#So I'm willing to chalk that one up to nightmare magic shenanigans
mothmallowhk · 1 year
My thoughts on Grimm’s species are that it’s hard to ascribe a specific species to him not for a lack of similar bugs but rather because “distinct black and red coloring with a bit of white and big ‘spiky’ wings, that start out grayish and become more red with age, and whose cocoons vaguely resemble deformed hearts” describes like half of the subtribe Troidina
A few examples under the cut if you're curious
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Really all batwings but special shoutout to philippine batwings (above) and Atrophaneura dixoni (below)
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https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/99869096 (philippine batwing)
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/48681111 (Atrophaneura dixoni)
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Again, most rose swallowtails but particularly crimson roses
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Byasa mencius also comes to mind
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And pink-spotted cattlehearts
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