#Sorry about the rant tho jfhsbsjah
xenia12 · 2 years
Ok but one thing that bothered me is Marcy’s relationship with the newts
Anne earns the frogs respect and becomes a hero.
Sasha proves her use to the toads, and while most of them leave, grime, Percy, and Braddock stay
Marcy does everything she can for the newts, and they forget about her the moment she gets stabbed.
Like what gives? Why are the newts so uncaring towards their hero? Some fans say that she spent so much time having adventures that she didn’t get to know them, but we know that isn’t true with how much she tries to befriend others(and even if she didn’t, certainly someone would have cared out of gratitude). So instead, it comes off as the newts being self serving jerks, and Marcy shouldn’t have even tried to help them.
Oh no no they didn’t forget about her!! Well they probably did for a bit but, after they decided to turn on the king, they then considered breaking her out JUST so the physically and emotionally scarred 13 year old could help them outsmart him. Not only did the thought of a rescue attempt only cross their minds for selfish reasons, but Yunan immediately tried to shoot the idea down. She wanted to abandon Marcy and leave her terribly injured in the hands of a “mad king” just because she overheard ONE mistake she made when she felt like her whole world was falling apart and wasn’t thinking.
I can see Marcy maybe not having a whole lot of personal conversations with Olivia or Yunan, but she was someone they knew — a CHILD at that — and had good experiences with. Yet they would’ve left her for dead if Olivia didn’t know Marcy once beat Andrias at a board game, meaning there was a chance she could outsmart him for them.
I do like Olivia and Yunan, honestly, and am deciding to think that the neglect was more from the writers rather than them as genuine characters, but it just makes me so sad cuz they could’ve cared a LITTLE BIT without affecting character arcs ;-;
As much as I love angst, Marcy deserves better than this shit that lowkey just makes the two newts just seem like bad people and doesn’t even serve the plot :<
Edit: WHOOPS I got so caught up in my rage that I didn’t even realize you meant the newts in general, not just two of the ones she personally knew XD. BUT UH I can sorta excuse everyone else (except like the Triple B ig) cuz she was up in a flying castle that only a handful of people had access to lol.
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