#Spyroom anime
nijigasakilove · 1 year
We’re finally onto volume 4!
Very good start so far. Thea is clearly still having a crisis of confidence and Klaus is aware. That’s why he took her with him to the prison and is having her run point on the op. When someone is struggling like she is, the best thing is showing them how much you trust them. You see the talent in them, they just have to.
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Love how Klaus just destroyed Bonfire 💀 buddy really thought he was Klaus’ rival. It’s levels to this spy shit, man. He’s competing with Lamplight more so than Klaus.
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The girls are slowly but surely getting better in terms of their ambushes on Klaus. The fatal flaw they had this time was not trusting their teammate, Thea. Had she used her charms to convince the driver then they would’ve had better odds of success. Leaving her in the dark ruined it. This goes back to the overall theme of the episode about Klaus trusting in Thea.
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Off to the rip-off U.S/NYC we go. Holy shit a white castle reference in anime automatically a 10/10 episode lol. I actually appreciate that they went with that since it would be time accurate. WC was around back in the 20s and 30s.
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Obligatory Lily working as a waitress, hopefully she doesn’t mess up too many orders.
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Seeing how well the girls are able to infiltrate and plan out their mission is such a cool contrast to where they started at with their first mission. Annette and Erna specifically are excellent strategists. Just shows that these students didn’t fail, their teachers just didn’t know how to bring out their talents like Klaus does 👍
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anytubenews · 2 years
"Spy Kyoushitsu (Spy Classroom)" - Blu-ray&DVD Benefit illustrations
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corporativoarcanos · 1 year
Spy Kyoushitsu (Spy Room) T2 HD Animes #CorporativoArcanos 1 al 12
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Finalizamos Spy Kyoushitsu (Spy Room) T2 HD Animes #CorporativoArcanos 1 al 12 Descripción: Después de que una espantosa guerra causara estragos en la población general, los gobiernos del mundo recurrieron a una táctica más escurridiza para promover sus agendas: una guerra librada en las sombras. Lily, una hermosa chica de cabellos blancos, es una estudiante de una de las muchas instituciones que entrenan a los jóvenes para que se conviertan en espías capaces. Desgraciadamente, a pesar de sacar buenas notas en los exámenes escritos, sólo consigue aprobar a duras penas las prácticas. Sin ninguna habilidad en el mundo real, sus esperanzas de graduarse son escasas, hasta que se le ofrece la oportunidad de unirse al misterioso equipo “Tomoshibi” y participar en una misión intransitable. Entusiasmada por la perspectiva de trabajar con la élite, Lily acepta con entusiasmo. Sin embargo, se queda muda cuando llega al Palacio Kagerou y sale a la luz el verdadero propósito de Tomoshibi y su desesperada situación. Acompañada de otras espías problemáticas y de un misterioso joven que encabeza la operación, Lily se da cuenta de que ésta no es la escapada ideal que había imaginado. Disfruta de nuestro contenido y entra a nuestra web como redes sociales para ver mucho mas.. El siguiente contenido a ver no es de nuestra autoría los derechos están reservados al autor de la obra y al estudio de la adaptación #SeriesdeAnime #SpyKyoushitsu (#SpyRoom) #Temporada2 Spy Kyoushitsu (Spy Room) T1 Catalogo 2023 Series de Anime Esperamos que les guste el contenido recuerda compartir lo y dejar tu DONACION eso nos apoyara Read the full article
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frogsuper26 · 1 year
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nijigasakilove · 1 year
Damn man seeing Hearth suffer and die in anime form is rough. Hated reading thru that in the book. I remember holding out hope that someone really would come and save her. Sadly it never happened. The faith she had in Thea after only being around her for a little bit of time was really awesome.
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All these years later Thea fulfilled her prophecy and became a hero. She just needed to believe in herself and have a support system like Lamplight.
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Seeing Purple ant get beat at his own game is great. Doesn’t matter how many worker ants you’ve got, you’ll need an entire country to take down Klaus lol. Basing your strategy on outdated info from a fight with an exhausted Klaus is hilarious.
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God I wish that was me
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Lilian Devil 😂
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Overall they did a really good job with this arc. I think it’s the best arc so far in the novels. Total 180 from season 1. Looking forward to the finale next week
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nijigasakilove · 1 year
Thea supremacy
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nijigasakilove · 1 year
They’re really nailing all the high points of this season very well. Matilda’s betrayal and Annette’s subsequent reverse uno gave me chills when reading it and I think anime onlies will have had the same experience here. I remember finding out what she had done to Annette and just wanting her to suffer the most painful fate imaginable.
Unfortunately her death is actually pretty quick and painless. Knowing she got outsmarted by her “foolish” adopted daughter and starving to death while clawing at the inside of the shipping container would’ve been much better. But meh. It is what it is. This arc did make me a huge Annette fan. Still got Thea and Grete/Monika as top 1 and 2 tho.
Hopefully they deliver with the next arc as well. If they’d given season 1 this level of attention to detail and quality Spyroom would’ve been way more popular.
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nijigasakilove · 1 year
Another side story episode this time focusing on Thea and Sara. I guess they’re gonna do all side stories for eps 5-8 and then finish off volume 4 in the last 4 episodes. Makes sense because volume 5 wouldn’t really flow with this season.
I Really liked this one ngl. Sara is probably my least favourite of the girls, but this gave her some nice shine and characterisation. Highlighted some of her charms that we don’t always get to see and I definitely will be paying a little more attention to her going forward.
It’s messed up that Tarik was preying on and scamming young women, but there’s a lot of people out there like that sadly. Especially with the rise of online dating. Luckily, Lilly and the other girls were able to give him a taste of his own medicine, literally.
Because I’ve never read the side stories, Thea’s “I had too many relations with men at the academy” was wild. By relations was she actually fucking everyone or relations as in making people jealous which led to conflicts of interest? Crazy to be kicked out for doing your job too well 😂
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nijigasakilove · 1 year
This must have been a side story episode because I don’t remember any of this from the books lol.
This actually flows really well though considering how big Monika was in the last volume. Going into a side story that fleshes her out is a good decision.
Loved the narrative of the episode. Seems like the general theme of being a spy is that by having someone that looks up to and admires you, you can really grow as a person and spy. Klaus did it with Lamplight. Monika did it with Matel, happens a few other times in the series as well. Opening yourself up and making connections gives you true strength and motivation.
Monika’s issue was never talent, it was pure mental. She’s finally overcome that.
Monika best girl.
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nijigasakilove · 1 year
And that’s a wrap on Spyroom season 2. A much improved adaptation compared to the first season a thoroughly enjoyable watch. Fitting we start the season with Lily being an idiot and end it with her being an idiot 😂
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The “Klaus is in love with you” note misunderstanding was hilarious. The girls gotta improve their skills if they’re falling for that type of mixup lmao.
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When you realise the horrible shit Thea went through during her captivity, her special ability becomes even more impactful. She took her pain and weaponised it, using other’s lust against them. I like that a lot. It also makes Hearth’s wish for her to go to Mitario and link up with Klaus even more beautiful. I wish that Hearth would’ve been able to see how strong that little girl she saved that day has become.
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I hope we get a third season to get volumes 5 and 6 adapted. Post credits scene left the door open. We’ve finally got a proper idea of the scale of the enemy the girls are up against. Back to the books 👍 . Full review on myanimelist
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nijigasakilove · 1 year
Thea is so beautiful
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nijigasakilove · 1 year
That scene with Grete and Thea probably had the best facial expressions this series has ever had. Really did a great job of expressing just how lost and confused Thea is. This crisis of confidence has really got her all messed up.
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Seeing her breakdown on the floor and talk about how much she just wants to die was rough :/. Seeing it animated also drives home how bad she must have been feeling to be willing to listen to Roland, and let him out when it was clearly a set up. I mean, she was down so bad that ANYONE who had anything remotely positive to say was a friend in that moment.
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Of course that didn’t go well, bad guys do what bad guys do. Looking forward to seeing she and purple ant face off.
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nijigasakilove · 1 year
Another really good spy room episode. Well adapted and engaging from start to finish
Monika’s big dart showdown was really fun to see. I like how she could’ve easily complained about the AC vent throwing her darts off, but instead she just goes full MLB and literally overpowers the air current lol. The lady committing suicide rather than giving up information shows just how much control purple ant has over these people. Good thing the girls had partners.
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Then we have Lily who’s playing right into their hands by carrying a gun and getting arrested by the police 😂 . I think we all expected her gig as a waitress to go south, but not for this reason.
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Thea’s started to realise just how difficult it’s going to be to go against someone who can control people like this. An entire army of “worker ants” who are blindly loyal to him. Can’t wait to see next ep.
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nijigasakilove · 1 year
Thea appreciation post
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nijigasakilove · 1 year
Annette side story, my third fave character lol. After this we’re finally getting into the next volume which is the best. The side stories have been solid, but ready for some plot
As soon as dude threw that drink on Annette I knew she was gonna try to kill him. As we got to the end of the episode and nothing had happened I was wondering what was going on. Figured they’d pay it off in the end.
That alley scene was brutal as hell. The look that Annette had in her eyes just radiated murderous intent. You can tell she was mad as hell. Klaus may have saved that guy’s life, but he’s gonna have permanent nerve damage after that for sure.
Building a torture chair to shave Erna’s growth spurt off is INSANE lmao. I love Annette, man. She’s so unhinged
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anytubenews · 1 year
"Spy Kyoushitsu (Spy Classroom)" 2nd Season - Episode 24 Preview Images [FINAL]
Animation studio: feel.
Scheduled for September 28, 2023
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