#Sonic EXE: Casino Sayz
knuckie-head · 6 months
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The owner of the ‘SONIC SAYZ’ Casino. (Tails wishes he would change it, But Mr. Uni thinks it’s… charming.)
- Can shapeshift in size.
- This is his ‘normal look’. A tall, sophisticated looking (yet slightly rugged) business owner who thinks he has every charming quality you can think of.
- Turns his victims into employees, though said victims don’t get paid. At all.
- In every dimension / world, there’s a SINGULAR hidden black ring around somewhere. If you enter it, it’ll bring you to the small world that contains said casino in it. The hidden black ring changes position every time someone goes through it.
- EXE admirer. If an EXE dares step foot in his casino he pulls his workers aside to gush and freak out about it. He’ll try and introduce himself- slip up- stutter and act a fool- and then he’ll turn back to his workers and give them a thumbs up (they’re holding signs up above their heads trying to tell him what to say.)
- Probably uses gel to keep his quills down and smooth, but he gets so flared up he bristles.
- Red irises appear when wanting to express extreme emotions. For example! A side eye.
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knuckie-head · 4 months
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