#Sorrentine Peninsula
jaygaeze · 10 months
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wgm-beautiful-world · 10 months
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Duomo di Amalfi - ITALIA
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hopefulkidshark · 5 months
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Amalfi Coast, Amalfi, Italy: The Amalfi Coast is a stretch of coastline in southern Italy overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Gulf of Salerno. It is located south of the Sorrentine Peninsula and north of the Cilentan Coast. Celebrated worldwide for its Mediterranean landscape and natural diversity, the Coast is named after the town of Amalfi, which makes up its main historical and political centre. It is a very popular jet set destination, and has been an attraction to upper-class Europeans since the 18th century, when it was a frequent stopover on their Grand Tours. Wikipedia
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famousinuniverse · 3 months
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Amalfi coast, Italy: The Amalfi Coast is a stretch of coastline in southern Italy overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Gulf of Salerno. It is located south of the Sorrentine Peninsula and north of the Cilentan Coast. Celebrated worldwide for its Mediterranean landscape and natural diversity, the Coast is named after the town of Amalfi, which makes up its main historical and political centre. It is a very popular jet set destination, and has been an attraction to upper-class Europeans since the 18th century, when it was a frequent stopover on their Grand Tours. Wikipedia
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chickensarentcheap · 8 months
Lost and Found- Chapter 26
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Fandom: Extraction
Pairing: Tyler Rake and Esme Drummond (established OFC. However, you do not need to read the other fics to understand this one)
Tagging: @tragiclyhip @themaradwrites @secretaryunpaid @youflickedtooharddamnit @munstysmind @residentdormouse @thebejeweledwatercat @asirensrage @theesirenteller @ninjasawakenedmystar @alisbackalleybbq @arrthurpendragon @ocappreciation @occommunity @fanficanatic-tw @karimac @kmc1989
Warnings: profanity, brief mentions of blood, bruises, scrapes, cuts. Nothing major.
Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43179357/chapters/134444914
My tag list is OPEN. Please just message me or comment on this post to be added :D
The house is one of half a dozen Nik has collected around the world; located on the Amalfi Coast along the southern edge of Italy’s Sorrentine peninsula. A highly secure five-bedroom, six-bathroom villa that backs onto a cliff that overlooks the Tyrrhenian Sea; built a kilometre from the main road and hidden from sight by a dense, expansive lemon grove.
Despite the years of both work experience and friendship, he had never set foot in any of her homes; business always being conducted in neutral yet secretive places, over the telephone, or even -years before- at his old shack in the outback. They have always travelled in different circles; Nik’s beyond-the-job friendships extending to powerful politicians, multi-million and billionaire businessmen, heads of organized crime and the shady, top-notch lawyers that defended them. Tyler prefers to stick with the couple of buddies he’s known for years; the ones that he can trust with nearly every one of his darkest and deepest secrets. Koen and Rata both serving with him in the ‘normal’ ranks of the Australian Army before he secured his place with SASR. The former his direct superior officer for several years; since the day he’d shown up at boot camp as a cocky, wet-behind-the-years eighteen-year-old.
While Nik prefers the sophisticated, luxurious life that being a gun runner and the head of her mercenary business provides her, Tyler has always lived well below his means. Able to afford much more than that shack in the outback and even the house in the Broome, but never feeling the need for something more expensive and flashy. Even keeping the same old pickup he’d had since he was a teenager; doing his own repairs for nearly two decades before finally running the old girl into the ground.
Their distinct differences had prevented him from developing something more with Nik; drawn instead to the normalcy and practicality that Esme brought into his life. She had always longed for a much simpler and quieter existence; preferring not to draw attention to herself and never surrounding herself with those that they encountered in their respective careers Somehow managing to keep the two sides of her life -of HERSELF- completely separate; leaving the job behind the second a mission wrapped and able to -no matter how brief- enjoy a normal life. The job didn’t control her, and she didn’t obsess over her successes and failures. Indulging instead in all the little moments that came with routine and domesticity. Nik, however, was unable ever to let the job go. Spending every waking moment immersing herself in the lifestyle and enjoying its spoils. And she certainly never entertained the idea or wish of something more beyond it; laughing off any suggestion that perhaps marriage and children and settling down were somewhere in her cards.
He had never realized he wanted any of that either; his first marriage had crashed and burned, and he’d been a complete and utter failure as a father. But then he’d met Esme, and everything quickly changed. HE changed. Finding himself both mesmerized and intrigued by the love and joy she somehow still possessed for life and everyone in it, the whimsy she possessed, and those hopeful and wistful dreams that she carried with her everywhere she went.
THAT was someone he could see carving out a future with.
Upon arrival, he reluctantly puts his trust in the medic to ‘deliver’ Esme to the waiting doctor; a longtime colleague of Nik’s who has attended to many injuries -both minor and life-threatening and everything in between- over the course of the last decade and a half. The largest of the villa’s guest rooms is already prepared and stocked with various medical equipment and supplies: a machine to monitor vitals, an IV stand and a pain medicine pump. And it isn’t until that moment that he’s able to register his discomfort; plagued by near-crippling mental and physical exhaustion. His entire body screaming in pain; his lower back on fire, both his knees stiff and painful, and his head pounding from a likely concussion of his own. Yet he knows sleep will likely elude him. Plagued by a potent mixture of emotions; the profound worry for Esme, the lingering regret and guilt for his choices, and his momentary lapse of judgement. And a rage that remains on a low boil when it comes to both Alessio, his actions, and Winston’s betrayal and the words he’d spoken in the basement.
Instead of allowing himself to second-guess his decisions and plot revenge, he focuses on Millie. Carefully unbuckling her from the booster seat in the back of one of Nik’s many chauffeured cars, easily lifting her with one arm and tucking her tight into his chest. Her legs and arms dangle loosely as her head rests on his shoulder; not offering up even the slightest of flinches or mumbles when he tosses her sequined unicorn backpack -full of her art supplies, finished pictures, and her beloved doll and koala bear- over his shoulder.
“Her room’s the first one at the top of the stairs.” Nik nods toward the central staircase; gleaming white and gray marble accompanied by polished steel handrails and glass panels. “On the right.”
It makes the bitterness return; the realization that Millie has her own ‘place’ in Nik’s home. An expansive and beautiful suite fit for a princess, decorated in all of her favourite colours, holding all of her favourite toys and belongings, the closets filled with her clothes. He had been robbed of all of that; never getting the chance to put a crib together, change a single diaper, put her in a bubble gum pink onesie, or slip one of those ridiculous flowered headbands onto her head. He never got to tuck her in and read her a bedtime story; he was never able to help with potty training or assist with brushing her teeth. He hadn’t witnessed her going from rolling from back to front and side to side to sitting up and eventually pulling up into a stand. He wasn’t there when she’d taken her first steps, hadn’t seen her learning to run, and hadn’t heard her first words.
So many missed opportunities. Things that others had been blessed to experience. While he’d never even known of her existence.
He uses a hip to push open the door and an elbow to flick on the light. The room is enormous; possessing its own walk-in closet and ensuite bath and a separate crafting area sectioned off with a dinosaur AND princess-themed room divider. An entire wall is taken up with built-in shelves, hosting books, stuffed animals, and a wide selection of Barbie dolls, action figures, and matchbox cars. A wrought iron canopy bed sits in the middle of the room and atop a three-stepped platform; the frame decorated with pink and gray camouflage drapes and the mattress covered in a Batman comforter.
Tossing the backpack in a nearby chair, he climbs the steps to the bed; Millie clutched to his chest with one arm as his free hand pulls back the blankets and flat sheet. And she gives a slight whimper and a heavy sigh when he places her in the middle of the mattress; her eyes flickering open as she lets out a long, soft “daddy” and reaches up for him.
Time seems to stand still. His entire body tenses as the emotions -profound and overwhelming- rush through him. It’s been a long time since he’s been called that; over a decade since Austin had addressed him that way during his last weeks in the hospital as the cancer ravaged him. Esme had been the one who’d given him a semblance of hope; that one day he’d once more be given that title and he’d hear the word come out of a little one’s mouth. When she left, that dream had evaporated; gone was the one person he could ever see making that kind of commitment and building that kind of future with. And while Millie may not be fully aware of what she’s saying in a semi-conscious moment, it still nearly brings him to his knees; tears welling in his eyes as his throat tightens and his heart hammers within his chest.
Grumbling her displeasure of being awakened, Millie sits up in bed; her brow furrowed and eyes half closed, a pout curving her lips. Stuck in a state of disorientation and confusion as she glances around the room. “Where are we?”
“We’re at Auntie Nik’s house. The one in Italy. Remember how I told you? About how we were going to stay here for a few days?”
“Oh…” Yawning noisily, she presses the heels of her palms into her eyes. “...yeah…I remember. Where’s momma?”
“The doctor is taking a look at her. Just to make sure she’s doing alright. Then she’s going to sleep. Just like you’re going to. You want jammies on or are you just gonna sleep in your clothes or…?”
“Jammies, please. Where’s Franklin? And Posie? I can’t sleep without Franklin or Posie. Posie needs her jammies on, too. They’re with mine. They match.”
Collecting the doll and koala out of the backpack, he drops them on the bed. “And the jammies…”
“In my dresser. Top middle drawer.”
He searches for pyjamas for both her and the doll, finally locating matching nightgowns: white cotton with thin straps, the fabric emblazoned with colourful butterflies.
“Those are my favourite!” Millie enthuses, as she wriggles out of her clothes. “Mommy made those for us! Out of pillowcases! They’re really supposed to be dresses, but I always liked wearing them as jammies. So does Posie.”
“Your mum’s a pretty talented one, isn’t she?”
“Most of the time. Just don’t ask her to cook. She’s not very good at that. At all. My dirty clothes go in there…” She nods towards the ensuite bathroom.. “...that’s where the washer and dryer are.”
“You have your own washer and dryer? You're four.”
“It’s not like I know how to use them. They’re just there. For convenience, I guess. Well, I do know HOW to put stuff in the wash and in the dryer. I just can’t reach to turn them on.”
“You are way too smart for your own good.”
“Mom says that all the time.”
Retreating to the ensuite, tossing the clothes into the washer; leaving the door open for more to be added later. And when he returns to the bedroom, both Millie and the doll are already in their pyjamas; the four-year-old waiting in bed with a hairbrush in one hand, and a package of elastics in the other.
“We have to do my hair. Or it gets really knotted when I’m asleep and then it’s really hard to brush it in when I get up.. And it hurts like hell too! Do you know how to braid hair?”
“I can teach you!”
“How about we leave that for tomorrow? When it’s not so late. Think maybe we could do something else with it? Put it in a bun or a ponytail or…?”
“Ponytail is alright. But you gotta put it up on the top of my head, or I can’t sleep. ‘Cause it hurts to lie on it.”
He gingerly and patiently works the brush through Millie’s tresses, then gathers it in both hands and secures it with the hair tie she passes to him. It’s a simple experience shared with his daughter, yet it brings back vivid memories of similar moments with her mother. Those times when Esme would be busy in the kitchen; focused on a recipe she was trying to recreate or the baking that had that little cabin filled with delicious aromas. He’d approach her from behind; sneaking a kiss to her cheek or temple before putting her hair back for her.
“What else?”
“I gotta brush my teeth.”
“How ‘bout we skip it tonight?”
“Momma won’t like that.”
“I won’t tell her if you won’t. We’ll just make sure you brush them twice as long after breakfast.”
“Does that work? Does it really make up for not doing it before bed?”
“Of course. Would I lie to you?”
Millie shakes her head, ponytail swaying from side to side.
“So does your mum read a story to you or…?”
“Sometimes. Not every night. Only if I ask. I’m too tired tonight. No stories. But thank you.”
“Do you want me to just tuck you in or…?”
“Will you snuggle with me? Just for a little bit? It’s been a really bad day, and I’m still super sad. I need a snuggle. A really good one. And momma can’t do it, so…”
He agrees to the snuggle; moving towards the door in order to shut off the lights, pauses with his hand on the switch. “You got a night light or something?”
“Nope. I’m not scared of that dark, daddy. I’m not a baby!”
He wants to tell her that yes, she is. That she’s HIS baby. How regardless of how old she gets and how many children she has of her own, she always WILL be. And while the first time being called daddy had been a shock, the second occurrence hits even harder; the realization that it was a fully conscious decision on Millie’s part and not just a slip of the tongue… a random moment…while still teetering on the edge of sleep. He’s thankful for the darkness that envelopes the room when he turns off the light, able to hide the tears sparkling in his eyes and the millions of questions a very observant Millie will lob at him. And climbing into bed beside her, he wraps both arms around her; that tiny body snuggling tightly against him, doll and bear under one arm, her face nestled in his ribs.
“You good?”
“I’m good. You’re nice and warm. And comfy. You make me feel safe. Like I don’t have anything to be scared of.”
“There’s nothing to be afraid of. No one can hurt you anymore. I won’t let them.”
“Promise. And I’d promise with a million pinkie promises.”
“That’s a lot!”
“That’s how honest I’m being. You and your mum ARE safe. And I’ll make sure you stay that way. I won’t let anyone hurt you guys. And there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for either of you. You know that, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Nuzzling her face against his side, she places her free hand on his chest. “Will you draw on my back? Please? It helps me sleep.”
He obliges, his own eyes closing as his fingertips create random patterns on her back. Several minutes passing before she yawns and raises her head to look at him, eyes sparkling in the moonlight that streams through the curtains.
“Can I ask you something?”
“You’re supposed to be sleeping.”
“I’ll go to sleep AFTER I ask my question.”
“What is it?”
“You and momma lived together, right? Before I came along? In Australia?”
“We did.”
“In the house you live in now?”
“No. A different house. In a different part of Australia.”
“But the house you live in now is the house we are ALL going to live in? Or do we have to get a new one?”
“We won’t have to get a new one for a while. There’s enough room for all of us. And maybe one or two more people.”
“That means you and momma can start having babies!”
“That’s something your mum and I would have to talk about. I don’t know if she’s quite ready for that. Having babies.”
“Well, I hope she’s ready soon. ‘Cause I really want to be a big sister. And I’m not getting any younger!”
“If you think you’re not getting any younger, how do you think I feel? I’m way older than you are.”
“How much older?”
“A lot.”
“How much is that? How old ARE you?”
“I’m forty.”
“Holy shit!”
“Excuse you? Forty’s not THAT old.”
“It’s middle age! You’re older than momma!”
“I am.”
“Momma’s only thirty-four. But she’s going to be thirty-five soon. Maybe we can have a party for her. For her birthday.”
“I don’t see why we couldn’t.”
“We can even make her a birthday cake and put up balloons and streamers and play games! We can even take her out for dinner!”
“You got it all planned, do you?”
“Most of it. I don’t know about the guest list, though.”
“That’s something we can talk about when it’s closer to the time. For now….” He drops a kiss on the top of her head. “...it’s time for bed. It’s late. And it’s been a really long day. Time to sleep, okay?”
“Okay.” Pushing herself up onto her elbow, she pecks his cheek, followed by the corner of his mouth. Her face buried in his ribs as she once more lies down next to him. “Goodnight, daddy. Love you.”
Tears threaten once more. “I love you, too. So very much.”
He’s teetering on the edge of sleep when a soft knock comes to the door; Nik standing on the threshold, motioning for him to join her and the doctor in the hallway. Carefully slipping from under Millie’s arm and out of bed, he tucks the blankets around her slumbering form and then leans down to press a kiss to her forehead. Reluctantly leaving her side, he joins Nikand the doctor in the hallway, quietly shutting the door behind him.
“How’s she doing?” Nik inquires, her voice scarcely above a whisper.
“She’s finally asleep. I don’t know where she gets all that energy from. She wore me out a long time ago.”
“You’ve got your work cut out for you, daddy. She’s cute as hell, but she can be a real handful. And you’ve just been thrown right to the wolves.”
“Esme?” Tyler addresses the doctor. “ How is she?”
“Very lucky. Considering the intensity of the crash and the damage done to the vehicle, I’m surprised we’re not looking at life-threatening injuries. If not worse.”
“Anything I need to worry about or…?”
“For the most part, I agree with the medic’s findings. There’s no sign of internal bleeding, and there’s no dilation of the pupils, slurred speech, or difficulties with reflexes. And no confusion; she was able to tell me her full name, what day, month, and year it was, and give a very detailed description of what exactly happened. Ruling out a brain injury, the diagnosis remains the same; whiplash and a moderate to severe concussion. Both should begin to ease within the next few days. I do suspect a bruised liver and spleen, however. I’ll be able to monitor those over the next forty-eight hours. For any sign of tearing or rupture.”
“He does think the sternum is broken,” Nik pipes up. “Based on the severity of the pain. And limited movement.”
“Nothing more than a hairline fracture,” the Doctor explains. “And nothing that we could repair surgically or even cast for. The best course of action is none; just letting it heal on its own. She’ll need to rest it for at least four weeks; no lifting anything over ten pounds, no repetitive movement. She can wear a sling if she finds it lessens the discomfort. As far as I can tell, the majority of the pain is actually from the contusion caused by the seat belt; deep and prolific bruising from the top of her shoulder, running diagonally to the left hip. I have her on IV antibiotics and pain meds for the next twenty-four hours; after that I’ll be able to switch her to oral medication.”
“Can she eat or drink? If she wakes up hungry or thirsty…?”
“She’s allowed both solids and liquid. I suggest keeping meals small and light. Her system is in shock from the amount of injuries and the pain; anything too heavy could cause stomach upset. And preventing further discomfort is important at this time.”
“And how long will we have to stay here? When can I take her home?”
“Within a week, she should be able to move around quite freely and without much difficulty or pain. I wouldn’t suggest flying any sooner than that; the altitude would put pressure on the brain, and with the concussion, it could cause severe issues. Swelling, blood clots, aneurysms. It’s safer to wait seven days. After that, even when home, you’ll have to keep an eye on her; make sure she stays on top of her meds, and follows the rules when it comes to healing properly.”
“But she’s going to be okay? She’ll be back to normal? Eventually?”
“She’s young and healthy. There’s nothing to suggest she WON’T be back to normal. Just keep an eye out for anything that suggests trouble; severe headaches beyond what a concussion would provide, any unexplained swelling and redness anywhere on the body, a high fever, speech issues, or any loss of consciousness. If any of those happen, she has to be seen immediately. Wherever you are. Now…” Tilting his head to the side, his eyes narrow as he takes in the various bruises and cuts on Tyler’s neck and face. “...perhaps I should take a look at YOU now.”
“You don’t need to. I’m fine. I cleaned myself up. Fixed what I could. I don’t…”
“You should be looked at,” Nik gently persuades. “Esme wasn’t the only one in that accident. You’re pretty banged up. Just let the doctor take a look and…”
“I said I’m fine.” His voice stern. Harsher than it needs to be. “I’ve gone through a lot worse. And lived to tell about it. All I really need is some sleep.”
“If you have your own concussion or some internal damage or…”
Ignoring Nik, he once more addresses the doctor. “I’ll let you know if I start feeling worse. Right now, I’m just tired. I just need to rest. It’s been a hell of a long day. Thank you,” He offers his hand. “For taking care of her. If anything had have been seriously wrong…”
“She’s going to make a full recovery. And because of her good health and how she’s taken care of herself throughout her life, she’ll likely heal faster than most. Right now, rest and relaxation are her best friends. And keeping up with a med schedule. I’ve left my home and cell numbers on the nightstand in the bedroom; call if you have even the slightest bit of concern. I’ll be right over.”
Nodding in both appreciation and farewell, he turns on his heel to head for the bedroom next door.
“Nik, not tonight. I’m not in the mood for this shit. I’m tired, and I’m sore, and I desperately need at least a few hours of sleep.”
“I wasn’t going to…”
“I don’t need to have the doctor look at me, and I sure as hell don’t need you getting on my ass. So if you're even thinking about bringing up me leaving when all this is over…”
“Actually, I WAS going to say that I had your things brought to the room. And that there are fresh towels and facecloths in the bathroom. I would have had one of the other guest suites made up, but I already knew you would argue with me; that you wouldn’t want to be away from her.”
“Despite how rough things have been…between us…I do appreciate it, Nik. Everything that you’ve done. Especially in the last few days. I don’t agree with what you did; not letting me know that Esme was alive and that I had a kid out there. And it’s going to take me a hell of a long time to get over it. I can’t pretend I’m not pissed off. That I’m not hurt. I can’t just turn all that off, you know? It isn’t something I can just forgive.”
“I couldn’t betray her trust. Not even for you. She relied on me; to keep her and Millie safe. And I…”
“Safe from who? Me? I wasn’t a threat to them. You didn’t need to protect them from me.”
“She wanted to protect you. She thought she was doing the right thing. And whether I agreed with that or not…”
“I’m not going to get into this right now. I just can’t do it. I’ve said everything I needed to say. Other than thank you. For taking care of her and Millie. Keeping them safe. You didn’t have to step up like that, but you did. And if it wasn’t for you, who knows where they’d be right now. Kinda scares me to even think about it.”
“I took care of them for YOU. Because I knew one day she’d track you down and you’d get that chance; to be a family and grow old together. I WANTED that for you, Tyler. I wanted you to get your ‘happy ever after.’ And I’ve never seen you as just a commodity. You’ve always been more than that. Much more.”
“I want to believe that, Nik. I do. But right now…”
“You’re hurt. You’re angry. And you’ve got every right to feel those things. I just hope one day you’ll realize what I did, I did for them and YOU. Try and get some rest. It’s been a long day. And Millie is going to have you up and bright and early, believe me.” “If it’s before the crack of dawn, I’m sending her to you.”
“Don’t even think about it. I plan on sleeping until noon.”
“You’re gonna up with the sun, and you know it. It’s just who you are. The way you’re made.”
“Try and relax, Tyler. It’s safe here. THEY’RE safe.”
“Sometimes that’s easier said than done.”
“In a week’s time, you’ll be back home. With your family. The chances of any threats finding you there…”
“There’s always a chance, Nik. You know that.”
“I’ll do what I can. When it comes to handling things in New York City. Making sure the trouble stays there. And once things settle down…for good…that’s it. You’re free.”
“Only if you’ll let me be.”
“It’ll be hard to let you go. We’ve been through a lot together. SEEN a lot.”
“You should know by now that you can’t get rid of me THAT easy. After all, you’re Auntie Nik, yeah? Something tells me Millie wouldn’t stand for you just up and disappearing.”
“She doesn’t have to worry about that. She’s my family. So is her mom. And so are you. Sleep well. You’ve earned it.”
Nodding in agreement and apprehension, he moves towards the guest room, hesitating as his fingers curl around the door handle, and just as Nik steps onto the top landing of the stairs. “Nik?”
She hesitates.
“Thank you.”
She manages a weary smile. “Goodnight, Tyler.”
A long, hot shower makes him feel almost human again. Thirty minutes spent standing motionless under a punishing stream of hot water as it not only rid his hair and body of remaining remnants of debris and blood, but brought some relief to his lower back, base of his skull, and both shoulders. Afterwards in the light of the bathroom, he’s able to better assess the damage done to his body; various cuts and abrasions along both arms and legs, large bruises on the front and backs of his thighs and in the middle of his back, several smaller across his collarbone. A perfect impression of the steering wheel -and its emblem- covers the majority of his sternum, and the skin on the left side of his rib cage has begun to turn vivid, various shades of purple and blue. Far surpassing the damage done in Georgia and Vienna, even WITH the gunshot to his hand and to his lower left abdomen. The latter missing all vital organs and lodging near his hip; an easy removal for the medical team at the Graz-Karlau prison. Barely leaving a scar behind and requiring a very short rest and recovery time.
He navigates the bedroom by both the streaks of moonlight that spill through the window coverings and the glow given off by the portable ECG machine monitoring Esme’s vitals. Rummaging through the rucksack; he locates the lone pair of sweats he’d packed for his initial business trip; grimacing at the stiffness in his knees and discomfort in his back as he steps into them. The bed -more expansive than an average king- is more than large enough for both of them to sleep in, and for her to be kept safe from his tossing and turning; eager to spare her an errant elbow to the back or stomach or a knee into a thigh. And he creeps to her side, watching as she sleeps soundly; light, peaceful smile curving her lips’ with her face turned towards the window. The soft, silvery sheen the moon casts upon her face shows off the various cuts and bruises that she’d incurred earlier in the day; the vivid purple and blue upon her forehead, across the bridge of her nose, and on the tops of both cheeks and under one eye.
It’s painful to look at; the mere thought of her injured and in discomfort nearly splitting his heart in two. Hating his perceived negligence and failure to keep her safe had led her to this; hooked up to various wires and tubes from the IV and pain. Hurting far worse than he’d ever expected it to; believing that watching his son suffer and waste away had steeled him against witnessing someone experiencing pain and illness. But it aches to his very soul; twisting and wrenching at his guts and a sorrow -for someone who is still very much alive- creating a death grip around his heart. And emotion chokes at him as he crouches at the side of the bed; smoothing a hand over her hair and laying his palm on the top of her head, thumb repeatedly brushing across her brow.
“I’m so sorry, Me.” He grazes his knuckles over her bruised and swollen cheek. “I am so fucking sorry.”
She murmurs in her sleep, then releases a long, soft sigh as she nestles her cheek into his palm.
“And I’m sorry for being as angry and as hurt as I am. I know you did the best you could; that you left because you were scared, and you wanted to protect me. But you kept my daughter from me. When there was no reason to. And I don’t know how long it’s going to take me to get over that. If I ever really do. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you. I have ALWAYS loved you. Those five years changed nothing.” Leaning forward, he presses a lingering kiss to her brow, then to her lips. “You sleep, okay? ‘Cause that’s the only way you’re gonna get better. Because that’s what Millie needs; her mom back to normal. And I need that too.” He pulls back with a heavy sigh; running the tip of his index finger down the bridge of her nose. “This is all going to be over soon. I promise. There’s nothing for you to be scared of anymore. No one can hurt you now. And they won’t hurt you EVER again.”
His knees crack, and he bites back the pain as he stands. The limp in his right leg more pronounced as he retreats to his side of the bed, peeling back the layers of blankets and slides underneath. His body is sore and weary, and his head immediately sinks into the pillow; the case and the crisp, linen sheets cool and refreshing against his skin. He’s never experienced this level of exhaustion; not even during the months of tedious and often agonizing physical therapy sessions that had preceded his release from the hospital in Dubai. It’s a tiredness that is bone…SOUL…deep; both limbs and eyes feeling impossibly heavy, his own body seeming rooted to its place. And despite the years of frequent bouts of insomnia, it isn’t long before rest claims him. Lulled to sleep by the faint beeping of the EKG machine, Esme’s soft rhythmic breathing, and the rolling of the waves as they wash up onto the shore.
He sleeps soundly despite the pain and only over-the-counter pills to dull it, stirring only once when the nurse crept into the room in the dead of the night to change Esme’s IV and med bag and then reset the pump. He remembers a brief, exhausted chat; the nurse apologizing for waking him, the exchange of pleasantries, and his peppering of questions in regards to Esme’s vitals and the continued care she’ll be receiving. Already back asleep before the woman even finished her duties and slipped from the room. When he finally wakes for the day, it’s courtesy of a tiny hand repeatedly -and remarkably vigorously- shaking him and a tiny voice calling his name. And cracking open his eyes, he moans in discomfort when he’s immediately greeted by the sun’s harsh rays, followed by Millie’s wide, beaming smile as she stands at the side of the bed. Clad in her pyjamas with her doll under one arm, teddy under the other; her high ponytail having loosened in her sleep and now sitting at an awkward angle on the side of her head.
“Hi!” she chirps. “Hi, daddy.”
“Did you sleep good?”
“Better than I expected to. Is something wrong?”
“You’re okay?”
Millie nods.
“What are you doing? What…?”
“I’m hungry. My tum is complaining.REALLY loud. I went downstairs and looked for Carmen, but I couldn’t find her. And there’s no brekkie waiting in the kitchen. Usually, she has brekkie finished and waiting for me.”
“Who’s Carmen?”
“Auntie Nik’s cook.”
“Auntie Nik has a cook?”
“And someone that shops for her, someone that books all her appointments, a chauffeur, and a maid.”
“What does she do? If she has all those people doing everything for her?”
“Wears nice clothes and kicks butt and takes names.”
“Is that what you’re going to be like? When you’re older?”
“I’m already like that.”
Chuckling, he reaches out to playfully tug on her ponytail. “So I guess this means I better get my ass up, yeah? Can’t exactly do stuff on your own.”
“I CAN make my own breakfast. Well, just cereal and toast, but still, I’m ONLY four, so that’s pretty good, right? That I can do that?”
“Your mumma’s been doing a damn good job, that’s for sure. Teaching you things.”
“She wants me to be strong and independent. But not grow up too fast. But one day, I’ll be able to make pancakes and scrambled eggs and bacon. Not just boring old cereal and toast.”
“Are you trying to tell me you want something else? More than that?”
She giggles as she drops her chin to her chest. “I’m REALLY hungry. I could eat the shit out of a dead hippo.”
Smirking, he tosses off his blankets. “Where did you learn that?”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t give up my sources.”
“Well, you know what? I could eat the shit out of a dead hippo, too. So why don’t we go downstairs and raid the fridge, and see what we can dig up. Sound good?”
“Sounds good.” She steps back as he slides out of bed, her brow furrowing as she studies her mother’s bruised and battered and sleeping form.. “ What about momma, though? She’ll be all by herself. She might get lonely. What if she wakes up and we’re not here? She might be scared. And sad. I don’t want her to be scared and sad.”
“IF she wakes up, she knows we’re not far away. That we wouldn’t just leave her. She knows how much we love her; that we’d never just take off on her. Besides, she’s going to be doing a lot of sleeping for the next few days.”
“‘Cause the doctor said so?”
“It’s the best thing for her. So that her body can get better. And that’s what we want, yeah? Mumma to be all better?”
The four-year-old nods.
“How ‘bout you tuck her in? She’d like that.”
Her face visibly brightens. “Like a momma burrito?”
“Something like that. Don’t do it as tight, though. And be careful; you don’t want to get tangled up in all those wires and tubes. Careful and gentle, okay?”
Handing him her doll, she scurries around to Esme’s side of the bed; slipping her body between the machine and the IV stand and gingerly stepping over or slipping under various tubing and wires. Carefully spreading and smoothing the blankets over her mom’s body, then loosely tucking them underneath her. And a distinct sadness darkens her eyes and furrows her brow when she runs a palm over Esme’s hair and leans in to press a kiss to her cheek.
“I miss you, momma. I love you. You’ll feel better soon. I promise. Daddy and I will take really good care of you! Right, dad?”
Nodding, Tyler leans down to drop a kiss on the top of her head when she scurries back to his side; plucking the doll from his grasp.
“I’mma leave Posie here,” Millie announces, then proceeds to lift the top blanket and tuck her under it. “So she can keep an eye on mumma! And if mumma wakes up, she’ll see Posie here and know that I’m coming back for sure. ‘Cause I never leave Posie behind. Not for good!”
“You know, you have a really big heart in that little body of yours.”
“Momma always used to tell me that I got that from my daddy. That his heart was way bigger than his body, too. Is that really true? ‘Cause your body is super big!”
“Is that a polite way of calling me fat?”
“You’re not fat! You’re thick!”
He smirks. “I wonder where I’ve heard that before.”
“You’re like a giant! You’re really tall and crazy big! Do you think it’s true? What momma said? About your heart being bigger than your body? Because if it is, your heart is super huge!”
“You know what I think? I think your mum’s the most amazing human being I’ve ever known.”
“Next to me, right?”
“Yeah…” Scooping her up onto his arms, he presses pressing a kiss to her temple as he settles her on his hip. “...definitely next to you.”
He relaxes in a poolside lounge chair; hair damp and matted to his head, his aching and tired body clad in a pair of board shorts bought during an impromptu shopping excursion with Nik and Millie. The latter fast asleep against his chest; snoring lightly, her eyes shielded by a pair of pink and purple polka-dotted sunglasses, her bathing suit -one of many she’d excitedly picked out- beginning to dry in the heat. Exhausted from the morning and early afternoon activities and the drama of the last seven days; the time spent in the sun and water solidifying her successful escape from New York City. Content and relaxed; confident that her old life is now firmly behind her and the new one is just lingering on the horizon. And despite the worry and sadness revolving around her mother’s injuries, she feels safe and secure; putting all of her trust into her surroundings and the people around her.
Nik joins them, standing at the side of his chairs with her hands shoved in the pockets of a pair of wide-legged, burgundy linen trousers and a pair of oversized sunglasses. A smile curling her lips as she glances down at a snoozing Millie.
“Out like a light.”
“She’s had a hell of a week. It was bound to catch up to her.”
“She doesn’t do that with just anyone. Fall asleep on them like that. Means she feels safe. Secure. She trusts you.”
“I’m not sure she’s making the right decision. Look what her mum’s trust in me got her.”
“What I said on the plane…about what happened…I didn’t mean for it to sound like I was blaming you.”
“That’s exactly what you meant for it to sound like. I know you, Nik; I know you don’t say shit you don’t believe. And you’ve never been one to pull punches.”
“I wanted an explanation. A reason. For how things went so wrong, so quick.”
“And I told you. They came out of nowhere. There’s no way I could have seen it coming. It just happened. And it happened THAT fast.”
“You didn’t hear anything? See anything? You..?”
“I was concentrating on driving. On getting us to the meet-up point. We’d just gone through all that fucking bullshit with Winston..”
“Which was probably weighing heavily on your mind. Probably had you on edge. Distracted.”
“...and all I wanted to do was get the fuck out of there. Get to you and Yaz and then to the airport. I thought the roads were clear; Wick had people blocking all the intersections, and you had eyes on things. Or at least I THOUGHT you did. Had you not pulled the guys early…”
“I thought you were in the clear. You were only three blocks away. I made a decision based on that. I did what I thought was best.”
“So did I. I did what I thought was best for Esme. To get her the fuck out of there. I had just gotten her away from Winston; all I had to do was get her to the airport and on that plane, and everything else was going to be easy. I trusted you to have the people in place. To have my six. And if I DID let my guard down, it’s because of that. Nothing else.”
“I admit, it wasn’t my best decision. I should have left them in place longer. Until we actually DID meet up. But…”
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore, Nik. You’re beating a dead fucking horse. I’m tired, and I’m sore, and I’ve got a lot on my plate. I don’t need this, too. Can we just let it go? I think you fucked up, you think I fucked up. Can’t we leave it at that?”
“I think I deserve an explanation. Not as your friend. But as your boss.”
“And I’ve told you everything there is to know. There isn’t always an explanation or a reason, Nik. Sometimes, shit just happens. There’s nothing simple about this job. It’s not just black or white. And you of all people should know that. You…”
When Milliie whimpers in her sleep, his mood abruptly changes; the tension in his jaw and shoulders releasing, the brightness returning to his eyes. And he smooths a hand over her and down her back, his lips soft as they press against her brow. “It’s alright, Amelia. I’m here. I’ve got you.”
She heaves a long, content sigh, then nestles her face against his chest and shoves her thumb into her mouth. And for several minutes, he and Nik remain silent; his chin resting on the top of Millie’s head and his hand rubbing her back in smooth, slow circles.
Nik uses a fingertip to sweep wayward strands of hair off of the little one’s forehead. “She’s beautiful.”
“She is. Esme and I do good work.”
“You most definitely do. Although I’m not sure how much work Esme actually put in. I think her genes were completely absent that day. Millie looks just like you.”
“That’s an awful thing to say about my kid, Nik. That she looks like her old man.”
“You know how many times Esme has heard it? How many people think she’s just a nanny? No one ever believes they’re actually mother and daughter. Until Millie opens her mouth of course; she tells stories EXACTLY like her momma does.”
“All over the damn place.”
“The only two people I know who can go off in five different directions and never get back to what started everything off.”
“You know how many times Esme will start a story, only for me to never find out what the original point of it was? Too many to count.”
“It’s just part of who she is. That exuberance and that light that she’s managed to hold onto. I’ve never met anyone like her, you know. Not in this circle, anyway. I don’t know how she does it; holds onto that optimism and that brightness. Everything she’s been through…the things she’s seen and the things she’s done…all of that has been stacked against her. Yet she’s still…Esme.”
“She’s the strongest person I’ve ever known. How many people do you think would have stuck around on that bridge? For someone like me?”
“Not a lot.”
“Yet she did. For some reason. She wasn’t leaving me there. And she had every reason to, believe me.”
“She saw the potential. Things about you that no one else did. Or maybe you just never LET people see them. See YOU.”
“Maybe a bit of both.”
“Were you there? When she was born?”
Nik nods. “I was.”
He glances down at his daughter; taking a deep breath and then noisily clearing his throat. A vain attempt at pushing away the emotion that threatens to choke him.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Being there. For Esme. I’m glad she wasn’t alone.”
“She asked me. If I’d be the one to go in with her. And regardless of what you think, I tried telling her; convincing her to call you and let you know you were going to be a dad. I told her there was nothing for her to be afraid of; you weren’t going to ignore her call or turn her away or question whether or not the baby was yours. That there was nothing she could ever do to make you hate her that much.”
“I didn’t hate her at all. I never did. I loved her. I never STOPPED loving her.”
“And that’s what I told her. That you loved her and missed her and were spending all your time looking for her. That if there was ever a time TO contact you, that was it; the baby was very close to being born, the nursery was done, and the name was picked out. I told her you would be on the next plane there; to be with her and see your daughter come into the world.”
“She was scared. Of rejection. Because she loved you, and her heart couldn’t take it; if you wanted nothing to do with her or the baby. I told her that that would never happen, but…”
“She’s pretty damn stubborn.”
Nik nods.
“You know I never got to see that with my son, either? Him being born? I was in Iraq; on my second tour with SASR. We were located just outside of Mosul. Mia was pissed about it; she was already six months pregnant when I signed up to go, and she knew there was no way I’d be back in time. I tried to justify it; I was one of the commanding officers, and they needed all hands on deck. Now I realize it’s just who I was; I wasn’t capable of putting her first. And I probably never even should have tried being a family man. I just didn’t have it in me.”
“You were young. You’d already spent years devoting everything you had to the military. It becomes ingrained in you. The only thing that really matters. Believe me, I know.”
“Sometimes I wonder if I ever really wanted to be. A husband and a father. At least back then.”
“You were in love. And you wanted to make her happy. You were willing to do whatever it took to make that happen.”
“I was. In love. Or I thought I was, at least. Took me until I was thirty-five to figure out it wasn’t the real deal. I think I just settled. The same way Mia did. I wasn’t really her type; she’d always been into lawyers and politicians and businesses. I was just some guy in the army. I wasn’t anything special.”
“To her, you were.”
“Guess she just wanted something different. Someone a little more dangerous. Younger.”
“And you were there. Ready, willing, and able. And lonely.”
“I don’t know what I was. Stupid, for the most part. But I’d lived practically my entire life without a family; my mum was long dead, and I’d already cut my dad out of the picture. Mia was there. I liked being around her. Not that we actually spent a lot of time together, considering her career kept her busy, and I was always being shipped off to different places.”
“And then your son came along…”
“He just sort of happened. We didn’t plan on having kids. She wasn’t even sure she wanted any. I was just so caught up in thinking I was in love and had found my ‘happily ever after’ that I didn’t really give a shit if we had any or not. But things happened, and he came along, and I tried my best to be a good dad. We know how THAT turned out.”
“That one choice you made…that one mistake…doesn’t mean you were a terrible father. It doesn’t negate the good things, Tyler. Or the love you had…you STILL have…for your little boy.”
“It was a hell of a mistake, Nik.”
“Doesn’t change the fact you loved him. That you still do. Or that HE loved YOU.”
“I never thought I’d be a dad again. I had no plans to be one, that’s for sure. I’d already done that once, and it didn’t end well. And then Esme came along and everything changed. I changed. She made me want to be a different person. A BETTER person. She wasn’t like anyone else. I knew that right away.”
“I think she knew that same thing about you.”
“Once she stuck around after Dhaka, I knew that was it. That SHE was it. I don’t regret it, Nik. The way things happened. I know it was the wrong place and totally the wrong time, but I wouldn’t change it. I wouldn’t change a fucking second. I would take that bullet to my throat a hundred times if it meant I’d be with her.”
She blinks at his honesty.
“When we decided to get the house and started talking about getting married and having a family, I was terrified. Of being a husband and a dad again. I didn’t want to fuck it up. I’d already screwed over one wife; Mia deserved a lot better than I ever gave her. That’s when I told myself it would be different. That I’D be different. I’d be the man that Esme needed and wanted. That she deserved. I’d be a good dad. The one I never had. I would do everything right; I’d be there for my wife, and I’d put my family first, and I wouldn’t be a total fucking failure.”
“You were never a failure, Tyler. You…”
“I used to think about it. Esme being pregnant. Seeing her get bigger and bigger. Feeling the baby move. Making a nursery. Going to all the appointments. I was looking forward to it; going through all of that with her. I’d missed it all the first time, I wasn’t going to miss it again.”
“I know what you’re going to say. I know…”
“That was all taken from me. I never got the chance. I was ready and I was willing, and I was able, and it never happened. Sure, she got pregnant, and the baby came along. But I just didn’t get to know about it. I didn’t get to be part of it, did I.”
“I don’t hate you, Nik. Let’s get that out of the way. We’ve been through way too much together. Not to mention everything you did for me after Dhaka and everything you did for Esme and Millie. That you continue to do for them. I could never thank you enough; for keeping Esme safe and for making sure that she didn’t go through everything alone and that she and Millie were taken care of.”
“I don’t need your thanks. They’re my family. So are you.”
“Like I said, I don’t hate you. I might not like you very much right now…”
“And I deserve that. I know I do. But I don’t regret the choices I made. I don’t regret helping Esme or keeping her secrets. And I would do it all again. No questions asked. And I’m sorry if it hurts you to hear that. It was never personal, Tyler. I never did any of that to intentionally hurt you. And I DID try and convince her to contact you. Many times.”
“I really hope that’s true, Nik. That I don’t find out something completely different. Because that whole not hating you thing? That could change. I can’t make any promises.”
Nik settles on the lounge chair beside him, stretching out of her legs and setting her clasped hands on her stomach.
“It was a beautiful day.”
Tyler arches a quizzical brow.
“When Millie was born. It was sunny and cool, and the leaves were just starting to change.”
“Seems kinda fitting. That she came along when she did. It was always her mum’s favourite season; Esme used to go on and on about fall in New York City. About how she’d always take walks in Central Park; she loved seeing all the different colours and hearing the leaves crunching under her feet and how the air actually seemed fresh for a change. She made it sound incredible. Beautiful.”
“She has a knack of seeing things differently than we do. She holds onto so much trust and wonder; she sees the beauty in everything. And everyone. She could watch the same sunset a million times and find a million different things to marvel at. I used to tease her about it; almost scold her for being that way. For always seeing the cup as ‘half full’. But now that I think about it, wouldn’t it be better if we all saw it that way?”
“She’s just different, Nik. From what we’re used to. We’ve all been through hell and back. In one way or another. And somehow she’s still like that. I used to give her shit for it, too. Always said she was setting herself up for disappointment if she kept seeing the world like she did. Seeing the good in everyone no matter how shitty they treated her. Even told her how stupid it all seemed; that she was being naive and childish and she was just going to get hurt.”
“If anything…anyone…is a breath of fresh air…”
“I realize now that if she didn’t see things the way she did? Millie wouldn’t even exist. Esme wouldn’t have stayed on that bridge. Dhaka wouldn’t have happened the way it did. The things that went down between the two of us. She wouldn’t even have given me a second look. She would have just seen me as a huge mess. A liability. And moved on with her life.”
“I know you talk about how she came along when you needed it the most, but have you ever thought that maybe you did too? That you came along when she needed you to? Because despite all that light and that brightness and that love for the world and everyone in it, there was a very broken and lonely woman…little girl, even…under all of it. I would see it sometimes; this sadness that would just take over. When she’d just seem so lost and vulnerable and hurting. That changed. When she met you. I saw it in that hospital. All that time she was holding on and fighting for you, she was holding on and fighting for herself too. She wanted to be what YOU needed. And what you deserved.”
“She is way more than I have ever deserved.”
”But she doesn’t see it that way. She doesn’t see YOU that way. You came along, and you pulled her out of a really dark, horrible place. And I know it’s hard to see that when you’re in a pretty bad place yourself, but it’s true. The two of you found each other when you both needed it the most. She didn’t just save YOU, Tyler. You saved her too. In more ways than one.”
Swallowing around the lump of emotion sitting square in his throat, his fingers moving through Millie’s damp hair as he nods slowly, considering Nik’s words.
“I know you probably have a lot of questions. About the last five years. About Millie. Maybe even about before she was born. If there’s anything you want to ask or know about it or I can help you understand better…”
“How was it? The pregnancy? Was it really hard on her? Were there any complications? I mean, I assume everything went okay, or we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now, but…”
“It was pretty uneventful. There were no scares. No real health issues. Yaz and I got a place in the city. We wanted to be close by; to keep an eye on her, make sure she was taking care of herself and that she got everything she…and the baby…needed. She was never alone, Tyler. Not physically, anyway. We were there when she needed us. Maybe too much at times. I’m sure we annoyed her a lot. I know I can be pretty assertive and overwhelming at times. And Yaz…”
“He’s always had a hard-on for her. I don’t think her being pregnant changed that. Knowing that little freak, it probably made it even better in his mind.”
Nik laughs. “Yeah, maybe. But it’s been harmless. He’s always known he doesn’t stand a chance.”
“I mean, she has bad taste in men, but it’s not THAT bad.”
“He was so into things. He loved the idea of being an uncle. He was constantly buying Miillie things; always showing up with toys and outfits and things Esme could put away until she was older. And when we found out it was a girl? He got even worse. That kid was going to be the biggest, most spoiled princess on earth.”
“Esme knew? That it was going to be a girl?”
“She didn’t want to know at first. She was pretty adamant about waiting. Letting it be a surprise. But she ended up caving. At the very last ultrasound. And low and behold, baby Rake was a little girl. We always called Millie that. By your last name. It might not be that on paper, but we talked openly about it. You were always on her mind, Tyler. There wasn’t a day that went by where she didn’t think about you. TALK about you. You may not have been there, but to Esme, that baby was just as much yours as it was hers.”
“I would have been there. If she’d called me out of nowhere and told me about the baby, I would have gotten on the first flight out of Australia. Nothing…no one…could have stopped me from being there. Not you, not Winston, not The High Table. No one.”
“And she knew that. Which is why she was determined NOT to tell you. I’m not saying she made the right decision. Or that I agree with how she handled things. But it was not my place to tell you. Especially about Millie. I couldn’t betray her, Tyler. Not even for you.”
“As hurt as I am, as PISSED as I am, I’m just glad she wasn’t alone. That people were there for her. I fucking hate I didn’t get the chance, but it’s never really about me, has it? It’s about her and Millie. Especially Millie. Always has been. And that’s the way it should be.”
“Esme was having that baby no matter what. Not once did she ever think about not having her. Let alone talk about it. She knew it wasn’t going to be easy and she was lonely and sad and missed you every second of every day. Millie was part of you. Her only connection to you. And there was no way she was giving that up.”
“She’s always wanted to be a mum. She talked about it a lot. When we lived in The Kimberley. About coming close with Mark and having that taken away from her. I don’t think she ever got over that. And I knew one day it would happen; she and I would get our shit together, and we’d start a family. I didn’t think it would happen this way, mind you.”
“She never stopped thinking about you, Tyler. Loving you. She talked about you all the time. About wishing you could be there. So, please…PLEASE…don’t ever think she didn’t want you in her life. Or Millie’s life. Because nothing could be further from the truth. That baby was all she had. Aside from Yaz and I, Millie was her only connection to you. And no one could take that away from her. She wouldn’t let them.”
“Did she ever talk about me to Millie?”
“Maybe not by name. But even she was just a tiny baby. Millie heard stories about you. And all good, believe me. Esme has NEVER said a bad word about you to that little girl. And she always promised that she’d take Millie to meet you; that one day they’d go to Australia and track you down and let you meet each other.”
“Esme had chances. She’s had four years, Nik. She…”
“She had to be ready. She had to get over all that fear and worry she had. I couldn’t force her to just stop being that way. We’ve already established how stubborn she is. But I’d be honest with her; I’d tell her that she needed to contact you and you had the right to know you were a dad. That you deserved to be part of Millie’s life. But other than that, there wasn’t much I could do.”
“What about when Millie was old enough to start asking questions? What did she tell her then?”
“She would tell Millie that her dad was a good person. A big man with an even bigger heart. That he lived far away and one day, they’d go and visit him. And that she loved him very much. She always would.”
His voice quivers with emotion. “I don’t even know what to say. What IS there to say?”
“I know it hurts, Tyler. What Esme did. Having your child kept from you. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re feeling. But you need to know that it wasn’t done maliciously. It started with her wanting to protect you, then ended up being about wanting to protect herself.”
“From me? She didn’t need to protect herself from me. I’ve never been a threat to you. I have never hurt her. I’ve never raised my voice, let alone a hand to her. I never would. I’d kill myself if I ever got that way. If I ever laid even a finger on her in THAT way…”
“She was protecting her heart. She was scared, Tyler. That you’d turn her away. That you’d turn MILLIE away.”
“That would never…EVER…happen. No matter how pissed or hurt I was.”
“Rationally, she knew that. But fear…and love for that matter…don’t always have us thinking…or acting…rationally.”
Sighing, he glances down at Millie; running a fingertip down the bridge of her nose and then pressing a kiss to the tip.
“Would you like more?” Nik asks. “Kids?”
“I’d love more. I’d love to go through it all with her. I WANT that, That experience. With HER.”
“But it’s kinda selfish, isn’t it? Wanting it for ME. She has to want it too.���
“I don’t think you need to worry about that. Something tells me she’s on the same page. She loves being a mom. And she’s good at it. Damn good.”
“She’s an amazing mum. I couldn’t have asked for a better mother for my kid.”
“You’re going to get your ‘normal’. Your ‘happily ever after’. It won’t be much longer now.”
He nods in agreement. “Thank you, Nik. For telling me all of this. I needed to hear it. Esme can say it all until she’s blue in the face, but hearing it from someone else?”
“It’s a different viewpoint. Coming from an outsider looking in. I just didn’t want you to think she never wanted you in her life, In Millie’s life. Because she did. She missed you, Tyler. Every second of every day. And believe me, I know she wishes she could change things. Go back in time and make different decisions.”
“I told her I wouldn’t want that. When you change one thing, you change everything. I believe that. And even if it were possible, I wouldn’t risk it. I wouldn’t risk a damn thing.”
Smiling, she reaches out and lays a hand on his shoulder, lightly squeezing. “It was never about her not loving you, Tyler. It was always about how much she DID.”
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umichenginabroad · 4 months
Week 1: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (+ a Ferry)
In the past week, I have used Italian trains, buses, taxis, a shuttle van, planes, and taken a ferry ride, so this blog post will be dedicated to transportation. 
To begin, I was supposed to fly from Chicago to Dublin, then Dublin to Naples, where CIS Abroad (the company hosting the program) provided transport shuttles to either the dorms or shared apartment accommodations in Sorrento. The initial long-haul flight wasn’t too bad, I read for the majority of the flight and was fed some half-decent food. 
Unfortunately, due to delays on the tarmac in Chicago, I missed my connecting flight in Dublin and had to figure out another way to Naples. I luckily discovered someone else also in my program in my same flight and we navigated Europe together. Since the next flight out to Naples wasn’t until the following evening, we decided to go instead to Rome and then brave the Italian train system to navigate to Naples. 
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(Me and a fellow study abroad student taking a shuttle to our new terminal in Dublin)
To preface, figuring out the train system seemed to be one of the biggest learning curves people that I have talked to have encountered in the past, and as such it was something I was nervous about coming to Italy. Trains (and ferries, as it turns out) are frequently late and don’t align with posted schedules, tickets have to not only be bought but also validated at the station, and the platform numbers commonly change right before arrival. We were supposed to be briefed on how to handle it during our orientation the first day, however we were thrown straight in the deep end! We used one of the most common websites for booking high-speed trains, ItaliaRail, and managed to book a train from the Rome airport to the main Roman train station (surprisingly far from the airport), then one from Rome to Naples for a total cost of around 65 euros.
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(Red passenger train with volcano in background)
Since the first train was a regional/local train, there were no assigned seats and thus we had to validate our tickets just before boarding through, however for the high speed cross-country train to Naples, since we had an assigned seat, we did not have to validate (something that stressed us out as you can face fines if you don’t properly validate tickets). Thankfully, everyone we talked to was very nice and helped us figure it out. 
Once in Naples, we shared a taxi to the airport with two other travelers we met along the way (5 euros each) and waited until a few others from the program landed and got the last transfer shuttle to Sorrento. Finally, after over 36 hours of traveling (almost 16 more than intended) we arrive with a leg up on the local transport compared to our peers.
Just earlier today, I took a bus with two other friends from Sorrento to Positano, another town along the Almalfi coast, for 10 euros. Getting the ticket was very easy, as the ticket booth at the bus station was clearly marked. The bus was about 30 minutes late, but that is to be expected for Italian buses. After around 45 minutes and many many curvy and windy roads, we got off at Positano and explored the town. On the way back, we bought ferry tickets for 19 euros (cheaper with cash than online) and waited in a long line to board. As with the bus, the ferry was quite late, but actually took less time to get back to Sorrento. I think the ferry is my new favorite form of transportation as I loved sitting on the top deck and watching the coastline go by. 
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(view of Sorrentine peninsula from top deck of ferry)
Overall, I am quite proud of myself for figuring out how to get around on the fly, but I definitely took away some important lessons. First, be patient, both with yourself and the transportation. Everyone gets lost/confused sometimes and navigating a new country is daunting. Be willing to ask for help if you don’t know what to do! It’s better than facing fines or unknowingly breaking any transit laws. Additionally, some places only take cash, make sure to always carry some cash! Lastly, if you can, TAKE DRAMAMINE, especially for the buses. I am not one to get car/motion sick, but the switch backs and coastal curves are no joke and all three of us were very close to turning green by the time we got off the bus. 
This post is getting long, but I wanted to share some details of Italian public transportation as that was one of my biggest questions going into this program. 
See you next week!
Marika Ruppart
Mechanical Engineering
Engineering in Sorrento, Italy 
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artemlegere-art · 1 month
The Excavations at Pompeii
Artist: Jacob Philipp Hackert (1737–1807)
Date: 1799
Media: Oil on Canvas
Genre: Landscape
Location: National Trust, Attingham Park
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The view, looking toward Castellamare and the Sorrentine Peninsula, encompasses the excavated area of Pompeii as it appeared at the end of the 18th century. The large, open space in the centre is the Theatre, to the left is the triangular Forum and adjacent to it are the Barracks of the Gladiators and the Quadriporticus. At the extreme left is the Odeum or small theatre, and on the right, behind its screening wall, is the best preserved and worst plundered of the shrines of Pompeii, the Temple of Isis.
The ruins at Pompeii were first discovered late in the 16th century by the architect Domenico Fontana. Herculaneum was discovered in 1709, and systematic excavation began there in 1738. Work did not begin at Pompeii until 1748, and in 1763 an inscription (“Rei publicae Pompeianorum”) was found that identified the site as Pompeii. The work at these towns in the mid-18th century marked the start of the modern science of archaeology.
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villacostadeglidei · 2 months
Oceanview Villa Amalfi Coast
The Amalfi Coast, with its breathtaking landscapes and azure waters, is a dream destination for travelers worldwide. Known for its stunning vistas, charming towns, and luxurious accommodations, this Italian coastline offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and cultural richness. Among the many luxurious villas that dot this picturesque region, Villa Costa Degli Dei stands out as an exceptional choice for those seeking an oceanview escape. This blog delves into the myriad reasons why Villa Costa Degli Dei is the ultimate destination for a luxurious and unforgettable stay on the Amalfi Coast.
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I. Introduction: The Allure of the Amalfi Coast
The Amalfi Coast is a 50-kilometer stretch of coastline along the southern edge of Italy’s Sorrentine Peninsula. Famous for its dramatic cliffs, stunning seascapes, and quaint towns, this area has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage site for its unique cultural and natural attributes. The region is home to several iconic towns, including Positano, Amalfi, and Ravello, each offering its own charm and attractions. The Amalfi Coast is renowned for its culinary delights, historical sites, and vibrant local culture, making it a must-visit destination for travelers.
II. Discovering Villa Costa Degli Dei: A Jewel in Praiano
A. The Ideal Location
Villa Costa Degli Dei is located in the serene town of Praiano, nestled between the more bustling towns of Positano and Amalfi. This prime location offers guests the perfect balance of tranquility and accessibility. Praiano is known for its peaceful atmosphere, stunning sunsets, and less crowded beaches, making it an ideal base for exploring the Amalfi Coast. The villa’s elevated position on the cliffs provides breathtaking panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea, the Li Galli islands, and the distant island of Capri. The location also offers easy access to local shops, restaurants, and cultural sites.
B. Architectural Elegance and Interior Design
The architecture of Villa Costa Degli Dei reflects the traditional Mediterranean style, characterized by whitewashed walls, terracotta roofs, and arched windows. The villa’s design emphasizes harmony with the natural surroundings, with large windows and terraces that offer stunning views of the sea and the surrounding landscape. Inside, the villa features a blend of classic and contemporary furnishings, creating an elegant and comfortable atmosphere. The interiors are decorated with fine materials, such as marble and ceramic tiles, and the decor is enhanced with local artwork and stylish accents.
III. Luxurious Accommodations and Amenities
A. Spacious and Elegant Bedrooms
Villa Costa Degli Dei offers a range of luxurious accommodations, including several spacious bedrooms and suites. Each room is designed with comfort and elegance in mind, featuring high-quality linens, comfortable beds, and tasteful decor. Many rooms offer stunning ocean views, allowing guests to wake up to the sight of the sun rising over the Mediterranean. The en-suite bathrooms are equipped with modern amenities, including rain showers, soaking tubs, and marble fixtures, providing a spa-like experience. The villa also includes a master suite with a private terrace and Jacuzzi, perfect for those seeking an extra touch of luxury.
B. Living and Dining Areas
The villa’s living areas are designed to provide a perfect blend of relaxation and entertainment. The spacious living room features comfortable seating, a fireplace, and a large flat-screen TV, making it an ideal space for gatherings. The dining area, with its elegant table and chairs, is perfect for enjoying meals with family and friends. The fully equipped kitchen boasts modern appliances, allowing guests to prepare their own meals if they wish. Alternatively, a private chef can be arranged to create exquisite Italian dishes using fresh, local ingredients. The villa also features a wine cellar stocked with a selection of fine wines, perfect for pairing with meals or enjoying on the terrace.
C. Outdoor Spaces and Recreational Facilities
One of the highlights of Villa Costa Degli Dei is its expansive outdoor spaces. The villa features multiple terraces, each offering breathtaking views of the sea and the surrounding landscape. The main terrace includes a swimming pool, sun loungers, and a shaded dining area, providing a perfect spot for relaxation and outdoor dining. A private garden, filled with Mediterranean plants and flowers, adds to the villa’s charm. For those who enjoy cooking outdoors, a barbecue area is available for use. The villa also offers a range of recreational facilities, including a fitness area, a yoga deck, and a private path leading down to the sea.
D. Personalized Services
Villa Costa Degli Dei offers a range of personalized services to ensure that guests have a truly memorable stay. A dedicated concierge is available to assist with planning activities, excursions, and transportation. Daily housekeeping ensures that the villa remains clean and comfortable throughout the stay. For those seeking relaxation, in-villa spa services, including massages and beauty treatments, can be arranged. Additionally, guests can take advantage of private transportation services, including transfers to and from the airport, as well as guided tours and excursions.
IV. Exploring the Surroundings: The Best of the Amalfi Coast
A. Praiano and Nearby Attractions
Praiano is an ideal starting point for exploring the many attractions of the Amalfi Coast. This charming town offers a more relaxed atmosphere compared to its more famous neighbors, with beautiful beaches, local shops, and authentic Italian restaurants. The Church of San Gennaro, with its stunning views and intricate tile work, is a must-visit site in Praiano. Nearby, the town of Positano is famous for its colorful houses, boutique shops, and the Church of Santa Maria Assunta. Amalfi, the coast’s namesake town, boasts a rich history, beautiful architecture, and the impressive Amalfi Cathedral.
B. Natural Beauty and Outdoor Adventures
The natural beauty of the Amalfi Coast is one of its main attractions, and Villa Costa Degli Dei provides an excellent base for exploring the region’s stunning landscapes. Guests can enjoy boat excursions to explore the coastline, visit the famous Blue Grotto, or take a day trip to the island of Capri. Hiking enthusiasts will find plenty of trails to explore, including the famous Path of the Gods, which offers breathtaking views of the coast and the sea. For those who enjoy water sports, activities such as snorkeling, diving, and kayaking are available in the clear, blue waters of the Mediterranean.
C. Culinary Delights and Wine Experiences
The Amalfi Coast is a culinary paradise, known for its delicious cuisine and fresh, local ingredients. Guests at Villa Costa Degli Dei can explore the region’s many restaurants and trattorias, enjoying dishes such as fresh seafood, handmade pasta, and local specialties like limoncello. The villa’s concierge can also arrange for private dining experiences, including cooking classes with local chefs. Wine lovers will appreciate the region’s excellent wines, including those produced from local grape varieties. Wine tastings and tours of local vineyards are available, offering guests the opportunity to sample some of the best wines the region has to offer.
V. Tips for Booking and Staying at Villa Costa Degli Dei
A. Best Time to Visit
The Amalfi Coast is a year-round destination, but the best time to visit depends on your preferences. The summer months of June to August are the most popular, offering warm weather and a vibrant atmosphere. However, this is also the busiest time, so booking well in advance is recommended. Spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October) are ideal for those who prefer milder weather and fewer crowds. Winter (November to March) is the quietest time and offers a more relaxed experience, although some attractions and restaurants may be closed.
B. Booking Tips
When booking Villa Costa Degli Dei, it’s essential to book well in advance, especially during peak seasons. Early booking ensures you secure your preferred dates and may also offer better rates. Consider working with a reputable villa rental agency or booking directly with the villa’s management for the best experience. Be sure to review the villa’s policies, including cancellation terms and security deposit requirements, before confirming your reservation.
C. Travel Preparation
Preparing for a stay at Villa Costa Degli Dei involves more than just packing your bags. Guests should arrange transportation to and from the villa, whether renting a car or arranging private transfers. It’s also advisable to familiarize yourself with the local area, including nearby amenities, restaurants, and emergency services. Packing appropriate clothing is essential, with lightweight, breathable fabrics recommended for the summer months and warmer layers for the cooler seasons. Don’t forget essentials like sunscreen, comfortable walking shoes, and a camera to capture the stunning scenery.
D. Local Etiquette and Practical Tips
Understanding local customs and etiquette can enhance your experience on the Amalfi Coast. Italians are known for their warm hospitality, and polite greetings are appreciated. When dining out, it’s customary to leave a small tip for good service, although service charges are often included in the bill. Learning a few basic Italian phrases can be helpful and is appreciated by locals. Finally, be mindful of the environment and respect local regulations, such as those regarding waste disposal and conservation efforts.
VI. Testimonials and Guest Experiences
A. Guest Reviews
Villa Costa Degli Dei has received rave reviews from guests who have stayed there. Many highlight the villa’s stunning views, luxurious amenities, and excellent service. Guests often mention the villa’s ideal location, which provides easy access to the Amalfi Coast’s attractions while offering a peaceful retreat. The attentive and helpful staff are frequently praised, with many guests noting that their stay exceeded expectations.
B. Memorable Moments
Guests at Villa Costa Degli Dei often share memorable moments from their stay, from enjoying a candlelit dinner on the terrace to taking a dip in the pool with a view of the sea. Many mention the joy of exploring the local area, discovering hidden beaches, and tasting authentic Italian cuisine. For many, the villa provides a perfect setting for celebrating special occasions, such as anniversaries, honeymoons, and family reunions.
C. Visual Gallery
A picture is worth a thousand words, and Villa Costa Degli Dei’s beauty is best appreciated through visual imagery. High-quality photos of the villa, its interiors, and the surrounding landscapes capture the essence of this luxurious retreat. A virtual tour or video can also provide a more immersive experience, allowing potential guests to envision their stay. Showcasing the villa’s features and the stunning Amalfi Coast scenery helps convey the unique appeal of this exceptional destination.
VII. Conclusion
Villa Costa Degli Dei is truly one of the best oceanview villas on the Amalfi Coast, offering a unique blend of luxury, comfort, and authentic Italian charm. Its prime location, stunning views, and luxurious amenities make it an ideal choice for anyone seeking a memorable Mediterranean escape. Whether you’re looking to relax by the pool, explore the local culture, or enjoy the region’s culinary delights, Villa Costa Degli Dei provides the perfect setting for an unforgettable vacation. Book your stay today and experience the magic of the Amalfi Coast for yourself.
This blog provides a comprehensive and detailed overview of Villa Costa Degli Dei, showcasing its many features and the unique experiences it offers. Each section can be expanded with more detailed descriptions, personal anecdotes, guest testimonials, and high-quality images to create a rich and engaging narrative. If you have any specific details or additional content you’d like to include, please let me know!
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Limoncello Day
National Limoncello Day is marked every year on June 22. The day symbolizes the idea that even the most difficult situations can be turned into positive experiences. When life hands you lemons, it means you’re in a challenging situation. The importance of turning such events or situations into something good and positive is symbolized by National Limoncello Day.
History of National Limoncello Day
Limoncello is an Italian liqueur made from the zest of lemons and is a type of sweet vodka. It’s a concoction of lemons, water, sugar, and bourbon (usually vodka or grappa). Limoncello is traditionally made with Femminello St. Teresa lemons, which are native to the Italian Sorrento Peninsula. This sweet and sour beverage is popular all over the world, but it is primarily produced in Southern Italy, particularly in the Capri region, the Sorrentine Peninsula, and the Amalfi Coast. Limoncello production necessitates a great deal of attention and precision. Lemons are harvested during the summer months, from February to October. They are hand-picked to avoid contact with the ground at all times.
Marie Barber and her husband were confronted with a difficult situation on June 22, 2017, but they turned it into something beautiful. Later that evening, after dinner, they celebrated with limoncello. They thought the phrase “turning lemons into limoncello” was very apt for their situation at the time. Afterward, every year on June 22nd, National Limoncello Day is observed.
As you can see when you step outside, summer has arrived, and the 100-degree days are here to stay. Sitting by the pool and sipping an ice-cold limoncello has taken on a whole new meaning with the rising temperatures. It’s the ideal bright, refreshing drink for surviving the summer heat. If you’re having a summer party or an after-dinner drink, grab a bottle of limoncello and serve it chilled or over ice.
National Limoncello Day timeline
12th century Earliest Lemon Beverage
Qatarmizat, a sweetened lemon water drink, is popular among medieval Egyptians.
19th century Origin of Pink Lemonade
Henry Allot of Chicago makes pink lemonade when he accidentally drops cinnamon candies into it.
1900s Limoncello Emerges
The liqueur is created in the early 1900s in Maria Antonia Farace's home garden in Azzura, Italy.
2003 Limoncello Production in Masses
In 2003, about 15 million liters of limoncello is produced commercially.
National Limoncello Day FAQs
Where does limoncello come from?
Southern Italy. Limoncello is a lemon-flavored Italian liqueur. It’s mostly made in Sorrento, Capri, along the Amalfi Coast in Southern Italy.
What type of lemons are used in limoncello?
Traditionally, limoncello is made from the zest of Femminello St. Teresa lemons, also known as Sorrento or Sfusato lemons. Lemon zest, or peels without the pith, is steeped in rectified spirit until the oil is released.
What is the difference between limoncello and Limoncino?
Limoncello is an Italian lemon liqueur mainly produced in Southern Italy, especially in the region around the Gulf of Naples, the Sorrentine Peninsula, the coast of Amalfi, and the islands of Procida, Ischia, and Capri. In northern Italy, the liqueur is often referred to instead as Limoncino.
National Limoncello Day Activities
Enjoy a cool drink
Treat your friends
Make a fresh lemon drink at home
Sip an ice-cold glass of limoncello on this sunny day and think about how you can turn the lemons in your life into limoncello. What better way is there to spend a lazy afternoon?
Everyone enjoys a refreshing beverage, so why not treat your friends to one? Beat the heat by getting together with friends and having a refreshing glass of limoncello.
Several lemon drinks are simple to prepare at home. Look up a recipe for a refreshing lemon drink on the internet and make it for yourself.
5 Interesting Facts About Lemons
It’s a berry
Lemon has anti-bacterial properties
Lemon can be used to dye hair
They help to burn excess fat
They also have antioxidant properties
Lemons are technically believed to be berries.
Lemon juice in hot water can help with a sore throat because lemons have antibacterial properties.
Apply lemon juice to your hair every day and sit in the sun for a week to get some natural highlights.
Due to their acidic nature, lemons can burn calories and reduce fat.
Other fruits can be kept from turning brown by sprinkling lemon juice on them.
Why We Love National Limoncello Day
It has a long history
We love lemon drinks
A day to enjoy
Since the early centuries, people have preferred various lemon drinks. National Limoncello Day honors the message of positivity that this drink conveys.
Everyone loves lemon drinks. They’re easy to make and delicious. You can serve them chilled or with ice. This is the perfect day to celebrate our love for these sweet and sour fruits.
Why not just spend the day by some pool or lake and enjoy sipping the cold limoncello? It can be a perfect day to plan a summer getaway.
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memoriediangelina · 3 months
Spaghettini all'acqua di limone e provolone
Spaghettini all’acqua di limone e provolone—thin spaghetti cooked in lemon infused water and served with provolone cheese—was invented by Chef Peppe Guida, chef at the Michelin starred restaurant Osteria Antica Nonna Rosa on the Sorrentine Peninsula about 11 km west of Sorrento. In this rather trendy, lighter alternative to the standard pasta al limone, Chef Guida forgoes the usual cream.…
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cmp-geo-world · 3 months
Capri is a picturesque island located in the Tyrrhenian Sea off the Sorrentine Peninsula, in the Campania region of Italy. Known for its stunning natural beauty, luxurious atmosphere, and historical significance, Capri has been a favorite destination for tourists, artists, and celebrities for centuries. Key Highlights of Capri Natural Attractions Blue Grotto (Grotta Azzurra): A sea cave known…
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traveltripplanner · 7 months
How much time do you need on Capri island?
Capri island, located in the Tyrrhenian Sea off the Sorrentine Peninsula in Southern Italy, is a slice of paradise that enthralls visitors with its natural beauty, crystal-clear waters, and charming atmosphere. Whether you’re planning a day trip or a longer stay, determining how much time you need on Capri island depends on your preferences, exploratory ambitions, and the type of experience you…
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glauco-comoretto · 8 months
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Capturing Love Amidst Amalfi's Beauty 🌸📷
Hey Tumblr fam! ✨ Today, I'm here to pour my heart out about two things that make my soul dance: the enchanting Amalfi Coast and the art of capturing love through my lens.
🌊 Amalfi's Allure: Nestled on the southern edge of the Sorrentine Peninsula, the Amalfi Coast is a treasure trove of breathtaking landscapes and timeless charm. From the pastel-hued villages clinging to the cliffs to the azure embrace of the Tyrrhenian Sea, every corner of this coastal haven is a masterpiece waiting to be discovered.
⛪ A Perfect Backdrop for Love: Now, let's talk about something equally enchanting – weddings! As a wedding photographer, there's truly nothing more magical than immortalizing love against the backdrop of Amalfi's splendor. Picture this: exchanging vows under the warm Mediterranean sun, with the gentle sea breeze carrying whispers of promises made.
📸 Capturing Moments, Creating Memories: My lens becomes a storyteller, weaving tales of love that echo against the backdrop of historical cathedrals, charming lemon groves, and secluded coves. Each click captures not just a moment, but an emotion frozen in time – a stolen glance, a shared smile, a promise sealed with a kiss.
🌅 Golden Hour Romance: The Amalfi Coast gifts us photographers with the most magical golden hours. As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm glow over everything it touches, love takes center stage. It's a dance of shadows and light, creating a canvas where every love story becomes a masterpiece.
💑 From Positano to Ravello: Whether it's the iconic Positano, the romantic Ravello, or any hidden gem in between, each location on the Amalfi Coast adds its own unique flavor to the love stories I have the privilege to capture.
So, here's to the Amalfi Coast – a muse that inspires me daily, and to the couples who choose this slice of paradise to begin their forever. I feel blessed to be a part of these love stories, to freeze time in a frame and create memories that last a lifetime.
#AmalfiLove #WeddingPhotography #CapturingLoveInTheCoastalHaven 🌹📸
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amrantoinerubini · 10 months
Top Ten Destinations You Must Visit
Welcome to a brand-new episode of the Lifestyle Elevation channel! Today, we're thrilled to bring you "Top 10 Unbelievable Travel Destinations You Must Visit." Join us as we embark on a virtual journey around the globe, exploring some of the most breathtaking and lesser-known destinations.
Machu Picchu, Peru: This iconic Incan site is not just a testament to the architectural prowess of ancient civilizations, but also offers breathtaking views of the Andes. The journey through the Inca Trail itself is an adventure, encompassing lush forests and majestic mountain scenery.
 Amalfi Coast, Italy: Stretching along the southern edge of Italy's Sorrentine Peninsula, the Amalfi Coast is a blend of steep cliffs, vibrant blue seas, and picturesque towns. It's a paradise for those seeking scenic beauty, fine dining, and a taste of the laid-back Mediterranean lifestyle.
 Kyoto, Japan: The cultural heart of Japan, Kyoto is where you can witness the harmonious blend of modernity and tradition. From the serene Kinkaku-ji, the Golden Pavilion, to the historic Gion district, Kyoto offers a journey through Japan's rich history and heritage.
 Santorini, Greece: Famed for its stunning sunsets, white-washed buildings with blue domes, and panoramic views of the Aegean Sea, Santorini is a romantic and picturesque island. Its unique volcanic beaches and ancient ruins add to its allure.
 Banff National Park, Canada: Located in the Rocky Mountains, Banff National Park is a haven for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. With its turquoise glacial lakes, abundant wildlife, and numerous hiking trails, it's a place of natural wonder and adventure.
 New Zealand’s South Island: Known for its diverse landscapes, from the fjords of Milford Sound to the rugged Southern Alps, the South Island is a playground for adventure sports and outdoor activities, coupled with stunning natural scenery.
 Marrakech, Morocco: This historic city offers a sensory journey through its bustling souks, fragrant cuisines, and vibrant streets. The medieval architecture, such as the Bahia Palace and Koutoubia Mosque, provides a glimpse into its storied past.
 Maui, Hawaii, USA: Maui is not just about beautiful beaches. It offers a diverse landscape, from the volcanic crater of Haleakalā to the lush Hana rainforest. The island is a blend of natural beauty, adventure, and relaxation.
 Tuscany, Italy: The region is renowned for its landscapes, art, history, and culinary tradition. Rolling hills, vineyards, and medieval towns like Siena and Pisa make Tuscany a quintessential Italian experience.
 Cappadocia, Turkey: Famous for its unique geological formations known as fairy chimneys, Cappadocia is a visual spectacle. The region is best viewed from a hot air balloon, offering a magical perspective of the landscape.
 Each of these destinations offers a unique travel experience, from natural wonders and outdoor adventures to rich cultural and historical explorations.
Remember, the world is full of incredible places waiting to be explored. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel, click the bell button to get notified about our latest adventures, and visit us in Boston at AMR Antoine Rubini on 1 Federal Street, Boston, MA 02110. For more travel inspiration, check out our website at www.antoinerubini.com.  
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biosectinvestor-blog · 10 months
Here are 5 of Italy's most glamorous and beautiful destinations, including coastal and Mediterranean locations:
The Amalfi Coast - This stunning stretch of coastline along the southern Sorrentine Peninsula is known for its picturesque seaside villages, colorful houses built into cliffs, beautiful beaches, luxury resorts, and postcard views of the Mediterranean Sea. Positano and Ravello are two especially glamorous and photogenic towns along the Amalfi Coast.
Lake Como - With its deep blue waters backed by the foothills of the Alps, Lake Como has an air of alpine elegance. Elegant villas and villages like Bellagio dot its shores, making it a favored retreat for the rich and famous. George Clooney has a home here.
Venice - Arguably Italy's most unique and romantic city, Venice is built on a lagoon with gondolas transporting people through the canals instead of streets. Majestic architecture, the Grand Canal, St Mark's Square, high-end shopping, and ultra luxury hotels give Venice an incredibly glamorous vibe.
Portofino - This small fishing village on the Italian Riviera oozes old world glamour with its harbor full of luxury yachts, designer boutiques, hillside castle, harbor-front restaurants, and sparkling turquoise waters. It's a see-and-be-seen spot for the Italian jet set.
Capri - Located on an island in the Bay of Naples, Capri has attracted glamorous people since Roman times. With its high-end shopping, chic cafes, luxurious hotels, and coastal scenery, Capri retains its reputation as an exclusive and gorgeous island getaway. The famous Blue Grotto sea cave is also a top attraction.
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paramedicabroad · 10 months
Costiera Amalfitana
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Today, let's set our sights on the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Costiera Amalfitana in Italy, a stretch of coastline where nature's beauty and human craftsmanship come together in an exquisite dance.
The Costiera Amalfitana, or Amalfi Coast, is a coastal symphony that unfolds along the southern edge of the Sorrentine Peninsula. Its UNESCO World Heritage status, granted in 1997, recognizes the unique marriage of natural splendor and human creativity.
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Perched precariously on cliffs that plunge into the Tyrrhenian Sea, the colorful villages of Amalfi, Positano, Ravello, and others are postcard-perfect examples of traditional Mediterranean architecture. Narrow alleyways, pastel-hued houses, and cascading bougainvillea create a picturesque panorama.
The rugged coastline is punctuated by hidden coves, dramatic cliffs, and lush hillsides. The landscape is a canvas painted with the vibrant hues of the sea, the sky, and the terraced gardens that characterize this coastal paradise.
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For the adventurous soul, the Sentiero degli Dei, or Path of the Gods, offers breathtaking hiking trails that wind through the hills, providing panoramic views of the coastline below.
Positano, with its steep streets and vibrant atmosphere, is a haven for artists and romantics alike. The Church of Santa Maria Assunta, with its iconic dome, adds to the town's timeless allure.
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The town of Amalfi, a maritime powerhouse in the Middle Ages, boasts historical treasures such as the Cathedral of Saint Andrew and the Cloister of Paradise, reflecting the region's rich cultural heritage.
The Costiera Amalfitana is not only a visual feast but a gastronomic delight. Indulge in local delicacies like fresh seafood, limoncello, and the region's renowned ceramics, all contributing to the cultural tapestry of this UNESCO site.
In conclusion, the Costiera Amalfitana is a coastal marvel where the beauty of nature intertwines with the creativity of humanity. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it invites us to appreciate the profound cultural and natural significance of a place that has inspired poets, artists, and dreamers for centuries. When you're ready to explore a world where land and sea embrace in harmonious splendor, the Amalfi Coast promises to inspire and captivate. 🌊🌺🌟
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