#Starfield spoilers
boozerman · 1 year
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STARFIELD (2023) Bethesda Game Studios
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eurodynamic · 1 year
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cleared with ease YUP!!
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archonfurina · 1 year
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Starfield (2023): Sam Coe ♡
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sweeetestcurse · 1 year
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Scenery in Starfield 01/???
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gortash · 1 year
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CALLISTO DUKE → Cyber Runner From Neon to New Atlantis, the megacorps stand as monuments to power, prestige and profit. You've worked both for and against them, on the inside and out, often sacrificing conscience for credits.
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mazoga-the-dork · 1 year
"I love you. And later, maybe I'll show you just how much"
Why is this the hottest line ever written in a video game
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alistairstheirins · 1 year
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Starfield (2023) dev. Bethesda Game Studios
[video source: AaronBaileyArt on Twitter]
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How melancholy must it be to see the face of your lover countless times in countless realities, falling in love more and more each time, but each time it's your lovers first time falling in love with you. To have memories you've shared with past versions that future versions will never see happen.
How many times, then, before you stop yourself from pursuing them? How long before the heartbreak gets too much for you to bear once more? How long before falling in love is replaced with overwhelming sadness?
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tau1tvec · 1 year
Yeah getting sidetracked in Starfield is a completely different beast from past Bethesda games. I went to Mars to check out Cydonia some more, and buy a ship, and ended up getting reeled into a working class vs corporate struggle, and some sleezy governor’s dirty deeds.
Don’t even get me started on how I had to apply for an unpaid internship on a space station, and take an absolutely hilarious personality quiz.
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 1 year
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"You have been by my side through all of this. The most turbulent time in my life. And you have supported me. Faithfully."
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boozerman · 1 year
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The Unity is what was, what is, and what shall be. It is nowhere and everywhere. Nothing and everything. It is… The Unity. Any other meaning is entirely up to you. All of you.
STARFIELD (2023) dev. Bethesda Game Studios
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eurodynamic · 1 year
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NEON, PLEASURE CITY Starfield (2023)
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skinnypig2 · 4 months
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i made this visual representation of constellation membership over the years using info from the game, bethesda's site, and the wiki, and i think it reveals some interesting things about the explorers group that weren’t otherwise obvious. ofc it’s incomplete because there is a lot we don’t know, but going off this alone we can tell that:
1. constellation membership has always been quite small. there’s a huge gap in the middle there only because we’re lacking for info, but it seems constellation in 2330 is probably the largest it’s been.
2. aja mamasa was chair for a longer period than any other chair. for most of the group’s existence, aja mamasa was the face of constellation.
3. the search for the artifacts only really kicks off after sarah becomes chair. understandably, aja mamasa may not have wanted to begin a pursuit of this mystery during wartime, but she then had plenty of time as chair after the war to dig that artifact back up if she wanted to. putting all other potential reasons for not pursuing the artifacts aside, i think this could speak to the differences in character between sarah and aja: the unrelenting sense of adventure at the core of one chair vs possibly the more cautious, admin-focused nature of the other. now obviously barrett finding that archived artifact in 2326 probably just occurred by chance, but c'mon are you telling me they don't keep a recorded inventory of all their odds and ends?
4. andreja’s joining the group coincides with barrett finding the second artifact. in-game, if you take Barrett to the ka’zaal sulfur mine where he found that second artifact, he mentions that constellation gained another member the day he found it, but he doesn’t say who. the only member who joined the same year (let alone same day) that Barrett found the artifact is andreja. it's also worth noting that va'ruun "zealots" attacked the miners during the initial dig in 2328, and still guard the mine when you and barrett return in 2330. correct me if i'm wrong, but i don't think we ever learn any specifics about how/when/why andreja joined other than that she initially joined as a spy for house va'ruun. it seems house va'ruun was after the artifacts as well and andreja had a role in their pursuit of the ka'zaal artifact before joining constellation.
take all this with a grain of salt because there's a good chance i missed some things. but i'd like to hear y'all's thoughts cuz i only made that andreja connection after making this :)
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mendellyill · 7 days
Sarah's romance is just:
"I hate my mother and I have complicated feelings about our relationship because I wasn't there for her when my father died. I know you just asked me out 3 seconds ago but can we get married right now I am anxious that you will also die because everyone dies"
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sweeetestcurse · 1 year
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Scenery in Starfield 02/??
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Starfield + Text Posts 1/?
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