vivalas-vega · 3 years
guardian / benny miller x reader / part one
hi! long time no see. here is a fic I’ve been working on - I wasn’t planning to post the first chapter until I had more of the story written but I wanted to post this and get a feeler for how people liked it!! 
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guardian: chapter one
add yourself to my taglist
word count: 4.3k 
warnings: mention of hookups, brief talks about war/death, drinking, embarrassed Santi, that’s abt it lol
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“The fuck is this?” Pope asked, dropping a photo on the table in front of Benny and his cheeks immediately burned.
“Don’t know.” He responded simply, “were you snooping through my car?”
“Cut the shit,” Frankie shot back with a chuckle, “who is she?”
“I’m not bullshittin’,” he said with a shrug.
“That’s really fuckin’ suspicious little brother.” Will chimed in.
“I found it - right before the explosion that knocked my shit out. Saw it sitting in the rubble, next thing I know I’m waking up in medical with some nurse telling me they found it in my stuff, called her my guardian angel. Asked ‘round base and no one recognized her, no idea who she belongs to.” 
“Guardian angel?” Pope asked, what once was banter was now genuine interest.
“If I hadn’t walked over to see what it was, blast would have taken me out.”  
“Shit man,” Frankie sighed, “no idea who she is?”
“Came back to find her.”
“No shit,” Pope was back to banter, acting incredulous that Benny was planning to actually find this girl, but what Benny didn’t know was that Pope was just yanking his chain.
“No shit man, saved my life. I survived some serious shit I shouldn’t have with that in my pocket - seems only fair to thank her. Plus, finding a photo in the rubble after the shit that went down? Probably belonged to someone who didn’t make it out, only seems fair to return it and maybe give the poor thing some answers. Whole thing is still under investigation, families haven’t been told shit.” 
“Alright, and how are you planning to find her?” Will asked, always the practical thinker.
“Well, don’t have to look too hard for her. That’s Y/N.” 
“The Y/N?” Pope had mentioned her a handful of times, talking about the beautiful firecracker he worked with down in the jungle, Pope was infatuated with her despite his insistence it wasn’t like that… because it wasn’t, for the most part. Working in such close quarters with someone for so long, on something so intense bonded you - much like the bond he shared with the men sat around the table.
“Ah, so you found Pope’s girlfriend’s photo overseas… not weird or creepily coincidental at all.” Frankie muttered.
“Not my girlfriend, and you don’t have to worry about her getting answers, she’s already got them all. She’s got more connections than the rest of us, you should still talk to her though, give that photo back. I know she’d appreciate it and whatever corny ass monologue you’ve been workin’ on in your head about her being your guardian angel.” He chuckled, “better yet, why don’t you all meet us for drinks tomorrow? Got some business related stuff to tend to then we’re going out, she hasn’t had a proper night out since getting home. Wound so fuckin’ tight, she needs it. Plus, she wants to meet you guys.”
Meanwhile across town Y/N was sitting in her house going through her checklist of mundane tasks, having more than a couple beers in the process. She could hardly remember the last time she had so much ample free time to do things such as cleaning out her closet or relaxing on the couch with a bad movie… As soon as she was honorably discharged a few years ago she’d barely had time to readjust to civilian life before taking an assignment down in Colombia where she spent her time tracking down narcos in an attempt to make the country safer… a futile attempt but one she was hellbent on seeing through.
That was until her brother was killed in action a few months ago, despite her insistence she was fine, her teammate and now best friend had ordered her to go home and process the whole thing, knowing any attempts to shift attention from her grieving were bullshit. And he was right, though she’d never admit it to his face. She’d needed the time to come to grips with a world without her brother, the person who set her on her current path, a person she’s confident shaped her into who she is.
It was at that moment her phone dinged with a text from the best friend in question, ‘change in plans, we’re going out with the boys after our meeting tomorrow.’ She smiled softly, he’d never admit to such soft descriptors of himself but Santi was about as thoughtful as they come. As soon as he arrived back home in Miami he’d been trying, unsuccessfully, to get her back out on the town, to enjoy some of her youth while she still had it. She wanted to fight him on it, but instead sent back a thumbs up. In all honesty, she was hoping to one day meet the men he went on and on about over shitty beers at hole-in-the-wall bars in Bogota. 
And so she did, after a lengthy conversation about the current state of affairs with their assignment, and a rather crude discussion about Y/N changing her outfit before going to meet the boys, she found herself sat around a table finally putting faces to the names she’d been hearing the last three years and was surprised at how seamlessly she slid into their group. 
“Well, I’m just glad to finally meet you. Every time he calls, Pope goes on and on about you.” Frankie said.
“Is that so? All good things I’m hoping.” She said, shooting a smirk Pope’s way before smugly sipping her beer.
“I’ll never forget the day you showed up on assignment, received a rather disgusting text message-” Benny started but was cut off.
“Alright that’s enough out of you. Don’t you have something more important to be talking about?” Pope said and the way Benny clammed up made her eyes flit back and forth between the two men.
“Thanks for that lead up man, really subtle. Uh, Y/N, do you mind if I pull you away for a moment?”
“Sounds ominous but alright,” she said, muttering a thank you to Will who stood so she could slide out of the booth and she followed an obviously anxious Benny to a booth just far enough away so the boys couldn’t overhear. They sat across from each other in silence and when Benny finally met her eyes she raised her brows as if silently asking what they were doing.
“Uh, no easy way to bring this up, I’m sorry to spring this on you, but I wasn’t really given a choice-” he gestured back to the booth, the boys not being subtle at all about trying to gauge what was happening.
“Well, considering I’ve known you for about an hour, anything you felt the need to pull me aside to tell me is going to be surprising enough so, just spit it out.” She said, trying to make her voice seem as soft as possible, watching as he clearly struggled to find the words.
“I was in Afghanistan, got back just a few months ago.” Her expression dropped, immediately knowing where this was going.
“This is about Drake.” She said and he nodded, taking something out of his back pocket and sliding it across the table to her and she let out a breath as she immediately recognized the handwriting on the back. Get home safe.
“I found it, after the raid. Saved my life actually… it was early, daylight had just broke and we were getting everything together for the rescue choppers coming in when we were hit by an air strike. If it hadn’t caught my eye, if I hadn’t walked that few yards to see what it was it woulda killed me. Almost did anyways but that little bit of distance kept me around just a little bit longer.” He stopped for a moment, watched as she took in the weight of his words, “came to with someone handing that to me saying I had some guardian angel keepin’ an eye out for me.” He laughed nervously.
“Wow, that is… guardian angel, really?” She laughed as well.
“Corny, right? Corny as it might be it kinda ended up being true, I hung onto it when I couldn’t figure out who it belonged to… figured they didn’t make it through that night and just didn’t feel right getting rid of it. After that I made it through some pretty tough situations I honestly shouldn’t have and I don’t know… I know those words weren’t meant for me but I feel like they kinda worked for me, if that’s not a totally dickish thing to say.”
“If I weren’t me it probably would be, but I get how it goes out there. Wish they could have worked for Drake, but I’m glad they worked for someone. I always knew he would die over there, the question was just when. I’d made my peace with that a long time ago but… thank you, for telling me that. Seems weird to say but it’s actually pretty comforting. I’d thought about what happened to that picture, where it had ended up. It’s nice to know it was with someone who needed it.”
“Then Pope went digging through my shit, seemed a little too coincidental that after all I went through with your picture in my pocket you ended up being the girl he won’t stop yammering on about. He really likes you, you know? Insists it’s not like that but he brings you up every chance he gets.”
“That’s sweet… it really isn’t like that though. I won’t lie to you and say there weren’t a few drunken nights when we were both pissed off about what was going on down in Colombia where we blurred some lines but he talks about you guys the same way. Felt like I knew you before I even met you, it’s just the bond that’s created when you do what we do.” He nodded in understanding, he wasn’t sure why he bristled with a hint of jealousy when she mentioned those nights with Pope… he didn’t even know her. Sure he’d looked at her photo every night since he found it, but that didn’t mean he had some sort of claim to her. 
“Well, if it’s not too presumptuous, can I invite you out for a drink? One without those nosy assholes over there?”
She laughed, “that sounds nice, I would love to.” She pulled a pen from her purse and scrawled it on the back of the photo, just under the words she’d meant for her brother that somehow ended up saving the man in front of her, sliding it back to him.
“Oh no, I meant for you to take that back, you deserve to have it.”
“No, that’s yours now. It was there for you when you needed it, who knows… maybe you’ll need it again.” He smiled at her gratefully, sliding it back into his pocket where it had kept up residence these past few months before sliding out of the booth and offering her his hand as she stood. 
“Was that a number exchange I witnessed over there?” Pope asked, sipping his beer with a mischievous glint in his eye. 
“Mind your business, or I’ll tell them all the embarrassing things you’ve done over the last three years.” She warned, sitting back down.
“Oh, all your rounds are on me for life if you do that anyways.” Will said, already gesturing the bartender over.
“Tempting offer, do I hear a counter to keep the secrets in the vault?” She asked, turning to Pope and folding her arms across the table.
“Literally whatever you want it’s yours, just don’t-”
“Hmm… needed something concrete. Well, I’ve just been dying to tell someone about that 4 am phone call in Medellin…”
“For the love of god-”
“So, one night after I’d finally managed to get myself home after this pendejo abandoned me in a bar for a cheap hookup,” the boys were already tutting in disapproval at the start of this story and Pope sighed as she continued, “he calls me at 4 am to inform me he was stranded across town, stripped of his clothes, his watch, and his wallet and dropped off in an alleyway with nothing but his boxers and his socks.” The boys howled with laughter as Santi’s cheeks flushed, eyes pleading for her to not continue this story. “I actually hung up on him, but he was persistent-”
“I was literally running out of coins I’d found on the street to call you, I could have been murdered-”
“So when it started raining I decided to relieve him of his misery, poor little thing looked like a sewer rat. I actually- oh my gosh. I took a photo.” Santi’s hands were immediately a vice grip on hers as she reached for her purse but Frankie flicked him on the forehead and pulled his hands away, desperate to see the evidence. Her phone was passed around, the boys laughing so hard Benny actually had to take a lap after seeing the photo to compose himself.
“Oh you saint of a woman, thank you so much, I sent that to myself. New contact photo, Pope.” Frankie teased and by now even he had to join in on the laughter.
“You’re gonna pay for that,” he warned but she wasn’t worried. 
“Whatever you say, Santi.” She said ruffling his hair, “there’s more where that came from, I’ll take a vodka sprite.” She said to Will, who happily made his way to the bar.
“You could drink me out of house and home and I wouldn’t care, money well spent.” He said, setting her drink in front of her. She raised her glass to clink with his and the rest of the night proceeded just as Santi had hoped it would. Sure, he wasn’t happy to have his dirty laundry aired out but she was having fun and that’s all he’d wanted. By the time the night came to a close, Y/N found herself a little drunker than she’d been in years and as she stumbled into the cool night air, fumbling for her keys a large hand wrapped around hers and took them.
“Nuh uh honey, your car isn’t even here, you came with Pope. Come on, I’ll take you home.” Benny said, nudging her in the direction of his car as he gestured to the boys that he had her.
“Oh hush, I’m fine. I don’t wanna go home anyways,” she mumbled and he couldn’t help but laugh at her pouty face.
“And where do you think you’re going at this hour?” 
“I don’t know, somewhere,” she giggled and he shook his head.
“Alright, you’re coming with me. You can crash at mine.” He guided her to his car and helped her in, laughing as she asked if there were drinks there, “I don’t think you need any more drinks you boozehound.” He said closing the door.
“Who says?” She asked when he got in the drivers side.
“I say.”
She was silent for a moment as she seriously pondered this, “well, I suppose that checks out.” Benny flicked the radio on and he smiled to himself as she drunkenly stared out the window, commenting on every pretty light she saw as they passed. He didn’t quite have the heart to tell her they were just porch lights. 
“Hey, thanks for letting me crash your sausage fest. I had a lot of fun.”
“You weren’t crashing, you’re Pope’s family which means you’re our family.” He stated matter of fact and her chest felt warm at the sentiment. Drake was the last of the real family she’d had left, she’d lost her dad the same way and her mom had died when she was little, Santi was really the only family she had anymore and she felt grateful he’d invited her into his circle so willingly. “Besides, they’re all smitten with you. I’m pretty sure after tonight if you asked them to jump they’d all ask how high.”
“Well, I’m not sure I have that much power.”
“Are you kidding me? Have you seen yourself?” He asked incredulously, shooting her a look before returning his attention to the road.
She hummed, “that’s sweet.” He reached into the backseat and pulled out his water bottle, handing it to her. “Oh, I’m fine.”
“That’s an order.”
“I’m pretty sure I outrank you, Miller, but okay.” She unscrewed the lid and didn’t realize how dehydrated she was until she started drinking, pretty much finishing the entire thing in one gulp.
“That’s what I thought.”
“No one likes a gloater.” They pulled into the driveway and Benny helped her out, the drive and the water already helping her to feel more sober as the alcohol faded from her system. He left her in the living room for a moment before returning with a t-shirt and sweats, guiding her to the bathroom to freshen up and change. 
She emerged in his clothes, walking into the living room as she fumbled with the drawstring, struggling to tie it tight enough around her waist and Benny chuckled as she muttered a soft, “help.” 
“How you feelin’?” He asked, securing the string and putting his hands on her shoulders.
“Much better, thanks for letting me crash. Going back to my empty house seemed too sad.” She wasn’t very drunk anymore, but the lingering alcohol in her system still left her in a very truthful state. 
“Anytime darlin’, mi casa es tu casa.”
“Oh, we’re gonna have to work on that accent.” She giggled as she sank down onto the sofa.
“Sorry, not all of us have top notch linguistic skills.” He said, holding his hands up in surrender sarcastically. She laughed as she recounted the several times throughout the night Benny got mad that her Pope and Fish were completely excluding them, lost in their own conversations in Spanish.
“Surprised you haven’t picked up on even a little of it after all these years with them.”
“Just a little, picking up languages was never my strong suit. Also have never been fully immersed in it like you guys.”
“That’s fair, I’m glad I had a pretty decent knowledge before Colombia but my fluency definitely came from being down there for so long.” 
“How did you end up in Colombia, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Not at all, I’d just gotten discharged after a pretty nasty situation in Afghanistan but I didn’t feel ready to give that life up… in all honesty I was fine to continue but pretty much everyone in our unit was honorably discharged. Heard through the channels some support was needed down there and decided to go, I just… couldn’t go back to civilian life just yet, you know? Any other job route I could have taken seemed so meaningless after everything.”
“I hear that, that’s why I’m still fighting… not quite the same but at least I’m not riding a desk.”
“Got any matches coming up?” She asked, tucking her legs underneath her and shifting so she was facing him completely. He was suddenly acutely aware of their proximity and cleared his throat before answering.
“Actually yeah, have one tomorrow… would you like to come? All the boys will be there,” he got a little nervous as he awaited her response. His mind was still reeling from the fact that she was even sat here on his couch with him, wearing his clothes and looking at him with those wide eyes that were, somehow after all she’s been through, still full of light, when up until tonight she’d been nothing more than a version of her he’d created in his head based on one photo he clung to like it was his life raft.
“I would love to! Should I make a sign? I can put a fuck ton of glitter on it.” 
He bellowed, “please don’t, the boys would never let me live it down… having you front and center for me would be encouragement enough.” 
“Then I’ll be there.” She smiled and he felt like his heart was going to hammer out of his chest. It was comfortably silent as she fiddled with the string of the sweatpants, he was aware of how his stare lingered on her could be construed as creepy but he just couldn’t tear his eyes from her. “Pretty insane, isn’t it?”
“Hmm?” He responded, trying to follow her train of thought.
“How we ended up here. What are the odds of you finding that photo, me being so close with Pope… I’m not one to believe in signs, but…” She trailed off and he was glad she verbalized what he’d been thinking all night.
“Seems a little too coincidental,” he added. “I honestly never thought I’d find you. I’d planned to try when I got home, I just had no idea how I was even going to start. Nosy as he is, I'm glad he went looking through my stuff.”
“At least the good news is we would have met anyways, Santi has been going on and on about getting us all together since he got home.” 
“Do you guys have any plans to go back?” He asked, not really wanting to hear the answer.
“Tentative, but there’s a lot of factors at play.” She was in on something she couldn’t really disclose yet, but her answer wasn’t a total lie. “We’ve kind of reached a standstill down there, we’re not in a rush to get back until we sort some things out.”
“Good,” he said and he suddenly stumbled on his words, realizing how that could come across, “I mean, just good that you guys get some time to relax.”
“It’s okay, Benny, I know you’re dying to see me again.” She was teasing, but he shifted because she was spot on.
“I am, actually… I know it’s pretty much one-sided at this point, kind of at a disadvantage because I’ve only been looking at your photo every night for the past four months-”
“Every night? Even since you got home?” She asked, heart skipping a beat at the thought.
“Is that weird?” He asked, dropping his gaze as he worried he’d said the wrong thing.
“No, it’s sweet,” she smiled.
“Well, I know it’s kind of one-sided but… I just feel really connected to you, and I would love to get to know you more… if that’s okay.”
“Of course it’s okay, why do you think I agreed to go out with you and come cheer you on tomorrow night?”
“I don’t know, just tried to keep my expectations low,” he chuckled, “didn’t exactly think the ‘hey, I’ve been creepily clinging to this photo of you for months, wanna go out?’ angle would work so well.”
“Well, first thing you should know about me is that I put up a good front but I’m kind of a hopeless romantic… I don’t think you could write the beginning of a love story better than that. Besides, it really means a lot to me that you kept that photo… a lot of people would have disregarded it, the fact that you set out with the intention to find me and return it to me… I don’t know, speaks a lot about your character.” He flushed under the compliment and the way she was looking at him. Benny was a bit of a rolling stone, he never let anyone close enough to even be able to make comments about his character and he found himself wildly out of his element.
“I’ll keep that in mind, woo you properly and all that.” He said and she giggled. She was fully sober at this point so she wasn’t sure where the bold streak had come from but she shifted on the couch to lean into his side, laying her head on his chest. He blinked in surprise, looking down at the beautiful girl suddenly wrapped around him before pulling his arms around her.
“Tired?” He asked, and she nodded against him. “Come on, sleepy girl.” He carefully got his arms underneath her and lifted her as he stood, holding her close as he made his way down the hallway to his bedroom. He got her settled in bed before disappearing, coming back to set a glass of water on the nightstand for her. “I’ll be on the couch if you need anything.”
“Where do you think you’re going?” She asked, her voice small and looking down at her, completely snuggled up in his blankets with that sleepy look on her face cracked his heart wide open. 
“To sleep on the couch?” He asked hesitantly, not sure where she was going.
“And leave me here all by myself?” She knew exactly what she was doing and she should have been ashamed but she wasn’t. Crazy as it might be, all she wanted to do was fall asleep in his arms, and she decided that wasn’t the craziest thing that had happened tonight so in her logic it all evened out.
“I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable or- it’s really okay, I’ll take the couch and then I can take you home in the morning-”
“Get your ass in here.” She said as firmly as she could muster and he didn’t need to be told twice. He walked around to the other side of the bed and slid his jeans off before crawling into bed next to her. She wriggled around until she was pressed up against him and he instinctively wrapped his arms around her, not being able to fight his smile as she relaxed into him and tangled her legs with his. It wasn’t long until she was fast asleep and he was not far behind her, getting the best night of sleep he’d had in ages.
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vivalas-vega · 3 years
guardian / benny miller x reader / part two
hi, here is part two! I'm really excited for where this story is gonna go, lmk what u think! the second half of this is just filth so ur welcome
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guardian: chapter two
add yourself to my taglist
word count:
warnings: benny in the ring, blood, drinking, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected p-in-v sex (wrap it before u tap it folks)
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Y/N found herself in a high school gym converted into a boxing arena for the night suddenly feeling out of her element. Having lived the life she had up until this moment, she rarely ever felt that way. She wondered if it was the middle-aged dads surrounding her looking to let loose for the night or the fact that she didn’t know if she was here as a new addition to the friend group or a potential new girlfriend to the defending champion.
“Hermosa, you made it!” Santi said, coming up and hugging her from behind.
“Of course I did, couldn’t miss an opportunity to hang out with a bunch of drunk old white guys in a high school gym.” She said looking around as Santi released her and pulled her towards the makeshift bar. “Is it even legal to sell alcohol in a high school?” She asked as he paid for their drinks and handed her what she assumed would be disgusting beer.
“Don’t know, don’t care.” He said as they made their way out of the gym and through a back hallway.
“Where are we going?”
“To see your boy before he fights.”
“Hush, he’s not my boy.” She said, rolling her eyes at him.
“Then why did you wake up in his bed this morning?” He teased and she shoved his shoulder as they approached the doors. “Everyone decent?” He yelled as he poked his head in, opening it further to let you in when he got the all clear. She found all the boys sitting on the tiny benches while Benny looked to be preparing for the fight. His demeanor immediately softened when he saw her, opening his arms to pull her in for a hug.
She placed a quick kiss on his cheek, “lookin’ good, Miller. These shorts are definitely the look for you,” she teased before hugging the rest of the guys.
“Glad you’re here, Y/N. He’s been a real sourpuss all day,” Frankie said, swiping the beer from her hand and taking a swig, completely ignoring her protests.
“With the way he woke up? Not sure how he could be in a sour mood,” Santi added. She rolled her eyes at him yet again and walked over to Benny as the rest of the boys settled into a different conversation.
“How you feelin’?” She asked, taking the tape from his hands to help tape his knuckles. He smiled at how delicate she was, holding his hand in hers as she wrapped.
“Better now that you’re here.”
“So corny, Miller.” She looked up at him for a moment before returning her focus to her task, “feel ready?”
“Hell yeah I do, so long as you’ll be front and center.”
“As promised.” She said, shooting him a smile and gripping his hands now that she was finished. She stood on her tiptoes, placing her lips just beside his ear to whisper, “win this match and there’s a prize for you underneath this dress.”
He sighed, gripping her waist before looking over her shoulder to make sure the boys were still paying them no mind, “I don’t know if that’s the best motivation or the worst distraction.”
“Better turn it into motivation, Miller.” She said with a smirk, turning to take a seat next to Frankie and steal her beer back, who moved his hands out of her grasp with a scowl.
“You steal my beer and you’re gonna give me that look, pendejo? Dáselo,” she said firmly, grinning smugly when he finally surrendered.
“Ready for your first fight night?” Will asked, clapping his hands down on her shoulders and rubbing them for a moment before offering a hand to help her up.
“Born ready,” she followed them all out into the hallway waiting behind the door for Benny’s cue. She hung back beside Santi, not wanting to be in the way as she could tell he was mentally preparing and getting in the mindset. He looked behind him for a moment, making sure she was still there and she cocked her head slightly, wondering what gears were turning in his head. He took a step towards her and grabbed her roughly, pulling her in and capturing her in a dizzying kiss. He pulled away and she couldn’t tell if the hunger in his eyes was for her or for the fight… probably a little bit of both.
“I intend to get that prize.” He said as the announcer read out his stats and walked through the gym with confidence as his music played. They followed behind and took their spots at the front, Y/N positioning herself right in the center as promised.
“Not your boy, huh?” Santi said, grinning cheekily at her.
“Jealous, Santi?”
“Only a little,” he teased and she shoved his shoulder, returning her focus to Benny as the fight began. She watched with rapt attention, cheering when he got a good hit in, wincing when he took one. Each round was over as quickly as it began and as the bell rang for the final round he shot her a wink before quickly going on offense and ending the fight with a deadly jab. The ref held his hand up in victory and they all cheered Benny on, their own voices drowning out the rest of the crowd. They made their way back to the locker room, waiting for their champion to return.
“One hell of a fight, Benny,” Will said proudly, “gotta get Y/N out here more if it means you fight like that.”
“Well, had something to fight for.” He kissed her again with the same intensity as before and she giggled as she pulled away, wiping his blood from her lips.
“Not that I don’t wanna kiss you but we gotta get you cleaned up, can’t necessarily say I have a blood kink, Miller.” The boys sensed it was time to take their leave, muttering something about meeting them at the bar before exiting. She rooted around his bag and found a towel, sitting him down on a bench before going to the sink to run warm water over it. She stood in between his legs, gently dabbing away the blood from his features.
His hands rested on her hips as she worked, “gotta say this is much better than Will cleaning me up after a fight.”
She laughed, “well, I’d hope so.”
“I’m sorry if the kiss earlier seemed rushed… sometimes the adrenaline takes over during these things-”
“Why are you apologizing? That was one hell of a first kiss,” she kissed his forehead and scanned his face, making sure she’d cleaned away any trace of blood. “How are you feeling, anything hurt?”
“Nothing more than normal.”
She squinted her eyes, “you sure? That hit to your ribs looked pretty brutal,” she crouched down to look, fingers gently probing the area with a serious look.
“You a doctor and not tell me?” He asked, smiling as he watched her tend to him with such care.
“Santi never told you? I was in med school, dropped out to join the army and was a medic for about half my military career.”
“Why’d you drop out? Doctor is a hell of a lot more cushy than what we do,” he said with a chuckle.
“Turns out I hate school, plus life’s more exciting this way. Means I get to meet cute boxers and play nurse on my Friday nights.” He winced when she reached a tender spot and she stood, “definitely bruised, we’ll ice them when we get home. Ready to head out?”
“Mmm, not yet.” He pulled her down to sit in his lap, kissing her softly. Still amped on adrenaline his desire grew and he stood up, pushing her against the lockers behind them. She moaned into the kiss when he slotted his thigh between her legs and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth. He kissed down her neck and looked at her with a glint in his eye, “now what about this prize I was promised?” She flushed as her fingers found the tie of her wrap dress, undoing it slowly and letting the dress fall on either side of her revealing a black lacy set that made Benny groan. He noticed a folded up flash card tucked beneath the fabric and looked at her inquisitively as she pulled it out.
“You said no sign, but I couldn’t resist…” She unfolded it and held it up for him, the small piece of paper decorated in a fuck ton of glitter, as she’d suggested, with bold black lettering that read ‘Sweep the leg, Benny’, and he let out a loud laugh.
“Is that a Karate Kid reference?” He carefully took the mini sign and looked at it as if she’d just handed him the holy grail.
“I didn’t want to write something boring like ‘go Benny’ and it seemed funny.”
“It’s perfect, I love it.” He said, going to his duffle bag to pull out his wallet and slide it in. She moved to tie her dress and he shot her a look that could kill, “and what do you think you’re doing?” She closed the distance as she knotted it into a perfect bow before giving him a quick kiss.
“Our friends are waiting for us, wouldn’t want them to think we’re desecrating this high school locker room.” She said, reaching in and pulling his normal clothes out for him to change into.
“They’ll think we did that anyways.” He pulled her back in and his hands trailed down her waist before disappearing under her dress and gripping at the flesh of her thigh.
“Nuh uh, not having sex with you for the first time in a place I’d be willing to bet 13 year olds jack off. Get dressed, I’ll be in the hall.” She kissed him again before leaning against the wall just outside the door, smiling to herself as her fingers touched her lips. She was in shock at how the past 24 hours for her had gone, she’d had no idea when she agreed to go out with Santi’s friends she’d end up here… starting something with a man she wished she’d met sooner.
He came out faster than she anticipated, lacing his fingers through hers as they went out the back door and into the parking lot. He stopped for a moment and looked at her, “shit did you drive? I came with Will.”
She laughed, “yeah, I’m over here.” Ever the gentleman he insisted on taking her keys and driving, after helping her in the passenger side. “You know, I am capable of driving my own car,” she teased as he backed out of the spot.
“Yeah well, you’re too pretty to drive when I’m around.” Her cheeks flushed and she rested her hand on top of his, which had found a home on her thigh. “Seriously, thank you for coming… Felt different having you here tonight, a good different.”
“I’ll cheer you on any night of the week,” she said, giving him a smile before he leaned over to kiss her at a red light. They pulled into the bar parking lot, same one they’d been at last night and she guessed this was their regular spot. They walked in to find them all already at the same booth, cheering as Benny walked in.
“There he is! We were getting worried you weren’t gonna show,” Frankie said, welcoming him and pouring them both beers from the pitcher sitting in the middle of the table.
“Almost didn’t but this one insisted we not keep you waiting.” He said, letting her slide into the booth before squeezing in next to her.
“Not 24 hours and you’re already trying to ditch us for her,” Will said, feigning hurt.
“I’d never allow it,” she said, taking a sip of her beer.
“See, she cares about us, Benny. Be nice if you did the same,” Frankie teased.
“Shut up, bunch of fuckin’ softies,” he responded, taking a swig of his beer. The boys began recounting the fight, Benny exaggeratedly giving a play-by-play from inside the ring when Santi tapped Y/N’s thigh to grab her attention.
“Headed down to Colombia tomorrow,” he said lowly, trying not to grab the attention of the others.
“Something happen?” She asked, concern already overtaking her mind.
“Nothing major, one of our guys got apprehended not realizing who they were apprehending, gotta go down and smooth it out. You know how crass some of them can be, no mind for the politics of it all.”
“You need me?” He was shaking his head before he even finished and Benny had tuned into the conversation making the rest of them follow suit.
“Should be fine, you’re still on leave anyways.” He said nonchalantly, sipping his beer.
“So are you.”
“It’ll be quick in and out, such a short flight I’ll probably be back tomorrow night.”
“Exactly, sure you don’t need me?”
“You guys leavin’ already?” Frankie asked, not even attempting to hide his sadness. Not so much at Santi, more so Y/N. She’d just started hanging with the guys and they were already used to her company. They’re well accustomed to the coming and going with everything they had going on but it didn’t make it fun to deal with.
“I am, she’s not. I’ll be back by tomorrow night, Sunday afternoon at the latest.”
“Fine, but keep me posted, I can be on a flight down as soon as possible.”
“Ay ay, captain.” After a few more rounds the boys started to announce their leave, starting with Frankie who muttered something about needing to get home to the baby. He was only allowed to leave after promising to send photos to Y/N. Benny, Santi and Y/N filed out last, going their separate ways after hugs goodbye and Benny seemed a little off on the drive home.
“Everything okay over there?” She asked, reaching over to put a hand on his knee.
“Yeah just… kinda realized we have a timer with you going back eventually.”
She shook her head, “I’m not supposed to be going back for at least a few months. With how things have been going, I might not be going back at all… Even Santi doesn’t need to be there all the time, he’s pretty much got it handled on his own.”
He nodded, “I know this is literally just starting, it just feels different. Kinda got scared about losing you when I just got you,” he admitted.
“Even if I went back you wouldn’t lose me. It’s a quick, cheap flight down. But don’t get yourself worked up about things that haven’t happened yet. We’ll deal with it if the time comes,” she gripped his free hand and brought it to her lips before settling it in her lap.
“You’re right,” he said, pulling into his driveway. The second they were inside the house his hands were on her, pinning her against the door and capturing her lips in a kiss, “took every ounce of restraint to keep my hands to myself at the bar,” he muttered as he kissed down her neck. He tugged her gently, slowly moving down the hall, catching her with a chuckle as she tripped trying to get her shoes off while still walking. They bumped into damn near everything they could, leaving a wake of Benny’s clothes as they went. He backed her up to the bed, roughly undoing her dress and pushing the fabric off her shoulders before she fell backwards onto the mattress, hooking her legs around him and pulling him with her.
“Can’t believe you fuckin’ wore this to my fight,” he mumbled as he kissed down her chest, fingers reaching behind her to undo the clasp, “whole time I was just thinking about this.”
“Served you well,” she said, gasping as his teeth nipped at the sensitive bud, “fought so well tonight.” He continued to kiss down her body, sucking marks into the flesh as he did. He slid off the bed and knelt before her, gripping her legs and tugging her down closer. He looped his thumbs through the waistband of her underwear, eyes meeting hers looking for approval before she nodded. He slid them down and groaned at the sight, pushing her legs open to take her in.
“God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he said mostly to himself, eyes raking over her figure and she suddenly felt sheepish under his gaze, legs beginning to close on instinct but he stopped her with a shake of his head, fingers gripping into her thighs before he buried himself in her, licking long teasing stripes up her center, desperate to taste her. A soft sigh fell from her lips as she relaxed onto the mattress, fingers lacing through his hair. His tongue lapped at her clit with expert precision, catching her off guard as a loud moan fell from her lips, the sound sending shockwaves straight to Benny’s cock. He groaned against her, sucking on the sensitive bud as he teased her entrance with his finger, slowly sliding inside. He worked her open, adding a second finger and increasing his speed, curling his fingers just enough to brush against her spot. She writhed beneath him, hips bucking as she silently pleaded for him to stop teasing but instead his free hand pressed her hips down into the mattress, keeping her still as he continued to take his time.
“Fucking hell, Benny,” she whined and he couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Relax, I’ve got you,” he returned his tongue to her clit, her body jolting at the return. The moans falling from her lips were driving him crazy and he lifted his hand from her hips to free himself of his boxers, lazily stroking his length to relieve some of the pressure. He stretched her out with a third digit and finally gave her what she’d been wanting, fingers curling and thrusting against that sweet spot until he felt her legs begin to shake.
“Fuck Benny, yes,” she whispered through breathy moans and he kept up his ministrations, groaning as he felt her walls flutter against his fingers. She tugged at his hair, mind going fuzzy as she felt that coil within her begin to tighten, her breathing growing more erratic as she struggled to get oxygen around her moans. She went silent for a moment, legs clamping around Benny’s head before he quickly pushed them back open, continuing his assault on her senses and she fell apart above him. He worked her through her climax, pumping in and out of her lazily as he moved on top of her, only pulling them out to slip them into her mouth where she eagerly sucked the remnants of her orgasm from his fingers.
“So beautiful,” he muttered as he pulled them out with a pop, hungrily kissing her while her hand reached between them to find his cock. He groaned into the kiss when her fingers wrapped around him, pumping him as she guided him to her entrance. She wrapped her legs around him, gasping as he sank into her, filling her to the brim. He pulled his lips from hers, brushing the hair from her face as he gave her a moment to adjust. She reached up to cup his jaw, her thumb running over his bottom lip as they stared into each other's eyes. He began to move slowly, and her eyes watered from the sting of the stretch.
“You okay?” He asked softly, wiping the wetness as he stopped moving, scanning her eyes for any hesitation and she nodded.
“Not used to - little bigger than anticipated,” his concern was replaced with a shit eating grin, resuming his gentle thrusts.
“Better get used to it babe,” he said pressing his forehead against hers. He took his time, making sure she was fully comfortable before increasing his speed when she nodded against him. She gripped at his biceps, gasping as he pulled out almost completely before quickly filling her up. She writhed beneath him, and she could tell he was still holding back a little.
“Good now Benny, don’t have to be so gentle with me.” She said, moving one hand up to grip at the hair at the base of his head. “C’mon, where’s that fight from tonight?” She challenged, and he smirked as he threw one leg over his shoulder and rutting into her. Her head dipped back as she moaned, pleasure coursing through her veins. She whimpered as he pulled out of her suddenly, grabbing her hips and flipping her over. She arched back, desperate to feel him inside her again and he chuckled darkly, watching her arousal drip down her legs.
“Pretty little pussy,” he said, fingers circling her clit as she let out a loud moan, “so needy for me.”
“Please Benny,” she whined, hips pushing back as she clenched around nothing. He teased her entrance with her fingers only briefly before returning to her clit, free hand coming down to slap her ass.
“Want me to be rough with you?” It was more of a statement but he was looking for verbal confirmation, not wanting to push her too far.
“Please Benny, fuck me,” she whined again, and he swore she’d do anything she ever asked if she said it like that. He pushed himself back inside her, groaning as she clenched around him as his fingers dug in and gripped her ass. He raked his fingers through her hair, gripping at the base and pulling her head back as she gasped, not being able to control the moans leaving her lips as he fucked into her. Her mind went blank, the only thought in her head being Benny’s name as his hand collided with her backside again, the burning sting making her groan as she pushed back against him.
“So fucking good for me,” he muttered, hand coming down again before gripping the flesh. The room filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin and their moans and Benny knew he wouldn’t last if she kept up those heavenly sounds. He pulled out of her, burying his face in her as he lapped up her juices, sucking her clit into his mouth and flicking his tongue against it, fingers roughly working their way inside and focusing on her spot.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” she moaned, gripping the sheets beside her as her second orgasm hit her like a freight train, white hot pleasure surging through her as his name fell from her lips like a prayer. He pushed her hips down into the bed, sliding back into her as his full weight pinned her beneath him. His hand snaked around her, wrapping around her throat and pulling her up just enough to kiss her, groaning into her mouth as she clenched around him.
“God, you’re incredible,” kissing her cheek and she melted under his praise, moaning as his hips snapped into her. “Taking me so well, gonna make me fill you up with my cum.”
“Please Benny, cum for me,” she begged, wanting to feel his release coat her walls.
He tutted, “not yet.” His hand left her throat, moving underneath her and circling her clit. She jolted beneath him, the stimulation overwhelming her senses. He fucked into her roughly, matching the pressure he applied to the sensitive nub and she whimpered beneath him, her hand flying back to grip his thighs. He groaned as her fingernails dug into his flesh as she tried desperately to do anything to ground herself in this moment, another wave of pleasure sending shockwaves through her body.
“Benny,” she whispered, head draping back against his shoulder as she felt the coil begin to tighten.
“One more for me baby, I got you.” He grunted as he let his head fall, staving off his own release, twitching inside her as her moans became desperate.
“Fuck,” she whimpered, “Benny I-” her eyes screwed shut as she went silent, body tensing as she began to come undone.
“So fucking pretty when you cum for me,” he groaned, his pace stuttering as throaty moans fell from her lips.
“Fuck, Benny, yes-” she all but cried writhing beneath him, falling over the edge as he groaned praise into her ear. Clenching around him like a vice grip he emptied himself into her, panting as his thrusts slowed, body relaxing against hers before rolling off and pulling her into his side. Her frame was still shaking against him, reeling from the aftershocks as she came down, Benny soothingly rubbing her arms.
“Still with me, baby?” He asked, placing a gentle kiss to her forehead, a stark contrast to his touches only moments before. She nodded against him, her breathing beginning to stabilize as she craned up to look at him, silently asking for a kiss that he immediately obliged. “Stay put, gonna clean you up.” She sighed at the loss of contact but he returned quickly, damp towel in his hand that he used to tenderly wipe the beads of sweat from her forehead before cleaning the mess of their juices between her thighs. He pulled her up gingerly, ignoring her whines as he kissed her forehead. “Go to the bathroom, I’ll get some water.”
She did as she was told, thankful for the reminder and thankful he was already back in bed when she returned, “you really are a prince among men, Miller.” She said gratefully accepting the glass before polishing it off in one sitting. He pulled it from her hands to set on the nightstand before tugging her down, his long arms enveloping her and holding her against him, attacking every inch of her face with kisses as she giggled.
“And you really are incredible.” He gently pushed her onto her side, molding his body against hers as he pulled the blanket on top of them.
“Good thing I don’t have plans tomorrow, pretty sure you’ll have to carry me out of here on a stretcher,” she said with a breathy laugh as sleep began to tug at her mind.
“Oh, you have plans tomorrow sweetheart.” She hummed, her way of asking without using words, “I’m not finished with you yet.” He whispered, placing a kiss to her shoulder as she drifted off…
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vivalas-vega · 4 years
‘You’re Really Something’ / Poe Dameron x Reader
idk if I like this... I think I do lol, we’ll see in the morning. As usual I’m posting this late, so ignore any mistakes, I’ll fix em tomorrow. Let me know what you think!! pls validate me
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Title: ‘You’re Really Something’
Word Count: 3.6k+
Warnings: Smut, smut, and some more smut. Sex pollen, thigh riding, light choking, cockwarming, and a little bit of fluff... really it’s got it all.
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The jungle Y/N now found herself in was unlike anything she’d seen before. She’d come from a small planet in the Outer Rim, a bleak desert wasteland that was targeted some years ago by the First Order. It was the Resistance that brought her to this dense greenery alongside the cocky flyboy who crashed them here and she wanted to be mad, she really did, but as she stared at the most beautiful trees she’d ever seen, she couldn’t find it in her to be anything but happy. That, and the fact that them crashing here meant they weren’t needed for a while, no one was counting on them to risk their lives, or save someone else’s. It felt selfish, but she couldn’t help but sigh in relief at the lack of responsibility… if only for a few hours.
“Poe, come on. Just leave it, we talked with General Organa right before we crashed, she knows where we are.” The raven-haired pilot was currently tinkering around the engine, just as he had been the last half-hour. There was nothing to fix, but he was stubborn and embarrassed he’d crashed. “She’ll send a rescue team but not until morning, you know that. I hear something on the other side of those trees, let’s go see if we can find something to eat, maybe a hotel if we’re lucky.” She pleaded, desperate to get away from the thick covering of trees, convinced it’d be cooler if they could just get out.
He sighed, standing up and looking at her for a moment. He wanted to resist, but he knew she was right and there was a gnawing pain in his stomach gently reminding him he hadn’t eaten since yesterday. “Fine.” He walked past her, trudging through the trees and she quietly laughed to herself, she couldn’t help it as she watched the pilot pout. She caught up to him and nudged his shoulder with her own.
“Stop moping, it wasn’t your fault we crashed. It was a rusty old junker, I’m kind of surprised we got as far as we did.”
“We were so close though, we could be sleeping in our own beds tonight if I had just… I don’t know, done something differently..” He was exhausted, and she couldn’t blame him. It’d been a rough mission that went south, and she was also looking forward to the comfortable familiarity of her paper-thin mattress waiting for her on base, but she was choosing to look at the bright-side. 
“There’s nothing you could have done differently so just get over it. We’ll see what we see in this little town, and if there’s nothing we’ll head back to the ship, eat some gross ration bars and do some good old fashioned camping.” They finally emerged through the trees, seeing a quaint little village full of lively people and creatures. It seemed as though there were some kind of festivities happening, and Y/N couldn’t stop the grin that spread across her face as she took it all in. Poe, who had been trying his best to stay grumpy, couldn’t help but mirror the action and he realized she hadn’t seen as much of the galaxy as he had. Being a flight controller kept her in the confines of wherever they happened to be based that week, except for the rare occasions when Poe would bring her along, and he felt a little selfish for being so cranky when she was trying to make the most of a bad situation. She wandered into the fray, and Poe kept a watchful eye on her. It seemed peaceful and welcoming, but he knew all too well how things could change in an instant. He watched from a few feet away as a local draped a string of flowers over her shoulders, and she looked to him with wide eyes and a wide smile, causing him to chuckle and close the distance between them.
“You should wear flowers all the time, it suits you.” He brushed a strand of her hair back, and her nose scrunched up as she smiled at him. “You enjoy, I’m going to go find us some food.” He said, his voice raised so as to be heard over the chatter as he walked away, leaving her in the mix of dancing and strange music and Y/N couldn’t have been happier. When he’d returned she was sweaty and a little out of breath, stumbling away from a kind stranger who had pulled her in to dance.
“I got tired.” She said, laughing breathlessly as she accepted the food he handed her. It was a strange sweet dish, some kind of rice and a sticky sauce. Y/N’s hand reached out to wipe a bit of sauce from the corner of his mouth, and they were both startled by the intimacy of the small gesture. 
Before they could even react, an older woman was encroaching their space. She held a small wooden container in her hand, and Y/N knew it was spice before she even opened it, being able to recognize the musky odor. “For the happy couple?” She asked, and they both began stammering, flush rising to their cheeks.
“Oh, no no, we’re not… not a couple, just friends.” The woman just gave a mischievous smile as she looked between the two of them. She began to sprinkle the dust over their food before they could protest, and she just waved their hands away when they did. “You will thank me, it is a gift for our lovely visitors. Go on, eat up. Enjoy!” She gestured vaguely to the mess of people dancing and laughing, and as she disappeared Poe and Y/N just stared at each other.
“I mean do we… do we eat it?” Poe asked, and she just shrugged her shoulders.
“We don’t even know what kind of spice it is. For all we know she could be poisoning us.” She was only playing devil’s advocate, as she looked out at the joy surrounding her she couldn’t believe anyone here would wish them harm though she did think somewhere in the back of her mind that accepting spice from a stranger was never the brightest of ideas. She looked back at her food, the powder lightly coating the top of what remained, and she shrugged again, loading up a bite and holding it up to cheers his, “to whatever the fuck is about to happen.” She said, taking the bite. The spice added a strange but wonderful flavor, and before they knew it they were scarfing it down. Poe took their plates back to wherever he’d gotten it from, and when he got back he took her hand suddenly, pulling her into the throng of people, all sweaty and dancing like their lives depended on it. It was unlike anything Y/N had ever experienced, her life had been drab before the Resistance, and though her life was now filled with excitement, it wasn’t always the good kind and she couldn’t believe that somewhere out there in the galaxy there were still people enjoying life with as little as they had. The village was nothing fancy, she could see it stretched out a little beyond where the town square was, and she could see that these people had been just barely making do and strangely it gave her hope. It was reminding her what she was fighting for, the planets they were trying to keep safe. Leia always told her hope was like the sun, if you only believed in it when you saw it, you’d never make it through the night and as much as she tried to hold on to that hope, it often slipped through her fingers every time she watched people she loved die, every time the First Order took over another planet. In her eyes, hope bred eternal misery. 
Poe’s eyes were on her as they danced, and she began to feel quite flush, his hands on her hips felt like they were ablaze and she quickly unzipped her borrowed flysuit to reveal a tight tank top underneath. She sighed as the air hit her chest, and Poe couldn’t stop his eyes from trailing down her form. His warm hands took hers, and he pulled her in as the music changed. He expertly moved them in a circle, and she laughed as she tried to keep up with him, but suddenly got serious as he twirled her around and pulled her into him, their chests pressed against one another. Though they’d stopped moving, the gentle hum that rolled through them made them feel like they were buzzing. Their hearts were threatening to beat out of their chests, and their minds were swirling as they both tried to get a grip on themselves. Heat washed over them in waves, and the longer they stared at each other the more Y/N had to fight the urge to squeeze her thighs together. It felt like a strange staring contest as their fingers delicately traced one another, desperate to explore but terrified to make a real move. Each one was trying to will the other to do something, and Poe’s eyes darkened at the sigh that fell off her lips as he gently pulled her hips into his and her hands came up to rest on his shoulders to stabilize herself. 
“Sweetheart, I think we’re in a little bit of trouble.” He whispered into her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure that wasn’t just spice.” She said, leaning against him as she looked at him through her lashes. “I’d say we have about ten minutes before it becomes unbearable.” 
“You’ve taken sex pollen before?” He was slightly impressed as he looked down at her, and all he could think about was kissing her.
“It’s not entirely like we have a choice here, but are you okay with this? I’m sure we could, uh… find other ways to-,” she smiled softly, even under a haze he was still him.
“Shut up, Dameron.” She took his hand and drug him away from the crowd, looking up the crowded street for a particular sign and she let out a noise of approval as she spotted a photo of a bed above some text she couldn’t read. She tossed credits across the desk to the worker, who gave them a knowing smile as they handed Y/N the key, taking in their dilated eyes and dewy skin.
“Last door at the end of the hallway… for extra privacy.” They snickered as they walked down the hallway, and the awkwardness was not lost on them as Poe’s hands ran over her hips as she unlocked the door. He pushed her into the room, and her back met the wall with a thud as the door shut behind them. She felt cornered under his gaze and she couldn’t help but giggle. She’d always thought Poe was handsome, but never allowed herself to think of him like this. He was her best friend, the person she turned to for comfort, the one who always made her laugh, no matter what was going on around them. It had crossed her mind once or twice, that they’d be good together but she knew Poe’s reputation and she didn’t want to ruin their friendship with personal drama so she stuffed those thoughts aside, put them away in a locked box and never thought of them again. Until tonight. Their eyes were locked, taking a moment of stillness to enjoy the moment despite the aching desire they both had to be anything but still.
“Do you have any idea how fucking beautiful you are?” He asked, his fingers brushing her hair back as he just looked into her eyes and the intensity was overwhelming. He slowly moved his thigh between her legs, effectively trapping her as he leaned against her and she whined at the pressure against her core. She gently cupped his face, pulling him towards her and her eyes flicked from his lips to his eyes as a small smirk formed on her lips.
“We really doing this, Dameron?” She asked breathlessly, another whine falling off her lips as he pushed his thigh up, the friction was sinful and she felt overstimulated before it’d even begun.
“I think I’ll explode if we don’t.” His lips finally met hers, and she melted against him as he kissed her with an urgency she’d never felt before. Despite knowing what sex pollen entailed, it was different with Poe. His touches left her skin tingling, and the heat emanating from both of their bodies was suffocating as she unzipped his flysuit and pushed it down his shoulders, both shedding their shirts, desperately trying to cool their burning skin. Her hips rocked against his leg, desperate for more and her body shook at the sensation. She was sure she was soaking through her suit and onto his but she didn’t care. His hands floated down to her hips where he firmly guided them along his thigh, increasing her speed and he palmed himself through his pants to alleviate some of the pressure. He watched as she fell apart above him, the sounds falling from her lips were ethereal and he was certain he wanted to hear them for the rest of his life. Her breaths were shallow as she pushed him backwards into the room. They both awkwardly kicked the rest of their suits off, and shared a chuckle as they made eye contact. She pushed him back onto the bed and settled on the ground in front of him, the look he gave her as she pulled his boxers down sent electricity to her throbbing core and her mouth watered as his length sprung from the fabric. She licked a stripe up his shaft before taking him in her mouth, and she moaned against him as his hands tangled in her hair and gripped. She lifted her eyes to look at him, and her fingers reached down to push her underwear off and lazily circle her aching bud, desperate for some kind of pressure as she watched him, face contorted beautifully in pleasure as she took him fully in her mouth, bobbing rhythmically. She felt him twitch inside her, and he started to pull her head away, but she swatted his hand.
“Sweetheart, I don’t want to blow my load before I’ve had a chance to properly fuck you.” His dirty words mixed with his sweet tone was intoxicating as she pulled off him with a pop. 
“Trust me, this is the first of many.” She reattached her mouth to him, her tongue swirling his tip before taking him fully and within a few seconds she felt his salty seed at the back of her throat. He roughly pulled her up, capturing her lips in a kiss as she settled on his lap. She was desperate to feel him inside her, and the look in his eyes told her the same. Their shallow pants were fanning over each other's faces and Poe lined himself up against her entrance, one of his hands had cupped her cheek as she slowly lowered herself onto him. They both hissed, and she leaned against him fully as he filled her completely, the pleasure rolling over them was indescribable. Y/N’s eyes shut as she leaned her forehead against his, adjusting to how full he made her feel. They stalled for a moment, enjoying the closeness and sense of relief as they finally got what they needed.
He pressed a lazy kiss to her jaw as she began moving her hips, slowly bouncing in his lap as the urgency built. “You’re fucking incredible.” He mumbled against her skin as he bucked his hips up to meet hers, and the room was filled with the sound of slapping skin and their moans. His hands tangled in her hair, roughly gripping at the base of her skull and tugging her head back to give him full access to her neck. He nibbled and sucked along the delicate and she knew she’d have marks to deal with tomorrow but she couldn’t be bothered to care, she never wanted him to stop. He tossed her onto the bed next to her, causing her to let out a squeal as he nodded his head, gesturing her to scoot back on the bed. He stood and looked her over for a moment, so beautiful with her legs open for him, squirming under his gaze. He stroked his cock a few times as he crawled into the bed and nestled his head between her thighs. He’d been planning to crawl on top of her and bury himself in her, but was so tempted by her dripping cunt and he needed to know what she tasted like. He took his time, lapping at her slowly as she writhed beneath him and in her frustration she wondered how the hell he was content to move so slowly. Desire coursed through her veins and all she wanted was for him to fuck her, but that thought slipped her mind as a finger shallowly teased her entrance before two pushed into her, quickly filling her and thrusting against her sweet spot so perfectly. 
“More… fuck Poe, more.” She begged and he inserted a third finger, stretching her as he massaged against her spot, tongue swirling and sucking her sensitive bud as curses fluttered off her lips. Sweat coated her entire body as her hips bucked against him, desperate for something she wasn’t getting and she let out a whine that stopped him dead in his tracks as he looked up at her, “Poe, please…” her voice was broken as she tugged at him and he would do whatever she wanted so long as she asked like that. Her chest heaved as she tried to pull oxygen into her lungs, the desire to have his cock inside her was burning hot and deep, and the dull ache was beginning to sting.
“What, honey?” His fingers had slowed but continued pumping in and out of her. 
“Please, I-” she gasped as his thumb circled her clit, “I need you… maker, I need you to fuck me, Poe, please.” She whined and he swiftly removed his fingers and was hovering above her in an instant. He pushed into her easily, cock twitching as she moaned and began rutting into her. The bed shook underneath them and he swung her leg over his shoulder, grunting as he filled her completely. He gripped the sheets beside her head as he rocked against her, both of their orgasms beginning to build. Her hands desperately gripped his hips as his free hand wandered to her throat, his fingers wrapping around the delicate skin. He was pushing her leg as far back as it would go and applying such sinful pressure to the sides of her neck and she felt lightheaded as her orgasm hit her as fast as a rubber band snapping. She clenched around him, moaning his name like a prayer as she shook around him. His pace was relentless as he chased his own release, fucking her through her aftershocks until she was a mess beneath him. His pace slowed as he gave a couple hard thrusts, emptying himself into her, and he collapsed on top of her as he finished, causing her to giggle breathlessly as she tried to push him away.
“Maker, I’m fucking spent, how do I want more?” He asked as he rolled off of her, both wincing as he pulled out. She rolled onto her side and he followed suit, wrapping his long arms around her waist and pulling her into him as close as he could. His still-hard length pressed against her thigh and she reached her hand back to line him up to her entrance. He pushed in slowly, both gasping at the over-stimulation and she sighed as he bottomed out. He began to gently move his hips, but she placed a hand on his hips to stop him.
“Let’s just rest like this for a moment.” She said, snuggling against him and he relaxed into her. It was comforting to be this close, and while they were both still buzzing it seemed like the effects of the spice were beginning to dull. His cock throbbed inside her, and she hummed as his fingertips traced along her skin.
“You are magical.” He whispered as he placed a kiss to her shoulder and she chuckled softly. 
“That’s the spice talking.”
“No, it’s me talking. Sex pollen might have forced us together but… I’ve been wanting this for a while.” He kissed the top of her head, and she smiled as she nuzzled into him.
“I think I have too, I was just ignoring it the best I could.” She slid her hand atop his and intertwined their fingers, “you’re really something, Poe.” He kissed her head again.
“You know, that might be the best compliment I’ve ever received. You really paint a picture, darling.” She laughed, pulling her hand from his to swat it playfully.
“I’m sorry, was that not good enough for you?”
“I suppose it’ll suffice.”
“I could say something like… you are the best thing I’ve ever tasted.” She whispered, turning her head as much as she could to place a sloppy kiss on his lips, “or I could tell you how hot it is when you call me ‘darling.’” Another kiss as she rolled her hips back, smirking at his groan, “or I could tell you how not hot it was when you crashed us onto this planet…” she said, a mischievous tone to her voice as she teased him. He gripped her hip and bucked into her roughly and she clenched around him as she gasped at the unexpected movement.
“Careful, darling.” He warned, and Y/N just pushed her hips back against him.
“Don’t threaten me unless you mean it, Commander.” He chuckled darkly as his fingers dug into her hips, likely leaving bruises, before roughly pumping his length in and out of her.
“You’re really something, sweetheart.”
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vivalas-vega · 5 years
longshot / poe dameron x reader / part one
The inspiration hit for this a couple days ago, and it’s all I could think about so here we go. Get ready for some fun Professor Poe x Reader !!! this is going to be an ongoing series, so let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for this! If you’re also impatient and wanna get a glimpse at what the rest of this fic might look like... title inspo came from Longshot by Catfish and the Bottlemen ;) lemme know if you like it! enjoy! -b 
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Title: Longshot, chapter one
add yourself to my taglist
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: none
I don’t own anything :) 
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Y/N’s entire being relaxed as she stood in the bookstore aisle, breathing in that new-book scent mixed with coffee from the in-house cafe. Her fingers nimbly opened a book, reading the jacket cover’s description, but only for a few moments before she ultimately put it back on the shelf. Her thoughts were scattered as she meandered the aisles, she didn’t really need a new book, even though she’d leave with one anyways. Stars knew she had plenty of unread books awaiting her on her own shelves at home, she wasn’t even entirely sure why she came in the first place. The familiarity of the store drew her in as she was driving home, her old college hangout calling out to offer her solace as her life seemingly crumbled around her. Sure this wasn’t true, it was hyperbolic and she knew it but she couldn’t help but err on the side of the dramatic given everything that had happened. The raindrops pattering against the glass windows rounded out the aesthetic, wrapping her in a blanket of warmth and comfort as her guard dropped for the first time in months, and of course, it was in that exact moment that she bumped into a familiar stranger, the hairs on her neck raising at the voice she remembered all too well.
“God, I’m so sorry, I’m a real mess today, let me help-,” the man had started as he picked up the book she’d dropped, “Y/N?” He asked, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips and she couldn’t help but mirror the action.
“Hey, Professor D.” She said, her smile growing.
“Gah, Professor. Call me Poe.” He said as he read the inside jacket. The silence was comfortable, much like their relationship had been all throughout college. She brought life to his classroom, he was convinced she was the only student on campus that actually gave a damn about history. She spurred every debate amongst her peers and almost always won - though she’d insist she did win every time. Her second year with him was different, stepping into the role of his teaching assistant. She was hardly vocal in classes, and he would have missed it except the relationship further blossomed in the new environment. He always thought she was whip-smart, but only realized just how much more she was than that during the private conversations they shared in his office - each grading stacks of papers they both deemed borderline illiterate. They were almost friends if that sort of thing were allowed.
“I see your reading interests haven’t changed.” He said with a small smirk as he handed the book back.
“Nothing like a little true crime to help you fall asleep at night.”
“I never understood why you didn’t get nightmares from this stuff.”
“It’s just cause you’re faint-hearted.”
“That’s mean and untrue.” He said, causing her to laugh. It was a simple interaction, as if no time had passed. But in reality, four years had passed, and it was evident. He looked her over, trying not to be too obvious. She was still her, but there was something different and he felt it. Not in her appearance but in her demeanor. Though he knew it was to be expected - of course she’s not the same as she was when she was twenty-four. In the strangest of moments, the other would creep into their mind, Y/N always wrote it off as a simple connection. He was her favorite professor, he helped shape her into who she is, of course she’s going to think about him from time to time. Poe, on the other hand, couldn’t help but think of her when she graced his TV screen every night before bed. “What brings you home?” He finally asked.
“Long story, nothing exciting.” She said, and he just gave her a look.
“I don’t believe that for a second.” He said, trying not to prod while still seeming interested. She paused for a moment, carefully considering her words before she spoke them, but she just shook her head and sighed.
“It really is a long story. I’m going to take a leap and probably embarrass myself here but... would you like to come over? I mean, you’re probably busy but I just stopped at a dispensary... do you even- who am I kidding you’re a history professor,” she was stumbling over her words and he tried to hide his smile as he watched, “anyways, I was going to order some take-out and sit alone but I would much rather catch up with you... if you’re not busy.” She finally finished and felt a pit in her stomach as she waited for him to respond.
“I’m not busy, I would love to, Y/N.” He said genuinely, and her smile was practically radiant. They abandoned their books, both too preoccupied with each other to even bother checking out. She coyly grabbed his phone from his hand as they walked out the front doors, inputting her address into the maps application.
“In case you lose me, I’ve been told I’m impossible to follow.” She explained as she handed it back, “you should also put a lock on your phone, Poe.” She called over her shoulder as she walked to her car, causing him to shake his head and laugh. He liked the sound of his name falling off her lips, almost as much as she liked saying it. She thought about this on the drive home, and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes at herself. Just two weeks ago she was home, well, her new home - she was happy, or so she thought and now here she was, bringing her college professor to her parent's old house that was technically now hers. It was enough to put her head on a swivel, as if it hadn’t been already. She pulled into her driveway, and got out of her car, smiling to Poe who pulled in right behind her. His smile overtook his whole face, and he ran a hand through his curly locks.
“Oh, stars help me.”
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next part
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vivalas-vega · 5 years
longshot / poe dameron x reader / part two
Here it is !! chapter two !! I wanted this to be a slow burn but I have no fucking self-control, and neither do y/n and Poe. enjoy the smut, you filthy animals. also, when I write using y/n interrupts my flow for some reason, so I always assign a name to make it easier... this one happens to be Nora. I did a proofread but it’s a long one so if you see Nora just replace it with y/n!! 
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Title: Longshot, chapter two
add yourself to my taglist
Word Count: 3.2k+ I got a lil carried away
Warnings: smut. but nice smut with eskimo kisses 
I don’t own anything star wars related :)
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The laughter subsided as Poe passed the joint back to Y/N, he was beginning to realize he was in a little over his head here. It was a fancy thing, she said it had been rolled with a tea leaf and he wondered when they’d stopped using normal paper, though he had to admit it was smoother. If you had told him when he woke up this morning he was going to be sitting on his favorite former student's couch, smoking expensive weed, and talking about the silliest topics he wouldn’t have believed you, but he really would have wanted to.
“So, when are we going to talk about the fact that you’re the go-to political commentator, and why the hell you’re not in New York right now?” He finally asked. He’d been trying to find the right way and time all night, but he realized bluntly asking was the way to go with Y/N. She gave him a sheepish smile.
“I was wondering when you’d finally ask, I try not to talk about work unless prompted because well... people have their opinions.” She said vaguely, and he noticed a strange look cross her face, but he didn’t have the time to decipher it before it quickly disappeared. “Honestly, I needed a break. I keep my personal life as private as I can, but I was engaged. I didn’t wear my ring on the air, and I always thought it was because I was preserving my privacy but... that relationship was doomed from the start.” She said, taking a drag of the joint and passing it back to Poe, “I was always ashamed of the fact that I wouldn’t have my job if it weren’t for my grandfather, and he thought I shouldn’t care about how I got to where I am, just that I got there. When I became a permanent contributor on CNN everything started to blow up for me and he just got mean, and jealous. The relationship began caving in on itself, and my work dynamic wasn’t making anything better so... here we are.” She said, gesturing around her as Poe passed the joint back. She took the final hit and snuffed it out in the ashtray on the coffee table before settling back into the couch.
“He had you and he let it end because he was jealous? What an idiot. He should have been shouting from the rooftops how proud he was to be with you.”
“That’s what I said!” She said, laughing. Even throughout college, Poe always knew what to say to make her feel better. Whether it was a problem with another professor or boy drama, he had a knack for calming her down. “What about you?” She asked, playfully nudging his leg with her foot. “Someone finally make an honest man out of you or are you still a rolling stone?” Her smile was a little mischievous as she hinted at his past, it was one of those things she always wanted to ask about but never knew if she’d be crossing the line and getting too personal.
“You overestimate me, I was never a rolling stone.” He said, and Y/N just rolled her eyes.
“Yeah right, I might have kept my head down but I still heard the talk. If you weren’t banging a TA, you were banging someone on the faculty. You were never known for your subtlety, Poe.”
“Okay listen, it was one TA one time. I swear I will never live that down.” He said and she burst out laughing, “and I had a rule about things with colleagues, so the faculty one really was just a rumor. I can’t help it if I’m handsome and charismatic.”
“And humble.”
“I really am.” She rolled her eyes again.
“You know, I had always wondered why you never made a move on me. The year I became your TA I was expecting it but then nothing.”
“Now who’s humble?” He said teasingly and a silence settled on the room, the only sound being Bob Dylan faintly singing from her record player, something Poe had put on when she excused herself to change from her ‘godforsaken hell pants’, as she lovingly called them, into something a little more comfortable. “I never made a move because I know I have a very flirty personality and I know what my reputation is. I never wanted to put you in an uncomfortable position. That TA was a one-time hookup, we never actually connected. You, on the other hand, were my best student. I wanted to teach you, and you wanted to learn. I never wanted to take advantage of that.”
“You’re a good guy, Poe.” She said, her smile was soft but genuine.
“Yeah, you say that but trust me... I was thinking about it.” He said cheekily, and his laugh was booming as this caught her off guard. She grabbed the nearest throw pillow and hurled it at him.
“You’re impossible,” she said through her laughter. The room got quiet again, and when the record player emitted a soft static noise, Poe got up and changed the album. She watched as he flipped through her collection intently, looking for just the right thing to put on. He finally settled on a John Mayer album, and she hummed in content when ‘Clarity’ filled the room. It was comfortable, and they were both thinking about how much they loved this. It was strange, the way they both felt that it should be strange. Former student, and former professor hanging out four years later, getting stoned and just being in each other’s company but it didn’t. It felt right. It felt like maybe this is how things were supposed to be all along. “I’m sorry I never kept in touch.” She said suddenly, and Poe lifted his attention from the spinning record to her, confusion overtaking his features.
“You don’t have to apologize, Y/N.”
“No, I do. I said I would, and I didn’t. I know the university was strict about how students and faculty interacted, but we were friends. You weren’t just my professor and I should have kept in touch.”
“A phone works both ways, if you’re blaming yourself then blame me, too.” He said, sitting next to her on the couch. “It’s not often that students keep in touch, they graduate and they move on to their real lives. It happens every year. You were off doing big things and making your mark on the world, watching you do that was rewarding enough.”
“Yeah whatever, I still should have done better.” She said, completely ignoring what he had said as she leaned back. Her shoulders brushed against his, and he instinctively rested a hand on her knee before quickly removing it.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t-,” she cut him off by gently grabbing his hand and placing it back where it was.
“It’s okay.” She reassured before lightly resting her head on his shoulder. They sat like this for quite some time, simply listening to the music and enjoying each other’s company. Y/N wondered if things would have been like this if they had kept in touch, or perhaps it was the distance and growing up that was allowing them to act like this. Poe eventually lifted his arm, letting her slump slightly and snuggle into his chest and she could have purred at how comfortable she was. Her arm was draped across him and her thumb was drawing abstract patterns on his chest, just as he was doing to her side. “This is nice.” She finally said, wanting to break the silence but she wasn’t sure what else to say. She felt his chuckle rumble through his chest.
“It is nice.” He said, giving her waist a squeeze. “Could have been doing this the whole time if you had called instead of abandoning me.” He teased, and she playfully swatted his chest.
“Oh, fuck off.” He tickled her side in response and immediately regretted that decision as she squealed and flew forward, knocking his jaw with the top of her head as she did so. He groaned in pain, and she turned on the couch to face him, her fingers delicately holding his jaw as she looked.
“Oh, you’ll be fine. It’s a lesson everyone learns the hard way, I am not to be tickled.” She said, leaning in and placing a soft kiss to the point of impact. “See, good as new.” She practically whispered as they both just looked at each other. Sure they had just been cuddling, but the action was so tender and intimate it rendered them both a little speechless. The tension that hung in the air was almost palpable, each one of them thinking the same thing but being too scared to actually do anything about it. They were both convinced their hearts were going to hammer out of their chests as they waited in anticipation for the other to do literally anything. Desire flowed through Y/N’s veins, and it ached. Her whole body was yearning to feel his touch, but she knew that once they crossed that line there was no going back. Her mind was a flurry of thoughts as she tried to see through the fog he was creating as his hands coyly moved along her legs, guiding her to his lap. She could have whined as she settled onto him, the pressure against her core doing nothing to stop her from what she wanted so badly. He was looking up at her as if she hung the moon, and she was certain she could melt right then and there. She leaned forward without even thinking, it was her body’s natural instinct to kiss him, and she couldn’t spend another second of her life not knowing what he tasted like. She had started the kiss, but his lips quickly overtook hers as he deepened the kiss, both desperate for more. His hands were gripping so tightly she was sure he would leave bruises, and her hips rolled against him at the thought. His fingertips felt like fire as they brushed along her body, feeling as much of every inch and curve as he could, and he moaned into her mouth as she tugged at his curls. His hands snaked up to her hair where he gripped at the base and pulled her head back slightly, giving him full access to pepper kisses along her neck. She smiled as she let her head fall back into his hand, a soft, breathy moan falling off her lips as he nibbled up to her ear, causing her to let out a giggle as she tilted her head forward and let her forehead rest on his.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered before catching her lips in a quick, but dizzying kiss. She couldn’t help but smile and place kisses his cheeks before trailing down his neck. Her fingers nimbly undid the buttons of his shirt, as she brought her lips back to his. She blindly pushed his shirt off him and threw it somewhere behind her. He broke the kiss just long enough to pull her shirt off and do the same, and Y/N moaned into him feeling his length against her core as she rolled her hips. Her hands made quick work of his belt and pants, undoing them and Poe would have been disappointed as her body left his if she hadn’t settled on the floor in front of him, her slender fingers tugging his pants and boxers down to reveal his fully erect cock as it flopped against his stomach. She made eye contact with him as she gripped the base, giving him a few strokes before licking up his shaft and collecting the drops of precum with her tongue. She took his length in her mouth slowly, and he tensed underneath her, a soft sigh falling from his lips as she began bobbing her head up and down. His hands pulled her hair back, keeping it out of her face as he watched her in awe, taking his cock so beautifully for him and never once breaking eye contact. He sat forward, gently pulling her back up to kiss her before laying her back on the couch as he kicked the rest of his pants off, his eyes asking permission before he pulled her leggings down, and he smiled at her lack of underwear. He pulled her to the edge of the couch, pushing her legs open and kissing up her thighs, his fingers gripping and exploring everywhere except the place she needed him the most. She writhed underneath him, hips squirming as she was desperate for him to touch her properly but he seemed unaware as he made sure no skin was left unkissed before he finally licked a stripe along her core, causing her to twitch as his nose bumped her clit. His fingers pushed her folds open, collecting her wetness as he shallowly teased her entrance, his other hand keeping her hips in place as they tried to protest.
“For fuck's sake, Poe.” She whined, and he pulled a moan from her as his tongue swirled along her clit, followed by a chuckle. He finally pushed a finger into her entrance, watching as she sighed in relief and he couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked. Wrecked before he’d even properly fucked her, splayed out before him. He focused his tongue on her clit, watching her body cues and slowly adding a second digit. He replaced his tongue with his thumb, and hovered above her, capturing her lips in a slow kiss as his fingers continued their blissful pace. One of her hands gripped his hair, and he kissed her wrist, watching as she began to fall apart beneath him. A breathy ‘yes’ left her lips as he kissed her cheek, his lips brushing against her ear.
“Cum for me, darling.” He whispered, sending her over the edge. Her legs attempted to clench shut, but he only pushed them back open, his fingers never letting up as he worked her through her orgasm, the sounds falling from her mouth sending shockwaves straight to his cock. Her hand reached blindly for him, pumping his shaft when she found him as he climbed onto the couch over her. He pressed his body against hers, resting against her slightly as he pulled one of her legs up and over his shoulder, brushing her nose with his as he lined up to her entrance. “Are you sure?” Asking permission one last time, and her hands were desperate as one tangled in his hair, the other on his bicep.
“Yes,” she answered as their foreheads pressed together, his cock pushing into her entrance and filling her to the brim. She gasped softly, her eyes closing as her walls adjusted to him, and the hand on his bicep gripped and pulled as if he could get any closer than he already was.
“Good?” He asked, checking in as his hips began moving slowly. She nodded, and he leaned up, bracing himself with one hand on the arm of the couch, the other holding her leg at the knee. He kept his pace slow, leaving her breathless as she felt every detail of his cock inside her, pulling almost all the way out before pushing back in. His eyes were on hers, his hand sliding down her leg where his fingers drew circles on her clit and her eyes rolled back as she wondered if she’d ever been this taken care of during sex before deciding she hadn’t. His fingers and hips quickened their pace and her eyes reopened to watch him above her. She was sure no one had ever looked as beautiful as he did right now, and she pulled him into a kiss. His cock brushed her spot perfectly with every thrust, and she couldn’t contain the moans leaving her lips, and he never wanted to stop hearing them. Every sound brought him closer to his release, and they were both sure they were seeing stars. The couch rocked underneath them, legs scraping against the floor every time he pounded into her. He dropped his arm from the back of the couch, pressing his chest against hers as her legs wrapped around him. It was intimate, the way their noses brushed and fingers gripped the other's skin, both close to their peak. Y/N brought a hand to his cheek, cupping his face as the other gripped his hair again, his groans sending lightning bolts to her core. He pressed her forehead against hers, and his hips began to falter as his release approached. Her breathing quickened and her grip on his locks tightened, and she muttered something that Poe couldn’t quite make out over the sound of their skin slapping against each other and the couch threatening to rattle apart beneath them. He adjusted his thrust, and she let out a moan that made his heart stop.
“Oh fuck, Poe, right there.” She moaned out, and that he heard clear as day. “I’m so close, oh my god, Poe.” She whimpered beneath him and he kissed along her face, memorizing every detail as he felt her chest rapidly rise and fall beneath him. Her eyes rolled back as her walls clenched around him, sending the most blissful ripples through her body. She was silent for a moment before a moan ripped through her followed by a series of expletives as he emptied his seed into her. She begged him not to stop as he fucked her through her orgasm, groans falling from his lips as each trust milked him dry. His hips finally stuttered to a stop as they both just laid there, trying to catch their breaths. She placed tender kisses to his cheeks, eyes still closed as her legs shook around him, and she smiled up at him when her eyes did finally open, fingers pushing sweaty locks of curls out of his face. He awkwardly readjusted their position, shooting her an apologetic glance when she whimpered as he unexpectedly pulled out. He finally settled on his back where she snuggled into his chest, their legs a tangled mess as the couch didn’t allow for the best cuddling conditions. Their fingers intertwined, and absentmindedly played with one another as they laid in silence, both coming down from their highs.
“You are so beautiful.” He muttered, more so to himself than her, as he planted a kiss on her forehead.
“You’re pretty handsome, yourself.” She practically cooed back.
“We should have been doing that the whole time.” He said, and she let out an unexpected snort.
“Yeah, I agree.”
“You need anything?” He asked gently, and she smiled at his thoughtfulness. “Water, back rub, round two?” He threw in hopefully, and she giggled.
“Yeah, how about that last one?” She said through her laugh, and she sat up slightly to look at him. She whispered something in his ear and she blushed as he stood quickly, picking her up bridal style and carrying her up the stairs as she laughed the whole way. She had never felt as good as she did right now, and she clung to that instead of wondering what the hell all this meant. She had plenty of time to worry tomorrow, but tonight? Tonight was all about him.
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next part
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vivalas-vega · 4 years
Longshot / poe dameron x reader / part eight
it’s here!! sorry it took so long, I was feeling a little blocked, and I was hating everything I was writing for a couple days. This is a veeeeeeery dialogue heavy chapter, so hopefully you’re into that sort of thing lol. enjooooy! 
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Title: Longshot, chapter eight
Word Count: 3.1k+
Warnings: None, weed smoking??
TAGLIST: @imaginecrushes @dontlwtitbreakyourheart @daniellajocelyn @thesefleshfailures @ah-callie @xoxodameron
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The sounds of New York City poured through the open windows in Y/N’s studio apartment, a symphony of chatter and passing cars filling the wide open space as she sat at her kitchen island. The hustle and bustle of the city had welcomed her home with open arms, and as she adjusted to the noise she couldn’t help but feel like her life had never been quieter. She hadn’t realized just how much she missed work until she settled into her chair that first day back, she missed her colleagues and working with her best friend, and she missed getting to talk about what she was most passionate about. She would have been happy to be home if it weren’t for the hole in her chest, just beneath the silver band that rested against her skin, always aching and yearning for him. Being angry was so hard when she loved him so much, but every time she started to forgive him she remembered all the moments she opened up to him, when she was vulnerable despite how terrified she’d been to let her guard down. 
Every raw moment they’d shared no longer felt genuine, and the knowledge that he’d withheld so much, that despite all the trust she’d put in him he couldn’t put any in her, sent an icy pang through her heart. So as she sat in her stool, arms propped up on the table as she stared down at his contact, a tiny bubble showcasing her favorite photo of him, looking at her across a restaurant table with the dopiest lovestruck grin on his face, she began to cry. She locked her phone and slid it away from her, letting her face rest in her palms as she let it all out, truly crying over the situation for the first time since it happened three weeks ago. She sat up, reigning her sobs into a silent stream of tears and she looked out the windows at the sun-soaked skyline, contemplating if it was too early for booze. She grimaced at the headache that would follow and stood, walking over to her coffee table and rolling a joint as she continued to sniffle.
She heard a knock at the door and she let out a soft whine as she looked at the near-perfect roll that would be ruined if she set it down now, and she attempted to wipe her cheeks with her shoulders as she continued rolling. “It’s open!” She yelled, figuring whoever it was probably knew her, she didn’t ship packages to her personal residence and couldn’t imagine what else it would be.
“It’s me, are you decent?” Finn said as he walked through the door, one hand shielding his eyes as she laughed.
“Yes, I’m decent.” He removed the hand and then rolled his eyes when he saw her, the satin nightdress she wore riding up her thigh and loosely clinging to her form as she seductively sealed the joint with her tongue, though she genuinely wasn’t meaning to.
“Not most people’s definition of decent, dude. Are you crying?” He asked, giving her a strange look as walked to the kitchen to grab a water from her fridge.
“Little bit.” She said, her Zippo crackling as she lit the joint that was now hanging from her lips. “Almost called Poe again.”
He groaned, “will you just do it already? This ‘will-she-won’t-she’ got old like, two weeks ago.” He said, sitting on the couch next to her.
“You’ve only had to deal with a portion of it, imagine living it, Finn. It got old after day two. I want to I’m just...”
“Scared and running away, it’s your signature move.”
“It is not.” She exhaled a puff of smoke and passed it to Finn.
“What did you do when your parents died and you ended things with Ben? You went home and hid out for a couple months with our hot old professor, and then when things got hard with him you came back to New York.”
“Okay, well when you phrase it like that it does sound like it’s my M.O... but I went home cause I had to deal with my parent’s house you know that, and work called me back here before I’d found out about Eve, it’s not like I chose to leave.”
“None of that explains why you haven’t called him. Look Y/N, I love you and I’ll always be here no matter how dumb you are, but he really cares about you. He did a really stupid thing but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you, and it doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy. I’m sure he feels terrible about everything, and if he could change how it all went down he probably would. Give him a chance to make it up to you.”
She took the joint as he passed it back and studied him for a moment, “you talked to him, didn’t you?”
“I might have.” Y/N sighed, exhaling a cloud along with it.
“And I’m assuming those were all his words?”
“More or less. There’s no excusing what he did, it was dumb to not tell you and he knows that but it was one mistake, Y/N. Him not telling you one thing doesn’t mean everything else wasn’t real, it just means he’s human and made a bad call.” She took another drag and snuffed what was left of the joint in her ashtray, giving Finn an annoyed look as she ran a hand through her hair.
“Why are you always right?”
“It’s a gift.”
“You’re like, the world’s most annoying moral compass.”
“Can you print that on a mug for me as my Christmas present?”
“Can I? Probably not, I mean I could probably find someone on Etsy who-”
“I obviously didn’t mean you yourself, fucking smart ass.”
“Well, jeez then.” She said, exaggeratedly putting her hands up and he laughed.
“You gonna call him?” He asked, nudging her knee with his.
“Probably later, he normally has an afternoon pickup game on Friday’s.”
“He’s really a good one, Y/N. I know Rey and I gave you shit, but I think you’ve found the one. I mean, I cried listening to him talk about you earlier.”
“You did?”
“Yeah, it was super embarrassing. He saw my cry face, and I’m not okay with it.”
“He saw it? What, you guys FaceTime now?” She asked a little incredulously.
“Listen, I’m pretty sure he’s my best friend now, we’ve really bonded the last couple weeks and you guys need to work it out if only so it’s not awkward when I invite him to Friendsgiving.” She just stared at him, her eyebrows going up as she processed what he was saying. She started laughing, and stretched her legs across his lap.
“I have a lot of questions, but I honestly don’t care right now. Can we talk about you?”
“Me, what about me?”
“Mmm, you and Rey?” His hands shot out defensively and she snorted. “Come on.”
“What?” His eyebrows were raised as his voice went up an octave and she smirked, as that was all she needed to prove her theory had been right.
“It may have started out as a casual friends-with-benefits thing, but it is definitely not that anymore. Y’all are bringing your shit out of the bedroom, and everyone’s picking up on it.”
“Did she say something to you?” “No, what’s going on?” She asked, her eyebrows raising.
“Nothing I just... I think I freaked her out.”
“What did you do?”
“I asked her out, like for real not on a pre-sex fuel up.”
“Okay, first of all ew, I didn’t need to know that’s a thing you guys do. Second, what did she say?”
“She got dressed and left.”
“Oh my god, she didn’t say anything?” He shook his head and she looked at the coffee table with wide eyes. “That’s bad.”
“No shit that’s bad, what do I do?”
“Have you called her?” He shook his head again, “alright well, honestly don’t do anything. We’ll have a girl’s night, I’ll talk about Poe and get her to spill and I’ll see where she’s at.”
“Thank you.” She gave him a cheeky grin and leaned forward to boop his nose, and she scrunched up her eyebrows as she leaned back.
“Do you ever wonder if we’re too involved in each other’s lives?”
“Yeah, but why change now?” He said with a shrug. “Alright, I gotta get out of here. Call Poe, and tell me about Rey as soon as possible, I feel like I’m losing my mind.” He said standing up and heading for the door, and Y/N was thinking about his and Rey’s future as he walked away.
“Wait, oh my god.” She said, standing up with a rather dramatic gasp, and he stopped in his tracks to look at her. “If you and Rey get married, who’s wedding party am I going to be in? I mean, I’m only human I can’t be best man and maid of honor.” He stared at her deadpan as he tried to wrap his head around her crazy, and just stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it, Poe’s my best man.” He said kissing her cheek, and running out the door as she started yelling, the door closing with a slam.
“What an ass.” She mumbled as she sat on the couch and crossed her legs, elbow digging into her knee as she propped her face up in her hand and looked at her phone. She checked the time and sighed, pulling up that all-too-familiar contact and finally tapping the number. She placed it to her ear, a pit in her stomach growing as it rang.
“Hey, you.” His voice came through the speaker and before she could stop it a smile spread across her face at the sound.
“Hey, Professor D.” She said with a soft laugh and he chuckled on the other end.
“Oh, so that’s where we’re at now?”
“No, I just wanted to hear your laugh.”
“I’m glad you wanted to hear me at all.” He said, and she could hear his smile in his voice.
“So, your new best friend just left.” Poe let out a soft groan.
“I told him not to say anything, Y/N I’m sorry, I didn’t want him to pressure you into calling me before you were ready, I know you needed time-”
“Oh shut up, Dameron. It’s okay, I should have called you sooner I was just... mad.”
“Understandably so.”
“I’m still mad.” Her voice was soft.
“I know, and you should be. I really wish I had done everything differently, you didn’t deserve to find out that way. Eve hasn’t been apart of my life in what feels like forever and I got caught up in you and I. It never seemed like the right time, but that’s not an excuse. Just... talk to me, I can say sorry a thousand times but no matter how much I mean it you’re not going to feel better until you say the things I know you’ve been wanting to.” She was silent for a moment as she processed this, and she put her phone on speaker and set it on the coffee table in front of her, pulling her knees up criss-cross and resting her elbows on them.
“I’m not mad for the reasons you think I am, Poe. I couldn’t care less about Eve or the fact that you were married, I’m mad because I opened up to you, I was honest and vulnerable with you and I was terrified to do so but I did it anyways because I trusted you. I told you everything about Ben and I, and you listened openly and understandingly, but when it came to you and your baggage you couldn’t trust me. How could you think I’d react any differently when you told me about Eve?”
“I wasn’t thinking about anything other than us, and I know that’s corny as fuck, like I feel dumb saying it out loud, but I really wasn’t. By the time I thought to tell you it felt like it was too late, and I didn’t want it to look like I was covering something up and the more time that passed it seemed like there was never the right moment... and then Eve said she was in town with  the divorce papers and I knew it was now or never and then you walked in and... well you know.” His voice was broken, and she could tell he was trying not to cry.
“Poe, I’m always on your side. I’m always going to give you the benefit of the doubt even when I shouldn’t because I love you, but if this is going to work you can’t keep things from me. I can’t be the only one going all in, it’s not fair.”
“You’re right, it’s absolutely not fair and I will fix it. Total transparency here on out, I’m all in, sweetheart.”
“Good, cause as mad as I’ve been there’s no way in hell I was actually going anywhere, it’s been three weeks and I feel like I’m going crazy. You couldn’t get rid of me even if you tried.”
“I would never. I miss you.” His voice was pleading, and she wanted to cry. Her chest was swelling with love, trust was beginning to be rebuilt and all she wanted was to see his face, to feel his arms around her and to breathe in his intoxicating scent.
“I miss you too.” She sighed, her mind beginning to swirl.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, hearing the shift in her tone.
“I don’t want to ruin the happy ‘yay, we’re okay’ vibes, but we’re going to have to figure some things out with our locations...”
“I know, I’ve been thinking about that. I’ve been watching you every night and you look so happy when you’re doing your job. I can finish out the school year here, and then find an opening at a university in New York.”
“Poe, I’m not letting you uproot your life for me. I can probably come work at the university, I know this guy who’s head of the history department and working under him wouldn’t be so bad.” She said, a smile tugging at her lips.
“If anyone has a life to uproot, it’s you. Eve got all our friends in the divorce, you have Finn, and Rey, and your job... My life is you and work, and I can work anywhere. You don’t have to work with me to work under me, sweetheart.” She wanted to roll her eyes at his cheesy flirtation, but she couldn’t find it in herself to do so, his low voice and the seductive sentiment had sent a chill down her spine, and she couldn’t shake how much she missed him, wanted him. “Besides, I like the idea of going to New York, it could be a fresh start for the both of us. We can find a house, maybe get a dog...”
“That sounds perfect.” She stood and walked to her bedroom, pulling a carry-on from under her bed and opening her closet.
“What are you doing?” He asked, picking up on the shuffling sounds in the background.
“Packing, I’m coming to you after tonight’s show. I don’t work weekends anymore, and I just want to be with you.”
“Why aren’t you working weekends anymore?”
“They want to keep the girl they brought on to replace me in my absence, and I was happy to give her the weekend block.” She tossed a couple things in her suitcase, keeping it light as she knew she had most everything she needed at home.  “Alright babe, I’ve gotta get to the studio.”
“Okay, text me when you board the plane, I’ll pick you up.” She smiled as she pulled out what she wanted to wear, and then sat on the edge of her bed to give him her full attention.
“Will you wear one of those cute little chauffeur hats?” She asked, a playful smile on her lips.
“I’m afraid I don’t own one, will you settle for a fedora?”
“No, I’m not sure how I feel about you owning a fedora, we’re going to have to talk about that later. Forget the hat.”
“I’ve had it for many years, and I really love it.” She could hear his pout through the phone and chuckled at the sound, setting her phone down and putting him back on speaker.
“I’m sure you do, honey.” She slid her slip dress off her shoulders and let it fall on the floor in a puddle of satin. “God, I don’t want to put pants on.” She said, pulling the trousers over her hips and buttoning them.
“Are you getting dressed right now?” He asked and she smirked at the dark tone in his voice.
“Mmhm. I’m actually wearing that little lacy set you love so much.” She said, sweetening up her voice and he groaned.
“Three weeks is far too long to go without you.” She could hear the arousal in his voice, and she couldn’t help but giggle, knowing that would only turn him on more. She went to put on the button-up she’d originally picked but decided to swap it out for a black silk camisole, the neckline adorned with a delicate lace, one she knew would drive him a little crazy.
“Miss me, Dameron?”
“More than you could ever know.”
“I’ll be home before you know it, and you can show me just how much you’ve missed me.” A cheeky smile tugged at her lips, and she heard him sigh on the other end.
“Can’t wait, sweetheart. I love you.”
“I love you too.” They said their goodbyes and hung up, and she slid a blazer over her shoulders, pulling her look together. She grabbed her suitcase and her purse, heading for the front door where she slipped her favorite black heels on. She cursed under her breath as she remembered she was supposed to invite Rey over tonight. She pulled her phone out and fired a quick text to Finn.
‘Called Poe, everything’s good. I’m flying out after the show to see him, so I can’t help out with Rey, I’m sorry! She’ll be going home after the show, so just stop by with takeout and talk about it all. I’m sure everything will be fine.’
He responded almost immediately, ‘no worries, thank the stars about you and Poe, it was really starting to stress me out. It’s probably better I talk to her anyways. Good luck tn x’.
She smiled and slid her phone into her bag, gathering her things and heading out the door, her hands were jittery and all she was thinking about was how quickly she hoped the show would go by.
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vivalas-vega · 5 years
Longshot / chapter three / Poe AU x Reader
chapter three !! idk if I like this, I actually think I hate it so tell me good things to make me feel better lol, but here it is! 
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Title: Longshot, chapter three
add yourself to my taglist
Word Count: 2.2k+
Warnings: none
Taglist: @imaginecrushes @dontlwtitbreakyourheart @daniellajocelyn @thesefleshfailures // let me know if you’d like to be added!
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Y/N awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside her window, it was the picture-perfect spring day. Sunshine poured through her open window, bathing her in light as she sleepily padded to her bathroom. After nearly falling back asleep on the toilet, she quickly brushed her teeth and stared at her reflection in the mirror, fingertips tracing a faint bruise on her arm from her unexpected night with Poe. It had been three days, and her mind had been swirling, too caught up in the what-if’s to focus on anything else. If the situation had been different, she would have been chastising herself for getting so worked up over a hookup, but these weren’t normal circumstances. She was fighting with herself, one part of her being mortified she’d slept with her professor, worried about what could happen to Poe if the university caught wind; the other part of her was happy and thought it shouldn’t matter, they were both adults and nothing ever happened while they were teacher and student. It was a constant back and forth of her morals, and she hated it. She wished everything could just be black and white, and then she began to wonder if she even had a reason to be giving it this much thought. This sent her on a different path that led her to chastising herself for getting so worked up over a hookup, bringing her full circle. She softly chuckled at herself, running her hands through her hair and walking into her closet to get dressed, her mind beginning to replay moments from college.
Y/N was perched on the edge of a desk, her legs crossed as she yelled at her peer across the room. They were engaged in a rather heated discussion about whether or not Hitler was a good leader, and their professor just sat quietly at his desk as he watched the exchange with an amused smirk on his face.
“Professor D, are you going to just keep letting her defend Hitler, or...?” He asked, trailing off exasperatedly.
“Oh my god, I’m not defending him! Yes, Hitler was obviously a bad guy, who did really bad things, but he was a good leader, and if you can’t see that and hold your own in a discussion without whining to Professor D, then maybe you shouldn’t be in this class.”
“I just don’t understand how anyone can think he was a good leader with the things he-”
“Was he a good public speaker? Did he set a plan, and then execute it? Did his people look up to him? The answer to all three of those questions is yes. I will never make excuses for the atrocities he is responsible for, but he was a good leader, he just had really bad morals.” She said, cutting him off and causing silence to fall over the entire room.
“Well... with that, I think we’re done for the day. Get out, go enjoy the sunshine. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Poe said, standing up and watching as everyone filed out of the room, and then directed his attention to Y/N who was still packing up her things. “You know, the more you yell at your peers, the harder my life becomes.” He said, giving her a smile as she rolled her eyes.
“It’s not my fault this university apparently admits close-minded imbeciles.” He laughed and closed the distance between them.
“Cut them some slack, not everyone can be as smart as you, Y/N.” He said, placing a hand on her shoulder, giving her a quick squeeze before returning to his desk. She was just about to head out when she turned on her heel and rushed back to his desk, pulling a rather hefty book from her bag.
“Here, I almost forgot. I finished it last night, it was incredible.” She gushed, handing it to him and her stomach flipped when their fingers brushed.
“Oh, good! I’m glad you liked it.” He said genuinely, a soft smile on his lips as he looked up at her.
“Thank you for letting me borrow it.” She said, holding his eyes for perhaps a moment too long before she cleared her throat, “well, thank you again. I’ll see you tomorrow, D.”
She couldn’t help but laugh at the memory, wondering if this was what she was resorting to; reliving old memories and trying to find any indication that the attraction was there during college. Of course, she thought he was handsome, every girl on campus had a crush on him, but she only looked up to him as a mentor, but now she was questioning if that was true. Walking out of her closet and into her bedroom, she sat on the edge of her mustard yellow lounge chair, the thing she’d coveted of her grandma’s for years. Her left leg bounced erratically as she pondered what to do, and before she knew it she was grabbing her phone and dialing an all-too-familiar number.
“Oh, now you call?” The voice on the other end spoke, picking up after only one ring.
“I’ve been busy!” Y/N defended.
“You took a sabbatical and ran home, what could you possibly be busy with?” Her best friend's voice chirped on the other end.
“Rey, I did a thing and I don’t know what to do.” Y/N said, leaning back into the chair. There was a sigh on the other line, and she heard shuffling as Rey presumably settled in herself.
“Alright, what did you do?”
“So a couple nights ago I bumped into Professor Dameron at the coffee shop near campus, and I ended up inviting him over to catch up because it had been so long and one thing led to another and... we kind of had sex.” She said quickly, trying to get it out as fast as she could as if that would lessen the lecture she was about to get from Rey.
“You kind of had sex as in you did hand stuff and he hobbled into the night with his walker or you had sex?”
“We had sex. And he does not have a walker.”
“He could! He’s our old professor, Y/N. I mean how much older is he than you anyways?”
“I don’t know, Rey, it’s not like I asked him his exact age before we hooked up. He was young for a professor when we were in college, he can’t be older than 36.”
“Was it good? Wait, ew, don’t answer that.”
“Yes, it was earth-shatteringly good, but none of this is the point.” Rey groaned on the other end, but Y/N just ignored it. “I don’t know what the hell to do.”
“Okay, how did you leave things?”
“Good, he spent the night. When I woke up he’d made coffee, but he left shortly after because he had a class.”
“Have you talked since?” Y/N made a noise that suggested no, “well I’m pretty sure I know what you’re freaking out about, and while I find it to be gross, it’s actually not that big of a deal. He’s not your professor anymore, and you’re both adults.” She said, and Y/N sighed in relief. That was exactly what she’d needed to hear. “Do you want it to happen again?”
“I don’t know.”
“Okay, yes I do want it to happen again, but I don’t know if it meant anything or if it was just a one-time thing, or if maybe this has been something years in the making-”
“You know what would clear all this up?” Rey asked, cutting her off.
“Go talk to him.” Y/N groaned.
“No, I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“What if he regrets it or something, and I show up all clingy and doe-eyed and freak him out?”
“Only one way to find out. Besides, Finn and I had a bet going in college, he was convinced Professor D had a thing for you. Maybe he was right.”
“I don’t know if that helps or makes things worse.”
“Just go put something cute on, and bring him coffee. See what happens.”
“Fine. And don’t tell Finn, he’s such a gossip he’ll just spaz out and call me non-stop. I’ll tell him when there’s more to tell.”
“Keep me posted.” She said before hanging up and Y/N sighed as she looked down at what she had put on and decided to change.
“God, I can’t believe I’m overthinking it this much.” She muttered to herself as she threw on an oversized tee-shirt, low-cut enough to draw the eye but not so much so that it seemed intentional. She tucked it into some vintage jeans and slid her Chucks on. She bounded down the stairs and grabbed her favorite blazer from the hooks by the door, and headed out.
The university campus was just as she’d remembered it, and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of deja vu as she entered the history building, two cups of coffee in hand. She approached his room just as students were filing out, and when she entered she found him engrossed in a pile of papers at his desk.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Are office hours not open today?” She asked, leaning against the door frame. He lifted his head, smiling as he saw her standing there. She was effortlessly beautiful, and he suddenly felt transported to four years ago, reminiscing the days she’d come in after-hours to help him grade papers, going above and beyond any teaching assistant he’d had before.
“Office hours are always open for you.” He said, giving her a cheeky smile as she quickly took the steps leading down to his desk. She looked out over the lecture hall and it was bizarre the way it felt so different while looking the same. He graciously took the coffee, and gave her a kiss on the cheek, hand lingering on her waist. “You’re a saint.” He said, taking a drink and sighing in relief as the caffeine began to hit his bloodstream.
“And you’re an addict.” She said teasingly and she couldn’t quite decipher the look he was giving her.
“So, what brings you to the old stomping grounds? Couldn’t get enough of me?” He asked cockily and she scoffed.
“Don’t flatter yourself. I thought we should... I don’t know, talk about what happened?”
“Is that a question?”
“A statement, formed as a question in case you don’t want to talk about it.”
“What’s on your mind?” He asked, pulling her up a chair next to his before sitting down. Their knees brushed, and he was looking at her with an intensity that made her want to kiss him.
“A lot of things, I guess I just want to know where we’re both at? It’s kind of an unusual situation, and I don’t want you to get into any hot water over this, and I don’t want to read into things and think this is something it isn’t-”
“I’m going to stop you right there, because I think I can save you from what I believe to be the beginning of a very long tangent.” He interrupted, giving her a soft smile and enveloping her hands in his in her lap. “I was going to call you tonight and ask you to dinner because I very much enjoyed our time together the other night and I want to see if there’s anything here because I think there is. How does that sound?”
“I think that sounds perfect.” She said, and he quirked an eyebrow as her voice quivered.
“Are you crying?”
“No.” She said, staring at him and trying to hold her ground, but she was indeed crying. “Okay, yes.” She said, laughing while she pulled one of her hands from Poe to wipe her eyes.
“Why are you crying?” He asked, chuckling as he looked at her sincerely.
“I’ve been all freaked out and worked up the past couple days over this, and I wasn’t sure if it was like a one-time thing, and I was afraid you wouldn’t want to see me anymore and... well, you heard how things ended with my ex, I’m not used to guys being kind to me. As sad as that is.”
“That is super sad, and we’re definitely going to dig into that later, but you’ll get used to it. I always want to see you, Y/N, and if you had said no to dinner, that wouldn’t have changed anything. Cut me some slack, I’m not a total dick.” He said, and she laughed.
“Okay, well now that I’ve thoroughly embarrassed myself, I’m going to get out of your hair.” She said standing up, and he followed suit. “What are you doing tonight?”
“Taking you to dinner. I’ll pick you up at seven.” He said, gripping her waist and pulling her in for a kiss that left her dizzy. She left his room feeling as if she was walking on air, and she touched her lips with her fingertips briefly as she walked to her car, swearing she could still feel them tingling from the kiss. She drove home with the biggest smile on her face, feeling like a giddy and excited, and not even caring about how googly-eyed she was getting over him. For the first time in months, she felt good.
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next part
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vivalas-vega · 4 years
longshot / poe dameron x reader / part six
chapter six, hot off the presses! (I know, that was lame, I won’t do it again). Here’s a little smut, as a treat, the next chapter is gonna be sad. Don’t say I didn’t warn you :/ - it’s nearly 3 am when I’m posting this, so if there’s any issues pls look past them, I’ll edit tomorrow :) enjooooooooy.
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Title: Longshot, chapter six
Word Count: 2.7k+ 
Warnings: Smut
TAGLIST: @imaginecrushes @dontlwtitbreakyourheart @daniellajocelyn @thesefleshfailures @ah-callie @xoxodameron
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“Okay, no no no, that is not how I remember it!” Y/N exclaimed, her eyebrows furrowed as everyone ganged up on her.
“Sweetheart, you were legitimately drunk. I’m not surprised you don’t remember it correctly.” Poe said squeezing her leg and she smacked his arm.
“No but... you gave me an A, you wouldn’t have given me an A if I was that awful.”
“It actually wasn’t awful, if you looked past the fact that you mentioned one of the Harry Potter books as a source, and that you visibly threw up in your mouth at one point, it was good presentation.” Finn said, laughing as he took a sip of his beer.
“No, that sounds like the definition of awful.” She said embarrassed, finishing her drink as she stood to go make another, taking Finn’s with her as he held it out.
“I was planning to fail you, but after class you came into my office and gave me your research and note cards, and told me why you were drunk. I saw you put the work in, and figured it was a one-off so I gave you the A.” Y/N smiled at him from the kitchen where she was mixing her drink.
“Ugh, why couldn’t you have had the hots for me?” Rey groaned, “I really could have used that special treatment, especially in your class.”
“Rey, you told me you hated history nearly every day and several papers had paragraphs lifted straight from Y/N’s. You’re lucky I let you pass at all.” Y/N snorted, walking back in with her drink and Finn’s beer.
“It’s not my fault you teach a boring subject.”
“History is not boring!” Y/N and Poe both objected, clearly offended by her statement. “History is... it’s everything, Rey. I mean, without it we’re literally nothing. Everything humanity had to go through to get to where we are now? I don’t understand how it doesn’t interest you.” Y/N finished, and Poe just looked at her with wonder in his eyes, thanking his lucky stars he had her.
“Okay, so you’re telling me this wasn’t going on back then?” Finn asked, looking at them suspiciously. He was only very recently informed of the situation, and he was still having a hard time wrapping his head around it. The conversation had steered back here several times already, and Y/N just laughed.
“I promise, Finn.” She assured and the conversation pivoted again. Y/N leaned back into Poe as he wrapped his arm around her waist, and she could have hummed as his warmth radiated through her, feeling comfortable and content. Even when she wasn’t a little drunk, everything with Poe was always just warm and happy. She felt as if they were in their own world, where everything was perfect and rosy... and she was definitely more than a little drunk now. She snuggled into him more and he placed a soft kiss to her cheek, giving her a knowing look when she peeked up at him. His fingers played with the hem of the shorts she’d changed into, and Y/N was certain this was what bliss felt like, and she never wanted it to end.
“Alright, I’m wiped. I’m off to bed.” Finn said after a while, standing and stretching. Y/N stood too, giving him a hug, and then Rey who stood as well.
“You guys can sleep wherever you want, there’s clean bedding in all of the spare rooms.” Y/N said, bidding them a good night as they disappeared up the stairs.
“So, have they ever...” Poe trailed off, watching as the two giggled the whole way up, and she snickered.
“Oh god, have they, probably will tonight.” She said, sitting back down with him. “Never anything romantic though, I’ve heard a little too much about it from both of them and it’s like, the healthiest friends-with-benefits situation ever. I doubt they’ll ever actually get together but it’d be kind of cute if they did.”
“I doubted we’d ever get together, and look where we are.”
“That’s a very fair point.” She said, giving him a soft smile.
“So, did you really never think about it?” He asked cheekily.
“About what?”
“You and I, back when you were in college.” He said, bringing up Finn’s many questions from earlier, and she hummed in understanding as she took a drink.
“Well, I actually fibbed.” She said, piquing his interest, “I did think about it once... or twice.” She said, turning to face him and crossing her legs and she giggled at his expression.
“When?” He asked, trying to keep his cool.
“Alright, so it was just a normal night for us, I’d come in after your last class to help you with some papers that needed grading, and...”
The lighting in Poe’s office was dim, giving the two of them just enough light to easily read the incredibly boring papers in their hands. Y/N’s feet rested on the edge of his chair, her sock-clad feet brushing his thigh every so often as they shifted. The smell of coffee hung in the air, the smell wafting off their still-steaming mugs, and the silence that accompanied it was comfortable. The sounds of pens scraping against the paper as they each scrawled corrections and notes along the margins would draw the others attention every so often, resulting in soft smiles as their eyes would meet. As Y/N’s stack dwindled, she began to pay less and less attention to the words in her hands and more on Poe’s hands, the way one of them would run through his curly locks, or hold a pen to his lips and she couldn’t help but be distracted by the small gestures. Her eyes began trailing his form, the way he was casually leaned back in his chair, and she bit her lip as he rested his elbow on the arm of his chair, hand now twirling the pen between his fingers as he read. He wore a simple button up tucked into slacks, but she was suddenly aware of the way the sleeves clung to his toned arms, the way the undone buttons at the top revealed too little of his chest for her liking and she was suddenly imagining her fingers undoing them. She shook her head slightly, trying to focus on her paper but it was useless. He shifted in his chair and gently placed her feet directly in his lap to avoid pushing them off, and did so seemingly without even thinking about it. His hand was rested on her ankle and she felt electricity shoot up her leg at the simple touch, and all she could think about was what his hands would feel like elsewhere. Her breathing shallowed and she quickly pulled her feet down, regretting doing so as he looked at her confused.
“I am so sorry, Professor D. I just remembered I have a thing... with Rey, she has a, uh.. a thing so I’ll...” She paused as she clumsily pulled her shoes on and shoved her things in her bag, “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” She said, not waiting for his response as she darted out of his office.
“...And you just had this whole sexy professor vibe going, and my feet were in your lap and I just could not get a handle on my thoughts so I made something up and left.” She said, smiling at the memory and her rather condensed version of what had actually happened.
“Oh my god, so that’s what it was.” He said, realization all over his face and she looked at him inquisitively.
“You remember that?”
“Of course, it was a couple months before you graduated. You stumbled over your words and you never did that unless you were giving drunk presentations. You were still my best TA, but you were just squirrelly, I’d always chocked it up to stress but I guess it was just my intoxicating charm.” He said with a smirk and she rolled her eyes with a laugh.
“I wonder what would have happened if I’d stayed.” She said, pondering that for a moment before shaking it off, “no I don’t even want to think about it. I like things just the way they are.”
“The distance kind of took a while, but I think the timing was perfect.” He said, grabbing her jaw and pulling her in for a kiss. “So, tell me more about my whole sexy professor vibe.” He said, and she giggled, feeling her cheeks flush.
“Well,” she said, sliding into his lap and her cheeks flushed again as he looked up at her, “you used to do this thing when you were giving a lecture, if you were really into the material you’d stop every so often, glance over at me and talk directly to me, almost as if it were just you and I and it drove me absolutely crazy.” She said, her fingers slowly undoing the buttons of his shirt. “And your inability to do the top few buttons of your shirt,” she said softly, placing a kiss at the base of his throat, “should literally be illegal.” She said and he laughed as she pushed it off him. She squealed as he suddenly stood up, her legs wrapping around him to keep from falling. Her lips kept kissing his neck as he carried her upstairs, and she moaned against him as her back thudded against her now-closed bedroom door, tilting her head back as she felt his clothed length press against her core. “You have no idea how happy I am things worked out the way they did.” She sighed as he pressed open mouthed kisses to her neck, sloppily making his way to her lips. “I thought it was a longshot inviting you over that night...” she trailed off as he sinfully sucked just below her jawbone.
“I thought it was a longshot making a move on you.” He mumbled against her, “looks like they paid off.” He said, walking to the bed and dropping her onto the mattress. Her giggles were cut off as he slid on top of her, pressing his body against hers as he captured her lips in a kiss. She moaned as his hips dug into hers, and he smirked into the kiss at the sound. He pulled away to all but rip her shirt off, lips immediately connecting with the newly exposed skin, coyly unhooking her bra and slipping it off before his mouth connected with one of her nipples, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud. He took his time kissing down her body, enjoying the soft whimpers falling from her lips as she writhed beneath him, hips bucking towards him. He peeled her shorts off, smirking at her lack of underwear, and slowly pushed her legs open. She shivered as the cold air hit her dripping cunt and her legs tried to squeeze together, desperate for some kind of friction, but he held them in place as he settled on the ground in between her legs. His fingers slid up her core, shallowly teasing her entrance as he spread her open and admired her. He chuckled as she let out an impatient whine, and he finally gave her what she’d been so desperately waiting for as he pushed two fingers into her entrance, tongue skillfully working her clit. She tugged at his hair, and his moan against her sent electricity through her veins. She was a mess beneath him as he worked her to her orgasm, and he replaced his mouth with his thumb as he hovered over her, silencing her climax with a kiss. He unceremoniously removed his fingers and roughly turned her over and she couldn’t help but smile as he positioned her legs for her, hand gripping her ass as the other undid his belt. She shivered at the sound of the clinking metal and before she knew it his cock was pressed against her entrance. He slowly pushed inside, a low groan leaving his lips as he filled her, and her eyes screwed shut as he gave her a moment to adjust, his hands gently gathering her hair as he thrust slowly, but all that tenderness evaporated as she relaxed against him, his hand gripping her hair and pushing her head down to the mattress as his pace quickened. His name was leaving her lips like a prayer, and the whines that followed his hand roughly colliding with her ass were sinful. They both knew they wouldn’t last much longer as Poe pressed his chest to her back and she gasped as the angle of his thrusts changed. She leaned her head against his shoulder, peppering sloppy kisses to his neck as he panted above her, her hand flying back to grip his leg as she felt her second orgasm building.
“Gonna cum for me again?” He whispered, cheek pressed against hers as a strangled ‘yes’ left her lips. His hips faltered as her pussy clenched around him, shockwaves rolling through her body as she climaxed and he buried his cock in her with one final thrust, emptying himself inside her walls. He pulled out carefully before rolling onto his back, lifting his arm to let Y/N snuggle into his chest. She absentmindedly drew patterns along his chest as he pressed kisses to the top of her head. She heard Poe’s heart rate begin to steady, but furrowed her brows when it skipped a beat.
“Whatcha thinking about?” She asked, tilting her head up to look at him.
“Nothing.” He said, smiling at her as he kissed her forehead and his heart fluttered again.
“Do you wanna try that without your heart missing a beat?” She asked, propping herself up now to look at him. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing I just... I almost said something I shouldn’t have, don’t worry about it.” She sat up fully now, pulling one of the blankets around her naked form as she looked down at him “What are you-”
“Tell me.” She said insistently, and he sighed at looked at her amused, scooting himself further up on the mattress and resting his back against the headboard.
“I know you worry when people tell you not to, but it’s really alright princess. Come here.” He said, slightly lifting his arm and trying to get her to lay down again.
“Not until you tell me.” He paused for a moment, looking over her concerned face that he couldn’t help but find adorable before chuckling and shaking his head.
“You really wanna know?” He asked, and she scrunched up her nose, essentially pouting as he gestured with her hands for him to go on. He hesitated and she thought she was going to lose her mind,
“You’re freaking me out, Poe.”
“I love you.” He said, and it felt like time had stood still. She just stared at him, mouth slightly open as she processed what he had said and he knowingly shook his head.
“See, this is why I didn’t want to say anything, I knew it was too soon and it was going to freak you out. Look, forget that I said it, you know- I’m still drunk. We’ll blame it on that, and-” a grin spread across Y/N’s face and Poe stopped in his tracks. She began to giggle and Poe sucked in a deep breath as he realized. She was messing with him. She placed her hands on either side of his face as she straddled his lap and began peppering kisses on every inch she could.
“I love you.” She giggled against his skin in between kisses, “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“Nope. I take it back. Admission of affection retracted.” He said pouting and she just burst out laughing. She leaned her forehead against his as her body shook with laughter and he couldn’t help but laugh too. He pushed her back on the bed and began tickling her and she grabbed the nearest pillow and tried to defend herself the best she could, but it was fruitless against Poe’s attacks. She howled with laughter as he pinned her arms above her head, but quickly stopped as he looked over her face with adoration and she leaned up to brush her nose against him. His eyes drank her in, and he was certain no one’s beauty could measure up to hers. He let her hands go as he pressed a soft kiss to her lips.
“Hey.” She whispered as she pulled away, a smirk on her lips.
“I love you.” He smiled, kissing her again.
“I love you too.”
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vivalas-vega · 4 years
longshot / poe dameron x reader / part seven
I know, I’m kind of an asshole for this... but things couldn’t stay perfect forever :/ - I did a proofread, but I’m making a habit of middle of the night postings so if there’s any errors just ignore em, they’ll get fixed tomorrow :)
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Title: Longshot, chapter seven
Word Count: 2.2k+
Warnings: Sadness, thats abt it
TAGLIST: @imaginecrushes @dontlwtitbreakyourheart @daniellajocelyn @thesefleshfailures @ah-callie @xoxodameron 
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Y/N quickly took the steps downward in Poe’s lecture hall, grateful that he was in his office as she took a moment to lean against the edge of his desk and gather her thoughts. Her mind had been racing for the last hour, as she had frantically packed a bag and wondered what she was going to tell Poe. Her hands were shaking as she wiped the tears that slid down her cheeks, ones she’d been fighting to hold in the entire drive over. She took a deep breath to steady herself, and fanned her face, as if that would make it suddenly look like she hadn’t been crying. She left her purse sitting on the desk and quietly opened Poe’s office door, trying not to startle him in case he was deep in thought or reading only to step back surprised as she entered.
“Oh, Poe I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had company.” She said, looking between him and the woman that sat in front of him, a little too close for her liking but she looked past it. The woman stood and held out her hand, and Y/N took it graciously with a smile that fell as soon as she spoke.
“I’m assuming you didn’t know he had a wife either. Hi, I’m Eve.” Her hand felt warm in Y/N’s, soft and comforting and though her words were icy, she spoke them with a calmness that made her blood run cold. Y/N was frozen, unable to comprehend the words she’d just heard as she slowly turned her head to Poe, desperate for some kind of explanation.
“No, do not toy with her for your own amusement.” He said, standing and pulling Y/N’s hand away from her. “I’ll get the papers to the lawyer, you need to go.”
“Ever the defender.” She spoke with a sigh, and the tension in the air was thick, threatening to suffocate Y/N as Poe still held onto her hand. Her mind was swirling, and she couldn’t even put up a fight this time as hot tears streamed down her cheeks. “Oh, sweetheart. Don’t cry, you’re the only innocent one in this whole mess.” Eve spoke, putting a hand on Y/N’s arm and she recoiled at the touch. Eve shot a glance to Poe, and a smile to Y/N as she left his office, leaving the two of them standing silently as Poe wracked his brain trying to figure out what to say.
“You could have given me a heads up.” Y/N finally spoke, wiping her tears as she pulled her hand out of his.
“I didn’t... I had no idea she was coming. The lawyers were supposed to handle everything, but...” He trailed off as looked at her, and her eyes were focused on the handle of his desk drawer as she desperately tried to get her emotions under control. “Please look at me, Y/N.”
“I can’t, Poe.” She spoke with such clarity it sliced at his heart and he quickly wiped a falling tear, not wanting her to see. She sank into the chair Eve had just been in, and he slowly sat as well, trying to find the right words.
“Y/N, I don’t even know where to begin. I had planned to tell you tonight, but...” He trailed off for a moment, running a hand through his hair. “It doesn’t matter. I lied to you, and I’m so sorry.”
“Why?” She spoke harshly, finally lifting her gaze to his. “Why did you lie?”
“It wasn’t my intention to, I wanted to find a good moment but there just wasn’t one and everything with us was so perfect I was scared of ruining things.”
“Yeah, and look how that turned out.” She whispered, looking down at her fingers in her lap.
“Y/N, please... I never wanted you to find out like this, and I know you have every reason not to believe me but Eve and I have been separated for a year. Today was the first time we’d spoken in six months, and it was to sign the divorce papers.” He said, quickly grabbing them and handing them to her and she set them on the desk without even looking at them.
“I believe you.” He wrapped his large hands around hers, and she broke down at the contact. He quickly moved to sit on the arm of her chair, and she wanted to protest when he pulled her into his side but she couldn’t. She wrapped her arms around him as she cried, and his heart broke as he listened to the anguish he had created. He gently moved the hair from her face, smoothing it back as he whispered apologies mixed with ‘I love you’s.’ “I have to go.” She said as her sobs quieted into a silent stream of tears, leaning away from Poe who kept a vice grip on her.
“Y/N, please don’t leave like this. We need to talk, I’m sure you have questions and-”
“No, Poe. I have to go. To New York, that’s what I came to tell you. I got the call this morning, with everything going on right now they need me back tonight.” She said standing up, and her heart broke as she looked at him. “I don’t- I uh.... I-” She kept trying to start a sentence but they all fell short as she sighed and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she tried to steady herself. “I’m not leaving because I want to.” She said, turning and walking out of his office. He followed her to his desk in the lecture hall where she grabbed her purse, and as she tried to walk away he caught her hand and pulled her towards him. She stumbled against him, and under different circumstances she would have giggled and kissed him.
“Please tell me what you’re thinking.”
“I don’t know what I’m thinking. I don’t care that you were married, I care that you lied. I was just blindsided, Poe, and now I have to go board a plane and talk about the fact that our president may or may not have just started a war. I’m thinking that this is the absolute last thing I needed on my plate.”
“Tell me how to make this right. Please, I... I can’t handle you walking away like this.” He whispered, his hands cupping either side of her face and she forced back a sob as she leaned his forehead against his, her hands coming up to grip his wrists as she looked into his eyes.
“I need you to let me go.” She said, and she moved one of her hands to delicately wipe the tear that slid down his cheek, “I need you to hold me and tell me that everything is going to be okay because even though I’m so angry with you I think I could actually hit you, I cannot go do my job if I leave things like this.” She said, and his arms immediately wrapped around her. She nuzzled her face into his neck and breathed in his scent, his subtle cologne mixed with faint cigarette smoke and she scrunched up her nose as she realized one of those things didn’t belong. “Did you smoke?” She asked, pulling her head away slightly to look at him and he nodded shamefully.
“I did right before Eve showed up. I was trying to figure out how to tell you everything and I smoke when I’m stressed.” She laughed, and the sound kind of surprised her. It wasn’t funny, but it kind of was and she laid her head back on his shoulder. They were holding onto each other so tightly that it was a little difficult to breathe, but neither cared. Y/N’s watch buzzed and she looked at her wrist over his shoulder and began to pull away.
“It’s Finn, they’re waiting out front. I gotta go if we’re going to make our flight.” He nodded and leaned down to kiss her but hesitated just before he met her lips, suddenly not sure if it was allowed. The millimeters between their lips felt electrified, and Y/N crashed her lips to his with everything she had in her, kissing him as if it were the last time because somewhere deep down... she thought that it might be. The kiss was salty, a result of both of their tears, and it held so much emotion she thought it would crack her chest right open. She pulled away, and brushed her nose against his, before stepping out of his grasp and slinging her purse over her shoulder. She began walking out of the lecture hall, and she tried not to cry as her hand slipped out of his as she walked away. She wanted to look back at him but she was certain if she did she’d never be able to leave.
The sun somewhat blinded her sensitive eyes as she entered the courtyard, and she wiped under her eyes and adjusted her clothing as she saw Finn leaning against the car as he waited. She’d almost reached him when she felt someone grip her elbow, stopping her in her tracks and turning her around. She started to say something, but Poe just shushed her as he quickly pulled a necklace from underneath his shirt, his mother’s wedding ring. He quickly unhooked it and went to put it around Y/N’s neck but she jerked back.
“What are you doing?”
“Don’t freak out, it’s not a proposal. I don’t know how long you’re going to be gone, and I don’t know if you’re even going to want to talk to me ever again but I just... I need you to have this while you’re in New York. I need you to take it and know that I love you.” He said, going to put it around her neck again and this time she let him, “I know that what I did was wrong, but I’ll spend the rest of my life making this up to you if you’ll let me.”
“This sure sounds like a proposal.” She said, a small smile tugging at her lips as he sighed.
“Yeah, it’s really coming off that way isn’t it?” He said, running a hand through his hair, “if you start thinking things like ‘wow I hate Poe’s guts, he’s such a dick and I never want to see him again’, I want you to touch this and remember that yes I am a dick, but I that love you with my entire heart and I want to make this right.” She laughed softly, and her fingers wrapped around the cool metal, glancing at the band before she looked back up at him.
“I’ll text you when I land, okay? But just... give me some time. I think the space will be good, give me some time to think.”
“Okay, yeah I understand.” He pulled her in for another hug. “I’m sorry, and everything’s going to be okay. No matter what you decide,.” He whispered in her ear, and she pulled away to give him a quick kiss. She gave him one last glance before walking the rest of the way to the car, shaking her head at Finn who looked at her questioningly, muttering a small ‘thank you’ as he opened her door for her.
The drive was quiet as Finn and Rey both waited for her to speak, and Rey finally broke the silence when she realized she wasn’t going to, “Y/N?” She prodded cautiously from the backseat.
“He has a wife.” Finn snapped his head over to look at her before turning his attention back to the road, his spare hand reaching out and taking one of hers. “Well, had. I walked in on them signing the divorce papers.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Rey said, she had no idea what to expect but it surely wasn’t this.
“They’ve been... separated for a while. He said he was planning on telling me tonight, and I believe him but I just... it’s been two months since we bumped into each other that night at the coffee shop. For two months he failed to mention this huge part of his life.”
“And the necklace?” Finn asked, his eyes glancing to the metal hanging on her chest and her fingers subconsciously twirled the band.
“His mother’s wedding ring. He always wore it, and... he wanted me to take it.” She slipped the necklace under her shirt and pulled her hand from Finn’s, grabbing her purse and producing her laptop which she connected to her phone’s hotspot.
“What are you going to do?” Rey asked, still trying to put the pieces together in her head.
“I have no fucking idea.” Y/N said through a wry laugh, “but I do know I can’t think about it right now. I have so much to read over before we get on the plane, and so do you. I know you sit behind the camera but you have prep too.” She said, glancing at Rey in the rearview mirror. Y/N turned the radio on, desperate for noise to keep the car from settling into an awkward silence. She tied her hair into a bun, and took a deep breath, focusing herself on the briefing in front of her and pushing every thought of Poe as far back into her mind as she could.
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42 notes · View notes
vivalas-vega · 4 years
longshot / poe dameron x reader / part five
heyoooo, here’s part five, and a little more backstory into the reader’s life. I think I’ve decided this is going to be a ten-part series, but we’ll see how that goes lol. Lemme know what you think! 
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Title: Longshot, chapter five
Word Count: 2.9k+
Warnings: mentions of dead parents, thats abt it
Taglist: @imaginecrushes @dontlwtitbreakyourheart @daniellajocelyn @thesefleshfailures @ah-callie @xoxodameron
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Champagne satin clung to Y/N’s figure, cascading down to her feet in the form of a snug dress, accentuating every one of her features. Expensive jewelry adorned her neck and fingers, things she’d acquired from her mother and grandmother over the years. She was a legacy in this town, Poe always knew it but today was the first time she looked the part. Her hair fell down her shoulders in effortless waves, and he could have sworn he was looking at an old Hollywood starlet as she descended her stairs, a touch dramatically.
“I feel like the heroine in those Disney movies where she finally gets to go to prom with the hot older guy.” She said, and he rolled his eyes.
“I’m certain there’s no Disney movie where the lead ends up with an old guy.”
“I said older, not old.” She said, finally reaching the bottom of the stairs where his hands slid over her waist, pulling her in for a quick kiss. He wore a tailored black suit, the top few buttons of his white shirt were undone and she found it incredibly distracting. She wanted to place kisses along his exposed neck, and she probably would have if she weren’t afraid of getting her lipstick everywhere. “Distinguished.”
“I’d rather you call me an old geezer than distinguished.”
“Alright, old geezer, you ready to hit the town? Are your hearing aids in?” She asked, slightly yelling the last part and he just rolled his eyes as he led her out of the house. “But seriously, you look incredible, Poe. I have no idea how I’m going to keep my hands off you tonight.” She said, kissing his cheek as he opened the passenger door for her.
“No one said you had to.” He said cheekily as he shut her door and walked around. “You have no idea how honored I am to be walking into that building with the most beautiful girl on my arm.” He gave her a quick peck before starting the car, his hand making a home on her thigh as he drove and she couldn’t help but swoon. Tonight was the university’s annual winter fundraiser, and while it was a well-intentioned event that did benefit the school’s budget, it was really just a massive party. It always started behaved, going through the motions of a respectable gala, but by the end of the night it was always just a bunch of drunk intellectuals.
“I’m a little nervous.” She said, her fingers flipping over Poe’s hand in her lap so she could intertwine hers with his.
“There’s nothing to be nervous about.” His thumb began drawing patterns on the back of her hand as he drove and that alone quelled some of her nerves, “it’s not going to be easy, but you’re a pro at these events by now.” He had a point, stuffy gatherings were part of her job description but this one just felt different. It was the first year she would be attending alone, and the first year in quite a few where she was able to make it. Normally she’d tag along with her parents, and she tried to force them from her mind, not wanting to lose any of the night to being sad.‘Your feelings will remain when the party is over, so why ruin a perfect evening prematurely?’ is what her mother would have said, and she found comfort in that, even if the sentiment itself wasn’t exactly reassuring. Poe looked over at her briefly, and saw the concern still all over her face, “it’s your parents, isn’t it?” He asked softly.
She nodded, “it feels like they should be there when we arrive, already the life of the party. They both hated the obligations of being in this family and rebelled at every chance they were given, but this party? It was the one event they willingly participated in, loved even. This university brought them together, I think this party was their way of honoring and giving back to the place that had given them everything. Tonight is for them, and I just... It’s hard, and I don’t know how the hell I’m going to stand up in front of everyone and give a speech about them when I haven’t even processed what happened myself.”
“So don’t give the speech. They’ll understand if you don’t want to.” It wasn’t funny, but Y/N laughed anyways.
“I just physically felt my mother roll over in her grave, I’ll be giving that speech if only to not be haunted for the rest of my life.” He laughed at his, giving her hand a squeeze.
“You’re not doing this alone. I’ll be right there with you the whole time.” She lifted his hand to her lips, giving it a soft kiss before letting their hands settle back in her lap. She was overwhelmed with gratitude for him, and wondered what she’d do if she didn’t have him. She pushed that thought from her mind as quickly as it had entered, and decided that from here on out she would be focused on positivity, on making the most of this night. “Besides, I think you’re about to be incredibly happy.” He said as they pulled into the university lot, Poe easily navigating the maze of cars to his designated spot.
“What do you mean?” She asked as he helped her out, linking arms as he led her to the front entrance.
“Just wait.” She looked up at him confused, trying to figure out what he possibly could have meant. She didn’t do well with surprises and as the seconds of silence turned to minutes, she huffed.
“Will you just tell me?” She asked as they stood in the entrance line, waiting to check their coats and get their table assignments.
“And ruin all the fun? Why would I do that?” He asked teasingly and she scowled at him.
“I’m having no fun.”
“Life is a lot more enjoyable when you just let go and enjoy the ride.”
“I enjoy the ride a lot more when I know what it is. What if I thought I was boarding Splash Mountain when I was really boarding Space Mountain?” He just looked at her incredulously for a moment before laughing.
“You’re adorable.” He said, placing a kiss to her forehead and she sighed rather forcefully and dramatically, making him laugh again. They finally made their way through the line, and Poe gripped her hand as he pulled her towards their table before abruptly stopping, “okay, close your eyes.”
“Why?” She asked, squinting her eyes at him and he sighed and pulled her into his chest, placing a hand over her eyes, “hey, watch the lashes!” She said, swatting at his hand.
“You’re impossible.” He muttered, guiding her the rest of the way before coming to a stop. “Okay, are you ready?”
“Yes, I’m ready.” She said, a little annoyed but he chose to ignore it. He removed his hand and she squinted when she reopened her eyes, only to let out a shriek as she finally saw why he was being so secretive. She stumbled out of Poe’s arms, nearly tripping over a chair as she wrapped her arms around her surprise... well, surprises.
“What are you guys doing here?” She asked, not actually caring about the answer. She was just glad they were here. She pulled away, keeping an arm on both of them as she looked between Finn and Rey, trying to confirm they were in fact here and her mind wasn’t playing tricks on them. “I thought you guys couldn’t make it?”
“An elaborate ruse.” Finn said dramatically and she laughed, “it was Rey’s idea, but Profess- Poe, pulled it together.” They all took their seats, chattering as Y/N silently looked over all her favorite people, here supporting her on a night she needed it the most and she couldn’t help but get a little misty-eyed. Poe’s hand intertwined with hers under the table and she gave him a big grin before kissing him.
“You’re the best.” She whispered.
“You make me that way.” He whispered back, giving her another quick kiss.
“You guys are disgusting, we’re still coming to terms with this.” Rey said, and while Y/N knew she was just giving them shit, Poe couldn’t tell if she was being serious or not.
“At least you knew about it.” Finn grumbled and Y/N couldn’t help but laugh.
“You’re both children.” The night was going seamlessly, and Y/N’s heart felt like it was going to explode with joy as she watched Poe and her best friends get along better than she could have ever hoped. Finn softened almost immediately, and Y/N began to worry she was going to lose Poe to him if she wasn’t careful. It wasn’t nearly as bad as she had been expecting, her friends kept her busy at her table and their boisterous laughter kept nosy friends of her parents at bay, but she knew she couldn’t ignore them forever. She excused herself to go get a drink, assuring Poe numerous times he didn’t have to come with.
She leaned against the bar and looked out over the big room, if you didn’t know any better you’d have assumed this room existed just for parties, but in reality it was their mess hall. The art-deco decorations beautifully accented the architecture, Y/N had always known her school was beautiful but she’d never really appreciated it before.
“Y/N? My goodness, look at you.” She heard from behind her and twirled to see one of her mother’s closest friends. Before she knew it she was being pulled in for a hug, that she immediately reciprocated.
“Amilyn.” She breathed out, having been concerned it was one of the vultures.
“You look incredible.” She said as she pulled away, taking one of Y/N’s hands in hers as she looked over her outfit, “I mean wow. Your mother would be gleaming with joy if she were here to see you.”
“Thank you, it seemed only fitting to pull out one of her old gowns for the occasion.” Poe approached, sliding a careful arm around her waist as he interjected in the conversation and what was once a kind interaction turned a little stiff.
“Holdo, it’s good to see you.” He said, shaking her hand.
“Likewise, Dameron. How is your history department doing?”
“Wonderful, we’ve got a lot of bright minds this year.” Her eyes took in his arm placement and she inquisitively cocked her head as she turned her attention back to Y/N.
“I look forward to hearing you speak later tonight, you’re going to do brilliantly.” She said before quickly excusing herself.
“What the hell was that?” Y/N asked, looking up at Poe a little confused.
“What was what?”
“The last names, and the forced politeness? What’s the story there?”
“We just... don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things.”
“You know she’s family, right? She can be a handful but she’s one of the good ones, Poe.”
“I’m sure she is.” He said, “nothing more than a little friendly fire between colleagues.”
“Mmhm.” Y/N said, not entirely believing him but choosing to drop it for the moment. They returned to their seats as the Dean spoke, delivering a quite canned speech, obviously a revised version from the previous years.
“And now I’d like to turn our attention to one of our school’s brightest alumni, having made a wonderful career as a well-respected analyst in her field so quickly after her graduation, we couldn’t be more proud to have her with us tonight. Y/N?” She quickly pecked Poe before standing, squeezing Finn and Rey’s shoulders as she walked towards the stage. She shook hands with the Dean, exchanging quick pleasantries before she took her place at the podium.
“Thank you.” She said as the applause died down, “for those who don’t know me I’m Y/N Y/L/N, you might have seen me on a small-time news station these past couple of years... it’s nothing big but you know, it’s a start.” She said, earning a laugh from the audience, “I was asked to speak tonight in honor of my parents, two of the bravest people I’ve ever known, and if they were here with us they’d be embarrassed by the attention. Public servants at heart, they’d have insisted there were better things to talk about, but as I stand before you on what was their favorite night of the year, I can’t find it in myself to honor that.” She paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts as she locked eyes with Poe, who was watching her with such intent. “My parents met right in this room on orientation day, my mother was as good as they come. Straight A student, valedictorian of her class and a damn good athlete. Her sights were set for greatness, and always had been. My father on the other hand, was an absolute rebel.” She heard chuckles from the table directly in front of her, the old-timers who knew their parents as students, not just the devoted alumnus. “My grandfather was a tough nut that had high expectations, he was insistent my father carry the torch for the next generation of Y/L/N’s to attend this University, but he had other plans that were a little less than what my grandfather had hoped for. He fell in love with my mother the moment he saw her struggling with her books, desperately trying to make it to a table before she dropped them all, and my father was all too eager to help. She on the other hand, found the help he tried to offer completely repulsive and refused to give him the time of day - of course this only made my dad want her more, and he would end up devoting his first two years of college to winning the girl.” She paused as everyone laughed, “she wouldn’t admit it until years into their marriage, but she loved the chase, and adored his persistence. Being loved by my father wasn’t the kind of thing you could ignore, you felt it every second of every day, and if you had the great honor of getting to experience it, you know that he was the kind of man to walk through fire for you.” She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath as she steadied herself. “Four years after they graduated, they had me, bringing in the next generation of Y/L/N’s to attend this school and it was here that I found myself. I found my best friends, who are here with me tonight,” she said shooting a smile towards Finn and Rey, “I got the education I needed to further my career from world-class professors who challenged me and taught me more than I could ever thank them for. This school has given my family everything, so it is with great honor that I will be matching every single donation given tonight to help give current students the best education, and the best experience they can possibly have. I encourage you all to open your hearts... and your wallets, and make a donation. I would be nowhere if it weren’t for this school, and there is no amount that can adequately express mine or my families gratitude. Thank you.” Y/N lingered on the stage for a moment, smiling as the crowd applauded and cameras shuttered. She quickly made her way back to her seat where she slammed what was left of her drink, and then Poe’s drink, ignoring everyone’s assurance that she’d done amazing.
“Hey, take a breath.” Poe said, taking her hands in his and bringing her attention to him, “you were perfect up there, what’s wrong?” He asked, and she smiled at him.
“She doesn’t do well with public speaking, she always drowns herself in liquor, no matter how well she did.” Rey explained for her, “but you really have no reason to. You were eloquent, funny, and it was a touching enough story, but not so much so that it bummed everyone out. You did good, kid.” She finished, snatching her drink just as Y/N began eyeballing it.
“All these years, how did I have no idea you didn’t like public speaking?” Poe asked, thinking back to all the presentations she’d done in his class.
“Too much honesty would have ruined my mystique.” She snakily grabbed Finn’s drink, wiggling her eyebrows at him as he protested a second too late, the liquid already halfway gone. “Okay, can we get out of here? We came, we saw, we did... now we pizza?” She asked, and everyone agreed, immediately standing and heading out. The fresh air sent a chill up Y/N’s spine and Poe offered her his jacket but she shook her head, “it feels amazing. I thought I was going to sweat out of my dress up on that stage.” Finn and Rey separated from them, heading to their rental car that was across the lot. They made a plan to meet back at her house, and she was over the moon. She couldn’t remember the last time the three of them had hung out there, and she was even more excited that Poe now got to be apart of it. The drive home was anything but quiet as Y/N rattled Poe’s ear off, the drinks she’d chugged began hitting her. He glanced over and laughed as he listened in amazement, he was certain he was falling in love with her and as Y/N glanced over and caught his eye, she was thinking the same thing.
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vivalas-vega · 4 years
longshot /poe dameron x reader / part four
chapter four, here we goooo. No Poe in this one, I know I’m the worst. I felt like it was time to reveal readers ex and give her some closure. Enjoy!
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Title: Longshot, chapter four
add yourself to my taglist
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: none
Taglist: @imaginecrushes @dontlwtitbreakyourheart @daniellajocelyn @thesefleshfailures @ah-callie @xoxodameron 
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The house was eerily silent as Y/N sat on the floor in the living room, the vintage rug itching her exposed skin but she paid it no mind. It was never this quiet, the halls were usually filled with music, or a show playing in the background. Y/N wasn’t one for silence, but as she stared at her phone, glowing with the words ‘Missed Call: Ben’, she needed the quiet to think. Ben and Y/N were amazing, until they weren’t. They were the couple all their friends hated, but secretly longed for. Y/N never regretted any of it, because the good days had been so good. Even as their relationship burned to the ground, she couldn’t find it in herself to hate him, to wish she’d never met him, even though she really should have with the way it ended. They simply weren’t meant to be, and as time flew by it only became more and more apparent. It had disintegrated as quickly as it bloomed, leaving the two of them heartbroken and afraid, both desperately wanting the other but knowing they couldn’t. They hadn’t spoken since the night they broke up, whether it be pride or lingering hurt, neither one could muster up the courage to hear the other’s voice, until now.
She tentatively swiped the missed call notification, feeling her nerves amplify as the call screen lit up. She pressed it to her ear, each ring making the pit in her stomach grow.
“Y/N. I was worried you wouldn’t call back.” His deep voice filled her ears and sent ice through her veins, it had been so long since she’d heard him yet suddenly it felt like no time had passed.
“Why wouldn’t I?” She asked, not meaning to come off defensive, but doing so anyways.
“Relax, it wasn’t a jab.” He sighed, not even a minute into the call and they were right back where they left off. “I miss you.” Her heart skipped a beat, and she couldn’t help but smile.
“I miss you too, Ben, but that doesn’t...” She began but trailed off, “it doesn’t change things. Is that why you called?”
“It is.” He was always so matter of fact, never beating around the bush. “I needed to hear your voice.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine. I just... I wish we’d gone about things differently.” He said honestly, and she felt bad. She understood what he was feeling, cause just a few months ago she felt the same. But then she bumped into Poe, and as Ben’s voice poured through the speaker at her ear, warm and smooth like honey she couldn’t find herself craving more of it like she used to. Instead her eyes were lingering on Poe’s sweater, hanging precariously off the back of one of her dining chairs, left behind when he was over the other night.
“I’m sorry.” It wasn’t much, but she meant it.
“It’s okay.” The line was silent for a moment before he cleared his throat, “it’s not your fault.”
“It isn’t yours either.”
“It kind of is.” He said, and she could hear the sadness in his voice.
“It’s no one’s fault. It just wasn’t meant to be, it was going to happen sooner or later. You can’t keep beating yourself up for things that happened six months ago.” She said, wishing he was here with her so she could take his hand. Moving on didn’t stop her from loving him, and it didn’t stop her from wishing she could ease his pain.
“I’m sorry, I was such a dick to you, Y/N. You didn’t deserve it.” He said, and she heard it. He had been drinking and she let out a sigh as she stood from the floor and relocated to the couch. “I should have treated you better when I had the chance.”
“Ben, I’m okay. It’s okay. Nothing you could have done would have changed the outcome. Sure, you could have been a little nicer, but you know now, and that’s all that matters. You won’t make the same mistakes again.” She said, trying to reassure him.
“What if it would have, though? Changed the outcome?” He asked, and her heart broke a little.
“It wouldn’t. I think about it too sometimes, where we’d be right now if things had gone differently, and every time something happened to derail us. No matter how perfect the scenario, something always drove us apart. I know it’s hard, trust me I was drunk for about two weeks straight trying to numb the fact that it was hard, but eventually you just accept that it wasn’t meant to be. Or maybe we were meant to be, for those few short years we were exactly where we were supposed to be before the universe decided it was time for us to move on.”
“I like the last one.” He said, and she smiled. She did too.
“So think of it that way. Don’t think of me as the one that got away, think of me as just one of your soulmates. There’s eight billion people in this world, I refuse to believe we only get that one perfect love story.”
“I don’t know how you do it.” He said, chuckling to himself, “you’re always so optimistic, always believe the glass is half full.” 
“Cause it usually is, Ben. You’re always so doom and gloom, let the light in. There are times when I get all dark and twisty and curse the stars and wonder why the hell we got something so good, and so wonderful only for it to crash and burn. It sucks, and you’re allowed to acknowledge that it sucks, but you gotta keep going forward. The story doesn’t end here unless you let it.”
“I don’t like life without you in it, Y/N. It more than sucks, and I feel guilty for even calling you like this, it was unfair of me to do so.”
“Don’t. You can always call me, you know that. For the record, I don’t like life without you either. Don’t tell Rey, but you were my best friend, my person. Going through our breakup without you was more painful than the breakup itself. I never wanted to stop talking, but it seemed like the right thing to do.”
“You were always my person.” He said, and he chuckled again, “I hate that you’ve got me using Grey’s Anatomy references.”
“You can pretend all you want, but you cried harder than I did when O’Malley died. You love that show and you know it, just own up to it already.” She said laughing. She missed this, she missed him. He wasn’t always a bad guy, and even when he was it wasn’t so much bad as misguided.
“Can we be friends? Not right away cause I still can’t hear your voice without wanting to kiss you so I’ve gotta work on that,” he said, laughing nervously, “but, eventually. I don’t know how to go through life without you.”
“You have no idea how much I’d love that, Ben.”
“Okay, well. I’ll let you go. Thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate you.”
“Anytime, Ben. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” The phone beeped three times in her ear as he hung up, and she laid her phone down with a soft smile on her face. She felt a warmth in her chest as she was grateful for the conversation, she’d made her peace with her relationship with Ben and honestly hadn’t expected for him to reach out. She really did love him, probably always would, and she had hated that things had ended on a sour note. She’d wanted nothing more for both of them to be happy, and it seemed like that was finally falling into place.
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