#So actually he might but proooooooobably not?
kakusu-shipping · 10 months
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Speed Ran through Mario Galaxy 2 Yesterday while sick because I couldn't remember why I disliked it so much and wanted to see if that was just younger me being biased. It was not.
But I regained my love for Lubba and Dino Piranha, so that's something at least.
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shadowsong26fic · 4 years
Coming Attractions!
First Monday of the month, which means Coming Attractions Post!
(Especially since I skipped last month, whoops…)
Before we get into it, as I always do in these things, plug for my Discord server--it’s pretty quiet, but basically a slightly more interactive version of this tumblr. Sometimes I talk a little more about origfic or other stuff than I do here, too.
Also, this is not my only hobby! As some of you may know, one of my others is lacework, and I now have a sideblog for that. I have pictures of my completed projects up there, and will probably have more stuff as I start…well…making more stuff.
Anyway. On to the actual writing stuff aka why most of you are here (also a few requests for feedback/Opinions behind the cut).
So, I didn’t get much done over the month until, like…the last few days. In part because work got super bonkers for reasons I’m still Cranky at but that is a vent for my personal blog, lol.
I have threeish scenes left, which I’m probably going to do as one more chapter (unless they end up Super Long, then I might split it into two). That’ll close out Arc Seven, and the first big chunk of this fic. As I’ve said before, I’ll split off into a sequel fic (working title Protectors) at that point, along with doing a sort of…interquel, working title Preludes, that mostly deals with integrating Rebels content. Also probably Maul.
Right now, I’m tentatively planning six installments to Preludes? Mostly because six feels like a nice number to work with, lol. These will be one-shots that aren’t super interconnected, all taking place during the six-year timeskip. These are the ones I’m thinking about doing as of right now (subject to change, and I welcome suggestions!):
one involving Kallus on Coruscant, shortly before he gets reassigned to Lothal;
one involving Hera and whoever her contact is in this AU (since Ahsoka’s doing something different from the Fulcrum stuff);
one where Kanan and Ezra connect with Obi-Wan et al. (probably through Hondo);
one with Luke, probably similar to that one episode where Leia turns up in Rebels canon;
I really do need to figure out what the heck is going on with Maul, don’t I.
…something else????
The only ones I’m 100% sure about including are the one with Kallus and the one where the various Jedi link up because those are necessary and/or plot-relevant, though I’m still working out specifics (especially on the Jedi one). I may also include something with Thrawn, since I’m doing something different with him than canon did. Like I said, I welcome thoughts/suggestions/etc.
Protectors will then pick up six years after the end of Arc Seven, with Arc Eight. And, as a treat, the working titles for Arcs Eight and Nine are Escalation and Watershed. In theory, I’m planning to post Preludes alongside arcs eight and nine, but we’ll see.
…anyway, uh, what I forgot to mention earlier is that my plan is to wrap up arc seven/the first fic in this series this month. Hopefully I will actually pull that off XD. And then we move on to the other stuff.
Other SW Fic Projects:
Big Bang is coming up again! I think signups will be next month? I’m considering three different plotlines as of right now, though that’s assuming I don’t come up with something new and exciting and/or another ObiAniDala plotline, which is what I seem to do every year…which one I end up doing probably depends at least partly on how S2 of the Mandalorian goes, since two of the three ideas heavily feature Bo-Katan. Of course, one of those lacks a plot and the other is pretty episodic/involves a lot of blank space I still need to fill in…
Anyway, we’ll see how that goes after the show airs and I get more event information, especially since it’s going to be structured differently/teaming up writers and betas much earlier in the process, which will be nice and possibly help chronically-undecided me actually pick something so I’m not scrambling to finish at the last minute but given that it’s me I probably will be anyway XD
As for other SW projects…I still owe a few meme fills from, like, April…but otherwise, extant projects are mostly back-burnered for now.
AtLA Projects:
Aka, the reason why SW projects other than Precipice and SWBB (and any one-shots/prompt fills that occur to me) are back-burnered, lol.
I am working on an AU outline, set to come out this month. There’s a couple of fulltext fics I’m playing with. I haven’t gotten any actual text written down yet, but I know where I’m going with them, at least to start.
The AU outline will be a canon-divergent thing set during the Ba Sing Se arc, and will be hopefully out Soon.
Fulltext fic #1 is…basically, the premise is, Lu Ten had a lover during the Siege, the soundtrack to this fic involves a lot of West Side Story, he left her with someone to remember him by, and then there’s some mindbending and complicated politics after his death. I think I talked a little more about this in a previous post? Anyway, one of the things I’m considering is whether to just tell this story linearly, or to start several years later, and go into the whole star-crossed lovers backstory as she regains her memories of what actually happened. The advantage to the first option is that it’s easier to work with shifting POV, which I prefer; and also involves more canon characters more quickly. The advantage to the second is that I think it would work really well for this particular storyline? Assuming I could get people invested in her and/or Ba Sing Se Politics/Worldbuilding that fast …y’know, when I think about it like that, maybe linear is the best option, lol…
Fulltext fic #2 is an Avatar Zuko AU, where he figures it out at age thirteen, and at that point decides he has roughly three and a half years until the comet, aka three and a half years to figure out how to make all this work (not to mention at least starting to learn air, water, and earth), and hopefully by then he’ll know what he should be doing with it? Whether it’s to resurface and Prove His Worth by defending the Fire Nation during the leadup to the comet, or something else (though Something Else doesn’t quite occur to him until he starts doing the other stuff). This will heavily feature at least one of my old OCs, and probably a few others (and likely one or two new ones), especially during the first two years. I’ve got things more or less worked out up until Aang resurfaces and Zuko’s plans have to shift/he has to cut his earthbending year short (much to Toph’s annoyance). Because once Aang is awake, everyone thinks he’s the Avatar (he’s not; there’s another explanation for how he iceberg’d for a century), and that fact just escalates All Of The Things.
((I’ve mentioned before that I am Pathologically Incapable of not creating a bunch of OCs and AtLA is a particularly strong example of that, so...yeah, that’ll be a Thing in pretty much anything I write in this fandom))
…anyway, this should be fun, once I actually get actual text down XD
Original Fic:
I did write one thing last month! Which was nice. Hopefully, I’ll get a bit done this month, too. For those of you who don’t know, most of my original stuff is posted on rainbowfic, which is a great community and if you guys do original stuff you post online, you should come join.
I’ve also started poking at a couple of new concepts, because that is how my brain do. Including one Arthuriana story despite the fact that I’m not super into Arthuriana but then my brain was like “what if Mordred was a girl?” and welp. Here I am.
I’m proooooooobably going to do a similar setup to what I had the past couple years--set myself a wordcount goal, but not bind myself to any single project. Depending on how things go this month, either with Precipice!verse or SWBB or my AtLA stuff, or if that Mordred thing catches on, I might try to prioritize one or more things (like, have my goal be 20k on X project, and 30k on other stuff), but I’ll decide that closer to the date.
…I think that’s everything! What are you guys up to lately? Does anyone have NaNo plans? Any thoughts on stuff I mentioned on my docket, so to speak? What’s on your mind?
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mylife-foryours · 4 years
oc questions for tali’kime
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she’s a totalitarian space theocrat but I still luv her
How old are they? 19 during the Sith Warrior prologue, 23 when she becomes the Emperor’s Wrath.
What gender are they? Female.
What is their romantic/sexual orientation? (Vague wobbly hand gesture)
How tall are they? 5′4
What do they look like? Average height, but she looms, and seems a lot taller than she is. Her skin was a golden yellow, but extensive Dark Side corruption has bleached it to a sort of pale grey.
What are their defining features? Full lips, extensive Dark Side corruption.
Does their name have a meaning? Taken separately, her name elements (Talik and Me) mean “destiny/fate” and “fiery/burning”. Combined, the best translation would be Ragnarok. Her mother was... a very dramatic woman.
What family do they have? Her father is a second cousin of Rycus Kilran; not much in the way of Force-sensitivity, but still a prestigious family that wants absolutely nothing to do with an illegitimate alien child, Emperor’s Wrath or not. Her mother was a Twi’lek slave & former resistance fighter, and I’m not sure if she’s still alive.
Do they have a good relationship with their family? Not so much.
If not, why not? As said before, she’s the illegitimate alien child of a prestigious military family. She’s embarrassing by virtue of her existence, and the fact that she’s succeeded really only makes things worse, because she can’t just be ignored.
Where do they live? Her Fury.
Are they poor, middle-class or wealthy? Proooooooobably fairly wealthy? She definitely isn’t getting any money from her family, but I assume that the Emperor’s Wrath is paid pretty well. In any case, the point is pretty much moot - she’s a Space Ascetic. 
Who is their best friend? Vette. in the Entropy ‘verse she also gets along fairly well with An’Dante, at first because An’Dante did such a good job concealing her heretical leanings, but eventually they become genuine friends. Very eventually.
Do they have any enemies? Lots. Most of them are enemies on principle/by virtue of faction, tho. Nomen Karr was personal, sort of, but he’s dead now. 
Who is the person they hate most in the world? Used to be Nomen Karr, but he’s dead now. Then it was Draagh (before the Quesh incident, actually - the idea of Baras having another apprentice hit her right in the inferiority complex). After that... probably Arcann?
Do they have any love/hate relationships? ...Not off the top of my head?
Have they ever fallen in love? Mmmm.
Who is the person they love the most in the world? Depending on the playthrough, Quinn or Jaesa. In either case...
Does that person love them back? Yes.
Have they ever hurt or lost anyone? Hurting people is her actual, literal career, but in terms of like, emotionally hurting people that she personally knows. Hmm. Probably projected a lot of her internalized speciesism onto Vette in their early acquaintance, & there’s also the whole “murdered Jaesa’s parents in cold blood” thing.
Are they a good shoulder to cry on? Not really. She doesn’t have much experience with Feelings, and she goes very cold as a defense mechanism. She might sort of... robotically pat someone on the back, but she wouldn’t take her gloves off to do it.
Are they well liked? She’s feared.
How do they handle being complimented? Not very well - she treats even casual, friendly compliments as a performance review, and picks over them for hidden criticism for weeks after the fact.
Are they an affectionate person? Not especially. Not physically, at least.
Are they very driven? Oh, definitely. She’s a full-on antipaladin.
Are they very political? Not exactly.
What kind of state is the world that they live in? Not so good.
What are the world leaders like? Bad. The one that she works for is the worst of the lot.
Does the character worry about their place in society? Not especially. She’s largely oblivious to Sith power plays, and as the Wrath she’s largely above them.
If the could change one thing, what would it be? She’d probably want to be able to speak directly to the Emperor the way his Hands do, both because she’s a capital-Z Zealot and because she projects her paternal Issues onto him.
Do they like themselves? She doesn’t think of it in those terms, but no, she doesn’t.
Are they a good person? Not as such.
Are they very forgiving? I’ll put it this way: she was glad that Draahg kept coming back, because she got to kill him again.
Do they believe in destiny? Mhmm.
Are they trustworthy?... More or less?
Are they a good liar? No.
How do they react to criticism? Passively accepts pretty much whatever is dished out.
What is their moral alignment? Lawful Evil.
Can they fight? Yup.
Would they ever purposefully hurt someone? Uh...
Have they ever been seriously injured? On a regular basis,
Do they know first aid? Nah, she’s got Quinn for that.
Do they have any other survival skills? Nothing beyond brute strength & sheer stubbornness.
Are they a fast learner? Not so much. Per the Juggernaut ethos, she’s more of a “slow and deliberate” type.
How intelligent are they? Not... extremely. She isn’t stupid, but she’s not very good at abstract reasoning or anything academic.
What is the school system like? Bad. I mean, we’ve all played this game, yes? It’s Bad.
What is their job? Emperor/Empire’s Wrath.
Do they enjoy their job? Unfortunately, yes.
0 notes