#Sogira draws
sky-sogira · 2 years
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Lighting’s a bit too dramatic? I dunno but this is my current (at the time) in game character. (despite the purply eyes)
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*cracks knuckles*
Alright. Let's get into this. My faith may not be as strong as it once was, but my knowledge is unshakable.
Disclaimer: I am not a scholar, I am not a theologist, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and I LOVE Sky.
Second disclaimer: I am not trying to preach to anyone, just put in my perspective as someone who grew up in Christianity.
So! The easy one. Lucifer was actually NOT really the devil's name first- Lucifer was the name of a minor Roman god. The god of the morning star, which shines very brightly. The name "Lucifer" MEANS "Bringer of light" and is the base for the names of the chemicals that make fireflies glow- Lucifern and Lucifrase? I probably spelled them wrong. When the Bible was being standardized, they took this name to show that Satan had once been both powerful and beloved, at least.... That's how my father told it. He was wrong about a LOT of things, so take that with a grain of salt. What IS certain fact is that Lucifer means "bringer of light" and WAS a Roman god of the morning star. This I am sure of.
Sky takes design elements from MANY sources, but the story is undoubtedly biblical. And that really shouldn't be a surprise, given that the bible is really freaking old and has quite a lot of stuff in it! Like.... A LOT of stuff and some of it doesn't make any sense at all. I mean, there was a law about if a thief got away before the sunrise, it was their stuff now or something? It's been a while since I read those particular verses, forgive my casualness but it's 7 am and I'm doing this off the top of my head while getting ready for the day.
Okay. Take a breath. You still with me? Good. Because I'm about to basically speedrun not only the bible, but my church's scripture as well- The Book of Morm-n.
I am censoring it because I have the name blacklisted after seeing so much hate and ignorance and straight-up MALICE on this website, so if you reblog this, PLEASE don't actually spell it out or I will not be able to view the post. Thank you.
So God (by whatever name you'd like) has his "chosen people". He helps and strengthens them and shows them miracles, yes? And as long as they listen to Him, they are blessed. Seems like a good deal to ME, but you know how it is with humans. Give them too much success and they get cocky. Turn their backs on God and start giving THEMSELVES the credit- Which.... Doesn't sit too well. Consequently, they lose His favor and his help until they humble themselves and realize it WAS thanks to Him they were able to get this far. Rinse and repeat for a few thousand years or so.
Basically, God is HAPPY to help out as long as you don't forget He IS helping. But humans are forgetful and they eventually fall away and need to learn they need His help. We call it the Pride Cycle in my church, and it IS a cycle. You see it over and over again.
Now, if we draw parallels and look at Megabird as "God" and perhaps Resh as "Satan", more things click.
Whatever happened in Eden was BIG. Like major ultimate, plain apocalyptic. And now the cycle of the spirits returning to Megabird can't continue because SOMEBODY had to mess it up with something more powerful than simple indifference. This wasn't just the ancestors turning their backs on Megabird, this was them PHYSICALLY UNABLE to return to the light because of the darkness.
And that's why Skykids were created. To do what they no longer could.
Now, then, if- As I believe- Resh is the king and Alef is the prince and they are not the same, then it also seems likely that Alef was the FIRST Skykid. Like an olive branch from Megabird- "I want you to come back. Please don't go further. There IS a way back, and I will give it to you."
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To continue the comparison, it would be appropriate to compare Alef to Christ in this sense- The sense of being "firstborn", of being a PRINCE rather than a king.
And all the other Skykids ALSO fit this comparison because of the fact we lose our light and life so the spirits can go home.
But UNLIKE what is taught in Christianity, it is not a PERMANENT saving, evidenced by the fact that the spirits- and the Skykids- RETURN to the world. It is also possible that Alef was sent BEFORE the fall of Eden as a warning almost- Telling Resh all was not yet lost and he could STOP and be forgiven still.
But Satan's crime was pride and I believe it is the same with Resh. They want the power and the glory and the credit that rightly belongs to another- The being which MADE them. So of course he would not have stopped.
Of course, the Ark, Eden's name... There are other parallels to be made, and this is all just speculation from me based on what I think.
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sogira-imno · 2 years
today I spend most of my free time at school reading fanfics drawing with one pen with no ink at all and a blue ball pen
here there be cats I guess
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and have an Artanis doodle from last year?
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sky-sogira · 2 years
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For the meme I reblogged
The ”original” I mentioned is THIS (I hope this works) yes I changed the eyes because I can’t re-draw them now
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sogira-imno · 2 years
exams finally over and I feel dead... at least I got these cool doodles on my textbooks
(5 under the cut because they're really just poorly drawn doodles that haven't been cleaned up yet)
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Sah's hair defies physics (Ignore how I got their names wrong it was 11 at night that time)
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Probably gonna clean them up later
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