#Sonic Isekai Ogiri
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Idol Shadow, Sonic Channel
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lyricthecat-12 · 9 months
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zonadelcaos · 2 years
Sonic Calendar Story - Isekai Ôgiri #2: Amy y Blaze (Febrero 2023)
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Acto 2: La Melancolía de la Princesa Mágica
Un destello se produce desde una postura grácil y elevada. Un mazo golpea un huevo cocido haciendo que la cáscara se rompa.
“Por aquí han caído…Y los trozos en esta posición indica que…”
Tras arrastrarse por el suelo para comprobar las cáscaras de huevo, Amy toma asiento y afirma en voz alta.
��Gracias a la Constelación del Tendedero y a la guía del Huevo, tus problemas se acabarán en un santiamén”.
En cierto momento, apareció esta “Casa de la Fortuna”. La lectura de huevos de Amy es muy solicitada gracias a su gran precisión. Hoy, una joven llena de incertidumbres elige acudir a Amy.
“Llevo tantos años luchando como Princesa Mágica, pero como mucho he podido salvar a unos cientos…Si sigo así, nunca podré acabar con la raíz del mal y salvar el mundo ¿Acaso…no soy suficiente?”
Ella es Blaze…Una Princesa Mágica que salva a los comunes de las manos del mal. La confianza en sí misma se ve mermada tras interminables batallas, y decide compartir sus preocupaciones con Amy, una amiga de hace mucho tiempo.
Tan pronto como se sienta, Amy, llena de seguridad, comienza a reprenderla en un tono suave:
“Escucha, Blaze. Ya has podido salvar a cientos ¿no es así? ¡Deberías estar orgullosa! ¡Este no es el momento de venirse abajo! ¡Mira, eso es lo que nos dice el huevo!”
Mientras Blaze vuelve a mirar al huevo, perpleja, Amy continúa…
“Eres más que suficiente. Pienso en esto: Todas esas cientos de personas a las que has salvado probablemente volverán a ayudar a alguien. Esa cadena de eventos, esa conexión de corazón a corazón, podría llegar a salvar un día al mundo entero. ¿No lo crees?”
Blaze se sentía presionada, pero finalmente sonrío en voz baja asintiendo.
“Es un error intentar resolverlo todo yo sola, ¿verdad?”
“Así es, pero…¿Sabes? Nada de esto pasaría si tú no hubieras comenzado”
Amy abre la ventana y mira el cielo nocturno.
“Mira eso”, dice. “La Constelación del Tendedero es genial. Puede secar cualquier tipo de colada. Eres tú con todos los demás al mismo tiempo. Con todos apoyándonos los unos a los otros, el mundo será un gran tendedero. Eso es lo que dicen las cáscaras de huevo también”
¿A-Ah sí?
Al reflexionar, Blaze recuerda que esto se trataba de una predicción del futuro. Las cáscaras de huevo en el suelo y la Constelación del Tendedero en el cielo nocturno resplandecen bajo la luz de las dos lunas azules.
Fue una lectura algo extraña, pero en cualquier caso, se sintió reconfortada, como si algo cálido ahora sostuviera su apesadumbrado corazón. ¿Puede que sea el “tendedero” de Amy?
“Y con nuestros problemas arreglados, hay una última revelación en el huevo. Esa es…¡Rompe tu cascarón y desafía lo desconocido!”
“Es una señal para llevar ropa más bonita y colorida ¡Llevas años llevando lo mismo!”
“No, estoy bien con esta ropa, de verdad…Bueno, esto da un poco de vergüenza, pero….”
“¡Nos vamos de compras entonces! ¡Vamos, no perdamos tiempo!”
Y con esto, Amy tomó a Blaze del brazo y echó a correr. Blaze, de repente se vio arrastrada por ella pero tenía claro que no iba a dejar que la comida se malgastara, y se las arregló para meter el huevo cocido en la boca.
“¡Vamos, Blaze! ¡Déjemos que el huevo nos guíe para conseguir el mejor atuendo!”
Más tarde… El atractivo del nuevo traje de la Princesa Mágica generó un aumento en su base de admiradores. El día en que una cadena de corazones amantes de la paz abarcara el mundo estaba realmente cerca.
Al amanecer.
Las anomalías fueron completamente diferentes a las de Shadow.
La que fuera la casa de Amy se había convertido en un puesto de adivinación.
El cielo nocturno se ve completamente diferente, con dos brillantes lunas y constelaciones extrañas. Como si se hubiera convertido en un lugar completamente diferente.
Parece que sólo las formas de ser de Amy y Blaze son las que se han mantenido, pero…
El misterio sólo se agudiza…
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Aannnnnnnnnd sthrarepair week day 7 AU
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No one, absolutely no one will understand what is happening.
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magmas-stuff · 9 months
Virtual Reality weapon: The Phantom Ruby
The Phantom Ruby is one of the coolest gizmos in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. This post aims to analyze the properties and history it has demonstrated throughout the series.
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The Phantom Ruby is a mysterious object that first came into Sonic’s world after a sudden dimensional breach in the atmosphere, bringing down with it the entirety of Angel Island and sparking interest from several parties. From the get go, this artifact already demonstrated an unprecedented amount of power the likes of which even Eggman sought to replicate (to varying success).
As Tails explains in Sonic Forces, the Phantom Ruby is able to feed false information to the brain and trap its victims in extremely lifelike illusions that can draw from their own thoughts and imagination. This includes Phantom Copies, which can look and act like pre-existing individuals, albeit without "souls."
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Perhaps its most interesting property, however, is its ability to react to the sense of being and will of others. Paralleling the Chaos Emeralds' “power enriched by the heart,” it can be said that the Phantom Ruby possesses "power enriched by the mind." This is perhaps better demonstrated in Sonic Mania, where the Hard Boiled Heavies suffer radical changes to their appearance and mannerisms based on the minds of the animals powering them as a result of exposure to the Phantom Ruby.
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This trait of the ruby is explored to its extreme in Sonic Channel's Otherworldly Comedy, where Dr. Eggman engulfs the planet in various illusions that reflect the people's own impression of themselves, erasing their memories and having them live out alternate lives and scenarios until then only possible in their dreams. This is done by utilizing a weapon still charged with the aftermath of the Phantom Ruby’s energy. The doctor also uses a modified leftover prototype to power himself up to a form akin to Super Sonic, being able to manifest alternate worlds in a whim and create Phantom Copies of creatures as powerful as Perfect Chaos, seemingly having no limitations in regards to energy consumption like Infinite did, although it's unclear to what extent this prototype was modified.
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The Phantom Ruby's first chronological appearance, Sonic Mania, has Tails convince Sonic to go and check the unique energy signature detected in Angel Island that caused it to fall to the ocean. Dr. Eggman, who detected that very same signal, has also deployed his elite Eggrobo squad to retrieve its source. The Hard Boiled Heavies, granted new powers and greater freedom of thought by the Phantom Ruby, attempt to escape with it, and thus begins the adventure to prevent the gemstone from falling in the wrong hands.
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After Sonic and friends, who are in possession of the seven Chaos Emeralds, wreck Eggman and his Phantom Egg, a mech designed to make use of the Phantom Ruby's energy, the group is taken to what appears to be a dimensional void created by the ruby. There, Super Sonic gets caught in the middle of the conflict between Eggman, riding his Klepto Mobile, and the Phantom King, who at this point has long since betrayed his maker, both fighting to get ahold of the gemstone. In the end, Sonic leaves victorious, being teleported to the future alongside the Phantom Ruby.
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In the aftermath of this battle, the Phantom Ruby winds up in front of one of Eggman's facilities. The doctor begins to study it closely, learning how to make use of its abilities after his base is attacked by the Jackal Squad. He performs his first real test on Angel Island, creating copies of Pachacamac's village and Chaos, god of destruction. Seeing it in action, Robotnik deems the jewel even more powerful than the Master Emerald itself.
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Beholding the Phantom Ruby's incredible power, Eggman aims to replicate it. In this pursuit, he manufactures various faulty prototypes in Mystic Jungle until he can finally perfect it, gifting the final product to the new leader of his army, Infinite.
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Eventually, six months after taking over the world, Eggman orders Infinite to dispose of those prototypes, seeing as he had no need for such liabilities. The jackal does a poor job, however, leaving a few unattended. One in particular, the one he dropped while fighting Silver in Mystic Jungle, is discovered by the Avatar, whose heroism would prove enough to activate it.
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At the climax of the Eggman War, Infinite uses his Phantom Ruby's power to summon an illusionary sun above the battlefield, aiming to wipe out all of the resistance. The Avatar manages to dissipate it, however, losing his own prototype in the process. Weakened from spending much of his energy to create that sun, Infinite tries to take on Sonic who, aided by the Avatar, beats the mercenary one final time. This causes him to lose control of his powers and be pulled into the Eggman Empire Fortress' decoy reactor, ultimately being consumed by the original Phantom Ruby.
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After Infinite's defeat, Eggman reveals he has incorporated the Phantom Ruby into his new Death Egg Robot, claiming to have surpassed Infinite as the ultimate form. Just as the Phantom Egg before it, however, this mech is destroyed by Sonic, his classic self and the Avatar, ending the war and sending both the Phantom Ruby and Classic Sonic back to the past.
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Classic Sonic, returning from the future after aiding the Resistance in winning the war, is still chasing after the Phantom Ruby. The gemstone falls into the hands of Heavy Magician, who uses it to reassemble her fellow Hard Boiled Heavies. Thus, Sonic is forced to go on his earlier adventure again, though this time accompanied by Mighty and Ray as well.
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As Eggman's plan once again fails, he is sucked into a Phantom Ruby portal, presumably finding himself stuck in Egg Reverie Zone. This is the original Phantom Ruby's last appearance, leaving its fate ambiguous.
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Meanwhile, back in the future, the modern Dr. Eggman has yet to give up on his Phantom Ruby exploits. Seeing as how he still had a weapon charged with Phantom Ruby energy, the doctor decides to put it to good use and begins another world conquering plot. By covering the entire planet with the Phantom Ruby's energy, he used what Tails calls "cognitive frictional energy" to generate extreme amounts of energy from the discrepancy between the world's original reality and the new reality overwriting it. By absorbing this resulting energy, Eggman created his ultimate weapon, the Egg Field, a mech capable of reshaping the world around it to erase all of his past failures.
Sonic manages to destroy the weapon by turning into Super Sonic, forcing Eggman to transform into "Super Eggman" by making use of his modified Phantom Ruby prototype. The doctor attempts to persuade Sonic by arguing that these fake scenarios cause harm to no one, but the hedgehog refutes this by saying that the thoughts of Earth's denizens should not be forced out of their minds, and to do that would be to inflict suffering upon the planet. Eggman also attempts to create a fake world tailored to Sonic's every whim, but he manages to see past it and defeat Robotnik, allowing things to return to normal, even if slowly due to how massive the scale of the illusions were.
Eggman, beneath the wreckage of Eggmanland, contemplates fixing his modified Phantom Ruby prototype and using it once more, but Infinite, who was briefly able to leave the Phantom Ruby during the whole event, snatches it from his hand. Initially seeking revenge, he instead accepts his fate as his body disappears once more, dropping the prototype into the lava.
And that was essentially my write-up of the Phantom Ruby! It's a topic I learned I really like, so I hope this was enjoyable to read.
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sonic-gallery · 5 months
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Another World Ogiri August 2023 [What are Blaze and Silver doing...? ]
Please come home, master!
Two characters appear every month in surprising outfits and situations! Let's enjoy Ogiri together with illustrations that will make your imagination run wild!
This time, Blaze and Silver are back with a new look! High fighting ability and awesomeness that are unbecoming of a maid or butler! What kind of enemy will these two fight against, relying on each other and working together?
What kind of lines or narration would you use?
You can style it based on the atmosphere and world view of the two of you in the game, or you can create a bold arrangement! In the example, it seems reliable enough to turn away any unwanted customers... Even such free and interesting stories are OK!
Please enjoy it and tweet with the tag "#Isekai Ogiri" on Twitter ♪
We will introduce the good ones in a reply from Sonic's official Twitter account.
We are looking forward to your fun Ogiri posts!
Act8: “Reunion of the Magical Princess”
<<Gashaaan! >>
A large number of sharp pieces of window glass are scattered on the hotel's luxurious scarlet carpet...!
The monster's strong arms didn't stop as it tore down the glass wall of the second-floor atrium with all its might... It gouged through the floor, grabbed a white cafe table that had been thrown up, broke it into pieces, and headed towards a point. I threw it.
<<Dogagagaga! >>
The terrifying throw of destruction seemed to crush the poor waiter who was near the kitchen...but all of it was blocked by a psychic barrier that shone in cobalt blue, and it shattered into pieces. Masu.
"A monster that obstructs business! I'll eliminate it!"
It was Silver, a silver hedgehog with psychic powers, who screamed and his whole body was filled with psychic green light.
The monster that stands in the way is a giant golem that looks up at you and is made of a collection of toys and junk. The moment when Silver, his black garcon apron flapping in the air, tried to wield his "power" towards the monster...!
<<Dooooooong! >>
This time, the crimson flame arrow grazed Silver's side and hit the monster. Blow away that giant body.
After a roar, the maid descended to protect Silver while brushing off a veil of flames, turned around with her elegant black silk apron skirt, and spoke to him without even moving an eyebrow.
"Run, waiter. This is no place for ordinary people."
...Silver is not amused by being suddenly interrupted and treated like an amateur.
"You're a maid, aren't you? What on earth are you!" "The one who protects the weak from evil monsters... is the Magic Princess Blaze!"
"Magic, Koujo...?"
Blaze jumps towards the monster, leaving behind Silver, who becomes stunned for a moment. Silver couldn't resist protesting as he hurriedly chased after him.
“Who is the weak one?”
The fight against monsters is only a defensive battle.
The flame wielded by Blaze does indeed hit the monster, but it only scrapes the surface of the monster's body...Then, the fragments are immediately pulled together by a mysterious force, coalescing and returning to their original state. It is.
"First of all, I came here with the intention of doing an undercover investigation as a maid, but I didn't expect to be suddenly involved in a battle..."
Blaze, who can't move as much as she wants in her maid uniform, can't help but click her tongue.
``I was also asked to be a bodyguard at this coffee shop, and I became a waiter waiting for a monster, but I didn't find him as good as this.''
Silver agrees that he is an unexpectedly strong enemy.
"I mean, this store provides uniforms, right? Why did you bring your maid uniform?" "I-is that so? Emmy told me to wear this..."
Blaze flinched at the unexpected remark and blushed as he pinched the frills on his shoulders...but in the meantime Blaze turned around and said this to Silver.
"Hey, don't move around in front of me! You're getting in the way and I can't concentrate my firepower!" "Attack isn't working, right? First, find the weak point that triggers recovery!"
In the end, an argument begins instead of a battle. And the monster didn't miss that chance...
<< Zugon! Dogogo...! >>
The monster slowly...gathered its strength deeply, raised both of its fists, and fired a powerful blow toward the ceiling. The impact pierced the ceiling on the coffee shop floor and the ceiling on the floor above, all the way to the roof of the hotel, causing a major collapse.
A huge waterfall of frighteningly heavy rubble attacks Blaze and the others, increasing its muddy flow as it falls. When they both looked up, it seemed like it was too late...
The next moment!
Silver instantly jumps over Blaze's head, spreads his arms out as if to protect her, and deploys a psychic barrier...! After deflecting the incoming collapse, Blaze uses it as a counterattack to repel the attack of the monster that attacked Silver from within the dust, and at the same time blows away the surrounding dust with explosive flames.
...This is a moment of perfect cooperation with no compromises. After catching their breath in a close call, the two finally opened their mouths.
"My body moved on its own...I don't feel like I'm meeting you for the first time." "...Ah."
Then, as he regained his stance and restored his body, Blaze continued with a serious look on his face as he looked at the monster approaching the two of them.
"I made two mistakes. The first was that I underestimated the enemy and came here without being fully prepared."
Still in the same position, this time I continued to look into Silver's eyes.
"Waiter. Please give me 20 seconds..." "I don't mind...but before that, can I ask you the second question?"
After a moment's hesitation, Blaze answered with a resolute look on his face.
"Secondly, I was disrespectful and disrespectful to my comrades who I should be relying on. That..."
Blaze interrupts him by saying he's sorry, and Silver agrees to Blaze's request.
"It's okay Blaze, we're both good friends! It's okay. I'll hold out for 20 seconds or 200 years! ...So, would you like one for me too?" "...?"
"My name is Silver."
The next moment, Blaze is immediately engulfed in scorching flames. With her eyes closed and her mind concentrating...Silver senses that she is trying to control some great power.
"Silver, thank you......Haaaaaaaaa!"
Blaze is about to unleash a blow that will change the situation, knowing the risk of exposing his defenseless side. That expectation and trust inspired Silver.
"I'll do it! Ha!"
Silver deploys full power of psychic energy in all directions. Hold the rubble all over this floor and prevent the monster from restoring, while at the same time hitting everything with psychic attacks to keep it in check...! I will protect Blaze.
However, fighting for a long time while protecting immovable objects is disadvantageous. Since you have to endure every attack that comes your way without avoiding it, you end up in a very poor situation.
Silver's plan was to survive the attack by not allowing it to attack, but the monster also seems to have noticed the plan and intensifies its attack.
What a long time 20 seconds is! How long can we hold out? Just when Silver's knees are about to fall due to repeated bullets...!
<<Doooooooo! ! >>
As the explosion of loud flames spread, Blaze, enveloped in such dazzling flames that it was impossible to keep his eyes open, finally released his power... and blew away the monster. It's ready.
"Aaah...! Mysterious sun, respond to the power of my flame...!"
The seven jewels on Blaze's pochette begin to contain flames and grow brighter one by one as her power grows.
Just when the monster was about to make a desperate attack with all its might, all of its power imploded on her...Blaze declared the execution of great power.
"Magical Princess Blaze! Burning Unlimited Mode! Haaaaa!"
Blaze wears multiple layers of flame in seven colors and transforms into a pillar of scorching heat. For a moment, huge wings of flame spread across her back, but they immediately dispersed and condensed into her outstretched arms...! It becomes a tremendous torrent of flame and pours out towards the monster.
"Haaaaaa!" "Haaaaaa!"
The monster also tries to resist by taking a defensive stance, but Silver supports Blaze from behind as he is pushed by the recoil of the flames, increasing its power, and he can no longer withstand it.
Everything that formed the monster was blown away, and the energy body at its center caused a huge explosion.
<< Zudoooon! >>
A huge roaring explosion that could be heard all the way to an island in the sky. The monster finally disappeared.
"Ciao, chao!"
After the dust from the explosion finally dissipated... In the remains of the monster's explosion, there was a small Chao of light crying.
The true nature of the monster was Chao's residual thoughts.
As Blaze and the others watch, the Chao of Light eventually finds a hole in the dilapidated floor, and as if realizing something, it happily steps inside.
"......?" "this is!?"
When the two of them follow Chao, they discover that they are in the basement of a coffee shop...and beneath the floor is a lush green garden with a clear stream.
The Chao of Light then stepped inside, looked around, and with a satisfied smile, disappeared into a pale light. I see...the two of them said.
"When building this coffee shop, you blocked the Chao's home..." "That monster was a mass of grudges from the Chao's who wanted to return to their hometown."
The two of them, who have come to understand the circumstances of the incident, look relieved, but sigh at the devastation surrounding them. The area has been completely destroyed, and there is no trace of that wonderful interior.
"Well, the incident has been resolved for the time being...but the store was destroyed in a spectacular manner, so we have to clean it up."
Blaze responded in a calm manner while smiling bitterly at Silver's suggestive tone.
"Okay. What should I do?"
When the two of them looked up at the light shining in from above, what they saw through the hole in the collapsed ceiling was a dazzling blue sky cut out beautifully like a painting. It was filled with clear light, as if reflecting the brightness of their hearts.
"One month later..."
After major renovations, this shop, which connected the mysterious Chao garden as an open cafe area, has been renovated as ``Chao Garden,'' a maid-style cafe that combines formality with a Chao-friendly warmth, and has gained a great reputation. Ta.
While Silver and Blaze are busy helping rebuild the store, an unexpected visitor appears. As soon as they saw each other, they stiffened without even serving customers...
"S-Sonic...!? Are you Sonic!?" "Why are you dressed like that...and us too!? What the heck is going on!?"
The moment they saw Sonic, Blaze and Silver regained their memories.
"Hey! You guys...!"
Sonic was also surprised by this, but Tails noticed that at this time, the chaos emeralds that Sonic and his friends were holding, the jewelry of Blaze's tail, and the silver pendant all glowed faintly at the same time. I didn't miss it. While Tails was deep in thought, the two of them searched through their memories before and after the incident.
"The moment I came to this world under the guidance of the Sol Emerald, I was caught up in that light."
Blaze said while stroking the seven jewels on her pochette. Marin, who came with him, wonders what to do.
"I was fighting at Eggman's base just moments ago. I was trying to prevent some kind of weapon from activating..."
Silver worries that he can't remember properly.
"In any case, how did the two of you manage to regain your memories?"
Tails took out his proud ``energy sensor'' and explained it to Sonic.
<<Beep beep...>>
"I knew it! Blaze's tail jewelry and silver pendant are mutated Chaos Emeralds! Just like ours."
Tails explains that from the wavelength of the energy emitted, they are definitely Chaos Emeralds, which is why they definitely glowed when the two regained their memories.
“As a phenomenon, the Chaos Emeralds have the power to resist this strange phenomenon.Although one is not enough, there are several nearby, and one of them has the original memory... I think that's the condition for resurrection.'' ``There certainly doesn't seem to be any problem thinking that way. As expected, Tails!''
Tails gets shy after being praised by Sonic, and Blaze and Silver also respond.
“I hear that emeralds sometimes attract each other with a mysterious power in times of crisis.I was forced to have this one from Emmy because it was the guidance of the stars...This is also one of those powers. Maybe it's Tsuna.' ' ``Certainly. It's so easy to gather four of them like this...? Huh? Isn't it strange? If that's the case, how come Sonic and Tails, who only have one each, are safe?'' Did you?”
At the obvious question, the three people's eyes focused on Tails.
"That's... At the moment the incident occurred, Sonic and I were together, each holding a Chaos Emerald. I think that's why it didn't work from the beginning... , I guess. Sorry, I can't be sure..."
Tails was starting to lose confidence as he continued to make deductions, but Sonic assured him with a smile.
"In other words, it's because of Tails that I'm safe, and vice versa, right? Isn't it great that we're the same? This is it!"
Blaze and Silver agree while looking at Tails, who is confused and extremely shy.
"Hmm. At this point, it would be best to have a better interpretation of the details of truth or falsehood. The most important thing is..." "It means that we have found a way to restore our friends!"
"YES! That's right!" "That's right!"
Tails finally regains his composure and starts proposing strategies to his friends.
``...I'll give the detector to Blaze and Silver as well. Now let's divide up and find the friends who have Chaos Emeralds and revive them! And in the end, we'll collect 7 Chaos Emeralds. I’m sure it will be your trump card.”
"I understand. I agree with your strategy. I'll leave the rest behind." "I understand. My Sol Emerald also says we should do the same."
Blaze agrees as he strokes the Sol Emerald, which trembles as it emits a pale flame.
"It's getting interesting," Sonic said in his usual tone as he stood up, and the remaining three got ready to leave with fearless smiles on their faces.
"That Eggman guy. I don't know what he did, but we'll definitely hunt him down with our hands!"
Sonic and his friends took another step forward, and with a new hope in their hands, they took another step forward...!
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randomthefox · 3 months
So it's seems the robot speech pattern might be the one Emerl used in battle, also what you showed from isekai ogiri more or less tell me that flynn may went overboard with the robot speech pattern.
Also "let's go to the oil bar" that's funny lol
Yeah I'd love to see how Emerl spoke in Japanese during the final story in Sonic Battle. That should be pretty revealing. The localization for Sonic Battle wasssssss not very good lol. I know Windii is working on it, but I'd love to get a copy of the Japanese script for the game and have a reputable translator whom I trust (aka @beevean) look it over and give their insights.
And yeah, I'd expect Gmerl to be pretty funny because honestly Emerl could be a fucking goof by the end =P
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shadowxamyweek · 1 year
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New official artwork just went up on the Sonic Japan Twitter! You can find it here!
Rough translation is as follows:
"The calendar for June 2023 #Isekai Ogiri has been updated on the Sonic Channel😎
The heroine of the stage, Tails👸🦊, presents a pretty (?) costume with shining eyes and a song✨Kikoko Marine🤴🦝!? What will happen? ,
You can freely predict anything in the world view! We are waiting for you to post fun Ogiri ✨"
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sminny-wew · 1 year
Why people are excited over Princess Elise’s (brief) return
Short answer: the new design/art style that Sonic Channel gave her looks nice and she’s being treated with as much dignity as the rest of the Sonic cast for the first time since Sonic 06′s release nearly 17 years ago
Long answer:
Every year, Sonic Channel (the official Japanese website for Sonic the Hedgehog) puts out character illustrations for each month. Sometimes it’s just art of the character posing, sometimes they’re actually doing something (Sonic celebrating his birthday, Amy walking in the rain, Cream going trick-or-treating, etc.). For 2023, Sonic Channel is posting a specific themed series of artwork called “Isekai Ogiri” that depicts two characters in silly, non-canon scenarios; part of the appeal of these illustrations is that one of the two characters in each artwork is voted for by fans. So far we’ve seen Gadget (AKA Buddy AKA the custom character from Sonic Forces) confessing his love to an Egg Pawn in a scene straight out of a slice-of-life anime, Shadow and Infinite as rival idol musicians, a cutely-dressed Blaze visiting fortune teller Amy, Tikal and Chaos running their own pizza place, and most recently as of this post, Silver the figure-skating coach and his student Elise. (I’m linking back to the original SC pages b/c they put out a message on their official Twitter urging people to link back to the original SC pages/tweets, otherwise they might be inclined to stop making this art; if you want to understand the little stories that come with each illustration, I’m afraid you’ll have to put up with janky Google Translate translations.)
So, yeah, Princess Elise of notorious Sonic 06 infamy, the one video game journalists always seem eager to remind you kissed a dead anthropomorphic hedgehog, recently appeared in one of these illustrations. And people lost their minds, but this time, with excitement.
But if Princess Elise was/is so despised, why do people seem genuinely excited to see her now?
Well there’s 2 reasons for that: 1) the way in which she was drawn, and 2) the fact that she was even a contender to appear in this art series in the first place
1) Human characters appearing in the Sonic series has always been a source of discourse among fans. Some, like myself, enjoy seeing humans coexist alongside a cast of furries, robots, and other assorted beings; others believe there shouldn’t be any humans (except Eggman) in Sonic at all. They’ve been variously depicted as realistic people (Sonic 06) and with more cartoonish Pixar-esque proportions (Sonic Unleashed). From my perspective, what seemed to make people dislike Elise’s original design was that in addition to looking out-of-place next to the cartoony Sonic (people often say that she looks like she belongs in Final Fantasy), her facial expressions were quite bland and difficult to read. While I would argue that Sonic and his friends also had very little facial expression in 06, it’s much easier to notice with Elise (and to a lesser degree, 06 Eggman) due to her more realistic face. It evokes a feeling in some people known as the Uncanny Valley. In the Isekai Ogiri’s April illustration, Elise is depicted in a new style that leans more towards cartoony; some have compared it to Puyo Puyo, others have said she resembles the humans from Balan Wonderworld. Either way, most fans, at least those on Twitter and Tumblr, have praised Elise’s new “look” because her new proportions (large head and hands, big eyes that are easier to read) make her more closely fit in with other Sonic characters. She feels less like a Final Fantasy character and more like a Sonic character.
(With that said, not everyone was automatically bothered by Elise’s realistic 06 design because human beings do not perceive everything in the exact same way b/c art is subjective)
2) Part of how Elise even wound up in this illustration is not just because people wanted to see her again, but because Sonic Team themselves decided to treat her with dignity by making her an option to vote for. And she was up against Merlina from Sonic and the Black Knight, a well-regarded character among fans and one of the few female villains in the entire series!! The poll they were in for the April pic was very close!!
During the late 2000s following Sonic 06′s release, Silver had his fanbase, but a lot of people still viewed him as annoying, and it took several years of game reappearances for him to become a less divisive character (my source: I’ve been a Sonic fan with internet access since ~2003, the way he’s depicted in the Sonic Paradox shorts is actually what a lot of people thought of him at the time). Also, he was still an anthropomorphic Sonic animal, so naturally people would be quicker to accept him as part of the cast.
But Elise? The human? While I doubt she was originally intended to be a recurring character, even if 06 WAS supposed to be a reboot, her portrayal in that game was so widely despised by critics and fans alike that she was thereafter relegated to rare cameos (like being on a collectible card in Sonic Rivals 2) and jokes at her expense (in LEGO Dimensions, when Sonic interacts with Lumpy Space Princess, he says, “Last time I met a princess, I...we...you know, I don't quite remember, never mind!” in a hurried and embarrassed voice). Elise is hardly the only notoriously-disliked Sonic character, but because she only appeared in one game in a non-playable role (I’m not counting the stages where Sonic carries her), her biggest positive accomplishments--unlocking her cell herself instead of waiting for Sonic to save her, jumping from Eggman’s ship with zero hesitation, and reviving Sonic--are often overshadowed by the moments where she just stands there praying, gets kidnapped, and kisses a dead hedgehog just in case you forgot for the 17th year in a row, leading people to view her as an inherently bad character. Because she is also a girl, and video games were and still are a largely male-dominated culture loaded with toxic masculinity, it’d be ignorant to say the vitriol towards Elise wasn’t charged with sexism and misogyny on some level.
But as an aspiring writer and someone who hates wasted character potential, my personal opinion is that characters, SPECIFICALLY in ongoing franchises like Sonic, are not inherently bad, it’s the ways in which they’re USED that can make them LOOK good or bad, and they don’t deserve to be locked away forever all because of one bad interpretation. But unlike Silver who has been in multiple games since 06 (or even Mephiles, who was added to the Sonic Forces mobile game last year as an unlockable character), Elise has only ever had 06. Thus, people only have that one interpretation of her to go off of, because not everyone obsessively rewrites her in their headcanons or hunts down fan fiction where Elise is characterized with actual effort.
And like I said, I don’t think Elise was created with longevity in mind, but it’s specifically because critics and fans alike continue to beat this dead horse that you have people like me saying “What if she came back tho”
Compare the hate Elise gets to the Deadly Six, characters whose debut game was not seen as quite a colossal failure as 06 but still had a story that was almost universally panned, particularly in regards to its character writing. While the Deadly Six (or just Zavok) have yet to appear in a game written by Ian Flynn, they’ve been recurring characters in the IDW Sonic comics and, while still pretty universally disliked, have been regarded by some fans as being tolerable in the comics due to how Flynn utilizes them there. (I wrote a whole other post speculating about the Deadly Six’s characterization in IDW if you feel like reading that lol.) In this sense, the current Sonic writers are genuinely trying to make even the most undesired characters palatable for the audience. I think it’ll be a long while before most people fully warm up to the D6, but the intent is there.
Meaning that the same could hypothetically be done for Elise, if this illustration is any indication that SEGA is beginning to wholeheartedly embrace their past, even the ugly parts
I’m not expecting anything huge from this, and I don’t expect her to suddenly become a major recurring character, because this illustration is nothing more than Sonic Team testing the waters to see how people react to them unironically including Elise in non-canon material. But look at all the fan art people are drawing of Elise in her skating outfit. Look at how fans are reacting. If, sometime after this, Elise were to appear in even a minor role in the IDW comics, in this new art style, with Ian Flynn, Evan Stanley, or even a guest writer like Daniel Barnes at the helm, I would welcome it with open arms, because I trust them to handle Princess Elise’s character with genuine investment and care.
(But until then I have my own ideas that I’m a bit hesitant to share for.....reasons~)
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greenyvertekins · 1 year
Hmm, based on this month's Isekai Ogiri art story, it seems this is an Eggman plot/illusion that caused everyone but Sonic to end up in stage attire with personas/tropes? But the ones who have a Chaos Emerald; 3 so far, retain some semblance of their original memories? (So that probably means Sonic and/or Eggman will be last.)
It's been confirmed that Sonic won't appear in an isekai iteration? That's a bummer. I was looking forward to seeing what they do with him.
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mahoutenshiko · 10 months
Between 2022’s Super Robotnik and the narrative return of Super Sonic in the mainline games; to 2023’s Super/Hyper Amy in Origins/Superstars, Super Sonic 2 and now another Super Eggman in Isekai Ogiri, I can’t help but feel that transformations are becoming a theme as of recently. To me, this is a good enough excuse to complain, to take something out of my chest. I've been thinking for a long while now: Super Sonic is a boring and lame transformation that makes me drowsy just thinking about it.
Okay, let me address a very important aspect of Super Sonic: It’s a copy of Super Saiyan, we all know that. I have no problem with it… in theory. Nothing is fully original, and with so many stories out there, yours is always going to have something that’s similar to something else that already exists. Taking inspiration is actually a really good way to avoid making your story too similar to something else, since you can consciously take inspiration from things you already know, and then put your own spin on it.
The problem with Super Sonic is that… They just didn't do that? Super forms aren’t an exact copy of Super Saiyan, don’t get me wrong, but outside of one needing magical artifacts to be activated, I can’t really think of any substantial difference between the two that doesn’t boils down to “Super Sonic is Super Saiyan, but without anything that makes Super Saiyan works”.
If I had to summarize Super Saiyan to a non-Dragon Ball fan, I’d say that this transformation represents Son Goku’s worthiness as a martial artist and the reason why he’s a better fighter than even a genius like Vegeta. This can be seen from the debut of the form, with Vegeta assuming that he, as the violent and battle-hungry Prince of the Saiyans, was the one and only Legendary Super Saiyan, only to be proven wrong when Goku’s pure heart was awakened by the rage of seeing his best friend murdered; all the way to the end of the series.
Halfway through the Cell arc, Goku and Vegeta both reach the same conclusion: They need to go beyond Super Saiyan!
Once again, this is used to prove Goku as the better fighter. While Vegeta reaches a new transformation that gives him tremendous power at the cost of a huge waste of Ki, Goku, after achieving the form himself, chooses to get used to the Super Saiyan he already has instead. The story is using the concept of transforming to highlight the differences these two characters have as martial artists.
You can say whatever you want about the increasing number of characters who can transform, but I argue that the series still works because there's usually a story that necessitates these, even if the number ends up becoming excessive in retrospect.
As for Super Sonic… well… I can’t think of anything that actually requires a transformation in this series. Thematically speaking, Super Sonic is completely useless, and has nothing working on its side other than style, the transformation simply lacks substance.
Don’t get me wrong, they have tried to do something substantial with Super Sonic before. Adventure 1’s ideas of breaking cycles of hate with positive feelings was the best attempt so far, but even that didn’t work that well in my opinion, I’d argue that Super Sonic actually makes the ending of Adventure 1 worse, raising the stakes higher for an epic battle, while also contradictory telling us “Violence is bad, don’t be violent guys!”.
Maybe I’ll make a dedicated post for other transformations, but for now, I’ll briefly mention the others while I’m here:
Hyper Sonic/Super Sonic 2: They’re essentially the same thing, and the latter wouldn’t even exist if the former was allowed to return, so I’ll just lump them together. They suck balls! Hyper worked for the story progression of Sonic 3, because it allowed the second half of the game to not feel too bland compared to the first half, but other than that, I have nothing to talk about these losers.
Werehog/Darkspine: I like these two equally, so I’ll talk about them together. They are just really interesting and have a lot of potential to explore Sonic’s character, even if the games they appeared in didn’t take full advantage of them
Excalibur Sonic: Okay, this one is actually good. Caliburn becoming Excalibur is a natural conclusion for Sonic’s demonstrations of character throughout the game, with him being the real King Arthur and stuff, it’s also a smart reference to how the name “Excalibur” is actually a corrupted spelling of “Caliburn”. It all fits pretty nicely
Oh, also, I actually like Super Eggman from the Ogiri because of how ridiculous the idea is, but I do think it says a lot that one of the best uses of Super in the entire series is a parody of it
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sonicreferencephotos · 10 months
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Super Eggman; Sonic Channel
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Wake up, guys! New Sonic Channel thing just dropped!
Source: SEGA | Sonic Channel | Special | Isekai Ogiri May 2023 [What are Vector and Vanilla doing...? ]
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zonadelcaos · 2 years
Sonic Calendar Story - Isekai Ôgiri #1: Shadow e Infinite (Enero 2023)
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¡Hemos mejorado el popular Kabegami Ôgiri! Comenzamos una nueva sección llamado “Isekai Ôgiri” (Ôgiri de Otro Mundo).
Cada mes, dos personajes aparecerán en sorprendentes situaciones y disfraces ¡Disfruta de las ilustraciones que harán que tus fantasías crezcan!
¡Esta vez, dos personajes que se vieron envueltos en “Sonic Forces” hacen su aparición como músicos!
Infinite, que quiere robar el micrófono y la iniciativa a Shadow, y este que no le presta atención mientras sigue a lo suyo. Parece que esa incómoda distancia entre los dos sigue como siempre.
¿Qué líneas de diálogo añadiriáis?
Podéis hacer algo con la atmósfera y el mundo tal cual conocemos, o ser más audaces con la improvisación…Divertíos y mandadnos vuestros tweets con el tag #かべがみ大喜利 ♪
Compartiremos respondiendo a los mejores desde la cuenta oficial de Sonic en Twitter.
¡Esperamos vuestros divertidas y entretenidas respuestas!
Acto 1: El Definitivo y El Infinito
Los focos brillan…los aplausos no cesan…
El momento de ensueño con las voces y el aura de los dos artistas es asombroso, y así la actuación terminó con un gran éxito.
Esa sala de conciertos llevaba allí algún tiempo. Los intérpretes, y ni digamos la audiencia, no recuerdan muy bien qué hacían allí. Aún así, todos parecían disfrutar del momento…Excepto por alguien.
“No te interpongas en mi camino. Solo eres una carga”
Es lo que dice Shadow de forma fría a su compañero después del concierto. Su pobre actitud hacia el público, su maltrecha actuación…Estaba muy lejos de la perfección que Shadow buscaba.
Pero Infinite se rió a carcajadas cuando se vio confrontado y lentamente se dirigió hacia Shadow.
“No esperaba más de la basura incapaz de comprender la autenticidad. No tengo como hobby seguir tus delirios de auto indulgencia buscando la perfección”
“Admites que eres una farsa. Ya era hora de que lo aceptaras”
El ambiente en el backstage de repente se volvió amenazante.
“No me puedo creer que tenga que oír una vez más sobre la "perfección” que no tienes. ¿Por qué no aprendes del negocio como yo antes de ser tan bocazas?“
"Tengo un objetivo. Ya basta de distracciones…Espera… ¿Objetivo…?”
Infinite sonreía mientras veía de lado a Shadow, que no recordaba nada. Este, que había evitado el contacto visual con Infinite todo este tiempo, de repente se gira para mirar a Infinite y suelta…
“¿Por qué será…que mirar tu cara me molesta tanto?”
“¿¡Qué has dicho!?”
Infinite miró hacia arriba y…
La patada voladora de Shadow es acompañada por un fuerte y resonante sonido y un destello de luz. Infinite atravesó la puerta del backstage hacia la oscura noche antes de que pudiera decir nada, y aún después de haberle perdido de vista, Shadow continua…
“No vuelvas a mostrar esa cara de perdedor ante mí”
Shadow abandona el lugar, diciendo que se acaba el dúo. Lo único que queda en el lugar es un micrófono, que se queda sin dueño.
Después del evento...
Esta anomalía parece que está pasando en todo el mundo.
Este lugar solía ser una base de Eggman, pero ahora es una sala de conciertos.
Los recuerdos de Shadow y los demás que han actuado aquí parece haber sido completamente sustituidas por la de los músicos. Tal parece que sus personalidades y sus relaciones no han cambiado…
¿Qué leches ha pasado? ¿Qué estaban intentando hacer aquí?
El misterio sólo se agudiza…
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sonicreferencephotos · 11 months
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Date night Gadget; Sonic Channel
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Detective Cream; Sonic Channel
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