normally0 · 5 months
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Echoes of the Sphinx: Contemplating the Mysteries of Existence
The Great Sphinx of Giza stands as a sentinel of time, bridging ancient mysteries with modern contemplations. Its enigmatic gaze invites us to ponder not only the secrets of the past but also our place within the vast tapestry of existence.
As an architectural marvel, the Sphinx transcends mere stone and mortar. It embodies the synthesis of human ingenuity and natural grandeur, evoking a sense of awe and reverence. Through its stoic presence, it reminds us of the enduring legacy of ancient civilizations and their profound understanding of art, science, and spirituality.
But beyond its physical form lies a deeper symbolism, one that resonates with the timeless essence of the feline. Just as cats commandeer our affection with their regal demeanor, the Sphinx commands our contemplation with its cryptic allure. In the feline's sphinx-like pose, we find echoes of serenity, resilience, and wisdom—a testament to the enduring bond between humanity and nature.
In contemplating the Sphinx, we confront not only the mysteries of the cosmos but also the mysteries of our own consciousness. It beckons us to unravel the riddles of existence, to delve into the depths of our collective psyche, and to seek harmony amidst the chaos of the universe.
As we stand in awe of the Sphinx's majesty, we are reminded of our capacity to create, to imagine, and to transcend. It serves as a timeless beacon, guiding humanity towards a new awareness—a synthesis of tradition and innovation, of myth and science, of the earthly and the divine.
In essence, the Sphinx is more than a monument; it is a symbol of our enduring quest for knowledge, meaning, and enlightenment. And in its silent vigil, it continues to inspire generations to come, beckoning us to ponder the eternal mysteries that lie beyond the horizon of human understanding.
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sphinxmystery · 9 years
It's Kind Of A Funny Story
Wow, a lot has happened. Like, for real. I’m going to use this time to vent a bit, aight? Where to begin.. So, my homecoming was last weekend. I was asked by this nice boy named Sebastian, so I was insanely excited. Anyway, on Friday(the day before homecoming) I went to the homecoming football game. There, I met a lot of new people. I went because my friend Ethan texted me, asking if I was going. Knowing that a friend would be there, I decided ‘why not,’ so I went. I ended up meeting my friend Mikaela there, odd enough. Then, after a while, there was some dude dressed in a gorilla costume, along with two other guys following him around. One of them was named Dillon. He seemed really cool and funny, so I hung out with him. After a while, when I was talking to him I noticed his eyes. So I asked what color they were, and he got like, two inches from my face and said, “I dunno. What color are they?” And that just about killed me. He was really cute. So anyway, Mikaela made me ask him out FOR her, like the hoe she is. And so I did. He said yes. BUT! Not because he likes her. The next day at homecoming, I saw Dillon again. Even though I went with Sebastian, I payed most attention to Dillon, who was explaining his relationship with Mikaela. He said, “I’m only with her because I expected her to break up with me within like, three days.” So that made me laugh. He didn’t really like her at all. Then, Dacohta, Dillon, Sebastian, Zander(sometimes), Amber, Miranda and I were sitting at a table at the dance. There were a few… Moments, per say, between Dillon and I. For example, I bought some of those airheads, right? Well… being nice, I was asking my friends if they wanted 'sugar.’ When it came to Dillon, he took it the wrong way, grinned, and said “sure.” It took me a minute to get the joke, but when I did, I punched him on the arm. And oW HOLY SHIT. He has MUSCLES. Like DAMN. But anyway, he was always sitting really close to me, he let me wear his hat throughout the entire time, he said I was cute and awesome, and at one point he said he had a dare for me. “Stare into my eyes and try not to smile.” So I tried. As soon as he smiled, it made me smile and get all nervous and stuff so I lost. So yeah… Plus! He’s not a hugger. At ALL. But whenever I ask for a hug, I get one. He doesn’t mind hugging me. So… I thought we had something. Then on Sunday, I was hanging out with Mikaela. All she was talking about, ALL DAY, was how much she 'loved’ Dillon. Let’s talk about Mikaela real quick, okay? She doesn’t 'love’ anybody. Not even her family. Like, she’ll meet a guy one day, and the very next it’s BOOM true love. She’s only 13 for christs sake! She doesn’t love ANYbody! She is a downright HORRIBLE person. Cutting-FOR ATTENTION, then making jokes about it, always saying she’s going to kill herself whenever she doesn’t get a guy, telling her mother to die in a hole and that she wants to kill her, etc. Terrible. So I made a plan. I told her that on Monday, I was going to talk to Dillon. To 'help’ her relationship with him. But what do I do? Well…. Monday morning rolls by. I walk into school and look around. Soon enough, I see Dillon. So I walk up to him and say, “I have a favor to ask.” He says okay, and so I just straight up say, “you need to break up with Mikaela.” And then I explained everything. How she was LYING, saying that he was all over her, saying how much she was annoying me and threatening me whenever I mentioned his name, and stuff like that. But I didn’t get his response right away, because we had to go to class. So after school, I was getting my stuff together in the commons when he walked up to me. Here is the conversation. He came up to me, and…. Him: You wanted to talk to me? Me: Ah yes, I have two questions. Your answer of the first one, depends on whether I ask you the second question or not. Him: Okay, shoot. Me: Who do you like more, me or Mikaela? Him: You, actually. Me: Oh! Really? Alright well, how about you ditch her and go with me? Him: -grins- Yeah, alright. Me: Really?! Yay! Can I have a hug? Him: -chuckles and hugs me- Sooo yeah, I stole a guy from a “friend”. But hey, she deserved it. So she shows up at my house that day, at around 4:30pm. She starts pounding on my door, saying “hey! [Name]!! Come out here! YOU STOLE MY BOYFRIEND!!” So then I told her the truth about him never liking her, and now she kinda hates me. Buuuut I don’t give a shit. The reason I’m telling all of this, is because I need to blow off some steam. Yesterday in P.E., I was talking to Dacohta. Now, he’s a major asshat, but he does NOT lie. He was talking about me dating Dillon. Apparently, Dillon had told him that we were just “dating-ish”. Whatever the fuck that means. So that wrecked my day. I was crying all day. I had to be excused from class a few times because of anxiety. But it’s not my fault, I’m not overly attached already or anything. It just hurt. Because I hadn’t been in a real relationship in years, because all I remember is the pain, and I didn’t want that to happen again. So I made that mistake. Today I stayed home. Because a lot of my friends confronted Dillon about what happened. A lot of people told me Dacohta was wrong. But I couldn’t face Dillon today. I just couldn’t. So I’ve been home. I got a text from my friend Amber, at almost 8am. The text said “he was looking for u this morning”. Right away I knew who she was talking about. So I had her explain to me what he had all said. It was interesting, to be honest. Then I got a text from my other friend, Leandrah. She told me that she talked to Dillon, and had it all figured out. But as if he would tell HER the truth. He knows that she’s my friend. He wouldn’t tell her anything. So that’s what’s all been happening lately. It’s been hard… And I’m still hurting.. But it’s nice to get all of this off my chest. Thanks to those who actually stuck around to read all this. I appreciate it.
(Also, sorry if there are any typos. I was just writing without paying attention.)
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