#Sophie okoneda
luckydiorxoxo · 1 year
Edward Enninful, Sophie Okoneda and Ben Whishaw attend the JW Anderson show
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justdrue · 11 years
Hotel Rwanda
So, i just watched Hotel Rwanda and although I had known a few facts about the genocide in Rwanda, i did not know much.
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During the movie I was crying at certain parts and overall crushed at what was going on. 
Some moments that stuck out were when the journalist (i think his name is jack?) told Paul "I think if people see this footage, they'll say 'Oh my god that's horrible'. And then they'll go on eating their dinners." This quote made me realize that our society is still like this. We'll often see terrible things going on, like the protests in Turkey or the civil war in Syria and think 'Oh what a horrible thing, I feel so bad for these people' and then a minute later watch Supernatural or read what Justin Bieber's up to. 
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Another moment, where I started crying, was when the soldiers intervened and only let foreigners on the buses and they started separating the white nuns from the orphans and the african nuns. To see them calling out for each other and the soldiers just standing there, knowing their orders are to do nothing, just devastated me.
I'm not sure how much of this movie is based on true facts but from what i researched afterwards, it seemed the movie was accurate.  From this source I found out 1,174,000 people were killed in 100 days. To put that in perspective, that means, seven people every minute. EVERY MINUTE.  One fact about the movie that was true was that the UN and other organizations that were in Rwanda, were ordered not to interfere. One quote from the movie was the Belgium UN kernel saying "We are peacekeepers, not peacemakers" This really had me thinking about the situation in Syria and Egypt and dozens of other countries over the past decade. 
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This is a picture of some of the unknown victims of the Rwandan Genocide. I saw a comment on tumblr saying this person didn't even know about this event until he/she watched this movie. This made me sad that probably hundreds of people don't know about this terrible thing that happened and the knowledge of this event needs to be known.
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