mobilisae · 7 months
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Explore the Scoliosis Spine Brace Therapy through engaging the given infographics.
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redheadwithatwist · 7 years
Cool Things About Being a Scoliosis Genius
If you are a scoliosis genius you get to tell someone,(if they ask,) about your disease, and sound all smart. People will be wowed by your knowledge of medical stuff, and think you are someone who study's bones and stuff,(I forgot what they are called,) and will be proud of you. Also, in any way, scoliosis makes you stronger than most, and gives you, in a way, and adventure to do! I said in a way, I just think that. Scoliosis could be a great subject for just about any report, and a story to tell if you want to be in some kindness club or something. Even though this blog sounded like a sales pitch,( if I am being really honest,) I hope you still enjoyed and never, ever, judge a girl by the size of her curve.
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OTC Orthopedic Braces Market: Significant Adoption of Pain Medications
The OTC Orthopedic Braces Market is estimated to be $572 million in 2020 and projected to reach $759 million by 2025, at a CAGR of 5.8%.
Increasing prevalence of orthopedic diseases & disorders, continuous product commercialization, greater product affordability & market availability, rising number of sports and accident-related injuries, and growing public awareness related to preventive care are the key factors driving the growth of the orthopedic braces and supports industry.
Demand for knee braces and supports among medical professionals and athletes is expected to result in the segment occupying the majority of the OTC orthopedic braces and supports market share
The knee braces and supports marketis estimated to have the largest market share by value. Growth of this segment can be attributed to the growing demand for knee braces & supports among medical professionals and athletes andfavorable reimbursement scenario for knee braces in developed countries. Moreover, growing geriatric & obese population (which are at a higher risk of developing osteoarthritis and other knee-related conditions), and the increasing number of sports injuries is expected to drive the market growth.
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Lower spine braces estimated to be the largest and fastest-growing market
Lower spine bracesare estimated to be the largest and fastest-growing segment in the orthopedic braces and supports market. The growth of this segment can be attributed tothe rising incidence of lower spine disorders and the growing number of hip & disc replacement surgeries (which utilize lower spinebraces and supports for post-operative rehabilitation).
Asia Pacific likely to emerge as the largest OTC orthopedic braces and supports market, globally
Asia Pacific is estimated to be the fastest-growing market for OTC orthopedic braces and supports during the forecast period. The Asia Pacific market is driven principally by the rising geriatric and obese population (coupled with the significant prevalence of orthopedic& diabetes-related diseases in this population segment), increasing GDP and healthcare expenditure in APAC countries, and growing public awareness.
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Leading Companies
3M (US), Bauerfeind AG (Germany), DJO Finance LLC (US), BSN Medical (Germany), and ÖssurHf (Iceland) are the key players in the global orthopedic braces and supports market.
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mobilisae · 1 year
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redheadwithatwist · 7 years
Pros and Cons of Your Brace
I know what you are thinking,” Karli, there are no pros about your brace!” Yes there is, it is hard to believe, but I will teach you young one. Here are pros and cons of your most favorite, and most expensive item you own:
#1. It is big and clunky.
#2. You can not move your torso around.
#3. It is very uncomfortable at times.
#4. You can get rashes from your brace.
#5. Sitting with no chair, is like the end of the world.
#6: You cant wear v neck shirts
#7. You have to explain to everyone who bumps in to you your brace.
#1. You get to customize your brace.
#2. Your brace could be an excuse for some activities, of it gets in the way.
#3. Baggy clothes could be a new trend stared by you!
#4. Your brace, is a suit of armor from you siblings or enemy.
#5. You will get stronger from the “brace experience,” and you will have a great, strong personality. 
#6. You will have better posture. 
#7. You can’t feel the hard backs of chairs.
#8. When you finally feel the joy of getting rid of your brace,( However you do it, I don’t know,) it will pay off, hopefully, I mean I haven’t gotten rid of my brace yet but, I am almost positive it will pay off
Anyway, thanks for viewing and I am sorry about my grammar, and punctuation if i did it wrong. Also sorry for not posting so often, I try, but life ensued, and school, I will try as much as I can. And as always, Don’t judge a girl/boy by the size of her/his curve! (I added something new to the saying!)   
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redheadwithatwist · 7 years
Schroth method : The real thing
So, I have done my duty that is attending my three day stretching course, and now I have to do them at home everyday for six months. I do have to check in every Wednesday when I am at my dads though. I am sure all of you know that scoliosis comes with a price! Anyway, here are all my stretches of schroth, that are on my home exercise program, examine carefully :
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I do look very silly in those pics, and my photography is terrible, but you get the picture, hopefully? Here are the exercises in this order: Hamstring stretching,Pec stretching,Neck stretching,Core strengthening,Scapular strengthening,more Scapular strengthening,Semi hanging( Which I can’t do at home because i don’t have a wood ladder thingy,)Supine,Prone on a stool. Thank you so much for viewing, and I’m sorry if I don’t have all my grammar right. Anyways as always,Remember to never judge a girl by the size of her curve.
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redheadwithatwist · 7 years
Schroth Method
 Today I am here to tell you about my upcoming Schroth Method appointments! So, in two weeks I am going to a hospital to do the Schroth Method. I will have three, three hour lessons learning to do the Schroth Method. After I will have to do the exercises from the lessons for six months. I will make you a deal. Each of those three days I will try to do a post for every day, if you don’t get mad at me for not posting until about two weeks from today. My post will be explaining about how the lesson went, what I did, and pictures. The Schroth Method exercises are supposed to change my curves to a much lower degree, maybe when I do’t have to wear my brace. Anyway see ya in two weeks or less! Remember, don’t judge a girl by the size of her curve!
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redheadwithatwist · 7 years
My First Check Up Appointment
Hey friends! Today I will tell you about my first ever check up appointment! So basically we drove to the doctor, and to me and my moms (not,) surprise the place was running late. My doctor has like ten trillion patients so, we got a room a little late. Once we were in our room, a guy named Brain came to make some modifications to my brace. While he was doing that, the nurse that led us in the room came to get my height and weight measured. She accidentally got the wrong name, so she had to get mine. Then she led me to the X-ray room where a lady told us, later we would be doing a X-ray with my brace on. Shortly after we got to the room, Brain came and gave me my brace, then I took my X-ray. After Brain took the brace again, My doctor came in and, guess what?........................ My curves decreased! Streamers, party Yaaaay! That made me happy. Then Brain came and gave me my brace. The worst part about the trip was, Brain added thicker padding on one of my right side pads. But My mom took some pictures so, here you go!
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Yay! Also I didn’t know I had three curves, weird right! Well, I cooked up a nice long blog for you guys, I hope you liked it! Remember, Don’t judge a girl by the size of her curve.
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redheadwithatwist · 7 years
Random Thoughts About Scoliosis
Hey blog viewers! Today I will be talking about some thoughts I have on scoliosis.
#1. If scoliosis can be way worse for other people, why is it still hard to deal with?
#2. Can people really notice if you have scoliosis or not?
#3.How many kind of braces are there, or is it just unlimited?
#4.  Does your doctors office always seem to be behind schedule?
#5. Scoliosis is hard for everyone.
#6. Do you think people notice when you have your brace on?
#7. Why do doctors say your back isn’t supposed to hurt when you have scoliosis, even though it does?
#8. Surgery is an option for everyone right?
#9. Why does scoliosis come up without any family heritage?
#10. Scoliosis is not fun at all.
I hope you liked this list of random thoughts and, don’t judge a girl by the size of her curve!
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redheadwithatwist · 7 years
Wearing Your Brace To School
Today, my blog is some advice on wearing your brace to school. First off, if someone asks, just be cool and say something like, “Well, I have a spine disorder called scoliosis, and I have to wear my brace to help it from getting worse.” Or you can lie and say “I was mountain biking and I fell off my bike,” my doctor came up with that one. But if anyone asks be calm and control. 
If you can take your brace off at gym and recess, I suggest bringing a duffel bag to the nurse, and keeping it at the nurse’s office. So when you need to put your brace away while you are doing gym or recess, leave it in the duffel bag at the nurse's office, then put it back on after. I would tell you gym teachers, and regular teachers that you might be late, or release you five minutes early. 
Finally, if people are staring at you. We all have those times when people stare with a look in their eyes that says “What are you wearing, It looks crazy!” Now if people stare give them a cold hard stare back, and act confident. You don’t  need to be ashamed of your brace. And people shouldn't be so weird ed out about what you are wearing, it doesn’t change who you are. So, moral of the story, be confident in yourself, brace or not, you are still the same person you were before your brace, and you will be after it. As a wise man once said “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate your mind on the present moment.”
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redheadwithatwist · 7 years
Wearing Your Brace
I know I haven’t really told you guys about my experience in the brace so far, and told you guys what I think is some good advice. So, I think this blog might help you guys with wearing your brace. At first, with my brace, I was very self-conscious, and didn’t want anyone to know about my brace. Luckily, I realized that your brace really is only something to be ashamed of if you think it is something to be ashamed of. Your brace shouldn't hold you back from doing the things you love. But,I think that you brace is useful for some things, like if you little brother or sister tries to punch you, you have your suit of armor. Or, if you like poise, you can sit up strait. Also, here is some useful advice:
Cleaning your brace is very important, I think it is so annoying when there is a lot of grunge in your brace. 
Putting a pattern on your brace is fun to do to and can cheer you up a bit about wearing your brace. 
Normally, you should get some seamless tank tops or t-shirts so the seams on normal tank tops don’t rub on you when you are wearing your brace.
Try to wear shirts that aren’t short, so people don’t see your brace under  your shirt. 
When you have an itch try your best to itch it, but don’t  stick anything down there.
I hope this post helped you with your brace. See you next blog! 
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