airanke · 1 year
As someone who really enjoys all flavors of Dabi headcanons, it’s real nice to have variety. Sometimes sweet and soft and tender is good. Sometimes awful and monstrous is good. I think both readings (and everything in between) with the right kind of background can be valid. You’ve built your own story with your own history behind it, and it breathes a wonderful kind of legitimacy into your head canons, and I love that. People’s headcanons are always going to be colored by who _they_ are and what they want out of a character, though. What someone else wants or needs is no reflection on you. I know you’re down on yourself a lot, but you have every right to feel and want the things you do, and you shouldn’t let other people’s takes on a character rob you of the joy your headcanons bring you and other people who enjoy them.
I know that’s easier said than done of course; I can’t just speak confidence into existence. I like some rotten Dabi headcanons myself, but I come back to see you explore the sweeter, sadder, and more tender side of his character all the time because I love it just as much. That isn’t to say you should subject yourself to both if it hurts you, of course! No shame, no bully. I mean it mostly to say that there are those of us frolicking in hell who still appreciate and love the soft humanity you bring to his character all the same. You’re good at it, and the art you make for it is so evocative. I love the stuff you do with him and Abi. It’s great and I check for your stuff every day, here and on Twitter. ): need my daily dose!
I know times are tough right now (I cannot stand all these new chapters and I am going out of my mind crazy with it all) but c’mon lady! You gotta value yourself. No amount of any one else being feral dinguses (myself included) should invalidate your own feelings and takes. If anyone tries to make you feel bad about it, they’re legit scum sucking but babies.
Dsfasdfjioajf ///////
I am really sorry that I can be super down on myself sometimes, thank you for your kind words and reassurances <3
Honestly I'm super happy that you enjoy my iteration of his character ; - ; and I'm really happy that you enjoy the content I do with him and Abiteth (especially because of how much she means to me personally, it's so difficult for me to fall in love with my OCs sometimes but I definitely fell in love with her). Canon Dabi will always be one of my faves and I know that I can't write him the way Horikoshi does (because I DO like to explore the aspects of his character we don't get to see).
And yeah, the current chapters are just WOO. I will keep trying in the future to have more confidence in my ideas, hopefully soon I can share even more AUs with everyone.
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