#Starlit Lion;;Regulus
arcgeminga · 2 years
Regulus is here to give Defteros some hugs and cuddles! (I will give virtual hugs to Arc)
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♛┊ Defteros stiffened for a little bit when his little pal hugged him.
... then he threw the kid over his shoulder and started marching back to his cave like some pirate plundering spoils of war.
On normal days, he would yell a lot and throw fits over being touched like this, but Defteros had been craving this. And he was past the point of being against such gestures when it came from one of his first friends. Lots of cuddles were the only thing on the list for today.
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arcgeminga · 2 years
Regulus has scattered candy bags in a few doorways. Fortunately or unfortunately, on one of the doors Aspros opened, candy and small spooky decorations fell onto him along with some haunting music playing in the background.
♕┊ The day was extremely quiet. It wasn’t too much of a bother for the Gemini Twins, however. They were used to the comfortable silence that floated between them. Often times, Aspros would be nose deep into a few books while Defteros took the time to indulge in one of his lesser hobbies. One of which involved him to step out for a little while to tidy up Klotho’s old house.
Aspros was, perhaps, coming from the private bath chamber, finishing up a long, hot soak while reading one of the many books he was currently deeply into. Comfortably dressed in a dark blue robe, and his hair neatly pinned into a folded bun, the man opened the door to his bedroom while having his eyes glued to the book in is hand. He was, after all, halfway through the novel.
So distracted he was, he didn’t catch when the surprises fell upon him when he opened the door to his shared bedroom.
Least to say, Defteros walked home just in time to hear Aspros’ embarrassingly undignified squawk. But the younger brother waited outside the Temple a few minutes before he entered, his mask thankfully covering his grinning face when he saw his older brother pathetically cuddled on the floor, the poor book thrown across the room, and a hand placed at his chest as if to quiet his heart before it leapt. The twins cared not for the music box that played it’s part until completion--but the sound that did get any attention was Defteros’ poorly stifled laughter.
Aspros spared a glance up at Defteros from the floor, his pale look of shock quickly shifting into a warning glare.
“You heard nothing.”
Defteros shrugged as he carefully shed his white cloak. “I heard nothing, I saw nothing, and I absolutely have no idea who could have done this.”
Before he was berated and bombarded with questions, Defteros took his leave to the wash chambers, leaving his poor older brother to calm himself down from his near death experience with a terrible fright.
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arcgeminga · 2 years
There is a pile of cats that is on top of something. What is it on top of? Suddenly, some of the cats moved away to reveal it was Regulus buried under all the cats. "Oh, hi, Defteros!"
♛┊ Defteros came over to the Leo Temple to bother his friend because he was bored and Aspros was out of the country. Defteros removed his mask as soon as he made it to the familiar grounds of Regulus' temple, but he found it weird that the kid didn't greet him. So, the man did the only logical thing and went looking for the boy.
When he strode into the bed chambers, he was pleasantly surprised by what he saw.
A pile of... cats. Oh god, the insane self-restraint it took to refrain from diving into the pile and rubbing his face all over those soft bellies!!
Defteros nearly thought he was having a lovely dream, then some of the cats moved away to reveal Regulus. Defteros' lips twitched before his expression went entirely nonchalant.
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♛┊ Defteros was motionless as a statue, staring at the mountain of cats and kittens surrounding the adorable boy.
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arcgeminga · 2 years
Defteros and Regulus were hanging out together, talking and having fun while Sisyphus is secretly following them while hiding in a bush. (Idk lol)
♛┊ Regulus had asked if he could accompany him on a walk. Defteros didn't have an issue with it, at first. They were friends for years now, and Defteros had gotten comfortable with the kid. So much that he had gone as far as to remove his mask around him.
It was a chilly evening when the two took their walk, so Defteros did have to wrap himself in one of his brother's white capes. From behind, he looked exactly like Aspros, if one didn't notice the slight height and build difference between him and his brother.
They were approaching the lonely stairs that outlooked the majority of Sanctuary's arena, Defteros felt a chill down his spine. Without turning in a way that would reveal his skin, he turned his eyes to Regulus.
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♛┊ "I don't want to be the asshole, here, Reg," Defteros said with his voice low. "But I think we have to call this lovely walk short. I feel like we're being followed."
By who or what, Defteros didn't want to know. He didn't even want to know how long this whomever had been following them. If he was caught, it could put Aspros in trouble. So the man did the most sensible thing, and he walked faster, beelining to whatever nearby hidden tunnel he could find.
He needed to make an exit, and fast. Loathed he was to put Aspros in an ungrateful predicament, and he knew Regulus understood.
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arcgeminga · 2 years
"Defteros, look!" Regulus changed his face to imitate Aspros' face and did an expression of him before changing his expression back to normal. "Did I look like Aspros? Did I do a good imitation of him?"
♛┊ Defteros perked up when the boy called him. When he saw the kid imitate Aspros' sadistic smile (one he has seen a little too many times when his bother thought he wasn't watching), Defteros barely managed to suppress his laughter.
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♛┊ "That's a pretty good imitation," Defteros reached out to pinch the boy's cheek. "Not only can you copy fighting techniques, but you can also impersonate others! You truly are a copycat, little brat!"
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arcgeminga · 2 years
They were teleported to the Gemini temple and Regulus was already pushing Defteros inside.
“Surprise! Happy Birthday!”
The inside of the temple was decorated with birthday decorations. Apparently, everyone was preparing a secret party for Defteros’ birthday. It was both Regulus’ and Athena’s idea. Soon, everyone was enjoying themselves and Defteros had a pile of presents in the corner.
“Defteros,” Athena said as she approached him. “Happy Birthday. I know this might seem a little new and strange to you but we wanted to let you know no matter what, you are welcomed here. You are not just a replacement for Aspros. Just like every saint here, you are important to me and I wish you the very best.”
|  Continued
♛┊ Defteros was more than surprised at the unexpected teleportation. First of all, he’s never seen an Aries saint, so he had no idea that they could do such a thing as teleportation. As far as he was concerned, only the Gemini Saints had the ability to travel from one place to another with such ease.
Even more, the man froze at the sight of the very familiar temple. His home. His ‘Home’. He thought he would never see the Gemini Temple again, after vowing his life to Kanon Island and his training to become a demon. But he was home again -- and memories of his brother came flooding back. He would have been incapacitated with the onslaught of memories and resurging emotions, but Regulus wasn’t giving him time to dwell on those long-ignored feelings. The boy was on his back, shoving him into the temple -  and Defteros didn’t have the will to resist.
As soon as a foot entered the temple’s sacred grounds, a cacophony of sudden noise assailed his ears, causing him to flinch from fright. One would expect a man of the wilderness to react in kind with aggression, but Defteros stood  dumbfounded as Saints and attendants presented him with gifts, food, and their well-wishes for his birthday.  
Defteros looked like a fool with his mouth slightly ajar, staring cluelessly at the numerous people who showed up to his home to wish him a happy birthday. As the Celebrations went on, Defteros remained muted throughout the entire event. He did help himself to some of the food (it was the scarce season), and he did manage a few ‘thank you’s to stay polite, but he was overall very quiet.
It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate all of this. He really did appreciate the length these people went for such an insignificant day as someone’s date of birth. But something was gnawing away at the man’s mind -- his emotions.
When the recluse did find a small corner of his temple to retreat too, he was approached by Athena. She said her piece, but as she spoke, Defteros began to feel small.
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♛┊ “Right,” was the only word he could start with, honestly. He didn’t mean to sound so doubtful, but the mention of Aspros was too much for him. He was unable to hold the Goddess’ gaze, and his blue eyes dropped to the broken stone tiles of the floor. He bit the inner part of his cheek, trying to drown the urge to show any sort of weakness. But, his mind had already went on and thought about Aspros.
It was at that moment he realized how lonely it was.
But he tried not to show it as he forced himself to say something to deflect, but his voice was straining and quiet, “You are... extremely magnanimous, Goddess Athena. It would seem that we all are your precious children.”
...except traitors.
But Defteros distracted himself from saying any more by taking a drink from the cup he held in his hand.
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arcgeminga · 2 years
Regulus has been trying this new thing where he placed a small bag of candy on top of doorways. When people open the door, candy will fall on them and that was his trick or treat for them. So he watched carefully and then when the door opened to reveal Defteros, Regulus shouted, “Happy Halloween! The candy is all yours!” Candies have fallen on him.
♛┊ Defteros decided to pay a visit to Regulus. After all, he knew it was that day, even if he wasn’t a celebrator of such occasions, and he brought with him a small box of baklava. His friend from the brothel had graciously gave him the thing since she was aware of him having a child friend... Although, some part of him wonders if she missed the ‘friend’ part...
As soon as he walked through the doors to the boy’s bedroom, it was as if Regulus was already waiting for him and pulled a prank. Even with the candies fallen on him and Regulus’ merry shout, the masked man remained mute and relatively unfazed aside from the tensing of his shoulders and the tightening of hi fingers around the box.
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♛┊ “...Happy Halloween,” the words were strange on the man’s lips, but he nonetheless returned the boy’s enthusiasm with one of his own: tossing the box of baklava sweets right at the kid. If Regulus caught it or not was no concern to Defteros as he turned and started to pick up the fallen candy off the floor, stuffing any access into his pockets (and, later, in his shirt). He traded the first piece of candy with a cat treat he had in his pockets---a tasty Halloween gift for Leo.
“I hope you haven’t eaten too much candy so far, kid. Oh, and nice prank you set on my brother there. He’s not happy about it, but it was really funny! Be ready for next year, though. I’m sure that, thanks to your uncle, Aspros is going to brew something for you next year. But, ah, what am I saying? Don’t eat too much sweets in a single night, kid.”
With his pockets full, and his shirt with a bit of the last pieces of candy, Defteros started back home. He seemed nonchalant about everything, but oh boy he was excited to get back home and start nomming on his haul. 
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arcgeminga · 2 years
“Defteros,are you okay? You look like you woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning. Also your hair is a little messy, let me comb it!” (Regulus)
♛┊ ‘The Wrong Side of the Bed’ was one way to put it. But Defteros wasn’t about to admit that he fell off the bed.
He usually didn’t care for if someone brushed his hair... well, he did, but he was picky about who got the privilege to do so. Regulus had been a friend for some time now, and Defteros was fine with him brushing his hair usually....
But this time, at the proposal, Defteros whined... yes, WHINED. Like a kicked, disappointed dog.
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♛┊ “...My head hurts,” he complained as he leaned away from his friend. Defteros wasn’t one to show such types of weaknesses, but he was so disturbed by his hair getting pulled out in his dream that he couldn’t help himself.
Defteros actually resorted to being a bit childish. And it didn’t help that he gave Regulus a sad pout. He hoped that it conveyed to Regulus that he didn’t want to be touched right now...
This was so out of character for the normally hardass Defteros...
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arcgeminga · 2 years
It was the day after April’s Fool and Regulus quietly walk into Defteros’ room when he was sleeping and gently tied his hair in weird hair styles. Happy Belated April Fool! (I suddenly had this idea so yeah haha)
♛┊ Regulus thought that he was being sneaky, but Defteros had actually been awake for a little while now. His back ached from laying in bed all day, but he was trying to go back to sleep when he had an unexpected visitor.
The Shadow allowed the youngin to play around with his hair-- and he may or may not have bit his lower lip to keep himself from laughing when he felt those small hands tie his hair up into what could be called an attempt at a pig-tail.
Just as Regulus was about to sneak out, one of Defteros’ hand shot out to grab the boy and pull him in, his other hand immediately attacking the boy’s sides in relentless tickles. 
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♛┊ “Nice try, you little brat,” Defteros laughed dangerously as he continued his onslaught of tickles.
He totally didn’t care about how his long hair was braided and put into pigtails. He’d take care of that later after he punishes this little chucklefuck.
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arcgeminga · 2 years
Regulus giggled as he went into Defteros’ room and placed Leo on Defteros’ head and chocolate eggs around him. Leo was wearing bunny ears to represent a bunny.
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♛┊ Defteros was no stranger to a child’s antics a this point. He was laying down with his eyes shut, face pressed against the pillow, when his guest entered his bedroom. He didn’t move around when Leo was set on his head (In his hair, really), or when small objects were gently placed around him.
When he felt that the folly was at it’s end, the totally-not-so-drowsy Shadow pulled his head up from the comfort of the pillow and passed an unamused glance toward the kid, Leo giving a faint mewl at the sudden movement.
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♛┊ “What in Athena’s name are you doing, child?” Defteros delicately groaned, the roughened growls in his throat softening to a hushed rumble. What ever the occasion was, Defteros had no idea what it was...
But it didn’t stop the adorable image of Leo perched atop Defteros’ head in the mane of unkept blond hair, and Defteros torso surrounded by foil-wrapped chocolate eggs - as if he were a mother hen and his mattress had been a ‘nest’.
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arcgeminga · 2 years
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SUBMITTION from @starlightofdream​
After seeing Leo sitting in small spaces and containers, Regulus wanted to try the same thing. He tried it and it was actually pretty relaxing! No wonder Leo loved sitting in small spaces. What he didn’t expect was for Defteros to suddenly show up in his temple and see him sitting in a small container. While the container was big enough for Leo to sit in, it was small for a child to sit in but somehow Regulus made it worked. It was like he became super flexible and liquid like to fit in. “Oh, Defteros! Hold on a second, let me get out.” Regulus slowly uncurled himself like a cat would as he slowly got out of the container.
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♛┊ Defteros thought he could stop by the Leo Temple. He wanted to know how Leo was doing with the (terribly, in his honest opinion) cooked treats he gave him on this so-called “white day”.  Besides, he and Regulus had become familiar enough to to the point where Defteros didn’t feel awkward barging unannounced into the Leo Temple.  Especially when Aspros was away. 
He didn’t expect to find Regulus fitting himself in a small container--and it freaked Defteros the fuck out.
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♛┊ “What the hell?!” Defteros glanced between Regulus and the small container as if he just saw some freak show out of Hell. The confused Shadow of the Gemini didn’t say anything else. He just continued to glance between Regulus and the object with a horrified expression.
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arcgeminga · 2 years
Regulus was eating his food in his temple and in private. Since he was eating alone with Leo, he didn't care for table manners and was eating his food with his hands. It was more convenient for him. Both his hands and mouth were very messy with food smeared. He was focusing on eating that he didn't notice that Defteros had walk in and dropped his food in surprise. "Defteros, you... this isn't what it looks like... I can explain...uh..." He was so embarrassed!
♛┊ Defteros was dropping by to say 'hi' to Leo. He was bored, Aspros was dispatched to France, and being he liked the cat.
He wasn't going into the Leo Temple for anything else but the cat.
Defteros was mindful enough to make some noise when he walked in. He made sure that his steps landed a bit harder than he was used to - since he was so accustomed to having light steps. However, when he wandered into the kitchen area of the living space, he had to pause and stare at Regulus.
Messy. So Messy... but it was adorable. The sloppy Leo Saint reminded Defteros of a kitten eating soft food for the first time.
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♛┊ "...I don't need an explanation," Defteros' voice probably came off a bit harsh -- but it was necessary. Regulus shouldn't know that he was smiling under his mask at the discovery. "You eat your food however you want to. Pretend that I'm not here."
As he said that, Defteros went to occupy his time with Leo. But as he went to pet the kitty, he grinned like an idiot behind his mask.
Regulus was sometimes too cute, and he really did resemble a baby animal...!
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arcgeminga · 2 years
Regulus was sound asleep, curled up into a tiny ball very close, beside Defteros. He was using Defteros' cape as a blanket while his hands was unconsciously squeezing Defteros' hand. His snores even sound like quiet purrs. He looked like an adorable kitten asleep beside his friend.
♛┊ Defteros had allowed the boy to curl up next to him. They were just finished with a mission and had to spend a day recovering from their wounds before reporting back to Sanctuary.
Perhaps it was because they shared a history of living in the wilderness did they opted to camp under the stars instead of mingling with civilization. It was Defteros' turn to keep watch, in case any wild animals or savages stumbled upon him. Regulus was sleeping close to his though -- their hands were already entwined from the boy's unconscious seeking of comfort.
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♛┊ The man glanced down, blue eyes warm with a certain affection that was hard to put a name to. He ran his calloused thumb along the soft knuckles of the hand within his own; a sense of calm and overwhelming, yet delicate, tenderness washing over him as he fondly stared at the somnolent boy.
A heavy breath left Defteros' lips.
...This was dangerous. He really shouldn't let another person get so close to prying open his metaphorical shell, especially after he so blindly trusted his brother with his weaknesses. After Aspros died, Defteros should have closed himself off from other people completely, but...
...Well, regardless, this was dangerous. He'll allow the boy to cling to him for now, but, after tonight, he will have to work on putting a considerable distance between them.
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arcgeminga · 3 years
     πρότερος | @starlightofdream​ 
♛┊ As Defteros’ hand caressed the soft, brown locks, he heard it...! The purr!! 
        Oh gods! This was...hilarious!!
A giddy laugh over the discovery was trapped in his throat as he continued the head pats even after Regulus leaned into the touch... at least, until it the purring stopped.
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♛┊ When Regulus snapped around and faced him, Defteros’ instinctual reaction was to slink back a few steps. It was so fast--the excitement of the interaction just moments ago had vanished... Defteros sincerely thought he did something wrong. But then he saw the boy blush.... And heard him stutter...
The innate skittishness in Defteros started to melt away--replaced by confidence.
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♛┊ “Oh, really?” Defteros placed his hands on his hips. His head tilted to the side slightly as his voice carried all of the pride he felt. “Leo just walked into the room. I applaud his ability to throw his voice if what I heard was from him.” 
Defteros grinned behind the mask, his voice growing more suave as he spoke, “I did pat your head normally. I’m not to blame if you, a Gold Saint, didn’t hear me invite myself in. But, dear Regulus, am I being bold in assuming that you enjoy such acts of affection?”
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arcgeminga · 2 years
Regulus was outside with Defteros. It was night time and Regulus was sleepy and trying his best to stay awake. Suddenly, someone nearby sneezed very loudly, startling the young boy as he nearly jumped back and grab onto Defteros. He stayed there for a few seconds, hiding his head under Defteros' arm before realizing what just happen. His face was now red as he pulled away and apologize for what had happen.
♛┊ Defteros and Regulus went out for a stroll. It's been overdue, honestly. Although he lived in Kanon Island now, being stuck in the same suffocating air was terrible for whatever remained of his health. So, when Regulus came by the island with a set of garments that Dégel most likely handed to him, Defteros - even if he acted reluctantly - donned the new set of clothes and went with the boy into town.
They had stopped at the park, taking a bit of a break from the long walk, when some passerby sneezed like a bear. Defteros was sitting, but Regulus was still on his feet, in the middle of chattering about something or another about the stars that his father taught him. Regulus had jerked and clung to him like a... child...
Perhaps he had gotten too used to being alone... The sudden burst of buzzing that assaulted his senses left Defteros feeling odd... Uncomfortable, but welcomed - craved.
Defteros was just about to wrap his arms around the startled child when Regulus pulled away, embarrassed.
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♛┊ "What are you apologizing for?" Defteros couldn't help but ask, his rough voice nearly an affectionate growl. He reached out to pat the boy's head.
He nearly wanted to tug the boy into a hug and keep him there for a while. But the man had his Pride, and he didn't give in to that urge. The hunger for affection...
So he decided to distract the situation by teasing the young Leo Saint, "It's okay to admit that people sneezing scares you. It's adorable that your first instinct is to hide, though. A trait you picked up from the wild, perhaps?"
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arcgeminga · 2 years
Regulus didn't expect Defteros to be awake this whole time so he was caught off surprise when Defteros grabbed him and started to tickle him. He had no time to defend himself as he fell down and exploded into laughter. "HAHAH, STOP, STOP, I AM SORRY, HAHAHA!" He tried to tickle Defteros back but he was failing because he was too busy laughing to even fight back. (This is so cute haha)
| πρότερος |
♛┊ The child's laughter was too infectious to lighten up his assault now. The man's grin widened as he turned a deaf ear to the boy's shouts and laughter. His fingers continue to dig into the boy's sides and he even discovered a few extra tickle spots on the boy's body.
He may or may not have jumped and let out a too-loud laugh himself when Regulus tried to rebuke his attacks--the kid's stray hand finding a vulnerable spot under Defteros' ribs. Defteros was quick to defend the spot. It would be devastating if Regulus figured out that he was ticklish as well.
"Let this be a lesson, brat!! Haha!"
When he finally felt fatigued, the Shadow let the kid go and flopped back onto his bed, his breathing labored from the activities and laughter. Perhaps for the first time in a very long time, bright blue eyes glittered with excitement. It's been way too long since he had this kind of childish fun.
He stared at Regulus like a panther prepared to spring onto his prey.
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♛┊ "Now that you've been thoroughly punished, I'll give you only three seconds to get out of here before I tickle you to death!"
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