reach out! Your journey toward sustainability starts with informed choices.
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