#Spinal correction for backache
kaivalyam · 2 years
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CHILD’S POSE This asana stretches the back muscles and separates the individual vertebrae from each other, releasing pressureon the discs. Often nerve connections emanating from the spinal cord are squeezed by these discs, giving rise to various forms of backache. This posture helps to relieve this problem and encourages the discs to resume their correct position. It also regulates the functioning of the adrenal glands. . Know More - https://kaivalyam.org/blog/yoga-poses-and-their-benefits/ .
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physioveda · 24 days
Nurturing Healthy Posture Habits: The Imperative of Teenage Postural Rehabilitation
Posture is more than mere alignment; it’s a cornerstone of physical health and well-being. Particularly among teenagers, cultivating proper posture habits is essential for preventing a myriad of health issues that can persist into adulthood. In this article, we delve into the significance of teenage postural rehabilitation and explore the proactive measures needed to address this critical aspect of adolescent health.
The Ramifications of Poor Posture
Poor posture isn’t just a matter of aesthetics; it can have profound consequences on overall health. From chronic pain to spinal deformities, the effects of neglecting posture are far-reaching and often debilitating. Statistics paint a stark picture, revealing high prevalence rates of neck and backache among adolescents, along with alarming signs of spinal misalignment in a significant portion of the teenage population.
Identifying the Culprits: Understanding the Causes of Poor Posture
Several factors contribute to the prevalence of poor posture among teenagers. Heavy school bags, uncomfortable furniture, stress, and sedentary lifestyles are primary culprits. The shift towards indoor activities, coupled with a lack of balanced nutrition and physical exercise, further exacerbates the problem, setting the stage for a host of related health issues.
The Role of Physiotherapy in Postural Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy emerges as a pivotal intervention in addressing teenage postural rehabilitation. PhysioVeda, based in New Delhi, India, exemplifies this approach, offering specialized interventions tailored to correct posture imbalances and alleviate associated discomfort. Through a combination of targeted exercises, manual therapy, and ergonomic education, PhysioVeda empowers teenagers to cultivate healthy postural habits and mitigate the risks of future musculoskeletal issues.
Holistic Approach to Wellness
At PhysioVeda, the emphasis goes beyond symptom management to encompass lifestyle modifications and self-care practices. By equipping teenagers with the tools they need to take charge of their posture, PhysioVeda fosters long-term wellness and resilience against future health challenges. Their holistic approach nurtures a sense of empowerment, enabling teenagers to embrace life with confidence and vitality.
Conclusion: Paving the Way for a Healthier Future
In conclusion, teenage postural rehabilitation is a vital investment in the health and well-being of future generations. By addressing poor posture early on and promoting healthy habits, we can mitigate the risk of chronic pain and spinal deformities, ensuring that teenagers enter adulthood with a strong foundation of physical resilience. With dedicated efforts from institutions like PhysioVeda, we can nurture a culture of proactive health management, where teenagers stand tall, both figuratively and literally, ready to embrace life’s challenges with vitality and grace.
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Back in Alignment: Chiropractic Solutions for Back Pain
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Back pain is a pervasive issue that affects millions of people worldwide, impacting their quality of life and productivity. Whether it's caused by poor posture, injuries, or underlying medical conditions, finding effective treatment is crucial for those suffering from this debilitating condition. Receive effective Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment in Campbell.  Fortunately, chiropractic care offers a holistic approach to relieving back pain and restoring alignment to the spine. In Campbell, California, individuals seeking relief from back pain have access to specialized chiropractic treatment tailored to their unique needs.
Understanding Back Pain:
Back pain can manifest in various forms, ranging from dull aches to sharp, debilitating sensations. It often stems from misalignments in the spine, which can result from factors such as poor posture, muscle strain, or degenerative conditions like arthritis. These misalignments, known as subluxations, can put pressure on surrounding nerves, causing pain and discomfort. Chiropractors specialize in diagnosing and correcting these subluxations, thereby alleviating pain and restoring proper function to the spine.
The Role of Chiropractic Care:
Chiropractic care focuses on the relationship between the spine and the nervous system, recognizing that proper alignment is essential for optimal health and well-being. By using manual adjustments, chiropractors can realign the spine, relieve pressure on nerves, and restore balance to the body. This drug-free and non-invasive approach not only addresses the symptoms of back pain but also targets the underlying cause, promoting long-term healing and prevention of future issues.
Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment:
One of the primary benefits of chiropractic treatment is its ability to provide natural pain relief without relying on medication or surgery. This makes it a safe and effective option for individuals seeking alternatives to traditional medical interventions. Additionally, chiropractic care is known to improve mobility, flexibility, and overall range of motion, allowing patients to regain function and resume their daily activities with ease. Moreover, many patients report experiencing improvements in their overall well-being, including better sleep, reduced stress, and enhanced immune function.
Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment in Campbell:
In Campbell, California, residents have access to a range of chiropractic services tailored to address back pain and related conditions. Experienced chiropractors in the area offer personalized treatment plans designed to meet the unique needs of each patient. These treatment plans may include spinal adjustments, therapeutic exercises, massage therapy, and lifestyle counseling to promote optimal healing and recovery. By addressing the root cause of back pain, chiropractors help patients achieve long-lasting relief and improved quality of life.
The Importance of Holistic Care:
Chiropractic care emphasizes a holistic approach to health, focusing on the interconnectedness of the body's systems and the importance of addressing underlying imbalances. In addition to spinal adjustments, chiropractors may recommend complementary therapies such as nutritional counseling, stress management techniques, and ergonomic assessments to support overall wellness. By addressing lifestyle factors that contribute to back pain, patients can experience more comprehensive and lasting results.
Patient Testimonials:
Many individuals who have undergone chiropractic treatment for back pain in Campbell have reported significant improvements in their symptoms and overall quality of life. From office workers dealing with chronic desk-related backaches to athletes recovering from sports injuries, patients of all ages and backgrounds have benefited from chiropractic care. Their testimonials highlight the effectiveness of this natural approach to pain management and the transformative impact it can have on daily life.
Back pain can be a debilitating condition that affects every aspect of a person's life, but it doesn't have to be a lifelong struggle. With chiropractic care, individuals in Campbell and beyond can find relief from pain, restore alignment to their spine, and reclaim their vitality. By addressing the root cause of back pain and promoting holistic healing, chiropractors empower patients to live healthier, more active lives free from the limitations imposed by their condition. If you're seeking effective and natural solutions for back pain, consider exploring chiropractic treatment in Campbell today. Your journey to a pain-free life starts here.
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ostudionz · 3 months
How Pilates Can Improve Your Posture and Core Strength?
Pilates is a form of exercise that improves flexibility, strength, and body awareness without building bulk. It emphasises proper postural alignment, core strength, and muscle balance. Good posture and a strong core are essential for overall well-being, as they contribute to stability, balance, and a reduced risk of injury.
In this blog, we will explore the significance of good posture and core strength, the role of Pilates in improving these aspects, and how individuals can visit any Pilates Christchurch centre and incorporate it into their daily routine to experience its benefits.
Understanding Posture and Core Strength
Good posture involves the alignment of the body parts in relation to one another, with minimal strain on supporting muscles. It contributes to a balanced body weight distribution, reduces the risk of muscle strain and fatigue, and helps prevent backaches and muscular pain. Core strength refers to the muscles in the abdomen, back, pelvis, and diaphragm working together to provide stability and support for the spine. A strong core is vital for maintaining balance, stability, and proper posture.
Poor posture and weak core muscles can lead to a range of issues, including back and neck pain, spinal dysfunction, reduced flexibility, and decreased mobility. These issues can impact daily activities and lead to long-term health problems if not addressed.
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The Role of Pilates in Improving Posture
Pilates exercises focus on strengthening the muscles that support the spine and promote proper postural alignment. Movements such as the Pilates roll-up, spine stretch forward, and swan dive specifically target the postural muscles, helping to correct imbalances and improve overall alignment. Regular Pilates Christchurch practice can increase body awareness, allowing individuals to maintain better postures in their daily activities.
Strengthening Core Muscles through Pilates
Pilates targets key core muscles including the transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, and the pelvic floor muscles. These exercises enhance core strength by engaging these muscles in a coordinated and controlled manner. A strong core improves posture and reduces the risk of back pain by providing support for the spine and pelvis.
Benefits Beyond Physical Alignment
In addition to physical benefits, Pilates offers mental and emotional advantages. The focus on breath control, concentration, and smooth, flowing movements can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity. Many individuals have shared personal stories and testimonials about how Pilates has improved their posture and core strength and positively impacted their overall well-being.
Tips for Incorporating Pilates into Daily Routine
For beginners looking to start a Pilates regimen, it's important to start with the basics and gradually progress to more challenging exercises. Integrating short Pilates sessions into a busy schedule is possible by dedicating just a few minutes daily to practice. This can be done at home, in a studio, or even during breaks at work. Consistency is key to experiencing the benefits of Pilates.
Professional Insights and Recommendations
Certified Pilates instructors and physical therapists offer valuable insights into effective Pilates techniques and routines. Their expertise can guide individuals in choosing the right exercises based on their needs and goals. Additionally, numerous resources such as books, websites, and classes are available for those interested in delving deeper into the practice of Pilates.
In conclusion, Pilates significantly improves posture and core strength, ultimately contributing to overall well-being. By engaging in regular Pilates practice, individuals can experience positive changes in their physical alignment, mental clarity, and emotional well-being. Readers need to explore how Pilates can benefit their own posture and core strength journey by incorporating its principles into their daily lives.
Incorporating Pilates Christchurch into one's routine can lead to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle, and it's never too late to start reaping the rewards of this mindful and impactful form of exercise.
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georgesmith00x2 · 5 months
Best Chiropractor in Marietta GA
Some chiropractors have more fulfilment with this sort of ailment than other chiropractors. Meaning which you want to ensure which you are finding the exceptional one for sciatica in case you need to see and experience outcomes right away. These are a few recommendations in how you may choose a chiropractor for sciatica treatment.
The second which you are doing studies, you may see what chiropractors are known for treating sciatica and which aren’t a success with this type of remedy. Making it easier to pick out the right Chiropractor in Marietta GA.
Begin by using instructing yourself about some of the distinctive techniques and techniques that chiropractors appoint. The exercise of chiropractic remedy is based on the principle that the predominant body systems are linked to and laid low with the alignment of the spinal column. A very simplistic way to position it is that once the spinal column is in the correct alignment and is wholesome, then the relaxation of the body’s structures will also be wholesome. To this foundational premise, there are different treatment philosophies and ideologies so that it will influence the modifications and procedures practiced by means of individual chiropractors. Chiropractors can also be grouped by way of specialty; a chiropractor may also concentrate on sports activities accidents or may be geared mostly to an own family practice
The cutting-edge chiropractor is the handiest doctorate level doctor inside the international this is drug and surgical operation free. Having a completely similar in schooling to the Medical Doctor, the Chiropractic Doctor has approximately ten instances more nutrition training, in conjunction with more radiology and diagnostic training.  This makes a chiropractor an extraordinary preference for someone who prefers a drug-free technique.
One of the maximum common advantages is the treatment of the injury instead of simply masking the pain or circumstance with medicine. Many humans locate remedy from complications, backaches, and other painful conditions by way of medicating at regular durations at some point of the day. These situations can frequently be handled and advanced with a go to the chiropractor. Many body capabilities and systems are attached for your backbone and are tormented by the alignment of the spine. By aligning the spinal column, many ailments and pains could be a cure instead of a brief form of remedy.
Another popular gain of travelling a Chiropractor in Marietta GA is the protection of the tactics. Many medicinal drugs and some medical tactics can be risky in small kids and older adults, specifically if there's any confusion about the advocated dosage.  However, the modifications performed via chiropractors are safe for most individuals and might significantly growth the comfort of human beings living with age-related ailments.
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endospine360 · 6 months
Spinal Health at Work:  Tips for a Posture-Friendly Office Environment
In today's fast-paced world, most of us spend a significant portion of our lives in an office setting. 
While we may focus on deadlines, meetings, and productivity, we often neglect the well-being of our most important asset—our spine. 
Poor posture and prolonged sitting can lead to a host of spinal problems, from nagging backaches to more serious conditions. To maintain a healthy spine and reduce the risk of chronic issues, it's essential to create a posture-friendly office environment. 
In this article, we'll explore tips for spinal health at work and introduce you to the best spine surgeon in Indore for any spine-related concerns.
The Importance of Spinal Health
Your spine is a marvel of engineering, providing stability, support, and flexibility. Neglecting its health can lead to various problems, including back pain, herniated discs, and even more severe conditions that may require the expertise of a spine specialist.
In Indore, one name stands out as the best in this field: the renowned Dr. Prasad Patgaonkar, the leading spine surgeon in Indore. With a wealth of experience and expertise, Dr. Prasad Patgaonkar, is the go-to expert for all your spinal health concerns.
Tips for a Posture-Friendly Office Environment
Ergonomic Workspace Setup:
Invest in ergonomic office furniture, including a chair with lumbar support, an adjustable desk, and a monitor at eye level. Proper equipment can help maintain a natural and healthy posture throughout the day.
Regular Movement:
Sitting for extended periods can lead to muscle stiffness and strain on your spine. Incorporate regular breaks and short walks to stretch and relieve the tension in your spine.
Correct Posture:
Be mindful of your posture. Sit with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and feet flat on the floor. Avoid crossing your legs, as it can lead to uneven pressure on your spine.
Monitor eye level:
Ensure your computer monitor is at eye level to prevent straining your neck by looking up or down. This simple adjustment can significantly reduce neck and upper back pain.
Lumbar Support:
Use a cushion or a chair with built-in lumbar support to maintain the natural curve of your lower back. This reduces the stress on your lumbar spine.
Keyboard and Mouse Placement:
Position your keyboard and mouse close enough that your arms form a 90-degree angle. This helps avoid strain on your wrists, shoulders, and upper back.
Seeking Expert Care:
Even with the best precautions, spinal issues can still arise. If you experience persistent back pain, tingling, or numbness, it's crucial to consult a spine specialist. In Indore, Dr. Prasad Patgaonkar is the top choice for expert evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of spine-related conditions. 
With a commitment to patient care and a track record of successful surgeries, Endospine360 is renowned for being the best spine surgeon in Indore.
Your spine is an invaluable asset, and ensuring its health should be a priority in your professional life. By following the tips for a posture-friendly office environment and seeking the expertise of the best spine surgeon in Indore, 
Dr. Prasad Patgaonkar, you can maintain a healthy spine and enjoy a pain-free and productive work life. Remember, a healthy spine is the foundation of a healthy life.
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Jaipur backache treatment: Relieving your suffering for a healthier life
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Are you sick and tired of having back pain all the time? Stop searching because we have the perfect answer for you! Welcome to our blog about backache treatment in jaipur , where we give you in-depth details and practical solutions to get rid of your back pain. Whether you live in the Pink City or are just visiting, we know how crucial it is to get the best care to help you get back on your feet.
Common Causes of Backache
Numerous things can cause backaches, and determining the underlying cause is essential to choose the best course of action. Back pain is frequently caused by poor posture, strained muscles, and spinal abnormalities. Long periods of time spent sitting, improper lifting techniques, and activities that put stress on the back muscles can all cause backaches. Chronic back pain can also be caused by a number of medical disorders, including osteoporosis, arthritis, and herniated discs.
To choose the best course of Back Pain Treatment in Jaipur , it is critical to understand its underlying cause. A healthcare expert or specialist can diagnose the underlying cause of your discomfort and provide a custom treatment plan for you if you seek their assistance.
Getting Expert Advice: When to Visit a Doctor for Back Pain
While self-care and home remedies can frequently be used to treat mild backaches, there are times when professional assistance is required. It's crucial to see a doctor right away if your back pain is severe, lasts for more than a few weeks, or is accompanied by additional symptoms like numbness, weakness, or loss of bladder control. These signs and symptoms could point to a more serious underlying illness that needs treatment.
To determine the source of your back discomfort, a healthcare professional will perform a complete examination that may include X-rays, MRI scans, or other diagnostic testing. They will advise the best course of action for your particular illness based on the diagnosis.
Backache Treatment Options in Jaipur
The city of Jaipur, which is renowned for its extensive cultural legacy, offers a variety of backache treatment choices. The Pink City offers both conventional treatments and unconventional ones, so there is something for everyone. Let's look at some of the most efficient medical solutions in Jaipur.
Chiropractic Treatment for Back Pain
Chiropractic care is primarily used to identify and treat conditions of the spine's musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic adjustments and other methods are used to realign the musculoskeletal system of the body and encourage the body's own healing processes. Chiropractic adjustments help to correct the spine's alignment, which reduces back discomfort and increases mobility in general.
Spinal adjustments, massage therapy, and back-muscle-strengthening exercises are all possible chiropractic therapies. Both pain relief and preventing further backache attacks are objectives. Choose a qualified, experienced chiropractor who specializes in treating back pain if you're looking for chiropractic care in Jaipur.
Exercises and Physiotherapy for Back Pain
Back pain can also be effectively treated with physiotherapy. In order to meet your unique needs, a physiotherapist will assess your condition and create a customised treatment plan. In order to reduce inflammation and increase mobility, the treatment may combine manual therapy, exercises, and modalities like heat or cold therapy.
Exercises aimed at increasing flexibility and back muscle strength are essential for treating and avoiding back pain. You will be led through these exercises by your physiotherapist, who will also give you the equipment you need to continue your recovery at home.
Ayurvedic Back Pain Treatment
Ayurveda, a traditional Indian medical system, provides a comprehensive method for treating back pain. Ayurvedic treatments concentrate on restoring harmony to the body's energies and addressing the root of the discomfort. Commonly employed in Ayurvedic backache remedies are herbal medications, massage therapy, and lifestyle changes.
 Ayurvedic clinics and facilities can be found in Jaipur that provide individualized care based on your unique dosha (body type) and the underlying reason of your back pain.
 It is important to consult an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner who can guide you through the treatment process and provide you with safe and effective remedies.
Home Treatments and Lifestyle Modifications for Back Pain Management
There are a number of natural remedies and lifestyle adjustments that can assist manage back pain in addition to medical interventions. Back pain can be treated simply but effectively by using hot or cold packs, maintaining a healthy weight, and adopting excellent posture.
Walking or swimming regularly might help to build back strength and increase flexibility. Particularly focused on posture and core stability, yoga and pilates are excellent options for people with back discomfort.
Some popular treatment:
Migraine Treatment in Jaipur
Migraine Doctor in Jaipur
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Best Neurologist in jaipur
Back pain can be crippling and have an impact on your quality of life. However, you can manage your pain and live a better, pain-free life with the correct information and care. You have access to a variety of backache doctor in Jaipur , a city renowned for its rich cultural past, including chiropractic care, physiotherapy, and Ayurvedic medicines. By getting medical assistance and changing your lifestyle accordingly, you can get rid of your back pain and be pain-free to take in the colorful splendor of the Pink City. Take the first step toward a healthy, pain-free life right away and stop letting back pain hold you back!
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How Foundations Family Chiropractic Can Help Improve Posture For Everyone
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Are you tired of constantly feeling discomfort and pain in your body? Do you struggle with poor posture that often leads to headaches, backaches, or even more serious conditions? Look no further than Foundations Family Chiropractic! Our team of chiropractors specializes in providing natural solutions for families in Surrey. From improving posture to managing pain and helping children with ADHD, our family chiropractic care can benefit everyone. Keep reading to learn how our services can help improve your overall well-being.
Top Benefits Of Chiropractic Care For Families At Foundations Family Chiropractic
Chiropractic care has numerous benefits for families, and at Foundations Family Chiropractic, we are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health. Here are just a few of the top benefits of chiropractic care for families:
Improved Immune System: Regular chiropractic adjustments can help boost your immune system by removing nerve interference and allowing your body to function at its highest level.
Pain Relief: Our natural approach to pain management involves identifying the root cause of your pain and providing personalized treatment plans that address those issues directly.
Better Sleep: Many patients report better sleep after receiving chiropractic adjustments. By aligning the spine and reducing tension in the muscles, our treatments can promote relaxation and restful sleep.
Improved Athletic Performance: Chiropractic care is not just beneficial for adults but also children involved in sports. It helps improve balance, flexibility, coordination which results in better athletic performance.
If you’re looking for a natural way to improve your family’s health and well-being, consider visiting us at Foundations Family Chiropractic.
How Family Chiropractic Care In Surrey Can Help Children With ADHA
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common condition that affects many children. While there are traditional treatments such as medication and behavioral therapy, many parents are turning to chiropractic care as an alternative or complementary approach.
Family chiropractic care in Surrey can help children with ADHD by focusing on the underlying causes of their symptoms. Chiropractors work to correct any spinal misalignments, which can affect the nervous system and lead to problems with focus and behavior.
Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to decrease hyperactivity in children with ADHD and improve overall brain function. Additionally, regular adjustments may reduce stress levels, allowing for better coping mechanisms when dealing with daily challenges.
Another benefit of family chiropractic care for children with ADHD is the personalized approach taken by chiropractors. They take into account each child’s unique needs and create individualized treatment plans based on those needs.
Family chiropractic care in Surrey can be a safe and effective option for improving symptoms associated with ADHD without relying solely on medication or behavioral therapy alone.
Surrey Family Chiropractic: A Natural Approach To Pain Management
In today’s world, many people are turning to natural and holistic approaches to health care. At Foundations Family Chiropractic in Surrey, we believe that chiropractic care is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle for families. Our experienced team of professionals provides safe and effective treatments that can help improve posture, manage pain, promote overall wellness, and much more.
We understand how important it is to have good posture and eliminate pain for everyone in the family. That’s why we offer personalized chiropractic treatment plans tailored to suit your specific needs. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain or just want to maintain optimal health, we’re here to help.
So if you’re looking for a reliable family chiropractor in Surrey who offers natural solutions for your health issues, look no further than Foundations Family Chiropractic. We’ll work with you every step of the way towards achieving your desired results through our gentle yet effective chiropractic techniques. Don’t wait any longer - contact us today!
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rjdavies · 1 year
Celebrating May with Mom’s Advice: Good posture is important!
Celebrating the month of May with some random mom advice. With much love! You got this! Just thought some people needed to hear this. Whether you grew up with your mom or not, if she was loving, nurturing, alive, or has passed on. These posts are for anyone who needs to hear it.  
Today’s advice:
Good posture is important! No slouching because you are training your body badly if you do that. 
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What bad posture can do
back pain
spinal dysfunction 
joint degeneration
slouching can affect your confidence in your thoughts and ability to do your job
rounded shoulders
can raise blood pressure, courtesy of a direct neural link between neck muscles and the part of the brain stem responsible for regulating blood pressure
Benefits of good posture
keeps bones and joints in the correct alignment so that muscles are being used properly
helps decrease the abnormal wearing of the joint surfaces that could result in arthritis
decreases the stress on the ligaments holding the joints of the spine together
prevents the spine from become fixed in abnormal positions
prevents strain or overuse problems
prevents backache and muscular pain
contributes to good appearance
increase energy and confidence
How can you correct bad posture
pay attention to your posture
if you catch yourself slouching - correct it
Some Videos
how can you fix bad posture
How To Correct Your Posture - 5 Home Exercises To Fix Your Posture - YouTube
No slouching!
with love from a mom,
R. J. Davies
A Riveting Jacked-In Dreamy Mind-Bender
RJ Davies - Science Fiction Author, Maddox Files, Novels
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ultra-maha-us · 1 year
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy
Non-surgical spinal decompression is manual therapeutic traction applied to spinal vertebral joints to relieve chronic backache, sciatica and other musculoskeletal disorders involving the spinal cord. Due to age related degenerative diseases of bones or certain occupational activities that cause excessive wear and tear of the axial skeleton, the spinal joints undergo deterioration leading to herniation, nerve compression, stenosis and arthritis that affect quality of life and may interfere with day to day activities. In order to manage the disabling symptoms, chiropractors perform manual stretching of the vertebral joints to relieve tension, stress and pressure from the nerves, muscles and tendons.
The primary goal of non-surgical or surgical spinal decompression therapy is to stretch the spinal vertebral joints without causing the contraction of spinal muscles. Primarily, a negative suction force (or intra-discal pressure) is generated that aims at drawing the prolapsed ends of the disc inwards and thereby helps in alleviation of symptoms.
Depending upon the indication, severity of lesion and other relevant factors, your chiropractor may perform 20 to 28 therapy sessions during a period of approximately 5 to 8 weeks. Each session may last for about 30 to 45 minutes during which you lie on a spinal decompression table (that has adjustable length and segmentation). Your therapist adjusts the table (that may be computer operated or manual) according to the site and severity of your lesion.
After therapy you may need other complementary treatments to potentiate the effect of decompression like heat compresses or cold compresses to alleviate pain symptoms (as a result of therapeutic decompression or because of the Atlasgelenk therapy itself), therapy by ultrasound waves that provide warmth to inflamed tissues with deeper penetration and promote regeneration and healing at cellular level or transcutaneous electrical stimulation and other similar therapies for stabilization of spinal apparatus to prevent recurrent compression.
In a study conducted by Gose author reported a case series in which non-surgical spinal decompression was attempted in 778 cases with a history of disc dysfunction, facet syndrome or chronic low back pain. With periodic decompression, pain relief and improvement in mobility was achieved by 71% of the study population without any additional therapy. The positive result was subjective pain relief of 0 or 1 from a scale of 0 to 5.
Non-surgical spinal decompression is indicated for individuals who are experiencing chronic debilitating symptoms due to degenerative disease of vertebral joints leading to spinal stenosis, characterized by persistent and chronic lower back pain that affects physical independence, progressive degenerative joint disease marked by appearance of complications like bladder incontinence, bowel incontinence, paresthesia, numbness or sciatica, spinal disc herniation that affect the functioning of nerves, bony outgrowth due to constant rub or friction, posterior facet syndrome or radiculopathy (damage to spinal nerve roots).
According to the research conducted by Steven J Atlas, surgical decompression has slightly better long term prognosis when compared to non-surgical decompression but the rate of short-term complications is higher in surgical patients. Atlas suggested that non-surgical approach should be employed in mild to moderate cases but if symptoms does not resolve, surgical decompression should be attempted.
Non-surgical spinal decompression creates a state of negative pressure that promotes retraction of spinal vertebrae that helps in the correction of herniated discs and compressed intervertebral joints. Researchers believe that it is impossible to heal the intervertebral compression fractures without performing decompression. The most outstanding benefit of decompression is the restoration of blood supply to regenerating tissues and prevention of pressure induced nerve damage.
Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy is associated with excellent results; however, many people are not ideal candidates for this therapy. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding you should not opt for non-surgical decompression due to high risk of undesired events. If you have recognized or diagnosed spinal vertebral fracture, you are not an ideal candidate for manual decompression. All the individuals who have bone tumor or tumors in the abdominal, pelvic or lumbar region should not opt for manual decompression due to high risk of life threatening hemorrhage, tumor lysis and other complications. If you have metallic implants in your vertebrae (as a result of severe injury or surgery) this therapy is not for you. In disorders of bone mineral density, established osteoporosis and chronic vitamin D deficiency or patients who have a positive personal or family history of aneurysmal conditions should not opt for manual spinal decompression.
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Benefits of going to a Chiropractor and Massage Therapist
The hectic lifestyle makes it essential that we prioritize our mental as well as physical health. Lack of sleep, poor posture and unhealthy diet invite lots of trouble for our overall health. According to studies, more than 65% of adults are suffering from some kind of body ache. The toxin levels are increasing in our bodies and lifestyle factors are contributing to the discomfort.
Chiropractic therapy is the best suited drug-free treatment for body aches. Besides, appointments with a chiropractor in Tallahassee FI are not just useful for backache or shoulder pain, these specialists can help you attain harmony of your mind, body and soul. In today’s post, we will discuss what are the benefits of chiropractic therapy and why you should schedule an appointment right now.
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What does a chiropractor do?
A chiropractor is a trained specialist who uses their hands or an instrument for spinal manipulation. They apply sudden force to improve spinal motion and help patients improve their overall mobility.
What types of treatments are offered by a chiropractor witha massage therapist?
Most people think that chiropractic adjustments are only limited to backache or neck pain. However, spinal motion adjustments are endlessly beneficial. The experienced Chiropractors in Tallahassee Florida can treat a variety of conditions like arthritis, migraines, accident recovery, joint pain, lower back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia, sciatica and muscle aches.
Even if you don’t have any of the above listed conditions, going to a chiropractor makes the most sense. In today’s lifestyle, an appointment for chiropractic adjustments and massage therapies is beneficial in the following ways:
Improved sleep
Better posture
Improved range of motion
Whiplash relief
Reduced migraines
Reduced risk of osteoarthritis
Is it worth going to a chiropractor?
When your range of motion and your posture is improved, you don’t have to worry about backache or neck pain. You can focus on work and achieve the life goals you aspire to. Painful conditions also affect your sleep schedule. On the other hand, chiropractic massages are a drug-free and sideeffect free method to enjoy a sound sleep. If you sleep better, you function better and problems like mood disorders and physical pain vanish.
In simple words, spending money on chiropractic adjustments is totally worth it. Even if you don’t suffer from painful conditions like arthritis and sciatica, still a trip to a chiropractic clinic is going to be beneficial for your overall health. Moreover, some chiropractors accept auto insurance, which makes the therapies even more affordable.
Chiropractic adjustments are beneficial for everyone. Massage therapies are not just beneficial to relieve chronic pain, but these appointments are helpful for the overall improvement of your mental and physical health. Improve your sleep quality and correct your posture with the help of Dr. Eric at Pragle Chiropractic and Massage Therapy Clinic. He is renowned as the #1 Tallahassee Chiropractic specialist who has more than fifteen years of experience in gentle spinal adjustments and massage therapies.
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How Do Doctors Diagnose Back Pain?
Your back pain doctor Paramus will examine your back and assess your ability to stand, sit, walk, and lift your leg. Your doctor may also ask you to give your pain a rating of 0 to 10 and discuss how pain affects your daily activities. These assessments can help identify the cause of the pain and how much you can move before pain forces you to stop, and whether you have muscle spasms. They can also help rule out the more severe causes of back pain. One or more of these tests may help back pains specialists west orange determine the cause of back pain: 
These images show arthritis or broken bones; these images alone won't show issues with the spinal cord, nerves, muscles, or disks. 
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Nerve studies. 
The electrical impulses generated by the nerves and how the muscles react to them are measured by electromyography (EMG). This examination can confirm pressure on the nerves brought on by herniated discs or spinal canal constriction.  
MRI or CT scans.
These scans give images that can reveal issues with bones or herniated disks, tendons, muscles, tissue, ligaments with blood vessels, and nerves. 
Blood tests 
According to back center NJ, these can help decide whether an infection or other condition might be causing pain. 
What are the treatments for back pain? 
For most persons with back pain, especially those under 60, Back pain treatment at home works best within a month. But for many people, the pain and discomfort stay for several months. It is only necessary to utilize heat and painkillers, and staying in bed is not at all necessary. With back pain, keep up your activities as much as you can. Try a quick workout like walking. Avoid action out of dread of pain, but stop the activity that worsens the pain. Your healthcare professional can suggest stronger medications or alternative therapies if home remedies don't work after a few weeks.
Physical therapy will help.
A physical therapist can demonstrate exercises to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, increase flexibility, and correct posture. Regular use of these techniques can help in preventing pain from reappearing. Physical therapists will also instruct patients on adapting their activities when experiencing a backache episode to avoid flare-ups of pain and maintain their activity levels.
Surgical and other procedures for back pain.
Back pain specialists woodland park may use the following techniques to alleviate back pain:
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Cortisone Injection.
An injection of cortisone and a numbing agent into the region around the spinal cord and nerve roots may be helpful if previous treatments are ineffective at relieving pain that travels down the leg. The inflammation surrounding the nerve roots is reduced with a cortisone injection. Still, the pain alleviation typically only lasts for a month or two.
Ablation with radiofrequency. 
In this treatment, doctors insert a tiny needle under the skin close to the painful area. It sends radio waves through the needle to damage the adjacent nerves, and damage to the nerves prevents the brain from receiving pain signals.
Implanted nerve stimulators. 
Certain nerves can receive electrical impulses from implants placed under the skin that suppress pain signals.
The above-provided details and information will help you learn some beneficial details regarding back pain. For more details and information, please visit backpaindoctornj.com. 
Article source : https://www.healthandhealthytips.com/how-do-doctors-diagnose-back-pain/
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drsibia · 1 year
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painmanagement01 · 1 year
Access the Progressive Technology of Pain Management Consultant
On an average basis, 1% of America is suffering backache as of a herniated disc. If that appears like a small number, consider that amounts to in excess of 3 million people by burning, searing pain going downward one of their legs at present! Backache can be extremely throbbing, and it possibly will burn or cause pins and needles sensation with muscle spasms. Patients possibly will be administered narcotic medications to alleviate pain, but they really don't work so great intended for sciatica category pain. But pain consultants of AZ recommend lumbar epidural injections and actually have an outstanding track record for backache. 
You have a nerve root that has been swollen. This possibly will be as of a herniated disc, or in the case of spinal stenosis, it possibly will be from overgrown and arthritic bone with soft tissue. For decades, doctors perform these injections in an office setting devoid of an x-ray machine. Then a study about 10 years ago showed that devoid of a real-time outline of x-ray, called fluoroscopy, just about 40% of these injections missed the mark. Progressively, fluoroscopy is now growing the standard of care for arm pain relief to ensure the best chance of correct needle placement in epidural injections. While the use of fluoroscopy was growing to be popular, injections for transforaminal epidural steroids were developed. These injections entail placing the steroid medication nearer to the area wherever the nerve roots are leaving the spine and being tensed. This type of injection is now very popular amongst pain management doctors and the results have shown between 75% and 90% pain relief achievement in many studies. 
Pain management doctors deal with these conditions through efficient acute and chronic pain management techniques accessible now. Modern pain clinics form a team of orthopedists, neurologists, anesthesiologists, physiatrists, chiropractors, physiotherapists, clinical psychologists as well as physical therapists to offer holistic treatment as well as care to their patients. Psychological interference in pain treatment must harmonize the medical care offered; by educating the patient about managing the pain, with coping skills, cultivating a constructive mindset, and subsequently an active lifestyle. Constructive psychological involvement would support the healing procedure for arm pain treatment initiated through medical care. Patients following the instructions offered by their psychologist advantage from a speedier recovery, restoration of normal functioning, and revert to a normal lifestyle. You can get in touch with the websites of leading centers/clinics to discover the kind of services they deliver and learn more about the pain management doctors supplying services there. These websites are priceless resources for patients, delivering useful information about health and wellness. This information would make you more responsive to your condition and approaches to managing it.
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An orthopedic mattress is a mattress specifically designed to extend the desired support to your back and pressure points on the neck so that you are relieved of back pain and maintain the correct spinal alignment. As a result, these mattresses are perfect for sleepers who experience backache, are aged, are recovering from an injury, or are athletes. In recent times, these mattresses have garnered heaps of attention due to the increasing work hours and cases of back problems amongst the masses.
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