askcherryberry · 7 years
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Step aside for Tilted “TilT” Blood.
You walk into a Dark room all you see is a table with a old looking scroll on it.  In the dark beside you you hear a sound, and a fairly tall skeleton walks just enough into the light for you to see his half covered face.  He bows to you very slowly never removing his eye off of you. “Evening, Ladies and Gents... Oh, your shaking.  I wonder why that is.  ...  You say you’ve heard of me and my Exploits?”   Turns from you dramatically and opens his arms out wide.   “Well do you hear that my lord?  My reputation follows me wherever I go.”   Turns his head and looks you with his good eye.   “You think I’m crazy don’t you?”   Quickly he turns back to you and points his sword under your chin, the point just touching you.   “What rude thinking you have to assume I’m not talking to my lord.  He is in every shadow.  I don’t take his orders, but I do do his bidding.”   He sheaths his sword and places a figure in its place caressing you softly. “Don’t you do that same?  You talk to the Creator, or do you talk the Destroyer?  No, I bet you speak to the Reaper, or maybe that goddess named Life?”   He steps back letting his body make fluid movements that make you uneasy.   “No matter, your here now, and you want to know more about me?  Well, don’t let me stop you.  I’m an open book, but the trick is, this book is locked away, in a box and the key is just here.”   He sticks a hand over his Soul.  He steps away and Points to a scroll on a table in the center of the room.   “Though, you may learn a few key details by reading the scroll just there.”
You read the scroll before you.
Tilted Blood is most often referred to as TilT.  His calm and smooth demeanor is not to be trusted.  His teeth and sword have taken out many monsters.  He doesn't recall being any other way.  
Tilted started his murderous rampage so long ago he couldn't even begin to tell you his age, but his birth he claims is 6/6/x6.  Tilted recalls a moment as an apprentice, when he walked into the woods to cool off his temper, and found himself lost.  He wondered around the deepest and darkest part before he found himself smothered by darkness, and a voice speaking in his head.  "Your Master has no respect for you young Blood."  Tilted blinked into the shadows.  "My Master just wants me to be safe."  He replied.  "You have the skill and he has a free Airship, so why is he second guessing you.  For the love of ReaperTale child you were able to land a blow on him this last training session."  Tilted sat in the dark and listened to the voice.  It was right, he was the oldest apprentice and his master Needed a Captain and Pilot for the old Airship.  The pilot before that had died in the resent war, and finally the Ship had been repaired.  "You weren't asking a lot.  Just your own Ship and a small crew to command.  You just want to explore.  Poor little Blood you deserve this."  Tilted's mind began to flare with anger.  He stood up. "Your Right!  I think I should demand his respect."  A small smooth laugh echoed in Tilted's head.  "Very good Child.  Oh no, not child, I apologize, Captain.  Now go and take what is yours!"  Tilted stood a moment.  "I'm not strong enough.  One landed blow with a wooden sword isn't gonna convince him."  He felt the shadows being to wrap around him.  "Would you let me help you?"  Tilted nodded coolly.  "Yes my Lord."  When TilT walked out of the woods his once yellow eyes were streaked with red.  He took no time for rest, just walked into his Masters house and killed him and the other apprentices.  He stole his Masters Sword and took the Airship he had set his eyes on that night.
TilT later developed a reputation of being the "Bloody Butterfly" due to how he would lore his victims in with his calm and smooth speech.  Then he would strike with precision and grace.  Most called his movements unholy.  Others began to call him and his Ship and omen of death.
TilT attracted some unwanted attention is a universe where he almost lost to a pack of Wolf Monsters.  The leader had managed to take out TilT's left eye, before TilT escaped.  He was bloody and dying when he found a sweet Turquoise Bunny Monster.  She had lent him her help, but her town caught wind of the Bloody Butterfly's appearance and attacked him while he was recovering.  A voice Spoke to him as he laid in bed.  "TilT do you want to live through this?"  It was the same voice as before.  "Yes my Lord."  He said.  "Will you do anything?"  He opened his good eye slowly.  "Yes."  He said out-loud.  His Caretaker looked at him closely wondering who he was speaking to.  "Then take her Soul and eat it." TilT's eye went red and with speed dug is hand into her chest and pulled out her Soul.  Some men from town burst in, in just enough time to see this, and began to attack him.  "Die!"  was all TilT heard as he jumped to dodge the attacks.  He managed to kill a few Monsters before his head got crushed by a hammer.  He stood up quickly and thought better to leap out the window.  "Hurry eat the Soul before a Reaper comes to collect it."  His Lord yelled.  "And that bit of Fur in your hand place that on that wounder you just got.  Quick no time to think." TilT immediately did as he was told.  Once he'd devoured the Soul his HP began to go up.  It wasn't just Healing Him , but increasing his total Health.  He kept running as his face burned like fire.  When he reached his Ship he cut the rope holding onto the end the attached to the Ship and floated up into the clouds.  He took some time climbing onto the deck, but once he did he passed out from all the pain his was still in.
TilT later learned that this pain was never ending.  As well as the fur he had placed on his face was permanent.  It took a few trips to different worlds, but He had learned about Echo Flowers and just what kind of Tricks they can do.  He had to teach himself how to make a gel capsule pain pill he could take to maintain his pain. Without these pills TilT's temper is easily flared, and he is far more likely to kill.  He will 'Eat a soul' still every now and again just to gain that Souls HP.
TilT is unaware of what affects them, but even if you told him he was sick he'd blow you off and call you rude for denying his belief in his Lord.
TilT has friends.  He mostly speaks to other 'Bad Sans's' and will come help them if he is given free reign and has no rules.   He believes his friends are rude and mostly uncouth, so he spends very little time around them.  
Show Caution Around Tilted Blood.  Or you maybe on the receiving end of The Bloody Butterfly's Sword.
No one actually knows these stats, their to scared to get that close.
LV: 16
HP: 1500
AT:  7 (With a Bleed Effect of 2 per second for 30 seconds.)
DEF: 7  (unless in Rage, then is 12.)
Soul Color : Yellow with blood dripping from it. (Caused by the virus Blood Boil.)
Home/Family : Unknown, Some Steampunk type village.
DOB : 6/6/X6 or So he claims.
Age : Unknown.
Weapons :
A stolen sword.
Throwing Knives.
Weakness :
The fact he NEEDS the pills to get by is a major weakness.  If he goes far to long without them he can pass out from pain and slowly loose HP.
He also can’t use Moon Flowers.  Not in any form.  otherwise the corruption he has inside himself would likely die away.  His Lord just tells him that those flowers will kill him so he avoids them.  Its not so easy though if your thinking of just getting him near the Moon Flower to heal him.  His Soul is so heavily Corrupted that his soul would need to be removed from him and soaked in the Moon Flowers Sap to fully heal him, and even then it may kill him.
Likes :
Candy, more so anything sour.  He also love hard flavored Candies.
Something called Swill.  Its a type of Beer.  Though its a low grade alcohol.
Oranges, well most fruits.  For reasons.
Trash! Meaning if he thinks a person is Trash.  You qualify as Trash if you act with no manors for far to long or you know and don’t care.  A person who is a vagrant or bum.
Reapers, they keep telling him no one is talking to him and threaten to reap him to put him out of his misery, but he is not sure what they mean.
Pirates.  He thinks they are mocking his villages livelihood
Hard liquor. He doesn’t see why people get stupid drunk on the stuff.  “If they want to die so badly then they should give me their souls now I’ll do it no problem.��
Theme Song!
Three Days Grace - So What
First vid is mine.  Art also mine.
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