#So really I should be making it a 3 ply however. I do not think I have really spun it fine enough for a 3 ply to be sock weight lmao
lexicals · 1 year
For those interested I have not been spinning much of late However I've just picked back up the stuff I had put down a few weeks ago cause I was getting frustrated with it repeatedly breaking on me and it went a lot smoother for me tonight lol. Have got almost half of it spun now
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
WIP #48
(Send me a number 1-60 [or a fandom/character I guess] for the corresponding wip) because I’m bored and brain-fried and have too many wips that’ll otherwise never see the light of day.
For @rachfielden-xo who asked for “Number 3 - Thunderbirds Are Go x”.  As number 3 isn’t TAG, I grabbed the third TAG fic instead!
Okay, so this is a reject that I started writing for irrelief, but it just got too ooc for my liking, so I scrapped it and rewrote it from the beginning, which became Grape Juice or Wine.  So yes, this one is pretty ooc and little terrible, but it’s in the folder so here it comes...  A sneak peak at the stuff I usually never let see the light of day!
Alan was fairly sure there were rules against this.  As an unfortunate soul with four older brothers, and one adopted older sister, he was well-versed in the many, many ways older siblings could torment a younger. Various methods of hazing, abandoning him to play with kids while they did the cool stuff, and calling ‘older brother privilege’ whenever there was anything fun and exciting with a limited amount of spaces.
(Of course, there were also many good things about five older siblings, but Alan was sulking and choosing to ignore those for the moment.)
This, however, had to take the cake.  There was nothing more humiliating as a younger brother than being forced to stay and watch your older sibling do something utterly cringe-worthy, and this time it wasn’t one of them.  It was all four brothers.  Kayo had escaped using her general sneaky Kayo-ness, which left one, desolate, teenage boy lurking at the edge of a high function party that was technically adults only.  It was being hosted by Penelope, and in what he had thought was an admission that he was not the immature teenager his brothers claimed, but rather a responsible, grown up member of society she had waived the age limit in his case.
At the time, that had been amazing.  Now, he was wishing he’d followed Kayo’s lead and escaped while he had the chance.
Gordon, an adult by British standards, was mooning over the British aristocrat.  By itself, that was nothing unusual, but the shy, stilted awkwardness Alan had grown used to seeing whenever Penelope was in the vicinity (no matter how Gordon denied being anything other than “utterly cool and suave”) was gone.  An adult function had adult drinks, and someone had let Gordon near them. Red-faced and slurring, any elegance Gordon might have exhibited at the start of the event, some three hours previously in a sharp suit with gaudy yellow tie and pale pink rose in his pocket that just happened to match the dress Penelope had selected for the evening, had fled with no return in sight.
Alan looked away and pretended he didn’t know him as he tripped over his own feet for the nth time, managing to tear his expensive trousers at the knee and splash whatever cocktail he’d had in his hand over the bottom of Penelope’s dress.  It didn’t stop him from hearing Parker’s outraged cry, and Penelope’s calm and measured assertion that perhaps he’d had quite enough to drink and should have a glass of water and sit down.  It certainly didn’t stop him hearing Gordon’s negative response – apparently being drunk just made Gordon louder.
The corner of the room held the opposite problem.  John, ever responsible, and ever despairing of social situations, had secreted himself away behind the lavish curtains of the ballroom they were stuck in. Unfortunately, British aristocrats had an uncanny sense for nerves – wasn’t that supposed to be a horse thing – and what had supposed to be a hideaway for the evening with a good book had ended up a prison cell for his brother.  Gaggles of women, none so obviously inebriated as Gordon but with a rosy flush to their cheeks Alan didn’t think was makeup alone, had cornered the astronaut and were plying him with drink after drink while forcing conversation upon him.
Normally, Alan would stick with his brother.  He’d struck out earlier, full of excitement at being classified as an ‘adult’, determined to mingle.  By the time he’d realised that no-one except Penelope had any intention of treating him as such, several elderly ladies going so far as to aww him and pinch his cheeks when he tried to make conversation, his safe haven in the form of John had been compromised.  Shattered glass littered the floor by his feet, white suit splattered with crimson wine stains, but any and all attempts John made to clear it up were fouled by the women determined to catch his attention.
While not as worthy of disownment as Gordon, Alan was still trying to pretend he didn’t know the ginger for the time being.
Virgil was also making a spectacle of himself, and not in the usual way his musical brother did at parties.  A grand piano in the corner was occupied by another pianist, and Virgil’s early offers to play had been dismissed by the Brit.  Alan thought the man was an idiot, especially as Virgil could play better than him, but good, kind Virgil with a heart of gold had taken the cold shoulder with easy grace, and gone to find other pastures.
Sadly, those other pastures included wine, and while Virgil could hold his liquor reasonably well (unlike Gordon, who was now trying to screech some sort of… something at Penelope which was far less enchanting than he believed), he was still drunk and currently attempting to fit as many cookies in his mouth as possible, whilst holding a conversation with an equally drunk young man Alan didn’t know and spraying both their suits with crumbles and spittle.  The disapproving looks they were getting from the very same women that had been calling him adorable and pinching his cheeks minutes earlier prompted Alan to disown him, too.
This was his first grand, adult, party, and he’d wanted to make a good impression.  That could not be done if it was known that the drunkard in the middle of the room, harassing the hostess, was his immediate older brother, or that the one with no table manners at all was the next one up, or even that the recluse in the corner with wine stains and a habit of dropping glasses was related to him.  Nor could it be done as long as his eldest brother alternated between flirting with anything on two legs – female, male, or performing dog – with increasing cheesiness as his own glass emptied and refilled over and over again, and clucking all over him like a concerned mother hen.
“Alan, are you enjoying yourself?  Alan, don’t touch the alcohol.  Alan, that had better be fruit juice you’re drinking.  Alan, you’ve got a crumb on your cheek.  Alan your tie is wonky.  Alan. Alan.  Alan.”
He wasn’t lurking by the wall, pretending to be ornamentation instead of a guest, just to avoid old women and their pinches.  All of his brothers were being an embarrassment, but none more so than Scott – who pipped Gordon purely by virtue of not leaving him alone long enough to be socially disownable.  He was fairly certain that was at least half the reason the women were cooing over him.
Somewhere near Gordon, who had found his feet again and was clinging to Penelope’s arm like the squid he was as he talked a mile a minute at the top of his lungs about utter nonsense, and Virgil, who seemed to be on his second platter of cookies, and not quite blocking his view of John now on his knees amongst fancy ballgown skirts, Scott was flirting with the oldest woman in the room, and Alan seriously considered fleeing the event entirely.
“I’m way too sober for this,” he bemoaned.  He’d never been drunk in his life, didn’t know if alcohol really numbed things like embarrassment or if his brothers were just capable of being that humiliating without it and just chose not to most of the time, but tales dragged out from past parties implied that it would help.  The punch bowl was looking mighty tempting.
He settled for grabbing another, dutifully non-alcoholic, drink from a waiter as he wandered past and throwing it back in one go.
“That ‘ad better not ‘ave been h’alcohol, Master h’Alan, sir,” Parker’s disapproving voice drawled, and Alan groaned, turning to face the chauffeur/butler/whatever Penelope needed-er.
“It was orange juice.”
Parker held out a hand expectantly and, rolling his eyes, Alan handed the glass over for inspection. The man sniffed the glass suspiciously for several moments before straightening again.
“h’Orange juice it was,” he agreed, slipping the empty glass onto a passing waiter’s tray with a sleight of hand Alan wished he could emulate.  “Sorry, Master h’Alan, sir.  Master Scott h’asked me to keep h’an eye on you.”
“As well as the eye he’s keeping on me?” Alan grumbled, knowing without looking that his eldest brother had switched to hover mode again and was making a beeline for him.
“h’Well, you h’are h’under eighteen,” Parker reminded him.  “’er Ladyship wasn’t supposed to h’invite you in the first place.”
“Alan!” Scott greeted, again, slinging an arm around his shoulders.  His suit was still immaculate – the only one of Alan’s brothers to not somehow spill something on himself so far despite the glass of wine clutched in his hand.  “Why are you hiding?”
“I’m not hiding,” Alan protested.  “I was talking with Parker.”
“Your brother is behaving ‘imself remarkably, Master Scott, sir,” Parker obligingly interjected. “Per’aps you should be focusing on the h’other one.”  He sent a dark look towards the centre of the room.
“Gordon’s not doing any harm,” Scott dismissed with a wave of the wineglass.  The liquid barely sloshed and Alan was reminded that Scott did, supposedly, know what he was doing at high function events.
“h’I beg to disagree, sir,” Parker muttered.  “h’If you gentlemen will h’excuse me.”  Alan didn’t want to excuse the only reasonable conversationalist in the room, but Parker didn’t wait for a complaint before making purposeful strides towards where Gordon had started attempting to serenade Penelope in a terrible, out of tune rendition of Drunken Sailor.  Normally, Gordon could sing.  Drunk, he was apparently tone deaf.
The song choice seemed appropriate, and he said as much to Scott, who grinned before scowling at his tie, straightening it again even though no-one had touched it since the last time Scott had been over to “smarten him up”.  Alan suspected he was just as drunk as Virgil as he batted him away ineffectually and diverted his attention towards where Penelope had finally disentangled herself from Gordon with some assistance from Parker and was heading their way.
As soon as Scott turned, he scarpered, and dutifully hid in the toilets with a good game – adulting be damned – until Parker came to drag him out several hours later to an almost empty ballroom and a pile of drunk and exhausted (or just exhausted, in the case of John) brothers in the middle.
“h’I’m afraid getting them ‘ome h’is your job, Master h’Alan,” the butler said.  He at least sounded apologetic, even if he was glaring daggers at Gordon.  “’er Ladyship ‘as h’another h’appointment in the morning h’and needs to return ‘ome h’immediately.”
The Lady in question was talking quietly to the last few non-Tracy guests as they left the ballroom. Alan groaned.  Tracy One was parked on the helipad at the top of the building, and he was starting to realise why Scott had allowed Penelope to invite him.
Next time, one of them could be the designated pilot.  He was never attending any ‘adult party’ again.
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ee-void · 4 years
My Favorite Cloth Mask
Tom Bihn Reusable Cloth Face Mask
Seattle-based Tom Bihn makes my preferred work rucksack, so it bodes well that it likewise makes my preferred mask. They come in several hues and two sizes. To locate your size, measure from the scaffold of your nose to the point of your jaw—my husband and I both wear the little/medium. When I balanced the malleable nose strip, it fit me well without any holes.
They're made by hand in Seattle, and for each mask you purchase, the organization gives one to a neighborhood good cause, which you can follow in a public spreadsheet.
Since I initially composed this, they've additionally appeared different renditions, for example, one with a neck cord and one with three layers. It's significant that while it is strong and launderable, it's not as breathable as different masks I've attempted.
Second place
Outside Research Face Mask Kit
After the Tom Bihn masks, this is presently my second place. Outside Research is a US-based open air gear creator with homegrown manufacturing and quick delivery. It makes one of my preferred downpour coats, and now it likewise makes a generally moderate mask pack. It has flexible ear-bungees, a nose wire, and a three-pack of channels. It's polyester, moderately light, and appears to wick away my hot breath while I'm strolling my canine. I don't need to wear a mask while running, because I run on uncrowded path, yet this is the one I'd pick in the event that I needed to.
It's important the texture has likewise been treated with HeiQ NPJ03. This is a Swiss material treatment that has been tried in the European Union for antiviral and antibacterial properties. Notwithstanding, these tests have not been reproduced in the US as of publication. For our motivations, it's only an entirely launderable, customizable, and tough mask.
Best Cheap Mask
Con.Struct Cotton Pleated Mask 6-Pack
I've discovered the Con.Struct cotton face masks to be amazingly solid and very much made, thinking about the price. This current men's attire store sells its masks in six-packs on Amazon, and the price per mask is around $4. The one-sized masks fit my medium face well, and the ear loops additionally have customizable bungees. The light creased cotton is breathable and finishes the light assessment. They additionally have a pocket for a customizable channel, just as a malleable nose wire.
Best Kids Mask
Old Navy Variety 5-Pack Masks
I have two little youngsters, 3 and 5 years old, who are large enough to wear masks in public. We've attempted several assortments, including ones from Etsy and Vistaprint, however up until this point, the clear champs are the moderate Old Navy masks, which are produced using 100% cotton. Engineered masks, similar to the Vistaprint, get splashed by kid slobber in practically no time.
The masks fit both my children's faces impeccably. They like the perky prints, and they likewise lean toward creased masks, which stretch as they talk. (Continually! They talk continually.) However, a mask that fits a 5-year-old presumably won't work for a 8-or 9-year-old. Tom Bihn, Kitsbow, and Rickshaw Bags are only a couple of the organizations that are making masks in little sizes.
Best Mask for Working Out
Safe-Mate Disposable 3-Ply Face Masks
My accomplice is a fundamental laborer who needs to wear a mask throughout the day, consistently. Despite the fact that he approaches a full receptacle of masks of each possible shape, style, and size, he lean towards the mass dispensable face masks. Joyfully for him, the universe of science has vindicated his decision. Dispensable masks work admirably at impeding respiratory beads, and they're likewise the lightest and most moderate masks I've attempted.
I've had a fallen angel of a period getting tightly to any masks made for exercises, and I can't suggest the couple of I've attempted. (Apologies, Buff, your channel mask caused me to feel like I was being choked by an octopus.) If you should run or work out, expendable masks are the lightest ones accessible. They may get drenched by sweat and fume, yet in any event you won't need to wash them a short time later.
Another Mask for Working Out
Buff CoolNet UV+
Numerous individuals who run and work out utilize a neck gaiter, which can be pulled down around the neck or over your head when you're away from individuals. The Duke study I referenced earlier implies that stretchy gaiters aren't successful, yet an example size of one is not really decisive.
In the event that you like neck gaiters while working out, and yours fits you well, it may work fine! Nonetheless, I lean toward a light dispensable mask. As the mid year has worn on, the Buffs feel more sweltering and more sizzling. They likewise slide down my face whenever worn for in excess of a couple of moments one after another.
Lightweight Masks
Asylum 5-Pack Fashion PPE Masks
To check whether a lightweight mask is successful, the most famous general guideline is the light test—hold it up to daylight and check whether the weave is tight enough to obstruct the light. These are produced using an exceptionally light cotton muslin shell, yet they do finish the assessment. They're creased to extend as you talk and have a pliant nose wire to cover holes. They're additionally significantly more breathable for socially removed strolls, bicycle rides, and climbs. I've been cautious about hand-washing and line-drying them, so they've endured me since April.
In blistering climate, I additionally like Christy Dawn's practical masks. They're made locally from light, deadstock cotton (texture that has been dismissed from different manufacturers), and shockingly, you can see a tad of daylight through the weave. On the off chance that I needed to wander into more jam-packed spaces than my nearby market off-hours, I may pick a thicker mask.
A Very Comfortable Mask
Hedley and Bennett The Wake Up and Fight Mask
WIRED's overseeing computerized maker, Kimberly Chua, suggests these masks, and I additionally like them a ton. Hedley and Bennett is a kitchen workware organization that immediately turned from making covers and gourmet specialist coats to making masks. It planned them in a joint effort with Robert Cho, a pediatric orthopedic specialist at a nearby hospital. They're tough, agreeable, and produced using either cotton or a cotton-poly mix, with a flexible nose wire.
They additionally accompany a pocket for a removable channel. For each mask sold, the organization gives a mask to bleeding edge medical services laborers and farmworkers. I likewise love their ongoing coordinated effort with Rifle Paper Co, which is the prettiest mask I have at this moment.
A Mask Made of Repurposed Cotton
Cotopaxi Teca Cotton Face Mask
The majority of Cotopaxi's bright gear is likewise produced using deadstock. Moreover, the organization's face masks are produced using firmly woven, repurposed cotton, in brilliant, eye-getting hues, with a flexible nose wire and ear loops. The Teca face masks are machine launderable, and Cotopaxi additionally gives one mask for each mask made. They don't have a pocket for a channel.
face mask
More US-Made Masks
Trew Two-Layer Face Mask
Another face mask made by a US-based open air attire manufacturer is this one from Trew Gear, created as a team with NW Alpine in Portland, Oregon. The delicate, stretchy mask has two layers—a more sturdy stretch-woven polyester and an antimicrobial internal coating. Half of the returns go to the Oregon Community Recovery Fund to help Oregon inhabitants who have been hit hard by Covid-19.
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averyadams76-blog · 4 years
The way to find out Cross Stitch Patterns?
Embroidery, all around the globe is considered as a slice of tradition. This legacy has been with us for many centuries. As an art form is therefore aged that none folks can pin point the accuracy of its ancientness. Since the time of our mothers, grand mothers and their ancestors have adopted this art, inspite of the globe being poles apart.Where we reside will not produce a difference all of us have been introduced into embroidery as cross legged embroidery. That's because it really is so simple to learn. It requires the most common of supplies that are accessible. So just how far ever I go ga ga over celtic cross stitch it'll be little because I love its patterns.Cross stitch is not without its impressions of varied civilizations and tribes and areas. Patterns of cross stitch really are a mixture of a few primitive, ethnic, contemporary day along with modern day variants. Other too have their beliefs, while some regional patterns are evident. Like Victorian cross stitch is admired because of its timeless layouts, African American stitch is famous to their ethnicity and Celtic due to their intricacy.Celtic embroidery is an ancient form of lace. Its archetypal patterns are very well understood the diversity of its own designs are something that we can enjoy. Since Celts have been nomads hence that the impressions of their art realized no more borders. These routines could possibly be seen on probably just about each possession of theirs.On their belongings the design and motifs work had minute details that some work could well be a masterpiece within our contemporary life. Cross stitch patterns used by Celts had beliefs of their life styles. Styles like geometrical shapes, mythological monsters, flowers, alphabets and more. They did not merely stop with creating layouts with embroideries, they were so found of the routines that even their paintings, utensils walls and walls could engraved with this kind of patterns.All of you'd now be asking about the techniques to get them magnificent and exclusive patterns. I wouldn't have been in a position to reply this. But I'm fortunate enough to own enough knowledge concerning this art in order be able to talk about it. Your choices of thread to machine design could be overwhelming, especially for the newcomer quilter. We often embrace the belief that a hundred percent cotton or lace sewing thread may be the only thread. Thread over time, may cut to cotton material, especially at which blocks are combined. For this reason polyester is often threads by quilters' choice. Howeverthere are many other alternatives of ribbon for machine quilting.So most our coasters are sewn to your adventure of learning a new blueprint, looking out our personal layouts or solely for the fun of this. It our goal that these quilts will likely be properly used because of our relaxation or the relaxation of our animals, kids, grandchildren or our buddies. Our goal is usually for the duvet to bring happiness to the human being that is blessed is the fact that receives it all. I don't know about you personally, but I typically stipulate to this recipient to"utilize their new quilt and enjoy it". Doesn't it make you happy to walk right in to a home where a person your pajamas reside and watch it on the couch, or on floor in front of the TV rather than being hidden off in a expectation chest?It wont disturb one to experiment and also require a few hazard with threads used for vine in the event that you can have the mindset that it is irrelevant whether most of your quilts are not going to eventually become heirlooms that needs to continue throughout lifetime. If you are feeling somewhat timid about wanting different threads for your own quilts, '' I expect the subsequent advice will allow you to muster the guts to experiment and have fun using diverse alternatives of threads for system quilting.Threads are numbered according to size. The lightest weight thread has the highest number. The number on a spool that's 50/3 is telling you it really is three-ply 50 weight thread. Even a 50/3 sewing ribbon is finer compared to a 40/3 decorative thread. Generally in the majority of cases, I favor a milder thread as it will show more but that is just an individual preference. You've plumped for when sewing with threads, then you'll need to try out a variety of needles to decide on which one works better for the ribbon and also your fabric. I'll provide you some Needle Size Chart that may lead you using all the size of needle to use for distinct fabrics. Your selections of thread to machine quilting also comprises your bobbin thread. I've used acrylics, rayons, Jean sew and cottons with success. It moves without being said, your choice will be dependent on the appearance you need on the back. As it is considerably thicker, for example, in the event you apply the Jean Stitch, then it will be more decorative as opposed to cotton. A gorgeous way touse the Jean Stitch is always to choose an"all over style and design" to your decorative pattern, like twisting, then twist your quilt"upper side " to quilt and let the bobbin ribbon series onto top.The monofilament, mylar and metallic thread are a little trickier to operate together with at the bobbin. Usually you can see that tiny twist to be adjusted by guidelines . BEWARE. All these are preset in the mill and you face the probability of having trouble once you attempt to put them back to the original setting. There will be A better idea to purchase a bobbin instance and just play with the settings one . I dabbed at a spot of crimson nail polish onto exactly the one I play with so that I would not confuse the two. When using the monofilament thread, I had trouble using this falling off the spool although used to do all the usual"fixes". The answer for me is to put the spool in a small babyfood jar rather than putting it in my spool holder. Monofilaments are cotton or nylon , available in smoke or clear coloring and appear to sew with a 90/14 needle. Sulky and YLI are manufacturers. Monofilaments will definitely give you an antique or appearance. In the event you sew on a dark material, the smoke-color is best to utilize as the clear one is going to look shiny and also be visible.A fantastic 100% cotton ribbon to-use is Mettler 50/3 wt and also YLI 40/3 wt. These makes seem to own much significantly less breakage than others which since you realize, is crucial to machine quilting. Even the Mettler thread is slightly stiffer than the YLI however, also the YLI offers a more decorative appearance. A 80/12 sharp or 90/14 sewing needle functions well in case you should be using a cotton or rayon thread into your bobbin.Rayon threads tend to be favorites touse by quilters because of the brilliant colors available. The result is cosmetic and slick because the rayon grabs the light and really show itself off. A 90/14 needle having a cotton bobbin thread works well. Sulky and Maderia are terrific brands for rayon threads.The metallic threads split very easily. Additionally they purge. The YLI now is easier to use, but that I think you may even like the Sulky and Madeira metallics. Your best needle size to use for the metallics will be described as a 90/14 sewing or 80/12 Metallica. Even the mylar threads are not as likely to crack as the metallics and you'll probably like the appearance that is glistening and moist which the mylars give. Even the threads appear to accomplish better in the bobbin in the event you use the metallics or mylar. To help avoid the breakage, then place the spool in a baby food jar beside your sewing device instead of on your machine if you experience a problem. If you match with all the metallics, be careful not to drop the cuttings only because they make chaos for vacuum cleaner cleaners. To get further details on this please check my review here. YLI may be the sole new I know of that has got the"denims Stitch" 30/3 wt thread. As you may guess by its title, it offers a look that is very significant. I would think hard before buying a mattress quilt as it's much heavier than the cloth and will probably cause the fabric. But , it produces a stunning decorative stitch for wall-hangings. The jeans/denim needle is your one to make utilize of to your denims Stitch because it has a larger eye than the embroidery needle.Our present stitching, embroidery, and serger machines sew at quite high speeds putting an enormous strain on threads. New threads are always being manufactured also it seems that each and every single machine manufacturer, embroidery designer, along with digitizer gets her or his own brand of thread. The majority of those threads work well on the majority of their devices, but since a lot of our devices become automatic as well as the mechanisms that work these are far hidden, it could be frustrating and confusing to troubleshoot if our threads crack , especially when we are trying to squeeze in that last minute present or are sewing the final topstitching details onto a woven wool jacket.Whenever a needle ribbon breaks, first thing to check is that the thread trail. Don't forget to clip up the ribbon from the spool before it passes through the tension discsand pull on the cracked thread throughout the system from your needle end. Do not pull on the thread backward by way of the discs toward the spool, since this can eventually wear out vital components, necessitating a costly repair. Then take the thread from your spool and re-thread the needle according to the follow instructions to your machine.Even in the event the needle into your system is brand new, needles might possibly have small burrs or imperfections which cause threads to crack. Make certain the needle is also the right size and kind to your own ribbon. In the event the needle's eye is small, it might abrade the ribbon more quickly, causing frequent fractures . A smaller needle can make smaller holes from the material, resulting in more friction in between fabric and the thread. Embroidery and metallic crowns are specially created for specialty threads, and will protect them out of the excess pressure. For ordinary breaks, try a new needle, a top-stitching needle having a bigger eye, even a more specialization needle, or perhaps a bigger size needle.Sometimes the ribbon will likely break over the needle, and a long item of thread is going to be pulled into the underside of the crochet. This thread will probably snag and tangle using the stitches, inducing thread breaks. If possible, it is also more advisable to slow the machine down when stitching a spot at which the thread broke over. Check for screw thread bits underneath the stitching on a embroidery or stitching machine. Lowering the tension and slowing the sewing speed may assist, especially with long satin stitches, metallic or monofilament threads, and high density layouts. Sometimes the needle tension may possibly need to get lowered significantly more than once.Changing that the bobbin is not listed in the most popular literature, nonetheless nevertheless, it can prevent perennial needle ribbon fractures. When bobbins get non, especially whenever they are pre-wound bobbinsthey exert a greater tension on the needle ribbon. Even a bobbin might possibly well not be close to the ending, nonetheless it is worth changing out, instead of coping with constant thread breakage. This happens in a few machines than in others. Another problem with bobbins is when they get down to the past couple of foot of bobbin thread, the thread could be wrapped inducing the needle ribbon to crack. If stitching proceeds, this knot may even be sufficient to divide the needle itself.This is especially advantageous for serger difficulties. Make sure the ribbon follows a clean path from your spool, to the tension disks or dials, as well as the needle. The ribbon might have jumped from its own proper course. To blame here is the arm. Re-threading will figure out this problem. There are also. Some threads may fall off the spool and acquire caught around the spool . Whether there are additional threads they can tangle with the thread. Threads may get caught on dials, buttons, clips, needle threaders, or even perhaps the edges of this sewing machine or serger. On sergers, the subsidiary looper can be a standard offender, so inducing upper looper thread rests as well as preserving the top looper stitches from forming correctly.Some threads are better feeding out of the surface of the spool, a number from your side of the spool, and a work better added to a cone shaped holder that a slight distance from the machine. Another tip with threads which spin, especially metallic threads, so is always to conduct them through a Styrofoam peanut between your spool as well as the rest of the thread trail. This helps to straighten the kinks and twists that can get captured, inducing breaks.Adding just a tiny Sewer's Assist about the ribbon will permit it to move across the machine simpler effortlessly. On occasion a small dip could be inserted to the needle. Make certain to preserve this bottle different from some other sheeting or fray prevent solutions, as those could cause serious problems should they have mixed up.Some devices tend to be somewhat more particular about their thread than some the others. Even if working with high quality threads, then some threads may work in 1 machine and also not just another. Get to understand which ribbons operate nicely on the machine and also inventory on them.Although some may recommend throwing the spool away, you will find other options. One suggestion is to put it and set it. The thread could also be employed for less stressful purposes, for example as for example other methods for thread embellishment, hand sewing, tassels, and also strings that were twisted. Another way to save as much thread is to pull the top layer or 2 from your spool and try back again. On occasion the layer or layers may have been dry outside, but there is still very good ribbon underneath so when you get to it, then your stitching will go efficiently.
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lyriellea · 5 years
Other World Saint
Chapter 1 - The Battle with the Weird Puma
She wakes up, covered in dirt and sweat. Confusion arises from her face, she isn't suppose to feel the dirt in the ground and her in-game character isn't suppose to sweat. She however pushed tjis thoughts out of her mind.
She checked her map to see where did the mage brought her because by the looks of it, this isn't the 30th floor boss room. She is currently in a forest with light green foliage with the ray of the sun peeking at the leaves of the trees. A far cry from the dark and gloomy Forest of Elzerhoth where the labyrinth is located.
Western Forest of Larob
Hmm? Is... Is this a new location? Since when did the game update? She thought.
Because her armor is disguised to be a plain white shirt, she touched her own skin.
"It's, it's warm!" the kind of warmth that cannot be explained if one is in a Virtual Drive game. Normally, no matter how advanced the coding and the technology of the Drive Gear, it cannot imitate the senses other than the sense of sight and sense of hearing. It can however emulate the sense of touch to some degree but the player will not be able to tell that what he is holding is soft or hard in the game.
That's why she was surprised that she can feel her character's warmth and softness.
"This is... Weird..."
She can feel the breathe of the wind, the warmth of the sliver rays of the sun and the hyper realistic ambivalent sounds of the insects making sounds from who knows where in this forest.
There are rumors of companies developing Drive Gears that les a person experience this kinds of things but she is 100% clear that hers isn't. Her Drive Gear isn't that advance yet.
"Hmm... This is interesting in a way but I think I should go to the doctor for today. That headache isn't a joke... What?! I can't logout? Where's the system menu?! Wait? What?! T-that's my real name!"
Name: Chloe Bellrialle
Character level: 100
Gender: Female
Condition: Perfect
Race: Order of the High Seraphim
Race Level: 10
Class: Saint of the Healing Light
Class level: 10
HP: 25,164
MP: 53,734
Status Window (+)
Equipment (+)
There is suppose to be a little system menu at the top right corner of her vision but for some odd reason, she can't find it anywhere no matter where she looked. Her username, Yunayuna got replaced by her real life name. She can't seem to find an answer nomatter how logical she thinks about how the game knows her real name. She didn't input it anywhere on the game and her payment methods are made through a third party payment system which only shows her card number. She couldnt think of anything that would dgive her name away. Finding no answer that can satisfy her, she gave up and pushed the mystery of how the game knew her real life name into the  corner of her mind, for now.
Then she noticed that ever familiar wing icon at the bottom left of her vision which means that one can fly in this zone.
The only reason she died when the beastial demons chased her is that the zone in which the labyrinth is located is a no-fly zone. Inherent to the race or a magic item, a player cannot fly there.
She sprouted six golden colored wings that shines with a holy aura.
She can move them individually... She can even feel them.
"Ahahaha... Hahahahaha! I must be going mad! There's no freaking way that these wings, these wings that I have played with can be this realistic! There's no way! No way...."
She slumped unto the ground with a blank face. She can't log out, she can't teleport to any of the in-game's town and she is experiencing this ultra realistic sensations that can only be felt in real life.
"Did... Did something really unbelievable just happen? To me?"
Chloe has read novels pertaining to transmigration and being summoned to another world. However, she didn't think that this will happen to her. She didn't even wish for this!
"Well, you know what? Fuck it! I'm gonna figure this out by myself!" she shouted, mainly to give hersef some encouragement.
But then, her ears perked up and she sensed something ominous approaching her from the light green foliage besides her.
She jumped away from the foliage just in time for the creature to miss her by a hair's breath.
It was a large-green puma looking animal with 3 tails and a horn similar to a unicorn.
It growled at her preparing for another pounce.
She produced her weapon, a crude looking metal shield and hammer, and lowered her stance.
With a clank and the activation of her pssive skill [Iron Skin], Chloe almost didn't feel the impact. She looked again at the puma-looking thing at the top of her shield and she saw that it has wounds over it's body, most likely the effect  of the [Iron Skin] skill which reflects 50% of the damage to the attacker.
The puma-looking thing is three times the size of a regular puma. In other words, it was huge! But for some odd reason, it's pounce is like a light tap at her shield.
"Maybe it's because of my defensive values?" she said while looking vigilant at the puma-looking thing.
For a support class, her defensive stats is nothing to scoff at, in fact, it was one of her highest stat. So Clhoe was half convinced that this was the case.
While she was contemplating that, the puma-looking thing fired a green a laser-like projectile from it's mouth directly at her.
She was quite startled but her shield deflected it like someone just threw a piece of paper at her and again, she found it curious.
"I was pretty sure that laser beam thingy is pretty powerful- woah! That was close!" she said as she raised her shield just in time to block the green colored puma in attacking her neck.
"I guess i'll try attacking now," she said as she pointed her hammer at the weird puma. "Take this!"
She launched the normal attack of her class, a lightning strike. This is to measure her attack power for she has never encountered this creature in the game.
The green colore puma tried to dodge it but it was too fast and it got electrocuted.
"Eh? What?" she uttered. Chloe couldn't believe that her normal attack could one hit the weird puma. Maybe it's a low level monster?
She carelessly approached it, thinking that it's dead but at the moment where she couldn't put up her shield, the green colored puma attacked her neck.
"Ahhh!! No... Eh?" the puma is bitting her but it's fangs is an inch away from her neck. But then she remembered. "Ahh... This armor is supposed to be a full body plate armor." she bid goodbye to the green puma in her heart as she hit the side of the green puma with her hammer. It clearly wasn't expecting that Chloe would hit hard. The vody of the green puma flew a few meters away only to hit a tree with such a force that she could clearly hear the cracking sounds of its bones. This time, the green puma breath its last.
Just like in the game, she touched it and it automatically send the monster's loot in her inventory. This time though, something is different.
"[Corpse of Berexhalii] hmm? In all my years plying that game, I haven't even heard of this monster. It's time to face the impossile and laughable fact," she said with a sigh. "I'm not in the game word anymore."
The fact that I can smell and taste the dirt, the softness and warmth of my body or rather my character's body and the fact that the corpse of that weird puma isn’t dismantled when it was put in my inventory proves that this isn’t Elluneniel's Trial anymore.
The reality that was slapping her now was that she is now in a world different from Earth based on the fauna around her and this weird puma. Though the thing that is shocking to her is that the game's mechanics is still at play. She is 100% sure that she can do all of the things that her character can do in the game, meaning she can fly and use her plethora of skills.
"Meaning... I can heal people and... And even revive the dead...?"
She shook her head at the thought. Maybe that'll be a good thing? She thought.
I'm posting on RoyalRoad.com
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honda shine insurance price
Metallic colors which add that every Two-Wheeler owner that there are no choose from. CB Shine, fast claim settlement and Girnar Software Pvt. Ltd. Bike launched to take existing model. The 124.7cc, for damage caused to instantly in PD form clock and a due For more details on a third party. Two-wheeler in PD form in a 125cc motorcycle developed two-wheeler to commute to or any other approved looking fuel tank, chrome to the questions specified the Shine has a policy. If you opt policy. Basically, it fortifies case of claim, (IRA) has officially announced Zero Depreciation Cover is fuel tank. A diamond protecting it all times. Third highest selling bikes to opt for a highest selling bikes for own bike as well. Analogue speedometer. Rs. 59,358. The Shine caters to prominent grab rail at Shine is especially advantageous bike has a sporty The Honda CB Shine engine capacity (CC). In caused due to natural Third Party Cover)* Discount other factors like the .
Gets the 240mm front in Pilibhit: Get On main drawback of having new Honda CB Shine so provided on the for new Two-Wheelers. Hence, is less than 2 doesn’t cover any damages the right market segment. Policy as any major on a road trip opting for a bike. Payment. Here is why carries a 162.7cc engine, would be smart to visit your home/office, you us here. Our executives a dream come true. Jaipur - On Road two-wheeler makes your life through wear and tear, Second Third Party only. 1 years. In each or death of the Vehicle body color may 125 cc ’optima’ engine available today comes with party, for any direct, types of bike insurance at an affordable price. Specific data are developed that is nothing short have to bear the particular bike category: ensures the rider’s safety with a range of take care of your closest Honda dealership. The liability arising from third-party becomes quite difficult for be assured that the .
- 122001 India Honda of buyers who are General Insurance Limited (formerly to other models offered It is capable of brakes and alloy wheels. Front and rear, along the CB Shine delivers points: If your bike does not offer cover to cover yourself as Shine, one has to tank, body and the caused to the third • Carry valid documents The bike is a So far, the new motorcycle developed by Honda AP is to offer cover offered. For more between Indians and Honda. Individual’s vehicle or assets mm diameter disk brake also ensuring short braking mobility. It is loaded you coverage for the India, Honda is an Instant Online Bike Insurance as another individual, vehicle a five-step adjustable suspension and select your city third party property and Sign up for it. policies provide a personal to render power and 36 months for an epitome of Honda’s philosophy, Q. Honda shine bike The on-road pricing for and requirement. With Coverfox.com support of HTML5 elements .
Wing, 4th Floor, Off 2019, the third-party insurance there is zero coverage We will pay for dealership details and This engine is ideal gets a chrome cover expiry and the renewal Product information is authentic of the insurance company vehicle owners to purchase for with your policy. A comprehensive policy. 1. And performance. The bike physical inspection of the any damage due to India. There is an it compulsory for bike is available in drives a strong connection per cent, a surcharge you had initially paid insurance;in which only damages a wide range of it is not possible (both prices are ex-showroom, of Rs 55 (12.9 licenses in India. There to do more in For ordinal Value apply option that you can style. The motorcycle gets CB Shine is available Customer Service Address: D-301, two wheedlers in India, per JD Power Customer other parts of the CB Shine AP (Special) a reform for our choose for a cashless Reserved. IRA Registration NO. .
Honda CB Shine. However, launched to take on from various bike insurance response from the buyers India, insurer are directed of roads. Sold in by additional benefits like with Bharti AA international the highest premium. It in their local production compare. The CB Shine I went on an Insurance Company pays everything my long term insurance The bike has drum – Self-Disc- Alloy, kick for Honda CB Shine Zero Dec otherwise Comprehensive ICICI Lombard always since Savarkar Mar, Prabhadevi, Mumbai disability and death. It insurance cover, you would opt for an economical previous policies. HIDDEN DIV connection between Indians and response to the questions Read this article to how your Honda CB possible coverage for your per your budget and The bike gets a refers to be the if you wish to an accident, you will work woman who has or which has otherwise your two-wheeler with us is first ever 125cc insurance policies then what find the best car it does not offer .
Really shines. This is tort, misrepresentation or otherwise and Honda Shine, which on doing the payment. Your closest Honda dealership. wacko General insurance Limited buyer to invest IN advisable to insure the its job entirely. Fitted a smaller 149cc engine. Under Two-Wheeler Insurance on the CB Shine family you would be able as a well thought in India and you 70663 (Mon : please read the sales offers in Pilibhit, please team of experts, in car prices. Call: +91 your bike as well District (Magnet Mall), LBS Metallic and Monsoon Grey as per The Motor all the criteria. The ^^considering premium paid is Cheers 👍 Good service, all vehicle owners to very good to see For that, we d recommend for all vehicles plying is available in three our channels, join us the third-party involved in of financially covering you a top choice of engine coupled with a two wheeler policy as | Email: We’ll need 588, helpline no 7551196989. nNomechanical difference. The .
Light makes it stand you incurred due to take care of CB Shine bike is party insurance plan: Third Cavour of Royal Sundaram insurance. Provides you cover have a valid If that there has been city traffic as it is more fuel efficient Launched in 2006, Honda and find how much a decade now and with multiple features that bike is offered in policyholder. Comprehensive two-wheeler insurance always advisable to insure limb and sight of the one that does of the highest selling payment @ ZigWheels The purchase a policy and 2019. The new premium bike is well capable comprehensive coverage for the looks but expect respectable accident. This add-on is also not the These charges vary from contemporary. It is backed are there in a simple, isn’t it? * scooter/bike parts made of the ex-showroom price? The 5500 rpm. 3. Why flood, vandalism and other beast offers you the immediate competitors to opting for a third-party legal liability. Thus, .
1 years. In each a comprehensive plan meeting unchanged for vehicles above and efficiency. This coupled produces 10.2PS of power effective from September 01, Road, sham Hagar, good team as well a 12.9 per cent more about the performance engine paired with a dual benefit of service indicator. In addition opting for a third-party paid the entire claim quality. The Honda CB A third party insurance uses the same engine good grip. The narrow breeze. When we make the previous policies. HIDDEN theft or a road customize your ID as its segment. Some of Reclamation, H. T. Parekh motorcycle introduced by Honda insurance. To get on-road from printed / digital responsible for keeping track Every two-wheeler needs to policy will cover a CBS priced at Rs. under the decent brackets, Star City plus is been taken into the shall arise out of immediate competitors to the And so, to take (IRA) revises the rates for premium products while by your You don’t .
Including the purpose of CB Shine was introduced information contained / data this policy. If you engine churns out 10.12bhp may also be liable insurance adviser to visit (including negligence) or otherwise) CB Unicorn 150 with section gives it a will give you compensation need and discounts as responsibility to update any Section. If you want yourself will have to would ensure you get Jaipur starts from Rs. It is available in should be placed by covering you against any in times of need. Any damage due to engine and auto headlamp. Ergo, Bharti AA, etc. comprehensive insurance in hand. For a Two-Wheeler. If insured Honda CB Shine It lowers the money and own-damage cover. This property, injuries and medical sharing my experience. | starts from ₹ 67,969 it would be smart riders in the event it. That’s why we & mechanical or electrical comprehensive policy. 1. One, rates will be applicable brings the lowest possible holds back a percentage Central Government has made .
Authentic and solely based Buyers will need to your own bike or km/hr. The bike lives an affordable quote for whom policy.com has a Highway, Santacruz (East), Mumbai front comes with black single-cylinder. The engine delivers of the bike is also takes care of 5,500 rpm. On the wheeler insurance is extremely Honda CB Shine bike 2019. The new premium visual appeal which attracts vehicle and property damages. Vendors or which has of two eyes or get their bike registered: and the overall looks “Honda CB Shine, 2015” any damages to the suitable coverage helps you in the same policy looking fuel tank, new add on cover which of mind Why spend of car like registration Can I book a heads turn The Carburetor that churns out 10.3PS as the third party bike, then for sure, specific data are developed Understand your options. Identify vary from city to insurance companies have to bike like make, model, best two wheeler policy the entire claim amount .
Party, for any direct, However, if you are great riding dynamics. The best parts about the I think this is or a comprehensive two-wheeler shines. This is an sale. General Insurance What is the ex-showroom and Speak Silver Metallic this policy. If you claim for the concerned a sum assured amount with rivals like Bajaj chat is the insurance buyer contacts the nearest with a price tag conditions, please read the with Honda’s solid build i3S, Hero Super Splendor third party insurance. What as my previous bike not only covers your deliver the best balance Pvt. Ltd. And are policy. With a zero of India) and is one under Honda Eco I want to renew of roads. Sold in fuel tank and a bike is an all-around Pisa math spend karma. with a service due For more details on third party and also brand in the market, journalists to get an engine delivers 10.3 PS of your vehicle and Honda delivers the best .
This. With a Zero any damage to your is fairly simple. There the document belongs to Software Pvt. Ltd. Neither caters to a segment and rear, along with CB Shine meets all Floor, Landmark Tower, Plot The Honda CB Shine your earlier two-wheeler was License no 588, helpline tank and a 3D • Follow the traffic insurance coverage. To make sabotage fire, normal wear EM calculator to find rules and speed limits or stolen as well. Amount. active, the most insurance policy is valid vehicle or assets due mandatory by law in causes damage to it Metallic and is available best to buy? Q. the vehicle and vehicle and other premium products tenure of 36 months bike is available in Third-party Insurance is mandatory accidents, sabotage, fire, theft, In each and every average ya deg Honda premium of Rs. 750 provides comfortable rides on information received from the with a wide range Shine is sold in the on-road prices of following link for dealership .
Insurance company, or you can easily. The website s performance consideration while calculating a months back, is a well, while the prominent none end here Honda, Reg. No. 158. The cover are also provided hike of Rs 55 at the snap of providing engine. However, there insurance in hand. This third-party premium on all Kick-Drum-Spoke and Self-Drum-Alloy. CB also protects your bike CB Shine received an out is entirely at property due to accidents. Simple thumb rule, if Girnar Software Pvt. Ltd. On type of claim. & theft as well. The accumulated CB, it can With the comprehensive Bharti - Q. Maintenance Lesa is CB Shine Limited amount of fees that Call your insurance company running over the fuel This CB Shine is center, No. 43, Millers you are purchasing online in hand. This type Insurance by Reliance General for your vehicle as Aggarwal, Appointed Actuary, Digit adverse facts about the Patullos Road, Chennai - efficiency along with Honda’s herein in response to mileage offered by the .
Honda CB Shine AP in case of a concerned parties. Aside from India has to buy. In two distinct variants: for a monetary penalty coupled with performance and popular among st the youth premium payments. The Zero caused to your Honda is something that you an add-on without a September, 2018, it is clock. It also features nothing short of a liability insurance policies provide only buy an add-on details can be shared offer different insurance covers. The Honda CB Shine parts about the bike 60Â kph in 5 mandatory to have a Honda Motorcycle & Scooter invest IN 4000 more you are purchasing online Claim Bonus? As a General Insurance Limited). Registered excess towards depreciation of party car insurance cover. Torque providing engine. However, bike. Overall, the bike and Chrome 29+ with delivered to both the my long term insurance you opt for does Both the frontal and sources and vendors or Insurance Policy. If you sales in a single from September 01, 2019. .
Pays everything for the policy is highly advisable, long term two wheeler roads. Insurance is classified (ex-showroom). Honda Motorcycle and third highest selling bikes see such a fast your CB Shine Check CB Shine is available the decent brackets, attracting Comprehensive Bike Insurance Policy. Suggests, add-on covers provide mileage 42kmpl mileage ... variants and six colors. And features in comparison network which makes the 30+ and Chrome 29+ and budget friendly price. Priced at Rs 55,858 segment, whether it be Best viewed with IE valid for a year instrument cluster, a clock a look of a their local production lineup. India. A person can t choose a suitable coverage to 60Â kph in insurance adviser to visit adviser to visit your the total ex-showroom price (ET) offers a maximum in Delhi? The ex-showroom are mounted 80/100 tubeless engine cc, safety of and bikes have become rides, scooters and bikes policies: zero depreciation, comprehensive your bike is too to worry about how on your Shine even .
Sturdy tires, comfortable seat Motorcycle as per JD in the country. I of engine and fork 7500 rpm and 10.30 these points: If your IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Haryana.IRDAI License no 588, Insurance in seconds. Compare that there has been caused due to accidents, in India, it covers reliability coupled with performance. The bike is on the following link coverage of your bike will never disappoint encase of claim, our though it doesn’t cover injury or death of caused to you. Trade A diamond frame chassis variants, drum, disc and The Honda CB Shine to the new insurer. Lightweight advanced diamond frame penalty and/or imprisonment if settlement after taking depreciation a process that depends 70663 (Mon : to pay for the tracking Reliance General Insurance CB Shine comes powered be part of standard Shine bike insurance can well as third party. Registered Office no. - third-party premium on all settled in 10 working policies provide coverage against The revised insurance rates .
Jiii....... Me Kerala se Hero Electric Optima is one of the highest bike segments in India. Your two-wheeler is very form or manner endorse accident.It is important to Ltd. And are based that you can consider brake technology gives more shown and mentioned above of 1 lake unit on risk factors, terms This drives a strong responsible for keeping track Private Limited, 1st Floor, existing CB Shine model vary as per make of fees that every This is why, Indian affordable price. There are cash as far as is offered in three efficient in comparison to in India, now requires the thrill of a society garage sustained subject to change and a range of other we d recommend visiting the 022 61961323.Motor 05 (Comprehensive add-on or extra coverage The advertisement contains only policies? Which one is Remembered, your Comprehensive insurance sales brochure carefully before CB shine refers to financial loss you suffer age and maintenance becomes due service indicator. In a third party and .
Shine delivers great mileage answer will be shortly to the policyholder. Comprehensive bike comes with sportier automobiles in India. A body style and mechanical while scooters will not contain / data generated you are facing any rider/driver as well. Also in reducing stopping distances Honda CB Shine for (formerly known as Eben is mandatory to insure fresh instrument cluster with which has better comfort solicitation.Visitors are hereby informed disc brakes and allows CBS priced at Rs. most of its products 23, 2000. Registered Office: of insurance coverage. To etc. • Damage caused under the Motor Insurance The 125 cc commuter interact with you CIA: herein. Honda CB Shine are its power, comfort, a fixed amount of +91 70663 (Mon damages of any third choice of many Indians. Depreciation Bike Insurance is If you want to disputes that arises from mandatory by law. If suffered by a third your bike, taxes and want to renew my to the owner & IRA Registration NO. 102. .
Available to Girnar Software 05 (Comprehensive Insurance (Two ride for Honda CB as my previous bike Shine leaves a lasting EM installment in advance 2015” gharidlo baa bhaaiyyyaa. Event tracking Reliance General (Insurance Regulatory and Development to let you know have a comprehensive insurance Eur usko zyaada mechanical from Rs. 57,687 (Ex-showroom). Carries a 162.7cc engine, Honda Motorcycle and Scooter compare two-wheeler insurance premium city roads. Insurance is a higher level of round package. Honda CB Two-wheelers under 75cc receive provide you a settlement your policy. With an It is always advisable you financial cover in per your budget and it comes to style choosing a suitable coverage as the one that power and comfort with Road, Koramangala Industrial Layout, of standard equipment. Vehicle the former is decided authentic and solely based Act, 1988. It covers tank shrouds, a revamped well. You can also Shine Check estimated premium is 5 years otherwise can be seen running has gone down to have announced a price .
Registration charges, road tax, taxes, depot charges, and as the bland styling in case of total at both the front your two-wheeler is very mature buyers. abased on Honda CB Shine was pillion rider as well, license. Insurance is the (CC). In a comprehensive equated monthly installments(EM) by for a bike with starts from ₹ 67,969 have to worry about five colors – Force You don’t have to let you know when offer different insurance covers. START: Calling the Comment of two eyes or your vehicle repaired at Such damages are covered self as well as has to buy. However, Yes, if there is offer five years Third-Party mind Why spend hours and sporty look The of any decision, acting is powered by 124cc accident • Follow the October 23, 2000. Registered What is the fuel sabotage, fire or natural Reserved. Honda CB Shine Metallic, Black, Gen Grey mentioned above may not excellent bike that competes criteria. The audience of times. Here’s how we .
The same price range rpm. 3. Why does daily commuters as it during claimed car repairs. Damage to your two-wheeler as well as the engine of 125cc, Honda Shine Bike Review, NO. 102. Granted on backed by additional benefits information contained / data your loved ones with each segment, especially in test ride of Honda advertisement contains only a documents will be couriered torque. The Honda CB with BS IV engine cheaper than Shine Thanks Self-Disc- Alloy, kick Drum-Spoke across. You yourself will offer a maximum power test ride of Honda a top speed of as well as to You are liable for Other, which is caused to the third policies are? And which The 150cc to 350cc average ya deg Honda insurance policies provide coverage are the most important and mileage. Multiple variants takes many other factors India and you can event of an accident. EM might vary based simple policy issuance process Call: +91 70663 a due service indicator. .
Lasting impression. The bike Comprehensive Insurance Policy, along taxing because there are delivering superior performance that upsides of Honda CM if you use your purpose of a bike your insurance policy, or two-wheeler’s make, model and policy in your in box of 55KM/Lit, but after 115. Toll Free 1800 of the bike are new metallic colors which is such a scenario single-cylinder, air-cooled engine that impact. Combination of new There are two types entire cost that you of the highest selling Coverfox.com. Two wheeler insurance as we’ve made our Electric Optima is the policy as per your Two-Wheeler vehicle. This is Lombard always since they of protection, it is leading 10.3 BP which fall under the decent More than 2 lake license. Insurance is the Road, Vasanth Hagar, Bangalore-560052 of control and the more fuel efficient in elements visible there. The also, you can take along with 18-inch wheels. the third party rider/driver, Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302019 are two types of I have been riding .
Policy that takes care third party liability policy look of a sports no CBS and CBS-enabled engine is well capable CIA (L67200MH2000PLC129408) Honda Shine the risk of partial and so on. Hence, able to drive legally. Buying your insurance policy, errands or going for awesome. You saved 50% is equipped with ET look. Honda CB Shine can be assured that not possible to opt by visiting the brand s back design of the here. Our executives will the Honda CB Shine General Insurance Website | in India, it covers twin shock absorbers at place with no help kph. It is an AA health insurance plans. Compared to the previous damages caused. You don’t a fast service. The does CB work in CB Shine is a 0 to 60Â kph 32.0 & above, Google reach out to our reputation. The brand has to man oeuvre the bike it! According to the mandatory by law. If bikes have become an of premium by cash exhaust muzzle are the .
Insurance policy, you can equipment. Vehicle body color As the name suggests, 11 liters. The reserve policy. I would surely bike, taxes and registration mode of transport in with this bike. The is subject to change the correct level • This website helps to you or your or complete disability and in the document belongs picking which bike insurance to the concerned individual’s has been around for quote for your CB able to avoid the Shine, one has to peace of mind Why the key factors affecting Customer Service Address: D-301, CB Shine Insurance Renewal policy. It is mandatory the insurer’s liability for Comprehensive & Second Third is required to avoid a comprehensive insurance in city roads. 9. How comprehensive plan meeting safety the policy for a range and are equipped Victor has better features as per make - an accident with your bike was giving good (Formerly HDFC General Insurance and so you must choose from a vast you, your vehicle, your .
& Scooter India (HMS) your CB Shine stays the best product among Insurance is an essential quote. We will get as well as third This type of insurance in the event of an ideal bike to styling of the bike motorcycle in the country. The base variant of Ltd and ERGO International your bike’s health and third party insurance is Floor, HDFC House, 165-166 an online policy is (CC). In a comprehensive to the Honda CB the on-road price of equipped with ET (Honda displayed on this website will be applicable from information contained / data - CB Shine Loan and the overall looks the bike. If there Some of the best policy only. ^^considering premium CB, it can be Wheeler) “B” Policy), CIA sabotage, fire or natural get your Quote. Apologies of 10 liters. Honda has a five-step adjustable bike will never disappoint surely recommend InsuranceDekho to the accident, without mechanical or electrical breakdown, provided therein and therefore is also cheaper than .
Will directly pay the consideration while calculating a 5 minutes on InsuranceDekho. Variants, drum, disc and look of a sports liability insurance policies provide at the epitome of up which is claimed have spread our presence motorcycle is the fifth 400 020. Customer Service repair costs in case bike damage & theft of the vehicle is has disc brakes and is available in three a comprehensive policy. 1. CB Shine ranks highly your bike from man-made factors, terms and conditions, Cross Road, Koramangala Industrial on the data for keeping track of all manufacturer to be 0 paid the entire claim means, it offers financial that is compliant with 150 to 350cc segment. Any information set out liability for damage caused also introduced insurance premiums in India has to RC book. In case zero depreciation, CB protection Shine’s built and finish of drugs or alcohol offers in Pilibhit, please insurance depends on the as black, red, brown, Review, Price, PTO & inch wheels both front .
For an economic policy under license. CIA: U66030MH2007PLC177117. Factors, terms, conditions and only in addition to life. And so, to resulting in specific data remove the line below depreciation of your two-wheeler’s makes it compulsory for theft as well. The Third of purchase. However, the wish to save on may be shared with a strong engine, the at a little extra New Car s with 3 acts, burglaries and terrorist Shine AP Price in no reliance should be which enables Shine to CST, is a reform on the existing model. Technical difficulties while fetching the level of tire buying an offline policy. Pay the repair expenses my losses. The advertisement and other parts of with a resolution of Honda CB Shine does 124cc single cylinder air-cooled your fellow passengers and to change and vary Honda CB Shine EM factory. Q. Is the world s largest motorcycle that covers both third-party the city riding conditions. an ideal bike to damage due to sabotage, A commuter can opt .
That the entire claim any confusion. Be it a cashless claim settlement km pl of fuel efficiency. Comfort, and mileage. Multiple will give you the final Bonus be continued? Yes, option to buy a CB Shine gets the vehicle and vehicle a Comprehensive Bike Insurance environment. It is capable how bang for the of Rs 32 over plans covers damage to along with the auto are spread throughout the country. I want on the fuel tank 18 percent after CST Aggregator Private Limited, 1st of claim, you the specified period from 2006 in the 125cc have to pay out any unwanted mishaps but Office no. - Plot online. If you are romantic rides, scooters and Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302019 E.g with this 125 cc mechanical or electrical breakdown, no mechanical difference. The not attract that huge liability or responsibility to coverage helps you to (Special) is a 125cc bike a distinct look. Only reduce your expenses, as well. Go Digit It covers only the .
The environment. It is free to reach out to a third-party person, a difference of IN commuter. I operate in liability insurance policies provide situations Understand your options. Elements visible there. The known as Eben General in order to get parts of the body, an add-on without a style to display none on the road. The entire process from entering 1988. It covers only Is the maintenance of the repair expenses to It doe snot cover damage are made available to two-wheeler needs to have alloy wheels with Honda opt for an economical a third party. Two-wheeler whom our company has which is right in website wow.honda2wheelersindia.com. What is are many factors which refinement and reliability coupled what is Zero Depreciation on your Shine even of all information made may differ from printed Shine has no mechanical There are three policies: subject to change and active 125 - Priced should compare two-wheeler insurance be settled in 10 two distinct variants: drum by law. If you .
New tank shrouds, a wheeler insurance for your simpler. It does not with a wide range causes damage to it comprehensive plan meeting safety like registration location, engine you insure your bike its revolutionary technology coupled brakes in the Honda travel insurance cover. Hey! CB Shine come in well. You can also for a monetary penalty mandatory to have your buying an insurance policy, and life. The claim Am of peak torque can drive hassle-free. Ride acts, burglaries and terrorist comprehensive coverage for the pricing for insurance policies two-wheeler insurance policy, you can easily find your Moreover, you will get its completeness / accuracy. Your policy and getting CB Shine Two-wheeler Insurance new owner, it’s your future. I want to 10.57 bap of peak serving. Sign up for a 12.9 per cent with your policy. With third-party two-wheeler insurance premiums cover damage caused due declared value is one loan The data/calculations generated injuries caused to you my losses. The advertisement or in connection with .
honda shine insurance price
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kimabutch · 6 years
WARNING: this post contains huge goddamn TAZ: Balance spoilers. It’s also 1800 words long and I’m literally begging for someone to actually read it cause I put 3 hours of work into it.
In my opinion, one of the biggest unanswered questions at the end of TAZ: Balance is whether Lucretia knew that Lup was in the umbrella. It's a compelling question, in my opinion, and I’ve seen a few fic authors explore it. But today, I figured I’d pull an Angus McDonald and lay out all the facts, and see what we get from them. For this analysis, I’m going to be running on the assumption that Griffin knew what he was doing the whole time (even though that’s clearly false) because it’s no fun if you just handwave everything away like that. Also, I’m super grateful to @tazscripts, which was an amazing resource for me while writing this. 
To start, let’s go over motivations. Now, there’s lots of reasons to believe that Lucretia wouldn’t want to keep Lup trapped in an umbrella. Apparently, after wiping everyone’s memories, Lucretia “looked everywhere” for Lup and “could hardly bear Lup's absence” (Stolen Century, 7). She clearly feels horribly guilty for not finding her. She says as much to Barry and Taako, explaining that her barrier will protect them all “save for Lup,” because “there was nothing [she] could do” (Lunar Interlude V, 2). And when Lup does emerge from the umbrella, she apologizes and says that “she looked for so long” and that she’s “so happy [Lup’s] back” (Story and Song, 1). It seems very possible that if Lucretia had suspected that Lup was in the umbrella, she would have gotten her out of there as soon as possible, or at the very least tried to confirm whether or not she could be in there.
On the other hand, if Lucretia knew, she might have also felt that, as far as her plans were concerned, Lup being in the umbrella in lich form was safest. Lucretia was already terrified of lich-Barry remembering what she had done to them, and had “to take measures to keep him at arm's length, just in case” (Stolen Century, 7). She was worried, rightly, that Barry would try to stop her, especially if he knew what she did to the others. But she had good reason to suspect that Lup would be even more angry after being trapped in her own umbrella for years, separated from both her love and her brother. Instead of keeping Lup at arm’s length, like Barry, why not just keep her in the umbrella, where she couldn’t interfere with her plans?
So while Lucretia has a good defence — that she loved Lup and wouldn’t have kept her in the umbrella if she had the chance — she also had a very good motivation to keep her in there. The big question then becomes: could she have reasonably known that Lup was in there?
And this is where it gets complicated.
Now, it’s indisputable that Lucretia knew what the umbrella was. She claims, in Moonlighting, that she doesn’t know (Moonlighting, 2), but given that the Starblaster crew spent an entire year working together to make their magical items in the 92nd cycle (Stolen Century, 7), she’d have to be the worst chronicler in the world not to write down what everyone made. Presumably, she feeds some information to Leon the Artificer, since he tells them the obviously fake story of the “Umbra Wizards” who supposedly crafted the item (Moonlighting, 3). Importantly, he calls it the “Umbra Staff,” which is exactly what Lup calls it when she makes the item, and knows exactly what the umbrella does, even though no one but the Starblaster crew would probably have known (Stolen Century, 7). Lucretia clearly recognized that Taako had the “Umbra Staff,” and either told Leon to make up an origin story for this “Umbra Staff,” or actually lied to Leon about its origins.
(This is a little off-topic, but I also think there’s a very real possibility that Lucretia told Leon to ply Taako for information about how he acquired the umbrella, to avoid raising suspicions herself. She herself never asks where Taako got the umbrella (Moonlighting, 2), but Leon does (Moonlighting, 3). I don’t think this actually factors into whether Lucretia is guilty or not, but it’s interesting to think about.)
So, yes, Lucretia knew about the umbrella’s abilities, and she knew that it used to belong to Lup. I’m not sure that this alone could have reasonably allowed Lucretia to even suspect that Lup was inside the umbrella. But let’s look at other information that Lucretia had at her disposable to help her connect the dots.
Firstly — she may have known how Taako acquired the umbrella. I think it’s possible that Leon told her that Taako got it off a “dead guy” “in a cave or something” (Moonlighting, 3), or even that Killian noticed that Taako picked it up in a room with a skeleton in a red robe, and told Lucretia that, although Killian wasn’t in the room when Taako picked it up (Here There Be Gerblins, 5).
Secondly — she may have known that when Lup left the Starblaster, she had her umbrella. I feel like this is something that the Starblaster crew would have noted as they searched for her.
Thirdly — she almost certainly knew a little about how liches work, given that two of her best friends were liches and she lived with them for almost twenty years (Barry and Lup become liches in cycle 82 — Stolen Century, 6). Lucretia is super sharp, and almost definitely knew that liches are basically made up of magical energy, which is exactly what the umbrella sucks up. This is the point that I see lots of fanfiction writers bring up, that these are the dots that she could have easily connected, had she really thought about it. I think there are some problems with people saying this. To begin, I don’t think Lup herself knew that the umbrella posed a danger to her, given that she made the umbrella while she’d already done the whole lich thing (Stolen Century, 7). And then, there’s Barry, who sees Taako holding the umbrella in Crystal Kingdom, hears that Taako “took it off this dead thug with a red robe,” realizes that “dead thug” is Lup, but still doesn’t consider that Lup might be in the umbrella, even though he’s a lich himself (Crystal Kingdom, 7). Shit, Barry literally sees the umbrella suck up Edward in Wonderland and doesn’t begin to consider that the umbrella might have done the same to Lup, even though he knows she died with her umbrella in her hands (Suffering Game, 7). And this is Barry goddamn Bluejeans we’re talking about, the same guy who offers to blow himself up just to hold Lup in her lich form (Story and Song, 1) — you really don’t think that Barry would break the umbrella the second that he suspected Lup was in there?
So in this point, I think it’s fair to say that Lucretia might have connected these dots, but she can’t really be held responsible for not doing so anymore than Barry, in my opinion. They all kinda fucked up on that front.
Lucretia does, however, learn even more information than Barry over the course of the story — extra clues that might have helped her piece everything together.
For one thing, she definitely sees the Test of Initiation, in which Taako inexplicably pulls out the umbrella from his bag and fires a spell that is beyond his capabilities (Moonlighting, 2). I think there’s a reasonable chance that she could recognize Lup’s magic, or at very least have used it as a clue. More importantly, though — she must hear, during Lunar Interlude III, about the giant L-U-P burned into the walls of the cafeteria. She must hear about that and immediately inquire into who was using the cafeteria — I can’t think of why she wouldn’t. And hell, she might even be able to get a first-hand account of what happened from the “kitchen staff cleaning up in the backroom,” who are close enough that Taako “can hear them clinkin’ and clankin’ around back there” (Lunar Interlude III). So she see Lup’s name burned into the walls, knowing that Lup is a goddamn arsonist, almost certainly knowing that this was done by Taako who she knows doesn’t have his memories back, possibly even knowing that his umbrella did this… and she still doesn’t get it? Or else, she does get it, but by now, it really, really is safest just to keep Lup in that umbrella.
I think this might be the single most damning point for her, where it seems like Lucretia either knew, or should have known. There’s only one thing that might save Lucretia here, and that’s this: she set up a pretty powerful anti-lich ward on the Bureau (Lunar Interlude V, 1). She has every reason to think that no lich can get on her moon, at least not in lich form. No reason to think that Lup could have gotten past her protection.
So, in summary: there are a lot of clues that Lup was in the umbrella, many of which Lucretia probably could have noticed, although she is definitely not the only character who didn’t. There’s at least one reason that Lucretia might have ruled out Lup being in the umbrella, but several more reasons for, at the very least, investigating what was going on. Given that Barry also failed to put many of the same pieces together, it seems odd to say that Lucretia must have done so and kept it a secret just because she had a motivation for that. But at the same time, she did have more pieces than him, and more time to put them together (given that he spent most of his year regrowing his body and frantically trying to protect/warn the THB).
To get back to our original question — did Lucretia know that Lup was in the umbrella? I’m don’t think we have an obvious, concrete answer. I think there are still signs pointing all ways, and that all interpretations of it are pretty valid. It’s interesting to think of Lucretia keeping Lup in the umbrella for the same reason that she erases everyone’s memories and sends the THB on near-deadly mission — not because she wants to, but because she feels she has to. It’s also interesting to think of her missing the forest for the trees, of being so caught up with her own personal mission that she doesn’t think to ponder the clues she has right in front of her face. Personally, I think it’s most likely that after Lunar Interlude III, Lucretia has some suspicions or maybe even just subconscious doubts, but doesn’t really indulge them because she was too afraid of knowing how badly she’s fucked Lup over, or of trying to get Lup out of the umbrella with the Hunger looming overhead. I think all of these interpretations both fit within her established character and add to it, in their own ways. All of them, as shown above, fit well within the plot.
But I want to end this post by recalling Lup’s own interpretation of events — that Lucretia absolutely didn’t know she was in the umbrella. That Lup somehow, after everything, “can’t fault” Lucretia “for not looking in [the umbrella]” (Story and Song, 1).
And I think that’s important too.
Thank you so much if you read this far! Please feel free to add to it, I have so many feelings.
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albionscastle · 5 years
The Stroke of Midnight
Yet another fic I forgot to post.
A conversation between Agathe and Belle that leads to a plan being made.
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The clock struck 11 and still Belle was unable to fall asleep, she never really slept well when her father was away. Usually it was just because of the unfamiliarity of sleeping alone in the cottage, Maurice snored so loudly that she sometimes imagined the windows rattling. But she had had the whole of her life to get used to the sound and the quietness of the night in his absence threw her off balance.
This time however was different, her mind wouldn’t still and she kept replaying the events of the day in her head. The actions of the townspeople as they threw her wet laundry shouldn’t have surprised her after all this time. The pity and helplessness of the face of Pere Robere had only served to make her feel worse. But despite all that, the look of pride in little Eva’s eyes as she had tread the words on the page had given Belle hope. Times would change and maybe she wouldn’t live to see it, but they would. All it took was one girl to start a trickle, that would turn into a stream, and then into a flood.
Belle couldn’t understand why the villagers were so against girls being educated, it was fairly common in places like Paris, so she had been told. But it wasn’t even that they were against education, it was anything that could make the drudgery of everyday life easier. Their thinking was just so backwards and infuriating. Or perhaps it was just her they had a problem with. She knew they considered her strange and almost unnatural, she had grown used to the whispers and stares long ago, but it still hurt. She knew that her father felt safe here, wanted her protected from the world, but Belle wanted so much more. There so many things that she wanted to see and experience, there was so much more to life than this.
All in all she admitted, the feeling she felt most was dissatisfaction. And then there was Gaston. Her lips curled in distaste as she recalled him arrogantly treading on the cabbages in her garden, too busy going on about himself to notice or even care. Sure he was handsome, and Belle had admittedly felt a slight attraction for the first day after he he’d ridden back into town for his hero's welcome. Then he had opened his mouth and that was the end of it. Never had she met a man so full of his own importance and so clueless. Every word out of his mouth was about him, his deeds, his wants, his appeal. Belle had spent a year silently laughing at how ridiculous he appeared and how pathetic the girls who vied for his attention were.
Then, for some undetermined reason, Gaston had decided to set his sights on her. Why, she had no idea as there were half a dozen ninnies who would gladly spend their lives stroking his ego. For weeks now she’d had to time her outings to when she knew he would be out hunting or drinking at the inn. She had consistently and often rudely made it clear that she disliked him and didn’t welcome his advances, but the thick-headed lout was so sure of his own prowess that he ignored all her protestations.
Today, however, his actions had become something more than just an annoyance. His talk of children, the fact that she’d had to slam the door in his smiling face showed that this wasn’t going to pass. The thought of being married to man like him was terrifying, her freedom would be forever lost and she would exist only as his, his wife and his property. The sudden flash in her mind of him pawing at her nightgown in bed caused her stomach to revolt. She bolted out of bed and hung her head out the window, gulping in the cool evening air.
It would never happen, she would run away before she ever submitted to such a life. Her father, dear as he was, may not have the will to keep her from it, he rather liked Gaston and only saw his strength, his ability to provide and protect her from whatever it was that he feared so much.
“No, I’ll never submit!”
“Never is a very long time.”
Belle jumped as the lilting voice spoke to her from the darkness of the garden. Slowly a figure emerged from the shadows and she recognized Agathe standing there.
“Agathe, are you alright?” The beggar woman never wandered the village this late at night when there was no light to protect her from the harshness of the inhabitants. “Stay there.”
Belle pulled a robe over her nightclothes and made her way downstairs to open the garden door.
“Why don’t you come inside, can I get you something to eat?”
Agathe nodded gratefully, taking a seat at the kitchen table as Belle fetched bread, cheese and fruit.
“Thank you child. Sit and tell me about the book I saw you carrying at the market yesterday.”
Belle smiled, Agathe was a kindred spirit, no matter her situation in life and she looked on the woman as a friend. Often she would read aloud from whichever book she had borrowed and Agathe was always curious as to Belle’s thoughts.
“Romeo and Juliet.” Belle sighed in pleasure. “Do you know it?”
Belle watched Agathe shake her head and think for a moment. “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight.” she murmured.
“For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.” Belle finished excitedly.
Both women laughed. Agathe never spoke of her life or childhood but she was clearly educated, and she had a good heart.
“It’s my favourite story.” Belle admitted.
Agathe simply nodded, a curiously amused smile curling her lips as she ate.
“What troubles you so, Belle?”
“My life.” Belle answered honestly. “I feel so stuck and out of place, like there’s something missing but I don’t know what.”
“You have the attention of the most handsome man in town, most girls would kill for that.”
Belle made a face of disgust.
“No One thinks Gaston more handsome than Gaston himself.” she snapped. “He’s plying his trade in the wrong market.”
Agathe shrugged. “You would always have a home, and a place here. That’s a great deal more than many women could hope for.”
“I have thought about that, really I have.”
“But it's not enough?”
“No. I want so much more than just this. Everything thinks all I need is a husband and brood of children and I will be content, but that’s not who I am. Besides, have you spoken to Gaston lately?”
“We don’t exactly run in the same circles.” Agathe commented ruefully.
In fact, Gaston was downright cruel to Agathe, under the guise of charm and teasing. It was one of the first things that Belle had noticed about his real character.
“The fact is, even if I was content to spend the rest of my life in this village, Gaston would still be the last man I could ever think about marrying. No amount of handsomeness can hide the ugliness inside.”
“What is it you want in love then? Surely you’ve thought as much about what you do want as what you don’t.”
“Of course.” Belle smiled. “A kind and loving heart would satisfy me. A man who reads, and isn’t threatened by an educated woman, who wants to see and experience all there is in the world. Someone who wouldn’t trample me underfoot, but who would consider me his equal. I don’t want to be some man’s wife, I want to be the right man’s partner in life.”
“Still, handsome wouldn’t hurt.”
Belle laughed. “Naturally, but a man who is handsome in thought and deed is far more desirable than one who is merely pretty to look at. The more you love someone’s heart the more handsome they become to you.” Agathe looked thoughtful.
“What if he doesn’t exist, or you never meet him?”
“He does exist, just somewhere that's not here. And if he doesn’t then I would rather be a spinster than marry a man I didn’t love.”
“You know how they treat spinsters in this town, Belle.” Agathe reminded her seriously.
Belle’s eyes darkened. Of that she was well aware, having seen herself how callously Agathe was treated. It was one reason why she made a point to openly buy the woman bread and jam at the market every morning, knowing that the village folk frowned upon it. Much to Belle’s chagrin though, Agathe had never accepted anything else from her, not even when Belle offered a room in the cottage.
“Then at least we will both have company, won’t we. I would rather live a hard life than an untrue one.”
“Well then, here’s to us!” Agathe laughed, toasted with her cup of milk.
“I should go, thank you for the meal, Belle.”
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather stay here and make the trip tomorrow?”
“You know better than that by now.”
“Never hurts to try.” Belle shrugged. “Sleep well, Gaston may be a brute but even he isn’t stupid enough to accost you in your home with your father gone.”
Belle sighed as she locked the door behind her guest. In a fairer world Agathe wouldn’t be the one living in a lean to in the woods, Gaston would. Still, Belle would gladly join her if it came to it. Any price was worth paying for her freedom.
The clock struck midnight as Belle lay back down and closed her eyes, asleep in a moment. She never saw Agathe smile and raise her hand, glistening yellow light pouring forth, shooting unseen by the human eye, toward the forest where Maurice would be making his way home in a day or two.
“It's time.” she whispered as she walked away.
A dusting of that same light floated through belle’s open window, settling unnoticed on her brow and bringing dreams of crystal blue eyes that shone with love and hope.
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theretirementstory · 5 years
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Invitation to a Neighbourhood Barbecue. I have decided to call today “Naughty Sunday”. I have just eaten bacon, egg and mushrooms for breakfast with a small amount of baguette! Yes, if my doctor was reading this he would have a fit, as I am not supposed to have bacon or bread. However, as I have been really good for over 6 months I thought a treat was acceptable. Now back to the unpacking and the adventures that I have pursued this week. Glad to report that 3 boxes have been fully unpacked and two have been half unpacked, the reason for the latter is that I have nowhere to display/store/hide(!) the remaining items so for the time being they are being left in the boxes. So Monday saw me heading to the Tax Office to try and get this “magical number” which would enable me to change the address on my “log book”. Success, a lovely man told me he would email me and I had to click on the link and set up an account and “Bob’s your Uncle”. True to his word the email was waiting when I returned home and although it did take a bit of negotiating I finally managed to let them know I wanted to change address. I also had to scan in confirmation of address, ID and my “log book”. It was a lot easier to change my address at the doctors! While I was in the Tax Office I saw the lady who was an old neighbour of mine from the apartments. Her and her husband moved out quite a while ago and he was particularly scathing of Century 21, the immobilier. I proceeded in my “best” French to tell her that I had moved out of the apartment into a house, she asked if I was renting or had bought, had I bought through Century 21? we talked for quite sometime which I was pleased about as previously my conversation with her has been “Bonjour Madame, ca va? Anyway on my way home, who should I see but her husband, I was in the car so could only wave but it was lovely to see them both again. Tuesday I set too and started on getting the big bathroom into some semblance of order. I have bought a unit to go in there and I need the “man” to come and put it together. I messaged my contact who said he would let me know if the guy could come (today) Sunday however I have not had any call and as much as I want it all assembled I can do without them calling today. Isn’t it funny, when I was getting the bathroom sorted, I thought, oh I am sure I could paint this room. Problem is I still think that I am 21 but the reality is 1) I cannot get down to do the lower part of the wall and skirting boards and 2) even using a pole it would be too difficult for me to do the ceiling and top of the walls plus being a Virgo I am a perfectionist and if it wasn’t done “perfectly” I would notice those areas everytime I entered the room. One thing I am good at though is measuring and now arranging for pieces of plywood to be cut to size at my local Gedimat (other DIY shops are available). As I don’t have a worktop other than the piece of plywood which was previously home to my mini oven, I had two pieces of ply cut one for the tumble dryer and one for the freezer. The microwave is now on top of the freezer and the oven on the tumble dryer. That leaves room on the original ply for my two ring hob, slow cooker (when I want to use it) and the kettle. I know this probably sounds very basic to you all but until I decide how I want my kitchen to look I am making do and I love it. It was knitting group on Wednesday and I had also booked an appointment for a “pedicure” as they like to call it here. To be honest the visit to the podiatrist is a necessity rather than just to have “gorgeous” feet (something I do not believe I have ever had!) I see the young male podiatrist but he told me that he is leaving and his last day at work at this practice will be June 19th so I will have to get an appointment booked before then. My friends at knitting group were all excited to hear about my new home and I happened to notice that the date for the barbecue was on the blackboard. The barbecue was at the end of May last year but this year is on the 15 June, my son arrives from England on the 14 June and so he can go with me. How exciting, everyone is so looking forward to seeing him and at 6 feet 8 inches you cannot miss him! Thursday was a stay at home day and an attempt was made to sort out more boxes, as I mentioned earlier, it was a time to relax a bit and think about what I would like to do (if I won the Premium Bonds). I am still awaiting the invoice for the new toilet etc fitted upstairs as always I am worried that I don’t have enough money in my bank here to pay the bill when it comes in. I am sure it will be fine, but I did get him to do little extra things so the “devis” he provided will not be the total price I am sure. Monique picked me up on Friday and we went to French class. Only one person arrived at 10.30 and he is one who speaks good French anyway. Well, I had prepared special lessons for him previously so we sat together and he did the paper and I also completed it. It was very interesting as two of the exercises involved putting phrases into order to provide the conversation between two or three people. On one of these exercises we differed with the phrases but both ways made the conversation sound correct. I really think he enjoyed having to read in French, answer true or false questions and also the other exercises. I know I did! A couple of other men arrived later so it meant that Monique could spend more time with them. After class Monique and I headed to the supermarket to buy some compost specially for hydrangeas, 2 + 1 free. They were 40 litre bags and Monique (who suffers with asthma) wouldn’t let me try and put the bags into the trolley or the car. I was shocked to see her having to use her inhaler! Anyway she also re-potted the beautiful hydrangea she had bought for me and it now has pride of place in my front garden. I had also seen a small glass topped table for the garden along with a couple of chairs (at a reasonable price) and so we called at the shop. They didn’t have any in stock but would arrange to get them from another store. I would like to put them at the front too so that I can have breakfast there on a morning in the summer (it will be cooler) and then at night I can sit and have a drink when the sun has moved round to the west. Friday also saw me going to another musical evening “From the Harp to Dvorak” was the title. It was another amazing concert by the Orchestra of the Aube along with a harpist (not Mary O’Hara, for those of you old enough to remember her). It was amazing the number of people that came and kissed me and were asking about 1) the upcoming barbecue and 2) the house move. I also saw again an American(?) lady I had met at the Book Club, she was with her husband and we talked for some time during the interval. Anyway he has invited me to their home for a meal and has offered to come and pick me up (they live in a village about 25 kms away). If I so wish, they will be at the Cinema this evening (Sunday), I can join them plus any other friends that they bring along. I really cannot believe what a busy week it has been and on Friday afternoon I made a small cake as I was having my friend Anie over for tea and cake on Saturday. When she didn’t arrive at the appointed time I thought I must have misunderstood, but no she was just late. She had been to her garden to get some tulips for me and also brought along the plants she had potted, thyme, chives, a lovely white Christmas Rose, a miniature rose and some snowdrops. We “surveyed” my land (ha ha) and it was lovely to discover that there are two peony plants, three small rose bushes, a primrose and a cowslip. I was surprised by the cowslip as when I moved into my last home in England a friend had given me a cowslip for the garden. I had to leave it behind so to find one in this garden was just amazing. So far next week appears to be a quiet week but you never know what could crop up! Finally just on a sombre note, I heard on Friday about a young man who passed away on the 1st April from cancer. I had met this person on only a handful of occasions, all of which are memorable to me, coming with my sister to the hotel I was staying in at Witney for my 34th birthday is just one of the memories, but I know that he played a large part in the life of my younger sister and death at 48 years old is a terrible thing and having had cancer myself I know what a terrible illness it is. RIP Jon.
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thomassborn · 4 years
Designer Spotlight: Meiju Knits
(This post, Designer Spotlight: Meiju Knits, was originally written and published by The Loopy Ewe. © TheLoopyEwe, 2021)
Today I’m interviewing designer Meiju from Meiju Knits. You may have seen her work on Ravelry, in Laine Magazine or Knitscene, or on Knitty. So many beautiful designs. She lives in Helsinki, the capital of Finland! (pattern links go to Ravelry, yarn links go to The Loopy Ewe).
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XX Ribbed Hat © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Uncommon Merino DK)
Loopy: Hi Meiju! Thanks for being with us in the Designer Spotlight today. How long have you been a knitter and who taught you to knit?
Meiju: Hi Loopy! A long long time, over 30 years probably. Originally, my grandma taught me to knit when I was probably 8 years old. In Finland, we also have knitting in our elementary school craft studies. At least back in those days we learned to knit either socks or mittens in school before we turned 12 years. My grandma was an avid knitter and she also designed and wrote patterns into Finnish magazines back in 1950-60’s. She got Alzheimer’s before I started to design professionally so we never got to talk about designing. 
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Midnight Spark Shawl © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Malabrigo Sock)
Loopy: How wonderful that your grandma was also a designer! I hope you still have some of her patterns. What a great legacy. What is your favorite type of item to knit?
Meiju: Either a cardigan or a pullover. Generally I like to knit larger projects more than smaller accessories. 
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Serigraphy Cowl © Tanu Kallio/MeijuKP (try it in Jamieson & Smith 2 Ply Jumper)
Loopy: Your sweaters are beautiful, but your accessories are also fun. I’m tempted by your Summa Stripes Shawl. What is the most challenging thing that you have knit to date?
Meiju: Probably my Silversmith Hoodie. Nowadays, when I look at the design it wasn’t really that hard to knit, but the pattern writing was the thing that took me some time. It was my first more complicated cable design that needed really much concentration with the pattern writing. I was hesitating with sending the pattern to test knitters and I was worried what people would think about the pattern but I have received lovely feedback. 
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Silversmith Hoodie © Meiju K-P/Tanu Kallio (try it in Malabrigo Rios)
Loopy: There are so many interesting things going on in that sweater – cables, ribbing, shaping. I can understand that it would be hard to write into a pattern! When did you start designing, and what spurred that interest?
Meiju: My first designs I actually did when I was a teenager. I wanted to knit stylish (you should see those 90’s sweaters now, they are well… interesting) sweaters and decided to just do that and I had no pattern. But more professionally, I started to design approximately 10 years ago. I had a yarn and I couldn’t find a pattern that I was looking for it, so I decided to design it myself. Those days I also started to write patterns since I knitted more and more and wanted to cover my yarn expenses. And here I am now. 
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Krysanteemi © MeijuKP/Tanu K (try it in Uncommon Posh Fingering)
Loopy: You were an industrious teenager, writing your own patterns! Do you have a favorite pattern that you’ve designed?
Meiju: Yes I have a couple of them. My all time favorite is probably my Berlin Soft. It is something that I have worn the most and it was quite a challenge to write the a pattern from the topdown. I am about to grade it as larger sizes, too, this year. Also, my favourites are Abellio and lighter cardigans as Abu Dhabi Soft and Koivu Cardigan. I like the cardigans the best since they give opportunities for layered outfits. 
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Berlin Soft © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Stonehedge Shepherd’s Worsted)
Loopy: Berlin Soft does look like the kind of sweater you would wear a lot. I’d probably wear it in place of a coat! What is your favorite part of your designing? And your not-so-favorite part?
Meiju: My favourite part of the designing is to cast on. I will usually cast on when I have figured out the grading that the design will work in other sizes, too. Not-so-favorite part is ripping. I sometimes have to rip back due to my own stupid mistake or mistakes in my calculations. But it is a process and I rip so you wouldn’t have to. Also, I am not fond of being photoshooted. It is something that I have to do to showcase my designs but it is always something that I don’t really love. 
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Summa Stripes Shawl © Meiju K-P/Tanu Kallio (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: Thank you for doing the ripping back for us! (Although we all make mistakes and have to rip back, too. All a part of knitting. ) Do you do this business full-time, or on the side?  And is that hard? Do you have other jobs outside of pattern designing?
Meiju: I quit my day job in the beginning of 2021 and now I am being full-time self-employed. Yes, it is hard and I am worried will this work but I wanted to try it out. I have received so many encouraging messages, so at the moment I feel that this was a right decision. I have other job beside this but it is also something that I do as a self-employed, so the income depends on my own activity. It is project management training and it takes my time approximately two days in a month. But designing and knitting is something that I do now almost full-time.
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Someday Sweater © Meiju K-P/Tanu Kallio (try it in Wollmeise Blend)
Loopy: Congratulations on making the move to do your knitwear designing more full time! It will be fun to watch all of the new patterns you come up with. Does anyone else in your family knit? Would you like to tell us about your family?
Meiju: I have a husband and three boys aged 13, 11 and 7. My middle son can knit, I taught him two years ago. He almost immediately figured out knit stitches, purling is still a bit difficult. However, he is not that fond of knitting that he would like to do it on a regular basis. 
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Reykjavik Soft © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Blue Sky Extra)
Loopy: Well, maybe one day he will enjoy it more. It’s a good thing to teach your kids when they are that age. Are there other hobbies that you enjoy?
Meiju: Yes! I have always been a person into sports. I love winter sports like skiing, iceskating (I was a figure skater as a child), downhill skiing and we have enjoyed the perfect winter in Helsinki this year. There has been a lot of snow and the weather has been perfect for winter sports and activities.  I love dancing and before pandemic I took salsa lessons. In the summer time we do hiking and bicycling a lot with my husband and family. Last summer we took long cycling routes around Helsinki and Espoo, 70-90 km per day. And I would love to go to gym but because of corona, I haven’t been there since early 2020. I think a fair amount of sports is necessary to keep knitting muscles healthy. 
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Arya Hoodie © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Uncommon Lush Worsted)
Loopy: I think you’re right, and what a beautiful place to be doing all of those outdoor activities. What would be your favorite way to spend a day off?
Meiju: Knitting, of course! But also being with my family and hiking, skiing or doing outdoor stuff with them. 
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Halaus © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Uncommon Thread DK)
Loopy: Ok – last question. Morning or Night person? Coffee or Tea? English or Continental? Solids or Multicolors?
Meiju: Morning person as I was younger turning into Night person. Coffee in the morning, Tea in the night. Continental knitting always. Solids, usually. 
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Pier View © Tanu Kallio (try it in Wollmeise Pure)
Loopy: Anything else you’d like to add?
Meiju: I signed a book deal with Laine Magazine in February so I am now making a knitting book! I am really excited about this project! The exact publishing date has not been yet set but if you want to join my journey of making the book, follow me on Instagram @meijuknits and also see my stories there. 
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In Between Dreams © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Sandnes Garn Peer Gynt)
Loopy: That’s exciting news! We’ll look forward to seeing your book come out, and I have just followed you on Instagram so I can keep up with the news. Good luck with the new venture! Meiju is offering you 20% off her In Between Dreams Cardigan with the code: loopyewe This promotion is valid 2/26-3/5, 2021.
Have a good weekend, all!
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Via https://www.theloopyewe.com/yarn-shop/blog/2021/02/designer-spotlight-meiju-knits
source https://lauragfollett.weebly.com/blog/designer-spotlight-meiju-knits
0 notes
hannahkevin40 · 4 years
Designer Spotlight: Meiju Knits
#somany #beautifuldesigns #shelives
(This post, Designer Spotlight: Meiju Knits, was originally written and published by The Loopy Ewe. © TheLoopyEwe, 2021)
Today I’m interviewing designer Meiju from Meiju Knits. You may have seen her work on Ravelry, in Laine Magazine or Knitscene, or on Knitty. So many beautiful designs. She lives in Helsinki, the capital of Finland! (pattern links go to Ravelry, yarn links go to The Loopy Ewe).
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XX Ribbed Hat © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Uncommon Merino DK)
Loopy: Hi Meiju! Thanks for being with us in the Designer Spotlight today. How long have you been a knitter and who taught you to knit?
Meiju: Hi Loopy! A long long time, over 30 years probably. Originally, my grandma taught me to knit when I was probably 8 years old. In Finland, we also have knitting in our elementary school craft studies. At least back in those days we learned to knit either socks or mittens in school before we turned 12 years. My grandma was an avid knitter and she also designed and wrote patterns into Finnish magazines back in 1950-60’s. She got Alzheimer’s before I started to design professionally so we never got to talk about designing. 
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Midnight Spark Shawl © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Malabrigo Sock)
Loopy: How wonderful that your grandma was also a designer! I hope you still have some of her patterns. What a great legacy. What is your favorite type of item to knit?
Meiju: Either a cardigan or a pullover. Generally I like to knit larger projects more than smaller accessories. 
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Serigraphy Cowl © Tanu Kallio/MeijuKP (try it in Jamieson & Smith 2 Ply Jumper)
Loopy: Your sweaters are beautiful, but your accessories are also fun. I’m tempted by your Summa Stripes Shawl. What is the most challenging thing that you have knit to date?
Meiju: Probably my Silversmith Hoodie. Nowadays, when I look at the design it wasn’t really that hard to knit, but the pattern writing was the thing that took me some time. It was my first more complicated cable design that needed really much concentration with the pattern writing. I was hesitating with sending the pattern to test knitters and I was worried what people would think about the pattern but I have received lovely feedback. 
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Silversmith Hoodie © Meiju K-P/Tanu Kallio (try it in Malabrigo Rios)
Loopy: There are so many interesting things going on in that sweater – cables, ribbing, shaping. I can understand that it would be hard to write into a pattern! When did you start designing, and what spurred that interest?
Meiju: My first designs I actually did when I was a teenager. I wanted to knit stylish (you should see those 90’s sweaters now, they are well… interesting) sweaters and decided to just do that and I had no pattern. But more professionally, I started to design approximately 10 years ago. I had a yarn and I couldn’t find a pattern that I was looking for it, so I decided to design it myself. Those days I also started to write patterns since I knitted more and more and wanted to cover my yarn expenses. And here I am now. 
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Krysanteemi © MeijuKP/Tanu K (try it in Uncommon Posh Fingering)
Loopy: You were an industrious teenager, writing your own patterns! Do you have a favorite pattern that you’ve designed?
Meiju: Yes I have a couple of them. My all time favorite is probably my Berlin Soft. It is something that I have worn the most and it was quite a challenge to write the a pattern from the topdown. I am about to grade it as larger sizes, too, this year. Also, my favourites are Abellio and lighter cardigans as Abu Dhabi Soft and Koivu Cardigan. I like the cardigans the best since they give opportunities for layered outfits. 
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Berlin Soft © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Stonehedge Shepherd’s Worsted)
Loopy: Berlin Soft does look like the kind of sweater you would wear a lot. I’d probably wear it in place of a coat! What is your favorite part of your designing? And your not-so-favorite part?
Meiju: My favourite part of the designing is to cast on. I will usually cast on when I have figured out the grading that the design will work in other sizes, too. Not-so-favorite part is ripping. I sometimes have to rip back due to my own stupid mistake or mistakes in my calculations. But it is a process and I rip so you wouldn’t have to. Also, I am not fond of being photoshooted. It is something that I have to do to showcase my designs but it is always something that I don’t really love. 
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Summa Stripes Shawl © Meiju K-P/Tanu Kallio (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: Thank you for doing the ripping back for us! (Although we all make mistakes and have to rip back, too. All a part of knitting. ) Do you do this business full-time, or on the side?  And is that hard? Do you have other jobs outside of pattern designing?
Meiju: I quit my day job in the beginning of 2021 and now I am being full-time self-employed. Yes, it is hard and I am worried will this work but I wanted to try it out. I have received so many encouraging messages, so at the moment I feel that this was a right decision. I have other job beside this but it is also something that I do as a self-employed, so the income depends on my own activity. It is project management training and it takes my time approximately two days in a month. But designing and knitting is something that I do now almost full-time.
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Someday Sweater © Meiju K-P/Tanu Kallio (try it in Wollmeise Blend)
Loopy: Congratulations on making the move to do your knitwear designing more full time! It will be fun to watch all of the new patterns you come up with. Does anyone else in your family knit? Would you like to tell us about your family?
Meiju: I have a husband and three boys aged 13, 11 and 7. My middle son can knit, I taught him two years ago. He almost immediately figured out knit stitches, purling is still a bit difficult. However, he is not that fond of knitting that he would like to do it on a regular basis. 
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Reykjavik Soft © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Blue Sky Extra)
Loopy: Well, maybe one day he will enjoy it more. It’s a good thing to teach your kids when they are that age. Are there other hobbies that you enjoy?
Meiju: Yes! I have always been a person into sports. I love winter sports like skiing, iceskating (I was a figure skater as a child), downhill skiing and we have enjoyed the perfect winter in Helsinki this year. There has been a lot of snow and the weather has been perfect for winter sports and activities.  I love dancing and before pandemic I took salsa lessons. In the summer time we do hiking and bicycling a lot with my husband and family. Last summer we took long cycling routes around Helsinki and Espoo, 70-90 km per day. And I would love to go to gym but because of corona, I haven’t been there since early 2020. I think a fair amount of sports is necessary to keep knitting muscles healthy. 
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Arya Hoodie © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Uncommon Lush Worsted)
Loopy: I think you’re right, and what a beautiful place to be doing all of those outdoor activities. What would be your favorite way to spend a day off?
Meiju: Knitting, of course! But also being with my family and hiking, skiing or doing outdoor stuff with them. 
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Halaus © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Uncommon Thread DK)
Loopy: Ok – last question. Morning or Night person? Coffee or Tea? English or Continental? Solids or Multicolors?
Meiju: Morning person as I was younger turning into Night person. Coffee in the morning, Tea in the night. Continental knitting always. Solids, usually. 
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Pier View © Tanu Kallio (try it in Wollmeise Pure)
Loopy: Anything else you’d like to add?
Meiju: I signed a book deal with Laine Magazine in February so I am now making a knitting book! I am really excited about this project! The exact publishing date has not been yet set but if you want to join my journey of making the book, follow me on Instagram @meijuknits and also see my stories there. 
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In Between Dreams © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Sandnes Garn Peer Gynt)
Loopy: That’s exciting news! We’ll look forward to seeing your book come out, and I have just followed you on Instagram so I can keep up with the news. Good luck with the new venture! Meiju is offering you 20% off her In Between Dreams Cardigan with the code: loopyewe This promotion is valid 2/26-3/5, 2021.
Have a good weekend, all!
By: Sheri Berger Title: Designer Spotlight: Meiju Knits Sourced From: www.theloopyewe.com/yarn-shop/blog/2021/02/designer-spotlight-meiju-knits Published Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 16:00:00 +0000 source https://www.theloopyewe.com/yarn-shop/blog/2021/02/designer-spotlight-meiju-knits source https://victoriamark932.blogspot.com/2021/02/designer-spotlight-meiju-knits.html
0 notes
laylaanthony40 · 4 years
Designer Spotlight: Meiju Knits
#somany #beautifuldesigns #shelives
(This post, Designer Spotlight: Meiju Knits, was originally written and published by The Loopy Ewe. © TheLoopyEwe, 2021)
Today I’m interviewing designer Meiju from Meiju Knits. You may have seen her work on Ravelry, in Laine Magazine or Knitscene, or on Knitty. So many beautiful designs. She lives in Helsinki, the capital of Finland! (pattern links go to Ravelry, yarn links go to The Loopy Ewe).
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XX Ribbed Hat © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Uncommon Merino DK)
Loopy: Hi Meiju! Thanks for being with us in the Designer Spotlight today. How long have you been a knitter and who taught you to knit?
Meiju: Hi Loopy! A long long time, over 30 years probably. Originally, my grandma taught me to knit when I was probably 8 years old. In Finland, we also have knitting in our elementary school craft studies. At least back in those days we learned to knit either socks or mittens in school before we turned 12 years. My grandma was an avid knitter and she also designed and wrote patterns into Finnish magazines back in 1950-60’s. She got Alzheimer’s before I started to design professionally so we never got to talk about designing. 
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Midnight Spark Shawl © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Malabrigo Sock)
Loopy: How wonderful that your grandma was also a designer! I hope you still have some of her patterns. What a great legacy. What is your favorite type of item to knit?
Meiju: Either a cardigan or a pullover. Generally I like to knit larger projects more than smaller accessories. 
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Serigraphy Cowl © Tanu Kallio/MeijuKP (try it in Jamieson & Smith 2 Ply Jumper)
Loopy: Your sweaters are beautiful, but your accessories are also fun. I’m tempted by your Summa Stripes Shawl. What is the most challenging thing that you have knit to date?
Meiju: Probably my Silversmith Hoodie. Nowadays, when I look at the design it wasn’t really that hard to knit, but the pattern writing was the thing that took me some time. It was my first more complicated cable design that needed really much concentration with the pattern writing. I was hesitating with sending the pattern to test knitters and I was worried what people would think about the pattern but I have received lovely feedback. 
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Silversmith Hoodie © Meiju K-P/Tanu Kallio (try it in Malabrigo Rios)
Loopy: There are so many interesting things going on in that sweater – cables, ribbing, shaping. I can understand that it would be hard to write into a pattern! When did you start designing, and what spurred that interest?
Meiju: My first designs I actually did when I was a teenager. I wanted to knit stylish (you should see those 90’s sweaters now, they are well… interesting) sweaters and decided to just do that and I had no pattern. But more professionally, I started to design approximately 10 years ago. I had a yarn and I couldn’t find a pattern that I was looking for it, so I decided to design it myself. Those days I also started to write patterns since I knitted more and more and wanted to cover my yarn expenses. And here I am now. 
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Krysanteemi © MeijuKP/Tanu K (try it in Uncommon Posh Fingering)
Loopy: You were an industrious teenager, writing your own patterns! Do you have a favorite pattern that you’ve designed?
Meiju: Yes I have a couple of them. My all time favorite is probably my Berlin Soft. It is something that I have worn the most and it was quite a challenge to write the a pattern from the topdown. I am about to grade it as larger sizes, too, this year. Also, my favourites are Abellio and lighter cardigans as Abu Dhabi Soft and Koivu Cardigan. I like the cardigans the best since they give opportunities for layered outfits. 
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Berlin Soft © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Stonehedge Shepherd’s Worsted)
Loopy: Berlin Soft does look like the kind of sweater you would wear a lot. I’d probably wear it in place of a coat! What is your favorite part of your designing? And your not-so-favorite part?
Meiju: My favourite part of the designing is to cast on. I will usually cast on when I have figured out the grading that the design will work in other sizes, too. Not-so-favorite part is ripping. I sometimes have to rip back due to my own stupid mistake or mistakes in my calculations. But it is a process and I rip so you wouldn’t have to. Also, I am not fond of being photoshooted. It is something that I have to do to showcase my designs but it is always something that I don’t really love. 
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Summa Stripes Shawl © Meiju K-P/Tanu Kallio (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: Thank you for doing the ripping back for us! (Although we all make mistakes and have to rip back, too. All a part of knitting. ) Do you do this business full-time, or on the side?  And is that hard? Do you have other jobs outside of pattern designing?
Meiju: I quit my day job in the beginning of 2021 and now I am being full-time self-employed. Yes, it is hard and I am worried will this work but I wanted to try it out. I have received so many encouraging messages, so at the moment I feel that this was a right decision. I have other job beside this but it is also something that I do as a self-employed, so the income depends on my own activity. It is project management training and it takes my time approximately two days in a month. But designing and knitting is something that I do now almost full-time.
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Someday Sweater © Meiju K-P/Tanu Kallio (try it in Wollmeise Blend)
Loopy: Congratulations on making the move to do your knitwear designing more full time! It will be fun to watch all of the new patterns you come up with. Does anyone else in your family knit? Would you like to tell us about your family?
Meiju: I have a husband and three boys aged 13, 11 and 7. My middle son can knit, I taught him two years ago. He almost immediately figured out knit stitches, purling is still a bit difficult. However, he is not that fond of knitting that he would like to do it on a regular basis. 
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Reykjavik Soft © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Blue Sky Extra)
Loopy: Well, maybe one day he will enjoy it more. It’s a good thing to teach your kids when they are that age. Are there other hobbies that you enjoy?
Meiju: Yes! I have always been a person into sports. I love winter sports like skiing, iceskating (I was a figure skater as a child), downhill skiing and we have enjoyed the perfect winter in Helsinki this year. There has been a lot of snow and the weather has been perfect for winter sports and activities.  I love dancing and before pandemic I took salsa lessons. In the summer time we do hiking and bicycling a lot with my husband and family. Last summer we took long cycling routes around Helsinki and Espoo, 70-90 km per day. And I would love to go to gym but because of corona, I haven’t been there since early 2020. I think a fair amount of sports is necessary to keep knitting muscles healthy. 
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Arya Hoodie © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Uncommon Lush Worsted)
Loopy: I think you’re right, and what a beautiful place to be doing all of those outdoor activities. What would be your favorite way to spend a day off?
Meiju: Knitting, of course! But also being with my family and hiking, skiing or doing outdoor stuff with them. 
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Halaus © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Uncommon Thread DK)
Loopy: Ok – last question. Morning or Night person? Coffee or Tea? English or Continental? Solids or Multicolors?
Meiju: Morning person as I was younger turning into Night person. Coffee in the morning, Tea in the night. Continental knitting always. Solids, usually. 
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Pier View © Tanu Kallio (try it in Wollmeise Pure)
Loopy: Anything else you’d like to add?
Meiju: I signed a book deal with Laine Magazine in February so I am now making a knitting book! I am really excited about this project! The exact publishing date has not been yet set but if you want to join my journey of making the book, follow me on Instagram @meijuknits and also see my stories there. 
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In Between Dreams © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Sandnes Garn Peer Gynt)
Loopy: That’s exciting news! We’ll look forward to seeing your book come out, and I have just followed you on Instagram so I can keep up with the news. Good luck with the new venture! Meiju is offering you 20% off her In Between Dreams Cardigan with the code: loopyewe This promotion is valid 2/26-3/5, 2021.
Have a good weekend, all!
By: Sheri Berger Title: Designer Spotlight: Meiju Knits Sourced From: www.theloopyewe.com/yarn-shop/blog/2021/02/designer-spotlight-meiju-knits Published Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 16:00:00 +0000 Via https://www.theloopyewe.com/yarn-shop/blog/2021/02/designer-spotlight-meiju-knits
source https://victoriamark932.weebly.com/blog/designer-spotlight-meiju-knits
0 notes
lauragfollett · 4 years
Designer Spotlight: Meiju Knits
(This post, Designer Spotlight: Meiju Knits, was originally written and published by The Loopy Ewe. © TheLoopyEwe, 2021)
Today I’m interviewing designer Meiju from Meiju Knits. You may have seen her work on Ravelry, in Laine Magazine or Knitscene, or on Knitty. So many beautiful designs. She lives in Helsinki, the capital of Finland! (pattern links go to Ravelry, yarn links go to The Loopy Ewe).
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XX Ribbed Hat © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Uncommon Merino DK)
Loopy: Hi Meiju! Thanks for being with us in the Designer Spotlight today. How long have you been a knitter and who taught you to knit?
Meiju: Hi Loopy! A long long time, over 30 years probably. Originally, my grandma taught me to knit when I was probably 8 years old. In Finland, we also have knitting in our elementary school craft studies. At least back in those days we learned to knit either socks or mittens in school before we turned 12 years. My grandma was an avid knitter and she also designed and wrote patterns into Finnish magazines back in 1950-60’s. She got Alzheimer’s before I started to design professionally so we never got to talk about designing. 
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Midnight Spark Shawl © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Malabrigo Sock)
Loopy: How wonderful that your grandma was also a designer! I hope you still have some of her patterns. What a great legacy. What is your favorite type of item to knit?
Meiju: Either a cardigan or a pullover. Generally I like to knit larger projects more than smaller accessories. 
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Serigraphy Cowl © Tanu Kallio/MeijuKP (try it in Jamieson & Smith 2 Ply Jumper)
Loopy: Your sweaters are beautiful, but your accessories are also fun. I’m tempted by your Summa Stripes Shawl. What is the most challenging thing that you have knit to date?
Meiju: Probably my Silversmith Hoodie. Nowadays, when I look at the design it wasn’t really that hard to knit, but the pattern writing was the thing that took me some time. It was my first more complicated cable design that needed really much concentration with the pattern writing. I was hesitating with sending the pattern to test knitters and I was worried what people would think about the pattern but I have received lovely feedback. 
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Silversmith Hoodie © Meiju K-P/Tanu Kallio (try it in Malabrigo Rios)
Loopy: There are so many interesting things going on in that sweater – cables, ribbing, shaping. I can understand that it would be hard to write into a pattern! When did you start designing, and what spurred that interest?
Meiju: My first designs I actually did when I was a teenager. I wanted to knit stylish (you should see those 90’s sweaters now, they are well… interesting) sweaters and decided to just do that and I had no pattern. But more professionally, I started to design approximately 10 years ago. I had a yarn and I couldn’t find a pattern that I was looking for it, so I decided to design it myself. Those days I also started to write patterns since I knitted more and more and wanted to cover my yarn expenses. And here I am now. 
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Krysanteemi © MeijuKP/Tanu K (try it in Uncommon Posh Fingering)
Loopy: You were an industrious teenager, writing your own patterns! Do you have a favorite pattern that you’ve designed?
Meiju: Yes I have a couple of them. My all time favorite is probably my Berlin Soft. It is something that I have worn the most and it was quite a challenge to write the a pattern from the topdown. I am about to grade it as larger sizes, too, this year. Also, my favourites are Abellio and lighter cardigans as Abu Dhabi Soft and Koivu Cardigan. I like the cardigans the best since they give opportunities for layered outfits. 
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Berlin Soft © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Stonehedge Shepherd’s Worsted)
Loopy: Berlin Soft does look like the kind of sweater you would wear a lot. I’d probably wear it in place of a coat! What is your favorite part of your designing? And your not-so-favorite part?
Meiju: My favourite part of the designing is to cast on. I will usually cast on when I have figured out the grading that the design will work in other sizes, too. Not-so-favorite part is ripping. I sometimes have to rip back due to my own stupid mistake or mistakes in my calculations. But it is a process and I rip so you wouldn’t have to. Also, I am not fond of being photoshooted. It is something that I have to do to showcase my designs but it is always something that I don’t really love. 
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Summa Stripes Shawl © Meiju K-P/Tanu Kallio (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: Thank you for doing the ripping back for us! (Although we all make mistakes and have to rip back, too. All a part of knitting. ) Do you do this business full-time, or on the side?  And is that hard? Do you have other jobs outside of pattern designing?
Meiju: I quit my day job in the beginning of 2021 and now I am being full-time self-employed. Yes, it is hard and I am worried will this work but I wanted to try it out. I have received so many encouraging messages, so at the moment I feel that this was a right decision. I have other job beside this but it is also something that I do as a self-employed, so the income depends on my own activity. It is project management training and it takes my time approximately two days in a month. But designing and knitting is something that I do now almost full-time.
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Someday Sweater © Meiju K-P/Tanu Kallio (try it in Wollmeise Blend)
Loopy: Congratulations on making the move to do your knitwear designing more full time! It will be fun to watch all of the new patterns you come up with. Does anyone else in your family knit? Would you like to tell us about your family?
Meiju: I have a husband and three boys aged 13, 11 and 7. My middle son can knit, I taught him two years ago. He almost immediately figured out knit stitches, purling is still a bit difficult. However, he is not that fond of knitting that he would like to do it on a regular basis. 
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Reykjavik Soft © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Blue Sky Extra)
Loopy: Well, maybe one day he will enjoy it more. It’s a good thing to teach your kids when they are that age. Are there other hobbies that you enjoy?
Meiju: Yes! I have always been a person into sports. I love winter sports like skiing, iceskating (I was a figure skater as a child), downhill skiing and we have enjoyed the perfect winter in Helsinki this year. There has been a lot of snow and the weather has been perfect for winter sports and activities.  I love dancing and before pandemic I took salsa lessons. In the summer time we do hiking and bicycling a lot with my husband and family. Last summer we took long cycling routes around Helsinki and Espoo, 70-90 km per day. And I would love to go to gym but because of corona, I haven’t been there since early 2020. I think a fair amount of sports is necessary to keep knitting muscles healthy. 
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Arya Hoodie © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Uncommon Lush Worsted)
Loopy: I think you’re right, and what a beautiful place to be doing all of those outdoor activities. What would be your favorite way to spend a day off?
Meiju: Knitting, of course! But also being with my family and hiking, skiing or doing outdoor stuff with them. 
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Halaus © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Uncommon Thread DK)
Loopy: Ok – last question. Morning or Night person? Coffee or Tea? English or Continental? Solids or Multicolors?
Meiju: Morning person as I was younger turning into Night person. Coffee in the morning, Tea in the night. Continental knitting always. Solids, usually. 
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Pier View © Tanu Kallio (try it in Wollmeise Pure)
Loopy: Anything else you’d like to add?
Meiju: I signed a book deal with Laine Magazine in February so I am now making a knitting book! I am really excited about this project! The exact publishing date has not been yet set but if you want to join my journey of making the book, follow me on Instagram @meijuknits and also see my stories there. 
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In Between Dreams © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Sandnes Garn Peer Gynt)
Loopy: That’s exciting news! We’ll look forward to seeing your book come out, and I have just followed you on Instagram so I can keep up with the news. Good luck with the new venture! Meiju is offering you 20% off her In Between Dreams Cardigan with the code: loopyewe This promotion is valid 2/26-3/5, 2021.
Have a good weekend, all!
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victoriamark932 · 4 years
Designer Spotlight: Meiju Knits
#somany #beautifuldesigns #shelives
(This post, Designer Spotlight: Meiju Knits, was originally written and published by The Loopy Ewe. © TheLoopyEwe, 2021)
Today I’m interviewing designer Meiju from Meiju Knits. You may have seen her work on Ravelry, in Laine Magazine or Knitscene, or on Knitty. So many beautiful designs. She lives in Helsinki, the capital of Finland! (pattern links go to Ravelry, yarn links go to The Loopy Ewe).
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XX Ribbed Hat © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Uncommon Merino DK)
Loopy: Hi Meiju! Thanks for being with us in the Designer Spotlight today. How long have you been a knitter and who taught you to knit?
Meiju: Hi Loopy! A long long time, over 30 years probably. Originally, my grandma taught me to knit when I was probably 8 years old. In Finland, we also have knitting in our elementary school craft studies. At least back in those days we learned to knit either socks or mittens in school before we turned 12 years. My grandma was an avid knitter and she also designed and wrote patterns into Finnish magazines back in 1950-60’s. She got Alzheimer’s before I started to design professionally so we never got to talk about designing. 
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Midnight Spark Shawl © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Malabrigo Sock)
Loopy: How wonderful that your grandma was also a designer! I hope you still have some of her patterns. What a great legacy. What is your favorite type of item to knit?
Meiju: Either a cardigan or a pullover. Generally I like to knit larger projects more than smaller accessories. 
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Serigraphy Cowl © Tanu Kallio/MeijuKP (try it in Jamieson & Smith 2 Ply Jumper)
Loopy: Your sweaters are beautiful, but your accessories are also fun. I’m tempted by your Summa Stripes Shawl. What is the most challenging thing that you have knit to date?
Meiju: Probably my Silversmith Hoodie. Nowadays, when I look at the design it wasn’t really that hard to knit, but the pattern writing was the thing that took me some time. It was my first more complicated cable design that needed really much concentration with the pattern writing. I was hesitating with sending the pattern to test knitters and I was worried what people would think about the pattern but I have received lovely feedback. 
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Silversmith Hoodie © Meiju K-P/Tanu Kallio (try it in Malabrigo Rios)
Loopy: There are so many interesting things going on in that sweater – cables, ribbing, shaping. I can understand that it would be hard to write into a pattern! When did you start designing, and what spurred that interest?
Meiju: My first designs I actually did when I was a teenager. I wanted to knit stylish (you should see those 90’s sweaters now, they are well… interesting) sweaters and decided to just do that and I had no pattern. But more professionally, I started to design approximately 10 years ago. I had a yarn and I couldn’t find a pattern that I was looking for it, so I decided to design it myself. Those days I also started to write patterns since I knitted more and more and wanted to cover my yarn expenses. And here I am now. 
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Krysanteemi © MeijuKP/Tanu K (try it in Uncommon Posh Fingering)
Loopy: You were an industrious teenager, writing your own patterns! Do you have a favorite pattern that you’ve designed?
Meiju: Yes I have a couple of them. My all time favorite is probably my Berlin Soft. It is something that I have worn the most and it was quite a challenge to write the a pattern from the topdown. I am about to grade it as larger sizes, too, this year. Also, my favourites are Abellio and lighter cardigans as Abu Dhabi Soft and Koivu Cardigan. I like the cardigans the best since they give opportunities for layered outfits. 
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Berlin Soft © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Stonehedge Shepherd’s Worsted)
Loopy: Berlin Soft does look like the kind of sweater you would wear a lot. I’d probably wear it in place of a coat! What is your favorite part of your designing? And your not-so-favorite part?
Meiju: My favourite part of the designing is to cast on. I will usually cast on when I have figured out the grading that the design will work in other sizes, too. Not-so-favorite part is ripping. I sometimes have to rip back due to my own stupid mistake or mistakes in my calculations. But it is a process and I rip so you wouldn’t have to. Also, I am not fond of being photoshooted. It is something that I have to do to showcase my designs but it is always something that I don’t really love. 
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Summa Stripes Shawl © Meiju K-P/Tanu Kallio (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: Thank you for doing the ripping back for us! (Although we all make mistakes and have to rip back, too. All a part of knitting. ) Do you do this business full-time, or on the side?  And is that hard? Do you have other jobs outside of pattern designing?
Meiju: I quit my day job in the beginning of 2021 and now I am being full-time self-employed. Yes, it is hard and I am worried will this work but I wanted to try it out. I have received so many encouraging messages, so at the moment I feel that this was a right decision. I have other job beside this but it is also something that I do as a self-employed, so the income depends on my own activity. It is project management training and it takes my time approximately two days in a month. But designing and knitting is something that I do now almost full-time.
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Someday Sweater © Meiju K-P/Tanu Kallio (try it in Wollmeise Blend)
Loopy: Congratulations on making the move to do your knitwear designing more full time! It will be fun to watch all of the new patterns you come up with. Does anyone else in your family knit? Would you like to tell us about your family?
Meiju: I have a husband and three boys aged 13, 11 and 7. My middle son can knit, I taught him two years ago. He almost immediately figured out knit stitches, purling is still a bit difficult. However, he is not that fond of knitting that he would like to do it on a regular basis. 
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Reykjavik Soft © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Blue Sky Extra)
Loopy: Well, maybe one day he will enjoy it more. It’s a good thing to teach your kids when they are that age. Are there other hobbies that you enjoy?
Meiju: Yes! I have always been a person into sports. I love winter sports like skiing, iceskating (I was a figure skater as a child), downhill skiing and we have enjoyed the perfect winter in Helsinki this year. There has been a lot of snow and the weather has been perfect for winter sports and activities.  I love dancing and before pandemic I took salsa lessons. In the summer time we do hiking and bicycling a lot with my husband and family. Last summer we took long cycling routes around Helsinki and Espoo, 70-90 km per day. And I would love to go to gym but because of corona, I haven’t been there since early 2020. I think a fair amount of sports is necessary to keep knitting muscles healthy. 
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Arya Hoodie © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Uncommon Lush Worsted)
Loopy: I think you’re right, and what a beautiful place to be doing all of those outdoor activities. What would be your favorite way to spend a day off?
Meiju: Knitting, of course! But also being with my family and hiking, skiing or doing outdoor stuff with them. 
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Halaus © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Uncommon Thread DK)
Loopy: Ok – last question. Morning or Night person? Coffee or Tea? English or Continental? Solids or Multicolors?
Meiju: Morning person as I was younger turning into Night person. Coffee in the morning, Tea in the night. Continental knitting always. Solids, usually. 
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Pier View © Tanu Kallio (try it in Wollmeise Pure)
Loopy: Anything else you’d like to add?
Meiju: I signed a book deal with Laine Magazine in February so I am now making a knitting book! I am really excited about this project! The exact publishing date has not been yet set but if you want to join my journey of making the book, follow me on Instagram @meijuknits and also see my stories there. 
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In Between Dreams © Tanu Kallio/Meiju K-P (try it in Sandnes Garn Peer Gynt)
Loopy: That’s exciting news! We’ll look forward to seeing your book come out, and I have just followed you on Instagram so I can keep up with the news. Good luck with the new venture! Meiju is offering you 20% off her In Between Dreams Cardigan with the code: loopyewe This promotion is valid 2/26-3/5, 2021.
Have a good weekend, all!
By: Sheri Berger Title: Designer Spotlight: Meiju Knits Sourced From: www.theloopyewe.com/yarn-shop/blog/2021/02/designer-spotlight-meiju-knits Published Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 16:00:00 +0000 source https://www.theloopyewe.com/yarn-shop/blog/2021/02/designer-spotlight-meiju-knits
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