#Sorry I keep tagging you into everything Shevek <3
omaano · 8 months
Other than the obvious, what is a work in your WIP folder that will contain Rex? Got any fun Rex things to share with me? I'm predictable. LOOK. I love my boy getting attention.
There is one that I desperately want to both show off and also whine a lot about, but I can't because we have missed the promo period for that project and now you all will have to both wait and cheer me and @insertmeaningfulusername on to finish our pieces for the Clone Bang to see it (I'm gonna be so fucking proud when it is finally done!) TT^TT
And I also have a lot of other works that are connected to that big bang project and they are adorable and I want to show those off too but but but... This little overwhelmed Anakin is from one of these connecting projects, and probably that is all that I can rightfully show off right now, but Rex in that one is gonna be so good, I'm telling you!
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I've got a LOT of (like, 3? which counts for a lot in my case, honestly) MaulRex plans (I'm running an agenda here) which will make me dust off my old AO3 account because I surely won't be able to post those drawings here even with a mature label lol.
There is cowboy Rex and Cody in the pile I shared in a previous answer; I signed up for a rexobi bingo but I don't have anything tangible for that one yet; but but but! there is also one that is permanently on the backburner in my brain from the "aaaaangst" labelled wip (see below)
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Which gets redrawn basically every time I open it up, but the concept is based on Michelangelo's Pieta which is one of my all time favourite sculptures, I love it sooo much, it's so beautiful! but with Fives and Rex (because hey hello that arc had completely destroyed me, I haven't been alright ever since I watched it) with various helmets strewn around on the groun and the looming large forms/statues of armed clone troopers in the background as if they were pillars in a cathedral or something.
I have a very clear idea of what I would like it to be, which is a problem because that does not match my skill level and visual library, so I'll have to adjust to that, but it would be so very cool if I could figure out the adjusted pose (because armor makes things bend and twist differently even on a dead-limp body, and would you believe it clone body types do not match a scrawny Christ and his mother lol). Plus I'm undecided whether I only want Echo included as a broken helmet at their feet, or if I want him in there leaning against Rex's knee and hanging on to Fives' hand for the extra kick of it.
This is my big project I dream about finishing aside from that changeling AU and octo!MaulRex drawing.
Thanks for asking! (and letting me ramble on) <3
List of WIPS for the WIP GAME
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