#Sora really said 'GET AWAY FROM MY WIFE' in John Mulaney voice
star-sworn · 1 year
do you ever think about how like. kairi was asleep for a year searching for sora’s heart and sora was asleep on that couch (for a week? a year? however the time difference works in unreality) and reached out to kairi’s heart somehow (assuming it wasn’t just her subconscious creating an image of sora) like do you ever think about both of them being asleep at the same time for a significant period of time and their hearts connecting with one another across realities within their dreams. do you ever think about what a beautiful image that is
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sweetie. sweaty. honey. I only think about this maaaybe once a day. And that's not that hyperbolic. I mean you really said it all--They are literally BONDED across the chasm of reality itself. We can all speculate whether it's from the paopu fruit (as I think) or just The Power of Love™️, but regardless it's beyond romantic. And it was when she needed him. She needed him, and he was there. Whenever she needs him, he never lets her down, literally using himself (projected on to her I guess?) as a shield. I have no hands here, so let me use yours, I'll give you my keyblade, I'll give you my strength. Even when I'm in unreality you are not allowed to mess with Kairi. How many times must I teach you this lesson old man?
I do think what you pointed out about it happening when they're both sleeping is really interesting. There is a wonderful symmetry to it, dreaming of each other, reaching for each other--in a world without you, i'll dream of you, right? It seems that's how Yozora reaches Sora too, and possibly riku, given the endings of Remind and kh3? some very weird jumbling of memory and dream going on here. It reminds me a bit of CoM, where Sora is put to sleep in order to unscramble his memories. The concepts of dream and memory and sleep are often found together in kh. once nomura puts you to sleep, no telling what weird shit's going to happen to you lol. oh the sweet sweet torment of kh mysteries.
And iirc from a nomura interview from after the trailer drop it seems Sora was asleep from the time between kh3/remind and this moment of waking in the kh4 trailer, and that he was asleep for seven days (because of course he was). So either a week in unreality is a year in kh time, or there's even zanier time shenanigans at play. It could just be a way to quickly handwave over the intervening time, so they might gloss over all of this, but I really do hope they'll show us or describe to us the MoM scene from Sora's POV (and also how/when he got changed into his new 'fit lol). I wrote that mini fic on the MoM scene because it's so fascinating to me. He just knew. She must have been calling out to him, and he knew. How did he know she needed him? How did he get to her? I have to lie facedown now.
The fact that Kairi thanked Sora at the end, to me at least, (and im not a sap nor am i biased in any way) says that it was actually Sora, not her own imagining of him. But it does present this interesting idea if it is some sort of self creation--that in a moment of weakness, again her own demons, when she needs strength and courage, when she feels she's not enough, she thinks of sora, and that gives her that courage and strength. I mean, who does she know that's defeated Xehanort? (If you can't get Sora himself, store-bought is fine).
Anyway, I actually rewatched the kh4 trailer a few days ago and I still clutched my chest when it first reveals Sora on the couch. I don't think I'll ever forget how I felt seeing him there, knowing he was (at least to some extent) alright, seeing him so altered and grown up, so far from all he's known. KH certainly isn't in Kansas anymore. Just think, what if Sora had just saved Kairi, right before that moment cuts in and he opens his eyes? A girl can dream.
answering this ask Maria (can I call you that? mutual level up?), you literally have me kicking my feet under my desk like a middle schooler after the big dance. this was good for my soul. Kh always makes sure there's something spicy even in the seemingly innocuous titles, and wow, MoM truly has a banger. A love banger. This is where I'm torn. Because a sokai reunion after returning from unreality would be oh so sweet. If either Sora or Kairi don't fall to the ground because their knees give out when they see one another, it won't be angsty enough for me. And you've discussed before, Kairi doesn't have to girlboss her way to Shibuya in order for kh4 to be satisfying, iirc. and Im with you on that. to me, she's as much 'home' to Sora as DI is, so it could be a very cathartic way to end kh4, similar to the end of kh2. But also, them reuniting in quadratum, then perhaps even teaming up? sweet dreams are made of this.
will i trim this down? no. should I have? probably. but im so happy I have a fellow new fan to enjoy the ride with. we both missed the hype for 3, but hot damn, we arguably picked the best time to become kh fans. Hope your finals are going well sweetie, and you have a wonderful Christmas. thank you for this gift in my tumblr stocking, it's always welcome.
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