#Something Snooper doesn't appreciate :)
iheartgod175 · 7 years
So We Meet Again
A/N: I forgot to put up part two of “Spring In His Step”.
This is technically supposed to be part of my Yogi's Treasure Hunt fic, but seeing as I'm still stuck on the technical aspects of the story, I'll probably leave this as a continuation. I had fun doing this little chapter, especially with the references to "Blazin' Trails". Of course, most of the events mentioned here are pretty much AU in regards to that series.
Anyway, I'll shut up and let you guys read the story.
Summary: Another case involving a well known treasure thief has Snooper and Blabber heading back to the FBI to meet with Special Agent Ricochet Rabbit, and things haven't changed a bit. Well, maybe a few things. It's been five years after all. Continuation to "Spring In His Step".
Disclaimer: I still don't own Snooper, Blabber, Ricochet Rabbit or Droop-a-Long Coyote. They are property of Hanna-Barbera and Warner Bros.; Lucky is an OC that Vulaan Kulaas and I created, Drag-a-Long and Serena are Vulaan Kulaas', while Caroline, Chance, Rose, Trevor, Denise and Melissa (the latter two are only mentioned) are my OCs.
Snooper sighed as he and Blabber pulled up in front of the FBI's secret headquarters. "Five years later, and they still haven't learned their lesson," he muttered, glancing at the neon signs around the building. It looked like they'd gotten some new ones since last time.
"Well, at least it was easy to find, Snoop," Blabber replied, giving the cat a bright smile.
Snooper sighed. He considered the mouse to be one of his good friends, but sometimes, he was too naïve for his own good. "That's exactly what I mean, Blab," he said as he got out of the car. "Anyhoo, let's make this quick so we can get back on the Jolly Roger."
"I'm looking forward to seein' Special Agent PING-PING-PING Ricochet again, Snoop," Blabber said.
"Aw, not you too," Snooper groaned. Thankfully, the rabbit only said it when he introduced himself, but he was still not used to that, even though it'd been five years and his former deputy told him that it was his catchphrase. "Next thing I know you're gonna try an' ricochet across the room like him."
"Well, I've been working on it, Snoop, and I think I should leave it to the professional," Blabber replied. "I kept crashing into things."
"Is that why there were so many holes in the office walls?"
A pause. "...maybe...?"
Snooper started to say something, but that was when someone called their names from the other side of the room. The two detectives turned to face the person who'd called them: a tall, lanky coyote with pink fur and wearing a dark blue uniform. His dark green eyes were warm and friendly as he came over to them.
"Howdy, Mr. Snooper, Mr. Blabber," he said. "I haven't seen you fellas in a while."
"Aw, shucks, I told ya you don't have to call me 'Mr. Blabber', Sheriff Droop-a-Long," Blabber said. "Just Blabber is fine."
"Heh, sorry 'bout that," Droop-a-Long replied. "It's a habit of mine."
"Greetin's, Sheriff," Snooper replied. "You know where we can find the whereabouts of your former boss?"
"Oh, he's right in that room over yonder," Droop-a-Long said. "He moved to a brand new office a few months ago. I'd take ya to him myself, but I've gotta watch the little ones."
Snooper quirked an eyebrow. "Little ones?"
No sooner did he say that than two children came racing down the hallway, toy airplanes in their hands. In the lead was a grey furred rabbit with white and light blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He was on the run from a white-furred she-rabbit with yellow sclera and light brown eyes. Her white hair was tied up in a small flipped ponytail.
Snooper and Blabber barely avoided getting bowled over. Droop-a-Long turned to face them as they raced past. "Lucky! Caroline! Be careful, there are folks walkin' about!" he said.
"Sure thing, Uncle Droop-a-Long," both of them replied.
"By the way, Chance is at the food court again," Lucky replied. "Rosie an' Trevor were playin' by the boss' office."
Droop-a-Long groaned. "I'm gonna have a long talk with that boy 'bout leavin' his sister an' brother like that," he said. He turned towards Snooper and Blabber with a sheepish smile. "Sorry ta leave ya like this, but I've gotta go. I'll have to chat with you two later!" He then raced down the hall, leaving a stunned pair of detectives standing in the hallway.
"...Droop-a-Long has kids now?" Blabber asked. "And he's an uncle?"
"Uh, apparently so," Snooper said. "I guess we'll have to get our answers from Ricochet himself."
The two walked down the hallway, where Ricochet's name was screwed above the door to their right in a bright gold plaque. Snooper knocked on the door, and Ricochet shouted from inside, "I already told you kids, no, I'm not givin' ya any more money to buy sweets! Wait until dinner!"
"Uh, it's Detecitives Snooper and Blabber, Ric," Snooper said. "Ya know, the two ya met a few years ago?"
"Oh! Oh, goodness, I'm sorry! Come on in! An' mind the wires," Ricochet replied.
Snooper opened the door and nearly fell flat on his face due to the tangle of cords that ran from the side of the wall to Ricochet's desk, which currently had a computer, printer, scanner and coffeemaker. Sitting in front of the computer was Ricochet,who was typing away with a speed that could put anyone to shame.
"Hi, Special Agent Ricochet!" Blabber called.
"Howdy thar, Blab, Snoop!" Ricochet got down from the desk and walked over to them. That was a surprise to Snooper, as he'd normally bounce off of the walls to greet them. "How are ya?"
"Uh, pretty good, Ric," Snooper said. "Droop-a-Long tells us that you got a new office, eh?"
"Yeah. Comes with the new position, too," Ricochet said. He puffed up with pride. "You two are lookin' at Supervisory Special Agent PING-PING-PIIIIINNNGGG Ricochet Rabbit!"
There he goes with that pingin'. "Is that so?" Snooper asked.
"Mm-hmm. My former deputy-turned-sheriff, Droop-a-Long Coyote, is workin' his way to becomin' a Special Agent," Ricochet explained. "I was kinda surprised to hear about it, though—ol' Droop usually drifts from one job to another, but I heard that he was asked to be in it after his stint as a marshal."
"He was a marshal, too?" Blabber asked.
"Yup; he told me about it personally, too!" Ricochet said. "That surprised me a lot, but not nearly as much as when he told me he got married."
"He did?!" Blabber exclaimed.
"That would explain where the kids came from, Blab," Snooper said.
Ricochet chuckled when he saw their surprised expressions. "That was my exact reaction," he said. "Then again, I can't talk. He completely flipped out when I told 'im I was getting married."
"You did?!" Blabber exclaimed again.
"Ya did?" Snooper asked, being much more cool about it than his assistant.
"Eh-heh, well, it's a pretty long story," Ricochet replied, blushing slightly. "But long story short, I ended up marryin' an old flame of mine an' now I've got a daughter to look after, although not after I adopted a little boy who was a 'special case' in the FBI."
"'Special case'?" Blabber asked.
"Mm-hmm. My son, Lucky," Ricochet said. "It's his birthday today, so later on I'm takin' him out for ice cream."
"That other kid Droop-a-Long was talkin' to earlier...he's your son?" Snooper asked.
Ricochet nodded. "He's also Droop-a-Long's nephew."
"How is that possible?" Blabber asked.
"I know it's a lot ta process, but...his pa was a renowned criminal and his ma was a gang leader who declared war on the law," he said. "She wasn't around, an' his pa treated him horribly. An' that's the nicest way to put it. He broke 'im before he turned four years old." His eyes narrowed, and his voice lowered to a growl. "He didn't even give him a name on top of all the crap he put 'im through, that savage-"
Snooper ducked, and half of a pencil went flying over his head and hit the ground behind him. "Whoa, uh, Ric? I hope that pencil wasn't company property."
Ricochet looked down at the other end of the pencil he held in his hand, and sighed. "Sorry 'bout that. It just angers me, you know?" He set the pencil down. "You didn't want to be thar when I first heard of all that Lucky's father did to that boy."
"What did you do?" Blabber asked.
"I threw a chair against the wall. It's the reason why I had to move to a new office," Ricochet answered.
"I can't blame ya," Snooper said. "It sounds like it was tough case."
"It was. Aside from the business of findin' his parents, I had to take Lucky in until we found a home for him," Ricochet continued. "I was the one who named 'im Lucky, since it was a mircale he survived that long under his pa. It took a while, but he slowly came out of his shell, an' he warmed up to folks, 'specially to me. After we sent his parents to prison, Droop-a-Long took him in since he's immediate family, but Lucky wanted to stay with me. An' so, I adopted him."
"Awww..." Blabber said. "That's so nice."
"Heheh, yeah. I don't even say that he's my 'adopted son' or anythin' like that. I jus' call him what he is: my son. An' I love him an' Caroline equally." Ricochet paused and stared at Blabber in confusion. "Why, Blabber, you're cryin'!"
The mouse pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his eyes. "I can't help it. T-That was so touching..."
"Uh, yeah," Snooper replied. "Not ta ruin your touchin' story, Ric, but we've actually come here on assignment."
"Hmm? Oh! Oh, right. Sorry 'bout that," Ricochet said. "Well, to be honest, it feels good to talk about somethin' other than work. But now it's back to business." He paused upon hearing squeals from outside the office, followed by Droop-a-Long shouting, "Come on, kids! Put that back!" He sighed. "Well, hopefully we can get back to business. I've been interrupted so many times today I've lost count."
"Why are the kids here anyway?" Blabber said.
"It's 'Bring Your Kids To Work' Day," Ricochet said. "So Droop-a-Long and I have double duty."
Snooper sighed. "This is why I'm never havin' kids," he said. Ricochet's chuckle brought about a raised eyebrow. "What's so funny?"
"I wouldn't say that too soon," he replied. "You might meet a pretty female-type person who'll win ya over an' that'll probably change your mind. Trust me, I know."
"What?" Snooper replied, utterly flabbergasted.
"I mean, ya do have a lot of female contacts," Ricochet said, a sly smirk on his face. "Maybe one of them would be the future 'Mrs. Super Snooper'."
Snooper groaned, while Blabber tried (and failed) to cough back a laugh. Ricochet still hadn't stopped teasing him about that, even though it's been five years. "Back to the point, Ric..."
"Alright, alright, Mr. Businesscat. I'll get back to it. Jus' come over to the computer an' I'll find it for ya," Ricochet said.
"Much obliged," Snooper said, picking up a chair and making his way over to the computer.
"Hey, Snoop?"
"Yes, Blab?"
"...Can I be 'Uncle Blabber' in the future?"
"Drop it already, Blab!"
The End
A lot can change in five years. At least Ricochet's "PING-PING-PING" came up once, which is good news for Snooper. Plus, detecitives is how Snooper says "detective" :)
Lucky is me and Vulaan Kulaas' OC that we created for the Blazin' Trails universe (more on him in my profile), while Caroline, Chance, Rose and Trevor are my OC's—Caroline is Ricochet and Melissa's daughter, born a few years after Ricochet adopted Lucky and later married Melissa, and Chance, Rose and Trevor are Droop-a-Long and Denise's kids.
I think I'm having a little too much fun writing about this. I can picture them having an odd friendship of sorts: Snooper being his usual calm and collected self, Blabber being the chipper and naïve one, and Ricochet being...well, Ricochet. If you couldn't tell, Snoop and Ric were like the stars of this. Blabber kind of faded into the background while I was writing it—so I had to give him a little role at the end there. I was chuckling myself when I wrote it. Sly/teasing Ricochet is best Ricochet :)
Anyway, I hope you guys like this and like/reblog if you do!
God bless, iheartgod175
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