#Soundscream Week 2021
starprin101 · 4 years
Soundscream Week
Day 1: Flight
In the state of Nevada, America, Earth, a wind came and picked the sand granules from the ground and swirled them across the sky. Twisting and turning, in an unknown pattern. Starscream shuttered his optics when the grains landed in them. He rubbed his optics gently and glared at the wind.
Not a lot of planets he visited had such unpredictable weather patterns, but Earth wasn't the worst one. At least there would be some kind of warning first, in the clouds, in the rising or falling temperature. Not always, but usually.
His optics focused on the sky itself. How it's once blue hue was now a dark orange, and it still changed colours as this side of the planet turned away from the sun. He would never in a million years admit, vocally, how... interesting Earth was. The Decepticons, as well as him, had originally judged the planet negatively based on the disgusting dirt, and the pathetic fleshlings that covered the surface. But one time he stopped and actually looked at it. It was- Primus forbid he ever say this- amazing. He had visited many unique worlds in the past, but this one was just... different.
Starscream stared at the wide rocky terrain laid out before him. He took one step-
- and plummeted down head first from the cliffedge.
He let himself fall, feeling that familiar thrill that, despite the millions of times he'd done this before, always had his spark rising into his intake. And at the last minute he transformed, thrusters barely scraping the bottom of the ravine, and shot up. He silently praised himself with the perfect timing. Once in the open air he made a little twirl and shot through the sky.
When life on the Nemesis became too overbearing, and/or chaotic, Starscream would always take an unscheduled flight to clear his processor. Which has been happening a lot recently.
Megatron came back and practically threw a grenade into his plans as the new leader. It was almost saved when he was believed to have offlined when the spacebridge was destroyed, until Soundwave insisted that he take another look. Now Megatron is back again and is basically a vegetable on life support.
It both fascinated and disgusted him how unwavering Soundwave's loyalties could be, especially to that madmech he calls a leader. How he would do absolutely anything for him. Probably even tear his own spark out for him.
Starscream invented deeply and concentrated on the wind beneath his wings.
Naturally, flying was his greatest stress reliever. Not when he was practicing formation with the Eradicons though, he always preferred to do it alone. By himself.
His thoughts trailed to his trine mates. They would always go flying together, and they played games and showed off new tricks they copied from other seekers. Those were good times. Even though they were the most annoying creatures to have ever been forged, he missed him. They were his trine mates, they were fami-
He cut that line of thought before it brought back the bad memories.
He missed them, yes. But it didn't matter. Now he's grown, and he doesn't need them, or anyone, anymore. He was happy alone, by himself. That was his norm now, and he preferred it that way.
Out of the corner of his optic, he saw something. A blob of black hiding in the clouds. He angled himself to get a better look and realised it was another plane. A long, slender drone to be exact. He recognised it as one of the last bots he wanted to see.
Why would he be here? Was he spying on him?
Experimentally, he gently turned himself in a different direction, and the drone followed.
Now why is Soundwave following him? Is it to keep an optic on him in case he decided to take chance at destroying his oh-so-precious leader?
Starscream couldn't do anything to Megatron when he was miles away from him, and it's not like he was going to shoot the Nemesis down. What would he gain from destroying one of the most powerful warships in the galaxy, as well as an unlimited supply of soldiers at his dispense? Yes, the Vehicons were insufferable morons, but he still needed them for future plans.
For a while Starscream pondered the possibilities, then he wondered if he should bring Soundwave up to speed that he knows. Watching the drone trying to sneak up on him, he decided yes, just to see his reaction.
:Dare I ask what brings you here Soundwave?: he questioned through a private comm.link. But as always, he didn't respond. He did, however, separate himself from the clouds and flew by Starscream's side.
Suppose that counts as a reaction.
:Did you feel the need to keep an eye on me? Are you afraid I'll do something Lord Megatron won't be happy about?: Still no reply.
They flew in silence for a while. Starscream was honestly surprised he was so willing to be alone with him after... the incident. Perhaps it had something to do with that? Maybe Soundwave was preparing to shoot him out of the sky himself?
Then Soundwave did the strangest thing. He slowed, allowing Starscream to move ahead, and then with a loud purr of engines he shot forward, over and under the jet in a single loop and returned to his side, all while spinning non-stop.
This extremely confused Starscream. Mostly because that was a common trick seekers and fliers did. Not a tactic for fighting or anything of actual use, it was just something done for fun.
Why is Soundwave of all bots doing it now? Especially around Starscream.
:Soundwave what are you-: The drone glided toward him, but pulled back at the last second to avoid a collision. Starscream didn't react, not having a clue what was happening, until Soundwave did it again. And then it clicked.
It was an invitation.
:You can't be serious: Starscream almost laughed through the comm.link. Soundwave, in response, just looped around him. Seeing the most apathetic, serious bot he'd ever met act so playful made him suspicious.
From his paranoia bloomed hundreds of theories on the purpose of Soundwave's attitude. All of them bad. But among them was an idea. An opportunity he could use to his advantage. Wether this was a genuine act of friendship or a way to stop him from killing Megatron, the latter being more likely, he could use this chance to gain his trust.
:If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to impress me:
He just needed to play along.
Soundwave twirled by his side, and Starscream smirked, knowing full well he wouldn't see it.
:Well, clearly you've mastered the basics: Starscream revved his engine. :But can you do this?: He shot straight down, as fast as his thrusters would allow him, until the rocky floor was in sight. Then he turned up sharply, almost scraping the floor, and shot back up.
It wasn't flashy, or "beautiful", but it was hilarious how long it took Thundercracker and Skywarp to perfect it. He wanted to see how Soundwave would fare.
Said drone hesitated, but copied him. When he came back, Starscream hummed. :You weren't fast enough, and you pulled up too soon: He concluded, then remembered he needed to be nice. :... But, for a first attempt it was... adequate. Now try this:
And for the rest of the afternoon, that's what they did. They flew around and showed each other tricks, or Starscream did and Soundwave just copied. At some point they started chasing each other, and the jet actually laughed. Only because of how stupid this was. He's not actually enjoying himself. This is just to make Soundwave less suspicious of him. That's all.
At some point he felt a glimpse of Soundwave's EM field. He seemed... genuinely happy? Proud? Something else he couldn't identify because the stupid drone reeled his field back in before he had a chance?
He brushed that last one aside. Whatever it was it didn't make the slightest difference. One way or another, his gift at rubbing at a bot's ego was working, and Soundwave was happy. Now he just needed to keep this up for, well, however long it takes to gain Soundwave's trust.
Starscream looked down at the drone below him, and maybe it was that unexpected adrenaline burning off, or maybe he'd finally lost his sense, but he smiled. A small, genuine smile.
Maybe having a flying partner wouldn't be so bad.
... This is so stupid.
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starprin101 · 4 years
Soundscream Week
Day 2: Compromise
Doors opened with a whirr and a pair of heels clicked against the floor toward the hulking mass currently unconscious on the slab. He leaned forward and tapped his head with a claw.
"Hello~" Starscream cooed. "Anyone in there?~" He tapped again, harder, and waited for the response he knew would never come. And as predicted, there was only silence. Nothing but the beeping and whirring of machinery wasting their time on what may as well be a corpse.
"Hm. Such a shame. All that potential wasted." He stepped back and dragged his optics along Megatron's body. His plating sparkled where the light hit it, Breakdown- or Knockout, whichever- did a fine job.
"You know, you could have been a great leader. No, really, I'm serious! It's just your ideas, your goals..." He walked around to the monitors surrounding them. "Well, your ideas and goals, that inspired so many to join you, were replaced by your overwhelming need to have all the power the galaxy had to offer, and using it against Prime." He had no idea what they meant, but he understood that when the lines stopped making the patterns they were doing now, it was a very bad sign. "It overshadowed your original inspiration, and turned you into a megalomaniac."
He glanced at the once great, brave, beacon of freedom, who was now laying in stasis lock because of his own stupidity and greed. He sighed, like he was disappointed.
"I really don't see what he sees. Not anymore." He paced to the centre of the room. "Why is Soundwave still so unwaveringly loyal to you after all this time, after everything you've done! Why does he still blindly follow you after four million years of madness and needless chaos!" He spun around and glared at him. Megatron still hadn't moved. Not that he would anytime soon.
He sighed again and stepped closer. "And your condition. Why is he so convinced you'll come back. It's obvious you won't. He's only delaying the inevitable." He circled a digit around the cord in his chassis. The one keeping his spark stable.
"It must be so embarrassing to look so weak and vulnerable." He wrapped his servo around it. "Allow me to volunteer in this final act of loyalty and respect, and put you out of your misery." And with a harsh tug, the cord popped off.
The effect was immediate. Those lines broke their pattern and shot around wildly. Warnings popped up all over the monitors and a wild beeping was blaring from somewhere. He watched the situation unravel itself with a small smile, but it fell when a stray thought entered his head.
Soundwave won't like this.
Soundwave will be distraught when he finds out.
It was common knowledge that Megatron and Soundwave fought together in the Pits, and he managed to convince him to join his cause. That begged the question; how? What did he do to initiate such undivided loyalty? Starscream's theory was that he promised him something, which could be why he's so hellbent on keeping Megatron alive, but what could it be? What could be so valuable to Soundwave?
Whatever it was, Starscream could give it to him. When he becomes leader of the Decepticons, he can give him whatever he was promised. And maybe more.
He and Soundwave had been getting along quite well recently. After that first flying session, Soundwave followed him on a lot more. He wasn't sure why he had to sneak on him instead of just ask, so he decided to do that instead. He walked up to Soundwave and asked straight up if he wanted to join him. Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, he said yes and off they went. Eventually, somehow, they even made a time set in their schedules dedicated specifically for flying together.
He wouldn't say he was enjoying himself, of course not. This was all just to gain Soundwave's trust. And this seemed to be the only time he could make any progress.
There were some times while flying, where everything became still and they just stared at each other. It was a quiet moment where all of his stress, and all his responsibilities and anxiety would just melt away, and he'd feel something he'd never experienced with anyone else. Maybe it was general curiosity? Did Soundwave feel it too? Maybe it was just a moment of mutual understanding-
Why is he thinking so much about Soundwave? Why does he care what Soundwave thinks or wants? This isn't about him. This is about ending Megatron's rein of power! This is about being better than Megatron. He shook his head violently and shuttered his optics, and focused on the wonderful sound of a spark failing and doors closing-
... doors... closing... not opening- closing.
He turned around, cord in hand, and froze.
"Soundwave!" He shrieked. Within a blink of an eye, said bot snatched the cord and pushed him to the side. He plugged it back in and Megatron's vitals returned to normal. A moment of silence, the calm before the storm, and the TIC turned to him.
Starscream momentarily panicked, but he had a plan for the possibility of this happening.
"S-Soundwave! I'm so glad you came when you did! I came in and saw the cord just hanging there- I think Knockout did it on purpose- and I was trying to-" A force slammed him into a wall and he slid down.
Well, it was worth a shot.
Looking up, he observed Soundwave towering over him with those tentacles of his out and waving dangerously. He was very clearly not happy, he concluded.
"N-now Soundwave! I understand you're upset right now! what for trying to kill our great leader, a-and also, possibly, for the incident-" he paused.
Why did he mention that.
Why the FRAG did he mention that.
Immediately Soundwave froze, tentacles still in the air, his joints visibly tensed.
Oh Primus. Oh Primus oh Primus oh Primus oh Primus oh Primus he just made a mistake he made a very bad mistake this is it this is how he goes and he couldn't even make a grand speech about it-
He forced himself to calm down. He can fix this. He can get himself out of this. He's fine. He's talked Megatron out of killing him he can absolutely do this. He just needed to think fast.
"- b-but how about we calm down, and handle this like civilized bots? P-perhaps we can reach a compromise?" He offered, unsure the TIC would even consider it. He, however, didn't move at all, so Starscream slowly stood up and continued.
"How about this: I no longer make attempts at killing Megatron, and to be nice I can throw in a favour for you as well, but you have to do a favour for me." They looked into each other's eyes and visor, and he held out his servo. "Do we have a deal?"
Soundwave made no notion of grabbing it or pulling away. Starscream's spark sped up in fear. Perhaps he's too mad and will just end up ripping his arm off.
A few more still seconds and he considered putting his hand down instead because he felt stupid standing like this. But then Soundwave took his hand and squeezed it, almost enough to break it, then promptly turned around and left.
Starscream was left in the room with the bot he just tried to kill staring at the place where the bot that was just about to kill him was once standing.
I'd say he handled that pretty well.
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