Snippet: Love me, hurt me
Today: a new vignette I have been writing because Final Fantasy 16 has completely put me in the mood for Devon and Sorasiehn. Sometimes, I stop and look at the landscapes just to imagine what Devon would think of what he's seeing, and how he'd feel walking through similar environments - as I know they have way back when.
It's also made me want to write a scene that's been on my mind for a few years. I haven't gotten there yet in their main story. But I needed to rewrite it anyway, and do it well this time.
Sorasiehn choked as, beneath her knees, the ground gave way; turning to sludge, sucking her in with every frightened breath. Before long, she was holding onto Devon for dear life, his body stiff and safe upon the surface of the quicksand. As the mud reached for her lips, Sorasiehn called out to him – to wake up; to help her. To stay with her.
Don't leave me, she mouthed, even as mud poured down her mouth and her throat and shut off her breathing. Her mind. Her heart.
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Relationship Snippet Tag Game
I was tagged by @hallwriteblr (their snippet here)
Rules: share a few lines or a snippet that sums up the main relationship(s) in your WIP.
Admittedly, I didn't really know what to share. A few lines only? To sum up a relationship? Do I even have such a snippet?
So, I picked a WIP that has very difficult relationships. A Romeo and Juliet-esque theme, somewhat (unintendedly so). This snippet shows injustice and bias. It's still one of my utmost favourite bits of story because it just stings in all the right ways. And perfectly sums up their relationship.
(note: malia = mother, palo = father)
"I love you, malia, and I always will. But you are wrong. I do not believe Daeron will harm me. He… is kind," I said, and I looked at Devon then. "Like you."
I saw revulsion streaking his face. Devon's fangs fully bared, his jaw clenched as he hissed his disgust. The tale of his heart explained what he could not: that necromancers had hurt him and my grandmalia, Sorasiehn. She had died because of them. He could but see the world, and necromancers, through the lens of this one, devastating experience.
Unsurprisingly, Devon started yelling at me. "Necromancers are murderers!"
"So are vampires!" I'd said before I realized, for I had never forgotten my palo's own wrongs. The memory of the corpses strewn across the clearing had haunted me forever, and right then, it was all I could think about. "You have murdered, palo! What makes you so different from him?"
(as always, I tag no one. Should you pick up the tag from me, please tag me back and I'll leave a comment on your own snip)
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