#Some details in the pictures might be different tho we'll see
shiiro-arts 24 days
Thank you so much for replying to my previous ask in such detail (I loved it and really, really appreciate your efforts 馃檹)
I just started rewatching the anime and I saw the focus they kept on Lisanna hence my doubt. From Erza I felt it was more of a sibling type dynamic (that Erza sees Natsu and Gray more as her younger brothers) but they really pushed the Lisanna narrative in the beginning. And given the way he reacted differently to Lucy and Lisanna like becoming flustered with Lisanna I wondered.
Please do talk about the killing himself part too.
I love reading your analysis!! Thank you so much for your hard work 鉂o笍 (Feel free to push in NaLu scenes that show it their bond more obviously)
Hi!! I'm happy you liked it, I'm going to try and talk about Natsu and Lisanna a little bit more and then I'll start with the whole killing himself thing. (following this post)
I think the reason they focused on Natsu and Lisanna at the beginning is because a lot of studios/mangakas have the need to create a couple, even better if it's an MC. And pairing Lucy and Natsu up from the beginning doesn't make any sense, they just met and didn't know each other.
Lisanna is a really important person to Natsu, although they hardly interact anymore.
She supported Natsu when he first came to the guild and became his first friend. Not only that, she helped him with Happy, hence the whole wife and husband thing, they represented a family.
Natsu is not as stupid as they make him out to be, he knows what marriage is, exclusivity to a partner
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and things only adults are supposed to do.
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He knew what Lisanna meant by "we'll get married in the future," and if she had never "died," NaLi would have made sense.
But it happend, Lisanna "died" and Natsu had to get over her. This doesn't mean forget her tho, as I said, Natsu LOVES his family and friends, forgetting about lisanna just because she died would not make any sense. It takes time to accept death, and after Igneel's disappearance, the death of lisanne hit him, HARD.
The only thing he could do was getting over her, but not forgetting her.
And that's when Lucy comes into the picture.
She keeps bumping into him, buys him food for "no reason" and talks all mighty and good about his family, basically, she gives him good vibes. He takes her to FT and for some reason she follows him everywhere and before he knows it, he wants to partner up with her.
This is development by natsu's part, he is ready to open up to new people (Lucy) and pretty much they become attached to the hip, because "she is nice", yeah, that's his reason.
Lisanna wasn't meant to come back, mashima himself said so, the only reason they brought her back was because the animation staff preasured him to because they liked her. NaLi is not happening because Mashima never had anything planned for her, and I'm not saying this because I'm a NaLu fan, it's just facts. Thats why she is so useless in the manga, because mashima doesn't know what to do with her. She is just there.
Let's beging with the whole suicide thing
I want to clarify that this is MY PERSPECTIVE, you might agree or disagree with me and thats completely fine.
Let me beging with one thing, and that is that natsu IS NOT SUICIDAL.
He wants to live his life at the fullest and he looks forward to the future.
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Then why do I say he wanted to kill himself? because when lucy "died", he was so full of grief that he just didn't care any more.
One thing that they make clear is that the demons of zeref, once awaken, have only one thought in their minds: KILLING ZEREF
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Lucy's "death" is what awoke END, Natsu felt so desperate and he was so full of grief that he literally abandoned his humanity.
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She was gone and he blamed zeref, because if he had never started the war, she would be alive, that was enough for him to abandon his morals and look forward to kill someone.
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Now comes the important part: his confrontation with grey
This part is really important because it shows that Natsu is aware of his actions.
If he really was completely possessed by END, then he would not have hesitated and warn grey about getting out of his way, he would have just killed him and keep going, but Natsu warns him several times
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Until he doesn't give a damn anymore and attacks him.
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Natsu was adamant about going after zeref and killing him, but he is also aware that if he does so, he will die. Zeref told him so himself.
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But lucy is dead, so he just doesn't care anymore.
Igneel talked to him about looking at the future
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But Lucy wasn't in that future anymore, so he can't look forward for it, because it died the moment Lucy did. if she wasn't in it, why bother? He knew that killing zeref was killing himself.
Gray literally saved Natsus life confronting him
This whole panel is foreshadowing to Lucy dying and Natsu wanting to die because of it
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digitalmidnight 2 years
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littlewalken 3 years
The Mandela Effect and Your Faulty Brain Pudding
I survived a traumatic brain injury and grew up in an environment where gaslighting was a generational event so I know how precious memories can be.
This isn't an argument if you personally believe something truthfully or you think it was real.
This is to give you food for thought about things like the Mandela effect and how if people remember the same thing slightly differently it's because we're human, humans like to find patterns and make sense of the world, and how you remember spelling the last name of a family of bears doesn't reflect your value as a human being, it's just about the goo in your head trying to make sense of the world.
Since a lot of y'all like to imagine yourselves as children of the 80s we'll go there. It's 1985, you're 10, your economic status shouldn't be a concern but you know you're poor so buying things is out of the question.
The big thing is there are no search engines. You know how to use the card catalog at the library, and how to browse, but it's no help if you don't have a title or even a general subject to look up.
Your teacher, who is an asshole and cat rot in hell put that's a different post, gives out books as prizes. There is a really really neat one you want because it is just super sweet and everything. Not only are you kept from even touching it, no one can because the teacher is a bitch, the person who wins it is a popular kid and tho the book might get passed around that won't include you and you'll be lucky to catch a glance trying not to look like you're shoulder surfing three kids away.
Point being you catch enough of a glance of one picture and for the next 30 years of your life you are looking for a large, bigger than US paper/A4 book with a white cover and inside was a butterfly/moth with eyes on its wings.
Other details will sort of creep in, maybe from a dream or something, but it doesn't seem to be out of the question that the butterfly with eyes might have been a mask or face paint. Some other things your brain has absorbed about butterflies in media might creep in.
Still, no one knows what book you're talking about and don't kids have imaginations because you're almost conditioned to believe you made it up. As you finally get some internet access you search when you think about it or get bored.
You learn about eye spots on moth and butterfly wings and accept maybe that's what you saw and have a bit of comfort in your life.
Finally you've learned enough about search engines and hit the right words but more likely you get sent down a Youtube rabbit hole surrounding the Voyanich manuscript.
You want to know what turns up as being related to the Voyanich manuscript? A list of books and writing systems that no one can read.
Among them is the Codex Seraphinianus, a super sweet art book of weird drawings and writing and...
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A page of fish with eyes on their sides, tails that look like eyebrows, and when they face each other what could be taken as a butterfly or moth like shape when seen quickly from half way across a room.
I probably saw the donut cover, which has a white background, because as stupid as that teacher was for not looking inside the book to see some of the illustrations might be questionable for grade schoolers, the alligator one wouldn't have made it in.
Unless it lost the dust jacket and there was a different one underneath, maybe with a rainbow, IDK it was several editions and a brain injury ago.
Finding those fish wasn't about being 'right'.
To me it's a bit more interesting how my mind in it's journey to figure out what I did see and calm that anxiety, especially when the world around me was a chaotic mess, settled on a butterfly/moth motif.
I also wish I had made note of how I thought I remembered the movie Heavy Metal went because I shouldn't have seen that when it first came out on cable, but I was already traumatized by life, but got to see it again just before my brain injury, unrelated, at a time where I was working to train my brain and memory for college and actually wanting to go to school.
So lighten up on yourself and especially other people if they remember things a bit differently.
And anyone who seriously thinks they're switching dimensions should be checked for parietal lobe seizures.
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