#Sorry but Luke is a child I'm not including him lol. Also I don't know Raphael or Mephistopholees or Thirteen yet. So I can't include them.
ifearzombies · 1 year
The Little ‘I Love Yous’ Part 2
- He gives you little blessings without thinking. Your tea is the perfect temperature. You find the perfect chair to sit in when your feet are tired. Little things to make you smile and you wonder why you’re so blessed; only to remember you are loved by an angel. - He wrote a little short story about your adventures in the Devildom. It’s a children’s book series about a little sheep living with seven black rams and how the sheep helped the seven angry rams be better brothers. There’s little side adventures of the sheep meeting with some doves. You have the signed first edition from ‘Christopher Peugeot’. Levi is still trying to figure out how you got it. - He noticed when you visit PH you have a favorite seat. He’s made a little pillow with your name on it and put it there showing it’s reserved for you.
- He hears about magic spells you’ve seen in games or movies and finds a way to make that a spell you can actually learn. Or tries to. He’s only succeeded on one spell, but the little token he gave you that lets you cast ‘featherfall’ lets you give into a few of your more risky intrusive thoughts. Or it lets you escape the brothers’ arguing if you’re not on the first floor and a window is nearby. - He explained that humans require sunlight to Diavolo so that every other weekend you two can go to the human world and enjoy the sunshine and visit your family up there. - You’re the first to see a new spell or potion or rune he makes. Normally it’d be several of the demons he’s pacted with- but since you’re learning magic too he makes a point to show you the spectacle once it’s perfected.
- He’s requested a day off of work with Diavolo to spend the day with you. It’s a rare occurrence, and you can’t help but be touched he’d leave Diavolo’s side to be with yours for even a minute let alone a day. - Your favorite meals are on the menu when you and the brothers visit for dinner. And there’s an extra little heart shaped chocolate on your plate that Barbatos will tell everyone he doesn’t know how it got there as he winks at you. - Sometimes you find random notes in your things at RAD. They’re all in the most exquisite calligraphy you’ve ever seen and it’s detailing something nice about you today. Your outfit, the way you did your hair, a kind act he saw. You know who puts these in your things and you treasure each one.
- He tries every hobby you try with you so that you’re not alone. Plus it teaches him about the human world and how to have the Devildom be more welcoming for when his dream hopefully comes true. - He asks you a lot about the human world and what you like and dislike about it. it. He assures you it’s for his passion project, but when you mention things you like about the human world they somehow end up part of the Devildom (though you are not about to object now that the Devildom has started selling Kinder Eggs) - Kabedons you when only Barbatos is there. And when you blush he playfully asks if he did it right this time. You tell him no just so he’ll do it again later and he knows you’re lying.
- You help Simeon use his computer any time he needs to use it and is too scared he’ll break it. Lots of things are harder to find without use of the internet and he needs to be able to do research for writing and you’re always willing to help. He does credit you with a pen name, but you tell him he doesn’t have to.
- You try Solomon’s cooking. The RARE occasions Luke and Simeon can’t stop him from using the kitchen he always tries to make something for you and you always try it. Even when you’re honest and tell him it’s bad after, he still tries to make things for you and you try it because he smiles wide just because you were willing to try it.
- You occasionally spend a day helping Barbatos with his duties. The first time you decided to do it you went in not knowing how much the butler does but now you wonder how he ever manages to make it one day without falling asleep before noon. The days you offer to help him are his favorite days and you can tell by the smile on his face when you show up in a butler/maid uniform to help.
- Being the heir to the throne is not easy. And for as busy as Lucifer and Barbatos are, you realize Diavolo works the hardest. You ask for a day or two here or there to spend the night with him- not even just for sex. No. You hold him and run a hand through his hair and tell him that it’s OK to rest. You give him a massage and let him rest. There’s been times he’s cried that you never speak of. Times he tells you he worries that his dream will fall apart if Michael and the other angels don’t support this. That you and Solomon and Simeon and Luke will be taken from him if he fails. You tell him it’ll be OK. That you’ll find a way back to him and the others if that happens. You won’t let anyone take him and the others away from you because you love him and the others.
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valkblue · 2 years
1: among the two actual trilogies that have been made, of course.
4: Yes, you can name mandalorians. 😔
6: Marbled or not, it’s open bar today.
7: Mandalorians are not a race, it’s a creed. 😑
9: Go ahead, nerd on.
12: All Media Included.
Hehehehe... 🙃👍
1. movie
Of course. My fave, I'd say, it would be a tie (lol) between The Phantom Menace and The Empire Strikes Back. The first is because it holds a very special place in my heart because of how I saw it the first time (and the 345663213 times after), how my friends and I, we rushed out of school at lunch each saturday of every weeks to grab a burger and a ticket, and sit in the theatre, and then…
Tumblr media
We knew the film by heart at some point! But it was the whole point, actually. It was magical for us…✨
As for The Empire Strikes Back, it taught me an important storytelling lesson as a child: that your heroes don't always have the upper hand, sometimes the bad guys are on top of things and put up a real challenge to the main characters, even if they still win at the end of the story.
My least fave though would sadly be Attack of the Clones… while there are some of my favourite characters and moments in it. 🤔
4. character
I better be allowed to name Mandos! Because, obviously, my fave character is Canderous. But I also like Din very much.
Which character is my least fave is a little less easy, though… I could say Jar-Jar, but I don't hate him all that much. He's just an annoying character to me. Characters I don't like usually are from media I don't like and steer clear from, so… I couldn't really say. But from those I like or even love?! Now, I have food for thoughts.
6. planet
Fave planet would be Dantooine and Naboo. I kinda like Corellia (don't say that to Ela) and Onderon (from KotOR, please…) too.
And least fave planet… Hoth. I love the cold and snowy landscapes and all but, it looks like too much there! I like the taun taun, though… I could add Telos post bombing too.
7. species
But Canderous said they were a breed appart!!!! 😲 So, clones then? 🤡… Ok, ok! I can't choose just one fave, anyway. I love Mon Calamari and Nautolan. Even Quarrens! And Bothans. And I know Kal and my babies the clones would hate me for it but… Kaminoans! 😅
Least fave, I'm sorry but Aqualish and Bith are making my skin crawl. They always did! I never watched the cantina scene as a child. Jabba is just disgusting (as a person, lol) but the Bith…?! I'm sorry, I can't. (Same goes with the Ood in Doctor Who, btw.)
9. ship
Fave ships!!! I love the LAAT/i the larty the GAR/clones gunships! 😭 And the Razor Crest definitely grew on me after a while and a few snickers. I have a few classes of freighters I like too. Like a certain Lantilian short hauler. And I know someone who's very proud of his newly acquired Gozanti… and I can understand why.
Least fave ships… Honestly, it may surprise you because how much I speak about them in Lost and Found, but I never liked the TIE fighters all that much.
But my real two least faves are the weird Jedi starship Obi-Wan is piloting in AotC, because of that dubious hyperdrive ring and how claustrophobic it looks, even compared to TIEs ans X-wings. And — unpopular opinion — Jango's Slave I. The way that thing takes off and fly like it's standing up… It hurts something in a corner of my mind, I can't explain! 🤣
12. moment/scene
Fave moment, more like moments, I'd say. Mando checking the Crest's vicinity on Arvala (the use of silences and calm ambient in this season!!!!!! 😭💖✨) Mando against the mudhorn (and almost all of episode 2, actually), Mando rampaging the safehouse to snatch the kid back + the whole scene with Pershing of course, Cara yelling 'Weapons ready!' in episode 4, Peli caring for the child and shoving Mando aside after he shot Toro, Din fist fighting Gideon's TIE… 🤣 Ok, sorry, I also like a lot of scenes in other medias of course! Shmi and Anakin saying goodbye brings tears to my eyes, when Leia hears Luke throught the Force the first time, Luke coming to 'negotiate' to Jabba's palace and when Vader yeets Palps down the shaft… Vader asking Luke to take his mask off too, and the pyre scene while everybody is celebrating. 😭💔
Also, in OG Clone Wars, Fordo and his brothers wrecking Sep forces on Muunilinst in apparent silence like the badasses they are!!! And don't get me started on Republic Commando.
Least fave moment would be in Revenge of the Sith, the whole Mustafar light saber fights between Anakin and Obi-Wan. I always found it awkward and dragging… 😫 Yes, much more than the Utapau chase.
15. line of dialogue
I'm going to stick to the media I like, because if I didn't it would be too easy to quote this and that… 🙄 So, fave line is from A New Hope, when Owen and Luke are fighting over him leaving Tatooine at the beginning.
Aunt Beru: Where are you going?!
Luke: Looks like I'm going nowhere.
This quote gets me everytime. 😔👍
Least fave, I had to think a little longer about it. There are a lot of things the Jedi say that rubs me the wrong way, and the turbo-cringe way Anakin is flirting with Padmé… But I think it would be 'Unlimited Powaaaaah'!!! 🤣 Because it kills the gravitas for me and makes me burst into laughter!!
> Ask me my fave and least fave!
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