#Spirits of the West Coast Gallery
formlines · 1 year
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Sea Otter Paddle 
Trevor Hunt
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thegildedbee · 4 months
Hero: May 29 Prompt from @calaisreno
This latest chapter and the previous ones are here at ao3. (I had hoped to finish with everyone else on the 31st of May, but alas, it looks like it will be May 32nd or 33rd for me . . . ) ...............................................................................................
In Vienna, his search and destroy mission retained its danger; it was as exhausting, and as nerve-wracking as any other part of his journeys to date. It was, however, undoubtedly a much more elegant and luxurious phase. His cover was as an art dealer, an international concierge of sorts, assisting in obtaining the exact object to be placed in exactly the right hands. That this was rarely an above-board legal transaction was, of course, the point. One might say that his current activities fell under the umbrella of the art of money laundering.
Although there had been recent flurries on the part of policing agencies to upend the illicit trafficking of art and antiquities, the Moriarty organization, like many other criminal enterprises, had been delighted to add participation in the circulation of fake and stolen artworks to their already robust departments of fraudulent real estate deals, as vehicles for making illegal monetary gains appear to be legitimate. Auction houses and the like were under no obligation to report large cash transactions to governing authorities -- unlike banks, life insurance companies, casinos, currency exchangers, and precious metal dealers. They could even keep the names of buyers and sellers anonymous. It was like stealing candy from a baby.
His activities had him bouncing from the unsavory world of back-street feloniusness, to the elite world of the over-monied and the over-gullible. Personally, he himself believed that, in a properly-run world, it would be perfectly acceptable if being a billionaire was illegal, but no one had asked him, as such, to draw up plans toward that end. At the very least, he could kill two birds with one stone, by draining the coffers of the obscenely-wealthy as expertly as possible, while also bleeding dry the Order of Moriartyites.
There was a completely legal print gallery next door to the famous Opera House, and he had come to enjoy dropping by on occasion when he wanted to simply enjoy art for recreational reasons, rather than pecuniary ones. The gallery possessed one of the largest collections of original Japanese woodblock prints in Europe, and he had become particularly captivated by their collection of pieces by the nineteenth-century master of ukiyo-e ("pictures of the floating world"), Tsukioka Yoshitoshi. There were many mesmerizing items from two of his series -- 100 Aspects of the Moon and New Forms of 36 Ghosts -- but the images that he especially craved to return to and study, were from his 50 renditions of Handsome and Brave Heroes of the Suikoden, fantastical images of spirits, monsters, and magical creatures, drawn from legendary histories and myths.
On his last day in Vienna, he indulged himself by buying a copy of "Toraomaru Riding a Tiger," an image that encapsulated the feeling that was his constant companion, of living out a life reflecting the aphorism, "He who rides the tiger, dare never dismount." It was a reckless thing to do -- he had no fixed location, no place to store anything important, and whatever he "owned" was only on loan to him as a temporary matter, as it might have to be jettisoned or abandoned at a moment's notice. Nevertheless, he stubbornly refused to submit to practicality in this one instance.
A month later, after many different instances of meditating upon his Yoshitoshi print, the reason the universe had wanted him to own it became clear. While running down new leads on the west coast of the States, he had passed a tattoo shop one day in San Francisco, and impulsively stopped in to see if he could make arrangements soon, in the time before he would have to leave, to have one of the artists interpret the Toraomaru on his left arm. Two days later, he had the art piece vibrantly reproduced, and healing, on his body (and, not so incidentally, allowing the marks from his drug injection days to disappear). His intimate acquisition was a defiant, sentimental, and minutely optimistic act of voicing the unvoiced center of his existence, even if visually, rather than aurally.
And, as someone dear to him from his past might have said: quite apropos for a drama queen.
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @friday411 @peanitbear @original-welovethebeekeeper
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@msladysmith @ninasnakie @riversong912 @dapetty
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scarlet--wiccan · 1 year
Who’s in Wanda’s rogues gallery?
She doesn't really have one. That's not, like, a bad thing, though-- Wanda has, historically, been an ensemble character, not a solo hero. She's usually on a big team, and she doesn't really have a home turf that's unique to her, the way that Batman has Gotham. She has enemies, but not many that are specifically Scarlet Witch villains.
The only ones who come to mind are Lore, from the 1995 Scarlet Witch miniseries; the Emerald Warlock from Scarlet Witch (2015); and now, from the 2023 series, Hexfinder. There is also an evil spirit named Samhain who appears in both volumes of Vision & the Scarlet Witch.
Beyond that, her greatest enemy is, of course, Chthon. Modred, Chthon's servant, has schemed against both Wanda and Pietro in the past.
Black Talon, Nekra, and the Grim Reaper were recurring antagonists in Vision & the Scarlet Witch.
Mephisto and Pandemonium destroyed her children in Avengers West Coast.
This was part of a sequence of traumatic events orchestrated by Immortus, who sought to control her Nexus abilities in the Darker Than Scarlet saga.
Morgan Le Fay similarly captured Wanda and took advantage of her powers early in the Busiek run of Avengers.
Magneto and Agatha Harkness are both characters that Wanda has close, but often contentious, relationships with. I wouldn't consider them enemies, but they do end up fighting sometimes, and I think we're probably going to see more of that from Agatha in the future.
Doctor Doom has been both an ally and an enemy to Wanda, but they've had a very oppositional dynamic since Children's Crusade.
That's all I've got off the top of my head. Most of the characters I've listed aren't really linked by any common factors, which is why I don't think of them as a "rogues' gallery." Wanda has never been the type of character who needed one. Now that she has an ongoing solo series with an expanding world and supporting cast, it makes sense that Orlando is trying to establish a roster of villains-- and I hope he does bring back some of those unique SW baddies like Lore and Declan in the future.
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mybeingthere · 5 months
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Peter Coker, RA (British, 1926-2004)
‘One of the foremost realist painters in England … Coker will be remembered for the refreshing nature of his astringent vision, for his consummate mastery as a draughtsman, painter and etcher, and as a proud and vigorous inheritor of a great artistic tradition.’ (Frances Spalding, Independent, 20 December 2004)
Peter Coker was born in London on 27 July 1926. He first studied at St Martin’s School of Art (1941-43; 1947-50), and began to exhibit regularly at the Royal Academy from 1950. Though he was a contemporary of John Bratby and Edward Middleditch at the Royal College of Art (1950-54), his work related only briefly to the raw figuration of the Kitchen Sink School. This was signalled by his paintings of a Leytonstone butcher’s shop which were included in his highly successful first solo show (Zwemmer Gallery 1956). His development as a landscape painter originated in his first encounter with the canvases of Gustave Courbet on a trip to Paris (1950). By the mid 1950s, he was an established landscapist in the French manner, working from the motif on the coasts of Normandy (1955) and Brittany (1957), and drawing inspiration from such contemporaries as Nicholas de Stäel. Later in the decade, he revived the spirit of Barbizon in his paintings of Epping.
Coker moved with his family to Manningtree in Essex (1962), and added occasional appearances at Colchester School of Art to teaching at St Martin’s. Nevertheless, he concentrated on his work, and made time for painting trips to France, the North of England and Scotland. He held solo shows at the Zwemmer Gallery (1960s), the Thackeray Gallery (1970s) and Gallery 10 (1980s), and continued to exhibit regularly at the Royal Academy. He was elected an Academician (ARA 1965, RA 1972), and had his early images of the butcher’s shop presented at the RA in one of an increasing number of public retrospectives (1979).
From 1972, Coker made several visits to Bargemon, Provence, during which he gradually accepted the character of the South of France, and integrated its startling light and colour into his established palette and handling. Late in the decade, he applied this approach to an ideal motif, in beginning a series of paintings of the garden of the Clos du Peyronnet, Menton. Following the death of his son Nicholas in 1985, he stayed at Badenscallie, Ross-shire, Scotland. There he began an impassioned series of landscapes, extended on subsequent visits, which focussed on salmon nets drying at Achiltibuie. These reaffirmed his essential identity as ‘a northern painter’, which had actually become more strongly emphasised by his contrasting achievement of painting the south. The many studies and paintings inspired by both Mediterranean France and the West of Scotland comprised important elements of such recent retrospectives as that of drawings and sketchbooks at the Fitzwilliam Museum (1989) and that of paintings and drawings at Abbot Hall Art Gallery (1992).
In October 2002, Chris Beetles mounted a major retrospective of the work of Peter Coker and, at the same time, launched the artist’s authorised biography. The beautifully produced hardback book, with over 250 illustrations, contains contributions from Richard Humphreys (Tate Gallery), John Russell Taylor (The Times), and David Wootton (Chris Beetles Ltd). The book includes a comprehensive biography and chronology, essays, appraisals of his work, a catalogue raisonné and lists of his exhibitions and sketchbooks.
While the monograph and retrospective were being planned, it seemed that the artist’s career might have been drawing to a close. However, the joint project revived his energies significantly. This was manifested by a range of new work, which was shown at Chris Beetles Ltd during spring 2004. The motifs are mostly familiar, being drawn from existing sketchbooks, and range across France and encompass Britain. Yet the handling was freer than ever, and the palette more vibrant – accomplishments of which Peter was justifiably proud. This display was complemented by an exhibition of recent Parisian subjects, touring to Gainsborough’s House, Sudbury, the Royal Academy of Arts, and the Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield.
Peter Coker died in Colchester, Essex, on 16 December 2004.
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cymlea · 8 months
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Bridging Horizons: A Transcendent Finale
As your exploration of Florida and New York reaches its zenith, consider the grandeur of the journey you've undertaken—the interplay of sunlit beaches, towering skyscrapers, and the myriad hues of cultural diversity. Your odyssey is more than a mere traversal between states; it's a testament to the interconnectedness of experiences, a tapestry woven with the threads of discovery.
Sunrise on the East Coast, Sunset on the West:
Embrace the symbolic transition from sunrise to sunset, a metaphor for your expedition from the east coast of Florida to the western landscapes of New York. Witness the celestial journey, a celestial ballet that mirrors your earthly adventure.
Capturing the Essence:
Capture the essence of each destination not just through photographs but through the sensations imprinted on your soul. The warm embrace of Florida's sun, the rhythmic lull of waves, the cosmopolitan heartbeat of New York—all are etchings in the gallery of your memories.
Reflecting by the Water's Edge:
Find reflective moments by the water's edge, whether it be the Atlantic's gentle caress along Florida's shores or the contemplative embrace of the Hudson River. Let the waters mirror the revelations and insights garnered throughout your sojourn.
A Melody of Urbanity and Nature:
Listen to the harmonious melody that emerges when the urban rhythms of Miami blend with the natural symphony of upstate New York. Recognize that even in the contrasts, there is a sublime melody of coexistence.
The Lure of Uncharted Avenues:
Feel the allure of uncharted avenues, beckoning you to explore beyond familiar horizons. In Florida's untamed wilderness and New York's urban alleys, discover the thrill of stepping into the unknown and the joy of unscripted moments.
Cultural Weavings:
Marvel at the intricate weavings of culture, history, and tradition. In Florida's storied past and New York's tapestry of immigrant narratives, find the common threads that unite diverse communities and enrich the narrative of the American experience.
A Journey Beyond Borders:
Acknowledge that your journey extends beyond geographical borders. It's a journey of self-discovery, cultural immersion, and the realization that every destination, no matter how distinct, contributes to a universal story of human exploration.
Crafting the Epilogue:
As your dual-state odyssey draws to a close, consider crafting the epilogue—a reflection on the transformative power of travel. Share your narrative, weaving together the landscapes, faces, and moments that have shaped your understanding of these two remarkable states.
A Heartfelt Adieu:
Bid a heartfelt adieu to the states that have opened their arms to your wanderlust. Whether it's the sun-drenched beaches of Miami or the city lights of Manhattan, express gratitude for the hospitality and beauty that have enriched your journey.
Carrying the Essence Forward:
Carry the essence of Florida and New York forward. Let the lessons learned and the memories made become guiding lights for future travels. Your dual-state odyssey isn't just a chapter; it's a compass pointing towards the next horizons waiting to be explored.
Final Words: A Journey Unbound
As you conclude this exceptional journey through the landscapes of Florida and New York, remember that the true beauty lies not just in the destinations but in the profound connections forged along the way. Your footsteps have left an indelible mark on the shores, streets, and hearts encountered.
May your future adventures be as boundless as the horizons you've glimpsed, and may the memories of Florida and New York continue to echo in your heart. As you step into the world beyond, know that the spirit of exploration is a perpetual flame, lighting the way for journeys yet to unfold.
Safe travels, intrepid explorer, as you continue to embrace the beauty of uncharted paths and the wonders that await beyond every bend in the road. The odyssey is yours, unbound and limitless.
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pitchtreats · 1 year
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Director's pitch treatment for a visually stunning, emotionally resonant, and thought-provoking documentary that aims to celebrate and honor the richness of West Coast Chicano culture. Through its intimate dive into the lives, art, and collective spirit of this vibrant community, the film invites audiences to immerse themselves in a world of passion, creativity, and resilience, leaving them with a profound appreciation for the enduring legacy of Chicano culture on the West Coast and beyond.
Source: https://www.behance.net/gallery/163144813/LATIN-X-DOCUMENTARY-FILM-TREATMENT-PITCH-DECK
Photographer: Thalia Gochez
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deanmitchellgroupfl · 1 month
Discover Delray Beach, FL: Your Ideal Home
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Nestled along Florida's southeastern coast, Delray Beach offers a perfect blend of sun, sand, and vibrant community life, making it an ideal place to settle down. Boasting pristine beaches, a thriving arts scene, and a welcoming atmosphere, Delray Beach appeals to residents seeking both relaxation and opportunity.
Delray Beach's charm lies in its diverse neighborhoods, each offering unique character and amenities. Whether you prefer a historic bungalow near Atlantic Avenue's bustling shops and restaurants or a waterfront condo with stunning ocean views, Delray Beach caters to all lifestyles. The town's commitment to cultural enrichment is evident in its numerous galleries, theaters, and annual festivals like the Delray Beach Garlic Fest and the Delray Affair.
Beyond its cultural offerings, Delray Beach provides excellent educational opportunities with top-rated schools and a supportive community environment. Families can enjoy a range of recreational activities from water sports and golfing to exploring nature trails at the nearby Wakodahatchee Wetlands.
With its year-round sunshine and a strong sense of community, Delray Beach beckons individuals and families alike to make it their home. Whether you're drawn to its pristine beaches, vibrant arts scene, or welcoming community spirit, Delray Beach stands out as the perfect place to settle down and enjoy all that coastal Florida living has to offer.
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Dean Mitchell Restoration stands out as a premier provider of mold remediation, water damage mitigation, and fire disaster restoration services. Serving Delray Beach and beyond, Dean Mitchell Restoration combines expertise with a commitment to restoring properties and peace of mind.
When disaster strikes, whether from water damage, mold infestations, or fire emergencies, prompt action is crucial. Dean Mitchell Restoration's team of certified experts utilizes advanced techniques and equipment to assess, mitigate, and restore properties efficiently and effectively. Their comprehensive services include mold remediation, water extraction, structural drying, smoke, and soot removal, and full-scale reconstruction.
What sets Dean Mitchell Restoration apart is its dedication to customer satisfaction and quality workmanship. They understand the stress and disruption that disasters bring, which is why they strive for transparency, clear communication, and rapid response times. Their proven track record in Delray Beach speaks volumes about their reliability and professionalism in handling even the most challenging restoration projects.
For homeowners and businesses in Delray Beach seeking reliable restoration services, Dean Mitchell Restoration offers peace of mind and expert care. From initial assessment to final restoration, Dean Mitchell Restoration is committed to restoring properties to their pre-loss condition promptly and efficiently.
We are hoping that this article is helpful for you and that you will consider Dean Mitchell Restoration for your disaster recovery needs.
Dean Mitchell Restoration
3220 45TH ST UNIT B
(561) 881-8567
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airlinestravelnews · 5 months
Discover the Secret Treasures of San Francisco, California
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San Francisco, California, often hailed as the cultural and technological hub of the West Coast, is a city teeming with history, diversity, and innovation. While many travelers flock to its iconic landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz Island, there exists a world of hidden gems waiting to be discovered by the adventurous and curious.
History and Culture
San Francisco's rich history dates back to the Gold Rush era of the mid-19th century when it transformed from a small settlement to a bustling metropolis. Its cultural landscape is equally diverse, shaped by waves of immigrants from around the globe. From the vibrant Chinatown to the colorful Mission District, each neighborhood adds its own flavor to the city's tapestry.
Hidden Gems in San Francisco
Off-the-beaten-path neighborhoods
Exploring neighborhoods like the Castro, Hayes Valley, and the Outer Sunset reveals a side of San Francisco that often goes unnoticed by tourists. Quirky boutiques, hole-in-the-wall cafes, and street art adorn these streets, offering a glimpse into the city's creative underbelly.
Unique landmarks and attractions
While the Golden Gate Bridge and Fisherman's Wharf are must-see attractions, lesser-known sites like the Sutro Baths ruins and the Wave Organ offer a more intimate and offbeat experience.
Lesser-known dining spots and eateries
From food trucks to hidden supper clubs, San Francisco's culinary scene is a treasure trove of flavors waiting to be explored. Dive into the city's diverse cuisine, from authentic dim sum in Richmond to gourmet food trucks in SoMa.
Artistic and creative hubs
The city's artistic spirit is alive and well in its numerous galleries, studios, and performance spaces. Attend a poetry slam in the Tenderloin or explore the vibrant street art scene in the Mission District for a taste of San Francisco's creative pulse.
Outdoor Adventures
Exploring natural landscapes
Escape the urban hustle and bustle by immersing yourself in the natural beauty of San Francisco. Hike through the Presidio, bike along the scenic coastal trails, or simply relax in one of the city's many parks.
Outdoor activities and recreational opportunities
From kayaking in the bay to surfing at Ocean Beach, San Francisco offers endless opportunities for outdoor adventure. Join a guided tour or strike out on your own to discover hidden coves, secluded beaches, and stunning vistas.
Parks and gardens worth visiting
Golden Gate Park, with its lush gardens, tranquil lakes, and world-class museums, is a sanctuary in the heart of the city. Explore its hidden corners, from the Japanese Tea Garden to the botanical wonders of the Conservatory of Flowers.
Local Entertainment and Events
Live music venues and nightlife
San Francisco's music scene is legendary, with venues ranging from intimate jazz clubs to historic concert halls. Catch a live show at the Fillmore, dance the night away in the Mission, or discover underground bands in the city's dive bars.
Festivals and events throughout the year
From the iconic Pride Parade to the eclectic Outside Lands music festival, San Francisco hosts a wide range of events year-round. Check local listings for art fairs, street festivals, and cultural celebrations happening during your visit.
Cultural performances and shows
Immerse yourself in the vibrant cultural scene of San Francisco with a visit to the theater or a dance performance. From Broadway productions to experimental avant-garde theater, there's something for every taste and interest.
Insider Tips for Exploring San Francisco
Transportation options and navigating the city
Take advantage of San Francisco's public transportation system, including buses, trams, and cable cars, to navigate the city like a local. Consider renting a bike or scooter for shorter trips, or simply explore on foot to soak in the sights and sounds of the city.
Budget-friendly ways to experience San Francisco
San Francisco can be an expensive city to visit, but there are plenty of ways to experience its charms on a budget. Look for free or discounted admission days at museums, pack a picnic for lunch in the park, and take advantage of happy hour specials at local bars and restaurants.
Safety tips and precautions for travelers
Like any major city, San Francisco has its share of tourist traps and safety concerns. Stay aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas, and keep your belongings secure to avoid pickpocketing and theft. Stick to well-lit and populated areas at night, and trust your instincts if something feels off.
San Francisco is a city of endless discovery, where every street corner holds the promise of adventure and intrigue. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, there's always something new to uncover in this vibrant and eclectic metropolis. So pack your bags, hit the streets, and prepare to be amazed by the secret treasures of San Francisco, California.
Unique FAQs:
Q: Are there any hidden beaches in San Francisco?
A: Yes, San Francisco is home to several hidden beaches, including Marshall's Beach and China Beach, which offer stunning views and secluded spots for relaxation.
Q: What's the best time of year to visit San Francisco?
A: While San Francisco enjoys mild weather year-round, the best time to visit is typically during the spring or fall when the crowds are thinner, and the weather is pleasantly mild.
Q: Are there any ghost tours in San Francisco?
A: Yes, San Francisco offers several ghost tours that explore the city's haunted history, including visits to haunted hotels, cemeteries, and historic sites.
Q: Can I visit Alcatraz Island?
A: Yes, Alcatraz Island is open to visitors and offers guided tours of the infamous former prison. Be sure to book your tickets in advance as tours often sell out quickly.
Q: What's the best way to get around San Francisco?
A: San Francisco has a comprehensive public transportation system, including buses, trams, and cable cars, which makes it easy to navigate the city without a car. Additionally, biking and walking are popular and eco-friendly options for exploring the city.
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grandparkhotel · 5 months
Vancouver's Spring Tapestry: Weaving Unforgettable Experiences
Spring in Vancouver offers a vibrant array of experiences for outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. As the city awakens from its winter slumber, the crisp air and blooming landscapes beckon visitors to explore the city's natural beauty and cultural attractions without breaking the bank. From leisurely strolls through iconic parks to hiking trails winding through lush forests, Vancouver promises a wealth of free adventures for those seeking an unforgettable spring getaway. Whether you're a local or a visitor staying at one of the convenient hotels with airport shuttle Vancouver, this guide will unveil the city's hidden gems, inviting you to embrace the great outdoors and immerse yourself in the vibrant spirit of this West Coast gem.
Stanley Park Strolls
Nestled in the heart of Vancouver, Stanley Park beckons visitors to embark on a serene journey through its verdant landscapes. With over 1,000 acres of lush greenery, this urban oasis offers a respite from the city's hustle and bustle. Wander along the scenic seawall, a 5.5-mile pathway that hugs the coastline, offering breathtaking vistas of the North Shore Mountains and the tranquil waters of the Burrard Inlet. Along the way, discover hidden coves, sandy beaches, and diverse flora and fauna, including the park's famous totem poles carved by Indigenous artists. For a more immersive experience, explore the park's numerous trails, from the easy-going Beaver Lake Trail to the challenging Prospector Stream Trail, each offering a unique glimpse into the natural wonders that Stanley Park has to offer. Whether you're seeking a peaceful escape or an invigorating outdoor adventure, Stanley Park's strolls promise a rejuvenating experience in the heart of this vibrant city.
Granville Island
Granville Island, a vibrant hub of arts, culture, and culinary delights, beckons visitors to explore its charming streets and bustling markets. This pedestrian-friendly island, located across False Creek from downtown Vancouver, is a must-visit destination for those seeking a unique and lively experience. Stroll along the waterfront, where you'll find a plethora of artisan studios, galleries, and street performers entertaining the crowds. Indulge in the tantalizing aromas wafting from the Granville Island Public Market, where you can savor local delicacies, fresh produce, and mouth-watering baked goods. After a day of exploration, unwind at one of the convenient hotels with airport shuttle Vancouver, ensuring a seamless transition to and from this vibrant island oasis. Whether you're a foodie, an art enthusiast, or simply seeking a lively atmosphere, Granville Island promises an unforgettable adventure without breaking the bank.
Beach Day at English Bay
As the sun's warm rays caress the shoreline, English Bay beckons visitors to indulge in a quintessential beach day experience. Nestled in the heart of Vancouver's West End, this sandy expanse offers a perfect blend of urban convenience and natural beauty. Stroll along the iconic seawall, taking in the stunning vistas of the North Shore Mountains and the glistening waters of the Burrard Inlet. Spread out your towel and soak up the sun's radiant warmth, or dive into the refreshing waters for a rejuvenating swim. For those seeking a more active adventure, English Bay boasts a vibrant beach volleyball scene, with courts available for friendly matches or simply spectating the skilled players. As the day winds down, savor the stunning sunset painting the sky with hues of orange and crimson, creating a breathtaking backdrop for a picnic or a leisurely stroll along the shoreline.
Hiking in Lynn Canyon Park
Immerse yourself in the natural splendor of Lynn Canyon Park, a verdant oasis nestled in the heart of North Vancouver. Just a stone's throw away from the bustling city center, this lush haven offers a multitude of hiking trails that wind through towering evergreens and alongside cascading waterfalls. Embark on the iconic Baden Powell Trail, a scenic route that meanders through the park's lush forests and across the breathtaking Suspension Bridge, suspended 50 meters above a tempestuous pool. For a more leisurely exploration, follow the Twin Falls Gate Trail, leading to the park's stunning twin waterfalls that tumble gracefully into pristine pools below. After your invigorating hike, retreat to one of the conveniently located hotels with airport shuttle Vancouver, ensuring a seamless transition from your outdoor adventure to urban comfort. Lynn Canyon Park promises an unforgettable escape into nature's embrace, without the need for expensive excursions.
Visit Queen Elizabeth Park
Queen Elizabeth Park, a verdant oasis perched atop the highest point in Vancouver, offers a tranquil escape from the city's urban landscape. This 130-acre botanical garden boasts a diverse array of flora, meticulously curated and showcased in themed gardens, including the breathtaking Quarry Garden, carved into an abandoned quarry site. Stroll along the winding paths, taking in the vibrant colors and intoxicating fragrances of the blooming flowers that adorn the lush surroundings. For spectacular panoramic views of the city skyline, the North Shore Mountains, and the glistening waters of the Burrard Inlet, ascend to the park's iconic Bloedel Conservatory, a domed structure housing exotic plants and birds. After exploring this natural oasis, retreat to one of the convenient hotels with airport shuttle Vancouver, ensuring a seamless transition from your outdoor adventures to urban comforts.
Public Art and Street Performances
Vancouver's vibrant streets come alive with an eclectic mix of public art and street performances, offering a captivating cultural experience for visitors and locals alike. As you wander through the bustling neighborhoods, you'll stumble upon stunning murals adorning the walls, transforming ordinary spaces into vibrant canvases that reflect the city's diverse artistic spirit. From thought-provoking installations to whimsical sculptures, these public art pieces invite you to pause and appreciate the creativity that permeates every corner.
Beyond the visual delights, Vancouver's streets are alive with the sounds of talented buskers and street performers. Whether it's a melodic guitar riff echoing through an alleyway or a mesmerizing dance routine unfolding on the sidewalk, these impromptu performances add an enchanting layer of spontaneity to your urban exploration. Embrace the energy of these artistic expressions, and let them transport you into a world where art intertwines seamlessly with everyday life, creating a truly unforgettable and free adventure in the heart of this captivating city.
As the sun sets over Vancouver's skyline, reflecting its golden hues on the tranquil waters of the Burrard Inlet, you'll find yourself inspired by the city's boundless free adventures. From the serene strolls in Stanley Park to the lively street performances that enliven the city's streets, Vancouver has proven itself to be a destination that caters to every adventurer's spirit, without the need for an extravagant budget. As you bid farewell to this enchanting city, carry with you the memories of the stunning natural landscapes, the vibrant cultural experiences, and the infectious energy that emanates from every corner. Vancouver's free adventures have left an indelible mark on your soul, igniting a desire to return and continue exploring the endless wonders that a wait around every turn.
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mhfinehardware · 9 months
Discover the Enchanting Beauty of West Palm Beach, FL
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West Palm Beach, Florida, is a vibrant and picturesque destination that embodies the essence of tropical paradise. With its stunning beaches, lush green spaces, and cultural richness, this charming city offers a captivating blend of natural beauty and urban sophistication.
Nestled along the southeastern coast of Florida, West Palm Beach is a jewel in the Sunshine State’s crown. Its beauty is a harmonious marriage of natural wonders and cultural treasures, making it a must-visit destination for travelers and a beloved home for its residents.
The city’s crown jewel is its pristine beaches that stretch for miles along the sparkling Atlantic Ocean. The powdery sands invite visitors to stroll along the shoreline, soak up the sun, or enjoy a refreshing swim in the azure waters. For water enthusiasts, there are ample opportunities for surfing, paddleboarding, and snorkeling.
Downtown West Palm Beach boasts a vibrant arts scene, with galleries, theaters, and music venues that host a diverse range of events and performances. The Clematis Street Historic District is a hub of dining, shopping, and nightlife, offering a taste of the city’s cosmopolitan charm.
West Palm Beach is a place where nature and culture coexist harmoniously, inviting visitors to explore its enchanting beauty and vibrant spirit. Whether you're lounging on the beach, strolling through gardens, or immersing yourself in the arts, West Palm Beach promises a memorable and beautiful experience.
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We hope that this article is helpful for you in your quest for the epitome of luxury in home decor. Consider MH Fine Hardware as your partner in transforming your living spaces into havens of opulence and refinement, where every detail speaks of elegance and sophistication.
MH Fine Hardware
3416 S Dixie Hwy, West Palm Beach, FL, 33405, US
(561) 837–9090
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puertovallartas · 11 months
Things to do while staying at Puerto Vallarta vacation rentals!
There are an infinite number of things to do in Puerto Vallarta, thanks to its climate and its geographical richness, you can always find what to do according to your personality. If you want to make your vacation more fulfilling, then go for Puerto Vallarta vacation rentals now!
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Whether you're adventurous in spirit or prefer quieter activities close to the city center, this place won't disappoint.
Botanical Garden Here you will have the possibility to stroll through the tropical gardens and paths. Throughout the tour, you will see beautiful species of flowers, plants, and trees native to the region. Additionally, you can swim in the river there, have a delicious Mexican meal for lunch, or rest in the common areas.
Water sports Puerto Vallarta is the quintessential family destination. Its offer of surfing, diving, snorkeling, or diving lessons will be a wonderful training to spend one or several days immersed in the warm waters of the Pacific.
Cultural activities This town has a magnificent cultural offer that you can get to know in museums such as the Naval Museum or Chocolate Museum & in its endless galleries and cultural centers where it is common for there to be open-air music shows.
Chocolate Tour Did you like it when you read "chocolate" above in the museums in Puerto Vallarta? Well, you'll be happier when you take the chocolate tour, where you'll visit the cacao plantations on the west coast of Mexico. Also, you can learn about the history of this activity there. You will learn about the nutritional benefits of this food. Additionally, you can learn how to make your artisanal chocolate & you will be able to try some drinks made from cocoa.
Walk along the boardwalk! Of course, this plan is a must. On this tour, you will find many galleries in an area called Art Walk, getting to know a crucial list of outstanding artists of national and international stature. Book a nearby Condo in Puerto Vallarta so that it will be easy for you to discover them. In addition, there are multiple artisan markets located along the entire route, & you will also find dance and folklore performances.
Dolphin Watching For the most animal-loving, this plan is full of excitement. On this tour, you will go on a guided boat from Puerto Vallarta to Los Arcos National Marine Park, which is a haven thanks to its abundant fauna and marine ecosystem. Not only will you be able to see dolphins on the way to the park, but in certain places, you can snorkel and be amazed by the wonders of the marine world. Here you can get the chance to see pufferfish, bugle fish, parrotfish, eagle rays, garden eels, lobsters, turtles, and angelfish while snorkeling.
Food Tour While taking a driving tour, you will have the possibility to visit several neighborhoods of the city and get to know the flavors of deep Mexico while discovering everything to do in Puerto Vallarta. You will be able to visit El Pitillal, the gastronomic area of Versailles, 5 de Diciembre, and the city center.
On this tour, suitable for the whole family, you will be in the company of an expert who will take you to incredible places of important gastronomic tradition, giving you the possibility to taste dishes as well as drinks such as fruit-flavored aguas frescas and local coffee. Discover the epitome of luxury with Puerto Vallarta holiday rentals by Puerto Vallarta Properties. Whether you desire a cozy haven or a grand retreat, find various options to cater to your needs and budget. The collection is ever-expanding, reflecting the soaring demand for these tropical getaways. If you seek the perfect vacation experience in Puerto Vallarta or Punta de Mita, look no further. Book now!
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formlines · 1 year
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Hummingbird Rattle 
Erich Glendale
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Top 10 Popular Day Tours Around Sydney
Australia's most populous metropolis, also known as the Harbour City, stands as a testament to mankind's ability to seamlessly integrate the vibrancy of urban living with the serenity of natural beauty. Being at the heart of Australia, private tours Sydney serves as a beacon that draws innumerable tourists and locals who are charmed by its alluring landscapes and dynamic city life. Every nook and corner of this city and its surroundings unfold a unique story, embedded in its rich history, culture, architecture, and biodiversity.
At the heart of the Harbour City lies an intricate tapestry of vibrant neighbourhoods, each one exuding a distinctive character and spirit. The urban areas are pulsating with life, with streets lined with an assortment of cafés, restaurants, galleries, boutiques, and more. The skyscrapers reach for the sky, reflecting the city's modernity and progress while preserving its historical charm in its well-conserved heritage buildings.
Here are some of the favourite day jaunts around Sydney that will surely capture your wanderlust.
The Blue Mountains
The Blue Mountains are a World Heritage Site just a short distance west of the city. Take an expedition to the enchanting eucalyptus forests, stunning cliffs, and waterfall-laden landscapes. Savour the panoramic view of the valleys from Echo Point and be mesmerised by the Three Sisters rock formation.
Hunter Valley
The Hunter Valley, known for its vineyards and gourmet food, is an ideal destination for culinary enthusiasts. Sample award-winning wines, explore charming vineyards, and enjoy exquisite dining experiences in this celebrated wine region. Don't miss a relaxing balloon flight at dawn to soak in the breathtaking valley vistas.
Port Stephens
Adventure-seekers will find Port Stephens, with its stunning coastal scenery, irresistible. Engage in adrenaline-pumping water activities like surfing and snorkelling, or perhaps, try sandboarding on the vast dunes of Stockton Beach. Notably, between May and November, it is a prime spot for whale watching.
The Royal National Park
The Royal National Park, south of the city, offers a multitude of activities amidst lush bushland and rugged coastline. Hike the famous Coast Track, enjoy a picnic by the tranquil Hacking River, or simply relax at the pristine beaches. Nature enthusiasts will surely appreciate this biodiversity hotspot.
Palm Beach
To the north, you'll find the idyllic Palm Beach. Renowned for its golden sandy shores and turquoise waters, it's a favourite among locals. Walk up to the Barrenjoey Lighthouse for stunning panoramic views, or explore the calm waters by kayak.
Though it's a little further away, a day excursion to Australia's capital, Canberra, is well worth it. Visit the Australian War Memorial, explore the treasures of the National Gallery of Australia, and discover Australia's political history at Parliament House. Remember to take in the view from Mount Ainslie Lookout.
Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park
Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, north of the city, is a sanctuary of indigenous heritage, wildlife, and natural beauty. Hike through the bushland, explore Aboriginal rock art and sacred sites, or kayak in the serene waters. Its picturesque landscape, especially from the West Head lookout, is unforgettable.
Jervis Bay
Jervis Bay, to the south, boasts of some of the world's whitest sand beaches. Swim, snorkel, or simply relax on the immaculate Hyams Beach. Additionally, Jervis Bay Marine Park is a sanctuary teeming with diverse marine life, providing an excellent opportunity for dolphin watching all year round.
Featherdale Wildlife Park
An expedition to Featherdale Wildlife Park provides the opportunity to engage with Australia's unique wildlife. From feeding kangaroos to cuddling koalas, it's an absolute delight for animal lovers. Don't miss the chance to see Australia’s largest collection of native animals.
Southern Highlands
Lastly, the charming Southern Highlands, known for its colonial architecture, manicured gardens, and cool-climate vineyards. The towns of Bowral, Berrima, and Moss Vale offer antique shops, art galleries, and delightful tea rooms. The Bradman Museum & International Cricket Hall of Fame is a must-visit for cricket enthusiasts.
No matter what kind of adventurer you are, these day excursions around Sydney promise an exciting and diverse exploration of Australia's rich cultural heritage, captivating natural wonders, and welcoming hospitality. So, plan your journey, step out, and explore the incredible surroundings of one of the world's most beautiful cities.
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5 Day Southern California Trip 2017
LA to San Diego Road Trip
Feb 19-23 Los Angeles to San Diego Road Trip
Since I had a toddler at the time we opted for airport parking at JFK. When we arrived we parked and took a shuttle to the airport.
Day 1 Los Angeles Feb 19, 2017
We Rented Compact 4 Door Car. We took a Shuttle to counter and waited for them to bring us our car. Mileage was Unlimited. On our way to the hotel we stopped at: (3 hours of drive time)
Venice Beach: Known for its bohemian spirit, Venice is a buzzing beach town with upscale commercial and residential pockets. Free-spirited Venice Boardwalk is the site of funky shops, street performers and colorful murals. There’s also a skate park and Muscle Beach outdoor gym.
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Santa Monica is a coastal city west of downtown Los Angeles. Santa Monica Beach is fringed by Palisades Park, with views over the Pacific Ocean. Santa Monica Pier is home to the Pacific Park amusement park, historic Looff Hippodrome Carousel and Santa Monica Pier Aquarium. Next to the pier is Muscle Beach, an outdoor gym established in the 1930s. In the city center, Bergamot Station houses several art galleries.
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Malibu is a beach city in the Santa Monica Mountains region of Los Angeles County, California, situated about 30 miles (48 km) west of Downtown Los Angeles. Malibu pier Iconic circa-1905 pier next to the beach, with shops, restaurants, fishing & people-watching. Top sites: El Matador State Beach A collection of 3 small cliff-foot beaches with blufftop parking popular in the summertime. Point Dume: Tranquil coastal area featuring trails & rocky coves, plus blufftop views of Santa Catalina Island. Leo Carrillo State Par Beach with coastal caves & reefs, plus swimming, surfing, camping, hiking & surf fishing.
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Sunset Boulevard is a boulevard in the central and western part of Los Angeles, California, United States, that stretches from the Pacific Coast Highway in Pacific Palisades east to Figueroa Street in Downtown Los Angeles. The Boulevard is famed as being representative of the classic Hollywood lifestyle and has even been the subject of famous films, not the least of which is its namesake film.
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LA Hollywood walk of fame The Walk of Fame is free to visit, and runs fifteen blocks along Hollywood Boulevard (between N La Brea Avenue and N Gower Street). This bustling street is also home to restaurants and shops, vintage movie palaces, fun museums, and celebrity impersonators with uncanny resemblances.
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Manhattan Beach is a laid-back South Bay community popular with families and outdoor enthusiasts. The Strand bike path winds along the oceanfront between modern mansions and wide stretches of sand lined with volleyball courts. Low-key Manhattan Beach Pier features a quaint aquarium and views of surfers. There are several parks, and a small downtown area with boutiques, brunch cafes, pubs & creative, upscale eateries.
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Hermosa: The city's beach is popular for sunbathing, beach volleyball, surfing, paddleboarding, bars, cycling and running. The city itself extends only about 15 blocks from east to west and 40 blocks from north to south, with Pacific Coast Highway running down the middle.
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The Queen Mary Tours & Exhibits anehime Long Beach The 1,000+ foot ship set sail for her maiden voyage in 1936, at one point transporting soldiers during World War II before retiring from service in 1967, when it was permanently moored at the port in Long Beach. Since then, it has become a museum, restaurant space and hotel. Explore the Paranormal Hot Spots of the Queen Mary. The tour takes approximately 2 hours to explore various rooms or compartments seldom seen by the general public while famous stories and legends are shared about some of the past passengers aboard the legendary ocean liner.
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When drove to our first hotel Wyndham Garden Hotel in Anaheim and checked in, our stay was booked for 2 nights, Feb 19-21.
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The hotels is located 12 minutes from Disneyland Park, California Adventure, Downtown Disney, and the Anaheim Convention Center.
Day 2 Feb 20 Disneyland & Huntington Beach
The hotel provided a shuttle to Disney Land. We spent the day there and took a shuttle back to grab our car. Dinner at Huntington Beach, 32 min drive.
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Huntington Beach Huntington Beach is a California city southeast of Los Angeles. It's known for surf beaches, such as Huntington City Beach, with its long Huntington Beach Pier.
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Day 3 Feb 21 Orange County & legoland
On our way to Legoland we took Pacific coast highway stopping at 2 beaches in Orange County. 32 mins from Anaheim to laguna beach. Laguna to Newport 21 mins.
Laguna beach Laguna Beach is famous for its beautiful BEACHES, beautiful people, and bohemian chic, but in addition to an array of water sports, it has also built a reputation for having an excellent network of TRAILS that afford numerous hiking, biking, and running options in 20,000+ acres of protected land. No visit to Laguna Beach is complete without exploring its extensive network of sea caves, sea arches, and TIDE POOLS, many of which are only accessible at low tide. Download the official VISIT LAGUNA BEACH APP, which has tide tables and information specific to each beach and cave. We didn’t have an opportunity to do this but when we come back we will!
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Newport Beach, a coastal city in southern California, is known for its large, boat-filled harbor. Balboa Peninsula has 2 piers, Newport Beach Pier and Balboa Pier, plus the Balboa Fun Zone, an old-school amusement park with a Ferris wheel and ocean views. Local beaches include the Wedge, known for its big waves, and Corona del Mar State Beach. The Orange County Museum of Art exhibits modern and contemporary works.
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55 min drive from Disneyland to Legoland, carlsbud
Legoland: Conquer dragons, battle pirates and discover ancient treasures at the Resort, also home to LEGOLAND Water Park, SEA LIFE® Aquarium; enjoy Surfers’ Cove – a water park expansion featuring racer-water slides.
Park top: If you go at 9am before the park opens at 10am you can head to the hotel to play in the main lobby. You can even stop by at the hotel and grab lunch during the day or after your have ended your day at the park.
At 9:45am head to the entrance, they put on a show and allows you to enter earlier. When you are in the park be sure to counter clock wise so you can get a head start on all the fun lines to avoid lines and hit the mini lego city on your way out.
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35 min drive from Legoland to Ramada Hotel. The hotel located just a mile away from Sea World. Old Town San Diego 2 miles and numerous beaches within a mile. It is a great place to explore Southern California's most exciting playgrounds!
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Day 4 San Diego & San Diego Zoo Feb 22
13 min drive to the San Diego Zoo: pioneered cageless exhibits and offers travelers a fun and informative experience. Featuring over 4000 animals, the park gives you a peek into the wildlife of several ecosystems, from deserts to rainforests. Ride the tour bus, which crosses three quarters of the zoo’s area, and learn more about the animals from the guide as you view them in their natural habitats. You can also hop on the Skyfari gondola lift to see the entire park from above.
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16 min drive San Diego Zoo to Pacific beach.
Take in the mesmerizing coastal views as you stroll down Crystal Pier. Watch the surfers in action, you might be able to spot frolicking dolphins and whales during the migration season. Pacific Beach is renowned as San Diego’s party capital, and the boardwalk is lined with bars, cafes, and restaurants.
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Day 5 San Diego to LA Feb 23
We checked out of our San Diego Hotel, stopped at 2 spots and headed back to LA to Drop-off our rent a car. We then took our flight back home.
Sunset Cliffs Natural Park – Point Loma Dedicated in 1983, Sunset Cliffs Natural Park is a 68-acre City of San Diego regional park which extends 1½ miles along the Point Loma peninsula's western shoreline. This unique coastal environment features expansive ocean views, dramatic cliff formations and caves, a fascinating intertidal area, and native coastal sage scrub habitat, which provides connectivity to the adjacent Point Loma Ecological Reserve.
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Little Italy At 48-square blocks, San Diego's Little Italy is the largest in the U.S. Little Italy is a neighborhood in Downtown San Diego, California, that was originally a predominantly Italian and Portuguese fishing neighborhood.
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2 -1/2 hour drive to LAX airport.
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ninetimesnetwork · 2 years
Things To Know About Living In West Maui
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Things to know about living in West Maui
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The Hawaiian monarch formerly vacationed on Maui's tropical northwest coast and served as the nation's capital. Today, West Maui is home to magnificent resorts, shops, restaurants, a wide range of activities, and some of the world's most breathtaking sunsets.
You may go from one sun-kissed resort to the next along the Honoapiilani Highway, each with its distinct character. The ancient whaling hamlet of Lhain is the first destination after leaving Maalaea and the Maui Ocean Center. While busy shops on Front Street and winter whale viewing make it a preferred port of call for cruise ship passengers, rustic structures commemorate its days as Hawai'i's biggest port.
On the Highway for a short while, you'll be attracted to the energetic Kaanapali Resort. A stroll along the Kaanapali Beach walk is always in order, regardless of whether you're staying nearby or are simply passing by. Families play on the beach, shoppers bustle in and out, while restaurants sit back and soak in the scenery. With the West Maui Mountains rising in the distance and providing some fantastic hiking routes, West Maui is one of the finest areas of Maui. It also boasts some of the best beaches on the island (if you don't mind the crowds) and is near Honolua Bay, Lahaina, and Ka'anapali.
On this side of the island, resorts blend into one another, and Kapalua, renowned for championship golf and exclusive vacations, is not far away. Here, the elegance is modest, and the tone is a little calmer. The original Maui resort locations are still in West Maui, where most visitors congregate today. Typically bright and dry, West Maui has ideal beach weather. Additionally, West Maui offers a variety of lodging choices, so whether you want to save money by staying in a condo or spend on a beachfront resort, you can find it there.
So, how would daily living be on west Maui?
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On Front Street, Lahaina's main street, one of the most enormous banyan trees in the world, stands as a recognizable landmark. Front Street offers unlimited dining options, including gourmet dining at Lahaina Grill, outlet stores, boutiques, gift shops, surf shops, and art galleries. It also contains a movie theater. Fleetwood's (owned by Fleetwood Mac member Mick Fleetwood, a Maui resident) offers upscale fare, distinctive cocktails, and live music in a rooftop bar with a view of the setting sun over the water. At the same time, Aloha Mixed Plate serves excellent local fare like poke, saimin, and chicken katsu and offers views of even more spectacular sunsets.
What about the beaches, though?
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At Kaanapali Beach and Kahekili Beach, which also boasts exceptional snorkeling conditions and family-friendly amenities, including bathrooms, showers, and a picnic area, West Maui residents may readily access large expanses of beach. Black Rock, which currently draws tourists for its snorkeling but was formerly known to early Hawaiians as Pu'u Keka'a, a holy site where the spirits of the dead leaped from the physical world into the spirit world, stands between the two. At the same time, Kapalua Bay (designated Best Beach in America by the Travel Channel and Best Beach in the World by Conde Nast Traveler magazine) offers a gorgeous, crescent-shaped Napili Bay with sweet white beaches and quiet waves.
What else can you expect to discover in west Maui?
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The Mahana Ridge Trail meanders through old coffee and pineapple farms with stunning coastlines and gulch vistas along the way, while the two-mile Kapalua Coastal Trail weaves its way around four of the area's gorgeous coves. The Lahaina/Kaanapali/Kapalua shore offers endless chances for canoeing, stand-up paddling, and diving for those interested in water experiences. From here, ferries to Lanai and some of the island's top whale-watching excursions and sunset boat cruises (run by Pacific Whale Foundation and Trilogy, for example) leave. Inter-island flights are also offered from a tiny airport at Kapalua.
Front Street is closed to automobile traffic on the second Friday of every month to celebrate a town celebration with food, music, and arts & crafts. Additionally, Lahaina celebrates a Chinese Kite Festival in April and a Chinese New Year event in February. The town hosts the island's only professional fireworks show during its Fourth of July celebration. Its Halloween procession and festivities have earned the title "Mardi Gras of the Pacific."
Other local events include the Celebration of the Arts (including hula performances and other Hawaiian arts, crafts, and cuisine) each March and the Kapalua Tournament of Champions (held each January). Every June, Kapalua has a Wine and Food Festival, and for Kapalua Restaurant Week, local eateries produce unique tasting menus.
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You may go on year-round excursions and stay at magnificent resorts in West Maui. The majority of visitors choose to stay longer on the island. Owning property on the island is a wise decision since it enables you to take advantage of its peace whenever and however you choose.
Property values consistently rise
Visitors are drawn to West Maui by its beauty and can return as often as they like. Some people buy a vacation home so they won't have to book hotels or rent rooms each time they visit. However, as more individuals become interested in investing in the island's assets, property values continue to increase consistently.
The island's top beaches are reachable
Tourists typically identify the island's gorgeous West Maui beach as the main draw for visiting. Consider investing in West Maui prime real estate if you love the ocean and want to visit the most excellent beaches anywhere.
A job in paradise
Because of their work responsibilities, many people are hesitant to own real estate on the island. However, the COVID-19 epidemic showed everyone working from home for a while that it is possible to work anywhere.
Living there is typically safe
Millions of tourists visit Maui Island every year, but neither the airport nor the city's main streets need to be guarded by armed soldiers. However, even though crime does exist here, it is frequently less prevalent than in other parts of the country. The island will keep you secure.
Adam Miller R(S) 81648
Jessica Miller R(S) 81811
Jessica and Adam Miller are licensed real estate agents on Maui. They are with Real Broker, LLC and their team is Nine Times Network.
We take great pride in not being like every other real estate agent you'll meet. 
(more about Nine Times Network)
Mahalo for reading our blog. If you have any questions about Maui real estate or if you are looking to buy a home, sell a home or invest in Maui real estate, we would love the opportunity to speak with you.
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dan6085 · 2 years
Here is a possible 10-day travel plan for exploring Australia:
Day 1: Arrive in Sydney and spend the day exploring the city. Visit some of the city's famous landmarks, such as the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. In the afternoon, go on a tour of the Sydney Royal Botanic Garden and take a walk along the coastal path to Bondi Beach. In the evening, enjoy a dinner at one of the city's many excellent restaurants.
Day 2: Take a day trip to the Blue Mountains, which are located just outside of Sydney. Go on a hike through the stunning landscape and visit the Three Sisters, a rock formation that is a popular tourist attraction. In the afternoon, visit the Featherdale Wildlife Park to see a variety of Australian animals, such as kangaroos, wallabies, and koalas.
Day 3: Head to the Hunter Valley, which is a popular wine region located about two hours north of Sydney. Spend the day touring the wineries, tasting local wines, and enjoying the beautiful countryside. In the evening, stay in one of the region's many charming bed and breakfasts or vacation rentals.
Day 4: Drive to Port Stephens, which is a coastal town located about three hours north of Sydney. Spend the day swimming, surfing, or fishing at one of the town's many beautiful beaches. In the afternoon, visit the Tomaree Head Summit Walk, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding area.
Day 5: Drive to the Central Coast, which is located about an hour north of Sydney. Visit the Australian Reptile Park to see a variety of reptiles and other animals, such as kangaroos and wallabies. In the afternoon, go on a kayaking tour of the Hawkesbury River, which is known for its beautiful scenery and diverse wildlife.
Day 6: Drive to the Blue Mountains National Park, which is a World Heritage-listed site located about two hours west of Sydney. Go on a hike through the park to see the stunning landscape and visit the Katoomba Scenic World, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding area.
Day 7: Drive to the Southern Highlands, which is a beautiful region located about an hour south of Sydney. Visit the Morton National Park to see the Fitzroy Falls and go on a bushwalk through the beautiful landscape. In the afternoon, visit the Joadja Distillery, which produces a variety of spirits using traditional techniques.
Day 8: Drive to the South Coast, which is a beautiful region located about two hours south of Sydney. Visit the Jervis Bay National Park to see the stunning beaches and go on a snorkeling tour to see the colorful marine life. In the afternoon, visit the Jervis Bay Maritime Museum to learn about the history of the region.
Day 9: Drive to the Illawarra region, which is located about an hour south of Sydney. Visit the Illawarra Fly Treetop Walk, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. In the afternoon, visit the Nan Tien Temple, which is the largest Buddhist temple in the Southern Hemisphere.
Day 10: Return to Sydney and spend the day visiting some of the city's other attractions, such as the Art Gallery of New South Wales or the Australian Museum. In the evening, enjoy a farewell dinner at a restaurant with views of the Sydney Opera House.
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