#Sojiro Motoki
project1939 · 7 months
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Day 65- Film: Ikiru 
Release date: October 9th, 1952. 
Studio: Toho 
Genre: Drama/foreign 
Director: Akira Kurosawa 
Producer: Sojiro Motoki 
Actors: Takashi Shimura, Miki Odagiri 
Plot Summary: A middle-aged Japanese bureaucrat discovers he has stomach cancer and only has months to live. He confronts the fact that he hasn’t done anything meaningful with his life, and he uses the time he has left searching for ways to rectify it. He spends time with a hedonistic writer, tries to reconnect with his son, and forges a friendship with a bubbly co-worker. 
My Rating (out of five stars): ***** 
I remember seeing this in a film class when I was in school, and it was one of those movies that seeped into my bones and made it hard to concentrate on other things for the rest of the day. I was curious to see how I would react to it again, years later. I think it hit with an even heavier punch now! It’s still a movie you need to take some time to recover from. 
The Good: 
The casting and the acting all across the board. The actors all looked like “normal” real people. No one was given the glamour treatment. They didn’t just look the part, though, they pretty much all gave convincing and moving performances. 
Takashi Shimura as Watanabe. He had a lot to convey in this movie, and much of it was in close-ups, but it was his face and his expressions that were most stirring. Try to even think about this movie without picturing a close-up of Shimura’s face! You can’t. 
Yunosuke Ito as the novelist. His face was so striking and interesting, you almost didn’t want to take your eyes off him.  
Miki Odagiri as Toyo Odagiri, Watanabe’s bubbly co-worker. She was also a gem who took well to close-ups. She had the perfect kind of youthful joie de vivre, innocent and unknowingly wise all at once. 
Kurosawa is a master of shot composition. Master! Especially with the framing of faces. 
This kind of follows the previous one, but Kurosawa is a genius of the close-up in and of itself. The movie would be very different without all the lingering shots of people’s faces. 
The unique plot structure. Not everyone likes that Watanabe dies with nearly an hour of running time left, but I found it really interesting. We see the final months of his life solely through the eyes of those he left behind. They all have different agendas, different levels of knowledge, and even different levels of interest.  
All the little visual details- the suit Watanabe wears being too loose because he has lost weight from being ill, the mounds of paperwork burying everyone at the office, the worn stockings of Toyo, the pachinko machines, the little wind-up toy rabbit, etc. 
The use of the song “Gondola no Uta,” with its “life is brief” lyric. Using a song like that could have easily become cheesy and maudlin, but instead it brought me to tears. Twice. 
The plot and its themes of finding meaning in life, handled in a less simplistic, more realistic and gritty way. You can’t help but examine your own life when you watch. 
It was largely unsentimental, and when it did get somewhat so, it was always tempered by a darker reality. This wasn’t It’s a Wonderful Life... yet it also has great heart at its center. The way his co-workers at first downplayed his achievements, then were moved by them, then promised to change their ways and live like him, and then just go right back to the way they always were... that is a perfect example. 
The initial despair in realizing that most people around us probably don’t notice or appreciate what we do... but the hope that comes from the fact that some do. There are always some. 
The Bad: 
Is there anything? I know some people might complain it’s too long, and some might complain about the last 50 minutes, but I don’t agree. 
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badgaymovies · 5 years
Today's review on MyOldAddiction.com, One Wonderful Sunday by #AkiraKurosawa, "pitched at a perfectly delicate tone" AKIRA KUROSAWA Bil's rating (out of 5): BBBB.  Japan, 1947. Toho Company.  …
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badgaymovies · 6 years
Today's review on MyOldAddiction.com, Ikiru by #AkiraKurosawa starring #TakashiShimura
Bil’s rating (out of 5): BBBB.  Japan, 1952.  Toho Company.  Screenplay by Akira Kurosawa,  Shinobu Hashimoto, Hideo Oguni.  Cinematography by Asakazu Nakai.  Produced by Sojiro Motoki.  Music by Fumio Hayasaka.  Production Design by Takashi Matsuyama.  Film Editing by Koichi Iwashita.  
A mild-manner civil servant (Takashi Shimura, getting a rare lead role from his frequent…
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