#Stand against the system
turn-left-at-hell · 1 year
IMPORTANT!!! Australian's read
this is for the Australians out there (but I don't know the situation in other places so it might be relevant elsewhere too).
So, you may have heard that there are plans to phase out cash and coins for a cashless transaction system in Australia, ie card only. Now, there are issues with that. It would make crime harder, but more notably. It has the potential to be the beginning of a more totalitarian system with every transaction monitorable. No more covert transactions for less than socially acceptable things (not sex, read between the lines a bit better).
So, what can we do about it?
Best thing I can suggest. Buy jewellery from pawn shops of the equivalent worth to the "goods", exchange for goods. Person you buy goods from sells jewellery or whatever to get money for it.
A type of barter system if you will.
Even if you're not doing something illegal, I personally don't want someone to monitor every fucking thing I buy. That's my fucking business.
Add other suggestions in comments or reblogs if you can.
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