#SpiAniAelia anon
senotsuri · 4 years
SpiAniAelia anon: does Dan ever get Ace back for tricking him?
"You take that back--"
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senotsuri · 4 years
SpiAniAnon- Okay fanfic idea slightly related to the tags about MS failure to be even just decent and how Dan was the only one to break down in show and stuff: Post MS where Dan has a serious sit down with Shun and Marucho to tell them 'hey what you did to me, your friend of 7+ years? that was kind of fucked ya know' Just, let the boys talk things over and junk. Idk I just like my fluff having a spalsh of angst and five tablespoons of hurt/comfort.
“How much do you two care for me, on a scale of 0 to 10, right now? Like, guestimate it.” Dan ventured. This was dangerous territory to teeter into, and he could already feel Shun tense. He wasn’t even touching him physically, and he could still feel his mood shift.
“Uh... Right now? About 8 out of 10,” Marucho guessed, “Not the biggest priority right now, but if something went down, we’re helping. No questions asked.”
Shun didn’t respond, instead drinking his tea. Well timed, and convenient. Dan expected that reaction though.
“... So about 2 years ago when you two left me in the dust,” Dan bristled, “That was kinda fucked, you know? Ok, sure, you guys didn’t know if it was intentional; but considering that I don’t shut up about cool new stuff I’ve found out about, I think you would’ve clocked if it was something I already knew about!” he laughed, alleviating the half of the tension.
“I...” Marucho blinked, “Yeah, honestly that was dumb on my end... And we had no idea what you were going through,”
“Which I never mentioned, because I thought I could handle it, when I couldn’t. Shu--”
“Don’t.” Shun responded softly, and Marucho flinched out a quiet apology, on behalf of himself and Dan. The temporary death of his collective nest of parental figures had massively compromised his emotional state, even if it was only temporary. Monarus nuzzled into Shun’s hand, “I’m not--”
“You can’t deny that it was rude.” Dan replied, hand placed delicately on Shun’s shoulder. Shun tensed, and then slowly relaxed. He was uncertain, still, “But I can’t say at all that it wasn’t deserved. I was as much at fault then as you two were.”
Marucho got up, and wandered closer. Then, Shun was enveloped in a group hug, completely unaware as to what had just happened. In his surprise, he sniffled. Tears poked out from his tightly shut eyes as he returned the favour awkwardly, collapsing like a pillow with loose stuffing, made to sit upright.
“Heyy... Don’t cry- you didn’t know, and you were frustrated. I’ve forgiven you, I have for ages, don’t worry about it--” Dan smiled softly.
“But mentioning it makes me worry that it’ll happen again.” Shun cut off with a quiet murmur into Dan’s shoulder. Monarus, Limulus, and, perhaps the strangest bakugan there, Serpenoid, stared up at their human brawlers.
“Should we join in?” Limulus asked, nudging its body into Serpenoid’s side.
“No- this is a them thing.” Serpenoid hissed softly, nudging back. Monarus kept watch of the humans, delighting in watching them communicate. They were much better at it than most bakugan were, and so watching how they went about it was fascinating.
“It won’t happen again, at least not for quite awhile,” Dan reassured him.
“Mhm,” Marucho hummed, “And, hey, the powers that be, the ones that caused that mess? They won’t affect us now. We can relax,” Marucho cast a glance at Dan’s first new partner.
He was surprised to find Drago had been retired without Dan even complaining, although it was understandable; he felt a little weak from lugging around so much power in his avatar, so he’d returned to being the core of Vestroia.
The little Serpenoid was happy to take Drago’s place, and it seemed to be doing Dan some good, if partially because Serpenoid had been teaching him to relax outside of battling. The other half of it was because Drago’s powers weren’t rubbing off on Dan anymore.
They sat there for a few minutes, until Shun stopped crying. The trio laughed, one wiping his remaining tears away.
“That was a massive weight off our chests, huh?”
“Hey, I have an idea!” Dan cheered, getting Shun’s attention from behind a sip of tea.
“What is it?” Marucho laughed, anticipating something very stupid, but also undeniably very Dan.
“Let’s make a pillow fort!”
Yup. Undeniably Dan. 
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senotsuri · 4 years
SpiAniAnon- ashdbytasctas I went dumbass mode, when I red 'do you just stroll up to Gus' my brain went "just walk up to him and fucking deck him. that'll show him". I do like Gus as a character I swear, nut I also swear that he also needs a good punch to the face
I checked for which post this was about (it was to do with the tags here) for context, and lemme tell you, I wish DOTCmc could deck the vexos as hard as he can for the sake of catharsis.
You also stroll right up to Volt, Shadow, Lync and Spectra (in that order) in other auto battle missions, so there’s that.
As a side note, I feel the “I like them but they need a punch” really hard, but it’s about Spectra, Ace, a bunch of Gundalians, and Hydron. Also anyone important in Mechtanium Surge part one.
(I would’ve added him to the like but needs a punch list, but I’m ignoring Volt, because he realistically just needs to be informed that he’s trying to genocide an entire race under Zenoheld, one of which is his best friend- He’d swap sides by that point.)
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senotsuri · 4 years
SpiAniAelia anon: I was about to joke they destroy their enemies through the power of ballet but honestly? Shun might be able to do some actual damage, considering how ballet is a sport that requires strength in the first place.
Odile's 30/40 spins (the correct number and term for the move are both not in my head rn ffff), but it's Shun.
Ok, real talk though? Given how strong we know Shun is, and how lean his limbs are drawn (the most muscular he's drawn in show is his shoulder-upper arm area, and lower arm shading), I have no problem believing that he could reasonably have been trained to be able to do ballet, even if it came out of how the Castle Knights uniform appears.
And it's not just leg strength! You need good core strength too (most ballet dancers seem quite bendy, as a side note). Your balance needs to be just as good, especially for any turns and arabesques (and similar moves.)
Shun has both traits in spades.
Ok, in all the juxtaposition there is between Jesse and Shun, you cannot tell me Jesse would not applaud him if he did dance. Even if he thought no one was there and was why he was dancing.
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senotsuri · 4 years
SpiAniAnon- would Nekomata Shun compete with other cats for attention, even in human form?
In human form he doesn't, because people already pay attention to him (canonically known as being pretty, and a strong brawler. That's ignoring his status as a battle brawler), but as a cat?
Yes. Yes, he does.
So long as there's only a few cats to compete against, though; he's still a little shy, and he usually needs attention to be somewhere else when he's doing his ninja things, so he naturally is ok with not much attention.
But if he wants attention, he will get it.
Even if that means latching himself to your arm and meowing at you, until you drop doing anything that isn't mandatory (i.e. breathing) to give him attention.
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senotsuri · 4 years
SpiAniAelia anon: when I read masked forms my brain translated that to Bakugan wearing human sized masks
"But... But I'm technically already wearing a mask??"
"Shut up, Ingram."
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senotsuri · 4 years
SpiAniAnon- Would CatShun become like, an urban legend around Vestal? "Some say there's a black cat that can beat your ass." "Physically, or at Bakugan?" "BOTH"
He probably would, if he's not already in Vestal culture thanks to the bakugan.
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senotsuri · 4 years
SpiAniAnon - Gus would be SO CONFUSED if the cat that terroizes the palace just like. busted him out of jail. Because up until this point he just thought the cat was spitful so the cat having intelligence to rival that of a Vestal? Thta has some implications he might not be ready to deal with
Objective: show Gus that you have Ingram so he trusts you
Objective: enjoy Gus’ blue-screen-of-death moment to the fullest
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senotsuri · 4 years
SpiAniAnon: Concept- BP!CatShun tries to hide in Spectra's hair, whilst Shun (successfully) hides in Spectra's coat.
"Right, so, as for Grakas Hound, maybe it shou-" Gus stopped himself midsentence.
"It should what?" Spectra verbally proded, wondering what Gus was stopping for.
"Sorry, master Spectra," Gus apologised, "I must've been seeing things."
Gus froze. He hadn't been seeing things. Gus craned his head back around, staring into the feathers and fluff of Spectra's coat, locating two feathers that swayed on their own, and the copper eyes of the culprit.
Blasted cat.
"I see you have a passenger."
"I have two, actually."
Gus looked up, remembered Helios, and nodded in understanding. But then he turned around, and saw Helios sat on the computer in front of him. Gus' face fell a little in realisation. Helios couldn't be the second passenger, so-
"Where's the second?"
Gus looked over his shoulder. Two beady green eyes stared at him warily from Spectra's crow's nest of hair. The rest of the cat was suddenly very visible, the colour just too washed out to truly match.
"Mew?" It sounded incredibly shy.
"... I took the one on my head with me while we were on Earth." Spectra sheepishly explained, taking the kitten off of his head and holding it to his chest, hugging it with one hand to comfort it.
Gus blinked. The blonde kitten, with bluish fur under its folded ears, blinked back.
"I'm assuming that no one gets to find out about this."
"Preferably no, but neither of these two shut up for very long." Spectra dismissed, idly scritching the problem cat on his shoulder behind the ears.
Gus had never heard the black cat purr so loudly before.
"Anyhow." Spectra cleared his throat, as the two tailed cat leapt off of his shoulder, onto the ground, "You were saying about Grakas?"
"Ah," Gus faltered. He'd forgotten. But then, it rushed back as copper eyes stared at him, "I was thinking that it should be subterra."
Spectra hummed in thought, "Alright."
Gus nodded, and began coding Grakas into being a subterra bakugan. He still couldn't shake off the mild feelings of jealousy, but the feeling of something soft circling and nudging into his legs washed them away. Gus leaned down momentarily, stopping coding, to pet the black cat.
Gus swore he'd seen those eyes before, directed at the Resistance by one of its human members, seen on one of the vexos spies. It looked so affectionate.
He could probably call them the same being as a result, but the Resistance wouldn't send a cat into Vexos territory so recklessly, right? Right.
Oh, how right Gus was to suspect, but so wrong as to wave it off.
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senotsuri · 4 years
SpiAniAnon- could Shun get decrystallized in Cat form? Thinking about it, would the Vexos/royals decrystallize him, thinking he must have gotten crystalized by mistake?
They could, but the power necessary to do so using the crystals is a lot, so they probably wouldn't.
Besides that, the humans/vestals are drained of energy afterwards (and we have no idea how long they're stuck without energy for), to the point of not being able to move after being crystalled. In that case:
Would the cat survive having it's energy drained? (The answer is yes, because he's not a cat cat, but the vexos have no idea about that, even though he must've survived it once.)
I'd say he stays crystallized until DOTCmc fixes it by breaking Abyss' crystal, because the vexos don't wanna hurt him.
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senotsuri · 4 years
SpiritAnimal anon- Sorry, I forogt to clarify I was referring to the picture of VexosCrystalled!CatShun when I sent my previous ask anbybasgfd
I figured that was what was up after I answered it! Aaaaaaaa--
Bonus fact for you; NekomataAU human Shun has his tails visible, because they have crystal growth; he can't disguise them. He hides them under his jacket.
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senotsuri · 4 years
Aelia is my spirit animal
Technically speaking, me and her share that title.
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senotsuri · 4 years
SpiAniAnon- I just now saw your tags on your answer about CatShun very specially fukcing up Zenohold’s day lmao. Just like: “it’s a typical day in the palace, and you are a horrible ninja cat.”, “Peace was never an option.”, CatShun fucking everything in the place up a la “Untitled Goose Game”
Objective: steal Hydron's Pink Glasses
Objective: throw them into space
Objective: get pats from Volt
Objective: break Gus out of jail
Objective: steal Lync's lefthand glove
Objective: confuse Shadow by wearing one of his costumes
Objective: regicide
Objective: take over the alternative, you deserve it!
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senotsuri · 4 years
SpiritAnimal anon- not actually about Aelia this time. One advantage is that cat Shun still has bitey teeth and claws. While he can not brawl, he can still scratch the everloving shit out of any Vexos.
He can brawl as a cat (unless he's been vexos crystalled), actually! It's very cute, unless you're the one he's offering a beat down to.
But yeah, teeth and claws can go a long way in diplomacy!
Although, he can slap a bakugan to damage it. If he flicked Lync on the forehead, Lync'd probably get flung a little... If he swats his paw at you, be prepared to get a bruise (only if he doesn't like you.)
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senotsuri · 4 years
SpiAniAelia anon: Shun is just like "If you're feeling, just don't. it's that simple"
Feelings? In my brawler? Pathetic. They need to try harder. It's easy!
I mean, this is the man who bottled his feelings in so much that he basically had to learn, by force, to be emotionally vulnerable, with the divine intervention of a Legendary Soldier. He knows what he's talking about.
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senotsuri · 4 years
Spirirt Animal Anon- Even reading your post, Aelia is still my spirit animal ngl. I too wish that my puns made the receiver of said pun punch someone for it :D
The someone is typically the pun teller. Hope you're good at dodging!
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