#Sparda was intrigued by all the chanting bits in the song but ended up enjoying the lyrics too
of-pale · 4 months
You let me know, everything's alright
The twins were stuck between a rock and a hard place, battered like fish n’ chips. They struggled to stand, recuperating in a brief moment of peace in the bloodstained field. Not a true peace, as the tension for another inevitable battle charged the air.
“Hey, bro.”
“Remember that cheesy song Dad used to sing to Mom? The one with all the funny chanting bits?”
“I can't stop this feeling~”
“Deep inside of me~”
“Is this.. really the best time?”
“Girl, you just don't realise, what you do to me~”
“Aw, come on, Verge. You know the words. Just entertain me for a second, it’s not like we’ve got an audience right now.”
“I don’t…”
Vergil hesitated for a moment. This was beyond foolish; why bring up some pointless song at a time like this? They should be planning for the next attack, they should be looking over their injuries, they should be—Damn it all. 
“When you hold me…” Vergil struggled to sing the line as his lungs didn't feel up to the task, but Dante waved in encouragement to keep going. “...in your arms so tight.”
With a wince, Dante threw an arm over Vergil's shoulder and cheekily pulled him closer. Vergil didn't want to waste energy fighting it, but if he was honest with himself, he didn't want to fight it. It was… “You let me know, everything’s alright~” Vergil finished the verse.
Dante grinned at him, satisfied to have lifted their spirits, continuing, “And I’m~” He finger-gunned towards Vergil with his free hand, making him scoff. Still, Vergil played along, finishing the line.
“Hooked on a feeling~”
Dante turned his finger gun towards the horizon where more demons had gathered and were clearly heading their way. 
“I'm high on believing~” the twins sang together, standing up straight in preparation for the inbound battle.
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